Efficient electronic business transactions

B2B/EDI integration B2B/EDI integration for efficient for efficient electronic business electronic business transactions transactions Ivan Vaklinov Ivan Vaklinov [email protected]



Transcript of Efficient electronic business transactions

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B2B/EDI integration B2B/EDI integration for efficient electronic for efficient electronic business transactionsbusiness transactions

Ivan VaklinovIvan [email protected]

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ERP Systems & efficiency ERP Systems & efficiency

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is an integrated computer-based application used to manage internal and external resources.

• Tangible assets• Financial resources• Materials• Human resources

Needed by any largeorganization

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ERP systems & CommunicationERP systems & Communication

ERP systems need to efficiently communicate with the outside world in a global economy.

• Manual data entry• Product differentiation issues• Automation needed for any large document

traffic• Vendor lock-in and need for interoperability


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EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) Standard for the electronic exchange of

commercial documents. Computer-to-computer exchange of

structured information, with a minimum of human intervention

Business to Business integration (B2B)• Commerce transactions between businesses• Usually via modern Web technologies such as

SOA, Web Services etc.

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B2B/EDI scenarios – IB2B/EDI scenarios – I

Between large businesses equipped with ERP systems that possess automatic communications capabilities.

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B2B/EDI scenarios – IIB2B/EDI scenarios – II

Between a large company and many small suppliers with a communications capability (Hub & Spoke)

Between a large company and many small suppliers with no automation (Web, Fax etc.)

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History of EDI/B2BHistory of EDI/B2B

• 1960s-1970s USA • 1980s - standardization efforts

• 1990s – The internet and beyond

• 2000... - SOA & Web Services

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EDI Standards – flat filesEDI Standards – flat files

Flat Files are textual data with fixed length fields typically used by legacy ERP systems (e.g. SAP)

EDI_DC40 3000000000003905072620 3014 E2EDK01005 300000000E2EDKA1003 300000000E2EDKA1003 300000000E2EDKA1003 300000000E2EDKA1003 300000000E2EDKA1003 300000000

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EDI Standards - EDIFACTEDI Standards - EDIFACT

United Nations/Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport (UN/EDIFACT) is the international EDI standard developed under the United Nations (1980s ...)


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EDI Standards – ASC X12EDI Standards – ASC X12

ASC X 12 - U.S. national standards body for the development and maintenance of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standards. 1979s...

ISA*00* *00* *01*RECEIVERID *12*SENDERID *100325*1113*U*00403*000011436*0*T*>~GS*FA*RECEIVERID*SENDERID*20100325*1113*24712*X*004030~ST*997*1136~AK1*PO*142~

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TRADACOMS – Developed in the UK in the early 1980s

STX=ANA:1+5000000000000:SOME STORES LTD+5010000000000:SUPPLIER UK LTD+070315:130233+000007+PASSW+ORDHDR+B'MHD=1+ORDHDR:9'TYP=0430+NEW-ORDERS'SDT=5010000000000:000030034'CDT=5000000000000'

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EDI Standards – XMLEDI Standards – XML

XML – Extensible Markup Language(set of rules for encoding documents in machine-readable form)<Order Number=”4325432543”> <Sender> <Address>Main Str. 25, London</Address> </Sender> <LineItem> <Product> <Name>Rolls-Royce</Name>...

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EDI Standards - othersEDI Standards - others

A number of standards were developed in the 1980s in Europe ASIA etc. More modern sub-standards exist as variants of XML

• VDA – German automobile industry


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EDI Standards organizations - I EDI Standards organizations - I

EDI standards may be drafted at indurtry, national or international level

• UN/CEFACT - United Nations Center for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business - http://www.unece.org/cefact/

• ASC X12 - Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12, chartered by the American National Standards Institute - http://www.x12.org/

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EDI Standards organizations - II EDI Standards organizations - II

EDI standards may be drafted at indurtry, national or international level

• OASIS - Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards - http://www.oasis-open.org

• GS1 (EANCOM) - association dedicated to global standards to improve the efficiency of supply and demand chains

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EDI Standards organizations - III EDI Standards organizations - III

EDI standards may be drafted at indurtry, national or international level

• VDA - Verband der Automobilindustrie e., is a German interest group of the German automobile industry

• EIAJ - Electronic Industries Association of Japan (EIAJ) part of Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA).

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Example EDI interchangeExample EDI interchange

Based on an EDIFACT example, the most common messages types are related to processing ORDERS and INVOICES



Many different message types exist...

