Transcript of [EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY 2] Audio media

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Audio Media• Audio- media are materials or sounds that are

transmitted, produced or received thru high

fidelity waves that are heard thru certain


• Inexpensive materials and easy to use

• The materials are light and usually portable

and easily duplicated or replaced.

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Kinds of Audio MediaA. Radio broadcast which can be live or taped

(canned) programs

It is an inexpensive means of reaching a mass audience or a great numbers of learners.

It is usually taped to eliminate problems of scheduling, timing and accuracy in the unfolding of the activities

It is valued for its immediacy, realism, and emotional impact.

It provides the listeners an identical listening experience

The weakness of this is that it is a one- way communication device.

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B. Recordings These may come in the form of ordinary

cartridge, open reel tapes, compact discs and

the digital video disc.

Advantages: two- way communication

device, eliminates the scheduling problem of

radio, Teachers can pre- hear the material so

they can evaluate its quality, content and

expected impact, it can also be reused in the

future if properly stored.

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Uses of the audio media in instruction

• It is effective in story telling especially if

pictures accompany them.

• Good for stimulating listener’s imagination

• Can be used to improve listening skills

• It is ideal for teaching foreign language

• Useful for those who have reading disabilities

or non- readers

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Next topic: The Chalkboard and Other Display materials

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The Uses of Chalkboard

To illustrate facts and processes, often with a help of drawings and sketches, maps and others.

To present important facts and principles such as new words, terms, rules, definitions and classifications.

To provide a good medium for students’ demonstration.

To display a wide variety of materials ranging from the motivational, developmental to evaluate activities.

To enhance maximum pupil participation

To provide for individual differences

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Quality of a good chalkboard

within the reach of the students.

easily cleaned

It should not be glaring

It should not be abrasive

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Suggestions in using the chalkboard

a) Keep the chalkboard clean.

b) Make your letters and drawings large enough to be seen by everybody.

c) Avoid hiding the materials or writings on the board.

d) Always write or prepare your materials ahead of teaching time.

e) It is best to line the black board especially in elem. grades so that students/ pupils will learn to write legibly.

f) Avoid overcrowding materials to be displayed on the board at one time unless your purpose requires to.

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Advantages of the chalkboard

a) Mistakes can be erased right away.

b) Teachers’ demonstration can be paced to suit

the level of the pupils.

c) Maximum student participation is insured as

pupils go the board.

d) Can be used for demonstrating purposes

e) It is always available.

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Bulletin Board Display• It is a medium for displaying materials which

must be cooperatively planned and put up by

the teacher and her/ his students.

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Purposes of Bulletin Board

a) To approach a unit

b) To develop a unit

c) To summarize a unit

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Multi- purpose board

• This type of bulletin board serves many

purposes like to announce important events or

occasions; to inform the public about programs

and offerings; to congratulate winners or high

performers, and the like.

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Quality of a good bulletin board or multi- purpose board

It should be finished with edge

It must be fixed on the wall to prevent accidents

It must be colorful and attractive

Have at least unified theme for clarity

Avoid overcrowded display

In putting it up, be guided by the principles of balance, unity, harmony, proportion, and contrast

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Next topic: E- board

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• E-board provides the hardware and the operational software but it will be the specialist application- the E-board ‘app’ if you like, which transforms the enabling technology into a viable solution and new stream of business for the specialist integrator.

• It is a large- format enables the display of multiple source of data. Sources can be overlaid to enable effective data visualisation or analysis, to facilitate discussion and provide improved decision making w/ groups.

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E-board can…

• Act as a ‘digital library’ interface, providing access to information or assets- information leaflets in a hospital for instance, or to digital images of the reserve collection at an art gallery.

• Reduce the need for staff to provide information and act as queue-busting aids at peak times, for example in stations, tourist attractions or public buildings.

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• Reduce the cost print; avoid the problems of out-of-date information and of running out of print stock.

• Provide an easy-to-use interface for the young, elderly or those with learning of physical difficulties to ensure all needs are catered for.

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