Ef:::~ County - CTASCounty 1970 ~ PCEulation 1st 100,000 or more 2nd 50,000 - 100,000 3rd liD, DOD -...

,; II PI: _ ' --, . / ' .. " Official," Of the SIBle's 95 Counties l!;.':.l' Build a BeNer Tennessee . - .'. ' County Technical Assistance Service The_ University of Tennessee. 156 Capitol Hill Building .- and Nashville 37219 - Telephone 615/242-0356 70/. 11 TO: FROH: SUBJECT: County Judges, County Executives, General Sessions Judges, Officials and County Officials James B. Jr., Executive Director Salary Increases Effective September I, 1980 The General Assembly recently enacted the County Officials Salary Bill (SB 1836 / F...B 1674), subsequently signed into la .. ' by Governor Alexander, give county officials salaries are determined by T.C.A: 8-2403 (maximum salary and T.C.A. 8-2405 (minimum salary an across the board six percent (6%) salary increase effective September 1, 1980. Enclosed you find schedules of salary i ncre a ses for salaries a ff ected by this legislation as as a salary schedule for General Sessi ons judges, ....... i11 continue to receive cost-of-living adjt!.Stzlents unt:il 1982. The tables sho,,", current annual salary. annual salary ef fect:i,'e September 1980 and the fiscal year 1980-81 salary for budgetary purposes. If you have any questions regarding this information. please contact this office or the CTAS field representative in your area. Jh'1o;': ehb Enclosure ("h td Cffrtfrt'%c.. ........ .L ,{f; W, (r- · .... H Iv..; L,."e7 C .. , /1/1,.,,,,.,,; P,T"t »"1;,'- ,J.... /.I . 77" ci.J/n),...I;';"- -Ie .Jvl,. '" f eil-S' •• I- :J':iT OF UT'S 'NS':'fTUTE FCF ;;:"'S:"IC O:;eral€:Cj in cccperz: ic. '" wilt , rh€- Ten"fSSef: Cour.:y SeT', .. Assc.cic:lcr.

Transcript of Ef:::~ County - CTASCounty 1970 ~ PCEulation 1st 100,000 or more 2nd 50,000 - 100,000 3rd liD, DOD -...

Page 1: Ef:::~ County - CTASCounty 1970 ~ PCEulation 1st 100,000 or more 2nd 50,000 - 100,000 3rd liD, DOD - 50,000 4th 30,000 - 1I0,OOO 5th 20,000 30,000 6th 15,000 - 20,000 7th 10,000 -

,; II PI: _' --, .

/' ~",

.. "

/~.e/~ing Official,"

~~ Of the SIBle's 95 Counties l!;.':.l' Ef:::~ Build a BeNer Tennessee .

- .'. '

~~1iB ~~~ County Technical Assistance Service The_ University of Tennessee. 156 Capitol Hill Building .- Sev~~th and U~i~n. Nashville 37219 - Telephone 615/242-0356

70/. 11 TO:



County Judges, County Executives, General Sessions Judges, High~ay Officials and County Officials

James B. ~estbrook. Jr., Executive Director

Salary Increases Effective September I, 1980

The General Assembly recently enacted the County Officials Salary Bill (SB 1836 / F...B 1674), subsequently signed into la .. ' by Governor Alexander, ~hich ~ill give ~hose county officials ~hose salaries are determined by T.C.A: 8-2403 (maximum salary la~) and T.C.A. 8-2405 (minimum salary la~) an across the board six percent (6%) salary increase effective September 1, 1980.

Enclosed you ~~ll find schedules of salary i ncreases for salaries affected by this legislation as ~ell as a salary schedule for General Sessions judges, ~ho ....... i11 continue to receive cost-of-living adjt!.Stzlents unt:il 1982. The tables sho,,", current annual salary. annual salary e f fect:i,'e September 1980 and the fiscal year 1980-81 salary for budgetary purposes.

