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52 Educational Assessments 2015/16 Supporting Scottish schools in delivering the Curriculum for Excellence Successful learners Condent individuals Responsible citizens Eective contributors

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Educational Assessments 2015/16

Supporting Scottish schools in delivering the Curriculum for Excellence

Successful learnersCon�dent individualsResponsible citizensE�ective contributors

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Getting in touch...Orders and Customer Services0330 123 5375, option 1

Technical Enquiries0330 123 5375, option 2

[email protected]

Area ConsultantScott CampbellMobile: 075 5117 1329Email: [email protected]

Fax0330 123 5471

International EnquiriesTel: +44 (0)20 8996 3369Email: [email protected]

Post orders to:GL Assessment, FREEPOST LON16517Swindon, SN2 8BR








Please Note – it is an offence to photocopy our Answer Sheets (except where stated). All our material is protected by copyright.

As the leading provider of formative

assessments, GL Assessment aims to support

Scottish schools in bridging the gap and

Getting It Right For Every Child.

Our partners in assessment


Our services to customersGL Assessment aims to give customers the bestpossible service. To help make orderingstraightforward and hassle free, we offer:

■ Expert advice and a friendly telephone orderingservice. Monday – Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm(excluding Bank Holidays) on 0330 123 5375.

■ An area specific Consultant who can discuss ourlatest assessments with you.

■ No credit card required – we invoice your schooldirectly.

■ Fast, reliable delivery.

■ A comprehensive online shop where you canbrowse and buy resources at

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About UsGL Assessment is the leading provider of formativeassessments in the UK. Working with a large pool ofleading universities and research teams, we have over 30 years of experience in developing scientificallyrigorous assessments for use by educational professionalsacross the country.

Originally founded by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER),with whom we still work closely, GL Assessment lead literacy, numeracy and abilitytesting across the UK and our resources are used in over 100 countries. Every year,over 3 million pupils in UK primary and secondary schools take our assessments.

Our partners include School Leaders Scotland (SLS), Association of School andCollege Leaders (ASCL), King’s College London, University of York and AustralianCouncil for Educational Research (ACER).

Look out for our assessmentsProgress Test Series Comprising of assessments of English, maths and science, the newly standardisedProgress Test Series supports teachers and parents in identifying current levels ofattainment and monitoring progress over time. See pages 14, 26 and 28.

BaselineOur award-winning Early Years assessment, Baseline is designed to give every childthe best possible start to their education. Administered at the start of Primary 1,Baseline helps teachers measure literacy, language and mathematics and providesan excellent benchmark at the early phase of the Curriculum for Excellence. Seepage 7.

WellComm: Revised EditionWellComm: A Speech and Language Toolkit for Screening and Intervention in the EarlyYears: Revised Editionplays a crucial role in identifying children with potentiallanguage difficulties and offers a range of customised intervention activities to helpsupport their language development. See page 36.


GL Assessment and Scotland.......................... 2-3

The Complete Digital Solution .......................4-5

Centres of Assessment Excellence ....................6

Baseline ...........................................................................7

Ability ........................................................................8-13

Literacy ..................................................................14-25

Numeracy ............................................................26-27

Science ..................................................................28-29

Special Educational Needs ..........................30-31

Pupil Attitudes ...................................................32-34

Early Intervention ............................................35-36

Thinking Skills.............................................................37

Assessment for Learning .....................................38

Self-Evaluation and School Improvement..39

Training and Support ....................................40–41

Admissions tests schools can trust ........42-43

Other Assessments in our Range ............44-45

Area Consultants......................................................46

Placing your Order ...........................................47-48

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GL Assessment and Scotland

As part of the Curriculum for Excellence, schoolsneed to demonstrate pupil attainment, whatprogress they are making year-on-year and thatthey are on track to meet expectations.

Schools must also show the effect of intervention strategies andsupport plans on individual pupils. Our standardised assessmentscan provide key evidence in supporting a school’s tracking andmonitoring process.

They are:

■ One of the fairest and most accurate ways of benchmarkingpupils and tracking their progress

■ Clear indicators of how pupils’ performance compares with theirpeers across the UK

■ Tools that can help teachers deliver personalised learning

■ Simple and reliable evaluators of the impacts of an intervention

■ Clear indicators of pupils’ attainment and progress whencommunicating with parents, pupils and Education Scotland.

Bridging the gapWith The Scottish Attainment Challenge being a major part of thegovernments agenda to ensure that every child achieves their fullpotential, it is vital that schools work with pupils and parents toassess the attainment of a pupils literacy, numeracy, and health andwellbeing – the key foundations for learning.

Our standardised assessments form a cornerstone of any strategywhen it comes to bridging the attainment gap. They provide ameans through which teachers can identify barriers to learning andtarget interventions to improve educational attainment.

Our formative assessments provide national benchmarks forsocially deprived children and their peers providing a robust,independent measure of comparison.

Our diagnostic assessments ensure that schools can targetinterventions in the direction which will have the greatest positiveimpact on a pupil and measure subsequent improvements.

Discover how some schools are already using our standardisedtests as part of their assessment framework – visit

“Using the range of assessments we do means

that teachers start the year knowing each

student really well and that learning will be

tailored much more for each student’s needs.

They will have the opportunity to enjoy real,

proper, personalised intervention and support.”Lee Walker, Vice Principal, Hinchingbrooke School, Cambridgeshire

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A whole-pupil approach toassessmentMeeting learners' needs, enabling them to achieve and maximisingtheir potential are key aims of the Curriculum for Excellence. To dothis, the professional judgement of teachers is of vital importancewhen it comes to understanding individual children. Thisjudgement can be complemented by assessing the ability,attainment and attitude of pupils at regular intervals in order tounderstand their strengths, their weaknesses and their potential.This idea underpins our ‘whole-pupil approach’ to assessment,designed to give teachers access to high quality, standardised dataabout their pupils that is not accessible through observation alone. By implementing this approach, schools are provided with anassessment model that:

■ Allows schools to establish a baseline and help with tracking andmonitoring

■ Compares ability levels against current attainment to identifyunder-achievers and factors influencing them

■ Measures a pupil’s potential, showing what they could achieve,alongside progress rate

■ Identifies barriers to learning and informs early interventionstrategies

■ Delivers a national benchmark against others in the UK.

A number of our assessments play a central role in this approach, allof which have been combined to create our Complete Digital

Solution – see pages 4 – 5 for full details.

The importance of dataThe value of "evidence-based approaches [to] reduce theattainment gap...based on timely, relevant data" is specificallyhighlighted in the 2014 Joseph Roundtree Foundation report intobridging the attainment gap in Scottish education.

Effective use of data allows schools to personalise teaching and todeliver better educational outcomes. We believe that quality data isessential if children are to fulfil their potential.

The data produced by our assessments provide schools withobjective and benchmarked information about their students. Itgives the teachers access to a wealth of information on their pupilsand helps to provide personalised learning. By combining this datawith teacher insight, we can inform teaching and learning, trackand provide evidence of progress to parents, and motivate learnersby identifying barriers to learning.

Data is also an essential component of any self-evaluation processand whole-school improvement. By assessing performance againstbenchmarked data, senior leaders can determine strengths andweaknesses and identify room for improvement, for inclusion inschool and departmental improvement plans.

Our assessments undergo a rigorous standardisation process,giving schools a solid benchmarked reference point for theirperformance. Tools such as our Kirkland Rowell Survey, which looksat the perceptions and attitudes of parents, staff and students,effectively a mini-HMI type triangulation of stakeholders, will alsoassist the vitally important self-evaluation process.

Scoring and data interpretationservicesTo support schools in continually using assessment data torespond quickly to the needs of every pupil and to bridge theattainment gap, we provide a range of services that ensure they canreceive, interpret and use their assessment data to its full potential.

Encompassing scoring, reporting, training and support, ourassessment services complement and extend our portfolio ofpublished tests. They include:

■ Scoring and Reporting Services: For schools that are still usingpaper assessments, we offer a Scoring and Reporting Service.Whileit cannot provide the immediate results made possible by onlinetesting, accurate scores and reports are delivered to schoolswithin just 15 working days of receipt of completed test bookletsand data file.

■ Online Marking Tool: For schools that prefer to mark their ownpapers, our Online Marking Tool (OMT) significantly reducesmarking time. It delivers instant scores and reports online as soonas marking is complete, and enables easy ordering of additionalreports or data files for schools’ MIS. Available for VerbalReasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning, New Group Reading Test, ReadingNow and Sandwell Early Numeracy Test - Revised & KS2 - KS3.

