Effects ~!~~~~~. ofdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1950-54/50/1950-11-22.pdf ·...

I. :. , I \ ~ ; . J I , Patron is. Your Locll M.rch.nh Wreaths on Sale by Scouts Friday and Saturday the ~ Scouts of Troop 546 Will punch a new set of doorbells In Groae Pomte Woods to promote their sale of Christmas wreaths. Scout. are competlDg for the tItle "" "top salesman." Results of the first week's wor:tl, ta bulated by the committee charge found salesman num_ one to be James Ravel; numbc two 15 Conrad Istock and number three 15 a tIe between Staaler Antloscer and John Olmsted. "The fellows all have an .,.. on the prize, but more heartenmc to us, IS the satlsfact10n they .et from the splendId record of the group as a whole," saId Sc~ master Fred Olmsted The troop meets Thursday ."... nmgs at Grosse Pomte Woods Presbytenan Church, and is ope to all boys m the comrnumtJ'. 11 years and over. THE CITY OF DETROIT has al£o expressed approval of the plan, but facl1Jt1es for fiuonda. tIon may not be set up for two or three more years. About 18 months ago 11\ Grosse Pomte Farms. a committee was set up, composed of CitIZens, den- tists and coune1lmen, to study the program. In talung the lead In approving the f1uondabon of water supply the Farms becomes one of the first east Side mUD.1clpalItles to make the move. THE ANNUAL COST of till chemical, sodium sl1lcoftuoricle. II estImated at $500. The State Board of Health r.- cently approved the fluondatice plan after a careful study of the program beIng used lD Gnall., .•• Rapids. Health offiCials reported gol'!! results m the SIx-year test run In Grand Rapids. The recorda show that tooth decay was re. duced more than 50 percent 11\ chJ.ldren five years old or under. The Grosse Pomte Farm5 CounCIl Monday night put theIr stamp of approval on a plan for the flouridatlon O'f theIr water supply. The filter plant, which il l0- cated at Moross road aM Grosse POlllte boulevard. ill the source of water supply for some 17,000 reSIdents lIving ill the CIty of GroS6e Pomte, Gr~ POInte Shores and Grosse PoiMe Farms. According to a report by M.. ray H. SmIth, F~ E!1gmMlo the InstallatIOn of equipment wi11 take about SIX or elght weelIL The WIllIam A. LaDee bid b' Installatlon and eqwpment at • cost of approxImately $1,700 W. also approved at the meetmg. •• Married Set Slates Dance at Center Brother Gets Prison Term for Larcenv oJ A palr of brothers were con- victed. this week. by Judge Ira Jaynes on three charges of purse snatchIngl In Grosse Pomte Park RIchard ShIrk, 19, of 2561 An- derdon, was sentenced to 2 to 10 years in the State PrISon in Southern MIchigan, HIS brother Donald, 21, of 21311 Beechwood, East DetroIt, was given two YP;Jrs probabon and ordered to make restltubon of $125 The brothers were arraigned before Judge Joseph C. Belanger last February and the case was bound over for Clrl"\.lIt Court. Promote Uniform Ordinance Ghesquiere Effects To Retire Supplies ~!~~~~~. of 17,000 week that he would not seek re- election as President of Grosse POlDte Woods wben bls present term of offIce expires In Decem- ber Ghesqwere has served m a pub- hc office for the past 17 years For five years he wu a comrDlS- S10ner In 1938 GhesqUlere became the President of what was then called Lochmoor Village In 1939 the name of Lochmoor was dropped and the Village offlClally became Grosse POInte Woods. GhesqwePe, who reSides at 1772 Anita, IS an engmeer With the Umted States Rubber Co. A umform traffic code is being drawn up by the Auto- mobile Club of MichigjUl for the five Pointe Communities. The code will be patterned after the Model Traffic Ordi- nance drafted at the Presi- dent's Saiety Conference, at- tended by Judges, police chiefs and attorneys, in Washington, D.C. The rode WIll set up unlform traftlc laW6, mcludmg speed lim- . Its on busmesi and residential street&, uniform aiJDS, Signals and. road markings. According to George Measel, secretary of the Gr06Se Pomte Safety and TraffiC COmmISSIon and member of the Automobile Club of MlchJ.gan, the plan WIll be completed Wlthlh the next few weeks. Police chiefs and councils will then receIve copies of the code. Unuorm traffIC ordmances have been adopted In Hamtramck, Lansmg, Chicago and part of Il1lDOIS,and in DetrOIt. Measel Said the new ordmances would be flexlble and could be easlly adapted to the needs of each IndiVIdual Grosse Pomte murucipahty. New Directory for Pointers 'Readv Soon 01 A reVised dIrectory. Ilstmg an the orga11l7atlOns In Grosse POInte. P . F. d An evenmg 01 dancmg and i \VIII be publl~hed wlthm the olnter In S cards for married couples of 1 next few \\ l!'k~ by the Commu'l\- GrCK~e POInte has been planned I Ity CounCIl D H t for Frida), December 1. at 830 I Orgamzatlo",s which \\ere not eer un mg pm at the War MemOrial Center I prevlOus[v I.-ted m the directory Earl PerkIn's orchestra Will are urged to turn In the names G()()()' m Alaska I proVlde the musIc. There Will be "nd addre"cs of then prese"t Itable prIzes for the card plaver. preSident and sE'{:retary lnf0rma- One of Sgt BrYllOn C Sutton's and refr4!Shment8 Will be served tlnn I.!'beln~ gatherrd b" Forrest faVOrIte pistlmes I.!'deer hunting durm!! the evemng I Geary. Boord of Education of In Alaska Mr and Mr~ Lester M EllIott IGrCKse Pomte 389 5t ClaIr I Sutton, who ~ the !l\'In Gf Mr of McMillan road are chalrTnen I I and Mn: Clyde J Sutton of 11177of the party and the\" are beIng BEHIND PAGE 1 I BrY~ dn"e. recently spent the ll... ~IS!ed by Mr ann Mr. C W I weekend .~000 feet up on Ea~ll' Smlth of FI~hE'r rnad Dr and I !';ummltt 100 mJ1e~ north of Mr. Laurence Kimbrell of Wash I T'hZ.S TI7 e 'bk's Falrhank~ on the St~ High. n!!l'>n road, Mr Rnd Mr~ W 1 j YY l too I ",ay Hur.t Montee of McMillan road. 1 M- <lnd Mrs lAul~ L Hunt ,,1 Revt.ew The, Sf'rp;ranl who IS With the McKmlev road, MI llnd Mr« E A r Forcl' "'Ill have romplf'led J McKE'rn.m or \fcKm]E'v r0ac'li Thrift Shop ('Of1lpletp~ Tar hh threE' v"ar hllch on Janusn ~nrl Mr and :'.fr" Pnrter <:;troth!'r nn"e-Ston 1 He I' 11 .i"raduatp or GrooSl' ,f P!'mbprton TOild (;rn«-p POll"lf' Yacht Club b- P"mle H'!o:h !"hnol In 1<l47 "",0 r!'~e,\allon' <lr!' npeE'''''''. 'f' t'l n, ~,(\...~<:;ton i "Rp(en! n ctu (' ,C'nt h"mp h' hilt flll th!'r m(Nm'ltlon (an '"lr R,'r "P m.r< (on,ert-SlDI')' 5 .'tAn .,~.~~t" tr>"t 111~ o\'ll,l{~n 1',l'>('nrO'<i n\ r~I"ni! thp War I,." \po o\rf' Hnstll to M_ I huntmg "",r,ture.!' are profitAble Memorial Center. Tuxedo 1-11030 and WII Clu!>-S\Ory At, Bag of Deadly Tricks lClnefs Wam Winter Drivers About Bad Weather Travel PORTRAIT OF A PUppy A grun warnmg was given were ram, snow or al.eet on the Grosse POinte's dnvers today m wmdshleld." a speclAl statement by the Traf- The Trafflc Council also quoted fic and Safety Councll of Grosse National Safety CounCIl findmgs POlDte: lD talkmg about the dangers of "Wmter-and all the dangers slIppery road surfaces and bad that It bnngs to drIvers-IS WIth weather conditions. "An unfavor- us agllln. Indications of what we able road condlboD-wet, muddy, have in store for us this wmter snowy or ICy-was reported for Will soon be felt. We can't 19nore one out of five fatal aCCIdents. the obVIOUSmuch longerl" In one out of seven latal accI- The Grosse POInte pohce chIefs dents the wea~?er waa ramy, Cited two malor dangers Winter foggy or snowy. consIStently pulls from lts bag of The chiefs of polIce pomted deadly tncks to confound the un- out that the adverse weather con. wary motorISt-reduced VISIbilIty dltlOns Cited In these figures and sl1ppery roads. match perfectly WIth Gr06Se ~Durmg an average year, the Pomte's run-of-the-null winter NatIOnal Safety Council tells us, weather forecasts. the dr1Ver's vIsion was lound to They war ned motonsts to have been obstructed 10 one out check the safety eqwpment on of five fatal aCCIdents. Of these, their cars. NOW-before wmter obscurements about two-fifths settles down With a real ven- ___________________________ geance. Partlcular empha.sJ& was laid on the follOWIng mecharucal mechanIcal features and equip- ment necessary for safe driVIng: 1. EqualIzed brakes. 2. Good t1res. 3. Tue chams. 4 BrIght, well aimed lIghts. 5 Defrosten. 6 Heater. Although the hazarcU of WIn- ter drIvmg should not be mlrn- mlzed, a dead-pan fatalum on the part of dnvers does not help the situation. "It pays to be a httle 6Cared of wmter dnvmg," he said, "but the only real solution to keepmg safe durmg these months bes In fore- Sighted, shrewd preparation for tne conditIOns to be encountered. and In dnvmg slowly ... and bemg sure to follow the safe dnv- 109 slogan lor November-"Be- ware of the Careles.. Walker" After the drawmg of the Po- lke and FIre AssOCIation's bene- fIt, 25 locahtles received turkeys for thelr ThanksgiVIng dmner tables. Jules Deraedt stated that the ASSOCiatIonwas very grateful for the success of the drawmg. Turkey wmners are: Norman Boardman, 560 Cadieux, Mrs. P Barnard, 16839 E Jefferson; W. K. Gremer, 16830 Village Lane, Mary Bums, 679 Rivard; Cornell Bock, 855 Neff; Susan Whitehead, 263 Rosevelt PI.. and Theresa Permo, 780 Neff. Others are: John Applegate, 862 Loraine; Douglas Campbell, 6 Rathbone PI; Thomas Kelley, (Continued 011 Page 3) 25 Are Turkey Winners Grosse Pointe's Newspaper for More Than 23 Years , liThe American seeks no special intercession in giving thanks; he thanks God on this day out of the fullness of his heart." \/ 0 _')1~ t!'fL. t 7rI.. A PROCLAMATI N / lA, \ :A\\t.",,, '}CIPfa By the President of the United States .. m JI._Mf,~-; .. inn (/)nll - 1950 ~ ~~ ""lll IUA.I~--r --r ~ , ;/7" •~ ~ """' 1I~ In keepmg WIth the custom establahed by our forefathers ~ M~t ::_:-~__ .;'. \;''' .. '. ~. and hallowed by faithful observance throughout the years, It ~, . ~. _. . t ~ IS fitting that once agam at thu season we set asIde a day for gIVIng thanks to God for the many blessmgs which He has •• bestowed upon us. \,.~~. We are deeply ~rateful for the bountaes of our SOlI.for the ).; unequaled productIon of our nunes and factones, and for all the vast resources of our beloved country, which have enal>led our cltlzens to buIld a great civllIzation. We are thankful for the enjoyment of our personal lIberties and for the loyalty of our fellow AmeriCans. We offer fervent thanks that we are pnV1leged to Jom With other countries In the work of the Uruted NatIOns, which was founded to malDtam peace In a troubled world and IS now standing firm In uphordmg the princlples of internatIonal JUS- tice Contemplating these blessmgs Wlth humllIty, we have a deepened sense of our responslbllity to serve unselfishly and we pray to Alnughty God for WISdom In our relatiOns With our fellow men. Now, therefore, I, H"rry S Truman, PreSident of the Umted States of Amenca, In conformance WIth the Jomt resolution of Congress approved December 26, 1941, deSignating the fourth Thursday of November In each year as ThanksgiVIng Day, do hereby proclaim Thursday, November 23, 1950, a day of natIonal thanksglvmg, and I call upon every cltlzen to offer thanks to God for IDs gracIous guidance and help. Agaln I ask all my countrymen to appeal to the Most Hlgh, that the God of our fathers who has blessed Uus land beyond all others WIll m his mfinite mercy grant to all nations that peace which a world cannot give. I entreat them, m Church, chapel, and syna- gogue, ill theIr homes and In the busy walks of hie, every day and everywhere, to pray for peace. In WItness whereQf. I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Umted States of AmerIca to be affIXed Done at the CIty of Washington thIS nmeteenth day of Oc- tober m the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and fifty, and of the mdependence of the Uwted States of Amenca the one hundred and seventy-fifth. HARRY S. TRUMAN By the Preludent: Dean. Aebeson, Seeretary of State. Jm:-19--:;fiii•• ~2i77--:--(c:"jIO;Rc;::"iU"LA"7TT";';IO:::'N7""::'PA~':-::D-M~O-N-T-HL-V-----GR-O-S-S-E-PO-I-N-T-E-, -Ml-C-H-I-G-A-N-,-W-E-O-N-E-S-O-A-Y-, -N-O-V-E-M-B-~-R-2-2.-1-9-50------------G-R-O-SS-E -P-O-IN-T-e-3-0-, -M-I-CH-IGA-N--V-A-. -2--'-'6-2 GrOl1l Poh\l.'. First New.pap.r OINIE ARAGRAPHS "" !'Ia\ ma<tpr of 1041 Q lon. rep"rt('d tn Filrm< ~ ih,,! '1('r pur'p \\a, .tnl. n Ill' v. a. ilt th" ('hll.t Ha7ri 0 r );>..t Thll r,<l~\ ..,"\ l'la_ler \I Jl0 \\d< ~ \\ 0rk('r ,;I rl \or p l "c -.~ ~"nll. "VI ,n funrl~ C0j , " 'r" B'l7aar by The Pointer red Wolf of WXYZ IS call- Swampy Joe on hlS morn- diSC Jockey shOW for a on When he was a hfe Id many year~ ago at one the GlOsse Pomte beaches, picked up qUIte a tan, and n looked so much hke an Ian that Ed Wernet, Grosse Ie Hl,gh School's football ch. started callIng hlm mp) Joe, and tan or no the name has stuck. ~ .... unday evenmg Mrs Henry JOV Will honor a pair of tr~ al tlsts at a dmner tv In her home on Lake ;e road The 111ustrlous sls "Ill be the two greats, red Lunt and Lynn Fon- e Among the localltes o Will meet the stage fig- S at Mrs Joy's party are and Mrs Henry B. Joy, Mr and Mrs. John N d, Mr and Mrs. Herbert e, Mr. and Mrs James illlan, Mr and Mrs. Rich- P Joy, Jr" and Mr. and George N. Munro III. here IS a red face in the ms PolIce Department. The 1m son countenance was n by the gendarme who d a dead battery In !us Monday evemng The of- r shyly begged for a hft e after leavmg his car ts on durmg the day. e Saturday afternoon ma- was an expenslve propo- on for Wlll1am Donahue, 1324 Balfour. Billy parked bIcycle in front of the ma at 1 p.rn. to see the vie When he returned, hili e was gone and so were "Turkey That Is" happy spmts. methm; ~e~ has been Localites Bring Home Bacon ed to the Clty PolIce De- tmenl Chief Thomas Trom- from Firemen's Benefit IS wearmg a new fur e between !us nose and Through the courtesy of the Thanksgiving par t y • WIth er IIp The addition 15 re- Grosse Pcmte Park Flrefight- smllmg faces. led to be the latest fashIOn ers Association five Pomters H. S. Ingleton, of 1058 Au- moustaches. f h returned home rom t e pre- dubon, won the first prIze of COUSlDof famed Gordon 1a televlSlon set in the grand Rae. co-star of "Look for Cornerstone drawmg, SlIver Luung" IS a young Other WInners are C. Wexton, Ident of Grosse Pomte. She of 1101 Beaconsfield, a Sunbeam Peggy Young, a Grosse To Be Laid Coffeymaker, and Terry Plet, of mte HIgh School student. ' 11245 Audubon, a Sunbeam MIX- F Ch l master. · S d or ape Two turkeys were awarded arme pen s Paul A Raupagh, of 1331 Somer- The cornerstone for the new set, and Ed Lacombe, of 1169 nk .. 5t Michael's C hap eI ChrISt Maryland. a sglvmg Church ParISh, Will be laId at a Proceeds from the party were .hF il ceremony on Saturday, Novem- donated to the firemen', Sick and It am y ber 25 at 3 pm. death benefit fund. The Rl Rev Russell S Hub- ------ c Wesley T. Barr, 20, Will be bard, D D, Suffragan BIShop of J ide dmg ThanksgIvmg With hIS I Michigan. Will offiCiate and Will oyr rs Iy before leavmg for over-I be assisted by Dr. J. Clemens duty. Kolb Rector of Christ Church; B C rry. son of Mr and Mrs. the Rev. Edgar Yeoman, Vicar of orrow ar, uel R Barr, of 1866 Lancas-I St Michael's, the Rev Henry attended Grosse Pomte High I Shernl. Curate of the ParIsh; the 1 Empty Tank 01 and was a star football I Rev Wilham Wood, Rector of the I baseball player at Denby Church of the MeSSiah and Dean A stolen car was taken And v. orked In industnal rela- of the East SIde Convocation, thp returned all lD one evemng much o at Hudson Motor Car com-I Rev Wilham B Sperry. Rector of to the surprIse of polIce and the before JOInIng the Mannes Christ Churc h, DetrOIt, and owner, August. Iothers Saturday eve nIng Wesley rr tnok hiS baSIC traInIng at I Those takmg part In the 1m- Brush, of 1003 BuckIngham, re- '" Island, South CarolIna. I pressl,e ceremony of placmg the ported that hiS 1950 convertible FoundatIOn Symbols In the cor- had been taken from hIS back ner"tone al e Dr John Mateer, yard. r . W. Jumor Warden of the ParIsh, At mldmght Brush called po- lze lnner Aaron Evans. Nelson Fisher, Jo- hce to tell them hiS car had seph Jennmgs and WillIam Mc- been returned and was parked etufns Home Queen. In front of a nelp;hbor's house. The con~truchon of the church. The )ovrlders used approxl* , ."lout Loot located on Sunmngdale Drive In I mately half a tank of gas, polIce Gros<e pomte Woods I' well un- I said CK'" prIze v.Inner return I'd dl'r way and should be completed f m the late .pr1l1p; The firm of D J AV o \ ~~;;a ~a(rf:-~hank.glVlng Glffels ilnd Vallet are architects r. ance for the bUlldmg and the Indus- Dflnah.le left h,. car th T Add ,, n front of the Bluehlll trial Con<trucllon Compan\', e 0 ress ~~ \1l\ck and St Clair for bUlldt'r' \ : ~;:.ut:h~o~~; e~~m;:4 Kan-s-a-s-E-n-rolls \Culver fAldel~ found hi. package. p;one Culver J'.hlttarv o\cadcmy In " °c returned The. contalll- I T p. t. rndlana hac few traditions that I ' • bnUT!'. f'lf liquor three: \\'0 0111el S are a. rf'Hrf'd and c(lnsl.tentlv :"1' and Iv-o car <p(lthghl. : ' ct '1' f '11 (Jlfl,'e antlc,potN\ a<; I' thf' annual • parkl"d nearb •. hp,onjZ- P T\;~ a ~ u 'l~0n~ thp 75'11 en- IThan)...'1l1\In,:: Da\ chopel 'ermCln Harrv Hudson nf 'lR6 I om .'" t'n \ er' 1\ of Kan- IprE'3chpd In Dt'tro!t. Dr Jo.eph , na l'e "as minus f(lur hub I rnJIf'd a, t e , .. p A VancE' pa.tor emPTltus of the s< th,' ''1'1 Thc\ ar!' r~<l\V n , (" , , r'I\C!' ."lId '.' :o~ L ' 'nn "allv I Flr<! Pre.h, tPrIan hurch I~ '\ ark< "10') Inro n .., 'J<ib .~nn \fcKe'nan ~24 "cK nIp, _F"f'T\ ",'~r <111_C!' 1923. Dr I '! • I' a II:la'1.a'~ <'ul'l~nt m I\ an,!, nm, O\PT lb \!'ars of lll(e. ~ntn~~lnllv ~nn \1« 'frKernan he' f~,NI lh~ 1>:;0Cnh!'r c~c'll'ts - • ~ 'rp;r.."ar 0 ,"!' C" ,rill' (If ~nn t'lr 1 p~l!'nf. to rl '('Il" \I Ith L Mr~1 0\ '. ~nn " '1'1' r< • em tI C <lI;:nlfrln(!' of Th~nk. Thf' to' ~] fOn rr '~rnt reprl"- .£1\ In g In ~ \\ nl In I kp our' t a n ,,1' 1 me h ~h n .£I'n- <"lurlenl' "I Clllvf'r (10m thc 1 -- ... pn " ...) h 11 h rJ'llo1u I,,, J( '" t ]1 X H R ...S ~,aphll ~ rl <tr hill "n Tamr' K Gr,,'~(' h mtf' are~_\\ 0 v. 1 !'ilr Through the good work of the Women's Auxi harv II,'t r<'i:1 ',~r. 'il" DI \ilnl'<') \l1 hl~t~h (h"~;r; ~~O' of the M1C'hl~an Human!' Soclf:'tv thiS pupp\' and hundreds ) hel r ~-e ,tll"'" f 'Tn' e\ n r~, ~ , Rill ('Tt ..' c"nn K I of (11)('[<; '11<;1hk~ him will ha\(' bt'!tE'r carl' and rronl'r 11("" (~(l (l\ r ('Ilun (' 17" t',- K1n'~' 1":\ (""te' 1~~"" ~h (, ., H' n \\ I I~ rl II tl( <!Im('nl ThE' A\l'llJan \\ill 'pon<;or a Chn<;\mil<; f'alr J) I ',l '~( Il r ),.,:, n lc _ Jlll::rn lH \, ~41 I 1,( P '1I11r 11 rI (In SalurCll\ ;0..0\ ('mh .. r 2") ilt HilC kf'tl Fldrl H"u<;~' Plt- ;~',::" I" ,,"r 'hp ('(n- H.,hfll \\ ~ar,,, .• ,F, lIamp , n ).., "l.l TL.rd. fr"m l2'~ F n'1"l I'rn('nrr!<; ,\,11 '!l'lIp::ln f ne!'I~1 Lo;11f''l s.~'(" Ro~d lout-patIent chmc at the socIety s shelter, i401 Richmond. ',ipf Invades ""rch Bazaar