If you have any questions regarding this information. please contact this office or the CTAS field representative in your area.

Jh'1o;': ehb


("h td Cffrtfrt'%c.. Gd.tJ~ ~~ ~u.. ........ .L ,{f; LI~

W, (r- · .... '(P~ H [U-~J ~ Iv..; L,."e7 ,f(l~:.L-

C .. , /1/1,.,,,,.,,; P,T"t »"1;,'- ~ ,J..../.I .

77" ci.J/n),...I;';"- -Ie .Jvl,. '" J~t, f

eil-S' •• I- :J':iT OF UT'S 'NS':'fTUTE FCF ;;:"'S:"IC SER~'ICE O:;eral€:Cj in cccperz: i c.'" wilt, rh€- Ten"fSSef: Cour.:y SeT', .. ~es Assc.cic:lcr.

Page 2: Ef:::~ County - CTASCounty 1970 ~ PCEulation 1st 100,000 or more 2nd 50,000 - 100,000 3rd liD, DOD - 50,000 4th 30,000 - 1I0,OOO 5th 20,000 30,000 6th 15,000 - 20,000 7th 10,000 -

. .., - " "

m "·' :':" 1 ' - •

Helping Officials ",: ,- . . ' ~

- ' .- ... . J.if~ Of Ihe St~te's PS Counties .. ~ r.~ Build a Betler Tennessee --

- ". ' - . :, ' .. :;

~ EM • • eDt Ski§ii R'"tlQf§ County T ~chnical Assistance Service The University of Tennessee. 156 Ca pit 0'1 Hill Building • Seventh and Unior. • Nas~ville 372'9,· Telephone ~'51242-0358

' ..

County Class

1st 2nd 3rd L; t.h ---5r.h 5th 7th 8th

- :


. ~~" . '

.:;'" . .. . -.- -.- . . '

~ ~~,. ' : ~:.;t, ~'. -. .;. - " . .- :--.-: .. "--' • w ....

. :-:-~:~·?l.~~·: ~ . ::,...~;.:

County Executives Cou~ty Judges, County Chair-~n,

County ~~gers, ~nd Coun~y Administ~ators

. -

¥~niDum Salaries Provided fer by T.C.A. 8-2~:4

liscal Year 1980-81

Bas e r'.:i.n. }J,";n. Salary 2 ~os. @ 10 ~os. @

Populat.ion Eff. 9/1/79 Eff. 9/1/80 9/:/79 Base 9/1/80 Base

400. 000 or more , $46,174.00 $1;8,944.44 $i , 695.66 $40,787.03 150,000 -50,000 -24,500 -12,000 -

6,000 -3,770 -3,770 or

400,000 35,428.03 37,553.71 5,904.68 31,294.76 150,000 27,032.77 _ 28,654.74 L,505.46 23,878.95 50,000 23,170.94 24,561.20 3,861. 82 . 20,467.66 24.,500 21,240.04 22,514.44 3,540.00 12,000 18,343.66 19,444.28 3,057.28

6,000 17,378.20 18,420.89 1,896.36 less 13,516.39 14,327.37 2,252.74

CTAS- •• t. UNIT C~ Ui'S INSTiTUTE FC~ ;_'=~!C SERI'ICE Operefed in co::>t'c:ion ..... ," t"e Tennessee Co .... -: .. ::~'. " ::es t.,sscci;;:ior;

18,762.03 16,203.60 15,350.74 11,939.48


- '

Total Buc:ge"C 'Year IT 80-E ~ V' .an. Sala:-y


$48,482.69 37 ,199.L;~ 28,384.41 2L;~329.L:S

22,302.03 19,260.88 18,247.10 14,192.22

_,.~ __ ". ", _____ ,. __ : ___ "_.-.-_~._._._o-.