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Communications standards - ICommunications standards - I

EDI predated the internet explosion in the 1990s...

• Modems - 1970s-1990s (point to point communication between partners)

• ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network• X.25 – reliable WLAN protocol during 1980s

and early 1990s• OFTP/OFTP2 – FTP based transport protocols

that include features like encryption, compression etc

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Communications standards - IICommunications standards - II

More advanced communications were made possible by advances in the 1980s and later the internet...

• VANs - Value-added Network (hosted service offering that acts as an intermediary between business partners. Offers reliable messaging, auditing etc)

• AS1, AS2, AS3 – modern protocols offering encryption, reliability, disposition notifications etc based of SMTP, HTTP, FTP

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Communications standards - IIICommunications standards - III

Web services came along simplifying integration...

• Web Services/SOA – standards for system design providing greater interoperability and flexibility

• SOAP/WSDL/UDDI – technologies that implement SOA on the basis of HTTP(s), XML etc. that are most commonly used.

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B2B Gateway features - IB2B Gateway features - I

Modern B2B gateways need to support...

• SOA/ESB (enterprise service bus) Capabilities – suitable for integration of multiple services and their “orchestration” into larger more complex ones.

• BPEL - Business Process Execution Language. OASIS standard for “orchestration” of web services. Defines business processes composed of service interactions.

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B2B Gateway features - IIB2B Gateway features - II

Modern B2B gateways need to support...

• Communications support – all commonly used protocols.

• TPM (Trading Partner Management) and usability – centralized and easy to use interface that allows manipulation of all data relevant to trading partners (e.g. how to connect)

• Document/message tracking and audit functionality

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B2B Gateway features – IIIB2B Gateway features – III

EDI document conversion and mapping design capabilities..

• Should support all common data formats

• User-friendly mapping design

• Modular/reusable mappings for large deployments

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B2B Gateway Products (high end)B2B Gateway Products (high end)

High end B2B gateways have a comprehensive feature set...

• Biztalk Server (Microsoft)• XI eXchange Infrastructure (SAP)• Business Integration Server (Seeburger AG)• B2Bi (Axway)• B2B Integration (Sterling)• e-Commerce Gateway (Oracle)• others...

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B2B Gateway Products (low end)B2B Gateway Products (low end)

Low end products possess a subset of features making them applicable to small companies...

• Bots open source EDI translator - http://bots.sourceforge.net

• Webswell Business Hub (hosted), Websswell Connect and others (open source) - http://www.webswell.com

• Celtix: The Open Source Java Enterprise Service Bus - http://celtix.ow2.org

• Simpler tools, hosted solutions, SAS ...

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Example product – BOTS IExample product – BOTS I

BOTS is a free/open source EDI product suitable for small deployments

• Written in python and uses an embedded database or can use an external one

• Presents a relatively simple Web configuration interface to the user

• Customization involves programming/ scripting.

• Defines channels/routes/translations that can be scripted

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Example product – BOTS IIExample product – BOTS II




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EDI Implementation (large)EDI Implementation (large)

Project stages

• Business case analysis

• Product selection (features, cost)

• Process design and communications rollout

• Mapping design (high effort)

• Infrastructure, administration etc.

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EDI Implementation (small)EDI Implementation (small)

Project stages

• Business case analysis – usually requirements set by larger partners

• Product selection (features, cost) – choose a suitable cost effective product or develop something in-house

• Process design and communications rollout - simple

• Mapping design – a few mappings• Infrastructure, administration etc.

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EDI in Eastern Europe - IEDI in Eastern Europe - I

• EDI is typically shunned by small companies because of costs and perceived lack of real necessity

• EDI implementations typically come as a result of requirements by large companies (e.g. market chains) or western partners

• Lack of trained consultants on legacy standards like EDIFACT, ASC X12, VDA and similar that are demanded

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EDI in Eastern Europe - IIEDI in Eastern Europe - II

• Ad-hoc implementations that are easy starters but offer no flexibility later on

• Small ERP vendors aiming for customer lock-in

• Need for EDI questioned at a time of crisis by small companies

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Legal issues in EDILegal issues in EDI

• (Contract) Laws needed consistent with EDI (or need to back up EDI documents with paper ones, possibility of accumulation... )

• Legally binding contractual arrangements (Trading Partner Agreements, valid under contract law and based on EDI standards accepted as national standards - eases contractual disputes)

• Document retention policies, and use of third party mediators (VANs)

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