EfficientEnsemble-BasedData Assimilation forHigh ...godae-data/OP19/4.2.4-Nerger_PDAF_exp.pdf ·...

AWI Lars Nerger Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research Bremerhaven, Germany Efficient Ensemble-Based Data Assimilation for High-Dimensional Models with the Parallel Data Assimilation Framework PDAF OceanPredict‘19, Halifax, Canada

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Lars Nerger

Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research

Bremerhaven, Germany

Efficient Ensemble-Based Data Assimilation for High-Dimensional Models with the

Parallel Data Assimilation Framework PDAF

OceanPredict‘19, Halifax, Canada

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Lars Nerger et al. – Efficient Ensemble DA with PDAF


For efficient application of data assimilation we like to

§ simplify the steps to set up a data assimilation system and to apply it

§ ensure high computational efficiency

§ be able to easily take up new developments in data assimilation

§ profit from experience from various data assimilation applications

➜ Community data assimilation software allows for this

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Lars Nerger et al. – Efficient Ensemble DA with PDAF

PDAF: A tool for data assimilation

Open source: Code, documentation, and tutorial available at


L. Nerger, W. Hiller, Computers & Geosciences 55 (2013) 110-118

PDAF - Parallel Data Assimilation Framework

§ a program library for ensemble data assimilation

§ provides support for parallel ensemble forecasts

§ provides filters and smoothers - fully-implemented & parallelized (EnKF, LETKF, LESTKF, NETF … easy to add more)

§ easily useable with (probably) any numerical model

§ run from laptops to supercomputers (Fortran, MPI & OpenMP)

§ Usable to study assimilation methods and to apply real assimilation

§ first public release in 2004; continued development

§ ~370 registered users; community contributions

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Lars Nerger et al. – Efficient Ensemble DA with PDAF

Ensemble Filters

Ensemble Kalman Filters & Particle Filters➜ Use ensembles to represent probability distributions (uncertainty)➜ Use observations to update ensemble


time 0 time 1 time 2


ensemble forecast

ensemble transformation


state estimate

There are many

possible choices!

What is optimal is part

of our research

Different choices in


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Lars Nerger et al. – Efficient Ensemble DA with PDAF


Indirect exchange (module/common)Explicit interface




mesh dataModel

initializationtime integrationpost processing

Ensemble FilterInitialization

analysisensemble transformation

Observationsquality control

obs. vectorobs. operator

obs. error

Core of PDAF

3 Components of Assimilation System

modify parallelization

Nerger, L., Hiller, W. Computers and Geosciences 55 (2013) 110-118

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Lars Nerger et al. – Efficient Ensemble DA with PDAF

Augmenting a Model for Data Assimilation

Extension for data assimilation

revised parallelization enables ensemble forecast


model-specific adaption

e.g. in NEMO: treat leap-frogtime stepping



Do i=1, nsteps

Initialize ModelInitialize coupler

Initialize grid & fields

Time stepperin-compartment step



Modelsingle or multiple


coupler might be separate program

Initialize parallel. Aaaaaaaa




Initialize ModelInitialize coupler

Initialize grid & fields

Time stepperin-compartment step




Do i=1, nsteps




Initialize parallel.

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Lars Nerger et al. – Efficient Ensemble DA with PDAF

2-level Parallelism


Forecast Analysis Forecast

1. Multiple concurrent model tasks

2. Each model task can be parallelized

Ø Analysis step is also parallelized

Ø Configured by “MPI Communicators”

Model Task 1

Model Task 2

Model Task 3

Model Task 1

Model Task 2

Model Task 3

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Lars Nerger et al. – Efficient Ensemble DA with PDAF

Minimal changes to NEMO

Add to mynode (lin_mpp.F90) just before init of myrank#ifdef key_USE_PDAF

CALL init_parallel_pdaf(0, 1, mpi_comm_opa)#endif

Add to nemo_init (nemogcm.F90) at end of routine#ifdef key_USE_PDAF

CALL init_pdaf()

Add to stp (step.F90) at end of routine#ifdef key_USE_PDAF

CALL assimilate_pdaf()

Modify dyn_nxt (dynnxt.F90) – for Euler time step#ifdef key_USE_PDAF

IF((neuler==0 .AND. kt==nit000) .OR. assimilate)#else






Initialize Modelgenerate meshInitialize fields

Time stepperconsider BC

Consider forcing



WHILE istp ≤ nitend



For MITgcm: calls included in MITgcm release version. PDAF provides the model-binding routines

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Lars Nerger et al. – Efficient Ensemble DA with PDAF