f --._- -

Page 3: Ef:::~ County - CTASCounty 1970 ~ PCEulation 1st 100,000 or more 2nd 50,000 - 100,000 3rd liD, DOD - 50,000 4th 30,000 - 1I0,OOO 5th 20,000 30,000 6th 15,000 - 20,000 7th 10,000 -

County 1970 ~ PCEulation

1st 100,000 or more 2nd 50,000 - 100,000 3rd liD, DOD - 50,000 4th 30,000 - 1I0,OOO 5th 20,000 30,000 6th 15,000 - 20,000 7th 10,000 - 15,000 6tb 10,000 or less

1970 ~ ?opu1ation

H=titotl 250,000-260,000 ~cntgOllle=-y 62,000- 63,000 G.ee!le 47,000- 47,700 Ca:-t.er 43,000- 43,500 Carter 43,000- 43,500 Putne::n 35,470- 36,000 ~'illi.amson 34,000- 35,000 ~'121ia.mson 34,000- 35,000 Giles 22,050- 22,300 Loudon 2 .. ,000- 2",300 Carroll 25,700- 26,000 5e..."lry 23,700- 24,000 Jef::crson 24,900- 25,000 weakley 28,500- 2S,950 Rhea 17,000- 17,250 Claiborne 19,000- 20,000 Ra~ood 19,500- 20,000 Polk 11,600- 12,000 Gr.5.i:Jger 13,900- 14,000 F.=pbreys 13,500- 13,600 Meigs 5,200- 5,225 Hancock 6,700- 6,750

GENERAL SESSIONS JUDGES SAL)_~tS As Provided for in T.C.A. 16-11~9(D)

Base Salary Base Salary Eff. 9/1/80 2 Mos. (; ttf. 9/1/79 11.3: I:Jc. 9/1/79 Ease

$33,065.97 $36,802.42 $ 5,511. 00 27,922.37 31,077 . 60 4,653.73 25,717.98 28,624,11 4,286.33 22,043.97 24,5311.94 3,673.99 16,165.58 17,992.29 2,69L..25 13,226.39 14,720.97 2,20.(..':'0 11,756. is 13,085.30 1,959.~6 10,287.18 11.4 .. 9.63 1,714.53

Exceptions as Provided in T.C.A. 16-1109 (D) (See footnotes fo110ving figures)

Base S.aJ.a.ry Eff. 9/1/79

$27,187.57 33,065.97 20,280.45 20,280.45 23,513.57 30,861. 56 25,717.98 33,065.97 20,574.3"7 23,155.48 17,635.18 18,589.75 23,513.57 20,574.37 11,021. 99 14,695.99 16,165.58

8,S17.58 14,695.99 IS,589.i5

7,347.98 11,756.i8

Base Salary Eff. 9/1/S0 @ 11. 3::: Inc.

530,259.77 36,802.42 22,572.14 22,572.14

1 26,170.602 311,348.92 28,624.11

3 36,802.42 4 22,899.27 5 25,772.05 19,627.96 20,6~0.396 26,1:0.60 22,899.27 12,267.48 16,356.61.0 17,992.29 9,813.97

16,356.64 20,690.39 8,li8.30


2 ~os. @ 9/1/79 ~ase

$ 4,531.26 5,511.00 3,380.07 3,380.0i 3,918.93 5,l~3.59

':',286.33 5,511.00 3, !.29.06 3,e5~.25

2,~39.20 3,098.29 3,918.93 3,429.06 1,S37.00 2,449.33 2,69.(..26 1,469.60 2,L.~9.3:;

3,09E.29 1,224.66. 1,959. "6

10 ~cs. @ 9/1/80 Ease

530,668.69 25,898.00 23,853.0 20,"45.78 11.,993.58 12,26i.48 10,504.':'1


10 ~os. r: 9/1/80 SE,se

$25,216.1.7 30,668.69 18,810.:'2 18,810.:'2 21,808.5':' 28,624.:'0 23,853.!.3 30,668.69 19,082.73 22~476. 7l 16,356.63 17,241.99 21,808.84 19,082.73 10,222.:-0 13,630.53 1",993.58