■ Training and support: To help schools make the most of theirassessment data we offer a wide range of training and supportservices. See pages 40-41.

■ Events and conferences: We hold a number of conferences andattend a range of events across the UK. For full details and up-to-date listings, please visit our website:

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The Complete Digital Solution


GL Assessment has worked in partnership withschools for over 30 years to develop a range ofassessments that support better outcomes forpupils. We believe in a ‘whole-pupil approach’ toassessment, which alongside a teacher’sjudgement, can provide a powerful andobjective all-round view of an individual learner.

We have combined the power of our assessments to supportschools in implementing a ‘whole-pupil approach’. Our CompleteDigital Solutionprovides critical insight across the following threeareas:

Cognitive Abilities Test: Fourth Edition (CAT4)CAT4 identifies a pupil’s developed abilities and likelyacademic potential highlighting strengths, weaknesses andlearning preferences. This information helps teachers todeliver a truly personalised learning experience. See pages 8 – 11.

Progress Test SeriesThe new Progress Test Series can be used year-on-year tosupport teachers in identifying current levels of attainmentand tracking progress in the core subjects; English, maths andscience. See pages 14, 26 and 28.

New Group Reading Test (NGRT)NGRT allows teachers to specifically screen and monitor thereading ability of pupils at a group level. The Standard AgeScore and Reading Age in NGRT are crucial for trackingprogress year-on-year. See pages 16 – 17.

BaselineBaseline allows teachers to measure literacy, language andnumeracy on entry and optionally, at the end of Reception. Seepage 7.

AbilityTo indicate a learner’s potential performance

AttainmentTo show where the learner is now and what you can do tosupport their highest possible achievement

Barriers to learningTo identify barriers that prevent a learner from achieving theirgreatest possible potential.

Dyslexia and Dyscalculia Screeners DigitalThese screening tools help to identify early signs of Dyslexiaand Dyscalculia and inform the planning of appropriatesupport programmes and intervention strategies. See page 30.

Single Word Spelling Test (SWST)SWST is a series of nine standardised tests designed to assessspelling attainment. Dependant on level, each test containsbetween 30 and 50 words. See page 23.

Pupil Attitudes to Self and School (PASS)PASS health and wellbeing survey helps schools to understandbarriers to learning and provides vital information thatempowers pastoral staff and teachers to raise attainment.With direct links to the SHANARRI indicators of wellbeing,PASS is an ideal tool for schools wishing to study in-depth theattitudes of their pupils. See pages 32 – 33.

Kirkland Rowell Surveys (KRS)KRS ensures school improvement measures are on the righttrack by providing an instant overview of a school’s strengthsand weaknesses by listening to pupils, parents and staff. See page 39.

Which digital assessments are included?

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Unlimited testing for a fixed price The Complete Digital Solutionprovides you with unlimited usage* ofa range of our leading standardised assessments. This means youcan test consistently across all pupils, without the worry ofescalating costs. The contract lasts one year and includes ongoingtraining and support. Prices for the Complete Digital Solution arebased on school size and the number of pupils being tested peryear. We provide each school with a tailored, individual quotation.

Whole-school improvementEffective use of assessment data allows schools to benchmarkpupils on a national level and track and report pupil progress year-on-year. By combining data with teacher insight, we can informteaching and learning, track and provide evidence of progress toinspection bodies and to parents, and motivate pupils byidentifying barriers to learning.

The Complete Digital Solution can dramatically improve outcomesfor learners and as a result, drive whole-school improvement. Byassessing school performance against benchmarked data, seniorleaders can determine where their school is adding value andwhere there is room for improvement.

Standardised scoresEssential to the Complete Digital Solution are standardised scores.They are one of the fairest and most accurate ways ofbenchmarking pupils and monitoring their progress, enablingschools to compare the performance of different pupils within ayear group, across year groups and against the national standard. Italso enables scores from more than one test to be comparedmeaningfully – providing you with an easy way of comparingability and attainment.

What can you do with the data?With our suite of data-rich reports, teachers are able to:

■ Cross reference attainment and identify underachievers and thefactors influencing this

■ Monitor progress, provide personalised learning and set targetsfor future attainment

■ Communicate key information about pupils using a series of datato support communication with key stakeholders

■ Identify learning barriers in order to help unlock each pupil’s fullpotential

■ Identify an all round view of each pupil to inform personalisedteaching and learning.

Training and supportWe provide a comprehensive package of training and support. Forno extra charge, you will receive:

1 Phone and email support from your personal Account Manager.Your Account Manager will work with you to implement abespoke timetable of assessment for your school.

2 Access to our online training platform, where you can receivesupport in 5-minute modules:

■ How to administer assessments

■ Understanding different types of data and how they can beused

■ Identifying implications for teaching and learning andintervention strategies

■ How to evidence progress year-on-year.

Support delivered via WebEx and face-to-face seminars areavailable at an additional cost.

Contact Scott Campbell to organise a school visit or a free quote.

Mobile: 075 5117 1329Email: [email protected]

*subject to a fair usage policy

"Our model of assessment allows us to target

our teaching to meet the needs of the children,

whether they are SEND, EAL or academically able.

We are able to deliver a personalised

programme of learning for each child based on

the information derived from GL Assessment’s

tests to ensure that every child is a learner every

lesson.”Jill Wilson, CBE, Headmistress, Gleddings Preparatory School, West


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The Centres of Assessment Excellence programme

A growing number of schools work inpartnership with us as part of our Centre ofAssessment Excellence programme.

Our Centres of Assessment Excellencework in partnership with us todeliver a whole-pupil approach to assessment. Partner schools areusing our assessments to gain a complete understanding of eachpupil’s learning needs including attitudes, ability and attainment.This allows teachers to make informed teaching and learningdecisions, to track progress effectively and to provide evidence ofprogress to Education Scotland and to key school stakeholders e.g. parents and the governing body.

Why become a Centre of AssessmentExcellence?Centres of Assessment Excellence ensure the best possible outcomesfor pupils. Schools receive additional support from us and are ableto contribute to the development of these important assessments.School partners join our network of Centres of Assessment Excellenceand can share experiences and learn from other schools. Theysupport schools in their area to develop good assessment practicethat can contribute to raising standards.

All Centres of Assessment Excellence schools complete the GL Assessment Centre of Assessment Excellence training programme,which helps support a whole-pupil approach to assessment.

If you are interested in becoming a Centre of AssessmentExcellence, please contact Scott Campbell:

Mobile: 075 5117 1329

Email: [email protected]

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Baseline GL Assessment

Quick GuideAge Range: 4-5 years

Suitable for: Teachers and TeachingAssistants

Test duration: Can be completed in under25 minutes

Test format: Tablet

Ideal for use with:Cognitive Abilities Test: Fourth Edition – pages8–11Progress Test in English – pages 14–15Progress Test in Maths – pages 26–27Pupil Attitudes to Self and School – pages 32–33

OverviewDesigned to be fun, friendly and engaging for pupils, GL Assessment’s award-winning Baseline allows teachers to measure literacy, language and numeracy onentry. There is the option of an end of year Primary 1 assessment. With its uniquetwo tablet administration, you can complete the assessment in one session or inseparate sessions depending on the pupil’s needs.

Fully standardised for pupils aged 4-5 years, Baseline is administered in less than 25minutes using two tablets; one for the teacher to control the audio andprogression of each question, and one for the pupil to answer the questions.

The assessment contains a mixture of oral and touch based questions with fullcolour illustrations to fully engage young children. The complete baseline solutionincludes the assessments, training and support materials, automatic scoring andinstant reporting.

The reports A comprehensive suite of reports are included in the price for each pupil. Designedto help schools communicate to stakeholders, including parents, a Standard AgeScore will be provided as well as a combined score for the Literacy and Language &Communication and a score for Mathematics. A narrative is also included whichcontains recommendations written by Early Years specialists. The followingreports are available:

■ Group report for teachers

■ Individual pupil report for teachers

■ Individual pupil report for parents

■ Cluster report

■ Excel® report.

Order now *+VAT

Baseline: Individual Administration | 978 07087 23876/GL560 | £3.95*

This price includes all available reports, training and support. Schools can choose to assess each pupiltwice in a year – at the beginning and end of Primary 1, at no extra charge. Find out more at

Continuity of assessmentacross Primary To support schools even further, Baseline islinked to a range of our other assessmentssuch as Progress Test in English and Progress Testin Maths, ensuring continuity of assessmentfrom age 5-11 years. Our easy-to-followreports facilitate this. Not only will this allowschools to track ongoing progress, it will helppredict attainment at 1st Level and 2nd Leveland ensure pupils are on target for the moveto secondary school.

