Effective Phrase Prediction

Effective Phrase Prediction Effective Phrase Prediction VLDB 2007 : Text Databases Presented By Arnab Nandi, H. V. Jagadish University of Michigan 2008-03-07 Summerized By Jaeseok Myung


Effective Phrase Prediction. VLDB 2007 : Text Databases Presented By Arnab Nandi, H. V. Jagadish University of Michigan 2008-03-07 Summerized By Jaeseok Myung. Motivation. Pervasiveness of Autocompletion Typical autocompletion is still at word level Phrase Prediction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Effective Phrase Prediction

Page 1: Effective Phrase Prediction

Effective Phrase PredictionEffective Phrase Prediction

VLDB 2007 : Text Databases

Presented By Arnab Nandi, H. V. Jagadish

University of Michigan


Summerized By Jaeseok Myung

Page 2: Effective Phrase Prediction

Copyright 2008 by CEBT


Pervasiveness of Autocompletion

Typical autocompletion is still at word level

Phrase Prediction

Words provide much more information to exploit for prediction

– Context, Phrase Structures

Most text is predictable and repetitive in many applications

– Email Composition

Prob(“Thank you very much” | “Thank”) ~= 1

Center for E-Business Technology IDS Lab. Seminar – 2/13

Page 3: Effective Phrase Prediction

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Number of phrases is large

n(vocabulary) >> n(alphabet)

n(phrases) = O(vocabulary phrase length)

=> FussyTree structure

Length of phrase is unknown

“word” has a well-defined boundary

=> Significance

How to evaluate a suggestion mechanism?

=> Total Profit Metric (TPM)

Center for E-Business Technology IDS Lab. Seminar – 3/13

Page 4: Effective Phrase Prediction

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Problem DefinitionProblem Definition

R = query(p)

Need data structure that can

Store completions efficiently

Support fast querying

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An n-gram Data ModelAn n-gram Data Model

R = query(p) : r ∈ R, prob (p, r) is maximized

mth order Markov model

m: # of previous states that we are using to predict the next state

n-gram model is equivalent to an (n-1)th order Markov model

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)|()|()(),,( 23121







frequency for rank

Prefix length p = 5

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Fundamental Data StructuresFundamental Data Structures

Basic data structure to “completion” problems

TRIE or Suffix Tree

Phrase Version

Every node = word

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<TRIE> <Suffix Tree>

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Pruned Count Suffix Tree(PCST)Pruned Count Suffix Tree(PCST)

Construct a frequency based phrase Tree

Prune all nodes with frequency < threshold τ


PCST including infrequent phrases is constructed as an intermediate result => does not perform well for large sized data

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[16] Estimating alphanumeric selectivity in the presence of wildcards

Page 8: Effective Phrase Prediction

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FussyTree ConstructionFussyTree Construction

Filter out infrequent phrases even before adding to the tree

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N = 2, τ = 2

training sentence size



Tokenizingwindow size = 4

the size of the largest frequent phrase

(please, call, me, asap)

(call, me, asap, -end-)

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A node in the FussyTree is “significant” if it marks a phrase boundary

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Example : “please call”

Z and Y are considered tuning parametersAssume, z=2, y=3

“please call”(3) > “please”(0) * “call”(1)

“please call”(3) > ½ * “please”(0)

“please call”(3) > 3 * “please call me”(1)…

Page 10: Effective Phrase Prediction

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Significance – cont.Significance – cont.

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All leaves are significant

due to END node (frequency = 0)

Some internal nodes are significant too

Intuitively, suggestions ending on significant nodes will be better

No need to store counts

Page 11: Effective Phrase Prediction

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Online Significance MarkingOnline Significance Marking

(Offline) Significance requires an additional pass

Compare against tree generated by FussyTree with offline significance

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The branch point is considered for promotion

The immediate descendant significant nodes are considered for demotion

Page 12: Effective Phrase Prediction

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Evaluation MetricsEvaluation Metrics

Precision & Recall

Refer to the quality of the suggestions themselves

For ranked results :

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Total Profit Metric (TPM)Total Profit Metric (TPM)

Total Profit Metric

TPM measures the effectiveness of suggestion mechanism

Counting number of keystrokes saved by suggestions

d is the distraction parameter

TPM(0) corresponds to a user who does not mind distraction at all

TPM(1) is an extreme case where we consider every suggestion(right or wrong) to be a blocking factor that costs us one keystroke

The distraction value would be closer to 0 than 1

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Total Profit Metric – An ExampleTotal Profit Metric – An Example

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Multiple Corpora

Enron Small : 1 user’s “sent” (366 emails, 250KB)

Enron Large : multiple users (20,842 emails, 16MB)

Wikipedia (40,000 documents, 53MB)

Data Structures

(1) PCST, (2) FussyTree with Count, (3) FussyTree with Significance


Significance : z(comparability) = 2, y(uniqueness) = 2

Training Sentence Size N = 8

Prefix Size P = 2

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Prediction QualityPrediction Quality

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Tuning Parameters (1)Tuning Parameters (1)

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Tuning Parameters (2)Tuning Parameters (2)

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Phrase level autocompletion is challenging, but can provide much greater savings beyond word-level autocompletion

A technique to accomplish this based on “significance”

New evaluation metrics for ranked autocompletion

Possible Extensions

Part of Speech Reranking

Semantic Reranking

– Using Wordnet

Query Completion for structured data

– XML, ..

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