(Efje OlccorD. D.~ Wanted m · (Efje OlccorD. IsPublished everySaturdayMorningat...

(Efje OlccorD. Is Published every Saturday Morning at Cafion City, Colorado. H.T. BLAKE. Editor aud Proprietor. S ATI'It I* VV, I KMKMHF.It 23. <S->. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One year J 2 00 Six Months 1 oo Three Months 60 ADVERTISING RATES. Display advertisements 1 inch 1 month, ft l.ocal advertisements per line pel week, &c Wanted, For Sale, etc., per line per wlc 5c Advertising loculs in capital letters, do 10c Legal advertisements 75 cunts per one hundred word* lor the firsi insertion, 4o eents per one hundred words for eucli ai>- DITIONaL Insertion. No legal advertise- ments counted less titan 100 words. II over 100 word** only the uctual number of word* counted. Tax Lists aud Tables $1 per inch of sin- gle columns for the tirst insertion, and 5C cents per inchfor each additional insertion. No single advertisement inserted for lea* than 25 cents. Editorial notices two cent* per word. COLORADO AT AMSTERDAM. General Manager Dodge, of the Denver A Rio Grande road, has scut a circular to all agents along the line requesting them to procure ftpecimens of ore from every mine opened in the state, for shipment to Am- sterdam, Holland, to lie exhibited at a grand international exposition which will bo opened iu that city early next spring. The circular requests that all specimens be for- warded to local agents as early as January 15, 1884. All consignments must not exceed fifteen {miuikU from any one mine, and will l>e forwarded to Europe fires of charge j « by the Hio Grande company. Here is an- other excellent opportunity for advertising J the wonderful richness of our great state. 1 IMPORTANT TO LANDUOLDERS. Secretary Teller decides tliat lands with* in the limits of grunts to railroad compa- nies, to winch pre-emption or homestead claims arc ca]iab!c, >m mg forfeited since the grant took effect, arc excluded from the railroad grant, and upon the abandonment of nueh claims the lands do not mure to the company, but are restored to the pub- lic domain. He also decides that when persona having a filing in law under coal land, have laid contracts with a thin! party to occupy and work such land, they must bo considered as ha» injr sold the kutuc and cannot secure » (talent. He decide* further that an er- roneous entry in the register** office, if ordered corrected, should not prejudice the claim of the applicant. VIOLATING AN OATH. The arrest and imprisonment for con- tempt of court «»f John IhAoy, editor of, the Irish Nation, at the instance of August , ltclmoQt. for hi» rcftraal to answer, on the witness stand the question "Who is the, chief dffiier of the Irish Revolutionary society?” has brought up a very tine point of law. Mr. !k*Vo\ says he could not an- swer the question without violating a an- rred oath, he belonging to the society in qnrstion himself. Had he answered it he would have rnmmitt«-d perjury. It now : Itecotne* a question whether or n-'t a court of justice can «x»in|»el a witness to divulge th“ matters of a aren’t aneiety which he , ha* sworn never to Iwtray. DeVoya coun- sel claim that th" rntc of “privileged coin- mnnicalions" cover* this punt, and their ground looks tenable; for, could a court , commit a witness f*»r contempt who retimed to reveal the secrets of his society, any j ah rater lawyer could,by skillful maneuver- ing. wring out aecreta of any organization. But there is also argument for the other aide, as well. Suppose a man possessed in- j formation on a material (mint which bo tv ! pected would, sooner or later, be brought to j an issue at law, he could at once organise a ' society, one of the oaths of which would be ' the suppression of this very vital (mint of; w hich he was pew esse 1. Wo Icaycthc nut ; for wiser hernia to crack. The l*cst way to put a atop to the eon- | troversy about what is the right price to! charge for postage on let ten* that are writ- I ten, printed with type, printed by a stylo- graph, printed circulars that have only the j date written on them, sealed letters, man- ! nacrlpt, and the various special packages sent scaled ami unsealed, is to charge the j etiuc price per ounce for everything that i goes through the mails. This could lie done w ithout diminishing the receipts by lowering the rate mi letters and increasing i it on lower grade matter. At present it is | a regular study to know jnst what to pay j on the different grades, even postmaster* , not licing able to decide in .some.case* w ith- out referring to the authority. Charge two , cents per ounce or fraction of an ounce for ; all classes of matter and the result would be a considerable decrease in the “freight*' business now done by th** post office depart- ment. _ The Boston l’ost has tho following little story of Ben Butler, which we recommend to the perusal of our democratic friends; “Tho wife of u leading republican politician, who has held a very high office, and is an aspirant for others, met General Butler in a street car very recently, anil congratu- lating him, said ; ‘You will toon be inau- gurated governor of Masnnchusetta.' ‘Yes, madam,' answered Butler, and a republican j governor. I was not elected by democratic : votes, hut by a large majority of rcpubli- j cans who are diaguslrd with the men who j have controlled the party. Ido democrats have not gained a victory in my election. 1 am a republican governor.’ M On tho 10th instant there passed through Cheyenne, Wyoming, a special car contain ing eleven male and the same number of female ostriches, en route to Bon them Cali- fornia, where their owners, Messrs. Hill, Protberoo A Co.* of Cape Town, Africa, propose to start nu ostrich farm. This is one of the most profitable liuea of busi- ness in which anybody can engage, as the birds multiply very rapidly, and their feathers and plumage are in groat demand it high figures. The importation of ostrich feathers into New York, in lfldt. amounted to $5,423,000. The •object of introducing this industry into Colorado is 1 icing agitated. Aa a most effectual means, in our opinion, of reducing tho liquor traffic, Nebraska baa rai*«»d the license to f 1.000. A Free Gift. The Chicago, I lock Island and Pacific railroad, have in press an Almanac and Hand Book of Useful Information, contain- ing n vast amount of matter which it is handy to have available, and which ail classes of people want sometime during the year. The hook contains descriptions of the western states and territories, a list of United States land offices, where lands are available at low rates, how obtained, etc., etc., as well as interest tables, business law, rates of postage ami political facts and fig- ures. In fact it is xnultum in parvo, and all tlie much is of every day use. The same road also publishes a Cliristmos | Book for Children, which contains several | fine illustrations, and is original matter, and a very line piece of sheet music, ar- j ranged for piano and a quartette of voices. Either, or both of these books and the ! music will be sen* post free, if requested, | by postal or letter. The earlier your name ! is sent to E. St. John, General Ticket and i Passenger Agent, Chicago, tlie quicker you , will get the books. By Universal Accord, Ayer’s Cathartic Pills arc the best of all purgatives for family use. They arc the product of loug, laborious, anti successful chemical Investigation, and tlicir extensive use, by physicians In their practice, and by all civilized na- tions, proves them the best and most effectual purgative Pill that medical science can devise. ing purely veg- etable no harm can arise from their use, and being sugar-coated, they are pleasant to take. In Intrinsic value and curative powers no other Pills can be compared with them; and every 1 person, knowing their virtues, will employ them, when needed. They j keep the system In perfect order, and ; maintain in healthy action the whole i machinery of life. Mild, searching and effectual, they are especially adapted to the needs of the digestive apparatus, derangements of which they prevent and cure. If timely taken. They are the bc’-t and safest physic to employ for children and weakened constitu- tions, where a mild but effectual cathartic Is required. For sale by all druggists. One young man it the .Springs, says: “I j did not know until lately that your Xer- j vine could be taken internally. I have taken it for dysentery, bowel com plaintzind j(lain in the stomach and bowels, something ! tliat 1 am subject to very olicn, and liud it ; cures me every time. It is safe, clean and ! delicious to use.” Farmers and others desiring a genteel, lucrative agency business, by which $5 to $2d a day can lw* earned, send address at once, on (Hiatal, to H. C. Wilkinson Ac Co., 195 and 197 Fulton street. New York. The other day B. F. Karrich sold to M««n. Pricer Brothers, hi> entire herd in Pueblo and Huerfano counties, of some 2,000 bead of cattle, for $70,000. The sale included several hundred acres of grazing land in Huerfano county. How do you manage," said a lady to a friend. to appear so happy all the time? 1 always have Parker'* Ginger Tonic handy," was the reply. and thus keep my- self and family in good health. When 1 sin well I always feel good-natured See other column. To promote a vigorous growth of the : hair, use Parker's Hair Balaam. It restores the youthful color to gray hair, removes dandruff, and cures itching of the scalp. FUN CLIPPED. "Wlien flailingfor the speckled trout, 1 