Transcript of Effects ~!~~~~~. ofdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1950-54/50/1950-11-22.pdf ·...

Page 1: Effects ~!~~~~~. ofdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1950-54/50/1950-11-22.pdf · One of Sgt BrYllOn C Sutton's and refr4!Shment8 Will be served tlnn I.!'beln~ gatherrd



\ ~; .

J I,

Patron is.


Locll M.rch.nh

Wreathson Saleby Scouts

Friday and Saturday the ~Scouts of Troop 546 Will puncha new set of doorbells In GroaePomte Woods to promote theirsale of Christmas wreaths. Scout.are competlDg for the tItle """top salesman."

Results of the first week's wor:tl,ta bulated by the committee •charge found salesman num_one to be James Ravel; numbctwo 15 Conrad Istock and numberthree 15 a tIe between StaalerAntloscer and John Olmsted.

"The fellows all have an .,..on the prize, but more heartenmcto us, IS the satlsfact10n they .etfrom the splendId record of thegroup as a whole," saId Sc~master Fred Olmsted

The troop meets Thursday ."...nmgs at Grosse Pomte WoodsPresbytenan Church, and is opeto all boys m the comrnumtJ'. 11years and over.

THE CITY OF DETROIT hasal£o expressed approval of theplan, but facl1Jt1es for fiuonda.tIon may not be set up for two orthree more years.

About 18 months ago 11\ GrossePomte Farms. a committee wasset up, composed of CitIZens, den-tists and coune1lmen, to study theprogram.

In talung the lead In approvingthe f1uondabon of water supplythe Farms becomes one of thefirst east Side mUD.1clpalItles tomake the move.

THE ANNUAL COST of tillchemical, sodium sl1lcoftuoricle. IIestImated at $500.

The State Board of Health r.-cently approved the fluondaticeplan after a careful study of theprogram beIng used lD Gnall., .••Rapids.

Health offiCials reported gol'!!results m the SIx-year test runIn Grand Rapids. The recordashow that tooth decay was re.duced more than 50 percent 11\chJ.ldren five years old or under.

• • •

The Grosse Pomte Farm5CounCIl Monday night puttheIr stamp of approval on aplan for the flouridatlon O'ftheIr water supply.

The filter plant, which il l0-cated at Moross road aMGrosse POlllte boulevard. illthe source of water supply forsome 17,000 reSIdents lIving illthe CIty of GroS6e Pomte, Gr~POInte Shores and Grosse PoiMeFarms.

According to a report by M..ray H. SmIth, F~ E!1gmMlothe InstallatIOn of equipment wi11take about SIX or elght weelILThe WIllIam A. LaDee bid b'Installatlon and eqwpment at •cost of approxImately $1,700 W.also approved at the meetmg.• • •

Married SetSlates Danceat Center

Brother GetsPrison Termfor Larcenv


A palr of brothers were con-victed. this week. by Judge IraJaynes on three charges of pursesnatchIngl In Grosse Pomte Park

RIchard ShIrk, 19, of 2561 An-derdon, was sentenced to 2 to 10years in the State PrISon inSouthern MIchigan, HIS brotherDonald, 21, of 21311 Beechwood,East DetroIt, was given two YP;Jrsprobabon and ordered to makerestltubon of $125

The brothers were arraignedbefore Judge Joseph C. Belangerlast February and the case wasbound over for Clrl"\.lIt Court.


Ghesquiere EffectsTo Retire Supplies~!~~~~~.of 17,000week that he would not seek re-election as President of GrossePOlDte Woods wben bls presentterm of offIce expires In Decem-ber

Ghesqwere has served m a pub-hc office for the past 17 yearsFor five years he wu a comrDlS-S10ner

In 1938 GhesqUlere becamethe President of what was thencalled Lochmoor Village In 1939the name of Lochmoor wasdropped and the Village offlClallybecame Grosse POInte Woods.

GhesqwePe, who reSides at1772 Anita, IS an engmeer Withthe Umted States Rubber Co.

A umform traffic code isbeing drawn up by the Auto-mobile Club of MichigjUl forthe five Pointe Communities.

The code will be patternedafter the Model Traffic Ordi-nance drafted at the Presi-dent's Saiety Conference, at-tended by Judges, police chiefsand attorneys, in Washington,D.C.

The rode WIll set up unlformtraftlc laW6, mcludmg speed lim-

. Its on busmesi and residentialstreet&, uniform aiJDS, Signals and.road markings.

According to George Measel,secretary of the Gr06Se PomteSafety and TraffiC COmmISSIonand member of the AutomobileClub of MlchJ.gan, the plan WIllbe completed Wlthlh the next fewweeks.

Police chiefs and councils willthen receIve copies of the code.

Unuorm traffIC ordmances havebeen adopted In Hamtramck,Lansmg, Chicago and part ofIl1lDOIS,and in DetrOIt.

Measel Said the new ordmanceswould be flexlble and could beeaslly adapted to the needs ofeach IndiVIdual Grosse Pomtemurucipahty.

New Directoryfor Pointers'Readv Soon

01A reVised dIrectory. Ilstmg an

the orga11l7atlOns In Grosse POInte.

P. F. d An evenmg 01 dancmg and i \VIII be publl~hed wlthm theolnter In S cards for married couples of 1 next few \\ l!'k~ by the Commu'l\-

GrCK~e POInte has been planned I Ity CounCIl

D H t• for Frida), December 1. at 830 I Orgamzatlo",s which \\ere noteer un mg pm at the War MemOrial Center IprevlOus[v I.-ted m the directory

• Earl PerkIn's orchestra Will are urged to turn In the namesG()()()' m Alaska I proVlde the musIc. There Will be "nd addre"cs of then prese"tI table prIzes for the card plaver. preSident and sE'{:retary lnf0rma-

One of Sgt BrYllOn C Sutton's and refr4!Shment8 Will be served tlnn I.!'beln~ gatherrd b" ForrestfaVOrIte pistlmes I.!'deer hunting durm!! the evemng I Geary. Boord of Education ofIn Alaska Mr and Mr~ Lester M EllIott IGrCKse Pomte 389 5t ClaIr

I Sutton, who ~ the !l\'In Gf Mr of McMillan road are chalrTnen II and Mn: Clyde J Sutton of 11177of the party and the\" are beIng BEHIND PAGE 1I BrY~ dn"e. recently spent the ll....~IS!ed by Mr ann Mr. C W I

weekend .~000 feet up on Ea~ll' Smlth of FI~hE'r rnad Dr andI !';ummltt 100 mJ1e~ north of Mr. Laurence Kimbrell of Wash I T'hZ.S TI7e'bk'sFalrhank~ on the St~ High. n!!l'>n road, Mr Rnd Mr~ W 1 j YY l tooI ",ay Hur.t Montee of McMillan road.


M- <lnd Mrs lAul~ L Hunt ,,1 Revt.ewThe, Sf'rp;ranl who IS With the McKmlev road, MI llnd Mr« E

A r Forcl' "'Ill have romplf'led J McKE'rn.m or \fcKm]E'v r0ac'li Thrift Shop ('Of1lpletp~ Tarhh threE' v"ar hllch on Janusn ~nrl Mr and :'.fr" Pnrter <:;troth!'r nn"e-Ston1 He I' 11 .i"raduatp or GrooSl' ,f P!'mbprton TOild (;rn«-p POll"lf' Yacht Club b-P"mle H'!o:h !"hnol In 1<l47 "",0 r!'~e,\allon' <lr!' npeE'''''''. 'f' t'l n, ~,(\...~<:;toni "Rp(en! n ctu (' ,C'nt h"mp h' hilt flll th!'r m(Nm'ltlon (an '"lr R,'r "P m.r< (on,ert-SlDI')'5 .'tAn .,~.~~t" tr>"t 111~ o\'ll,l{~n 1',l'>('nrO'<in\ r~I"ni! thp War I,." \po o\rf' Hnstll to M_

I huntmg "",r,ture.!' are profitAble Memorial Center. Tuxedo 1-11030 and WII Clu!>-S\Ory

At, Bag of Deadly Tricks

lClnefs Wam Winter DriversAbout Bad Weather Travel


A grun warnmg was given were ram, snow or al.eet on theGrosse POinte's dnvers today m wmdshleld."a speclAl statement by the Traf- The Trafflc Council also quotedfic and Safety Councll of Grosse National Safety CounCIl findmgsPOlDte: lD talkmg about the dangers of

"Wmter-and all the dangers slIppery road surfaces and badthat It bnngs to drIvers-IS WIth weather conditions. "An unfavor-us agllln. Indications of what we able road condlboD-wet, muddy,have in store for us this wmter snowy or ICy-was reported forWill soon be felt. We can't 19nore one out of five fatal aCCIdents.the obVIOUSmuch longerl" In one out of seven latal accI-

The Grosse POInte pohce chIefs dents the wea~?er waa ramy,Cited two malor dangers Winter foggy or snowy.consIStently pulls from lts bag of The chiefs of polIce pomteddeadly tncks to confound the un- out that the adverse weather con.wary motorISt-reduced VISIbilIty dltlOns Cited In these figuresand sl1ppery roads. match perfectly WIth Gr06Se

~Durmg an average year, the Pomte's run-of-the-null winterNatIOnal Safety Council tells us, weather forecasts.the dr1Ver's vIsion was lound to They war n e d motonsts tohave been obstructed 10 one out check the safety eqwpment onof five fatal aCCIdents. Of these, their cars. NOW-before wmterobscurements about two-fifths settles down With a real ven-___________________________ geance. Partlcular empha.sJ& was

laid on the follOWIng mecharucalmechanIcal features and equip-ment necessary for safe driVIng:

1. EqualIzed brakes.2. Good t1res.3. Tue chams.4 BrIght, well aimed lIghts.5 Defrosten.6 Heater.Although the hazarcU of WIn-

ter drIvmg should not be mlrn-mlzed, a dead-pan fatalum onthe part of dnvers does not helpthe situation.

"It pays to be a httle 6Cared ofwmter dnvmg," he said, "but theonly real solution to keepmg safedurmg these months bes In fore-Sighted, shrewd preparation fortne conditIOns to be encountered.and In dnvmg slowly ... andbemg sure to follow the safe dnv-109 slogan lor November-"Be-ware of the Careles.. Walker"

After the drawmg of the Po-lke and FIre AssOCIation's bene-fIt, 25 locahtles received turkeysfor thelr ThanksgiVIng dmnertables.

Jules Deraedt stated that theASSOCiatIonwas very grateful forthe success of the drawmg.

Turkey wmners are: NormanBoardman, 560 Cadieux, Mrs. PBarnard, 16839 E Jefferson; W.K. Gremer, 16830 Village Lane,Mary Bums, 679 Rivard; CornellBock, 855 Neff; Susan Whitehead,263 Rosevelt PI.. and TheresaPermo, 780 Neff.

Others are: John Applegate,862 Loraine; Douglas Campbell,6 Rathbone PI; Thomas Kelley,

(Continued 011 Page 3)

25 AreTurkeyWinners

Grosse Pointe's Newspaper for More Than 23 Years

,liThe American seeks no special intercession in giving thanks; hethanks God on this day out of the fullness of his heart."