8,178.31 13,630.:'3 17,21.1..99

6,815.25 10,SOll.I.1

';etal 3~ge: :!'. r: E~81

$36, li9.~9 3:l,551. :-3 ~8,139.:-6 :L,ll9 .. 7i :.; , 687 • 54

:":,863.E7 :':',255.':9

:01:a1 3-..:c.get ::=. TY EO-51 SalG~

S29,i':'i.73 36,179.69 22 t 2.:-:>.l9 22.:'~:l.lS

25,i:7.i7 33.Hi.69 28,139.76 36,1;~.69

22,5::.79 ~~ ~": C" ._, ___ e, ...

19,2~5.83 20,3.:...0.:5 25~;:7.7i

22,5:2..79 12, ()5~. 90 16.079. eo 17,6e7.~

9,647.91 1£,079.86 20,.3~.28

8,O::9.S1 12,863.S7

·1 Salary of 526,170.60 is effec:ive only if these general sessions judges h2C ju"\'e=.ile jurisC:ic!:icI:.

2sa1ary of S34,311 8.92 for judges of the general sessions court is effective ?rc'~cied that t~ey se~e aDc ?reside as bot~ general sessions judge and juvenile judge. Ot~e~~se. t~e :E,se salary :or :~is class is S211,53 11 .911.

-The base sa:ar-J of S36, 802. 42 is effective in this C1E,5S county only if -:~,e. gs::c.=~ sess:';;::s j1.:C:~i!

e...-..:e!'cise5 all jurisciict ion and authorit~' conf err eci b:" ;'2\0:' upon the CC'Y.:1:y ~ uc.g e :r cha.i=-=~~. :-t::e!".~se . :~e b~e salary :01' t!Jis clas,s county is S~8.62i:.11.

~ :-::e ":i£se. sc..:~~,· of 522,899.2; :'5 e£:ectlve or.ly :.: t:~e:se £.ene:'c..l sess:,cl;S : '..:~~e~ ·:-.z~ .. ·e ~,::·:;c..:e c..::: ~·..::~' e=..:":e ~\!=::'sC:ict::on.

-~~e '~ase sa~ary c: 525, ii2. 05 is ef:ect:'ve only if the:se ge!leral sessio~s ~\.!cges :'-.a'.'e j1,;ve:-~::':e c..=.c io=es:~c =~:z=!c=s j~=~sciic:!c~.

~G_c;. .. .'

Page 4: Ef:::~ County - CTASCounty 1970 ~ PCEulation 1st 100,000 or more 2nd 50,000 - 100,000 3rd liD, DOD - 50,000 4th 30,000 - 1I0,OOO 5th 20,000 30,000 6th 15,000 - 20,000 7th 10,000 -

· ' .... ....... . ..... ..... , ..... .... - .,,_ ., . . . -.. ...~.- :- .- _:"- ....... .. :.