he angleruses tile* ; When telling of hi* luck, al home, He drops the “f,” and lies.” -M. F. Kidd. 1hespeckled hen scratching round. Ami with the rooster plays. But all at once she looks profound. And drops the ”p," and lays. —Cheek. A simple but significant inscription in a western cemetery: “The editor was in.” It makes very little difference how a hotel napkin is folded. The query with the guest is, who used it last? “I aim to tell the truth.” “Yes,” inter- rupted an acquaintance, “and you arc prob- ably the worst shot in America.” Dr. Talmage says that having faith may j be carried so far that the family milkman , | will in time leave nothing but chalk and ! ! water. | A Flatbush girl recently gave a quilting party, and all the girls contributed blocks ! | captured by their respective bulldogs. They i J call it an “album quilt.” | A French doctor make* a business of 1 j curing snoring, and warrants a cure for $10. j It has been suggested that he be hired by the Pulman Car company. A Missouri reverend who holds that she who rats corned beef and breakfast bacon cannot be a lady, gets away with a pound of plug tobacco a week and feels himself a perfect gentleman. This is the time of the year when the aged and decrepit liar sits around in the grocery store, whittles the pork barrel, and j tells of the snow storms they used to have I in July and August. A stranger walked in on a j>et bear owned j by a St Louis butcher and wanted to shake hands. All the clothes that he had on ; when the bear was beaten off consisted sf a i shirt band undone stocking. It is during these days of business that a ; clergyman, on selecting a chapter of the Bible to read in church, first looks at the end of the last verse to make sure that no (latent medicine advertisement is hitched on. Two strangers met in SilverCliff, and one asked the other where the mineral forma- tions were. “Iu pockets,” was the reply. The other said he thought it was, for every man he met pulled a chunk from one of his pockets. A new liook is called “JIow to Keep a Store.” It is a work of several hundred i pages, and life is too short to read it. The i best way to keep a store is to advertise ju- j dicioualy. and to prevent it from falling' into the hands of the sheriff. “Never would rail a boy of mine ‘Alias,’” said Mrs. Jones, of Huntsville, Ala Luna, “If I had a hundred to name. Men by that name is alius cuttin' up <tq*ers. Here’s Alias Thompson. Alias Williams, Alias the Night Hawk —ail lieen took up for steulin'. An exchange says : “The outfit necessary for a couple in Colorado to commence the journey of life w ith consists of a pair of blankets, a pick and shovel and a fair knowledge of draw poker on the gentle- man's part, and a coffee mill, a frying pan and a washboard for the lady.” Cloak* lined with ostrich feathers are uow in style, but the worst of this fashion is that if a woman leaves it unbuttoned she is accounted a shoddyite more anxious ; for vulgar display than comfort, while if' she kceje* it buttoned she might as well) have it lined with red llauncl, as no one , ran see it. A preacher, raising his eyesfrom his «Jcsk 1 in the mid»t of his sermon, was paralyzed j with amazement to see his rude boy in the i gallery pelting the hearers iu the pews . below with horse-chestnuts. But while 1 the good m.in was preparing a frown of re- i proof, the young hopeful cried out; “You lend Ui your pcoacui Jig, daddy, I’ll keep , ’em awake.” A lady had in her employ nn excellent ; girl who hail one fault. Her face was al- j ways in a smudge. Mrs. trii-d to tell j ••v Mb her face without ... her, . and at last sin resorted to strategy. “Do , you know, Bridget,” she remarked, in a, confidential manner, "it is said if you wash you face every day in hot soapy water it j will make you beautiful ?” “\\ .11 it ?” an- j swored the wily Bridget; sure it’- a wonder . ye never tried it, ma'am.” Anal her mis- ! tress who had just hired a new cook made j a tour of inflection utter she had kept her j a week ami found a policeman locked up in i the pantry. “How did this man get lure?” asked the lady, severely. “I'm sure I don’t know ," an.sw* red the girl: “he must have ! lieen left over by the old cook A (lasscngcr over tho Richmond. Freder-; icksburg and Potomac railroad relates the i ibllowing: The cars were passing over a tress 1c, and just in front of me sat an old | colored woman who showed great alarm. ' and as it afterward turned out. imagined j « that the whole train of ears was living ' through the air. It was u«*t mai.i luiuutes, however, before the cars passed salcly over the trestle.and as they struck terra firms the ! old woman drew a sigh of relief and ex- j dawned in a Te iVmn tone of voice: “Thank the Lord, she's lit.” That reminds j ( us of a very neat pun by a country gentle- ! man on a similar occasion as the. above, j When the trestle had been cruised some , lady n-marked: “Well we've struck terra firm a." “Yes. madam,” said the old gen- j ticmau in his brusqu ? way, “less terror and I more firmer.” PHRASES OF WOMEN. Woman is an idol which man worships until he throws it down. There is no torture that a woman would not sutler to enhance her beauty. Women love always; when earth slips from them they tukc reftige in heaven. The whisper of a l»cautifu! woman can be heard further than the loudest call of duty. Some one who knows says the comet j is of the feminine gender, because it has made so much talk. Ileforc promising a woman to love i only her one should have seen them all or should see only her. We meet in society many beautiful and attractive women whom we think would make excellent wives —for our friends. The highest mark of esteem a woman can give a man is to ask his friendship, and the most signal proof of indifference is to offer hint hers. Men are so fearful of wounding woman's , ! vanity that they rarely remember that site | may bv some posibility possess a grain of i common sense. “I never think of apj»caring on the ' street, even in daytime, without a protec- tor,” said n mincing old maid, as she fast- I eaed on her chest. i Herman Silver, superintendent of the I Denver mint, has received instructions that, “on and after January 1, 1883, no ! charge will be imposed upon the depositors ! of gold bullion for the cost of transportn- ! tion to the mint in Philadelphia for coin- age. The charges to be im»»wed upon de- positors of gold bullion at the Denver mint alter tho Ist of January next, w ith the exception of one-eighth of one per cent., will be. the same ns those at the mint of Philadelphia, or the New York assay ollloe, the government paving the cost of trans- portatiou east." / Serious objection is beiug made to the production of the JVmsio* iVoy on un Aniencan stage. We ItcUovo the man who brings it out will find that the Christian people fcf this country will not second nor remunerate his venture. "XMASTIDE." Thoughts Suggested by the Itetnrn of This Joyous Occasion. Before the Record will again have j greeted its readers the anniversary of j Christmas shall have been numbered with the days agone. Upon the eve of this joy- I oua, happy time we feel like reverting to j the (Ms-usion in general, and wishing that the one now almost at hand may be spent by everyone in such a manner as to aug- ment his happiness here and his bliss hereafter. Christmas, for ages, has been celebrated, by civilized and enlightened pfeople. as the j birthday of Jesus Christ, and it will prob- \ ably be so observed by Christians as long as! the world stands. Considering it, therefore. ; the anniversary of that glorious morn, j when the star of Bethlehem led the watch- ; ful shepherds across Judea’s plains to the j humble village—the return of the day in j the calendar when God. iu His infinite mercy, opened a way for man’s redemption ! —the day when the “morning stars sang ; together”—when earth rejoiced that the j 1 Holy Virgin had given birth to a son —the j i Redeemer of the world—the Saviour of i mankind —we cannot too highly appreciate | \ its great blessings, nor dwell too long upon i i the goodness of Him who thus offered the I , olive branch to rebellious man. and opened j ! to him the pearly gates of Paradise. As often as this season rolls around in . the ceaseless march of Time, our hearts j ! soften with tenderness and love. The trials J jand turmoils of life are buried beneath a , flood of charity; heart warms to heart; j ; pursestrings are loosened: sordid thoughts j ! are lianLshed ; love reigns in our bosoms. 