\/ 0_')1~ t!'fL. t 7rI.. A PROCLAMATI N/ lA, \ :A\\t.",,, '}CIPfa By the President of the United States.. m JI._Mf,~-; ..inn (/)nll - 1950

~~~ ""lll IUA.I~--r --r

~ , ;/7" • ~ ~ """' 1I~ In keepmg WIth the custom establahed by our forefathers

~M~t ::_:-~__.;'.\;'''..'. ~. and hallowed by faithful observance throughout the years, It

~, . ~. _. . t ~ IS fitting that once agam at thu season we set asIde a day forgIVIng thanks to God for the many blessmgs which He has

•• bestowed upon us.\,.~~. We are deeply ~rateful for the bountaes of our SOlI. for the).; unequaled productIon of our nunes and factones, and for all

the vast resources of our beloved country, which have enal>ledour cltlzens to buIld a great civllIzation. We are thankful forthe enjoyment of our personal lIberties and for the loyalty ofour fellow AmeriCans.

We offer fervent thanks that we are pnV1leged to Jom Withother countries In the work of the Uruted NatIOns, which wasfounded to malDtam peace In a troubled world and IS nowstanding firm In uphordmg the princlples of internatIonal JUS-tice

Contemplating these blessmgs Wlth humllIty, we have adeepened sense of our responslbllity to serve unselfishly andwe pray to Alnughty God for WISdom In our relatiOns Withour fellow men.

Now, therefore, I, H"rry S Truman, PreSident of the UmtedStates of Amenca, In conformance WIth the Jomt resolution ofCongress approved December 26, 1941, deSignating the fourthThursday of November In each year as ThanksgiVIng Day, dohereby proclaim Thursday, November 23, 1950, a day ofnatIonal thanksglvmg, and I call upon every cltlzen to offerthanks to God for IDs gracIous guidance and help. Agaln I askall my countrymen to appeal to the Most Hlgh, that the Godof our fathers who has blessed Uus land beyond all others WIllm his mfinite mercy grant to all nations that peace which aworld cannot give. I entreat them, m Church, chapel, and syna-gogue, ill theIr homes and In the busy walks of hie, everyday and everywhere, to pray for peace.

In WItness whereQf. I have hereunto set my hand and causedthe seal of the Umted States of AmerIca to be affIXed

Done at the CIty of Washington thIS nmeteenth day of Oc-tober m the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and fifty, andof the mdependence of the Uwted States of Amenca the onehundred and seventy-fifth.

HARRY S. TRUMANBy the Preludent:Dean. Aebeson, Seeretary of State.

Jm:-19--:;fiii•• ~2i77--:--(c:"jIO;Rc;::"iU"LA"7TT";';IO:::'N7""::'PA~':-::D-M~O-N-T-HL-V-----GR-O-S-S-E-PO-I-N-T-E-,-Ml-C-H-I-G-A-N-,-W-E-O-N-E-S-O-A-Y-,-N-O-V-E-M-B-~-R-2-2.-1-9-50------------G-R-O-SS-E -P-O-IN-T-e-3-0-,-M-I-CH-IGA-N--V-A-. -2--'-'6-2

GrOl1l Poh\l.'.First



"" !'Ia\ ma<tpr of 1041Qlon. rep"rt('d tn Filrm<

~ ih,,! '1('r pur'p \\a, .tnl. nIll' v. a. ilt th" ('hll.tHa7ri 0 r );>..t Thll r,<l~\..,"\ l'la_ler \I Jl0 \\d< ~

\\ 0rk('r ,;I rl \or p l "c-.~ ~"nll. "VI ,n funrl~ C0j

, " 'r" B'l7aar

by The Pointerred Wolf of WXYZ IS call-Swampy Joe on hlS morn-diSC Jockey shOW for aon When he was a hfeId many year~ ago at onethe GlOsse Pomte beaches,picked up qUIte a tan, andn looked so much hke anIan that Ed Wernet, GrosseIe Hl,gh School's football

ch. started callIng hlmmp) Joe, and tan or nothe name has stuck.~ ....

unday evenmg Mrs HenryJOV Will honor a pair oftr~ al tlsts at a dmner

tv In her home on Lake;e road The 111ustrloussls "Ill be the two greats,red Lunt and Lynn Fon-e Among the localltes

o Will meet the stage fig-S at Mrs Joy's party are

and Mrs Henry B. Joy,Mr and Mrs. John N

d, Mr and Mrs. Herberte, Mr. and Mrs Jamesilllan, Mr and Mrs. Rich-P Joy, Jr" and Mr. andGeorge N. Munro III.

• • •here IS a red face in thems PolIce Department. The1m son countenance wasn by the gendarme whod a dead battery In !usMonday evemng The of-

r shyly begged for a hfte after leavmg his carts on durmg the day.• • •e Saturday afternoon ma-was an expenslve propo-

on for Wlll1am Donahue,1324 Balfour. Billy parkedbIcycle in front of the

ma at 1 p.rn. to see thevie When he returned, hilie was gone and so were "Turkey That Is"happy spmts.

methm; ~e~ has been Localites Bring Home Baconed to the Clty PolIce De-tmenl Chief Thomas Trom- from Firemen's Benefit

IS wearmg a new fure between !us nose and Through the courtesy of the Thanksgiving par t y • WIther IIp The addition 15 re- Grosse Pcmte Park Flrefight- smllmg faces.led to be the latest fashIOn ers Association five Pomters H. S. Ingleton, of 1058 Au-moustaches. f h• • • returned home rom t e pre- dubon, won the first prIze of

COUSlDof famed Gordon 1a televlSlon set in the grand

Rae. co-star of "Look for Cornerstone drawmg,SlIver Luung" IS a young Other WInners are C. Wexton,

Ident of Grosse Pomte. She • of 1101 Beaconsfield, a SunbeamPeggy Young, a Grosse To Be Laid Coffeymaker, and Terry Plet, of

mte HIgh School student. ' 11245 Audubon, a Sunbeam MIX-

F Ch l master.· S d or ape Two turkeys were awardedarme pen s Paul A Raupagh, of 1331 Somer-The cornerstone for the new set, and Ed Lacombe, of 1169

nk .. 5t Michael's C hap e I ChrISt Maryland.a sglvmg Church ParISh, Will be laId at a Proceeds from the party were. h F il ceremony on Saturday, Novem- donated to the firemen', Sick andIt am y ber 25 at 3 pm. death benefit fund.The Rl Rev Russell S Hub- ------

c Wesley T. Barr, 20, Will be bard, D D, Suffragan BIShop of J idedmg ThanksgIvmg With hIS IMichigan. Will offiCiate and Will oyr rsIy before leavmg for over-I be assisted by Dr. J. Clemensduty. Kolb Rector of Christ Church; B Crry. son of Mr and Mrs. the Rev. Edgar Yeoman, Vicar of orrow ar,uel R Barr, of 1866 Lancas-I St Michael's, the Rev Henryattended Grosse Pomte High I Shernl. Curate of the ParIsh; the 1 Empty Tank01 and was a star football IRev Wilham Wood, Rector of the Ibaseball player at Denby Church of the MeSSiah and Dean A stolen car was taken And

v. orked In industnal rela- of the East SIde Convocation, thp returned all lD one evemng mucho at Hudson Motor Car com-I Rev Wilham B Sperry. Rector of to the surprIse of polIce and the

before JOInIng the Mannes Christ C h u r c h, DetrOIt, and owner,August. Iothers Saturday eve n I n g Wesleyrr tnok hiS baSIC traInIng at I Those takmg part In the 1m- Brush, of 1003 BuckIngham, re-'" Island, South CarolIna. I pressl,e ceremony of placmg the ported that hiS 1950 convertible

FoundatIOn Symbols In the cor- had been taken from hIS backner"tone al e Dr John Mateer, yard.

r. W. Jumor Warden of the ParIsh, At mldmght Brush called po-lze lnner Aaron Evans. Nelson Fisher, Jo- hce to tell them hiS car hadseph Jennmgs and WillIam Mc- been returned and was parkedetufns Home Queen. In front of a nelp;hbor's house.

The con~truchon of the church. The )ovrlders used approxl*

,."lout Loot located on Sunmngdale Drive In I mately half a tank of gas, polIceGros<e pomte Woods I' well un- I said

CK'" prIze v.Inner return I'd dl'r way and should be completedf m the late .pr1l1p; The firm of D J A V

o \ ~~;;a ~a(rf:-~hank.glVlng Glffels ilnd Vallet are architects r. • • ancefor the bUlldmg and the Indus-

Dflnah.le left h,. car th T Add, , n front of the Bluehlll trial Con<trucllon Compan\', e 0 ress~~ \1l\ck and St Clair for bUlldt'r' \

: ~;:.ut:h~o~~; e~~m;:4 Kan-s-a-s-E-n-rolls \Culver fAldel~found hi. package. p;one Culver J'.hlttarv o\cadcmy In

" °c returned The. contalll- I T p. t. rndlana hac few traditions that I' • bnUT!'. f'lf liquor three: \\'0 0111el S are a. rf'Hrf'd and c(lnsl.tentlv

:"1' and Iv-o car <p(lthghl. : ' ct '1' f '11 (Jlfl,'e antlc,potN\ a<; I' thf' annual• parkl"d nearb •. hp,onjZ- P T\;~ a ~ u 'l~0n~ thp 75'11 en- IThan)...'1l1\In,:: Da\ chopel 'ermCln

Harrv Hudson nf 'lR6 I om .'" t'n \ er' 1\ of Kan- IprE'3chpd In Dt'tro!t. Dr Jo.eph, na l'e "as minus f(lur hub I rnJIf'd a, t e , .. p A VancE' pa.tor emPTltus of thes< th,' ''1'1 Thc\ ar!' r~<l\V n , (" ,

, r'I\C!' ."lId '.' :o~ L ' 'nn "allv I Flr<! Pre.h, tPrIan hurch I ~'\ ark< "10') Inro n .., 'J<ib.~nn \fcKe'nan ~24 "cK nIp, _F"f'T\ ",'~r <111_C!'1923. Dr I

'! • I' a II:la'1.a'~ <'ul'l~nt m I \ an,!, nm, O\PT lb \!'ars of lll(e.~ntn~~lnllv ~nn \1« 'frKernan he' f~,NI lh~ 1>:;0Cnh!'r c~c'll'ts -• ~ 'rp;r.."ar 0 ,"!' C" ,rill' (If ~nn t'lr 1 p~l!'nf. to rl '('Il" \I Ith

L Mr~1 0\ '. ~nn " '1'1' r< • em tI C <lI;:nlfrln(!' of Th~nk.Thf' to' ~] fOnrr '~rnt reprl"- .£1\ In g In ~ \\ nl In I kp our't an ,,1' 1 me h ~h n .£I'n- <"lurlenl' "I Clllvf'r (10m thc


--...pn " ...) h 11 h rJ'llo1u I,,, J( '" t ]1 X H R ... S~,aphll ~ rl <tr hill "n Tamr' K Gr,,'~(' h mtf' are~_\\ 0 v. 1 !'ilr Through the good work of the Women's Auxi harvII,'t r<'i:1 ',~r. 'il" DI \ilnl'<') \l1 hl~t~h (h"~;r;~~O' of the M1C'hl~an Human!' Soclf:'tv thiS pupp\' and hundreds

) hel r ~-e ,tll"'" • f 'Tn' e \ n r~, ~ , Rill ('Tt ..' c"nn K I of (11)('[<; '11<;1hk~ him will ha\(' bt'!tE'r carl' and rronl'r11("" (~(l (l\ r ('Ilun (' 17" t',-

K1n'~' 1":\ (""te' 1~~"" ~h (, ., H' n \\ I I~ rl II tl( <!Im('nl ThE' A\l'llJan \\ill 'pon<;or a Chn<;\mil<; f'alrJ) I ',l '~( Il

r),.,:, nlc _ Jlll::rn lH \, ~41 I 1,( P '1I11r 11 rI (In SalurCll\ ;0..0\ ('mh .. r 2") ilt HilC kf'tl Fldrl H"u<;~' Plt-

;~',::" I" ,,"r 'hp ('(n- H.,hfll \\ ~ar,,, .• ,F, lIamp,n ).., "l.l TL.rd. fr"m l2'~ F n'1"l I'rn('nrr!<; ,\,11 '!l'lIp::lnf ne!'I~1 Lo;11f''l s.~'(" Ro~d lout-patIent chmc at the socIety s shelter, i401 Richmond.

',ipf Invades""rch Bazaar

Page 2: Effects ~!~~~~~. ofdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1950-54/50/1950-11-22.pdf · One of Sgt BrYllOn C Sutton's and refr4!Shment8 Will be served tlnn I.!'beln~ gatherrd

Buy Now on Lay.AwayA 'mall d."",ll 10m !told l pl]- r 'hI"


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E 1st Prize li $50.00 IN MERCHANDISE l:~ 2dP' ~i: = n ru~e .. !! ~ ~ $25.00 IN MERCHANDISE ;; j• I:il I:il ,: II; ~ z 3rd Prize :! ~ ~ ~ $10.00 IN MERCHANDISE 1:. •••••••••••••• II •••••••••••• ".,., ••• ," ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 I "" ••••••••••••••••••• , •••••• 1 1111 ....

11708-10-12 Chalmers at HoustonOpen 10 A.M. to 8 P.M. Daily



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Very Clean




Come in Today orFriday and Saturday

Grand OperaAt Shubert

Alfredo Salmaggl, probably themost colorful and most pubh-clzed grand opera ImpressarlO 111the world Will bring his operacompany to the stage of theShubert Theater for one weekonly begmnmg Sunday evenmg,November 26th, With a matineeon Saturday only.

PIOneer of grand opera pro-duclJ.on In America for the pastthirty-seven years, Mr, Salmaggl'spresentations have been witnes-sed by mlllJons of musIc loversthroughout the United States,MeXICO, Central and South Am-erica. Hundreds of today's fa-mous opera stars made their firstappearance u n d I' r Salmaggt'sdirectiOn.

Patrons Lend Support to Mrs. Champine'~'~~~~"'~~~~!h,!~,~",!~~atreM k d W. Productl.on to Turn 89 er's ploductlon of • The State of I with th~ ho\ 1l;~dJ ~~Cfl~~as an Ig F '.J_ the Union" SEt for FnddY ,mdl Olhll' '1IIHi;'01" rtf.U1V Satulday, Novembel 24 dnd 25,1 stol~e In \ 1111\' I PI ~.g~

When the Mask Bnd W.(!, Club I The,e Include MI'~ Waller 0 ~ Geolj(e True hH~ been n,m1l'd plodu, 1'''11 • H Ph" ~of the Unl\el'~ltv of Pt'nn<ylvama Brlgg' MIs John Reid BIOI\n, MI, l<'IollO(C Champine of 2,15: gl'nclal ploducllOn managel by C.-rtO/1 !lull ~ 1 Jill ~invadE's the MUSI{' Hall \11th Mrs Plenh<M Blown,Ml's o\neIlIMOIO,S load will celebrate her1the (!,IOUP __ Mdllnll J"11Irkl.\"Count Me In," on December 29, B CIOW, Mr, Bernen Eaton, 89th blrthddY on Fllday I Othel Impol t,mt Jlll'mbll' of Kathll'l'n "tlll kiln Bin"thev Will have the enthusia,tlc MI" DOlls Eaton, MIs Geolge MIS Chdmpme .I life-long 1l ... 1- the ~tdff thdt \1 III m'Ule a ~lI1ooth 11<\, J" d r II Ba1btrt

support of many of the-a' local R Fink, MIs Walter Buhl l<'old" dent here, WIIS ~ne of the first IUnnlng Pi OdUltlon ,Ill' ,tdge Schll dIll Ii I I )~rKrr'1Ifriend I Mrs Earl M Gove, Mrs, Aloys i re~ldl'nts tu use ~d' In the POinte Illldndilel Pdul Slocomb, pubhclty McMu1l11l lnd \I\r Belli

"Count Me In" IS the 6Jrd an- Fnmk Hel man and Mrs George I To help ~'elebllite the birthday, dud dd\ elllsing LhdJrmdn Llnore I The (lil i 1 o~'Ii't.nual ploc!uetllln nf the Wiggers, W Hdln, Sr , her son, Edward Chdlllpme, dnd I MdlShilll, ploglam l'hdll mdll Isa- of the Unl")1 '}'' 'n Thethe all-male undergradudte dl a- Others al I' Mil. Earl Holley, hi' Wife w1l1 come from BI emer-I belle Wald, and pi operty {hair-I d Y N Jd1\ and,malic IlfOUp of the UniverSity of, Mrs GeOlge M Holley, Mrs A ton Im,ln Rhoda Swanson. I d , • OVUI I 24 .n~ 2511

Pe-nnsylvamd It IS a hlgh- R. Johnson, Mrs. Erne,t Kanz- Some of IhE! other tleven lhll- Mac Bal nUn! IS the ma,tel Cdr-, ~ m, In th, I oj lh\e p, nt,powered mU~lcal compely leplete leI', MI:, J Clemens Kolb, MI s dl en who Will honor their mother pentel while John Carneo has: Sl'hool AUrll' IIUnl TIC,

with gay danCing, slngmg and P J McGovel n, Mrs, FI ank D on her bll thdav Will be Mrs Ida chaise of hghtmg Rhodd Swan-, be avallahl, ,t Ihe box .!~Slenes satirIZing recent census Nicol, Mrs Willard Pope, MI s ILoyle" LOUIS,William and Archie son IS le,ponslble for the prosram _ ... ----:U1tlactiVIties IHorale Prunk, Mrs, Jedn Thomas Champine, cove-I' al t Kathenne HOl pgan has A Sdllm \1dl'

The show plays for a week In I Sheafor, MIS Owen R Skelton, I taken over secretanal duties I VISll11lg P 1\ r U gh ~:b:r~Philadelphia, then embarks on a I Mr9 J. B Webber, Jr" Mrs Alf. Bltummous coal develop~ ap- Wdrdrobe mlstless IS Peggy fel e-d th" "" niln\ C,l'"tou, of 13 ea,tel n CIties, cove ling II I'd G Wilson and Mrs Benjamin pi oll.lmately 5G per \-ent of the TI UE' Anne Ldn,:: hd~ lhal,::e of the bht It r I (\ r ,j

ImOle thnn lG,OGOmiles and ap- E Young electllcal enelgy In the U S the hou~e \lhlle Malyanne Gentel the be,t 11,1 " l~rll~ ...

pearmg before more than 50,GOO -====Ipeople

Locally, MIS John J O'Bllen,chairman of the Patrone&; Com-mittee, has .announced the Sup-port of many additIOnal pat.conesses.

Grosse Pointe Woods Delicatessen

Kowalski GENUINE PolishSausages KOSHER Pastries

Hot Bread S.ndwich ••Lundlesor

Fnday NI(htl T.ke OutYou'll Uk'Pumpemiekel OPEN SUNDAY

12 to 6 P.M.

lULL WlLION &JI" FI) ALI,EIl, p'lI,rtete"

ZlOl8 MACK Between II and' Mil. Road.




Coal traffiC IS responsible for30 per cent of the 1,IOG,OOOrail-road Jobs 111 the United States.Polio Talk : !

The Defer Parent-Teacher As-II B4 B 1411 :soc1atlon presented Dr Joseph: i~OthM~~:~t_~~ac~~e:r m~~~~~b:~ iI14a v 1ST :the Defer School Auditorium i. :Monday at 830 pm I: Never before have SILVA'S _