What can I do with the results?■ Identify children’s literacy, language and

communication, and maths levels

■ Narrative and recommendations written by EarlyYears specialists enable you to intervene at theearliest opportunity

■ Track and monitor progress by testing on entryand at the end of Primary 1

■ Communicate results to stakeholders andparents.

Example Questions

Each question is given through audio ensuring administration is straightforwardand consistent.

A part of the Complete DigitalSolution. See pages 4–5

An independent panel of experiencededucational professionals in the UK,has awarded Baseline the prestigiousEducation Resources Award (ERA)2015 in the 'Early Years – includingICT' category!

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Cognitive Abilities Test: Fourth Edition (CAT4)David F Lohman and Pauline Smith

Quick GuideAge Range: 6-17+ years

Suitable for: Teachers, Assessment Co-ordinators and Supportfor Learning

Test duration: 45 minutes per test part 2 hours 15 minutes in total

Test format: Paper and Digital

Ideal for use with:Progress Test in English – page 14-15Progress Test in Maths –pages 26-27Progress Test in Science – pages 28-29New Group Reading Test –pages 16-17 Pupil Attitudes to Self and School – pages 32-33

The UK’s mostwidely used testof reasoningabilities

OverviewOur best-selling Cognitive Abilities Test: Fourth Edition (CAT4) provides the perfectbenchmarking tool for identifying pupils’ developed abilities and likely academicpotential. It highlights strengths, weaknesses and thinking preferences; providingthe opportunity for tracking and monitoring pupil ability, and personalise teachingand learning.

CAT4 is not about knowledge recall, and requires no preparation, offering all pupilsthe same opportunity to show their underlying ability, regardless of background.With the addition of CAT4 Young Learners (CAT4-YL), testing can now be carried outseamlessly right through primary and secondary school.

By measuring a pupil’s ability to reason with different types of material, CAT4allows schools to assess the way a pupil thinks and adapt teaching accordingly.Measurement of the distinct abilities of Verbal, Non-Verbal, Quantitative andSpatial Reasoning facilitate this.

What can I do with the results?■ Gifted and talented pupils, as well as underachievers can be identified and


■ Facilitate evidence-based target setting and personalise teaching andinterventions for each pupil

■ Establish a baseline on transition to secondary school

■ Support pupils in better understanding themselves as learners, e.g. spatialthinkers, who may be likely to excel in STEM subjects can be better identified

■ Instant reports facilitate communication with parents, pupils and stakeholders,as well as giving evidence for inspections and self-evaluations.

We are gathering data to provide indicators of outcomes at National 5.

How does CAT4 fit in with our whole-pupil approach?Use our attainment tests, Progress Test in Maths (PTM), Progress Test in English (PTE),Progress Test in Science (PTS) or the New Group Reading Test (NGRT) alongside CAT4 tohelp identify any areas where pupils may not be performing to their full potential.

Where there are discrepancies between ability and attainment data, our PupilAttitudes to Self and School (PASS) survey can help pinpoint potential barriers tolearning which may be otherwise difficult to identify.

Which test levels to use?

Visit our CAT4 page to see sample reports, viewcase studies and a digital demo.

A part of the Complete DigitalSolution. See pages 4–5

CAT4 Level Age range Age ofcovered by Year Year Group LevelCAT4 norms Group

X – Young Learners 6:00 – 7:11 6 – 7 Primary 3 1st level

Y – Young Learners 7:00 – 8:11 7 – 8 Primary 4 1st level

A 7:06 – 9:11 8 – 9 Primary 5 2nd level

B 8:06 – 10:11 9 – 10 Primary 6 2nd level

C 9:06 – 11:11 10 – 11 Primary 7 2nd level

D 10:06 – 12:11 11 – 12 S1 3rd/4th level

E 11:06 – 13:11 12 – 13 S2 3rd/4th level

F 12:06 – 15:11 13 – 14 S3 3rd/4th level14 – 15 S4 Senior Phase

G 14:06 – 17:00+ 15 – 16 S5 Senior Phase16 – 17+ S6 Senior Phase

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The reportsCAT4 has a range of reports with a clear narrativeand comprehensive graphs that allow forcommunication with all your key stakeholders,including Education Scotland. These include:

■ Group report for teachers

■ Individual student report for teachers

■ Individual report for students

■ Individual report for parents

■ Summary report for senior leaders

■ Powerpoint® presentation for senior leaders (notavailable for CAT4-YL)

■ Cluster reports

■ Excel® cluster reports

■ Strategic reports

■ Excel® report (free for digital users).

To further support schools with developing awhole-pupil view of their pupils, we also haveavailable a CAT4 combination report, that can be usedwith a number of our attainment tests, includingNGRT and, from October the new Progress Test inEnglish and Progress Test in Maths.

Digital users will benefit from instant reporting.Paper users will need to sign up for our Scoring andReporting Service.

To aid transition to the national tests, we have stillincluded indicators for Standard Grade, Intermediate1 and Intermediate 2. This means teachers can stillgain information while we work with our Scottishcustomers to gather data to create robust newindicators.




The Summary report for senior leaders enables an at-a-glance group analysis.Analysis by gender, ethnicity, free school meals and other criteria is also possible.

The student profile report from theGroup report for teachers enables all pupils to be assignedone of seven profiles that reveal their preferences for learning. In this example, the pupil in region A has an extreme verbal bias and can be expected to learn through written texts, writingand discussion but may struggle with STEM subjects.

In the Individual student report for teachers, the narrative describes clearly theimplications of a pupil’s profile for teaching and learning.

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CAT4 Paper Item What are these items? How many Can I re-use do I need? this?

CAT4 Young Learners All inclusive package includes Pupil Booklets, all Reports plus 1 per pupil Single useIndividual Administration administration instructions. Please note Powerpoint® presentation for(Levels X-Y) senior leaders is not included.

Pupil Booklets* Test question booklets for each pupil. These can be reused. 1 per pupil Multiple use(Levels A-G)

OMR Answer Sheets* Pupils mark their answers on the OMR sheets. One Group Header Sheet 1 per pupil Single use(Levels A-G) – Pack of 10 is also included within a pack of ten pupil booklets.

Overprinting Service Schools have the option of purchasing our Overprinting Service, which 1 per pupil Single usedelivers Answer Sheets pre-printed with pupils' information, to save time during administration and the scoring process.

Scoring and Reporting Service – On completion of the test, the administrator fills out a Group Header Sheet 1 per pupil Single useincluding Group report for for each test group. Both the Answer Sheets and Group Header Sheet areteachers* (Levels A-G) submitted to GL Assessment for computerised scoring.

Teacher Guidance Pack** Contains essential administration information, scoring and reporting details 1 per school Multiple use and technical information.

*Compulsory purchase **Highly recommended

What do I need to buy?

CAT4 PaperTo administer CAT4 Paper, you will need to buy the items in the table below for the age group/s you require:

CAT4 DigitalTo administer CAT4 Digital, you only need to buy an administration for each pupil you would like to test– see table below. You will need to buy the relevant level for the age group(s) you are testing.

As a new customer, you will be set up with an account on Testwise, our online testing platform, by ourCustomer Services team.

CAT4 Digital Item What are these items? How many Can I re-use do I need? this?

Individual Administrations* This is the individual test administration for each pupil that you would like 1 per pupil Single use(Levels A-G) to test. The Group Report for Teachers and the Excel® report are included as (Minimum of standard when testing digitally. Further reports can be purchased at an 10 adminis-

additional cost. trations required)

Teacher Guidance Pack** Contains essential administration instructions, scoring and reporting details 1 per school Multiple use and technical information.

*Compulsory purchase **Highly recommended

In the example, scores for the group in the CAT4combination report provide an overall snapshot of pupils’ability scores combined with their attainment scores. Thisprovides a whole-pupil view informing personalisedteaching and learning.

CAT4 Combination ReportOur CAT4 combination report is the UK’s first report ofits kind that compares each pupil’s ability withattainment – and it comes completely free ofcharge to all CAT4 users.

Coupled with your own teacher judgement, bycombining data from CAT4 with data from NGRT andthe new Progress Test in English and Progress Test inMaths from October, you will be provided with awhole-pupil view.

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Exclusive ReportPackageTo further support schools with the interpretationof CAT4 data, we have developed an exclusive reportpackage for digital users.

The price displayed below is per pupil for one yearof testing.