1 and the sentiment of “Peace on earth, good ! will to men” takes pcsession of every true i man and woman. And most especially at this season do the children claim our atten- | tion—these images and reflections of the Holy Babe. For their delight each parent i provides according to his means, believing | the Divine Word, that “of such is the Kingdom of heaven." And we older ones ;feast ourselves upon the fatted call' and ! give up the day to joy. merriment and | thanksgiving. It is well thus, for there is : no other day in the calendar that has so deep a claim upon us as the anniversary of Him who came to love, to teach, to ad- I monish, and to save. To Him. let us. on Monday next, return our gratitude and prayers.. But. in the midst of our rejoicings, let us not forget tliat there are those in this cold world to whom Christmas brings no joys. With them let us share our warmth and bounty, as an unction to soften the asperi- ties of their lives, and an evidence of the love that is within us. lint, above all, while we surround the festive board, blessed with peace, happi- ness and plenty ; while our hearts are over- flowing with joy and love ; while kindred ties are being re-cemented, and our cups of happiness are brimming over, let us re- i member our God, and give all the praise, i all the honor, and all the glory to Him. the great Ruler of Heaven and earth, from whom “cometh down every good and per- fect gift.” LOCAL TEMPERANCE COLUMN. Editor Record : As you have so kindly given us space in your columns 1 will say : Sinters, our? is a work of love and let us not coniine our labors to our own homes. There comes, to us, a host of young men from homes of cul- ture and comfort as well as those of a dif- ferent nature, with hopes bright, antici- pating only success, little realiziug the temptation the wild free life our state of- fers thorn. Shall we not strive to make i them feel they are not strangers in a j -trango land and point to them, in the j sparkling wine, the viper that eliarms but i to destroy ? Let us work wisely, earnestly and prayerfully and God will bless our 1 W. C. T. U. A. T. Jackson. To tlic Point. There is a story of a single chapter w hich wc find in an exchange that plainly illus- trates each one's responsibility in the tem- perance cause. A wealthy man iu St. Louis was asked i to aid iu a series of temperance meetings, [ but he scornfully refused. After being ! further pressed, he said : j Gentlemen, it is not my business." A few days after, hi* wife and two i daughters were coming home in the light- : niug express. In his grand carriage, with ! two liveried attendant*, he rode to the depot, thinking of his splendid business , and planning tor the morrow. Hark! Did some one say “accident ?” There arc many j railroads centering in St. Louis. If there | has been an accident it is not likely ir haj j pened on the and Mississippi railroad. I Yet it troubles him. “It is his business'* ! uow. The horses are stopped on the in- j Stout, and upon inquiry lie finds it has J occurred twenty-five miles distant, on the and Mississippi. He telegraphs to the superintendent: 1 will give you five hundred dollars tor an extra engine.” the answer flashed back, No." 1 will give you one thousand dollar* for an engine.” “A train with surgeons and nurses have already gone forward, and we have no I other.” i With white face and anxious brow, the I nmn paced the statiou to ami fro. It is | his business now. In half an hour perhaps i which seemed to him half a century, tin train arrived. He hurried toward it. and in the tender fouud the mangled and life- less remains of his wife and one of hi* daughter*. Xu the car following lay his other daughter, with her dainty ribs crushed in and her precious life oozing slowly away. A quart of whiskey, which was drank fifty miles away by a railroad employe, was the cause of the eata-trophe. I Who dares say of thin tremendous que*»- ! tion, “It is not my business ”? Every ticket for the Nilsson concert which takes place in Denver to-night wmm Mild before die office luul been open three hours. It was like the mile of tickets in New York many yon ago, when Dickens ' gave his readings. PHYSICIAN*. F. P. Blake M D.~ Office and Rctident-c corner of Fourth SI. and Greenwood Avenue, CANON CITY, COLORADO. E.A. BUTLER, IVI.D. HOMIPATHIC PHYSICIAH & SURGEON. Office in Ilartwell'a block, Metnßtreet.. CANON CITY, COLO. «7. W. Dawson, L£. D., Office lu Hartwell's Block, MAIN STREET, CANON CITY. T.D. Palmer, M.D. i O.T.CJ up it.lr. In IJartw.tr. block, llealdence Sixth Street, between i 51 a run and Greenwood Area., CANON ( ITY, COLORADO. J. L. Prentiss, M. D., Office ut Ueeclter'a drug store, Residence corner of Sixth and River streats. . CANON f-ITY, COLORADO, | BIMItn. DR. A. F. STOECKLEY, Surgeon Dentist, Fine Work a specialty'. Office In Hartwell’* Block, west of P. O. CANOS CITY, COJ.O. Dr. J. W. Wade, " < a i r««R*ns. J. T. COX, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office over post offioe. CANOS CITY, .... COLOR ADO. ; A. MACON, ATTO RNEY AT LAW. •'•ffiee opposite Mc<*luro Uouio, CANON J ITT, COLORADO. j CHARLES E. WALDO. Attorney at Law, I’rnctlrea In ttsr ftlatrlcl Court, >ffirr an-<Hirt Houee.rANHN CITY. COljC ». -It MM IS «»» Tilt I* I. Ki I . J. J. MINOR, Justice of tb.o Peace. lK*e# a rmcral < •oilectlot’ Uuatneaa end Rent* pu»perty, front Koora In Piielpv* lllock, M*'n *i.. between Sd and «th, C a NON CITY. COIAHIADO. t «»> t it %< roils 4M» in n.m il's. C. J. SMITH, Contractor, Buildor and Jobber, Main alreet. ournarof Fifth. CANON CITY. 001/ORADO. j a. a. KtCttoi*. j. n. AKaerneNO. Nichols & Armstrong, Builders & Contractors Main btreel, nnposlte Hudd'a. First shop wr»l of Mn<*k a lumber yard. Canon City. Colorado. J. P. DoWOODY, Plain & Qrnametal Plasterer, CANON CITY, COI.O. Residence : Macon Aren tic, between Third and Fourth Street a. J G. G FONGA. STONE AND BRICK MASON, AXD PL A S77.* AE A, Building of any sire or alyle contracted for. Addrea*. Poat Ofllec, Cation City, Colo. LIME. Splendid wood burnt white mar- ble Lime, tho best made, having hydraulic properties, only 40 cents per bushel. Can fill or- ders up to 250 bushels per day. E. M. WILLSON, Kiln near Boda Hprln«a, IY>at Office bo* *717, CANON CITY. HUBATSCH & KRAMER, Ornamental nnd building £ Stone Cutters, TOMBSTONES And Monument*, Of the fluent workmanahlp. Yard opposite Turner House, Molu St. Be:wean Sixth and Seventh. CANON CITY, COLORADO. TnwlffN Sale. -\irHi:ili:AS. Jl/Llt's RIF and BABETTF T * 111 F, hi" wife, of the county of Fre- mtNit unit »-u»u> <■( ( olwnwlo.ilid. on the tlf-' t*H nil) iif«; day of February . |s*l. hy their wr- l tAin riiiil uf trust of Umt ilxtv, which wn«rJitlv i ln the office of county dork ol Fre- mont county,aforesaid,onthe leth day of Fob- ruary. JnM. at tOo clock r. m . in book i.>. page 75, convey unto J. F. < 'ampi*-!!, a- trustee, ad the follow In? described n al estate xltiuted In Milil cuunly of Fremont and "tale of Colorado, andilcacnU d In said deed of trust as follow s, to-wit: The western hall of Jot 11. of block !u J of the tovrn of « atV.n City, according. l to the murlel plat thereof, also ull the | grounds i*ml i rnci'»l In the following metes > and hound", 10-tril: Commencing at the j northw.-M corner of block •. of Hnriinon, ! i l(orlnfil!»w and Macon'* addition to the 1 town oi cafton City, running thence easterly | ; along tin* north line of said block one hnn- j dn-d and thirty-two i leet, thence souther- , ; ly parallel with Tenth street in said addition one hundred nnd twenty t vtb feet, theuce ! westerly nnd parallel with the north line of. said one hundred and thirty-two (IS;: feet, theart* northerly along the line of "aid Tenth street one hundred and twenty fovt to the place of the beginning, ugotlior with all the tmproeement* thereon to *erore t ho |>ay ment of tin Ironuln urutuiasorynnic*. Ixurliig even d&U* therewith, payable to the f : order of F. A. Huy nobis In three and "lx I mouths after the date thereof, for the priuei- 1 pal sunt ol four thousand dollars, with Inter- j est thereon at |w*r <-enl. |»er mouth from 1 date payable monthly In ndvamr; and ; whereas, default ha* been made In the pay- j mont of pari of the Interest due thereonand * , also In a greater part of tho prlncij>al and said j] notes have long since leruntc due; and j w hereon. It I" provided In said deed of tni«i . that In caae of default In any of"aid payment* i of principal or lntere*! iu aforesaid that the "Rid premises he sold nt nubile sale with ull , . the right, title. l«-ri.nt and c<|Ultv of rcdcni|>- 1 lion «T the said Julius hut umi Iwittcttc Ruf j therein and the proceed* of raid rale Ik aj»- plied to the payment of "aid note", principal j and Interest. Now . therefore. I, J. F. t'ampliell. tntMee a* ; aforesaid, at the reuncMt «*f the hgal holder! of raid note*, will, in accordance with the 1 provision* of "aid deed of trust and in pursu- 1 anee of the rower iu>d authority ve«t«wt in me h> *ald deed of trust nod hv virtue thereof on < the .vth day of |)Kt KMIIEII. I Isk.’, between the hour* of <on clock ti m. and ! | 3 o'clock p. tn , »*t the fTuni doorof the iXM'KT | HOI si-. Int'uAon City, l 'remont county, Goto [ rado, sell at public auction for cash In hand ! i to the htghc*t anti l«o*t bidder the premises j hereinbefore described or mi much thereof a* ! i "HI l*e of value sufficient to ml l*fy the said ! nop s and iuteivst and cost* and charges a* In said deed of trust provided J. F. c \ MI*RFLI., Trustee. ! ; < aAon City, Colorado, November a--, '™± I’robato Notice. IN the matt' rof the estate of Knuiri* If rl j Well, deceased, notice I* hereby given I I tha* on l'uft"day, the 23d day of January, A I l*. IfW, being « lie second day of the Januitrr I I Probate term of tt w Fourty Onurt of the ; County of Frcmon st.ve of eolornd |s | hereby Axo t for the "sitting nnd *dju«- Ing of : I nli claims wanin*t Inc estate of rahl Francis J tin*twell, deceased, and all person* having e aim* and demands again*! aald estate arc reque*led in present ihe same to said Court on raid day for adlu-tment. PL!