EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner Knowledge Management in Agriculture - From Data...

EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner Knowledge Management in Agriculture - From Data Generation to Knowledge Sharing - Peter Wagner, Karin Rosskopf
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Page 1: EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner Knowledge Management in Agriculture - From Data Generation to Knowledge Sharing - Peter Wagner, Karin.

EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner

Knowledge Management in Agriculture - From Data Generation to Knowledge

Sharing -

Peter Wagner, Karin Rosskopf

Page 2: EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner Knowledge Management in Agriculture - From Data Generation to Knowledge Sharing - Peter Wagner, Karin.

EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner


• Former ICT Adoption Studies

• Knowledge Management of Farmers

• Results of Empirical Studies– Basic Statistics– ICT Adoption by Farmers– Use of Software on Farms– Technology Use for Knowledge Management Processes

• Summary

• Discussion

Page 3: EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner Knowledge Management in Agriculture - From Data Generation to Knowledge Sharing - Peter Wagner, Karin.

EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner

Former ICT Adoption Studies

EFITA questionnaires 1999 in Bonn, 2001 in Montpellier and 2003 in Debrecen (Gelb, E.; Wagner, P.; Rosskopf, K.; Parker, C.: A Summary of the EFITA ICT Adoption Questionnaires. In: Vlachopoulou, M. et. al (Hrsg.): Proceedings Vol. I, Second HAICTA Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2004, S. 343–34)

In the eyes of scientist, the following reasons are hampering the use of ICT technologies by farmers:

no economic or other benefits difficult to use high costs lack of training

Since 2002, country studies in Germany about ICT adoption problems

Data collection platform: „Agrarcomputertage“ 2002 in Goettingen (Lower Saxony), 2003 in Munich (Bavaria), 2004 in Alsfeld (Hess) and 2005 in Augsburg (Bavaria)

Page 4: EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner Knowledge Management in Agriculture - From Data Generation to Knowledge Sharing - Peter Wagner, Karin.

EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner

Knowledge Management of Farmers

Knowledge is different from data and information

Knowledge is embedded in processes and technologies

Knowledge has an implicit and explicit dimension

Knowledge sharing is an important knowledge management process

Knowledge sharing activities can benefit farmers

Page 5: EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner Knowledge Management in Agriculture - From Data Generation to Knowledge Sharing - Peter Wagner, Karin.

EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner

General Results


2002 2003 2004 2005

Lower Saxony

Bavaria Hesse Bavaria

Universal set N=371 N=700 N=92 N=618

Male / female 90% / 10% 92% / 8% 92% / 8% 94% / 6%

Average age (years) 38 36 41 38

Share of farmers, out of them: 77% 81% 79% 92%

full-time farmer 80% 79% 72% 70%

part-time farmer 20% 21% 28% 30%

crop farming 50% 25% 34% 36%

animal farming 50% 75% 66% 64%

Size of farm in ha (average) 294 ha 98 ha 133 ha 77 ha

Size of farm in ha (median) 90 ha 50 ha 70 ha 50 ha

Ownership of a computer 96% 97% 90% 97%

Internet access (out of computer owner) 89% 91% 83% 94%

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EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner

Source: Stat. Bundesamt / DBV 2005

Ownership of a computer

Internet access


non Farmers

Page 7: EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner Knowledge Management in Agriculture - From Data Generation to Knowledge Sharing - Peter Wagner, Karin.

EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner

ICT Adoption Constraints

Farmers think, that the reasons for not using ICT are ...








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Lack of training

Do not understand the value/possible benefits of ICT

Not enough time to spend on technology

No perceived economic or other benefits

Too hard to use / not user friendly

Cost of technology

No relevant information for management


% in 2005 (N=618)

% in 2004 (N=92)

% in 2003 (N=700)

% in 2002 (N=371)

Page 8: EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner Knowledge Management in Agriculture - From Data Generation to Knowledge Sharing - Peter Wagner, Karin.

EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner

The Use of Software on Farms

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Text processing, spread sheet


Field record programs

Manure planning and accounting


Herd Record Software (cow or hog manager)

Feed calculation

Teaching and learning software

Mobile Computing

Precision Farming / GPS Softwarein % 2005, Bavaria (n=445)

in % 2003, Bavaria (n=558)

in % 2002, Lower Saxony (n=306)

Page 9: EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner Knowledge Management in Agriculture - From Data Generation to Knowledge Sharing - Peter Wagner, Karin.

EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

2003: information supply (n=495)

2005: information supply (n=446)

2003: information exchange (n=391)

2005: information exchange (n=338)

2003: submit subsidy claims (n=379)

2005: submit subsidy claims (n=351)

2003: HIT-database (n=455)

2005: HIT-database (n=410)

2003: product buying (n=381)

2005: product buying (n=329)

2003: product selling (n=343)

2005: product selling (n=278)

2003: homebanking (n=453)

2005: homebanking (n=393)

daily weekly monthly annual never

Internet: Widely used, but not for everything

Page 10: EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner Knowledge Management in Agriculture - From Data Generation to Knowledge Sharing - Peter Wagner, Karin.

EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner

Information Sources of Farmers (multiple answers)

Info-Source Total Percentage

Internet 254 60,8

Agriculturual journals 241 57,7

State extension service 233 55,7

National farmers' union 120 28,7

Other farmers 69 16,5

Tax consultant 69 16,5

Private consulting 67 16,0

Industry agents 33 7,9

Agricultural fairs 27 6,5

Field trips 26 6,2

Other associations 11 2,6

Page 11: EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner Knowledge Management in Agriculture - From Data Generation to Knowledge Sharing - Peter Wagner, Karin.

EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner

How are Farm Size and Education influencing the Info-Sources?

• The higher the education, the…..

– more important is the Internet

– less important is the state extension service

– more important is private consulting

– less important is the national farmers union

– more important are agricultural journals

• The bigger the farm size, the....

– more important is the Internet

– less important is the state extension service

– more important is private consulting

– less important is the national farmers union

– less important are other farmers

• The older the farmer, the....

– more important is the state extension service

– more important is the national farmers union

Page 12: EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner Knowledge Management in Agriculture - From Data Generation to Knowledge Sharing - Peter Wagner, Karin.

EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner

Type of Consultancy on Farms and Provider

Type of consultancy (n = resp. / % of farmers in sample)

Usage ofconsulting Provider

Yes1) (Yes2)) No1)


Service Other

Tax Consultancy (n=415 / 73,3%) 90% (65,7%) 10% 9% 91%

Bookkeeping (n=439 / 77,6%) 85% (62,5%) 15% 11% 89%

Plant production (n=333 / 58,8%) 64% (37,5%) 36% 75% 25%

Subsidy claims (n=298 / 52,7%) 61% (32,5%) 39% 87% 13%

Livestock breeding (n=278 / 49,1%) 56% (27,6%) 44% 57% 43%

Interfarm comparison (n=253 / 44,7%) 47% (21,0%) 53% 24% 76%

Traceability (n=264 / 46,6%) 38% (19,1%) 62% 33% 67%

Cost accounting (n=232 / 41,0%) 33% (13,8%) 67% 39% 61%1) % of respondents 2) % of all farmers

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EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner

Data Exchange in Consultancy

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Tax Consultancy (n=207)

Subsidy claims (n=131)

Bookkeeping (n=218)

Livestock breeding (n=112)

Traceability (n=82)

Interfarm comparison (n=81)

Cost accounting (n=49)

Plant production (n=124)

No data exchange Paper CD Internet

Page 14: EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner Knowledge Management in Agriculture - From Data Generation to Knowledge Sharing - Peter Wagner, Karin.

EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner


• When an ICT tool is used by large sectors of the population, it is used by farmers too

• New technologies, such as mobile computing and precision farming technologies, are disseminating very slowly

• The lack of training, the missing benefits and the time needed to use ICT are main adoption barriers.

• There is still a lack of understanding of the benefits especially of agriculture-specific software

• The most important information sources of farmers are the internet, agricultural journals and the state extension service

• Farmers like to receive information and knowledge, but they only share their data when they have to do it

Page 15: EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner Knowledge Management in Agriculture - From Data Generation to Knowledge Sharing - Peter Wagner, Karin.

EFITA 2005 in Portugal Karin Rosskopf, Peter Wagner

Thank you!

Peter Wagner Karin Rosskopf

[email protected] [email protected]