The meetmg was well attended I: MOTOR SALES offered 10 :despite the sudden drop 111 tem- i. many bne Used Cars .. , :perature, and everyone was most III Because sales on new KalS- •enthusiutlc about the message ers and Frazers are boom- :Dr, Molner brought to them per- I: ing . . . trade-inS are.t kn f I swampmg us! •ammg to every own phase 0 )_ •

poho and a WIde diSCUSSion on : •the unknown about the disease _ :

It should be of 'no 11ttle con-I: :solation to urbanites to know •that statistics have proven that I• Irural areas are more susceptible 'iethan our crowded areas. :

Durmg the cycles of the dlS- • :ease, which Dr Molner Cited by I ~.epidemiC years, there were three I :cases of pollon in one thousand I • j

population In rural distriCts, to I IIthree cases In two thousand popu-lation In city areas, ;I

FollOWing Dr Molner's .ddress iwas • very ."mted question alld I.answer period. ~•I-Open house was held III the I .~

home room followmg the meet- I"'mg, then everyone proceeded to •the lunchroom where Mrs L M. ':Sad'I, the SOCial chairman and Iher asslstant~, Mrs LeslJe Pres- I.sell, Mrs. Walter Tomlclc and: eDr and Mrs BenJamm Freeman'!served coffee, tea, and sand- •wlches to apPloxlmalely 175 \:eparents and teachers I

The next meetmg at Defer: ISchool 'WIll be on December 21st, Iwhich Will be the Chl1dren's iAnnual Christmas program, atwhich time dolls dressed bvMothers of the school children :Will be on sale, proceeds to go •toward the purchase ot a new :refrigerator for the lunch room I.at :::e~other from Deter who IIdeSires to qress one or more dolls I MOTOR SALESfor the sale may call Mrs. Dan I %0139MACK at OXFQR.DMyers, TU. 2-8580, Mrs. Norman L TU. 1-1840 ud 1-1141I Parker TU, 1-7090 Mrs A D

IRuegsegger, VA 2-4994 and the OP~N SUNDAYi dolls Will be delJvered to them : I

Dotti. Youn_. Advertising


U .M....

Gfl t'8b"" ept raa MIl &1lJeJ....y perfll_aae. all Wla.b, lav. ... aJl" ."IYACT HOW.~ e.... ' ..I.1 tfaJa.' lJI.cl&l-

~d:'"~~~le::~.~~.r.~:"" .. , S"" a.alpmntE.I, Ti",. Po""entlAr. Eosily Arr.nced

Ell,"," ('haw, ....lInea-tiOD .•• at no elltra C'ost


Now All for

$ 95

L •• OLDHAM. PUIUSJotIRToni Ebn.r. EdItor


Winner By 19 PointsCOMPLETE 19 POINT

'9Jw~ PfJinh lUwisl.wGrosse Pomte s li'trst Newsp4pef

•I. Younl. Circulation Mllr.

OFFICES AT 15121 KERCHEVAL BET MARYLAND AND LAKEPOINTEVAlley 2.1162.2-1163 - 2-4558 - 2-4559

PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE GROSSE PO(NTE REVIEVvSUb6cflptiOD Rate. 5 Cents per cop,), By Mall $a.OG pel year



Auto buyers - be wise - be .",ort! Call "So"ny"SchReider for 0 demoRftratio.. of the cor that is,"akin, new hichway history - Oldsmobile! Leornof the performance. durobility. beauty of d05ign.ridiRI lIualitiel, lpeed 'Rd get.away power of the..o.Olc ..... oltil.! IAnei. incidentally, we have a fewellcelle"t 1950 OWs demonstrators left,)Top trade.in doll.r for your prese ..t car.



I. CA.BL-aIEOIl "oro.no2 I'r"r""G "DILsnD3 CO"'DE'~ER CHECKED4 SPA ... PLUGS CUA~l)~ .PAR .. aun• JlIITltlBl'TOIl POINTI


11. 1LUrV00DI nOIlTSJl'KDU \'OL1"AGE COI'!1l0L TURDU COOLl~r" .5'\I1"E)I cHECKn'4 .E"'I: CO!'lftOL ns~IJ GF~E.A'l:OIl "~I'"

I'SPFCTEJIfowpa""IO' CRICKI:Dr,,'" REI." AOlr",.,.o

IR \ 'In T" CO...TltOI. t'F'lftl)" t'APP~"1 AOIl<;TFD



TU. 1-727215810 E. WAB.BEN AVE.


2-,",_ G..... hil," It.e,,lew-Wed,,"day. N.y. 21. 1950

Jack PiercyRealtor

•Thursday 1S ThanksgIVmg Day. loved ones Your children are near vou,B@hmd thiS Simple statement !les an happy, healthy and full of :\outhful exu-

American tradlhon born m 1623 when PII- berance, As they meet your eyes you seegnm settlers, after a three-year penod of m their mnocent gaze love and affectionnear starvatlOn and war With hOStile 1n- born m faith and secunty.(hans, pulled themselves up by the boot- You can turn on the radIO and hstenstraps and started this country on the way to your favonte program Without fear ofto what It is now - the greatest nation m vlolatmg a law You can turn on yourth@ world. telev1slon set and watch a football game

Since the first Thanksgiving Day ther@ from your own'llvmg room.have been many penods of confhct, de- That's important Your hvmg room, inpress10n and soc1al upheaval, but usually wluch you !lve as you please, from whichwhen tlungs become blackest, we Amen- you go forth to worship as you please,eans come up with somethmg to be thank- vote as you' please, or work at a job forful for. which you have prepared yourself and

There IS no denymg that now, Just a whlcn SUlts you, not somemle else.few short years after World War II, we are The world may be a httle cockeyedagam in a struggle which may set off a I .thlrd great confhct. right now, as it was before the Pi grims

There is no denying that things look gathered around theIr crode tables for thepretty black now, for us, for the world. first Thanksgivmg dmner.

But look around you today, And it may be cockeyed again.Sittmg in your liVlng room, comfort. But nght now, slttmg in your living

able, warm and secure, take a look at your room, take a look around you and if youwlfe, preparing ThanksgiVlng dmner. Her can't find many thmgs to be thankful for,face is flushed with the rosy glow of a perhaps you aren't looking intentlyhappy housewife preparing a meal for her enough.

The bituminus coal industry' Co il B · P t HeareaD produce an annual rate of I unc rIngs aren s'100,000,000 tons, a figure greaterthan the. wartime peak of 619,- Hollvwood D M In '576,000 tons. .' r. 0 er s

Speaker HereThe Greater DetrOit Motion

PIcture CounCil Will have as Itsspeaker Milton Hale, SpecialField PublICity Representative forParamount StudiOS, who will

Complne Real Emu S"",le. speak December 1 at 2 p.m. at the~entra1 Y w.e A.

The talk Will be on highlightsof hiS tour With Henry Wilcoxonwhen they were on tour With thepicture "Sampson and De111ah."

Mrs C P Lundy, programchaIrlnan, Will have charge ofthe program PrecedlOg the pro-gram Mrs Roy R Riddle, presi-dent, WIU preslde at the busmessmeetml.

I U. S. bltumUlOua coal mInIlS are

I the most highly mechanized Inthe world.



iI -:~I1li,IIJ



( Itl


I, I



Page 3: Effects ~!~~~~~. ofdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1950-54/50/1950-11-22.pdf · One of Sgt BrYllOn C Sutton's and refr4!Shment8 Will be served tlnn I.!'beln~ gatherrd












I1EI .., ,

i'I"i,>,,!', ',




Teens to HoldOpen Houseat Memorial

\ The War MemO! lal Center 15I holdlOg another tpen-age open

house Saturday, November 25.I f,0m 8 30 to 12 pmI The evening of fun WIll mtlude

plOg pong, cdrds, rptreshment,I ddncmg and square dancmg until,1030 pmI It IS not a ddte affdlr Open togrades 10 to 12, all hIgh 8ChoolsIn Glosse Pomte are InVIted.

The dreas IS casual, skirt, and~\\o eaters for the gIrls and sportclothes for the boys.

WE L C 0 \1 E



Pointt' (:on~r{~~ational2-10 CHALFO~"TE AT WTHROP

Thursday, November 23,at II 00 A !L1 In the

Bethany Lutheran Church

Amencans AbOve All Should Have Thankful HeaTts •• I

E Outer Drl\'e at Chatsworth •.. CordIally InVItes You

6fhanksgiVteng8e rvice10:30 A. M.(Thursday)



WI' WI~I? You a Ble~~ed ThaTl/...~gtrlng




Rev E Arthur McAsh, Pastor

Orgamst, Jeanette Dorsey ChOrister, Arlene Schmdler

THANKSGIVING SERVICE - THURS. AT 7~0 P.l\'l.Sunday MornIng WorshIp, 10 a,m - Sunday School, 11 15 a.m.

Youth Groups, 615 pm.



Th .. R<'v r dgar H Y, Omil" of ';L "flchal"l \"a~1 Thf Rf'v H,l~h ('Whllp of (:,r(l~<'" P.linle Meth,>dl~t Church The Rev o\norpw W Raulhllf Gr",<(' Pn,n'''' \"'oon, Pr!',hl t ..niln C'ltlrch prNICh!'r, and RI""Chilrlp,> W S<hl< i h",' m n ':C


Throughout the nation, bright fires glow inopen hearth.i .•• chIldren SlOg as they eagerlyset the table for the holiday feast ••. and the(allUly 15 uruted on the occaSlOn of traditional

Thanksgiving Day.

Let thiS Thanksgiving be one for theentire world as we raise our VOIces in aprayer for Universal peace.

10:30 A. M.

"As we kneel m Your House of Worslnp, u:ethank you, Lord, for all our blessings •••

g I') P:vI' Werlnesdav Evemng, KOHm-ber 22nd. EH'TV ]o"al cltl7en will go tochurch to thank God for natIOnal and pE'r.<;onal blE'ssJn~<; You are wf>!come at St.P.1\i1


61 Grosse Pointe Boulevard

(Holv CommunIOn - 9.00 am)


pRo FRANK FlTT~!lnl'ter (;Io,>,>e Pomte MemOrial Chun.h

Union Thanksgiving Services


( halfontt' and Lothrofl' Gro~~e Pointe FaTm~. ;\hchi~an

Everyone m the Community, Is Invited to Attend the


9 QO a.m.Sunday School

III 111 am.('hurrb Sfrvit"f

IGuest Pastol"


1if) \Ie\fILL""


11 :00 .\. ,r.

a•.\".Gt,ORGF: F. Kl-R7.. Pa~(or


(Mack at Lanca<;ter) ..11 00 A ~,f

J G HFF'RT n l( -\LF\1RFR F 7TFGl FRP1,fN ChOlrma<lcr Or"anl<f

Tt'!t'phone' TV. 1-1:l112

"Be thankful unto Htm,and bles~ HtS Name."

Jom us in a speCIal



ST. .T '\ 'IRS1J TilER \ , CH( iRCH


Sermon Subject for

10 A.I\I.


Telephone YA. 2-2121

SUNDAY. NO\" 26th

Thanksgiving Day


AHA. L()e~r Pih'or

"The Great SE'paratlOn"

(8 00 am- • - 10 10 am)


"111t •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• II II •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• II •••••• 1 II ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• - ..


. I: •• " , ••••••••••• "' , •••• '" ," It, '" , , ••• , " •••••• , " " •• " , "., •••••••••• " ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _ '" ••• "' •••••••••• '" ., ••••• ' •••••••••• '" " ,"" " •••••••••• ,. I:

- CHURCH DIRECTORY -\11 tV LU1'Hl>K,\'I/ (HUKIll] 1I1RIoll\' '>w, from New York

p ltlillonle Ind L01~rl;'1 Am""1 ""<1 \l"<I'('~ (~IUKlIn,> II\IIAI IIIIKIIJ ~AI1I1 IIOSS(l pointe Farms, (' laD IAlta~ Mt~III(IJ I."m and B U 10m lIll ~ l'loYd It \tunlton ~t."(") k H

(..hlr1el W Sanclrolk, PallilCJr I)UUlHt'U \\IIJ U 0 )Pllotudn De- TV lIOoSl' ItS: HOg.n. !i.rtJe21 ~r~,~ wC~~'pr I I"'''on ,>, '"1< 11 ,; dll't h',':~IJ,e,~,'.,~l Ih~ r "u", l\ov 24th 8 00 pm -u .. -I 0 pea ereedll~5day .."ov e (hurdl(.'1i tllI(HIRhoUI tI Icnu. I Lh ... (Jll Croup at thp home or "¥IrJI 8 15 Th~'~/'OOln~o~:;'~~;:" on Sund,,) NOVll1lbli .ti .e \lorld on N~d ilr• Flo) d If MUllson, 452 F.. her Dl AlbeIt D Stauffacher ofIda\ NoY I i The c.. lcJ )pen to tilt' publll1,II,"Cln or Athletic Lomm s. on, 16 IJJ " O""ln 1lxl 11 l()"nlJu~n. ~\ oda) NOl 26!11 1030 d m _ New York City, MInister and,",elIlOI ChOlf ( U Itl h \ l .. 1 IIU ! j~t III Un LhJldr. n 8 (laSb e:it IJ2 Moran Road E S f th M

, NO\ 2~9 30 C~I~,I"'1n d' I qUlt )OU I,k. """ bc ,llong ~ubJe<t Dl<lM~ WuJ1d Law xecutlve euetary 0 e IS-IU\'; tlo JUnlor Choir. 000 Senior Amo"g tt" il'bl' "t"IlOll> " tl", --- SJDns CouncIl of CongregatIOnalor Lealue Hayrld. (lngl .. ldOlI pd.salle IEjll, ~ 8111 For y, well P~Att. llV I UTHI'KAN CIIURtH Christian Churches will preach

No\- 26 - 9 00 SunddV ~om~tlmes dar kne<"~ but now arp ye "alt ".rreD And DaJfour 'nr") 10 JO ChulLh ~el Vice dnd 1I?,:t ~n tt1< I lid \I dk .' d1lldl< n' 1l.lroll, 1I11,hlcan at both the 9 30 and the 11 o'clockt Df>d~(....t1on ~', I~ ~ And l 1\( no (.. 110"" ....1.' .... 'Ih l Ke\ .~nne" G (laul p• .,.t.or servIces at the Gros<;e POinte c'nn.II N 2~12 00 Wumel' l~ UII Iu'lllli \lUllL, 01 d LJ knL>' but Ilr L.nh .. 1 E Uul Vicar

.dn •• day Waovnc County HOIPII~l" I .ther rq,",\< Il,clll ~[T'\DAY l\OV ./6-' gregatlOnal Church on Sunday,d , .. II. _y__ I LonelatJ\< I"""g,, ti; '>I Il"d flom ~!'t\", SundlV t>.ovembu 28 which November 26

~,. POINTE WOODS th£" (htr I ~ \ I i 11 ~H H j It tcxtbool-. l.b IE' a!:lotSunday 10 the cnurch year~'~~'>IlYTilRIAN CHUKCH Is~~lc;l<r "',d Ii'dlth ,,,th K,v to Ihe ~~~il~~:~orC~~:.;.oh GEa;lla~a~:enPe:g~ Dr Stauffacher holds a po!>t of "'" -

3D\Iark Avenue .t Torre) Road L1ud~ '\~' ,")1 M.rv Bakpr Eddy 111- B dlollr \1111ple",h on 'The Parable leddershlp In the church world ~ .id \ Nov 2&-9 45 am Lhuroh I e 0 oWlllg '1' ,,70, The I 01 Ih' W"e and FoolJsh Vh •.,s' b h d II d te 'If:' -n, alor Ihose 9 yeara .nd over mal' \ "I llllnd dud ol lUl1e't m,e,tl- At tillS .ervlce tI,e girls choir Will ot enom1OatlOna y an 10 r. -"'"'

0, m worShlr Service, A Test ~:~~t::z::: <b;lI1~ th~1 I;"," when the "n~ under the dlfldLOn 01 Mr Waltcr denomlOatlOnally. He IS active mGrPatn.s,' I 00 am, Chunh t I aln \II l .\1,,, 01 .ome I MocliEr th U t d Ch h C C '" • • • ~ • ~oj Jor l.hUdren 3 to 8 years of 'iOl i t}l -eIO\\ll1,g Oll.u'lo.,m Clf thiS I bUliday School dnd Bible lIa5s are e nl e urc anvass om- __ ~ ... I • '" ~i ~5:1ll 8 30 pm I DI,lrlct I of Pr ... per ad at 9 ~~ a m The ~,mda) Sohool Lesson mlttee and the Re1JglOn 10 Amer- _ .~~ :~~~ 't"""~,,' .'1.,- ¥~. w '''''~', • '-~i .•:J .' < 0<' - ,"

nan Youth wi I meet .t Memo"al F \lTH l>\ \, -- I lor tlu, Sund.J) L. Daniel 1I\ the Llon'l L f C d .- ~. l''''C . - '- ,.., - .~ <I ' , (,l.U( AI LLTIIFHA'I; I Dlll Ican I e rusa e <i"'-; '~' ~ _ 'k: .r< l N 27 8 15 J:> m Wo- {IIVRIII L, t us not overlook the s.Tvlce. to A t t t rylid" oCLa~ron M-;etlnll Mr. Johnl Laol Jelref\OIl .u>d 1'111111'A,enun be held OJ Th.JnksgJVlng Day The I ~miniS er, execu Ive seCle a THE BIG THANKSGIVING DAY CHILDREN'S PARADE In DetrOIt, November 23, ber.leII the 1950 M:ss Scott Iss A';r.S1dent pre.ldm, Ded .. a. R t R~\ S{I II lange, 1'"lor I LUld has bltssed u, with many ~eat of the MISSIOns Counul, Dr Stauf- Chnstmll. season. Thll will be the twenty-fourth pe.rede, .ponaored by The J L. Hudaon Company. A thousand ..0'~1 the eve'mng, Mrs Herbcrt ev 1O".Jter A."stanl p.. lor biOSSll1hk'aldnd"e have much for w leh ~faCher's outreach IS world WIde people take part, IncludIng eIght marching L __ .l. a~d .~ --- of DetrOIt mounted -lice Hundreds of thousand. S k

, Proaram WIll be "ven by ThLllsda, IU, m Thank,glvm~ Da} I we 'au be thankful Come to ..., .... ~. -,~.. Y'" L a 'er~e~ncel Choir under the dlrechon \\IOt,h,p <'Cl\ III '" mOl Thc Vutue' Chul,h on Thank,glVlng Da) I for the Mls810ns Council IS the of people vIew tbe .pectKI., many conung from throughout Mlclugan ... d from nelchbonnl .tatH Th. puad. eague peIlbur BezeauT~here W~1lbe r"'~~.of • Thallkful H<drl I "T ~A,U ~ I CTIII'RAN CHURUI IoffIcial body of the CongregatIOnal .una et 8,45 Tb.nbpV11l1 Day mornml, 011Second Av..,ue et Amaterdam, moves down Second to V.rnor H1chW8Y. The next general membership

t~r C!::,~e;. wllI ebem~~I:;:eso MI; TtJ,~ddv At8 l~';';'~ ~~~tha~doJ"1.'S Club R:r ,icMUlan Ro.d I Christian Churches for educatmg .ero .. to WoodWllrd Avenue, thell doWll Woodward to the Hud.an ltore, where S ... ta alC8nd. the flaIn to 111. mt.elmg of the Pro v I ~ Ion a 1Guo,qulere, leader Satordd) q 10 am '- .,.dm", In- I Thu~~ ~~~.. glJr~ lr~za ~~~~eclall the constItuency on matters of cutle. The pe.l'llde will be tel .... aed on Station WWJ.'rV bellnlline .bout 10 AM. f