/.A II ART WELL, •MU Admlnlßtratrlx of deceased estate. Dissolution Notice. TIIK copartnership heretofore existing l>e- tvvictiM.il Mclvtsslek and J. U. Hanks. I* Hit* day dissolved by mutual consent. J. <*• Ilaok* retiring from Ihe firm. The hush ness willin' corned on by s. R. McKlvdck. J.U Hanks will collect all account* due the! old Arm and s R. MeKlssiek will pnv nil debts due by the late Arm. SR. McK IsslCK, W* J U. II \NKs. CttAou City, t'olorado. TVeember Iss* FOR NAM'.. Black span ok mat* iif.d mamrri- NO CIIIEK MARKS, Imrn.'H* and wagon; i*o Atrm team*, harness and wagon*; one ■pan of mules, harness and wagons; also six head of horse* on range, one colt, twentv lon* of straw, a lot of garden ha*’*, such «* hand cultivator*, drills, rakes, hoe*, etc. Alsou delivery wagon, nearly new. Apply lo llarut Baxxr. booth ('aAon. tf ttfYttßt* ALL person* k nowlngtltentselvm i n.lelited to me will please call and settle with j Oeorge W rieitaml. a* all account* are ion with hint Atr collection, (4Hf) N. HT*>NE jTsTaarxGST,' AIIWTmtTM White and American SEWING MACHINES. REPAIRER Of ALL KINDS OF MACHINES. On tbs tout* side of Mala street, above the flour mill. CASON CITT, COLORADO. HAI.UO.KS. THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR MURRAYS Billiard 3?arlor. GLOYD’S New Billiard Parlor,! I• I ! Third house east of Fremont Cy.'Bank. Having put the Billiard Tables in excel- , lent order and refitted the rooms in first j rate style, we will keep the best of cvery- ! tliiug for the accommodation of patrons. GEO. W- GLOYD. Proprietor. CHAS. E. HELMS BILLIARD PARLOR, Next door west of Rudolph’s, CANON CITY, COLORADO. Fine Brands of Kentucky Wliiskes, Imported Brandies. <■ iu and IVinea, Also keep a fine stock of CIGARS. JT. gjtZ P ACKER, Dealer In WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS, ANHEUSER BEER CH DRAUGHT, Main Street, corner of Fifth, CANON CITY. COLORADO. XIOUBBILLURD PAELOP. Main street, between Turner House and Commercial Hotel, The Best Wines. Liquors and Cigars IN THE « ITT. C. r. WAR R AN, Proprietor. Hi.AlkHnITUH. J. I*. H7D2I, Blacksmith and Wagonaaher AGENT FOR FISH BROTHERS' WAGONS. riiHOipiou Reapers, MOWERS. HAY RAKES, Etc.. Etc. Dealer in sll kinds of WAGON MATERIALS. Corner Third and A Sts.. CANON CITY. COLORADO. I WEBSTER & BLOXHEM. rxyalen* in New and Second Hand Goods, B«r* and sells ail kiuds cf HOUSEHOLD GOODS. A iar f e assortment of GUNS. RIFLES, and REVOLVERS. rHELPS’ BLOCK, CANON CITY, COLORADO. i* iiirrßßs. E. J. HAFFY, PAIITTER. l'aper llangin?, Glazing, Calcln.lning, Sign I'a tiling, etc . etc. i Old Furniture Revarnish>’d and made to look like new. I | Shop next west of Rayn'Ms'new block, j CANON CITY. { JOZIXTSO2T tSt CO., Plain and I'eooratl* e Paper Hangers, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINERS, Kalsomining Neatly Done. Stop one d tor west o: Masonic block, CANON CITY. .... COLORADO. ; UK. HENDERSON, I ,*;3SSrj!"B£ CtTT. MO. 1 II l*o£<S£ cUC *- AtlhodifJ br the State to t-ra; Chrouic. N'rrreai and Private IHs- w A«Uitia, ICptlti>«v. K!«.uuia- /MB VtlMn, Vllra, T»|m*- worm. UT'.:;ai y », iYbkln l>la»aj*-s. Ssmisau.W k •• Nts 7 iiiLU low«>, Faxes:. l tniLSTt s iA wX9P (*c** of Ac. Curv*rui> deedor money refunded. Cha.ycc low. ’rVou- -ids of «we* cured. No medt-tno* unc»l detection from bnotuM. All mrdtcltice fur. •Sc v-t er to patient*at a <ttsUuc«. t'onsuttatloe •c ud ft aS-lentliJ—call or write. A«r> atul expe- •>ce arc Important. A B«x%x fur both aoxco—U —and nlrmparaof olhoc iMiy *e«*t aeolci (o. woVtatantp*. lljr Uiiteutu Uuowoivju. Hour* a ». Ui l p. ui.—Suit are; 10 u> is a- n* AddreaaDr Henderson. DM and Wyan- dotte atr*e . Kitnuu City. Mia oust. (Name lb** P»Ptfr when you write ) PENSiONSIiSM! Uw forte doet'leJ. rrewp* »o»k »**<*home* madeK *tfr aavi lUvk out U>*. »**«•*p*«*urol .J,w* . «amMta ' SftrftrJKt PATENTB“»i2 t »»*•• '-'*•> Thc-WO*LO A SOLDI* ni«i i Strafe copy free sie.ilviwnp for a»u ia>"~r~r'. 1 Lack* * h«.atytawe. H- W- FITXCa R ALO ACO. NsUoa tuol * UM Alt')*. Wuahlr»*tor\. O* O ChaapMt BlbleslS£Err>»7^ . AGENTS Wanted SSSSStIjuBiSSS »erki of :h*r*c?.r rr~, S & 010168 ** P"**: ••*•>»§ «t; «»«4e< ?*«rywhere LiberalJerrr*. , ■■.(•rrrtmACk..VE.C«w.4rhACliestaut St* .ft. Lotus, Mo r.iHmua mo rAßnrjur aom £AN MAKE m I80W& DuxU>( tJ»e hill anj Kwer. *-'.r xJ-Jreo. j- o. m*-v urtij a m. »T; ASTHMAaBpIIIIf I HAY FEVEBIEhSgS gj yCMtimas ail listfAits. FI toil V«<- Il l 'e-... f rt bycruifit':iil K . NERVINE. t .«<* REXKK’B XMRVIN K for -sprain*. I sr RENNES NERVI \ K for Toothache. l*se RE > NE'S x MRVI NKf »r l.nni- Hao<. T t-e RK - NE'S NERVINEfor Sore Throat. | Use RENNES NERVlNKforßheumatism." ImKENXE*B.VEhVI.nE f..r sick ilead- | ache. i Ik- RENNE’S NERVINE for Cold and I Croup. I J. N. RENNE. Sole Proprietor and Manu- facturer. Colorado spring* cIS I "tv ' •** I K C Wnwr's Sbyi akd naan TnioTiim. « en«ran reed sp«e‘fli* fo- Hrstrnx Pi.-rin-o*. Tim. Vrrrma WoaroJfrii. Herrons Pro-tr-t- -i tion caused bv the itse'of nln>h<>l or tobacco. TVnJccAiU I Metit.il Depression. A'ftcn ng of the Ftrain renjJr- I i s£_i a unJ toadtna* n;leer y. ri»«~>y Mid death. lT*jii»Hite Ola Age. Hanrnnr*.. Lo < fPower in either sex. Jnroliinrjrr Loj~e» atid SpernuitcrriKva rai'wg hy i over-cxertlonof the brain. seif-aba*eor orttr-indu'ic nee. j Or- hex will carv ra«'.t row. Each box contains . t*o I month *tr *• merit One dollar a •■.-*. «.•• »ix borui fin* dollars: iwntbymiil prepaid on receiot of price. Wcpnar. anise dx hoxc.l t•• cure an- »o.w with each order m- «, T w for «» noses. arii.rrr-erf-d with tire do.'ar*. we wi.l -end the - ureha«er our wT'ften guarantee to refund mon« v if treatment dMs not effe.-t \ «mrv OnararHe :».uerl.inU tr J*>»is A51.1 : w * ('».. bnigjti.u. l'eaves Lul. Ordera by mail at regoLit prices. PARKER’S GINGERTONIC An Invigorating Medicine that Mever Intoxicate. This dclic'ous compound of .Ginger, Buih-.i ami -my other of the best vegetable medit ines k now a, cures Female Complaints. Nervousness. Wakeful- ness. and ail diso-ders cl thebowels, stomach, liver, kidneys, nerves and urinary 01 naas. 100 DOT-I-ARS- PaiJ for anything injuriousin Ginger Tonic, or for a fulure to help or Core Tty it or ask your sick friend to try ii To*D«|. 50c. and $t size* at Jr.tggitts. Large saving bu>ing dollar sire. Send f,r circular to Hiscox £ I Co., 163 WiCiam Street, N. Y I Satisfies the most fastidious as a perfect Hair Re- I I storer and Dressing. buiii l>y aii dealers in dregs I I at roe. and $l. R. I tnr FLORESTOV COLOfIVE ao »n«i«itr!r fHcraat § IprrfuuMwithrxcryoooaiiy lutisg praparUK*. JJ iuul lie. I Tffmted AGE.VTS! For Gen. Dodge s new book, THIRTY-THREE YEARS AMONG OUR WILD INDIANS Introductionby Gen. TV. T. Sherman. Contains a truthful and graphic record ot the author’s observa- tions, thrillingadventures and cxcilmg experience* during 3.3 years among the nriijcst tribes of tho Great West. Splendidly illustrate! with Steel Plates Fine Engravin gs iind Superb Chromo-Uth- ograph Plates in tifteen colors. Ha* received the unqualified endorsement of the most eminent men of oar country. Gen. Grant writes: “The best book cn Indian and Frontier Life ever written.” Bishop NVi'ey, of Cincinnati. says: ”A much needed book and one of immense value.” Chicago latrrzcr: “A book of standard and substantial value." Chicago AUvuarw.- “No other book csct'ln* as full and accurate account orthe Indians. Chicago Tri. unt: •* It reads !ik-i a romance, and is tr. r superior to env book ever published en t’-.e subject.” The CAtcafi* I**rr Ocean •• It vividly portray* the Indian just 999 AGENTS ZF'gzrsg'Ffc waiting thousands* It is I opportunity of a lif«- time for rapid money making! Remember, ikw book, superbly illnstrUed;immense di rnand; ex iu- stee territory ord _Special Terms. Send tor illus- trated circulars, with full particular*, to A. C. NETTLETOfi &. CO., Chicaso, Ulw (B*^s ®ITTE^ S Remember that stamina, vital enency. the Ufe-prlodplvK or whatever you may choose u> »*all the resistant power which battle** ami 1 mu the ettusi's of disease and death. Is the it rami safeßuaril of health, ll is the uarrl on of the human foitrcs,. and when It waxes w.-uk, tho true iH»lle\ is.to throw in relnforivinents. li> other words, when *m-h anenierwcnc.v occur*, comiueacc a ivursc of U.»«;c-tter s 1 tne»>. Fr.r vile by iMugglsts and l eal* rs, to whom apply for Hostotter'w Almanac for IWT. mMAM e.asu*»c<:v» .11. *nHt«t,.OUII»»*» Of 'siSOO*m« try wivl see •»i«Aiwi..iatmismaii that ?*c BT'T'T ' ~ te-ip- ; r ' : ' | By th» cunini po*aion of .to tine, «mu«uti tho Boat uid tho TV,iii t-y tho«hurt«4t ruwia.oiiU oar- no* (KuMoufom. wiihout chans* of uax*. bviwem CS »UU &«n.u City. Couucil B»u*t». Laan.n- Doha, Aichiawu, Muinr*puii( and Mi. real. Ii ! c 0... ..vto in Union Uopot. wiiu all tbo pr.aoloAi , ben oi road b*t*»«n Ibo Atlantto sun Uio fool So O -au. Itsruulptuant >• uurivalcii *q4 matfuin- i cent, bctnjr oot»bo»««l of Uni Centortabla and ! BaauiUui Dajr Coaobco, Mo4"*rlo«ut liortou Kt- l chuiiMf Chair Caro, ruifmau'n rmtiMi ralwoo U.'«cp:n« Corn, and mr Umi Ur* of Omm« Care | in tbo V?oTid. Thr«« Train* featweon Ctnrtacv and Ua« jun ilivcr Boiota. Two Train* tmeirt I-TU- I ec«o and Umuo*|MU* and H Bant, cm thefoMOI “ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A Kcw and D.rwot Um, vU ka««a and Xiqin- ! k->*. no r.ooutly i.-wa op*n<*d hoiwawn ainnnMHMS, i K orfuik, Wxwport Stwn. Cb*luno i*. Aoania.Au- fxarta. K wh-illo, Louiavtljc, L«*>n jloh.OinmiiM.l, lodiAuapofioami i.*i»y« i«. nod omilm, *f rn*nn oi*» so l *i. Vaui a.id luMrntndlaiz potato. AU Th- - -iAU tfrjmtmmrrn Tvnvn l no rant Ti a; no. T.cuctwfor sutont s.TprfootiMl Tlskn QWkmrntm Iti* UntMd •tote* au«l '.•-■wlaOa. »»■*#*•««» oU««kod through and ruttan of fan*nA, way * an tow an wmpwiort Umu OAk* to*3 nd«Wto mlorauHMfl.fti tan M*a« and WwUm ’"CRCAT HOOK IftLAMO OOVH, IMTTfitk UwUnttoisp awilaUftaUA OH*OAOO.