~ < . ~". "'~ .. .: . l;f .~in9 OfficjaJ~

~ Of rhe Stele's 9S Counties E-:: ~ Build B BeNer Tennessee

.. - .'" .:: .. "" .

~~~ ~~-ti: CoU:ntyT~ch~i~~i A~sistance Ser~ice The Uni\lersity of Tennessee. '56 CaPi1~IHi\'1 Buildi~g ~Se;~n;-~~d u~-i;-. Nash~i'i;'372'9 • i-~I~~h~n~ 6;5/2~2-ci358

. '. Col.:nry

9..!!.L lst ~~Q

1-:(j·" ; ::ci .J.ch Sth hI-> i:h

Co ... ~t,. ~lLss

c G


-. .. _. . -. ~ . .. .r:.----:--:-:-.. -: _ " '. ".:.:-~:::"';.~~~.. . :.. .... ~.-.. ~ .. -:~ .. ~ '. ~ :- : - - --.: ' _. - -- .. - _ -, "-.' :: --.:... -_ .-;:. r. ;. .

'. ': .~:=: · Count '!:-\U;t~u. ~h*T~!'!'S . Cl e :r..s of ~:-!.$.. -0_' _ ••

CiEI'ks ,,:>t l".6Sa ~$ of Ci-.. U :C: t:"T c.o.: . :..s, C1~ :- l<.5 r;; r.c la te Couru, '­Cl t:-;'..s; of C!'::c cl t: c.ou:-ts. "~[ : sar c f ~. CJ .. :- k.!: r;f C::·~:~l c.ouns,

h5seslicrs of ?ro1>u· t 'V , 1. t>G e ' e.:- U ex ~~tr,l >cssi cns c.ou n s

~..u:-' ..... = SA 1.1 r ! til .. -::(;::.:. J>!'o~'1oe(l : or by 'I .e . A. £- 2403

.. :~: .~{~~t~~ .--.~~~~~ r~::~ ::::~~W-El 2:. €

!:Iu'",: U:!. ':/l/S'';, 9/!rr~ ~ec

- .~'1; ..

.. ;.-.~~.~

1970 POPIJlatiOl:<

.. 00,000 or IW>re 150,000 .1,,00,000 100,000 - 200,000

50,000 - 150,000 2l1,5DO - 50,000 12,000 - 2l1,500

6,000 - 12,000 3,770 - 6,000 3,nO or- l~ss: 'Iruste.L I.ll oth~rs

1"70 Popul&r:1on

600,000 or r=.ore .. 00,000 - 600,000 150,000 -~OO,OOO 50,000 - 150,000 25,000 - 50,000 1.2,000 - Z!.OOO

6 ,ODD - 12 , 000 5,000 - 6,000 3, SOD - .5 , 000 3,770 - 3, bOO 3, iiO Or 1u£: Clerks of County &nd Prob&t~ Courts Sheriffs 'Irus~~~, Clerks , Y~stcr, Cl~rks of Cri~ ... l Couru, ReEiste.r oC ~ec,

t!f. "/1179 {' LO: Inc. !-'~

$40,151.29 30.~G6. 98 21.,820.80 -23.506.'6 20.148 . 65 18,469.60 15,951.01 l!j,lll.48

11,753.37 10,07.1".33

$42,560.37 ~2,f!'5."0 26,nO.05 2L,91i.17 21,357.57 1~,5i7.iS

16,908.07 16,018.17

12,'58 . 5i 10,6n.7"

S6,Hl.E.8 !.:..;.J..5o 4,:36. BO 3,H7.~O

3 ,~S. ~O

::,Ci8. :16 :2. f!.E. 50 2.!.~S .. 58

l,~6. ~O 1,£7~.06

Proviclec ~er bv :.C.A. E-24QS l1su.l )'tAr l~E.~El

w.se ~~UZIl

rff. 9/1/79

nS,361.99 21,141. .. 7 20,S73.5i 17,286.95 l!j,031.H 13,.1,,32.1,3 11,5E5.Li 10,512.33

9, %6 . .I;l S, 2:>" . SO

11,::<'21. .89· 10,217.1, 5 ~


l'.i.n. 5&1 a:"! if!. "/1/K! € 6 . 0: !nc.


22,':'09.9£ 22,::31.9f lS,Z:Zl..li l!,~33.0~