~~~~\, E~~~atl~~7 ~oJ'n~1 YV~I~Slltt:n , I TIF;::~~f'I~~,,>c~ll,~e'81~ pm-CllOlf foreIgn and home missIOns and ---------------------'-- -------------------------- ~~~~: p~~nteW;~~n wlri°~rshefdPeter Duerksen, chairman, pre-I "'tl~nLl.:~'e.~f.;r; a~I":.g"Lh ..l'~~s\t~o: relu 'r.al . ralslOg funds tor their support. .,. , I G d T · on December 1 at 130 10 Me-

« 'ship '" "" ''''h .." mOil A Fa,th I ;.urd" 1"", 26th 9 30 am -suo;- The CongregatIonal ChrIstIan Pla rs F-nd ArsenlC S 00 on- p.dl1esday Nov 2!l-800 pm The I lor Creat"e Ll\ mg ~ 30 pm Adull dO' <" bool f11' Ip»on WIll be Peter. Ch h tt d 17 ye II "" mOrlal Center)Un v.I11 hold a IpeLial meetmg Ul

lConHlm4lwn IIi tlU<.tH 1\ ... 00 DelJ\f"rancc from PrIson 9 4:.5 a m- urc es are COlllmt e in !vtJSS Rosemary Scott young

church 10 receive new m.mber. MO'le Youth for the K\ng~om P8"OciY(,uttl Bible lid" II 00 am -Dlvllle countries to establish and to help I By JOANNIE MERRILL I The whole cast was well chosen, Mr F B Nelson, director of - d be' f thr,dav Nov 30-7 00 pm, Treble B b' 1 d b k R I ,en "es <onducted by the Pastor IP t PI h Id b I attorney an mem roe

I~ reh.ariGI 7 00 pm, Boy Scout r,~',', l.e, u ) of 00 01 ~vela- \Iondav Nov 27th 7 30 pm - maintain churches, schools, hos- The production of "ArseOlc and and they went on stage to amuse om e ayers, s ou e gIven Governor Williams "Youth Com-t;~!al 800 pm, Chancel ChOIr I '<Iondd) 1 l() Pill T,,,chers H>.,lrlle II M" tmg Jun,or Walther League pltals and commuOlty centers and Old Lace" last Thursday, Friday, theIr audIence, Whlth they dId I due credIt for the fIne production ml~'JOn," Will speak on "Children

___ ILon 8 JIJ pm BOdld 01 Rehglous 111- THF !oRO'>SL POI'TE ~IETHOIJIST to tram natIOnal leaders for them. and Saturday evenmgs by Pomte successfully. of the play ",,,'SF I'OIJl,TE CONGREGATIONAL stludlo!, I CIIURCII 11 t t Chr tIan I d I ...ervlces

CHURCH T"e,dd' 4 pm e,,1 SIOU," 1 Pill 211 'IIoross ROld as we as 0 reCrUI IS Players, the Grosse Pomte HIgh The set, propel ties, an cos- ThiS WIll be a forum meetin,['nlon Thanks,lving Service to Bo\ Swuts " 1 TU 1-7878 mIssIOnary pel\6onnel I School dramatic club was a de- tumes were well done, and helped 1M. PTA With questions from the audi-

;.:,'1":: ~r'dl~nCa~'e~l~h~kG2I~S~C~hu~l.fo~~~eM~~~,~~esda, S pm Con8,eg"I,onal RC\ II~~~ ~L ,,;~m9 P:L5tor b Inldthe UOlthed Shtates they must clded success. • I to make the playa greater sue- \ aITe ence All reSidents of the Grosser.gltlOna hurc, 0 a ante f1"lrbd., Nov 23-11 00 am, Com- UI new c urc es among un- Undoubtedly the most outstand-I cess Po1Ote areas are mvlted to at-

nue will be sh.red by the fol. In conneL!'oll ",Ih the Th"nk.gl'IIlS m,m,t, Thanksg,,,ng Service at lhe h h d I tithe . T Sng congregations and their m'ms- ""VIce thele "iii be an old <Iotillng I Congr.gatlonal C'lUrch Speaker The C urc e peop e, revl a Ize mg performances were gIven by ---------------- 0 pOnSOl" tendGross. Polnt~ Wood. Presbyter- dme The ,Iothlng gathered IS Ihen Rpv Andrew Rauth of lhe Woods present churches, recruIt and Cynthia Nettmg and GlOria Anton --------

The Rev Andrew W. Rauth Sl ,hIpped 10 • pro,essmg plant where I P",b,te,nn Church MUSIC b} choirs t am strong la and profeSSional . Id p. W. S 1 F Iiael s Episcopal, The Rev Ed!!'ar It IS prep"red lor overoeas ,Illpments I01 the c"ooeratll>,/ churches r y as the two quaInt, Innocent 0 I rlZe DIner S t T Goodf-l ow ro ceoman Grosse POInte Melhodlst I --- Sunda) Nov 26-100 00 Youth Class I leaders and help promote better aunts Martha and Abby Brew- COU roop ...,Rev Douglas J Toepel Orosse LUTHERA' CHURCH Of THE 1045 Church Sehool fa" all othl'!' de- 1 t d Ch t t ' .n Ie Congregatlon.l. The Rev RU OR'IATIOJI, I partment mcludm~ the Toddler's and I race re a IOns an rlS Ian CI 1- ster I (ContInued from Page 1) T B T d Y

rl.s W ScheId I 'ernor IIighuv E at L.".vl.w lnlanl' Nurser) J 30 pm ChIldren's zenshlp DICk Saunders probablv was 640 Rivard' Hope Hellebuyck The Parent-Teacher Assocla-I 0 e ues aP He' Andrew W Rauth Will I lahln F bllckles, f) 0, Pa.lor ChOir rehearsal (al1es 9-12), '00 pm D St ff I f I - , ' S hill Ier the addless The offermg Will 930 am -Chureh School Classes I Mel1s Club VISItation on lhe pro.. r, au ac ler was ormer Y the person who entertamed him- 1606 Hlllger- FranCIS S Cronm, tlOn of Maire c 00 WI sponsor The Goodfellow Frolic WIll beo the Church World Service "luch from the 1l11f'U' 'hrough the Adult pech," ne ... meml>ers of our church a pastor on the PaCifIC Coast and self and the audience the most 707 St Clair' Frank W Pennock a new Boy Scout Troop for I h Id th ear on Tuesday Nov-e reh.1 .,ency of the Protfllanl Depar tmenl eaeh '>und3\ Sunday Dec 3-10 45 OffICIal Op- h M d'" W t 11 ' • • G - f b e IS y ,che. 11 00 am -Mocl\lng Wor,h,p The enmg Sund.y-lIIornml1 SerVIce, .s:uest m tel <De es as we as a He was very convinCIng in !Ji5 627 Fisher Edward HeIden, 676 rosse Pomte youngsters 0 oy ember 28, at Convention Hall.

FT"' 'l;Y LUTHERAN CHURCH th,me 01 Ihe pastor> selmon ",II be I PfreaCeh"erthe3 R30e, St.~rlc.,omm~m:~ mlSSlOnar ylO Japan He was edu-I portraval of Teddy Brewster RIvard' Harry L Nichol 739 scout age \ The frohc IS sponsored by the,.. \\ l~e PrOVISion I 0 Icago pm d t th U t f Wi" Ir Oul.r Dr .• nd Chatsworlh 30 Y P I L th '>en lie S"hop Marshall R Reed cate a e mversl y 0 IS- aha'> Teddv Roosevelt FIsher and W C Standish. 475 Persons who are mterpsted In Wayne County Officials and Em •

.. Id RI•• I • Kenneth Llndl8Y 6 pm aung eop • suer preaohlllg th Evangehcal Theo • I C TP&ltora Lea.!:lI. All 'OWlg peuple are cOldla1h I consm, e - Craft Strohmeyer and MIke, Lakeland JOlOmg the troop are IOYlted to a I)loyees, and ounty reasurerthurch Office TU 5-7721 un lted I TilE GRO'>~E POI1liTE logical S e m I n a r:., .md the Doody dId well 10 theIr Imitations I Harvey Munk 465 RIvard, meptmg m the Matre gym on IHarold E Stoll is this year',

d~~'vSC~~ ~::'d Bibl~lb~~~:::l1~r p ~~r:,':r~~edJ~~'t':i~~;r l~t:gue 700 I rO~~~RtEh~~~~~'1~tl L~::'~'~t>CH Chicago Theological SemlOary. • of Boris Karloff (Jonathan Brew- Samuel Boudrea~ 774 WashlOg. Thursday, November 30. at 7 pm chaIrman:'irlv an,~vrt~OU~~uof

to.lJ$e':1'deay~~ F"da~ December 3rd 8 00 ~ m - Gr~~serl:,ol~e ~a~':l~ I\~~cs~~~an FIRST CHURCH OF ! ster} and Dr Einstein They ton, Ferdinand CInelli, 592 Un!- -!"-,----------- ----------------------

d next Sunday ~Nh:~;~~fb ~'~\"~r~s~~t t~~ :.~,~~~ I ~ul1da~ 9 10 a';; - Clmrch School I UNDERb'IANDlN~ proved to be qUite a scare to the veTSlty, CharIe~ T Murphy, 497 ,-ursdav 1030 • m - S P e c I a I 01 enterlaInmenl A fme mu .. ca1 pro- f'll Ju."or JunlOl HI.!:il and Semor E Vernor at Cop n audIence Rivard L QUlllm 2009 Norwoodk,glVIng D.y ServIce With both ram is b~,ng ra ar-d The lad,e_! H1~h Departments q 30 a m -WorshIp I Rev. s.rab J. Sol.da, paslor '\ ' , ,-SenIor and JunIor ChOirs taking ~ ,11also enterta,.(' ;Pth ';. kitchen band I SerVIce II am -Chunh Sohool for 1000 a m Sunday School 11 45 Without a romantic Interest no NIcholas Kelley, 690 Rivard, _

Th I f I d 11) InVited NU"'en Kmdcrgarten and PrImary am Mormng WorshIp 7 30 p.m lit N Ph III W h t 576 Loin' I-nday 830 end 1030 am -Weeklv e er Ire am~or la Department' 1I am -Wor'hlp Sen - E,enmg Service 800 pin, Wed eve- pay IS comp e e, so ancy I. P orc es er. mc,IC•• o[ prlllle and worship, de- ('HRI5TH" ~CIE"CE CHURCHES 100 5 pm-The C n C Club DlScus- mngs, heahng serv,ce or VA 2-1812 Gmelner and Don COUI y carned I LOUise Saelens, 17540 Mack, and ,ed to meet and fill your deepest I As,s cllsloman m all Chr"ltan sIan bv Mr ';cheld Foo1d bSv Bdetsv (no obhgaltonl tlhs ~ut as Elame Harper and E W LewIS 17040 E Jefferson IIItllal neella The congregation In- SCIence Churches a .pec,al Thanks- Davldson Game, b' Sdl v no" ay --- - , ."

your attendance next 'Bunday glv.Jlg servIce wll1 be held on Thanks- 7 pm-Senior HI P F Lmda Huntmg- CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN Mortimer Brewster complete the listglvmg 03\ m S,,,th Church of Chn't te., ,.. n be th. dlscus'lOn leader CHURCH ._.__ ---- 'SClentlst, 14710 Kercheval A\e at II 00 i!~~r~'d~v 7 If ~ ~M:::mf:;~rd Union *ro~~e cre~re~;':s':.:~ ,

,am ITllankselvmg "enlce The Rev An-I Sunda) No' 26-Sundav School i ANNIVERSARY SPECIALTOY Folio" mg Ihe usual order of sen lee dre" W Rauth 01 lhe Wood' Pres- m.eto at' 9 30 ami

Ithere \\111 bE' a brief perIod In which b)tenan Church '\111 preach The main serviLe beglOS at 11 am I PLANTER'S LAMPSmembers 01 lhe congregat on mo< Friday, 9 pm to 12 - SenIOr HI 11 you are without a church home j -

SALEexprcss tbe" gratitude for heallngs MOVie Dance m the SOCIal Hall Sallv we mVlte 'au 10 "orshlp wlth us 1 n\ ,-and other help which th.y '!,ave re. Browne oharrman Dance 10 the mu- The aduft membership class meets I Icel •• d duralg the past year Sl~ of b,g name bands. Rh)thm on every Monday evenIng at S o'clock '

The Golden Te'<t from Psalms Reels' The Sunday Scbool slaff meets at, $59 500721. 22J IS appropnate for the the Church on Nov 30 al 130 pm '-N C I

GOIN occa'lon and reads Oh that men THF GROS'>E POI ...TE ThanksgIving Day .ervlce will be a"G OUT "ould praIse the Lord for his good- 'IEMORI'\L CHURCH conducted at the regular v.orshlp 0 R I Upness, and lor hiS ,",onderful works to Re' Frank Fltl. 'IIlnbt.r hour 11 am' I -the children of man' And let them 16 Like Shore Road '--- I t I

OF sacnflce thc sacnflces of Ihanksll"mg UNION THANKSGIVING SERViCE lEFFERSON AVENUE. '1IETHODIST Ct 'I

I and declare IllS \\orks ...Ith relolclng' A Union Thank'~I"ng Senile will lefferson Avenu. at Marlborough "\ \-\ \ S S? ~ I, FLOWERS AND GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS--- be held ne"t Thursd3\ mornmg Rudolph H Boyce, Minister

BUSINESS I EAST'USSTER PRESBl TERIA... Thank'glvmg Da\ at 10 ~ 11\ Christ Fr,ddY. 730 to 9 30 pm-Southern I 1 Dish Gardens 1m ported FIgurInesCHURCH Episcopal Church Dr Frank Flit WIll folk dances ,,,II be featured at the I Cards ChIna

Re\ ~~~'J~~~evanAo::!~e:::'nTh D. preaoh I ~r:;lelo,;[lr~:r~'i.~~~es~:;gotI6lh s~~03~ ~N j GIft Wrappmgs Cups and Saucers

DRAKE'S DR E 'Im"ter 'IE ...~I-\Il LUTHERA'" girls Will be hostesses. I I I _

ISunda,.. No\ 26 - Church School I "'outhtt"ast Corner or Kerche\ al and C;unda,. 10 am -Mornmg 'Vorstwlp I

q 4~ a m With class.s lor all age' L.... wood Avenues , "llh sermon by the minISter 10 am 1- OJ.~Morning Worship II 00 am Dr Mol- Tele/ihone VAIl.y 2.2121 'to 12 noon-Church sehool for chlld- FLURISl

81KE SH UP ~t~T~:"V",';1 o~~n~ur;~~ tr;:,~S~~~Icet~~ I 'I L'" Ma~ln LOl~{!t:n~st~astor ~inl5 n.;'~erro 1~~O~~~n~~~~~~ fc~~~1 \ l'>. \ Gcare for small chlldr.n whIle the" Sunday, November :l6 ServIces .1 classes for all above the Sixth grade ~ t'J\ ~l \"'"parents attend church serv,ce, Youth 800 a m and at 1030 a m Holy Com- mcluding adults 5 to 6 30 pm-In.

14929 E. JEFFERSON Groups b:lll pm all' oung people munlon In bot" services Sermon termedlate Youth Fellowship (7th Dth I i -------------w\\~d~:ek Praw Sen ,ce 7 30 P m ths~;da?~~h~:r~e~fo~ra~r"onm. 9 15 ~~~IO~~hf~adeS). 7 pm -semor Youtb I . 18443 MACK AT PKESTWICK TU. 1.2062

Bet. I Wednesdav November 29 I to 10 15 ° cloc1< Clas.es proVIded for I Wednesday. 8 pm-Board of Eduea-I I •"O\YBURN " ALTER I A cord .. ! mlltatlon IS extended to all ages mcludmll BIble Classes for lion meelmg, all leacners and olher I - Grasse POlute Woods

1 t~l W~~~hl~re\\.lththu~ut a cI'Jurch home I ~~e~-~te;~5~~~':~I~~~e VISitors and :s~~ertSo~rte~~e cburLh school are j

Page 4: Effects ~!~~~~~. ofdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1950-54/50/1950-11-22.pdf · One of Sgt BrYllOn C Sutton's and refr4!Shment8 Will be served tlnn I.!'beln~ gatherrd

TMF Beauty~o~19019 Mack at Moross

(In Sayed's Barber Shop)

TUxedo 2-7330Theresa Ferris, Propnelor



Smooth ) ......Look! ~

Try Us! ~We Speclllh.e IT

Permanent WaVingHa.ve unwanted hair rem;

m 01!r ElectrolysIS ~Pl

Mrs. N. 5<hlafl' dRan Voney, mem b~1 ~ of th II!ol:I

The dante 1\ lil bp /lialulli~an open hou'e lor ,nlo~Efi~t d h a, tho"en Ing t e cldn, e dt th " l\.