Transcript of (Efje OlccorD. D.~ Wanted m · (Efje OlccorD. IsPublished everySaturdayMorningat...

Page 1: (Efje OlccorD. D.~ Wanted m · (Efje OlccorD. IsPublished everySaturdayMorningat CafionCity,Colorado. H.T. BLAKE.Editoraud Proprietor. SATI'ItI* VV, I KMKMHF.It 23. . SUBSCRIPTION

(Efje OlccorD.Is Published every Saturday Morning at

Cafion City, Colorado.H.T. BLAKE. Editor aud Proprietor.

S ATI'ItI* VV, I KMKMHF.It 23. <S->.

SUBSCRIPTION RATES.One year J 2 00Six Months 1 ooThree Months 60

ADVERTISING RATES.Display advertisements 1 inch 1 month, ftl.ocal advertisements per line pel week, &cWanted, For Sale, etc., per line per wlc 5cAdvertising loculs in capital letters, do 10c

Legal advertisements 75 cunts per onehundred word* lor the firsi insertion, 4oeents per one hundred words for eucli ai>- ‘DITIONaL Insertion. No legal advertise-ments counted less titan 100 words. II over100 word**only the uctual number of word*counted.

Tax Lists aud Tables $1 per inch of sin-gle columns for the tirst insertion, and 5Ccents per inchfor each additional insertion.

No single advertisement inserted for lea*than 25 cents.

Editorial notices two cent* per word.

COLORADO AT AMSTERDAM.General Manager Dodge, of the Denver

A Rio Grande road, has scut a circular toall agents along the line requesting them toprocure ftpecimens of ore from every mineopened in the state, for shipment to Am-sterdam, Holland, to lie exhibited at a grandinternational exposition which will boopened iu that city early next spring. Thecircular requests that all specimens be for-warded to local agents as early as January15, 1884. Allconsignments must not exceedfifteen {miuikU from any one mine, andwill l>e forwarded to Europe fires of charge j

« by the Hio Grande company. Here is an-other excellent opportunity for advertising Jthe wonderful richness of our great state. 1

IMPORTANT TO LANDUOLDERS.Secretary Teller decides tliat lands with*

in the limits of grunts to railroad compa-nies, to winch pre-emption or homesteadclaims arc ca]iab!c, >m mg forfeited since thegrant took effect, arc excluded from therailroad grant, and upon the abandonmentof nueh claims the lands do not mure tothe company, but are restored to the pub-lic domain.

Healso decides that whenpersona havinga filing in law under coal land, have laidcontracts with a thin! party to occupy andwork such land, they must bo consideredas ha» injr sold the kutuc and cannot secure» (talent. He decide*further that an er-roneous entry in the register** office, ifordered corrected, should not prejudicethe claim of the applicant.


The arrest and imprisonment for con-tempt of court «»f John IhAoy, editor of,the Irish Nation, at the instance of August ,ltclmoQt. for hi» rcftraal to answer, on thewitness stand the question "Who is the,chief dffiier of the Irish Revolutionarysociety?” has brought up a very tine pointof law. Mr. !k*Vo\ says he could not an-swer the question without violating a an- •rred oath, he belonging to the society inqnrstion himself. Had he answered it hewould have rnmmitt«-d perjury. It now :Itecotne* a question whether or n-'t a courtof justice can «x»in|»el a witness to divulgeth“ matters of a aren’t aneiety which he ,ha* sworn never to Iwtray. DeVoya coun-sel claim that th" rntc of “privileged coin-

mnnicalions" cover* this punt, and theirground looks tenable; for, could a court ,commit a witness f*»r contempt who retimedto reveal the secrets of his society, any jah rater lawyer could,by skillful maneuver-ing. wring out aecreta of any organization.

But there isalso argument for the otheraide, as well. Suppose a man possessed in- jformation on a material (mint which bo tv- !

pected would, sooner or later, be brought to jan issue at law, hecould at once organise a 'society, one of the oaths of which would be 'the suppression of this very vital (mint of;w hich he waspew esse 1. Wo Icaycthc nut ;for wiser hernia to crack.

The l*cst way to put a atop to the eon- |troversy about what is the right price to!charge for postage on let ten* that are writ- Iten, printed with type, printed by a stylo-graph, printed circulars that have only the jdate written on them, sealed letters, man- !nacrlpt, and the various special packagessent scaled ami unsealed, is to charge the jetiuc price per ounce for everything that igoes through the mails. This could liedone w ithout diminishing the receipts bylowering the rate mi lettersand increasing iit on lower grade matter. At present it is |a regular study to know jnst what to pay jon the different grades, even postmaster* ,not licing able to decide in .some.case* w ith-out referring to the authority. Charge two ,cents per ounce or fraction of an ounce for ;all classes of matter and the result wouldbe a considerable decrease in the “freight*'business now done by th** post office depart-ment. _

The Boston l’ost has tho following littlestory of Ben Butler, which we recommendto the perusal of our democratic friends;“Tho wife of u leading republican politician,who has held a very high office, and is anaspirant for others, met General Butler ina street car very recently, anil congratu-lating him, said ; ‘You will toon be inau-gurated governor of Masnnchusetta.' ‘Yes,madam,' answered Butler, and a republican jgovernor. I was not elected by democratic :votes, hut by a large majority of rcpubli- jcans who are diaguslrd with the men who jhave controlled the party. Ido democratshave not gained a victory in my election. 1am a republican governor.’ M

On tho 10th instant there passed throughCheyenne, Wyoming, a special car containing eleven male and the same number offemale ostriches, en route to Bon them Cali-fornia, where their owners, Messrs. Hill,Protberoo A Co.* of Cape Town, Africa,propose tostart nu ostrich farm. This isone of the most profitable liuea of busi-ness in which anybody can engage, as thebirds multiply very rapidly, and theirfeathers and plumage are in groat demandit high figures. The importation of ostrichfeathers into New York, in lfldt. amountedto $5,423,000. The •object of introducingthis industry into Colorado is 1 icing agitated.

Aa a most effectual means, in our opinion,of reducing tho liquor traffic, Nebraskabaa rai*«»d the license to f 1.000.

A Free Gift.The Chicago, I lock Island and Pacific

railroad, have in press an Almanac andHand Book ofUseful Information, contain-ing n vast amount of matter which it ishandy to have available, and which ailclasses of people want sometime during theyear. The hook contains descriptions ofthe western states and territories, a list ofUnited States land offices, where lands areavailable at low rates, how obtained, etc.,etc., as well as interest tables, business law,rates of postage ami political facts and fig-ures. In fact it is xnultum in parvo, andall tlie much is of every day use.

The same road also publishes a Cliristmos |Book for Children, which contains several |fine illustrations, and is original matter,and a very line piece of sheet music, ar- jranged for piano and a quartette of voices. •

Either, or both of these books and the !music will be sen* post free, if requested, |by postal or letter. The earlier your name !is sent to E. St. John, General Ticket and iPassenger Agent, Chicago, tlie quicker you ,will get the books.

By Universal Accord,Ayer’s Cathartic Pills arc the bestof all purgatives for family use. Theyarc the product of loug, laborious, antisuccessful chemical Investigation, andtlicir extensive use, by physicians Intheir practice, and by all civilized na-tions, proves them the best and mosteffectual purgative Pill that medicalscience can devise. B« ing purely veg-etable no harm can arise from theiruse, and being sugar-coated, they arepleasant to take. In Intrinsic valueand curative powers no other Pillscan be compared with them; and every

1 person, knowing their virtues, willemploy them, when needed. They

j keep the system In perfect order, and; maintain in healthy action the whole

i machinery of life. Mild, searching andeffectual, they are especially adaptedto the needs of the digestive apparatus,derangements of which they preventand cure. If timely taken. They arethe bc’-t and safest physic to employfor children and weakened constitu-tions, where a mild but effectualcathartic Is required.

For sale by all druggists.One young man it the .Springs, says: “I

jdid not know until lately that your Xer-j vine could be taken internally. I havetaken it for dysentery, bowel com plaintzind

j(lain in the stomach and bowels, something! tliat 1 am subject to very olicn, and liud it

;cures me every time. It is safe, clean and! delicious to use.”

Farmers and others desiring a genteel,lucrative agency business, by which $5 to$2d a day can lw* earned, send address atonce, on (Hiatal, to H. C. Wilkinson Ac Co.,195 and 197 Fulton street. New York.

The other day B. F. Karrich sold toM««n. Pricer Brothers, hi> entire herd inPueblo and Huerfano counties, of some2,000 bead of cattle, for $70,000. The saleincluded several hundred acres of grazingland in Huerfano county.

“ How do you manage," said a lady to afriend. “ to appear so happy all the time? "

" 1 always have Parker'* Ginger Tonichandy," was the reply. “ and thus keep my-self and family in good health. When 1 sinwell I always feel good-natured " See othercolumn.

To promote a vigorous growth of the :hair, use Parker's Hair Balaam. It restoresthe youthful color to gray hair, removesdandruff, and cures itching of the scalp.

FUN CLIPPED."Wlien flailingfor the speckled trout,

1 he angleruses tile* ;When tellingof hi* luck, al home,

He drops the “f,” and lies.”-M. F. Kidd.

1hespeckled hen scratching round.Ami with the rooster plays.Butall at once she looks profound.And drops the ”p," and lays.

—Cheek.A simple but significant inscription in a

western cemetery: “The editor was in.”It makes very little difference how a

hotel napkin is folded. The query withthe guest is, who used it last?

“I aim to tell the truth.” “Yes,” inter-rupted anacquaintance, “and you arc prob-ably the worst shot in America.”

Dr. Talmage says that having faith mayj be carried so far that the family milkman ,

| will in time leave nothing but chalk and !! water.| A Flatbush girl recently gave a quiltingparty, andall the girls contributed blocks !

| captured by their respective bulldogs. They iJcall it an “album quilt.”| A French doctor make* a business of 1jcuring snoring, and warrants a cure for $10. jIt has been suggested that he be hired by •the Pulman Car company.

