Educational Lynching

POSTER TEMPLATE BY: PROBLEM STATEMENT Black male students are suspended from school at a rate 2 to 3 times more than White male students nationwide (UCLA Civil Rights Project, 2010). This contributes to low academic achievement, low graduation rates, high dropout/pushout rates and increased risk of incarceration (Noguera, 2003). This trend has existed for 35 years and is getting worse (Skiba, Michael, Nardo & Peterson, 2002). This is a race-based issue, an equity issue, and a civil rights issue (UCLA Civil Rights Project, 2010). ________________________________ RESEARCH QUESTION How do effective teachers employ classroom management and caring relationships when disciplining Black male middle school students in their classrooms? FRAMEWORK/THEORY Critical Race Theory (CRT) in education is based in legal studies, looking at how institutional racism saturates the American educational system (Ladson-Billings, 1995) ________________________________________________________________________ CRT FLOWCHART This paper uses two tenets of CRT to reframe three primary explanations of disproportionate suspension of Black males in the research: cultural mismatch, teacher bias, & institutional bias. These explanations are in turn remedied using proposed interventions in the classroom & institution: culturally responsive classroom management, authentic caring, & race-based institutional interventions. ________________________________________________________________________ THE GAP IN THE LITERATURE The literature lacks studies that examine this specific problem of disproportionality in suspension, using the CRT framework to look at how teachers with effective classroom management and caring relationships with students, impact discipline strategies with Black male students. _________________________________________________________________________ RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This study requires a qualitative examination of the classroom. Using teacher interviews and classroom observations, this study aims to look at how effective teachers manage and discipline Black male students. It is anticipated that effective strategies will be revealed, employing culturally responsive classroom management and authentic caring relationships. EQUITY IMPLICATIONS Policy Demystify the role of interpersonal and institutional bias in disproportionate suspension of Black male students. Reframe the issue by examining the pathologies inherent in the institution of American education, not Black male behavior. Practice Discover important links between caring relationships, culturally responsive classroom management, and the elimination of disproportionate suspension by bias. Connect effective classroom strategies with eliminating disproportionate suspension by bias. ________________________________ REFERENCES Cartledge, G., Tillman, L. C., & Johnson, C. T. (2001). Professional ethics within the context of student discipline and diversity. Teacher Education and Special Education, 24(1) 25-37. Christle, C., Nelson, C., and Jolivette, K. (2004). School characteristics related to the use of suspension. Education & Treatment of Children, 27(4), 509-526. Dunbar, C. and Villarruel, F. (2004). What a difference the community makes: Zero tolerance policy interpretation and implementation. Equity & Excellence in Education, 37(351-359) Fatt, R. (2009). Keeping youth connected. Focus on Oakland. Retrieved from Fenning, P. and Rose, J. (2007). Overrepresentation of African American students in exclusionary discipline: The role of school policy. Urban Education, 42(6), 536-559. Fenning, P., Theodos, J., Benner, C., & Bohanon-Edmonson, H. (2004). Integrating proactive discipline practices into codes of conduct. Journal of School Violence, 3(1), 45-61. Foster, M. (1993). Self-portraits of Black teachers: Narratives of individual and collective struggle against racism. In D. McLaughlin & W. G. Tierney (Eds.), Many silenced lives: Personal narratives on the process of educational change (pp. 155-175). New York: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Gay, G. (2006). Connections between classroom management and culturally responsive teaching. Handbook of classroom management: Research, practice, and contemporary issues (pp. 343-370). Gregory, A. & Mosely, P. M. (2004). The discipline gap: Teachers' view on the over-representation of African American students in the discipline system. Equity & Excellence in Education, 37(1), 18-30. Gregory, A., Skiba, R., Noguera, P. (2010). The achievement gap and the discipline gap: Two sides of the same coin? Educational Researcher, 39(59). Knaus, C. B. (2009). Shut up and listen: Applied critical race theory in the classroom. Race, Ethnicity & Education, 12(2), 133-154 Ladson-Billings, G. (1998). Just what is critical race theory and whats it doing in a nice field like education? Qualitative Studies in Education, 11(1), 7-24. Martinez, S. (2009). A system gone berserk: How are zero-tolerance policies really affecting schools? Preventing School Failure, 53(3), 153-158. Monroe, C. R. (2005). Understanding the discipline gap through a cultural lens: Implications for the education of African American students. Intercultural Education, 16, 317-330. Picower, B. (2009). The unexamined Whiteness of teaching: how White teachers maintain and enact dominant racial ideologies. Race, Ethnicity and Education, 12(2), 197-215. Skiba, R., Michael, R., Nardo, A., Peterson, R. (2002). The color of discipline: Sources of racial and gender disproportionality in school punishment. The Urban Review 34(4). Skiba, R., and Peterson, R. (1999). The dark side of zero-tolerance: Can punishment lead to safe schools? Phi Delta Kappa, 80, 372376. Skiba, R. J. (2000). Zero-tolerance, zero evidence: An analysis of school discipline practice. Bloomington: Indiana University Education Policy Center. Retrieved from Solorzano, G. (1997). Images and words that would: Critical race theory, racial stereotyping, and teacher education. Teacher Education Quarterly, 5-19. UCLA Civil Rights Project (2010). Study finds big racial gap in suspensions of middle school students. Retrieved from Yosso, T. (2005). Whose culture has capital? A critical race theory discussion of community cultural wealth. Race Ethnicity and Education. 8(1), 69-91. APPLIED CRITICAL RACE THEORY KEY TENET OF CRT Centrality of Whiteness Unconscious hegemonic ideology that places white values and interests at the center of all aspects of dominant culture & policy, perpetuating white supremacy (Ladson- Billings, 1998; Picower, 2009). KEY TENET OF CRT The Challenge to dominant ideology Countering claims that the legal system of justice and public institutions, namely public education is colorblind, race- neutral and provides equal opportunity (Solorzano, 1997; Yosso, 2005). PRIMARY EXPLANATIONS IN THE RESEARCH Cultural Mismatch- Black studentsculture is pathologized and viewed as incompatible with the educational setting (Monroe, 2005). PRIMARY EXPLANATIONS IN THE RESEARCH Teacher Bias- Hidden stereotypes lead teachers to view Black students negatively holding them to a different set of standards, overusing disruption, defiance and disrespect as a reason for out of class referrals (Skiba, 2002). PRIMARY EXPLANATIONS IN THE RESEARCH Institutional Bias- Inequality is reproduced through racially biased policies such as zero tolerance (Skiba, 2000). APPLYING CRT IN THE INSTITUTION Race-based interventions- Individuals caring is not enough. The institution must function in a race responsive way toward equity with strategies similar to affirmative action & Oakland’s African American male achievement office. APPLYING CRT IN THE CLASSROOM Authentic Caring- Holding high expectations as well as providing a high level of care, concern & support to all students who need it (Valenzuela, 1999). APPLYING CRT IN THE CLASSROOM Culturally Responsive Classroom Management- Centering instruction around the cultural needs & learning styles of each student (Gay, 2000).