Gold PackageDigital only£12.35 per pupilReporting includesGroup report for teachersAll 3 Individual reportsExcel® reportSummary report for senior leadersSummary presentation for senior leadersStrategic report

Prices *+VAT

CAT4 Young Learners (All inclusive price per pupil includes Pupil Booklets, Scoring and Reporting service, all reportsand administration instructions- no minimum order requirement)Test X | 978 07087 22916/GL560 | £6.20 per pupil*Text Y | 978 07087 22923/GL560 | £6.20 per pupil*Cluster report | 978 07087 23180/GL560 | £549.95*

CAT4 PaperPupil BookletsLevel A Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 20912/GL560 | £8.50Level B Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 20929/GL560 | £8.50Level C Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 20936/GL560 | £8.50Level D Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 20943/GL560 | £8.50Level E Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 20950/GL560 | £8.50Level F Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 20967/GL560 | £8.50Level G Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 20974/GL560 | £8.50Answer Sheets (Packs of 10)Level A Answer Sheet | 978 07087 20998/GL560 | £13.95*Level B Answer Sheet | 978 07087 21001/GL560 | £13.95*Level C Answer Sheet | 978 07087 21018/GL560 | £13.95*Level D Answer Sheet | 978 07087 21025/GL560 | £13.95*Level E Answer Sheet | 978 07087 21032/GL560 | £13.95*Level F Answer Sheet | 978 07087 21049/GL560 | £13.95*Level G Answer Sheet | 978 07087 21056/GL560 | £13.95*Scoring and Reporting Service (including the Group report for teachers)Level A | 978 07087 21278/GL560 | £6.20*Level B | 978 07087 21285/GL560 | £6.20*Level C | 978 07087 21292/GL560 | £6.20*Level D | 978 07087 21308/GL560 | £6.20*Level E | 978 07087 21315/GL560 | £6.20*Level F | 978 07087 21322/GL560 | £6.20*Level G | 978 07087 21339/GL560 | £6.20*CAT4 Overprinting Service | 978 07087 21346/GL560 | £1.00*

CAT4 Digital Individual Administration (minimum order of 10 administrations is required,includes Group report for teachers and Excel® report)Level A | 978 07087 21100/GL560 | £8.99*Level B | 978 07087 21117/GL560 | £8.99*Level C | 978 07087 21124/GL560 | £8.99*Level D | 978 07087 21131/GL560 | £8.99*Level E | 978 07087 21148/GL560 | £8.99*Level F | 978 07087 21155/GL560 | £8.99*Level G | 978 07087 21162/GL560 | £8.99*

CAT4 Teacher Guidance and Evaluation Packs for Paper and Digital Teacher Guidance Pack** | 978 07087 21063/GL560 | £69.95Evaluation Pack Primary | 978 07087 21070/GL560 | £29.95Evaluation Pack Secondary | 978 07087 21087/GL560 | £39.95

Additional CAT4 Reports for Paper and DigitalIndividual student report for teachers | | £2.10*Individual report for parents | | £2.10*Individual report for students | | £2.10*Summary report for senior leaders | | £109.95*Summary presentation for senior leaders | | £59.95*Excel® report (free for digital) | | £109.95*Cluster report | | £549.95*Excel® Cluster report | | £210.00*Strategic report | | £210.00*

**Teacher Guidance Pack contains: Administration instructions, scoring and reporting detailsand technical information. Pupil booklets and answer sheets are purchased separately.

Please call Customer Services on 0330 123 5375

to order.

The Reading profiles report in the CAT4 combinationreport, highlights pupils whose reading attainmentdiffers considerably from what might be expressed intheir CAT4 scores. This report combines CAT4 with NewGroup Reading Test.

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Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal ReasoningGL Assessment and the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER)

OverviewFully standardised, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning helps teachers andsupport for learning identify the potential in all children by assessing each pupil’sverbal and non-verbal thinking. For younger learners our Reasoning 5–7 Test Series isstill available.

Verbal Reasoning reveals how a pupil takes on board new information bymeasuring a pupil’s ability to engage with language. Non-Verbal Reasoning involvesno reading and so can provide insight into the abilities of pupils who think moreeasily in images than words. It also measures the potential of pupils with limitedreading skills including those with Dyslexia, poorly motivated pupils, and thosewho speak English as an Additional Language.

Results can enhance teachers’ knowledge of a pupil’s abilities to help informteaching strategies.

What can I do with the results?■ Set targets and create learning programmes

■ Help identify the potential for pupils with limited reading skills and EAL

■ Results can be used as part of a wider assessment programme

■ Help inform teaching strategies

■ Benchmark pupils against others in the UK.


Quick GuideAge Range: Verbal Reasoning

8-13 yearsNon-Verbal Reasoning 8-14 years

Suitable for: Teachers and Support forLearning

Test duration: Verbal Reasoning40-50 minutesNon-Verbal Reasoning 40-45 minutes

Test format: Paper and Digital

Verbal Reasoning Example Questions

These are taken from the digital version of Verbal Reasoning 8and 9. In this examplepupils are required to select one word from the right hand box that will complete thesentence in the best way.

In this example, pupils are required to identify therelationship between the shapes in the question fromthe five options presented and select the figure thathas the same relationship.

Spatial Reasoning is still available – see page 44for prices.

Reasoning 5-7 Test SeriesIn just 30-40 minutes, Reasoning 5-7 Test Series helpsteachers understand their pupils' abilities andlearning profiles from an early age. The visuallyengaging tests do not require any reading by thepupils making them perfect for use with youngerchildren and those with English as a secondlanguage. They access pupils' verbal and non-verbalreasoning abilities and provide evidence of theirfuture potential.

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Prices *+VAT

Reasoning 5 – 7 Test SeriesTeacher Guide Packs**Level 5 Teacher Guide Pack | 978 07087 16328/GL560 | £25.00Level 6 Teacher Guide Pack | 978 07087 16335/GL560 | £25.00Level 7 Teacher Guide Pack | 978 07087 16342/GL560 | £25.00

Pupil Booklets (Packs of 10)Level 5 Pupil Booklet – VR + N-VR | 978 07087 16359/GL560 | £19.00*Level 6 Pupil Booklet – VR | 978 07087 16366/GL560 | £19.00*Level 6 Pupil Booklet – N-VR | 978 07087 16373/GL560 | £19.00*Level 7 Pupil Booklet – VR | 978 07087 16380/GL560 | £19.00*Level 7 Pupil Booklet – N-VR | 978 07087 16397/GL560 | £19.00*

Verbal ReasoningPaperTeacher Guide Packs**Level 8 - 9 Teacher Guide Pack | 978 07087 16793/GL560 | £25.00Level 10 - 11 Teacher Guide Pack | 978 07087 16809/GL560 | £25.00Level 12 - 13 Teacher Guide Pack | 978 07087 16816/GL560 | £25.00

Pupil Booklets (Packs of 10)Level 8 - 9 Pupil Booklets | 978 07087 12047/GL560 | £19.00*Level 10 - 11 Pupil Booklets | 978 07087 12054/GL560 | £19.00*Level 12 - 13 Pupil Booklets | 978 07087 12061/GL560 | £19.00*

Non-Verbal ReasoningPaperTeacher Guide PacksLevel 8 - 9 Teacher Guide Pack | 978 07087 16694/GL560 | £25.00Level 10 - 11 Teacher Guide Pack | 978 07087 16700/GL560 | £25.00Level 12 - 14 Teacher Guide Pack | 978 07087 16717/GL560 | £35.00

Pupil Booklets (Packs of 10)Level 8 - 9 Pupil Booklets | 978 07087 11552/GL560 | £19.00*Level 10 - 11 Pupil Booklets | 978 07087 11569/GL560 | £19.00*Level 12 - 14 Pupil Booklets | 978 07087 11576/GL560 | £19.00*

Digital Verbal ReasoningIndividual administration (minimum order of 10 administrations are required)Level 8 – 9 | 978 07087 19442/GL560 | £4.00*Level 10 – 11 | 978 07087 19459/GL560 | £4.00*Level 12 – 13 | 978 07087 19446/GL560 | £4.00*

Verbal Reasoning + Non Verbal ReasoningLevel 8 – 9 | 978 07087 19411/GL560 | £6.80*Level 10 – 11 | 978 07087 19428/GL560 | £6.80*Level 12 – 13 | 978 07087 19435/GL560 | £6.90*

Non-Verbal ReasoningIndividual administration (minimum order of 10 administrations are required)Level 8 – 9 | 978 07087 19381/GL560 | £4.00*Level 10 – 11 | 978 07087 19398/GL560 | £4.00*Level 12 – 14 | 978 07087 19404/GL560 | £4.00*

Scoring and Reporting ServiceVerbal ReasoningScoring OptionsScoring Service (including Standard group report) | 978 14060 75625/GL560 | £4.15 per test*Online Marking Tool | 978 14060 75090/GL560 | £95.00 per year*

ReportsStandard group report (PDF) | 978 14060 75632/GL560 | £1.45 per test*(included in scoring service price)Excel® report | 978 14060 75649/GL560 | £110.00*

Non-Verbal ReasoningScoring OptionsScoring Service (including Standard group report) | 978 14060 75656/GL560 | £2.70 per test*Online Marking Tool | 978 14060 75083/GL560 | £95.00 per year*

ReportsStandard group report (PDF) | 978 14060 75663/GL560 | £1.45 per test*(included in scoring service price)Excel® report | 978 14060 75670/GL560 | £109.95*

**Teacher Guide Packs contain: Teacher’s guide and at-a-glance guide.

The reportsReports provide a clear picture of each pupil’s verbaland non-verbal reasoning ability and futurepotential, helping to inform learning programmesand supporting communication with EducationScotland and parents.