A Missouri reverend who holds that shewho rats corned beef and breakfast baconcannot be a lady, gets away with a poundof plug tobacco a week and feels himselfaperfect gentleman.

This is the time of the year when theaged and decrepit liar sits around in thegrocery store, whittles the pork barrel, and jtells of the snow storms they used to have Iin July and August.

A stranger walked in on a j>et bear owned jby a St Louis butcher and wanted to shakehands. All the clothes that he had on ;when the bear was beaten off consisted sfa ishirt band undone stocking.

It is during these days of business that a ;clergyman, on selecting a chapter of theBible to read in church, first looks at theend of the last verse tomake sure that no(latent medicine advertisement is hitchedon.

Two strangers met in SilverCliff, and oneasked the other where the mineral forma-tions were. “Iu pockets,” was the reply.The other said he thought it was, for everyman he met pulled a chunk from one ofhis pockets.

A new liook is called “JIow to Keep aStore.” It is a work of several hundred ipages, and life is tooshort to read it. The ibest way to keep a store is to advertise ju- jdicioualy. and to prevent it from falling'into the hands of the sheriff.

“Never would rail a boy of mine ‘Alias,’”said Mrs. Jones, of Huntsville, Ala Luna,“If I had a hundred to name. Men by thatname is alius cuttin' up <tq*ers. Here’sAlias Thompson. Alias Williams, Alias theNight Hawk—ail lieen took up for steulin'. ”

An exchange says : “The outfit necessaryfor a couple in Colorado to commence thejourney of life w ith consists of a pair ofblankets, a pick and shovel and a fairknowledge of draw poker on the gentle-man's part, and a coffee mill, a frying panand a washboard for the lady.” •

Cloak* lined with ostrich feathers areuow in style, but the worst of this fashionis that if a woman leaves it unbuttonedshe is accounted a shoddyite more anxious ;for vulgar display than comfort, while if'she kceje* it buttoned she might as well)have it lined with red llauncl, as no one ,ran see it.

A preacher, raising his eyesfrom his «Jcsk 1in the mid»t of his sermon, was paralyzed jwith amazement to see his rude boy in the igallery pelting the hearers iu the pews .below with horse-chestnuts. But while 1the good m.in was preparing a frown of re- iproof, the young hopeful cried out; “You •lend Ui your pcoacuiJig, daddy, I’ll keep ,

’em awake.”A lady had in her employ nn excellent ;

girl who hail one fault. Her face was al- jways in a smudge. Mrs. trii-d to tell j

••v Mb her face without ...her, .

and at last sin resorted to strategy. “Do ,you know, Bridget,” she remarked, in a,confidential manner, "it is said if you washyou face every day in hot soapy water it jwill make you beautiful ?” “\\ .11 it ?”an- jswored the wily Bridget; sure it’- a wonder .ye never tried it, ma'am.” Anal her mis- !tress who had just hired a new cook made ja tour of inflection utter she had kept her ja week ami found a policeman locked up in ithe pantry. “How did this man get lure?”asked the lady, severely. “I'm sure I don’tknow ," an.sw* red the girl: “he must have !lieen left over by the old cook ”

A (lasscngcr over tho Richmond. Freder-;icksburg and Potomac railroad relates the iibllowing: The cars were passing over atress 1c, and just in front of me sat an old |colored woman who showed great alarm. 'and as it afterward turned out. imagined j«that the whole train of ears was living 'through the air. It was u«*t mai.i luiuutes,however, before the cars passed salcly overthe trestle.and as they struck terra firms the !old woman drew a sigh of relief and ex- jdawned in a Te iVmn tone of voice:“Thank the Lord, she's lit.” That reminds j(us of a very neat pun by a country gentle- !man on a similar occasion as the. above, jWhen the trestle had been cruised some ,

lady n-marked: “Well we've struck terrafirma." “Yes. madam,” said the old gen- jticmau in his brusqu ? way, “less terror and Imore firmer.”


Woman is an idol which man worshipsuntil he throws it down.

There is no torture that a woman would •

not sutler to enhance her beauty.Women love always; when earth slips

from them they tukc reftige in heaven.The whisper of a l»cautifu! woman can

be heard further than the loudest call ofduty.

Some one who knows says the comet jis of the feminine gender, because it hasmade so much talk.

Ileforc promising a woman to love ionly her one should have seen them all orshould see only her.

We meet in society many beautiful andattractive women whom we think wouldmake excellent wives —for our friends.

The highest mark of esteem a womancan give a man is to ask his friendship, andthe most signal proof of indifference is tooffer hint hers.

Men are so fearful of wounding woman's ,! vanity that they rarely remember that site|may bv some posibility possess a grain of

icommon sense.“I never think of apj»caring on the '

street, even in daytime, without a protec-tor,” said n mincing old maid, as she fast-

Ieaed on her chest.

i Herman Silver, superintendent of theI Denver mint, has received instructionsthat, “on and after January 1, 1883, no !charge will be imposed upon the depositors !of gold bullion for the cost of transportn- !tion to the mint in Philadelphia for coin-age. The charges to be im»»wed upon de-positors of gold bullion at the Denvermint alter tho Ist of January next, w iththe exception of one-eighth of oneper cent.,will be. the same ns those at the mint ofPhiladelphia, or the New York assay ollloe,the government paving the cost of trans-portatiou east." /

Serious objection is beiug made to theproduction of the JVmsio* iVoy on unAniencan stage. We ItcUovo the man whobrings it out will find that the Christianpeople fcf this country will not second norremunerate his venture.


Thoughts Suggested by the Itetnrnof This Joyous Occasion.

Before the Record will again have jgreeted its readers the anniversary of jChristmas shall have been numbered withthe days agone. Upon the eve of this joy- Ioua, happy time we feel like reverting to jthe (Ms-usion in general, and wishing thatthe one now almost at hand may be spentby everyone in such a manner as to aug-ment his happiness here and his blisshereafter.

Christmas, for ages, has been celebrated,by civilized and enlightened pfeople. as the jbirthday of Jesus Christ, and it will prob- \ably be so observed by Christians as long as!the world stands. Considering it, therefore. ;the anniversary of that glorious morn, jwhen the star of Bethlehem led the watch- ;ful shepherds across Judea’s plains to the jhumble village—the return of the day in jthe calendar when God. iu His infinitemercy, opened a way for man’s redemption !—the day when the “morning stars sang ;

together”—when earth rejoiced that the j1 Holy Virgin had given birth to a son —the j

i Redeemer of the world—the Saviour ofi mankind —we cannot too highly appreciate |\ its great blessings, nor dwell too long upon i

i the goodness of Him who thus offered the I, olive branch to rebellious man. and opened j

! to him the pearly gates of Paradise.As often as this season rolls around in

. the ceaseless march of Time, our hearts j! soften with tenderness and love. The trials J

jand turmoils of life are buried beneath a ,flood of charity; heart warms to heart; j

; pursestrings are loosened: sordid thoughts j! are lianLshed ; love reigns in our bosoms.

1and the sentiment of “Peace on earth, good! will to men” takes pcsession of every truei man and woman. And most especially at

this season do the children claim our atten-| tion—these images and reflections of theHoly Babe. For their delight each parent

i provides according to his means, believing

| the Divine Word, that “of such is theKingdom of heaven." And we older ones

;feast ourselves upon the fatted call' and! give up the day to joy. merriment and|thanksgiving. It is well thus, for there is: no other day in the calendar that has sodeep a claim upon us as the anniversary of

■ Him who came to love, to teach, to ad-I monish, and to save. To Him. let us. onMonday next, return our gratitude andprayers..

But. in the midst of our rejoicings, let usnot forget tliat there are those in this coldworld to whom Christmas brings no joys.With them let us share our warmth andbounty, as an unction tosoften the asperi-ties of their lives,and an evidence of thelove that is within us.

lint, above all, while we surround thefestive board, blessed with peace, happi-ness and plenty ; while our heartsare over-flowing with joy and love ; while kindredties are being re-cemented, and our cups ofhappiness are brimming over, let us re- •

i memberour God, and give all the praise,i all the honor, and all the glory to Him. the ■■ great Ruler of Heaven and earth, fromwhom “cometh down every good and per-fect gift.”


Editor Record :

As you have so kindly given us space inyour columns 1 will say : Sinters, our? is awork of love and let us not coniine ourlabors to our own homes. There comes, tous, a host of young men from homes of cul-ture and comfort as well as those of a dif-ferent nature, with hopes bright, antici-pating only success, little realiziug thetemptation the wild free life our state of-fers thorn. Shall we not strive to make ithem feel they are not strangers in a j-trango land and point to them, in the jsparkling wine, the viper that eliarms but ito destroy ? Let us work wisely, earnestlyand prayerfully and God will bless our 1W. C. T. U. A. T. Jackson.

To tlic Point.There is a story of a single chapter w hich

wc find in an exchange that plainly illus-trates each one's responsibility in the tem-

perance cause.A wealthy man iu St. Louis was asked

i to aid iu a series of temperance meetings,[ but he scornfully refused. After being

!further pressed, he said :j “ Gentlemen, it is not my business."

A few days after, hi* wife and twoi daughters were coming home in the light-: niug express. In his grand carriage, with! two liveried attendant*, he rode to thedepot, thinking of his splendid business

, and planning tor the morrow. Hark! Didsome one say “accident?” There arc many

jrailroads centering in St. Louis. If there| has been an accident it is not likely ir haj -

j pened on the and Mississippi railroad.I Yet it troubles him. “It is his business'*! uow. The horses are stopped on the in-

jStout, and upon inquiry lie finds it hasJ occurred twenty-five miles distant, on the

and Mississippi. He telegraphs tothe superintendent:

" 1 will give you five hundred dollarstor an extra engine.”

the answer flashed back, " No."“ 1 will give you one thousand dollar*

for an engine.”“A train with surgeons and nurses have

already gone forward, and we have noIother.”i With white face and anxious brow, theI nmn paced the statiou to ami fro. It is| hisbusiness now. In halfan hour perhapsi which seemed to him half a century, tintrain arrived. He hurried toward it. andin the tender fouud the mangled and life-less remains of his wife and one of hi*daughter*. Xu the car following lay hisother daughter, with her dainty ribscrushed in and her precious life oozingslowly away.