H : ,238.:lf :'2,:eO.60 1.1, j.'3. Oi 10,.500. n

9,iB8 . fS

:'1,£9S.3E 1.0,00.50


:2~. @

~/lii9 ;''-Se ,,~


::.523.56 3.'95.60 :'.Hl.16 2,505.20 :.::::e. j L 1..~30. 92 It';S2.06 l.,i51.06

~,!iO. £2 :.;C2.~0

' .

10 K05. @

r;/l/so l>ue ~.Lr.-=

!35 , HL 57 ~7 , 212. E3 21,925.04 20,761;.30 17,H7.'" 16 ,311;.80 14,090.10 13,3U.50

10,3£2.10 8,899.00

10 Kos. @ 9/1/60 ~4H ~':'~imu:

$16,237.1;2 lE,67L.96 lS,!.26.65 15,2iO.ll< 13,277.55 11. 6~5 . 31 10,.233.83 S,n5.59 E,750.!ic 8. 15i . .41

9 ,915 . 32 ~. O:5 . ':'1


...... -~ --::::: . ... 'IDu1 t~ ~H ): u r n Iot.- n 1'.u. S .. 1&:""I'

s.L2 ,15 E. e5 Z2,3l17.::3 26,061,U 2.,682.10 2!,1.56 . 07 19,3~;."6 16,71.f.bO 15,867.0e

12,3U.OO 10,57E . D6

leu.1 t"::tet "fur ~ 196D-E: ~.ll. S.urv

S29,';'Gl.OS 22,1~£.:'4

22,C22 . :<:5 J e ,152.30 !.5, iE2.;> 5 1J., 1e.:. . ~5 12.2t..:.. i5 11,D;'; . ~5

10,",01.72 9.c~~ . 5!:

ll,nG. :':' 10, i~L31

8,260 . 11

~et~: rh~ ~~r.~=um Sc1cry of th£ As~£S5Cr of Prcper=y ~ ~~~ .. l the ~~ c~~t~on of the Cou~:y !rU!tee. !he }~~es,or ,nc C~:c~it Co.::: Clerk ir. c~rtLi: couotlecs Gr~ E~:b~~=~c c~~a:~oo := &c~::lOC to the above ,=o~t. ( ~ec:!on . 8-2L05(!), T.C.A.)

·Cr""~l~:- 16S, Pt:olic .hCLS of l~ii, 1nr:.:-e.c.5~ ~he c.::.!.::\.:: ~c.:~::. 0:' _...K c~t.:-U c: cc..:=::)' ~nc prccE.te courtI ~ :.~e she:-:':: ~r. COU!lt:l~~ I.r:ith 1 ... 55 tr....t:. 3,770 pOp ... 1H1on to ... bC'Ve th~ :..&..X:~= s,~~' ?ro'l-'""l.co:::: 0)' I.e.A.. e-2L03.

CTAS. ~ • A UNI T O~ :.., ;-'5 INS' i ;- :../ ,;t FO ,:; z ·..JE:" iC SER VI CE Opere/E'ef in cooperE!/On ..... I;r: ;r;e Tfnr! ~!Sf-e Cc.;n:,1 5e'.,ices AS50CIEr ion

Page 5: Ef:::~ County - CTASCounty 1970 ~ PCEulation 1st 100,000 or more 2nd 50,000 - 100,000 3rd liD, DOD - 50,000 4th 30,000 - 1I0,OOO 5th 20,000 30,000 6th 15,000 - 20,000 7th 10,000 -

. . . .-:s ; ,oJ:," • ~ . . -....... -:.:..-;:, "

':ie/ping Offi~;Bls ' . ~ '. : iSIii.£'S Of 1he Stete's 95 Counties . . n

~ E$f-...¢$ Build B Better Tennessee: _ ~.,

_l~_':._ .•• -. -.. ~. ~ ;::~~-

•• "-Y . "-

, -. ,.-

. . ........... _ ..

~~.- '-.. ::.,- :

County' T~~chnical Assistance Service 5a "'§i!!!f55 ~ ~G&iA