Reports are instant for digital users while users ofthe paper test can take advantage of our Scoring andReporting Service.Alternatively, schools can opt forthe Online Marking Tool to add their own marking. Itreduces marking time significantly whilst alsoincreasing accuracy.

Verbal Reasoning report

Reports also compare pupil results by criteria includinggender, ethnicity and, to aid The Attainment Challengereporting and provide evidence of bridging the gap.Schools can also add two criteria of their own choice,such as English as an Additional Language or postcode.

For schools using Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning together, theStandard group reportwill include a profile chart that gives an at-a-glance picture ofthe characteristics of the group. This places pupils in one of five areas. When planningprogrammes of teaching and learning for a group, information like this can prove vital.

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Progress Test in English National Foundation for Educational Research

Quick GuideAge Range: Paper: 5-14

Digital: 7-14

Suitable for: Teachers, Literacy Co-ordinators and Supportfor Learning

Test duration: Paper: 60-75 minutesDigital: 60-75 minutes

Test format: Paper and Digital

Ideal for use with:Progress Test in Maths – pages 26-27Progress Test in Science – pages 28-29 Cognitive Abilities Test: Fourth Edition –pages 8-11

OverviewThe Progress Test in English (PTE) has become the standardised English assessmentof choice in many schools. The new edition respects the legacy of its predecessor(the widely used and trusted Progress in English, PiE) while providing brand newcontent relevant to UK Curricula and links to aspects of the Curriculum forExcellence.

Using PTEyear-on-year provides a reliable assessment of pupils’ attainment incore English skills, such as phonics, spelling, grammar, punctuation andcomprehension. It helps teachers track the progress of individual pupils and cansupport in creating a valuable record of how particular cohorts have achieved andprogressed.

Progress in Writing

To measure each pupil's writing progress, a separate, photocopiable resource isalso available.

The Transition Test

Providing seamless assessment between ages 5-14, PTE includes a brand newtransition test (Level 11T). Designed specifically for use on entry to secondaryschool, it provides an accurate baseline from which progress can be monitored. Forpupils who have already been tested at the end of primary, it enables schools tore-assess with new content.

What can I do with the results?■ Benchmark attainment and measure progress in English

■ Identify pupils’ strengths and weaknesses, set targets and personalise learning

■ Inform and evaluate intervention strategies

■ Communicate with parents and provide evidence for inspections

■ Comparing scores from PTE and CAT4 can highlight discrepancies between abilityand attainment. Using PTEyear-on-year can support in identifying added value.

Which test levels to use?

New for 2015

Also in the Progress Test Series:Progress Test in Maths – pages 26-27Progress Test in Science – pages 28-29

How does PTE fit in with ourwhole-pupil approach?

The Progress Test in English forms a key part of GL Assessment’s whole-pupil approach toassessment. Designed to give teachers access toquality, standardised data about their pupils that isnot accessible through observation alone, thewhole-pupil approach looks at ability, attainmentand barriers to learning to help deliver personalisedlearning to every pupil.

Year-on-year assessment of attainment in Englishwill allow teachers to build a clear, evolving pictureof a pupil’s performance and help to identify areasfor improvement. When used in tandem with anassessment of ability, such as the Cognitive AbilitiesTest: Fourth Edition, it also allows staff to identifyunderperforming pupils and plan interventions tohelp them.

A part of the Complete DigitalSolution. See pages 4–5

PTE Level PTE Level Age ofAutumn Spring/Summer Year Year Group LevelTerm Term Group

Level 5 4 – 5 Primary 1 Early level

Level 5 Level 6 5 – 6 Primary 2 1st level

Level 6 Level 7 6 – 7 Primary 3 1st level

Level 7 Level 8 7 – 8 Primary 4 1st level

Level 8 Level 9 8 - 9 Primary 5 2nd level

Level 9 Level 10 9 – 10 Primary 6 2nd level

Level 10 Level 11 10 – 11 Primary 7 2nd level

Level 11T Level 12 11 – 12 S1 3rd/4th level

Level 12 Level 13 12 – 13 S2 3rd/4th level

Level 13 Level 14 13 – 14 S3 3rd/4th level

Level 14 14 – 15 S4 Senior Phase

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The reportsOne of the most exciting features of the new series isthe new suite of reports. These providecomprehensive data and are tailored for differentaudiences.

The reports highlight the key areas in the Curriculumfor Excellence and are designed for easyinterpretation; with clear narrative andstraightforward graphs. Digital users will receiveinstant reports, while paper customers will use ourScoring and Reporting Service.All users will receive ourfull range of reports, including:

■ Group report for teachers (in PDF and Excel®

format), with Cluster specific reports available atan additional cost. The CAT4 combination reportwillalso allow teachers to combine PTE attainmentdata with information on ability from CAT4.

■ Individual student report for teachers

■ Individual report for parents.

Recently, GL Assessment has revised its Scoringservice in order to make our new suite of enhanced,data-rich reports available to all. As a result schoolsusing the paper tests will no longer be able to self-score. Instead, our dedicated Scoring and ReportingService is included in the price per pupil.

Prices *+VAT

PTE Paper Pupil Booklets, At a Glance Guide for each 10 booklets Prices include Pupil Booklet, Scoring andReportingPTE 5 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 22664/GL560 | £4.95*PTE 6 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 22688/GL560 | £4.95*PTE 7 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 22701/GL560 | £4.95*PTE 8 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 22725/GL560 | £4.95*PTE 9 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 22749/GL560 | £4.95*PTE 10 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 22763/GL560 | £4.95*PTE 11 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 22787/GL560 | £4.95*PTE 11T Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 23920/GL560 | £4.95*PTE 12 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 22800/GL560 | £4.95*PTE 13 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 22824/GL560 | £4.95*PTE 14 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 22848/GL560 | £4.95*

PTE Digital Individual Administration Prices include Administration, Scoring and ReportingPTE 7 Individual Administration | 978 07087 23296/GL560 | £4.95*PTE 8 Individual Administration | 978 07087 23302/GL560 | £4.95*PTE 9 Individual Administration | 978 07087 23319/GL560 | £4.95*PTE 10 Individual Administration | 978 07087 23326/GL560 | £4.95*PTE 11 Individual Administration | 978 07087 23333/GL560 | £4.95*PTE 11T Individual Administration | 978 07087 23944/GL560 | £4.95*PTE 12 Individual Administration | 978 07087 23340/GL560 | £4.95*PTE 13 Individual Administration | 978 07087 23357/GL560 | £4.95*PTE 14 Individual Administration | 978 07087 23364/GL560 | £4.95*

Progress in Writing (No scoring or SAS for Progress in Writing) Progress in Writing 8/9 | 978 07087 23227/GL560 | £60.00Progress in Writing 10/11 | 978 07087 23234/GL560 | £60.00

Cluster report | 978 07087 24545/GL560 | £549.95*Excel® Cluster report | 978 07087 24538/GL560 | £210.00*

TheGroup report for teachers also includes a useful progress profiles report that enablesteachers to see immediately where progress has been made against the national average.

Purchase all 3 together: Paper (includingscoring) or Digital - £12* Includes PTM, PTE& PTS

Ideal for tracking progress

The Individual student report for teachersprovides a detailed analysis of a pupil’sstrengths and weaknesses, alongsideimplications for teaching and learning. It alsohelps teachers interpret results easily and feedthem back into the classroom.