A quart of whiskey, which was drankfifty miles away by arailroad employe, wasthe cause of the eata-trophe.

I Who dares say of thin tremendous que*»-

! tion, “It is not my business ”?

Every ticket for the Nilsson concertwhich takes place in Denver to-night wmmMild before die office luul been open threehours. It was like the mile of tickets inNew York many yon ago, when Dickens

' gave his readings.


F. P. Blake M D.~Office and Rctident-c corner of

Fourth SI. and GreenwoodAvenue,



Office in Ilartwell'a block,

Metnßtreet.. CANON CITY, COLO.

«7. W.Dawson, L£. D.,Office lu Hartwell's Block,


T.D.Palmer, M.D.iO.T.CJ up it.lr. In IJartw.tr. block,

llealdence Sixth Street, betweeni51 a run and Greenwood Area.,


J. L. Prentiss, M. D.,Office ut Ueeclter'a drug store,

Residence corner of Sixth and River streats. .


DR. A. F. STOECKLEY,Surgeon Dentist,

Fine Work a specialty'.

Office In Hartwell’* Block, west of P. O.CANOS CITY, COJ.O.

Dr. J. W. Wade,

" <

a i r««R*ns.

J. T. COX,

ATTORNEY AT LAW.Office over post offioe.



ATTO RNEY AT LAW.•'•ffiee opposite Mc<*luro Uouio,


Attorney at Law,I’rnctlrea Inttsr ftlatrlcl Court,

>ffirr an-<Hirt Houee.rANHN CITY. COljC ».

-It MM IS «»» Tilt I* I. Ki I .

J. J. MINOR,Justice of tb.o Peace.

lK*e# a rmcral < •oilectlot’ UuatneaaendRent* pu»perty,

front Koora In Piielpv* lllock,M*'n *i.. between Sdand «th,


t «»> t it %< roils 4M» in n.m il's.

C. J. SMITH,Contractor, Buildor and Jobber,

Main alreet. ournarof Fifth.CANON CITY. 001/ORADO. j

a. a. KtCttoi*. j. n. AKaerneNO.

Nichols & Armstrong,Builders & Contractors

Main btreel, nnposlte Hudd'a. First shopwr»l of Mn<*k a lumber yard.

Canon City. Colorado.,


Plain & Qrnametal Plasterer,CANON CITY, COI.O.

Residence : Macon Aren tic, between Thirdand Fourth Streeta. * J


AXD PL A S77.* AE A,Building of any sire or alyle contracted for.

Addrea*. Poat Ofllec, Cation City, Colo.

LIME.Splendid wood burnt white mar-ble Lime, tho best made, havinghydraulic properties, only 40cents per bushel. Can fill or-ders up to 250 bushels perday.

E. M. WILLSON,Kiln near Boda Hprln«a,

IY>at Office bo* *717, CANON CITY.

HUBATSCH & KRAMER,Ornamental nndbuilding

£Stone Cutters,

TOMBSTONESAnd Monument*,Of the fluent workmanahlp.

Yard opposite Turner House, Molu St.

Be:wean Sixth and Seventh.


TnwlffN Sale.-\irHi:ili:AS.Jl/Llt's RIF and BABETTF

T * 111 F, hi" wife, of the county of Fre-mtNit unit »-u»u> <■( ( olwnwlo.ilid. on the tlf-'t*H nil) iif«; day of February . |s*l. hy their wr- ltAin riiiil uf trust of Umt ilxtv, which wn«rJitlv i

ln the office of county dork ol Fre-mont county,aforesaid,onthe leth day of Fob-ruary. JnM. at tOo clock r. m . in book i.>. page75, convey unto J. F. < 'ampi*-!!,a- trustee, adthe follow In? described n al estate xltiuted InMilil cuunly of Fremont and "tale of Colorado,andilcacnU d In said deed of trust as follow s,to-wit: The western hall of Jot 11. ofblock !u Jof the tovrn of « atV.n City, according. lto the murlel plat thereof, also ull the |grounds i*ml i rnci'»l In the following metes >and hound", 10-tril: Commencing at the jnorthw.-M corner of block •. of Hnriinon, ! il(orlnfil!»w and Macon'* addition to the 1town oi cafton City, running thence easterly | ;along tin* north line of said block one hnn- jdn-d and thirty-two i leet, thence souther- , ;ly parallel with Tenth street in said additionone hundred nnd twenty t vtb feet, theuce ! ‘westerly nnd parallel with the north line of.said one hundred and thirty-two (IS;:feet, theart* northerly along the line of "aidTenth street one hundred and twentyfovt to the place of the beginning, ugotliorwith all the tmproeement* thereon to *eroret ho |>ay ment of tin Ironulnurutuiasorynnic*.Ixurliig even d&U* therewith, payable to the f :order of F. A. Huy nobis In three and "lx Imouths after the date thereof, for the priuei- 1pal sunt ol four thousand dollars, with Inter- jest thereon at |w*r <-enl. |»er mouth from 1date payable monthly In ndvamr; and ;whereas, default ha* been made In the pay- jmont of pari of the Interest due thereonand * ,also In a greater part of tho prlncij>aland said j]notes have long since leruntc due; and jw hereon. It I" provided In said deed of tni«i .that In caae of default In any of"aid payment* iof principal or lntere*! iu aforesaid that the"Rid premises he sold nt nubile sale with ull , .the right, title. l«-ri.nt and c<|Ultv of rcdcni|>- 1lion «T the said Julius hut umi Iwittcttc Ruf jtherein and the proceed* of raid rale Ik aj»-plied to the payment of "aid note", principal jand Interest.

Now . therefore. I, J. F. t'ampliell. tntMee a* ;aforesaid, at the reuncMt «*f the hgal holder!of raid note*, will, in accordance with the 1provision* of "aid deed of trust and in pursu- 1anee of the rower iu>d authority ve«t«wt in meh> *ald deed of trust nod hv virtue thereofon <

the .vth day of |)Kt KMIIEII. IIsk.’, between the hour* of <on clock ti m.and !

|3 o'clock p. tn , »*t the fTuni doorof the iXM'KT |HOI si-. Int'uAon City, l 'remont county, Goto [rado, sell at public auction for cash In hand !i to the htghc*t anti l«o*t bidder the premises jhereinbefore described or mi much thereof a* !

i "HI l*e of value sufficient to ml l*fy the said !nops and iuteivst and cost* and charges a* Insaid deed of trust provided

J. F. c \ MI*RFLI., Trustee. !; < aAon City, Colorado, November a--,


I’robato Notice.IN the matt' rof theestate of Knuiri* If rl - jWell, deceased, notice I* hereby given I

I tha* on l'uft"day, the23d day of January, A Il*. IfW, being « lie second day of the Januitrr I

I Probate term of tt w Fourty Onurt of the;County of Frcmon

. st.ve of eolornd • |s| hereby Axo t for the "sitting nnd *dju«- Ing of :I nli claims wanin*t Inc estate of rahl Francis

J tin*twell,deceased, and all person* havinge aim* and demands again*! aald estate arcreque*led in present ihe same to said Courton raid day for adlu-tment.

PL!/.A IIART WELL,•MU Admlnlßtratrlx of deceased estate.

Dissolution Notice.

TIIKcopartnership heretofore existing l>e-tvvictiM.il Mclvtsslek and J. U. Hanks.

I* Hit* day dissolved by mutual consent. J.<*• Ilaok* retiring from Ihe firm. The hushness willin' corned on by s. R. McKlvdck.J.U Hanks willcollect all account* due the!old Arm and s R. MeKlssiek will pnv nildebts due by the late Arm.

.SR. McK IsslCK,

W* • J U. II \NKs.CttAou City, t'olorado. TVeember Iss*


Black span ok mat* iif.d mamrri-NO CIIIEK MARKS, Imrn.'H* and wagon;i*o Atrm team*, harness and wagon*; one■pan of mules, harness and wagons; also sixhead of horse* on range, one colt, twentvlon* of straw, a lot of garden ha*’*, such «*

hand cultivator*, drills, rakes, hoe*, etc.Alsou delivery wagon, nearly new. Applylo llarut Baxxr. booth ('aAon. tf

ttfYttßt*ALL person*k nowlngtltentselvm i n.lelited

to me will please call and settle withj Oeorge W rieitaml. a* all account* are ionwith hint Atr collection, (4Hf) N. HT*>NE


White and AmericanSEWING MACHINES.

REPAIRER Of ALL KINDS OF MACHINES.On tbs tout* side of Mala street, above theflour mill.





Billiard 3?arlor.GLOYD’S


New Billiard Parlor,!I• * I! Third house east of Fremont Cy.'Bank.

Having put the Billiard Tables in excel- ,

lent order and refitted the rooms in first

j rate style, we will keep the best of cvery-! tliiug for the accommodation of patrons.

GEO. W- GLOYD. Proprietor.


BILLIARD PARLOR,Next door west of Rudolph’s,


Fine Brandsof

Kentucky Wliiskes,Imported Brandies. <■ iu and IVinea,

Also keep a fine stock of



Dealer In



Main Street, corner of Fifth,



Main street, between Turner House andCommercial Hotel,

The Best Wines. Liquors and CigarsIN THE « ITT.

C. r. WAR RAN, Proprietor.


J. I*. H7D2I,

Blacksmith and WagonaaherAGENT FOR


MOWERS. HAY RAKES, Etc.. Etc.Dealer in sll kinds of

WAGON MATERIALS.Corner Third and A Sts..


WEBSTER & BLOXHEM.rxyalen* in

New and Second Hand Goods,B«r* and sells ail kiuds cf

HOUSEHOLD GOODS.A iarf e assortment of



i*iiirrßßs.E. J. HAFFY,

PAIITTER.l'aper llangin?, Glazing, Calcln.lning, Sign

I'a tiling, etc . etc.

i Old Furniture Revarnish>’d and made tolook like new.