Why Online coupling? Efficiency

Offline-coupling is simple to implement but can be very inefficient

Example: Timing from atmosphere-ocean coupled model (AWI-CM) with daily analysis step:

Model startup: 95 sIntegrate 1 day: 28 sModel postprocessing: 14 s

Analysis step: 1 s


Restarting this model is ~3.5 timesmore expensive than integrating 1 day

➜ avoid this for data assimilation

Offline-coupled assimilation=

Separate programsData transfers through files

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Lars Nerger et al. – Efficient Ensemble DA with PDAF

§ Defined calls to PDAF routines and to call-back routines

§ Model und observation specific operations:

elementary subroutines implemented in model context

§ User-supplied call-back routines for elementary operations:

Ø transfers between model fields and ensemble of state


Ø observation-related operations (observation operator, …)

Ø filter pre/post-step to analyze ensemble

§ User supplied routines can be implemented

as routines of the model (e.g. share common blocks or modules)

PDAF interface structure

Model PDAFUser routines


Access information through modules

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Lars Nerger et al. – Efficient Ensemble DA with PDAF

PDAF: User-friendliness

Assumption: Users know their model� let users implement assimilation system in model context

For users, model is not just a forward operator� let users augment their model for data assimilation

Keep simple things simple:

Ø Define subroutine interfaces to separate model and assimilation based on arrays

Ø No object-oriented programming(most models don’t use it; most model developers don’t know it;not many objects would be involved)

Ø Users directly implement observation-specific routines (no indirect description of e.g. observation layout)

Ø Users run their model as without data assimilation, but with additional options

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Lars Nerger et al. – Efficient Ensemble DA with PDAF

• Simulate a “model”

• Choose an ensemble• state vector per processor: 107

• observations per processor: 2.105

• Ensemble size: 25• 2GB memory per processor core

• Apply analysis step for different processor numbers• 12 – 120 – 1200 – 12000

PDAF Capability: Very big test case

12 120 1200 120003.2









processor cores


for a





Timing of global SEIK analysis step


State dimension: 1.2e11

Observation dimension: 2.4e9• Very small increase in analysis time (~1%)

(Ideal would be constant time)

• Didn’t try to run a real ensemble of largest state size (no model yet)

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Lars Nerger et al. – Efficient Ensemble DA with PDAF

PDAF Application Examples

HBM: Coastal assimilation of SST, in situ and ocean color data (S. Losa, M. Goodliff)

+ external applications & users, like

• MITgcm sea-ice assim (NMEFC Beijing)

• Geodynamo (IPGP Paris, A. Fournier)• TerrSysMP-PDAF (hydrology, FZ Juelich)


• CFSv2 (J. Liu, IAP-CAS Beijing)

• NEMO (U. Reading , P. J. van Leeuwen)

RMS error in surface temperature MITgcm-REcoM: global ocean color assimilation (Himansu Pradhan)

AWI-CM: coupled atmos.-ocean assimilation(project ESM, Qi Tang)

Total chlorophyll concentration June 30, 2012

759ECHAM6–FESOM: model formulation and mean climate

1 3

2013) and uses total wavenumbers up to 63, which corre-sponds to about 1.85 × 1.85 degrees horizontal resolution; the atmosphere comprises 47 levels and has its top at 0.01 hPa (approx. 80 km). ECHAM6 includes the land surface model JSBACH (Stevens et al. 2013) and a hydrological discharge model (Hagemann and Dümenil 1997).

Since with higher resolution “the simulated climate improves but changes are incremental” (Stevens et al. 2013), the T63L47 configuration appears to be a reason-able compromise between simulation quality and compu-tational efficiency. All standard settings are retained with the exception of the T63 land-sea mask, which is adjusted to allow for a better fit between the grids of the ocean and atmosphere components. The FESOM land-sea distribu-tion is regarded as ’truth’ and the (fractional) land-sea mask of ECHAM6 is adjusted accordingly. This adjustment is accomplished by a conservative remapping of the FESOM land-sea distribution to the T63 grid of ECHAM6 using an adapted routine that has primarily been used to map the land-sea mask of the MPIOM to ECHAM5 (H. Haak, per-sonal communication).

