Eerie Coincidence_ Colorado University Had Identical Drill on Same ..


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1. Eerie Coincidence: Colorado University HadIdentical Drill On Same Day As ‘Batman’MassacrePaul

Joseph WatsonInfowars.comMonday, July 23, 2012Exercise revolved around gunman attacking theaterA

Colorado university just 16 miles away from the siteof Friday morning’s deadly ‘Batman’ massacre stagedan

identical exercise the very same day in whichstudents were trained how to react to a gunman firingat people

in a movie theater. “Rocky Vista UniversityCollege of Osteopathic Medicine is in the middle ofholding

specialized classes in disaster life support for150 second-year medical students. Along withresponse to

natural disasters like hurricanes and floodsand terrorist attacks, one of the scenarios being used totrain the

students is how to respond if a shooter fires atpeople in a movie theater and also uses a bomb in

theattack,” reports the Denver Post.The added detail of a bomb being used in the drillmakes the similarity

with the shooting even morecreepy given the fact that gunman James Holmes useda smoke bomb during

his deadly assault.The drill was part of an Advanced Disaster Life Support Training exercise which involves

emergencyspecialist physicians. The shootings in Aurora were actually incorporated into the training at

theUniversity which took place just hours after the massacre.“The irony is amazing, just amazing,” said

Rocky Vista Dean Dr. Bruce Dubin.The school drill was just one of a number of strange coincidences that

eerily paralleled the tragicmassacre druing which 12 people were killed dozens more injured.One of them

was a 1986 Batman cartoon in which “a crazed, gun-toting loner walks into a movietheater and begins

shooting it up.”As Angus Hogwarth notes, there are numerous other paralells with the Batman series

involving acts ofviolence taking place in theaters.In another shocking coincidence, a trailer that preceded

The Dark Knight Rises for a movie calledGangster Squad shows gangsters emerging from behind the

screen to shoot up a movie theater. WarnerBrothers were forced to desperately pull the trailer within hours

of the Aurora shooting.

2. Britain’s Firearm Ban Coming to America?Kurt NimmoInfowars.comJuly 23, 2012Sen. Dianne Feinstein

has demonstrated howthe gun-grabbers work incrementally to chipaway the Second Amendment.Appearing

on Fox News Sunday, the CaliforniaDemocrat who worked to outlaw semi-automatic firearms in the 1990s

during the reignof Clinton said the government should have amonopoly on large capacity magazines.“I

believe people use these weapons becausethey can get them, she said. “I believe that arevolver, a rifle, a

shotgun isn’t going to do thedamage. It’s the big clips. It’s 100 rounds, Youcan not get to him to dislodge

the gun because he can fire so rapidly and has so many bullets. Why doyou need this?”You can see where

this line of reasoning is heading. By the time Feinstein and Chuckie Schumer and the rest of the

government gun- grabbers are finished pea-shooters will be illegal. Semi-automatic and pump-action

shotguns were banned in Britainfollowing the massacre in Hungerford, Berks, in August 1987. (Seevideo

below.)Handguns followed after the Dunblane shooting in March 1996 whenThomas Hamilton shot dead 16

young children and their teacher at theScottish town’s primary school. The law is so strict, Britain’s

Olympicshooters must train outside the country.In Britain today, only the government and criminals have

firearms.The same thing will happen here if Feinstein and the other gun-grabbers have their way.English

Warning To Americans: DONT GIVE UP YOUR GUNS!


3. 13 Killed Last Night in Texas – Let’s OutlawALL Pickup Trucks!Kevin CopenhagenInfowars.comJuly 23,

2012This is the exact SAME logic used bythe gun-grabbing, bleeding-heart andhistorically-ignorant

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“liberals” in thiscountry in the wake of Friday’s massmurder in Aurora, Colorado. However,“conservatives”

also grieving for thelives taken in the senseless massmurder of last Friday and who, rightly,are up in arms

about talk of banningguns or restricting our access to themseem to have no issues with theMilitary Industrial

Complex takingmillions of innocent lives in wars ofaggression on sovereign nations over the past 60+ years.

“USA, USA, USA!!! Hoorah!!”In yet another tragic episode of sheer ignorance, 23 people were piled into a

Ford F-250 which went offthe road Sunday on Route 59 southwest of Houston, Texas, smashing into a tree

killing 13 andseriously injuring the other 10 on board. Where is the 24/7 nationwide media coverage,

outrage andgrief for these poor individuals and their grieving families? I hear the crickets chirping loudly

becausethere was no gun involved in this tragedy.Clearly, as was the case in the latest senseless mass

shooting in Colorado, the problem was not accessto weapons, or even the weapons themselves. The

problem was with the INDIVIDUAL in both cases.One, a deranged psychopath and the other most likely

ignorant and completely irresponsible for drivinga truck loaded in such a way that it was never intended to

be used. Just as the weapons legallypurchased were NEVER intended to be used in the way they were by

James Holmes.The problem in both of these unfortunate instances is NOT guns nor pickup trucks, but a

culture ofdeath, fear and ignorance perpetuated by the media, Hollywood, “popular” culture, “education”

systemand the government itself who uses fear to justify their very existence on a daily basis. And

Americans,for the most part, buy into this propaganda (what Edward Bernays and Walter Lippman referred

to as“perception management”) with very little critical thought.So, is the answer to ban all guns and let only

the psychopaths who gravitate towards positions of powerin the world have exclusive access to them

allowing an unchallenged monopoly of force against themasses? Do we ban ALL pickup trucks so that 23

people can’t pile in and risk certain death when thedriver loses control?OR, do we look deeply at

OURSELVES and our culture and ask what can be done to change the waypeople THINK in this country so

that tragedies in BOTH of these cases can be avoided in the future?Taking away rights and freedoms is not

the solution to any problem that has ever been. Education,

4. knowledge and understanding are the keys to living in a sane world of sane individuals who

comprisesane families, communities and societies. We need to look at the causes of mental illness and the

rootsof stupidity if we want to solve the problems that arise in tragedies such as these two that caused

theunnecessary deaths of 25 innocent people in just the past 3 days.While we’re at it, perhaps we should

look at our nation’s agenda of imperialism and the MILLIONS ofinnocents killed in the name of “spreading

democracy” over the past 67 years since the end of WW II.Oh, and how about the care-free and

irresponsible “disposable” culture that has allowed for the murderof 54 millions innocent babies who never

had a chance to experience life since 1973 in America?Perhaps we need to look in the mirror and realize

what we have become as a species when we are soshocked and saddened by such ignorant, irrational and

hate-filled acts of violence and stupidity on ourown soil. Ultimately, we ALL are to blame for the status quo

in this world, not inanimate objects suchas guns and trucks.