Transcript of Educational Lynching

Page 1: Educational Lynching


PROBLEM STATEMENTBlack male students are suspended from school at a rate 2 to 3 times more than White male students nationwide (UCLA Civil

Rights Project, 2010).

This contributes to low academic achievement, low graduation rates, high dropout/pushout rates and increased risk of incarceration (Noguera, 2003).

This trend has existed for 35 years and is getting worse (Skiba, Michael, Nardo & Peterson,


This is a race-based issue, an equity issue, and a civil rights issue (UCLA Civil

Rights Project, 2010).



How do effective teachers employ classroom management and caring relationships when disciplining Black male middle school students in their classrooms?


Critical Race Theory (CRT) in education is based in legal studies, looking at how

institutional racism saturates the American educational system (Ladson-Billings, 1995)


CRT FLOWCHART This paper uses two tenets of

CRT to reframe three primary

explanations of disproportionate

suspension of Black males in the

research: cultural mismatch,

teacher bias, & institutional bias.

These explanations are in turn

remedied using proposed

interventions in the classroom

& institution: culturally responsive

classroom management, authentic

caring, & race-based institutional



THE GAP IN THE LITERATUREThe literature lacks studies that examine this specific problem of disproportionality in

suspension, using the CRT framework to look at how teachers with effective classroom

management and caring relationships with students, impact discipline strategies with Black

male students.


RESEARCH METHODOLOGYThis study requires a qualitative examination of the classroom.

Using teacher interviews and classroom observations, this study aims to look at how

effective teachers manage and discipline Black male students.

It is anticipated that effective strategies will be revealed, employing

culturally responsive classroom management and authentic caring relationships.


Demystify the role of interpersonal and

institutional bias in disproportionate

suspension of Black male students.

Reframe the issue by examining the

pathologies inherent in the institution of

American education, not Black male


PracticeDiscover important links between caring

relationships, culturally responsive classroom

management, and the elimination of

disproportionate suspension by bias.

Connect effective classroom strategies

with eliminating disproportionate suspension

by bias.


REFERENCESCartledge, G., Tillman, L. C., & Johnson, C. T. (2001). Professional ethics within the context of student discipline and

diversity. Teacher Education and Special Education, 24(1) 25-37.