Marcella and K " nIe e<~OIlit~en ""lrt1OIi

Some of thl' gill, I\ho 'attend are Brl'llda }1 h pl..Ji ~Z a ertl CImmel'S, LOll I Gun<LO illIVitale, Lee DJIllallo \1 ' ~Fay Fltl~llllon, \, r 'f\H~-'Colleen and Mdurel n' ~ u\tl,Gonczo, Kith CldreO\ler 11lCalahan and (,ail 0 D L~onneJ.

Among the I Junghdve been 100I\ed dlt ;;:~\ I:~

Bill Huettemdn MdX PI"UII i.l!,Sullivan, Hill <lnd B r:,Bob Roney, Pdt 0 Don~~,t~DoeIle, Jack Can 011 J C i.Il

hB ,oe,\~aug, ob Reid Dirk Mots!:and Pete Beldnger hln


Dry your r.mily wash me modern .. n,.,the ~/~c"';c.... y! No more !uugg1inlt '" llh me"'eather. No mon trampIng up (rom the cellar

'" Ifh a back-breakIng lo.d of ",'et clothe. ~o

more lIresome piece.by-plece spnnkl1n" ....03

"'llh an automlltic electrtc dqer }onr (IMhn

come Ollt ... hite .nd clean, I1gh! .~ • r.eKY

cloud .•• in minutes Inste.d o( hOUri.

AutomaticEIectri e VryPl

On December 2, 1950, AlgerAuxiltary 995 to VFW Will holdtheu Annual Bazaar at 17145St. Paul avenue The bazaaropens at 10 a m. and a spaghettIdmner Will be served from 5to 7 pm.

..11ger Post SlatesAnnual Bazaar

The St James Luthet'an Wom.en's GUIld Will conduct their An-nual Fall' m the church audl-tonum, 170 McMillan road, onTuesday, November 28, from 10am. untll 9 pm.

Lunch and supper Will beserved.


Presbyteriansto Meet Monday

The Grosse Pomte Woods Pres-bytenan Women's ASSOCIation hasinVited the men of the church toattend their meetmg Monday at815 pm.

A program of favonte folksongs and negro splntuals Will begIVen by the Chancel chou underthe direction of WII!fUr Bezeauaccompamed by Mrs. Fred M:Young

The dedIcation of the evenmgWIll be gIven by Mrs HerbertMatthews and the Martha GroupWith Mrs A. A. Ghesqulere asleader, Will be £he hostesses.



alrelld\ are in the mall, aI-LOrd.Ing to 'GI ant E Armstrong, secre.tary of the club

One Detroller a m 0 n g the

....Ith pmk r06Settas and stream-ers. . ..

For hel daughter's weddmg,Mrs. Appleman chose a two-toneblue clepe gown WIth beadedJach.et. Her corsage was a gar-dellla.

VII'S Lyford, mother of theglOom, wore a blue Silk crepeWIth cn stal buttons) Paul Lyford \\ as best man for

hiS brother Ushers were WIlhamPalmer and Harold Beaupre

The bnde IS the daughter ofMr. and Mrs Ralph S. Appleman,of RH'l!emont, and her husband ISthe son of the Guy A Lyfords ofMapleton

After a receptIOn at the homeof the bnde's parents the youngcouple left for a tnp to Flonda.

entire entertamment commItteecould scarcely fmd tIme to acceptcongratulations for theIr endeav-ors, so busy wel e they msunnga smoothly runnmg program.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G Lager. OBITUARYfeldt, Mr. and Mrs George L. Funeral services were held forDeVos, and Mr and Mrs A D. John J. Corm 111 hIS home atSutherland headed the longest 1025 Buckingham Wednesday.tables m the maIO lounge. In Mr. PreSIdent of the Wayne Screwand Mrs Mitchell's party were Product! Company, Mr. Corm, 62,Mr and Mrs Ray W. Johnson, Mr. dIed of a heart attack Sundl\Y 10and Mrs E F. Kurth, Mr. and Grand Rapids.Mrs. R. P Ewart, the James M. Mr. Conn 15 SUrviVed bv hISBakers and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wife, Gertrude Mary; two daugh.Trombley. tel's, Mrs. J. R. Pink and Mrs.

Com and Mrs. C E Bleicher fiobert B Wood; two SIsters, Mrsthe fesbvlhes Mr and Mrs J Wilham R. Leaden and Mrs Mor.Earl Fraser and the L. Georg~ ley Judd, a brother, Charles L.;Hoopers entertamed guests ata and four grandchtldrenadjacent tables Mr. and Mrs.Frank L. Wachter, the Bryan A.Chaplows, Mr and Mrs. Foster LFralick, Mr. and Mrs. RaymondF Llttley and Mr. and Mrs.Eugene F Casaroll were otherdinner and games hosts

A few more who bId friends toJOIn them at the club were Mr.and Mras Harold A Stnckland,the Robert Duffs. Mr and Mrs.A. J Bershback, Mr and Mrs MM. Burgess, Mr and Mrs WayneE Long. the Francl~ Morans Mrand Mr~ James Vernor Davl~Mr and "\fr~ Wlllla"1 P Clark'llnd Mr and Mrs Frankhn R'Highf


at Yacht ClubHoliday. Season

Society clection

(jrosse ,[Pointe [Re\'l'ew

'i-earl Joyner Photo



A hilarIOUS. hllth-powered mUSical reVlew • . .

.. ~~hre nn the Ill'll! Cf'n<m. . presented h'l" IIn

<Ill-male undf'rltraduate ('a~t of a('tl'lr' dancers ando;mlter<;... a treat that ~ou ""Ill enJI'lY



It's MUSIC. It's DANCI NC • It's FUN

OXt PF.RFOR\I"W'F OSl.V •.. DON'T \II!'!' IT'


4-The Grosse Pointe Review-Wednesday, Nov. 22.


~11111 - ~2 411 - 'I:~ IIIl _ 'l~';11 _ $4211

For Advan('1' R ....erYlltlono; ('all G W Hllln. "Fh.tflr :!•.'i(If;')

Couple Leaves for FloridaAfter Nuptial Ceremony

m.lIled, H Hunter Wilhams, Yaleentel tamment chall man, "aId In-vltatlons, coupled With tIcket ap-p!ICPtlOns for the Tnangle show

Ganzes PartyIs Climax to

At an eleven o'clock ceremonyNovember 4 at St. Paul's on theLake Mary Jane Appleman andGuy Alonzo Lyford exchangedvows.

Bltummous coal IS referred toas "chemical treasure" because Itcontams a conglomeratIOn of hy-drocarbon molecules from whicha thousand-and.one wonders ofmodern sCIence are developed

Phi Kappa ThetaTo Give Dance

The bnde was attired ~n ablUlsh-pmk satm gown WIthshIrred bodice Her fingertip veilof nylon net was attached to abonnet of matchlOg satm. Shecarned a prayer book coveredWIth a hybnd orchid.

Ralph S. Appleman gave hiSdaughter In marnage.

The matron of honor, Mrs.Mary Palmer, and brIdesmaId,Therese Lyford, who are bothsIsters of the groom, were attlred10 aqua Irndescent taffeta. TheycarrIed muffs of shIrred nylon net

PhI Kappa Theta WIll present"Wagon Wheel Wide" on Novem.bel' 24 at Lazy J Ranch.

Planmng to attend Will beCarolyn Nelson and George Da-VIS, Carol Hawk10s and JohnnySchuller, Nancy Becker and BillPaulte, Gretchen SchweIZer andTom Ames, Joyce Gardmer andPaul Doelle, Janet Ulrich andDick Boomer.

Comnuttee workers for thedance are Loretta Cook, MaryClare McGlynn, Sue Preuss andCarol Ferris.

News Analystto Appear Hereon Town ,Hall

Jo"~,,h C. Harsth, Chief of theWashin!.ton B..reau of the Chns.tlan ScHmce Momtol, \I III analyzespot ne\\s horn Washmgto.n atDetrOit Town Hall, Wednesdaymormng, November 29, at 11o clock m Fbher Theatre

Harsch corresponded for theMomtor In both the EuroPf'an andPaCific theatres of war. HIS ex-penences In Germany were re-corded In a book entitled, "Pat.tern of Conquest.'

He covered the Loul;,lana ma-neuvels and \\as m Honolulu atthe time of the Pearl Harbor at-tack, after whIch he went to theSouth PaCific and saw the war InAustralia and Java.

Forestry In thIS country IS only50 :.rears old The first profes-sIOn;,I fOIester \\ as graduatedfrom college In 1900 Today thereare 12,500 pradl~mg foresters mthe Umted States.

Famed DesignerChooses BPIfor Promotions

Memorial Setto Hear Artist

Broadcast Productlons, Inc., 607MUSICHall, :ldS been appomted tohandle all advertlslng, promotionand publiCity for Madeleme Ong-mals.

Madeleme, the only designer ofongmal gowns In thIS area, ISnoted for her stnl<lng, dramatlcdresses for great occasIOns. From Grosse Pointe Yacht Club's holl-among the nahon's topnotch day season enjoyed an auspiCiOUSgown" two of her creallons \\ere begmmng last week when everychosen and received top btllmg faCility of the club was taxed towhen the NatIOnal Lace FestIval accommodate more than 600was held recently 10 Los Angeles,. ThanksgIVing Games Party en.Chicago and New York. thuslasts .

ProductIOns has planned a cam- Chairman George C Mitchellpalgn which WIll make Madeleme manager Fred Gebstadt and th~Ongmals as well known to the _re;,t of the country as they are toher select, local clientele.

Madeleme desIgns gowns formany of the queens who reLgn atvarious ceremOnIal balls m De-trOIt and MichIgan and countsamong her pnvate cltentele royalpersonahtJes of stage, screen, so-cIety and government

The evenIOg group of the Wom-en s ASSOCIatIOnof Grosse POInteMemOrial Church WIll meet onTuesday, November 28, at 8 pm.

The speaker "1\111 be VeraMathes, Art SUpel'\'I~Or, DIVISIonof Instrucllon of the DetrOit Pub-lIc Scnools Her subject WIll be. Chnstmas 10 P06twar Ger-many"

In addition to the talk MISSMarre Joy Curtiss, Director ofthe Jumor and Semor ChOirs ofthe Gro,,~e POI n t e MemonalChurch, wnI give Hymn Interpre-tatIOns.

,mnudl pel fOlmdnte 0 f thePI Inceton Tllangle Club, \\ III beheld dt the MaSOniC Temple thatevemng. and the fourth annualdance of the Yale Aluml1l Al>So.clatlon IS booked for the same

'evenmg at the Country Club InGrosse Pomte

The Triangle Club pel formdncettarts at Z JO pm. and the Yaledance at 9 30 pm. It IS reportedthat many of these who attendthe Tnangle show WIll go to the

, dance aftel\\ Bid Bot~ functIOnsal e "taged fOI the benefit of the"tholdl,hlp funds of the respec-tive dub,

Annount ement of the double-functIOn for the holiday weekendwas made JOll1tl~ b) Alex - LWlenel, ple,ldent of the YaleAlumnJ and E M Mulock, presI-dent of the Prmceton Club

Later th" month the inVita-tIOn", for the Yale dance \I III be

16822 Kercheval - TU. 5.3200880 W. McNichols - UN. 1.6700Birmingham - Midwest 4-1500





,pon"orshlp of a theat! Ical per.fOlJnance and a danl-e, IS pI om-Ised for FrIday, December 22

. Too hot for Toddv," the 59th

Altar SocietySchedules Party

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore G Coyle,the Clifford La Faves, Mr andMrs Edward N Marcus, MISSBertha Stott and Mr. and MrsEdward A Baumann.

Others include Mr. and Mrs.Albert E DIetz, the Claude A.Grelners, Mr. and Mrs. J Mil-ton Setzer, Dr. and Mrs. WilhamE Keane, Mr. and Mrs HamIl-ton K. Kotcher, the Emmet ETracys

Tickets may be obtained at BonSecours HospItal, at Jack O'Con-nor's MUSIC Store In (irossePom!, Grmnell's, or by callmgVA. 2-6349

•One cubiC foot of soltd coal WIllgenerate 65 kIlowatt hours ofelectrl!lty .

The St Ambrose Altar Societyare sponsormg a party at noonon Thursday, November 30, mthe Church Hall.

Members who reSide on West.chester, Nottmgham, Marlbor-ough, Lakeview, Lake ....ood, East-lawn and Chalmers are hostesses.

Chairman IS Mrs C Vlsmaraand she Will be assisted by Mrs.Rose Philltps.

A novel hand-made hat Will begiven away as door prIZe.

14123 Kercheval



For AllOY DONALDPI cCaslons

anters - TablWe Plant An e SettmgS

Y Kind f DFIGURINEs 0 Ish Garde

- German Ital osCARDS '.18n, French


TU. '-6844 GIFTs A..,,"ol6i24 E W

IV afrenear BIshop

VA 2-3732

P07'tTaits by


Yale-Princeton Allllnni Book' Grosse Pointe COllntr) Club for DancePllnceton undel gradudte~ ~tdg- hdms and Ldulcnce B HIgbie, ~alker and L, II" Smg the Tllangle Club perform- tltket!> UII B. Grannis, JI ,tran!>- finance, DUllg]a, F ~ ROb~dnce Will have his hands full pOlt<ltlOn, J. M French and BUlt teltammem 1)"1l~1 LlClu,e ~dUlmg the Christmas - holIday R. Taylor, mVltatlOnb; Wilham A Arthur H Oth J We1illlltour of major eastern dnd 1111d. ------------------- - ~~Irlhwe;,t cIties He IS Robert C Fm. d AI. -.....me. son of Mr and Mr' Halde- Ara eml11 umnae f, ('man Fmllle, of Ellm Place As (,.II J I {J U1lonsorbusmess mandger he must attend r:~eas~~~s:~~n~nth~~~I:.etalls of Tea Dallce for JUl1iors-Senl'ot't

Wol d flom Pnnceton hdS It that T 1Jthe show IS now In full-scale reo The alumnae of the Academy ofhearsal for Its opemng at Mc- the Sacred Heart are gIVing a teaCal ter Theater, Prmceton, De- dance on Saturday. November 25,cembel 7. The next showmg IS In from 4 30 to 7 30 pm at theNew YOlk, after whIch the two. Gr06Se POInte War MemorIalweek tour begms. Center In honor of the Jumor and

In chalge of the Yale dance, 111 semor classes at the Academy.addition to Wiener and Wllhams, Many students from the senIOrale Thomas TIlley, B Courtney class at the Umverslty of DetrOIt

,Rankm and Wl1ham Galde High School and College Will at.The local commItte for the 1'1' . tend.

angle Club performance IS headed1;1\James W Leo, LL Other com. The committee for the dance ISmltteemen are. Charles W. WII. made up of two members of the_____________ JunIOr class, Carol Wettlaufer and

Kathleen Seymour, and two

B th PTA members of the ~emor class,e any Carole Jatloe and Gerry DeVine.

To Hear Parks The committee IS advls~d by

Director Speak St. James GutfdOn Monday evemng, November to COlZJZ'Ict L'atr

27, Bethany PTA Will hear Earl I, U, l' jRI,~man speak on the play andrecreatIOnal opportumtles for thechlldl en of DetrOIt.

RIssman IS the SUpel'lllsor ofrecreational activIties (or thiSalea and has been With the De-partment of Parks and Recreat:onfor many years.

Followmg the talk a sound filmstnp In color, produced by theMetropohtan Life Insurance Com-panv, Will be shown.

The film strip, "Teacher Obser-vation of School Children," pre.sents aspects of child health Withwhich every pa'ent should be ac-quamted.

Students to Usherat Hospital Concert

An . intercollegiate mght" ofentertainment \I Ith the localalumni of Yale and PrmcetonUnIver~ltles banding together In



Aintep - American Girlfor Wo ... e..

Nunn-Bulh - RobleeFlonheim

for Mea


SHERMAN SHOES~ E. ;letreno .. 2G72SMad,.G. P

VADey 2~ TUxedo .1-1191

SIX classmates from the SacredHeart Convent WIll don theIrformal frocks Saturday evemngto usher at the concert sponsoredby the Bon Secours AssistanceLeacue at the Detroit Instltute ofArts.

The girls who WIll be shOWingguest! to theIr seats WIll be JoanFItzsimons, Mary Kay Tracy,Marlon Murphy, Margie Murphy,Ann GoodriCh, and LOIS AnnMurphy.

Of particular mterest IS thestar, Jacquelme Murphy, who ISthe daughter of the RegmaldMurphys of Balfour road

The 60101St has appeared Innumerous New York and DetrOItconcerts.

Her accompamst WIll be Mar.eella LaFave

Hundreds of 10cahtIes havejomed the patron hst They 10-elude Mr and Mrs. Edward A.O'BrIen, Mr. apd Mrs. James G.Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. ShermanJ. FItZSImons, Jr, Mrs. Evan P.Bayne, Mrs Charles J Sullivan,Mr and Mrs Phlhp D. Dexterand Mrs. Lambert M Payne.