2.2 The Finite Element Sea Ice-Ocean Model (FESOM)

The sea ice-ocean component in the coupled system is represented by FESOM, which allows one to simulate ocean and sea-ice dynamics on unstructured meshes with variable resolution. This makes it possible to refine areas of particular interest in a global setting and, for example, resolve narrow straits where needed. Additionally, FESOM allows for a smooth representation of coastlines and bottom topography. The basic principles of FESOM are described by Danilov et al. (2004), Wang et al. (2008), Timmermann et al. (2009) and Wang et al. (2013). FESOM has been validated in numerous studies with prescribed atmospheric forcing (see e.g., Sidorenko et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2012; Danabasoglu et al. 2014). Although its numerics are fun-damentally different from that of regular-grid models,

previous model intercomparisons (see e.g., Sidorenko et al. 2011; Danabasoglu et al. 2014) show that FESOM is a competitive tool for studying the ocean general circulation. The latest FESOM version, which is also used in this paper, is comprehensively described in Wang et al. (2013). In the following, we give a short model description here and men-tion those settings which are different in the coupled setup.

The surface computational grid used by FESOM is shown in Fig. 1. We use a spherical coordinate system with the poles over Greenland and the Antarctic continent to avoid convergence of meridians in the computational domain. The mesh has a nominal resolution of 150 km in the open ocean and is gradually refined to about 25 km in the northern North Atlantic and the tropics. We use iso-tropic grid refinement in the tropics since biases in tropi-cal regions are known to have a detrimental effect on the climate of the extratropics through atmospheric teleconnec-tions (see e.g., Rodwell and Jung 2008; Jung et al. 2010a), especially over the Northern Hemisphere. Grid refinement (meridional only) in the tropical belt is employed also in the regular-grid ocean components of other existing climate models (see e.g., Delworth et al. 2006; Gent et al. 2011). The 3-dimensional mesh is formed by vertically extending the surface grid using 47 unevenly spaced z-levels and the ocean bottom is represented with shaved cells.

Although the latest version of FESOM (Wang et al. 2013) employs the K-Profile Parameterization (KPP) for vertical mixing (Large et al. 1994), we used the PP scheme by Pacanowski and Philander (1981) in this work. The rea-son is that by the time the coupled simulations were started, the performance of the KPP scheme in FESOM was not completely tested for long integrations in a global setting. The mixing scheme may be changed to KPP in forthcom-ing simulations. The background vertical diffusion is set to 2 × 10−3 m2s−1 for momentum and 10−5 m2s−1 for potential temperature and salinity. The maximum value of vertical diffusivity and viscosity is limited to 0.01 m2s−1. We use the GM parameterization for the stirring due to

Fig. 1 Grids correspond-ing to (left) ECHAM6 at T63 (≈ 180 km) horizontal resolu-tion and (right) FESOM. The grid resolution for FESOM is indicated through color coding (in km). Dark green areas of the T63 grid correspond to areas where the land fraction exceeds 50 %; areas with a land fraction between 0 and 50 % are shown in light green

AWI-CM: ECHAM6-FESOM coupled model

➜ Talk tomorrow

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Lars Nerger et al. – Efficient Ensemble DA with PDAF

PDAF originated from comparison studies of different filters

Filters and smoothers• EnKF (Evensen, 1994 + perturbed obs.)• (L)ETKF (Bishop et al., 2001)• SEIK filter (Pham et al., 1998)• ESTKF (Nerger et al., 2012)• NETF (Toedter & Ahrens, 2015)

All methods include• global and localized versions• smoothers

Current algorithms in PDAF

Not yet released:• serial EnSRF• particle filter• EWPF• Generate synthetic

observations (V1.14)

Not yet released:• NEMO

Model binding• MITgcmToy model• Lorenz-96

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Lars Nerger et al. – Efficient Ensemble DA with PDAF


• PDAF: Software framework

simplifies building data assimilation systems

• Efficient online assimilation coupling

with minimal changes to model code

• Setup of data assimilation with coupled model

1. Configuration of parallelization

2. Implementation of user call-back routines

• for interfacing with model code and

• observation handling

[email protected] – Efficient Ensemble DA with PDAF

Open source:

Code, documentation, and tutorial available at


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Lars Nerger et al. – Efficient Ensemble DA with PDAF


• http://pdaf.awi.de

• Nerger, L., Hiller, W. Software for Ensemble-basedDA Systems – Implementation and Scalability. Computers and Geosciences 55 (2013) 110-118

• Nerger, L., Hiller, W., Schröter, J.(2005). PDAF - The Parallel Data Assimilation Framework: Experiences with Kalman Filtering, Proceedings of the Eleventh ECMWF Workshop on the Use of High Performance Computing in Meteorology, Reading, UK, 25 - 29 October 2004, pp. 63-83.

Thank you !

[email protected] – Efficient Ensemble DA with PDAF