Th~ University of Tennessee. '56 C=;pitO·I. Hill Buiiding • Seventh and Un'ion • Nashville 372' 9 • 'Telephone 6'5/242-0358 ,,',', .. ... -"'._ ~ . ..._ ..... ~.::.. ... ~-.. . .. ...;r-. . .-.:.- - .' :... . - . " . , ~...!.l:.i=l1= 5"'!."':"T Sc:-,ec\!le

'._,' ., __ .• ~",,,"-' 0, - ':'<~S,~::__ Cc=~ 2i.~e~ O": ::'c:..c.ls: . .. ... -, '. - . --. , - .

-e- . ,

: '.:,. ........ - -'"

. ," ".

p=~c~c !D~ b~ 7. C.A. ~'-l006

L~sc,l T~ ~Seo-El '.

1f ~be coun~y clerk ~ ~be' fcllo~~g cl.ss cD~~ies c= ... ~s the ~um

-. -". - .

:. ulc.ry F=oviced ~e=- 1: 'I.C ••• 6-2':'03, ~he ti~= u.16ry fer the ccu::ty hi&h\:s)' .... _t.·~_

. !":'. .

!ase :.:=.tj lS70 M<"''':I!1.::l ~~. SE.lL--: 2 ~.os. @ 10 ~cs. (!

ZS5 PD~ul.~icD !if. <;/l!i9 !!~ . ~/l/EO ~/1/i9 :'.se 9/1/S0 :,ue

:: / 400,000 or :lcre $.40,151. 29 S"2,560.~7 $6,691. BS S35,i,66. ~i &5 ;;.. lSO,OOO ~OO,OOO 30,806.98 32,665 . .1.0 5,134.50 27,212.E3 C*2 100,000 - 200,000 24,820.80 26,310.C5 ':'.136 . 80 21.S25.0l0 i -f 50,000 - 150,000 23,506.i6 2.lo,ni.17 3.917.80 20, 76.lo .30 ,- ..-- 2.lo,500 - 50,000 20,148.65 21,357.57 3,358.10 17.797.97 ..)

:, e-. 12.000 - 24,500 18,469.60 19,577.78 3,078.26 16.3ji,.SO .. '1 6,000 12,000 15.951. 01 16,908.07 2,658.50 14,090.20 b [/ 3,i70 - 6,000 lS,l11.48 26,018.1i 2,518.58 13,348.50 ...

'" ;,iiO cr less 10,074.33 10,678.79 l,6i9.06 8,898.99 I

lAble II

1f ;he ccun=y c.lerk :!..:l the follC''''~D! c.11i.ss cc-.=.ties C:r;;:''''E ::h~ l:.ini::.:J:I! ~.li.:; provicieci lor 1: 'I.C ••. 6-;;1,05. the ~i=.~ sc.1H: fer .. he c:oun-cy hig.n\;ay official is as !cllovs:


~ £ES ,

1970 ~coulc.~ioD

~;1 eOO.OOO or :lore 7J - --- - ,!;OO,OOO 600,000 c_ ill, 000 .. 00,000

--50,000 :.50,000 >Ct}----- -""2'"2'5 ,OOO - 50,000 £ . . ---------12 . 000 25, 000 C _______ --:------f, 000 - 12,000 . ~.------._s:; 000 - 6,000 ." . -------~. COO 5, OGO ,'I;: -

_---- ----- 3, iiO - 3,800 J, iiO or leu

:Sase Min::.I:l=:

!~f. 9/1liS

518,381. 99 21,l'-1.47 20,~i3.57

17,256.95 15.031. 19 13,~32.l;3

11,585.1;7 10.5~2.33

9.9D6.L1 9,23 ... so


~...!.:I.. Salc...ry 2 ~os . @ 10 ~cs, @

!.:: . 9/1/C.0 ~/ln9 !c..SE: 9/1/80 BiE.s£

n9,'!'8':'.~1 ~3,063.66 ;16,.23i .L2 22,t:O~.~S 3,52.3.58 lS,6i4.~6

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CTAS. p • I-. UNIT OF UT'S /I'-STI/UTE FOR PUBLIC SERVICE Operated In cooperelion WITh me Tennessee County Services Association