Mr. and Mrs Michael J. Char.got, the Regmald T Murphys, Mr.and Mrs. A. J. Wettlaufer, Mr.and Mrs. Cyrtl J. Burke and Mr.and Mrs MIchael J. Kearms andMr. and Mrs. Chllton I. Drys-dale are other patrons

Contlnumg the hst are Mr. andMrs. Wilham J. Lilly, Mrs GeorgeJ ,sklmln, Mrs Anne Walski, Mr.Chester WalskI, Mr. and Mrs. Ed-ward T .Goodrlch, Mrs Frank J.Feely, Mrs. James V. McQw!l«.I1,Mr. and Mrs W, C. Moseta, thePhlltp C. Bakers, MISS VeraReaume, Dr. and Mrs. GeorgeG,""Rleckhoff, MISS Jane Doughty,



lT tI,II



, I' ", '

1Ilf•, II I ir .t:lr ~'!. ,, I


Page 5: Effects ~!~~~~~. ofdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1950-54/50/1950-11-22.pdf · One of Sgt BrYllOn C Sutton's and refr4!Shment8 Will be served tlnn I.!'beln~ gatherrd










, .t

. \








1 .. ~ ..... ~ ..


... •• •• eonla In pa,....flrtof the WASY AD. Pll'aae.... " _ ac fa 111... nIn... of tJle G~ Potat.lk'I1e .....

P1e_ PRD"" et.'&AJtL"eaeh aeparatA word .f ...III tile ... M1ew1

1 22


ALL'~~"-~. a~es


Bendu. _ MaytagLaunderall - LaU!ldromat

Hotpomt - FrigidaIre, GE, ete.TU 5-6872

Hutto ElectricalAppl iance Co.U!lM MACK at Wayllara

Wednesday, Noy. 12, 1950-'




:OS I.,81


Repaired, Replaced andCleaned-

Metal Deck5-PorcheaFlat Roofing



Pioneer Roofing and Sheet Metal4708 EAST LAWN VAlley 2-8548


Men's and Ladies' Smts Tauored to OrderAlterations, Relinmg, Cleamng and PressUlg

14931 E. JEFFERSON. AT CITY LIMITSFreel M. ScJtuman Est. 1925 Open Eves. Till 7:00 VA.I-3M1

TU. 5-2710

See ••• Robert C. Moore


as well asSecunty in Buying


SIKht. and Hobday", VA

Crosse Pointe Moving6' Storage Co.

Local - Long DistanceA( ..nt for United Van L1JlellIaniUZl'd v...-AJI .. ltatle


CARTING A"iD EXPREIISCratlnK - i'acklnC • SbJpplnC

Anywh.reNothlll& Too Small or Too Larg. II. W. SUTTOi\I 15408 MACK AVE

"Estabbshed 1896"

TV. 1-5540

The GroI.e Pointe Reyiew

IAd ~ut Readl (". On WfdDesda1 fDr Cantu\ Week's h:~o_




YOUK A.D'S CLASSIFICATION:Such u "Carpenter" • "Personals" • MISe. for Sale" • "'Boats and Motors," ete.



~WordAfterThiI 4e f.xtra




Real Estate Wanted

GARAGE for winter n ..ar Thr"e MIleDrlve betu. een V~rnor and Ker ..cheval Can TU 1-96i8

Real Estate For Sale

To Sell or Buy Reo! EstateCALL

Martha S BachersVA 1-1710

W.. hav .. bu, eno wallin, We hav.. a.taff of capable ..fIlcl..nt. salespeople

We are convenlentlv located1000 MARYLAND at JEFFERSONOpen 9 10 9 Dally - 1 to 5 Sundav

Wanted to BuyFURNITURE Wanted U you have

anythmg In the Ime of household~u~~I~~~I~~e.rYf~3rfall ..;~~~~..re~~2-2115

PRIVATE PARTY wants to buy 91<12rUI! davenport and cha.r Carl ..ve-nmgs SundRY. ED 1-2177

GIRL'S light blue net formal wornonce, ag.. ID years. $5 AI~o rust IChlOchllla coat With hood excellentconditIon, 9-1D yea.... $4 SO TU 2-6404

Poultry and Pets

CHINCHILLAS a profltable and plea.eant hobb\ 2 pairs N C B A r"119'tered Call Royal Oak, LIncoln 2-1189

Wearing Apparel

Musical Instrument.

Mi.cellaneous tor Sale IIConunuedl ,

CONTINENTAL folding wheelchair.e>.cellent condItion $75 TU 5-6065

HAVILAND CHINA. Hamtlton aerv-lee for « O!"'n atoek TU 1-:141.

PORTABLE Slltfter .. w~ mach.ne~~..~tr!fu 1~~~ ent con tlon. lIke

MODERN 8.drawer walnut libraryd..lk and chair, ~ TU 2.2878 I

H~~J!,~ c~~Jltrd~~'Wa~~e:.~ner,

4-POSTER walnut bed and springsnljl.t table end table, lar,e sIzetricycle hand-crocheted buffet and Iaerver .cam, like new VA 2.2727

ODD PIECES of china Coalport In.dlan Tree mce for Christmas gJ.fts,olso .lIver pIece. TII 2-8016


14259 MACK AVE.VA 2-9800


Lote Models


CALL LO. 7-7801

.. RE\lFII' """T "D \\lIT Rt"CHTHl' Rl' Fll<; \\ I!O \\ 1\ ,-or 1\ RAT

1(\1 '0 I (),\;(;FR 'FFn ("'0\11 rof)",! Phone \ A ~-4~ >II ;,tt>p In . or

ahU \-OUT Adlll

HANSONChevrolet Co.

BEAUTIFUL maho,on'. dlr.nc roomc;. .H~ 1,\"'e nf"\\ S500 cost $1800""alllc Chef gas "a"ge p<'rf .. ct con-dltlon LaT~e Pmlco refngeTltoTr,~~coTUr\~~~~"onOgraPh comblna-


HOTPOINT electnc range, good can.dltlon. $45 TU 2.6404 Wanted Garages

MADE TO ORDER-These seta can bemade up In all coloIS, Incluatng yel-

low. blue. red green. tan CbllU1i arcupholst ..red m DuraD plastic matenaLwtule tables caD be made to any Size,shape and matenal You caD lelec:tfrom 26 d.fferent styles Visit our fac-tory dISPlay and ,..., these beauWulsets. Buy direct tram manufacturersave 33,. Odd chrOme cha1rI. 0ll1l' ,UI

METAL MASTERS MFG CO.24802 Grotlot Ave, E. Detroit

Near 10 MIl. RoadOpen dally 'U1 9 P M.East o.,trolt M1chllrJIB

PRescott 5-5200Open Sundays. 12 to 6 P. IL

Houlehold Good, for Sale

FOR SALE - Wl'SilhghoU5e Laundo-mat Call T1J 5.7286

Electrical Appliance.

Cars WantedAutos Wanted

Employment Agencies


~~t.lelan1~~~~d&c~~t.U:e~'~:;or week. TnnIty 3-77'10

MILLER - Employmenl agency 1.01-2656 Oornesbo b.elp .wornen forlaundry and cleaning Part-tune or...eek1y. Good laundress and cleaners.

Situation. Wonted, Female

RUFFLED CURTAINS and panelsneatly done PTlce reasonable WIllcall for and deliver Good serviceVA 4-0661

Help Wanted-Female

~pr5 ~ 5S~AYM~~~~y~th~ou~g 1i:,I:dav VicinIty Lakepolnt ..-St Paul.ED 1-53JO- --- ---- -- ---- ---

EXPERIENCED part-lIme lJ.rl lorrewrd and radiO .hop Box JDI,Grosse Pointe Rev,e" 1~12I Ker.cheval. Grosse Pain I.. 30

LIGHT COLORED glfl w.shes workas maId References Neat appear-mg TE 3-3248

SPARE TIME t y p 1n g Idw-e.SlngChnstmas list.s longhand TU 5-0850----NEAT. COLORED lady wuhe. Tuea-dd). and Wednesdays cleaning orHoning City refer ..nce. TYler 6-4337.

EXPERIENCED woman wanta daywork. good Ironer TE 2-DU4

S~~:,faI'~~Y,m;,c:J1I~~;~y r~~~n1:~~~'loyal and industrIOus Call Mondaymorning VA 1-1762

Mllcelloneou. 5ervic"CUSTOM.MADI: IlJ'D cov.rt I.ild &rav-

er.. dr.pe riM. OU&riUlteed worlt-manahlp Fin. qual1t7 materiaL Free.. \lmatee TUxedo s:.a158

IWatch Qnd Clock Re..PDlri.XP£R r tau wetc!\ repair' Bradle,

Jewelen. 211lS1Ma<k at Rollyn

28180292$ HOlcom:>


VA 4-2041


Inl ..rlor Decorator

Neot, Cleon Decoratingond Paperhanging

I'Irst Clua Won GuaranteedEXPERT WALL CLEANING


VA. 1-8164

Painting and PoperhonglngQUALITY WORK

wa.tL WA<:;ffiNG Ollllt)e't' cl .. anlnal c::,.. 1 Chr o;fm"'t (" c1 uH1 ",rhloc:.1\f'nafch nlac::t"nnt (; ft ,1(1""''111: VI .. ,t 'C,r('l ~ T()nl\ !()T' ('"/"'jIMG!:ORGE ~ DALt Y \-A 4-IlOO4 J"',t~ dr'p'.v nf - .. I .~1 -1/ 'urp-,..,

___ _ _ _ _ - I ltf"'mS Jtp("l\lf''C;' r po rRF'Y ~ortfC'Hnc.A'l !:X("Et LE"T lOll n' "011 \' .. h'IM rer.nnll,..d r> d.11'''. n~ rHllnttr1' !" .. Ic("l"'ahl. raHl1 I

\\lo,'p "orle .... tv ... ~.11\l DetrOIt Greet,nll: Corel CoWindow S~."eI _ \1 9632 Grond R,ver !


ComDOnv TR"T I.mm"", WI1 R ST'C'lItAGY'

!lro"" S"h anC "Cl'l'.n ~n1re "P ..rF 0\ T lln'", II\l, all W~.hln,

P.per and Col~'mln. Cll'Inf'd I Sell Them for Ca~h~t1o. 1I0u,. Wa.hlPII: Fox""""ft •• " I

\fen for 1", HV Job

Et<llm.t ..1 Cheerflln .. Given.. ,,,,, .. A (~ Job



I - Z ald.s 577 performance pacing hiinlperla te~y Pety of the losers r~

mamed In first place In the J.Il'lO

Keeps Lead dlVldual averages by rolling 55'HIS season average 15 an even lace

Teams wJnnlng three were;

I B Z- Turner BUICK. Inc, from Testan OW Ing Cement Co, Better Made ChipS;from Kennelly Catenng; an«

lmpeflal Cleaners wldtned Its Boutin's SerVice, from Ru&tifCabms. •

first place margm m the Grosse 200 scores: :Pomte Buslnessmen's Bowlmg Sarklsan 220, Brent 212. MeaLeague by talung four POints Donald 211, Pety 208, GroenevellI from Revere Cleaners whl1e Max 204 J. Bosco 202 •

E~~~~stW~~~epr,rcal~~~ if~\l~~::'n~IBrown.s second place Pomte Ins ' STANDINGS .:-VA 2.2170 evenings ED 1-2177 ~g~dncYg ~:s winning three from Imperial Cleaners ••••••••••• !t

e m eaners. Pomte Ins Agency •••••••••• 28

h SELDON Harold Mortson and Gil Sarkl- Tom Bovd, Inc .•.•••••••••••• 2~. m CO. ,on had Identlcal 561 totals for Turner BUIck, Inc 2.the POinters ITesta Cement Co •••••••••••• 2a

MANY YEARS ON THE Brent, of Hall- Dodds, lnc. I Belding Cleaners •••••••••••• 22EAST S IDE rolled 585. be,t total for the Dart In Bar .• _.. .. .... .... 20

I1lght, \\ hlle hIS team was spht- ICramer Electflc Co .••••••••• 20LET US APPRAISE Itmg WIth Dart In Bar, onetime Hal1.Dodd~. Inc 20

YOUR HOME league leader I Revere Cleaners •••••••••••• 19I Cramer Electr:c Co diVided Rustle CabinS •.••••••••••••• 1825 EXPER IENCED i four WIth Tom Boyd. Tnc Fer- Boutm's Service ..••••••••••• 17

SALESMEN man Ho\\e 5 231 was high Single BICUer Made Clups •••••••••• 17'for the n'ght ISchulte Hard are 18

Bruce WIgle Co. WIth a total Kennellv Cateflng ••••••••••• 13of 10 POints In ten weeks has 1 Bruce Wigle Co - •• 10something to talk about thiS~eek Five of those pomts have I Coke is the solid reSidue con-

2.PI-ECE moh~l~ll\lnl/ mom let elC- Average per-man production of been ....on m the laet two weeks !Istmg principally of fixed carboD.o~l"'nt cond lion al.o l/old Jac- coal m the Umted States for one I TheIr most recent tTlumph soMe ash, and a small per cent of'lilord Tounll:" ohaLr and chrom .. I d h S h I I I b d b h d tillhreakf .. t set Can aft ..r 5 TU 1- \ day 15 hl~her than m Jap,an for Inette tree al(illnst • cute I' vo atl e (1 tame y t e IS 11.-

ll~A~~;- re~::'~ab~;l ..aca~l"r:ro _~~ _ _ __ one month. Hard~ are \\ lln Harold MeDon- tlcn of bitumInOus coal.

1-068ll Mondav throulh. Frldav IFOR .. BETI'ER gnde of used turnl-.. turp Sf!e haaC' 'leat""" IV Futnltureo

Toilori~ ~~;:J~n~er;~~\~~ l~kl~l;a~rhV~1 USE THIS HANDY BLANK FOR YOUR CASH WANT ADJOE THE TAILOR \~OltMf2'U;"'~ °'M"ani~~v~'~l!$ral~I~. IN THE REVIEW

rnnnerIy I ~;~n2"..R;';h 3 ",,",ds "alnut oabmet Wt1'e ;,oU .. lVI' .\1Gro<.<.. potnte Wo<Idl Culfom Tallor - - - - - -- - - - - -- '1'00 WA1'flI .. WO ••

ALTERING and TAn..OR~~ ~ i ~_~~1¥!'.~~~7~apnd chllr hlue frleze ~~:~::'.:DD=:U:NAME •... _LADrF_" an<l Mm.S GAR';T Miscenoneou. f:lr Sa.. ,--

5263 Hereford TU 5 0187 "LEnon NtJ1I1IERor. I WFDDlNG oanv or reun.01l CUldI4s .. " (eltkr COUD" • ADDRESS - - - - - - - - - - . - . - - - - - .Wall Wo.hinC nr hom,,'ho~~';~~~ "" DD: WlmII). P1a« ad u. ,.,.-