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Quick GuideAge Range: Paper: 5-16 years

Digital: 7-16 years

Suitable for: Teachers, Literacy Co-ordinators andSupport for Learning

Test duration: Paper: 45-50 minutesDigital: 30 minutes

Test format: Paper and Digital

Ideal for use with:York Assessment of Reading forComprehension – pages 18-19Progress Test in Maths – pages 26-27Progress Test in Science – pages 28-29Cognitive Abilities Test: Fourth Edition –pages 8-11

OverviewOur best-selling New Group Reading Test (NGRT) is used with groups to assess andmonitor pupils’ reading and comprehension skills - and if necessary, phonemicawareness. This can help identify, for instance, competent readers with weakcomprehension skills. Its capacity to show current levels of reading attainment andongoing progression make it a valuable assessment in light of the removal of levels.

Adaptive testing online

Fully standardised, NGRT is available as a paper or online test. The online adaptiveversion automatically adjusts to match a pupil’s reading ability. As a result, pupilsare not exposed to a test at an inappropriate level. It also offers an age-appropriateway of checking the phonic understanding of pupils – including those insecondary school who struggle with reading.

NGRT can be used up to twice yearly to monitor progress and can also help toidentify any pupils who may be in need of further screening and support. It is oftenused on transition to secondary school to identify current levels of attainment andre-administered in March/April to identify pupils not making expected progress. Asa result NGRT enables you to evaluate the effectiveness of intervention strategiesand teaching methods with ease.

What can I do with the results?■ The Standard Age Score and Reading Age can be used for tracking pupils’

progress year-on-year

■ Those with additional educational needs can be identified for further screeningand support

■ With a detailed overview of strengths and weaknesses in reading andcomprehension, target setting and intervention strategies can be personalisedand monitored

■ The sentence completion and passage comprehension scores can help toidentify differences between a pupil’s decoding and comprehension skills

■ Instant, easy-to-follow reports provide evidence of progress to EducationScotland and parents.

How does NGRT fit in with our whole-pupil approach?Use NGRT alongside CAT4 to help identify where pupils may not be performing totheir full potential in reading and comprehension.

NGRT also helps identify pupils who may require further reading screening andsupport. A natural next step for this is our York Assessment of Reading forComprehension (YARC) (page 18–19)which will help determine the level ofintervention required. If diagnosis is required, our Dyslexia Screener Digital can helpidentify pupils showing signs of Dyslexia. Find out more on page 30.

New Group Reading TestNational Foundation for Educational Research (NFER)

Which test levels to use?The target year groups and age range covered foreach test level for NGRTpaper are shown in thetable opposite. For digital users, one administrationapplies to all ages. Forms A and B are designed fortwice yearly testing for both paper and digital.

New Levels for 2015

A part of the Complete DigitalSolution. See pages 4–5

NGRT Age range Age ofPaper covered by Year Year Group LevelLevel NGRT norms Group

Test 1 5:00 – 7:03 5 – 6 Primary 2 1st level

Test 1B� 5:00 – 7:09 5 – 7 Primary 2 - 3 1st level

Test 2A/2B 6:00 – 10:05 6 – 9 Primary 3 - 5 1st/2nd level

Test 3A/3B 9:00 – 14:05 9 – 13 Primary 6 - S2 2nd/3rd level

Test 3C� 9:00 – 13:09 9 – 13 Primary 6 – S2 2nd/3rd level

Test 3D� 8:00 – 11:09 8 – 11 Primary 5 - 7 2nd level

Test 4A/4B 13:00 – 17:05 13 – 16 S3 – S5 4th level/Senior Phase

Test 4C� 12:00 – 14:09 12 – 14 S2 – S3 3rd/4th level� New Levels

"NGRT challenges your expectations

about how children are learning to

read and what they understand. It

reminds you that even the most

capable don't necessarily work to their

full capacity on a day-to-day basis."Christine Smith, Deputy Head, Castlechurch Primary

School, Stafford

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Prices *+VAT

PaperAdditional Levels Teacher Guide | 978 07087 23197/GL560 | £25.95Teacher Guide and Additional Levels | 978 07087 23203/GL560 | £51.95Teacher GuideTeacher Guide Pack** | 978 07087 20073/GL560 | £40.95

Pupil Booklets (Packs of 10)Test 1 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 20004/GL560 | £14.75*Test 1B Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 22534/GL560 | £14.75*Test 2A Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 20011/GL560 | £14.75*Test 2B Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 20028/GL560 | £14.75*Test 3A Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 20035/GL560 | £14.75*Test 3B Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 20042/GL560 | £14.75*Test 3C Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 22541/GL560 | £14.75*Test 3D Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 22558/GL560 | £14.75*Test 4A Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 20059/GL560 | £14.75*Test 4B Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 20066/GL560 | £14.75*Test 4C Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 22565/GL560 | £14.75*

Scoring and Reporting ServiceScoring OptionsScoring Service (including Standard group report) | 978 14060 74994/GL560 | £2.70 per test*Online Marking Tool | 978 14060 75069/GL560 | £92.95 per year*ReportsStandard group report (PDF) | 978 14060 75007/GL560 | £1.45 per test*(included in scoring service price)Individual pupil report (PDF) | 978 14060 75038/GL560 | 57p per test*Excel® report | 978 14060 46540/GL560 | £109.95*Excel® Cluster report | 978 14060 75021/GL560 | £210.00*Primary group progress report | 978 14060 75755/GL560 | £102.95*Secondary group progress report | 978 14030 75762/GL560 | £154.95*Cluster PDF | 978 07087 24569/GL560 | £549.95

DigitalIndividual administration (minimum order of 10 administrations are required, includes Groupreport for teachers and Individual report for teachers)Form A | 978 07087 20868/GL560 | £5.45*Form B | 978 07087 20875/GL560 | £5.45*ReportsPrimary group progress report | 978 07087 22503/GL560 | £102.95*Secondary group progress report | 978 07087 22510/GL560 | £154.95*

**Teacher Guide Pack contains: Teachers guide, sample pupil booklets and at-a-glanceguide for each level.

The reportsNGRT has a range of instant reports with a clearnarrative and comprehensive graphs that allow youto build a full picture of each pupil’s reading andcomprehension skills, these include:

■ Group report for teachers

■ Individual report for teachers

■ Group progress report for teachers.

To further support schools with developing awhole-pupil view of their pupils, we also haveavailable a CAT4 combination report, that can be usedwith NGRT to compare ability and attainment data.

Digital users will benefit from instant reporting.Paper users will need to sign up for our Scoring andReporting Service.

Ideal for tracking progress

The Group progress report for teachers is a particularly usefulprogress tracking tool. It is ideal for evaluating interventionstrategies and teaching methods between testing and can bepurchased at an additional cost.

In theGroup report for teachers, scores for sentencecompletion (SC) and passage comprehension (PC) areshown. In this example Sally Jenkins’ results show amuch higher score for sentence completion, indicatingthat she is a competent reader with weakcomprehension skills.

Visit our NGRTpage to see sample reports, viewcase studies and a digital demo.

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York Assessment of Reading for Comprehension:Primary and SecondaryUniversity of York, Centre for Reading and Language

Quick GuideAge Range: Primary: 4-11 years

Secondary: 11-16 years

Suitable for: Teachers, Support forLearning, Learning SupportTeachers and EducationalPsychologists

Test duration: 20-30 minutes

Test format: Paper

Ideal for use with:New Group Reading Test – pages 16-17Dyslexia Portfolio – page 31

OverviewThe York Assessment of Reading for Comprehension (YARC) enables teachers andpractitioners to assess their pupils’ reading and comprehension skills from an earlyage through to the end of secondary. The diagnostic test is split into primary andsecondary editions, with a separate ‘Early Reading’ suite for 4 to 7 year olds.

Developed by a top team of reading experts from the Centre for Reading andLanguage at the University of York, YARC is ideal for following up at an individuallevel after group testing. The tests take about 20 minutes on average, and from thisa remarkable amount of valuable information can be gathered, covering a widerange of reading skills.

An ideal tool in any assessment regime, YARC can be used to assess and monitorpupil progress. By providing an in-depth analysis of a pupil’s reading ability, theassessment can identify specific problems and inform appropriate interventions. The test is used by many schools for educational planning and benchmarkingpupils against others in the UK.

What can I do with the results?■ Obtain an in-depth, diagnostic assessment of a pupil’s reading and

comprehension skills

■ Inform and evaluate intervention strategies

■ Assess English as an Additional Language (EAL) pupils and those requiring extratime in examinations

■ Inform educational planning and benchmarking against the national average.

The tests in more detailEarly ReadingThe early reading suite comprises four short tests specifically designed for 4-7 year olds or older pupils with reading difficulties. These tests assess a pupil’sphonological skills, alphabetic knowledge and word reading in a time-efficient andflexible way. They are among the most sensitive type of assessments for beginnerreaders and may be administered up to three times during a school year.