I| Shop next west of Rayn'Ms'new block, j


JOZIXTSO2T tSt CO.,Plain and I'eooratl* e


Kalsomining Neatly Done.Stop one d tor west o: Masonic



; UK. HENDERSON, I ,*;3SSrj!"B£CtTT. -

- MO. 1 II l*o£<S£cUC *-

AtlhodifJ br the State to t-ra;Chrouic. N'rrreai and Private IHs-

w A«Uitia, ICptlti>«v. K!«.uuia-/MB VtlMn, Vllra,T»|m*- worm. UT'.:;ai y », ..

iYbkln l>la»aj*-s. Ssmisau.W k •• Nts7 iiiLU low«>, Faxes:. l tniLSTt' siA wX9P (*c** of Ac. Curv*rui>

deedor money refunded. Cha.ycc low. ’rVou--ids of «we* cured. No medt-tno* unc»l.» detection from bnotuM. All mrdtcltice fur.•Sc v-ter to patient*ata <ttsUuc«. t'onsuttatloe•c udft aS-lentliJ—call or write. A«r> atul expe-•>ce arc Important. A B«x%x fur both aoxco—U

—and nlrmparaofolhoc iMiy *e«*taeolci (o.woVtatantp*. lljr Uiiteutu Uuowoivju. Hour* a

». u« Ui l p.ui.—Suit are; 10 u> is a- n*AddreaaDr Henderson. DM and Wyan-

dotte atr*e . Kitnuu City. Mia oust. (Name• lb** P»Ptfr when you write )

PENSiONSIiSM!Uw forte doet'leJ. rrewp* »o»k »**<*home* madeK*tfr

aavi lUvk out U>*. »**«•*p*«*urol .J,w* . «amMta

' SftrftrJKt PATENTB“»i2t »»*•• '-'*•> Thc-WO*LO A SOLDI*ni«ii Strafe copy free sie.ilviwnp for a»u ia>"~r~r'.1 Lack* * h«.atytawe. H- W- FITXCa R ALO ACO.NsUoa tuol * UM Alt')*. Wuahlr»*tor\. O* O

ChaapMt BlbleslS£Err>»7^

. AGENTS Wanted SSSSStIjuBiSSS»erki of :h*r*c?.r rr~, S & 010168

** P"**: ••*•>»§ • «t; «»«4e< ?*«rywhere LiberalJerrr*., ■■.(•rrrtmACk..VE.C«w.4rhACliestautSt* .ft.Lotus, Mo

r.iHmua mo rAßnrjur aom'

£AN MAKE m I80W&DuxU>( tJ»e hill anj Kwer. *-'.r xJ-Jreo.j- o. m*-v urtij a m. »T;ASTHMAaBpIIIIfI HAY FEVEBIEhSgS

gj yCMtimas ail listfAits. FItoil V«<- Il l '

'e-...frt bycruifit':iil K .

NERVINE.t .«<* REXKK’B XMRVINK for -sprain*.I sr RENNES NERVI \K for Toothache.l*se RE > NE'S x MRVI NKf»r l.nni- Hao<.T t-e RK - NE'S NERVINEfor Sore Throat.

| Use RENNES NERVlNKforßheumatism."ImKENXE*B.VEhVI.nE f..r sick ilead-| ache.i Ik- RENNE’S NERVINE for Cold andI Croup.

I J. N. RENNE.Sole Proprietor and Manu-facturer. Colorado spring* cIS

I "tv


I D» K C Wnwr's Sbyi akd naan TnioTiim. «en«ranreed sp«e‘fli* fo- Hrstrnx Pi.-rin-o*.Tim. Vrrrma WoaroJfrii. Herrons Pro-tr-t-

-i tion caused bv the itse'of nln>h<>l or tobacco. TVnJccAiUI Metit.il Depression. A'ftcn ng of the Ftrain renjJr-I i s£_ia unJ toadtna* *° n;leer y. ri»«~>y Mid death.lT*jii»Hite Ola Age. Hanrnnr*.. Lo - < fPower in eithersex. Jnroliinrjrr Loj~e» atid SpernuitcrriKva rai'wg hy

i over-cxertlonof thebrain. seif-aba*eororttr-indu'ic nee.j Or- hex will carv ra«'.t row. Each box contains . t*o

I month *tr *• merit One dollar a •■.-*. «.•• »ix boruifin*dollars:iwntbymiilprepaid on receiot of price. Wcpnar.anise dx hoxc.l t•• cure an- »o.w with each order m-«, T w for «» noses. arii.rrr-erf-d with tiredo.'ar*. wewi.l -end the - ureha«er ourwT'ftenguarantee torefundmon« v if treatment dMs not effe.-t \ «mrv OnararHe:».uerl.inU tr J*>»is A51.1 : w * ('».. bnigjti.u. l'eavesLul. Ordera by mail at regoLitprices.

PARKER’SGINGERTONICAn Invigorating Medicine that Mever Intoxicate.

This dclic'ous compound of .Ginger, Buih-.i ami-my otherof the best vegetable medit ines k now a,cures Female Complaints. Nervousness. Wakeful-ness. and ail diso-ders cl thebowels, stomach, liver,kidneys, nerves and urinary 01 naas.

100 DOT-I-ARS-PaiJ for anything injuriousin Ginger Tonic, orforafulure tohelp or Core Tty it or ask your sickfriend to try ii To*D«|.

50c. and $t size* at Jr.tggitts. Large savingbu>ing dollar sire. Send f,r circular to Hiscox £

I Co., 163 WiCiam Street, N. Y

I Satisfies the most fastidious as a perfect Hair Re- II storer and Dressing. buiii l>y aii dealers in dregs II at roe. and $l. R.I tnr FLORESTOV COLOfIVEao »n«i«itr!r fHcraat §IprrfuuMwithrxcryoooaiiy lutisgpraparUK*. JJ iuul lie. I


Introductionby Gen. TV. T. Sherman. Contains atruthfuland graphic record ot the author’s observa-tions, thrillingadventures and cxcilmg experience*during 3.3 years among the nriijcst tribes of thoGreat West. Splendidly illustrate! with SteelPlates Fine Engravings iind Superb Chromo-Uth-ograph Plates in tifteen colors. Ha* received theunqualifiedendorsement of the mosteminent men ofoar country. Gen. Grant writes: “The best bookcn Indianand Frontier Life ever written.” BishopNVi'ey, of Cincinnati. says: ”A much needed bookand one of immense value.” Chicago latrrzcr: “Abook of standard and substantial value." ChicagoAUvuarw.- “No other book csct'ln* as full andaccurate account orthe Indians.” Chicago Tri. unt:•* It reads !ik-i a romance, and is tr. r superior toenvbook ever published en t’-.esubject.” The CAtcafi*I**rr Ocean •

•• Itvividly portray* the Indian just

999 AGENTS ZF'gzrsg'Ffcwaiting thousands* It is I opportunity of a lif«-time for rapid money making! Remember, ikwbook, superbly illnstrUed;immense di rnand; ex iu-stee territory ord _Special Terms. Send tor illus-trated circulars, with full particular*, to

A. C. NETTLETOfi &. CO., Chicaso, Ulw


Remember that stamina, vital enency. theUfe-prlodplvK or whatever you may choose u>»*all the resistant power which battle** ami 1 muthe ettusi's of disease and death. Is the itramisafeßuarilof health, ll is theuarrl on of thehuman foitrcs,.and when It waxes w.-uk, thotrue iH»lle\ is.to throw in relnforivinents. li>other words, when *m-h anenierwcnc.v occur*,comiueacc a ivursc of U.»«;c-tter s 1 tne»>. Fr.rvileby iMugglsts and l eal* rs, to whom applyfor Hostotter'w Almanac for IWT.

mMAMe.asu*»c<:v» .11. *nHt«t,.OUII»»*»Of 'siSOO*m«

try wivl see •»i«Aiwi..iatmismaii that ?*c

BT'T'T ' ~te-ip-

;r ':



By th» cunini po*aion of .to tine,«mu«uti thoBoat uidtho TV,iii t-y tho«hurt«4t ruwia.oiiU oar-no* (KuMoufom. wiihout chans* ofuax*. bviwemCS »UU &«n.u City. Couucil B»u*t». Laan.n-Doha, Aichiawu, Muinr*puii( and Mi. real. Ii

! c0... ..vto in Union Uopot. wiiu all tbo pr.aoloAi, benoi road b*t*»«n Ibo Atlantto sun Uio fool So

O -au. Itsruulptuant >• uurivalcii *q4 matfuin-i cent, bctnjr oot»bo»««l of Uni Centortabla and

! BaauiUui Dajr Coaobco, Mo4"*rlo«ut liortou Kt-l chuiiMf Chair Caro, ruifmau'n rmtiMi ralwoo

U.'«cp:n« Corn, and mr Umi Ur* of Omm« Care| in tboV?oTid. Thr««Train* featweon Ctnrtacv and

Ua« junilivcr Boiota. Two Train* tmeirt I-TU-I ec«o and Umuo*|MU* and HBant, cm thefoMOI

“ALBERT LEA ROUTE."A Kcw and D.rwot Um, vU ka««aand Xiqin-

! k->*. nor.ooutly i.-wa op*n<*d hoiwawn ainnnMHMS,i K orfuik, Wxwport Stwn.Cb*luno i*. Aoania.Au-fxarta. K wh-illo, Louiavtljc, L«*>n jloh.OinmiiM.l,lodiAuapofioami i.*i»y« i«. nod omilm, *f rn*nnoi*» so l *i. Vaui a.id luMrntndlaiz potato.

AUTh- - -iAU tfrjmtmmrrn Tvnvn l no rantTi a;no.

T.cuctw for sutont s.TprfootiMl Tlskn QWkmrntmIti*UntMd •tote* au«l '.•-■wlaOa.

»»■*#*•««» oU««kod through and ruttan of fan*nA,way * an towan wmpwiort Umu OAk* to*3 nd«WtomlorauHMfl.ftitan M*a«and WwUm

’"CRCAT HOOK IftLAMO OOVH,IMTTfitkUwUnttoisp awilaUftaUA