PR ~ <>036 ... t .. • .....10...... lONE TINvtNCENT ~ wan Washlnll! lT1d Uo- I -- e 0h"lrterv cl"anlnll: MAchin" _tI1M' I Rl'BBI<;H DRI""!< - P,lnl ..d Ind <II'- .... 11.. G_ P.mte - - - - • • • - - - - - - - - - - -

~~~tn~d "'r~~l'd~tl!r"~:.('~: I~ ..~~2~'" .~__ __I Re'l1.... UIU "eftk .. "mates. Coli V'Ent~ 0-0770 I QUICK EXTRA CASH G...- PolDte 31, Midi.


Refrigerator Service

llEJP1UGERA TOIl - ADd 1!DOtor Rr9-lee Licensed md bonded Kelvin ••tor Fng,dan'C. LeonRnl ColdsDOtlTnlv..rsal and oth ..rs. WlIllam.VAlley 2-3111


Radio - Televi.ion Service

RADIO AND TELEVISION tnstallahon... \"Vlc.. l!uaront ....d "orlr OOl'~ Ifl-qROBERTS T1J 2-4550 VE 9-0880111330E Warren

PLASTERING - Any lrtnd of repairwork. Reason.ble nteJi Free est1.mates. Call TU S~ Leon Vermell-I..n


Piano Tunin,

NELS SWANSONI'1m CI.. Palntmg. Paper Hanl/Ull

and DecoratingReasonable - Work Guaranteed

V..... 2-6588

PIANOS TUNED repaired cleaned andmothproofed ProfeSSIonal ServtceClifford L Edwards T1J 1-3173

PIANOS Tuned and serviced RaDlOn-• bl. rates ....U work lIlaraDteed t.-O SeIbert TU 2-32'19

Landscaping - Tree Service


INTERIOR DECORATING. pamhn,.pllp.rhanglhg Matenal and labor,uaranteed Mv "ork speale. forJtself With an echo of sahcfactioDWm Loader ED,ewater 1-~D80

Complete Decorating ServiceINTERIOR and extertor pamtln,. paper

remov~ paper b.anlllng Best qual-~..It:~ ":~.eWork llUaranteed 1m.

ItstImllteo eIIecrfull1 IlIvenCall roRSYTHJt VA 2-9108

POinting & De<:orotlng, InteriorExterior, Paperhanging

VA. 4-8004

Pointing and Decorating

.... C BOtIK. C\eeorat!nl. painting, In- WIll prOVIde experienced womantenor and extenor. wallpaper r. to care for chl1dren In your home.~::Oln':e~ ~lean1JUl 1J39 By hour, day or week.

PAINTING papering, paper removedWork guaranteed 122 MUIr Road.Merlens. TU 20083


Plano ana AppUl.ilce ll4onn.We Buy Furniture

14411Kereneval VAil.." 1-1171

SHIRTS NEATLY laund .... d by handTU i-0187


Call OfficeVA. 2-5044 1242 Marylond


MOYing. Storace, Cortal.








Grosse Pointe


ROHR - n \Y - WFFK 'IofO'JHT'R(y\IPT "FR' WE

WA 5-8189


Grenter DetroitLANDSCAPE CO.


f'RU. !:!lTIMATUl

VA 2-22~0



TheGrosse Pointe Review

15121 KerchevalBet. LakepoUlte and Maryland

Say "Charge Itl"

VA. 2-1162


CASH RATErhe mlnlmwn charae lor claSSl-tied adll 18 50c for 1& worda.lour centa tor each additionalword

CHARGE RATEAs a convenience adl WIll beaccepted over the telephoneThe mlnlmUffi charaa rate IS60c for III words. tour cents foreach additional word. Pay.ment can be made by cashcheck or money order.


Upon Request

Carpet. Cleaned

DeLUXE CARPET CLEANERSRu,s EXJ1..rtlv CI..lIn..d In Your Home

No Fua - No Mug

loe FosceED 1-1961

Electrical Repairs





No 10" TlWl Smlln

__ LAkeview 6-4864

I buYati",WE 'RI""."T


ALL KINDSFree _atelLA 7.2952

CARPENTER _ MAINTENANCE - In.tenor and exterior Porches cup-boards doors. etc Good work... ~ast.eTV'Ce C Jim Sutton Beys unveT1J 5.2769

REPAIR. mtenor and e>:terlor En.closed front or rear porch Kitchencabinets recreation room! attlerooms remodeling PrOMpt set'Vlce~~gN~~:;~tml!ffih~67i(. E Barber

Carpenter Work

Brick and Cement Work

ATTENTIONAU Brick and Cement Work

New ano RepairPorches Steps Piers Walks Ett

Also Water ProofIn,Reasonable - Work Myself

Bookkeepins and Accountinl


Tax and Report ServIceFederal Slale and Canadian

Notary Public With SealHARRY HAAS Tax Consultant14841 KERCHEVAL AVE

Corner Aller Road VA 2-7812

CorsetiereSPENCER Corset repair shop Speclal-

tz.in Iii!: in Spencer cOr!ets Also othermakes Repalr!ng lInd reflttm~ ex-T>Pf11.... tlnn.. 12 years expeneneeTU 5.4022

SPEXCER CORsETS-Indlv.dually de.SIgned dreSi and .urJpcal garmenh'0\ rr 1ft vpars p-x'"'Penencf'" MaudeB'nnprl TU 5.4027 or TO 7-4312368 McKiOley

IDressmaking and Alterations

CUSTOM Dre<sma1l:Ul1l! ladles' andchlldMm's cloth. Speclahzlng In

I \'o£1le dpsllm' Alteraho" ... xnertlvdoni' OffIce 15411Mack by .ppolnt-ment only TU 1-3593

EXPERT dressmale.r and alt ..rattnn •.,\Ot1r homt l')r mme b~t of refer-..ncps ED 1-4841

DRFSc;MAKI~G and all ..rahoM Ex-p"rl v.ork on SUits and coat9 Coptelnf "n'\~ sk~tch Preovtou!!I f'x'P~r1t!'nef!~'~~~ ~~~~m;rm3:s~,,:~o~,llt;~ql? at

Al TEllA110-';c; On ladles' and .hlld-r.n's oppor ..l Can TU S-:MlIS

• Quality Groceries

l { } " ( ) 1 '" n, (~r(" (' p',n'c r,'k

" -

TR6~~LE ft.......-FREE df

DRIVING ~tOI Place I' _5\......../'7

Earle RichardsSERVICE

MACK ru 1.931"Grosse- Pulnle Woodl

AAA ServtteShell and firestone Products

c;;(', "( '\

Sundoy.{l• Cbolu Meats


I dule Dane I Th~ Prto-Advent Inter-ParIShIe e Dance Sponsortod by 36 lut Side

J) L 'S 11 pall~hl'~ will b~ "Ield T d Ie a a e evcnJn~ Novemh(1 2fl, I~~~ ~the Vanlll Bdlho()m, Jleffel~on,l!1d N, "P"II MU<,11 1\111 h(> hyl{dlph H"" en dnd hi, OJ lhe~ll d------ --- --

I « rl'!oh Produce

Published G

To the QualifIed Electors of theCity of Grosse Pomte Park'

Notice is hereby given that a SpecIal Election WIllbe held m the CIty of Grosse POlnte Park In the Count\'of Wayne and State of l\lIchll::an on

MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1950from 7:00 o'clock in the forenoon until 1\'00 o'clock in theafternoon, Eastern Standard Time. for the purpose of

(1) Voting on the followm~ proposItions:The adoption of the Propo~ed Charter for theCity of Gro~se Pointe Park as drafted b~' theCharter Commission elected on March 13, 1950.

(2) Electinjt the following City Officers:A MAYORSIX MEMBERS OF COUNCILA MUNICIPAL JUDGE (JustIce of the Peace)

All qualIfied regIstered electors of the Vlllage orCltv of Grosse Pomte Park shall be entitled to vote atthl~ SpeCIal Election.

Polling places for saId SpeCIal ElectIOn shall be asfollows:

The Votmg Booth In the Mumclpal BUlldmgsItuated on Jefferson between Man land andLakepOlnte for Votmg Precmct No 1 whIch em-braces all terntory south of Kercheval.The Votm~ Booth In George Defer School SItu-ated on Kercheval between Nottingham andBalfour for Voting Preclnct No.2. whIch em-braces all tern tory north of Kercheval.

Willianl G. StanllnanSecretary of ElectIon CommlsslOn,CIty of Grosse Pomte Park.

P .ReVlew :"'ov 23, 30, Dee 7, 1950



Grosse Pointe ParkCounty of Wayne, Michigan

Notice of Time

bnlh mc!U'I\'C'. are 1'1(' <iil\~ !'('r111\1\('0 f('ll ldmgpetlt]()n~ for th(' non'malln!1 ()f offIces of -


County of WaYl1{,~:Michigan

To the Qllllhflect F.lpct(1r~ (1f theCltv ('If Grn~~l' Pnmtf' Par\..

!\ntl(,(, I~ h('\ci)\ gl\ rn tl-jilt

NOVEM8ER 24, 1950 THROlJGHDECEM8ER 1. 19;)0

And Every Day 9 to 9 m

TU. :l~~~Oi Iml IDiWEIPELI~~


(Ju!'tice of thE' Peace)('If th .. Clt\' (If GrI"lC:!'f' pn\r'. P~rk tl"l be .. lertedat tlolf' ST"!'elI11fl!'C'+ll'\n "f (',1\' dfH'!'fC tl'l hl" ~"1d"r ~!onrlil\'. DE'('(>mh(>r 1t lq~n In ('''n'\m~ ~~1\',+h tt-l" Sr.-rlll1 F:1PC'tlNI "n thl" lIrlnrt, /'In" t(',1\ Chilrtrr.

SU( h prtlt!(1nC ~hal1 111' fllrrl \\ Illl tl1(, I1nt1rr-~I t;nf'o SP('1 pt 1f' (1f Ihe t II ('11(111 ('nrnml"I(111

"'illioIU (;. SfummOIl.

2U:lllS Mack-BetweeD LaDca~ter & Country Club Drive

Filing. NolllinationePetitions


he ,tudent, lit De La ::'d!lCI ,ponsor a dance on Fllday,pm()er I Don Taylor and hishp<h8 Will pillYhall man of the event IS ::'dm

~I<ln() <lnd his assistant IS John

k II1\IHli; the l/lIl1mlttee membels IRalph Gentel, Tony Vlvlllno,PuIIP, Al La Torr~, Don Lew-nil ,hI Bob Van Sleelant,n Mdnnebach, Bob BI ezen-

K(>n Van Neste and Johngel I /nJ~l

elJ or buy through Classified Is In The 01 o~~e POinte RevIew

::;1 '1!J1EE35il(!i-=.IBCL 'r.' il!l~~l!ll;'i

G,osse Pte. Woods Market I


Page 6: Effects ~!~~~~~. ofdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1950-54/50/1950-11-22.pdf · One of Sgt BrYllOn C Sutton's and refr4!Shment8 Will be served tlnn I.!'beln~ gatherrd

OPEN DAILY8 A.M. TO 8 P. \1.






. Considering the available supply ofsheet metai, ~e are suggesting to Ourregular customers that they survey theirrequirements for

Gutter and Conductor Pipe

Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractors

8106 MACK WA. 1-4330

For that extra room or storagespace, come and see dISplay inour modem showroom - fur-nished in a package - installthem yourself. .. popular sizesin stock. .0" x 80" openmg.$2.7'5 :4

INOnl PINE PANELLINGIn our own attractive de&ign - it'sbeautiful for that new cozy recreationor extra bedroom. Ask us for a com-plete estimate on material only. A goodsize room can be had '5 Perfor as little 81.. ••••••••• Month


Toy Drive ReplenishesStock at Thrift Shop

The eighth annual Toy Dnve for several wef'k~has Just been successfullv com- Co-chall'mf'n (If th. Tovpleted and the shelves Will be were Mrll Henl \ \1 ~1bulgmg WIth the most excltmg Jr. and Mh J Ihn C (~''l"Plo~toys and stuffed animals when Mem ber~ of j hr r, 11 ,.p r

T d 0 n n.. M W It Illlltl'1the doors open ues ay m I' I.... rs a er H hid !I \ \t!tat the NeIghborhood Thnft Shop. fred Mal ks. MI' C~o t,.,

Mesdames Campbell and Chap- Jr Mrs Ed J rge iJo'R "b t S II In R StJ[Jh ~~.m, WIth their very eft'lcIent com- 0 er urd.lll1 1111' J "ll.

rnlttee, have been hard at work Wardwell. MI' \\11'10'0" _Otscall1ng people and collecting toys Jr, Mrs. Bernen ldlo 'J ~'"_____ n, r


Tile Plank-pricedfrom ...

In many colors, always instock. Ask us for an esll-mate on matenal only, orapphed $549 and upComplete_.. per square

Floor sanderJ!'For Rent •You Run It Your-self,We Show You 'i-How- 1/ C.:50c per

Boar IWe Also Have NecessaryVarniSh, Pamt, Accessories

IINDUNG WOODIs a handy item during thesecool days. 250 at ourLarge bag. . yard.We do not delIver this Item.

INSULATEnow before old man win-ter vis its you. Manyn a t ion a II y adver-tised brands in stock.

Free ParkiDr inSir Parkin&' Lot


GlASS WOOl BLANKET:: 1:; c;.arI~...... 6e ~

Home Owners' Lumberand BuiJdiDr Material


.....,A NEW HOUSE?

Let us eshmate the ~terlal.s, andhelp you select a contraolor, or showyou how to bUild youtself. BrIngyour_plans into our office or call ourMr. Hurd. HiS expert adVlce IS free.

BdI ~ IIIOderR CroSleYEIeetric IOtdten IS 1-'

I.-dget pet .-Hs-.-Ity itlllPictured here are s fe\\, ~lthe many great Croslel KIt-chen helpen with" hich IOUcan plan e:xaeth the J,.ltche~you want. To ....d the ~I'Iefor the over-all dt'coratl,reffect you have ,O\lr chmceof C~iev Ba ..e C~hmrl lor'in five attra('tin' ('olor' (oTllt'in and let U5 hf'lp lOll JIll"your Cr05ley Kitrhrn-" Ilheven' unit arranged to '1111

you "best!se.t ..... tile itetIlS

,..wut.-st- 1 nil-then add other' nnlr '(he('ome the proud 0\\ nrT n aCro'iley Completr KilChc"From 51art to lomlllrllO"

FREE KITCHEN ESTIMATES :een1~:t~f~~..toO~rT~~I~t ;;:.lIdd-an-.tem pl<ill




... Vulun Industries are able to give. Complete Kitchen Job - including the necessary Plumbing Plastering Wiring, c.,penterWork. Til. Work, Asphalt and Rubber Tile Floors. Mosaic or Plastic Tile - FRU ESTIMATES. • ,


VUL(;AN INDUSTRIESDivision of Vulcan Basemenf Waterproofing Co.

14901 E. 7 MJLE ROAD, One Block West of Hayes


CROSlE1 C.. . .. On Our Easy~< ~,j:~:~::";,~'~:y~ ADD-AN-ITEM


Here are the 'Tools' for Easing Housewive's Kitchen Work

f ,""t~~.,"".

'0 "" l . ~.....

Charles Treger, concertviolimst, w111play hIS onehundredth public programTuedsay evening, Novem-ber 28. at the Institute ofArts. Many Grosse Pointeresidents will remember 'when Charles, at the age of11, made hiS first solo ap-pearance at Grosse PomteMemonal Church. He ISsponsored by WIlliam H.Engel of 1179 Yorkslure.


Every houseWife-and hUbbY'l new pledsure and convemence to to offluals of Vulcan Industries, "All unI'" are planned for con-toa- In thiS area has the oppor- cookIng, baking, food planning. 14901 E Seven Mlle. venlence, titep-savmg economy,tUnlty to see an elOnomlcal. and all the other things that must Thev have put on exhibition maximum counter and storag~down-to-earth plan for brInging be done m the kitchen. accordIng at the Woods Theatre 19219 Mack space, adeqUatehwordkdrOOffito'an I____________ 'other features t at a up rea

I avenue, a dIsplay of the Crosley kitchen pleasure," says Douglas

TO APPEAR ---------- ..........IComplete KItchen, wtuch they McLain of Vulcan IndustrIes.

R ta Club polOt out consIsts of every Itemo ry mdlspensable to the modern, ef- Also on dISplay 10 the Woodsfic:ently operated home. Theatre lobby are vanous otherBowling Crosley products such as Chosley

The Crosley Complete Kitchen teleVISIon and CI'\:lsley radIOS.has been so planned. and design- '

P and J CocktaIl Lounge. 27 131 ed that UnIts can be obtamed one Everyone VISIllng the dlSplay ISMIddle At!. Transp. Co..• 26 14, at a time-the "cleaning and pre- mVlted to Wrlte a slogan for theFarlT1ll Market .••••••••• 23 17" paratIon center," the "refngera- new Crosley Shelvador Refng-Houston Bros Inc .• , ••••• 23 17 tiun center," and the "cookmg erator shown In the lobby, andHarnson Carpets •••••••• 23 2170and serVing center." to enter the bIg slogan contest.Wolverme Chips •••••••• 20Motor City Tires •••••••• 20 20PIches Barber Shop •••••• 19 21Earl Holzbaugh 18 22Mondry Cleaners •••••••• 17 23A,uto Club ".".. 17 23Kopp's Pharmacy ••...•. 7 33

Winners 10 last week's TurkeyShoot were Bill Carless, RayRobb. Bill Kopp and Chris Robb.Two upsets occurred m last week'sschedule Motor CIty Tires trippedthe P and J CocktaIlers andKopp's Pharmacy won theIr firstserles of th,e season when theyturned back Piches Barbers, 3-1.

TU. 5-9833

II P.liI to 1.30 A. M

Dance MUSIC by




to Fin for

War Memorial t:':.enterCalendar of Activities


Fruit Farm



8{:vanov~STEAK HOUSE


HOLIDAY CIFTSAll Sizes _ All Shapes


Detroit - TR. 3-8030Washington, Michiga"

Woshintton 3541


Direet ibipment from Farmto yOU!' Bome


Gold Cup LoungeOpen 2 P. M. to 2 A. M.

Rusonabh PricedWe Cater to Clubs, Teas,

Showers and Parties2 to 5 by Reservallon

Orders to Take Out



SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKENSteaks of All Kinds - Chops - Seafood


Red Jonathans

1 Bu. CRADE A $3.00

Va Bu. CRADE A 1.50

1 Bu. CRAPE B 2.50We Dellvu Orden Duly to

2M Ptq.ette ATe. near 10M iL StDetroIt

An all purpose WInter appl£for home use

6-Th. Grau. Poh,.. R.vi..-W." .....y. Noy. U. 1950i

FOI' Period Tbursday, November %3 Throul'h Tbursday, November 30: Friday, November %tYoung Adult Open House - Infol mal evenlOg wIth square danclnC

50c covers ever~ thing - 8 30 P rnSaturday, November %5

Sallet Classes - Olga Fnckel Instructor - 10 a m to 1 p.rn.November 25 Tbroufb December 9

ExhIbit of Paintmg by Mrs Wilham R HamIlton and Mrs. JohnGOOdman - WeekdaH. 10 to 5. Sundays. 12 to 5.

Saturday, November 25Convent of the Saci ed Heart - Tea-Dance _ .. 30 to 7 30 pmTeen Age Open Hom.!' (lOth. 11th and 12th grades) - 50c covers

everything - 8 30 pmMonday, November %'7

Rotary Club of Grosse Pomte - Luncheon-Meetmg - 12.00.Grosse PolOte Women's Republlcan Club _ Luncheon-Meetmg _

1245 pmPamtlng Cl,,~ - W&'rlen SlmpSQn .Instructor - Sponsored by

Grosse Pomte Artists Ass'n - lOOp m.~ulpture Class - Margaret Gifford. Instructor - Sponsored by

Grosse Pomte Artist.!; Ass'n - 7 30 pmUnlveI'Slty of Colorado Alumm Assoc - Meeting - 7 45 p m

Tuesday, November !8Chma Classes - 10.30 a m and 2.00 p.rnOphrrust Club - Luncheon-Meetmg - 12 15 pmPtunting Class - Warren SImpson. Instructor - Sponsored by

Grosse Pomte ArtIst.!; Ass'n. - 1 00 pm.Painhng Class - Edgar Yeager, Instructor - Sponsored by Grosse

Pointe ArtIsts Ass'n. - 7 30 pm •Young Marrieds Red Cross Home NursIng Course - Reservallons

Jl.eeessary - "30 pm.Wednesday, November %9

Advanced Pamtmg - Guy Palazzola. Instructor - Sponsored byGrosse POinte ArtISts Ass'n - 1.00 p m.

Grcsse Pomte Safety and Traffic Committee - Luncheon-Meetmg12:15 pm. /

Ballet Classes - Olga Fricker, Instructor - .. to 6 prn.Friday, Deeember 1

Adalt Social Evenmg - Cards and dancmg AdmISSion $175 pereouple - 8'30 pm.




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