Passage Reading PrimaryComprising fiction and non-fiction texts, the passage reading primary suite hasbeen developed to identify the reading (decoding) and comprehension skills of 5-11 year olds. It assesses accuracy, reading rate and comprehension in one singletest. A version of our Single Word Reading Test is also included as a benchmarkingtest.

Passage Reading SecondaryThe passage reading secondary suite comprises a series of fiction and non-fictionpassages for 11-16 year olds. Designed to be read silently, the test assesses readingaccuracy, fluency and comprehension. A version of our Single Word Reading Test isalso included as a benchmarking test.

"I can't stress strongly enough how

valuable the YARC data is, particularly

in relation to the reading fluency rate,

which is usually difficult to evidence.

The YARC data has also indicated a

few students with literacy support

needs that hadn't been picked up

before."PT Support for Learning, Castlebrae Community

High School, Edinburgh

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**Complete Set Primary contains: Early Reading test material, Early Reading manual, Earlyreading record forms (10), Passage Reading Primary test material, Passage Reading Primarymanual and Passage Reading Primary record forms (10).

Complete Set Secondary contains: Passage Reading Secondary test material, PassageReading Secondary manual and Passage Reading Secondary record forms (15).

The reportsScoring and reporting is made easy with our freeonline score conversion tool. By enabling teachersand practitioners to input pupil details and rawscores, the tool generates an instant profile report.The single page report in PDF format providesStandard Age Scores (SAS) and percentile ranks foreach part of YARC, providing a diagnostic insight intoa pupil’s reading ability. This can be accessedthrough the GL Assessment website,

TheYARC Primary pupil profile report provides a summary of a pupil’saccuracy, reading rate and comprehension. The Standard Age Scorespresented provide a national benchmark. In this example Joanna’s readingrate and comprehension are average for her age group; however the accuracyof her reading is below average.

The YARC Secondary pupil profile report provides asummary of a pupil’s word reading, rate, comprehensionand accuracy. In this example Medley is showing signs ofpossible Dyslexia and may benefit from further testing withour Dyslexia Portfolio – page 31.

Prices *+VAT

SetsComplete Set Primary** | 978 07087 19046/GL560 | £240.00*(comprises early reading and passage reading primary sets and record forms)Complete Set Secondary** | 978 07087 20288/GL560 | £220.00*Early Reading Set | 978 07087 19053/GL560 | £125.00*Passage Reading Primary Set | 978 07087 19077/GL560 | £135.00*

Record FormsEarly Reading Record Forms | 978 07087 19060/GL560 | £13.00*Passage Reading Primary Record Forms | 978 07087 19084/GL560 | £25.00*Passage Reading Secondary Record Forms | 978 07087 19626/GL560 | £25.00*

Example Questions

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Quick GuideAge Range: 3-16 years

Suitable for: Teachers, Support forLearning and Speech andLanguage Therapists

Test duration: Approx 10 minutes

Test format: Paper and Digital

Ideal for use with:New Group Reading Test – pages 16-17York Assessment of Reading for Comprehension– pages 18-19

OverviewEstablishing and developing a wide vocabulary from a young age is essential to apupil’s academic success. In this, our leading British Picture Vocabulary Scale: ThirdEdition (BPVS3) provides the perfect solution. By assessing a pupil’s receptive(hearing) vocabulary from the earliest age, BPVS3 helps identify developmentaldelays before a child even reaches full time education.

As no reading is required, BPVS3 can be used to assess the language developmentin non-readers and pupils with specific learning difficulties, such as autism orcerebral palsy. Pupil’s responses can be given by simply pointing or by gesture. The test is simple and appealing with full colour illustrations and a larger format.

The robust and time efficient assessment provides an ideal benchmarking andprogress tracking tool from pre-school through to secondary school. Many schoolsare already using BPVS3 alongside our popular New Group Reading Test (see pages16-17) and York Assessment of Reading for Comprehension (see pages 18-19) toprovide a comprehensive profile of a pupil’s reading ability.

What can I do with the results?■ Identify delays in pupils’ vocabulary development from as young as 3 years

■ Use as an ideal benchmarking and progress tracking tool from pre-school through to secondary school

■ Inform intervention strategies at the earliest opportunity

■ Assesses the language development of non-readers including those with English as an Additional Language.

British Picture Vocabulary Scale: Third EditionNational Foundation for Educational Research (NFER)

Prices *+VAT

Complete Set** | 978 07087 19558/GL560 | £189.95*Record Forms (Pack of 10) | 978 07087 19565/GL560 | £14.00*

**Complete Set contains: Test material, manual, 20 record forms and a carry case.

Example Questions

For each question above, the teacher says a word and the pupil responds by selecting a picturefrom the four options that best illustrates the words and meaning.

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Phonological Assessment Battery: 2nd Edition PrimarySimon Gibbs and Sue Bodman

Quick GuideAge Range: 5-11 years

Suitable for: Learning Support Teachers,Specialist Literacy Teachersand EducationalPsychologists

Test duration: 20 minutes

Test format: Paper

OverviewThe Phonological Assessment Battery: 2nd Edition Primary (PhAB2: Primary) offers acomprehensive battery of tests that help assess phonological awareness in pupilsaged 5 - 11 years. The new design and illustrations make it even more appealing topupils.

An essential toolkit for learning support teachers, specialist teachers andeducational psychologists, it helps identify the phonological difficulties somepupils encounter in learning to read. In turn, this allows appropriate intervention tobe provided to help improve underlying literacy skills.

This latest edition has been newly standardised, reflecting the latest research inphonology and phonics. It even includes targeted testing ranges for 5-6 and 7-11year olds, providing more sensitive tests.

What can I do with the results?■ Accurately identify areas of difficulty with phonological awareness

■ Assess in detail and plan appropriate interventions to improve underlyingliteracy skills

■ Use as an ideal follow-up assessment for pupils with low scores in any phonicsscreening or literacy test

■ Develop a greater understanding of pupils’ phonological strengths andweaknesses.

Prices *+VAT

Phonological Assessment Battery: 2nd Edition PrimaryComplete Set | 978 07087 21629/GL560 | £160.00*Record Forms (Pack of 10) | 978 07087 21650/GL560 | £30.00*Phonological Assessment Battery: First EditionComplete Set | 978 07087 07081/GL560 | £145.00*Record Forms (Pack of 10) | 978 07087 07098/GL560 | £22.00*

**Complete Set contains: Manual and 10 record forms.

Phonological Assessment Battery:First Edition for pupils aged 6-14years – still available!The first edition of this popular assessment isstill available. This will be most suitable forteachers and practitioners looking to assesspupils right up to 14 years of age.

Fish Cap Tap

Example Questions

The example questions above are taken from the rhyming and alliteration subtests. The childrepeats what they see - as seen in one of the examples.

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Suffolk Reading ScaleFred Hagley

Quick GuideAge Range: Paper: 6-14 years

Digital: 6-17 years

Suitable for: Teachers and LearningSupport Teachers

Test duration: 30 minutes

Test format: Paper and Digital

OverviewFully standardised, Suffolk Reading Scale (SRS) is a group reading test that monitorsthe reading development of pupils across the primary and secondary phases. SRScan be used year-on-year to track progress.

By providing a comprehensive profile of a pupil’s reading ability, SRS informstarget-setting and is often used on school transfer. Relevant and engaging forpupils, the test has three comparable levels with an additional level for digitalusers.

Digital users will benefit from instant scoring and reporting, whilst paper users cantake advantage of our Scoring and Reporting Service. The service takes the work outof scoring and interpreting your data by providing fast and accurate results in arange of reports.

Which test levels to use?