Christle, C., Nelson, C., and Jolivette, K. (2004). School characteristics related to the use of suspension. Education &

Treatment of Children, 27(4), 509-526.

Dunbar, C. and Villarruel, F. (2004). What a difference the community makes: Zero tolerance policy interpretation and

implementation. Equity & Excellence in Education, 37(351-359)

Fatt, R. (2009). Keeping youth connected. Focus on Oakland. Retrieved from

Fenning, P. and Rose, J. (2007). Overrepresentation of African American students in exclusionary discipline: The role of

school policy. Urban Education, 42(6), 536-559.

Fenning, P., Theodos, J., Benner, C., & Bohanon-Edmonson, H. (2004). Integrating proactive discipline practices into codes

of conduct. Journal of School Violence, 3(1), 45-61.

Foster, M. (1993). Self-portraits of Black teachers: Narratives of individual and collective struggle against racism. In D.

McLaughlin & W. G. Tierney (Eds.), Many silenced lives: Personal narratives on the process of educational change (pp.

155-175). New York: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

Gay, G. (2006). Connections between classroom management and culturally responsive teaching. Handbook of classroom

management: Research, practice, and contemporary issues (pp. 343-370).

Gregory, A. & Mosely, P. M. (2004). The discipline gap: Teachers' view on the over-representation of African American

students in the discipline system. Equity & Excellence in Education, 37(1), 18-30.

Gregory, A., Skiba, R., Noguera, P. (2010). The achievement gap and the discipline gap: Two sides of the same coin?

Educational Researcher, 39(59).

Knaus, C. B. (2009). Shut up and listen: Applied critical race theory in the classroom. Race, Ethnicity & Education, 12(2),


Ladson-Billings, G. (1998). Just what is critical race theory and what’s it doing in a nice field like education? Qualitative

Studies in Education, 11(1), 7-24.

Martinez, S. (2009). A system gone berserk: How are zero-tolerance policies really affecting schools? Preventing School Failure,

53(3), 153-158.

Monroe, C. R. (2005). Understanding the discipline gap through a cultural lens: Implications for the education of African

American students. Intercultural Education, 16, 317-330.

Picower, B. (2009). The unexamined Whiteness of teaching: how White teachers maintain and enact dominant racial

ideologies. Race, Ethnicity and Education, 12(2), 197-215.

Skiba, R., Michael, R., Nardo, A., Peterson, R. (2002). The color of discipline: Sources of racial and gender

disproportionality in school punishment. The Urban Review 34(4).

Skiba, R., and Peterson, R. (1999). The dark side of zero-tolerance: Can punishment lead to safe schools? Phi Delta Kappa,

80, 372–376.

Skiba, R. J. (2000). Zero-tolerance, zero evidence: An analysis of school discipline practice. Bloomington: Indiana University Education

Policy Center. Retrieved from

Solorzano, G. (1997). Images and words that would: Critical race theory, racial stereotyping, and teacher education. Teacher

Education Quarterly, 5-19.

UCLA Civil Rights Project (2010). Study finds big racial gap in suspensions of middle school students. Retrieved from

Yosso, T. (2005). Whose culture has capital? A critical race theory discussion of community cultural wealth. Race Ethnicity and

Education. 8(1), 69-91.




Centrality of Whiteness Unconscious

hegemonic ideology that places white values and interests at the center of all

aspects of dominant culture & policy, perpetuating white supremacy (Ladson-

Billings, 1998; Picower, 2009).


The Challenge to dominant ideology

Countering claims that the legal system of justice and public institutions, namely

public education is colorblind, race-neutral and provides equal opportunity

(Solorzano, 1997; Yosso, 2005).



Cultural Mismatch- Black students’

culture is pathologized and viewed as incompatible with the educational

setting (Monroe, 2005).


RESEARCH Teacher Bias- Hidden stereotypes lead

teachers to view Black students negatively

holding them to a different set of standards, overusing disruption, defiance and disrespect as

a reason for out of class referrals (Skiba, 2002).



Institutional Bias- Inequality is

reproduced through racially biased policies such as zero tolerance (Skiba, 2000).

APPLYING CRT IN THE INSTITUTION Race-based interventions- Individuals caring is not enough. The institution must function in a race responsive way toward

equity with strategies similar to affirmative action & Oakland’s African American male

achievement office.


Authentic Caring- Holding high expectations as well as providing a

high level of care, concern & support

to all students who need it (Valenzuela, 1999).


Culturally Responsive Classroom Management- Centering instruction around the cultural

needs & learning styles of each student (Gay, 2000).