Prices *+VAT

PaperTeacher Guide Pack** | 978 07087 16847/GL560 | £48.95Pupil Booklets (Packs of 10)Level 1 – Form A Pupil Booklets | 978 07087 07975/GL560 | £14.25*Level 1 – Form B Pupil Booklets | 978 07087 07999/GL560 | £14.25*Level 2 – Form A Pupil Booklets | 978 07087 08002/GL560 | £14.25*Level 2 – Form B Pupil Booklets | 978 07087 08019/GL560 | £14.25*Level 3 – Form A Pupil Booklets | 978 07087 08026/GL560 | £23.50*Level 3 – Form B Pupil Booklets | 978 07087 08033/GL560 | £23.50*Answer Sheets (Packs of 10)Level 3 – Form A Answer Sheets | 978 07087 08040/GL560 | £12.49*Level 3 – Form B Answer Sheets | 978 07087 08064/GL560 | £12.49*

DigitalIndividual administration (minimum order of 10 administrations are required)Level 1 – Form A and B | 978 07087 19657/GL560 | £4.60*Level 2 – Form A and B | 978 07087 19664/GL560 | £4.60*Level 3 – Form A and B | 978 07087 19671/GL560 | £5.30*Level 4 (14) – Form A and B | 978 07087 19688/GL560 | £5.30*Level 4 (15-16) – Form A and B | 978 07087 19695/GL560 | £5.30*

Scoring and Reporting ServiceScoring OptionsScoring Service (including Standard group report) | 978 14060 71085/GL560 | £2.74 per test*Online Marking Tool | 978 14060 75137/GL560 | £94.95 per year*

ReportsStandard group report (PDF) | 978 14060 25576/GL560 | £1.49 per test*(included in scoring service price)Excel® report | 978 07087 24583/GL560 | £109.95*Excel® Cluster report | 978 07087 24590/GL560 | £210.00*

**Teacher Guide Pack contains: Teachers guide and at-a-glance guide.

What can I do with the results?■ Provide a detailed overview of a pupil’s reading


■ Use as an ideal tool for monitoring progressover time

■ Identify pupils with potential readingdifficulties who may require a further in-depthassessment

■ Evaluate intervention strategies and teachingmethods.

SRS Level Age range Age ofcovered by Year Year Group LevelSRS norms Group

Level 1 6:00 – 8:11 6 – 8 Primary 3 - 4 1st level

Level 2 8:06 – 10:11 8 – 10 Primary 5 - 6 2nd level

Level 2 - 3 10:00 – 11:11 10 – 11 Primary 7 2nd level

Level 3 11:06 – 14:11 11 – 14 S1 - S3 3rd/4th level

Level 4 14:00 – 16:11 14 – 16 S4 - S5 Senior Phase

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Single Word Spelling Test Lesley Sacre and Jackie Masterson

Quick GuideAge Range: 6-14 years

Suitable for: Teachers and LearningSupport Teachers

Test duration: Untimed

Test format: Paper and Digital

OverviewSingle Word Spelling Test (SWST) comprises a series of nine standardised testsdesigned to assess spelling attainment. With the flexibility of choosing a testappropriate to each pupil’s ability, SWST also presents each word in a sentencecontext making the test more relevant for pupils.

Digital users will benefit from instant scoring and reporting, with group andindividual results presented in an easy-to-follow format. For paper users, theOnline Marking Tool is available.

What can I do with the results?■ Identify a comprehensive profile of a pupil’s spelling ability

■ Inform teaching strategies and follow-up activities for improving spelling

■ Benchmark pupils against others in the UK.

Prices *+VAT

Paper Complete Set** | 978 07087 09061/GL560 | £110.00*Digital Primary Annual Licence | 978 07087 17714/GL560 | £350.00*Digital Secondary Annual Licence | 978 07087 17721/GL560 | £450.00*Online Marking Tool | 978 14060 75106/GL560 | £95.00*

**Complete Set contains: Manual containing all test levels, photocopiable answer sheets andgroup record sheet.

British Spelling Test Series: Second Edition Denis Vincent with Mike de la Mare

Quick GuideAge Range: 6-13 years

Suitable for: Teachers, Literacy Co-ordinators andLearning Support Teachers

Test duration: Untimed

Test format: Paper

OverviewThe British Spelling Test Series: Second Edition (BSTS2) assesses spelling at word,sentence and continuous writing level.

The series contains four tests, each tailored to the pupils’ age and comprises anextended range of tasks that assess spelling based on classroom and teachingactivities.

What can I do with the results?■ You can identify pupils who find spelling difficult and set targets

■ Year-on-year screening, monitoring and testing at key transition points enablesyou to measure pupils’ progress.

Prices *+VAT

Evaluation PacksForm A/B Evaluation Pack | 978 07087 19190/GL560 | £35.00Form C/D Evaluation Pack | 978 07087 19206/GL560 | £35.00Form E/F Evaluation Pack | 978 07087 19213/GL560 | £35.00Form G/H Evaluation Pack | 978 07087 19220/GL560 | £35.00Pupil Booklets (Packs of 10)Form A Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 19237/GL560 | £18.00*Form B Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 19244/GL560 | £18.00*Form C Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 19251/GL560 | £18.00*Form D Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 19268/GL560 | £18.00*Form E Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 19275/GL560 | £18.00*Form F Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 19282/GL560 | £18.00*Form G Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 19299/GL560 | £18.00*Form H Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 19305/GL560 | £18.00*Online Marking Tool | 978 14060 75113/GL560 | £92.70*

**Evaluation Packs contain: Teachers guide, at-a-glance guide and a sample pupil booklet.

A part of the Complete DigitalSolution. See pages 4–5

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Single Word Reading Test 6-16Helen Foster, National Foundation for Educational Research

Quick GuideAge Range: 6-16 years

Suitable for: Teachers and Support forLearning

Test duration: Untimed

Test format: Paper

Ideal for use with:New Group Reading Test – pages 16-17

OverviewThe Single Word Reading Test 6-16 (SWRT) provides a measure of a pupil’s wordreading skill.

Individually administered SWRT contains six graded sets of ten words of increaseddifficulty. Parallel forms allow repeat testing and vast amounts of diagnosticinformation can be obtained in the form of sight vocabulary, analysis and erroranalysis.

It is ideal as a quick screening test for checking progress at regular intervals and aspart of the qualifying criteria for Access Arrangements.

What can I do with the results?■ You can track and monitor a pupil’s word reading skill year-on-year

■ Inform teaching and learning strategies to meet the needs of individual pupilsand their differing abilities.

Price *+VAT

Complete Set** | 978 07087 17707/GL560 | £110.00*

**Complete Set contains: Teacher’s Guide, which includes photocopy master of the recordform and Word Cards.

Gaelic Phonological Screening TestFiona Lyon

Quick GuideAge Range: 5-8 years

Suitable for: Teachers

Test duration: Untimed

Test format: Paper

OverviewThe Gaelic Phonological Screening Test is designed by teachers to assess thephonological skills of young Gaelic speakers and learners.

Since the Gaelic Language Act (Scotland) 2005, awareness of the importance ofGaelic has increased dramatically, a development supported by the Curriculum forExcellence. As a result, GL Assessment has published the Gaelic PhonologicalScreening Test, authored by Dr Fiona Lyon, a well-respected Dyslexia specialist andGME teacher and Head of Additional Support Needs.

The test is easy to use and may be administered by class teachers to Gaelic-medium pupils, both learners and native speakers, in Primary 2 and 3. Comprisingeight subtests, it provides normative data that is expressed as quartiles.

What can I do with the results?■ Assess young children’s Gaelic phonic skills

■ Assist in the Admissions process

■ Provide evidence of progress.

Prices *+VAT

Complete Set** | 978 07087 20790/GL560 | £120.00*

**Complete Set contains: Gaelic and English Teachers Manual which includes photocopiableRecord Form and Gaelic Test Book.

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Teaching TalkingAnn Locke and Maggie Beech

Quick GuideAge Range: 1-8 years

Suitable for: Early Years Specialists,Teachers and Support forLearning

Test duration: Untimed

Test format: Paper

Ideal for use with:WellComm: Revised Edition – page 36

OverviewTeaching Talking is a classroom based screening assessment focusing on children inEarly Years settings and primary schools whose linguistic development appears tobe delayed, or who are experiencing difficulties with listening or speaking.

Designed to screen, profile and record the major aspects of a child’s development,Teaching Talking supports the development of spoken language.

What can I do with the results?■ Profile and record the major aspects of a child’s development

■ Support children who are experiencing difficulties with spoken language

■ Choose from a range of intervention strategies to help in supporting children at alevel best-suited to their individual needs.

Prices *+VAT

Teacher Guide Pack** | 978 07087 14829/GL560 | £110.00Profile Forms (Packs of 5)Early Years Profile 1 (0–1 years) | 978 07087 14850/GL560 | £8.00*Early Years Profile 2 (1–2 years) | 978 07087 14867/GL560 | £8.00*Early Years Profile 3 (2–5 years) | 978 07087 14874/GL560 | £8.00*Primary Profile 1 (4–5/6 years) | 978 07087 14881/GL560 | £11.00*Primary Profile 2 (5/6–7 years) | 978 07087 14898/GL560 | £11.00*

**Teacher Guide Pack contains: Activities Handbook, At-a-Glance Guide, Sample of ProfileForms: Early Years Profile 1, Early Years Profile 2, Early Years Profile 3, Primary Profile 1 andPrimary Profile 2.

Neale Analysis of Reading AbilityMarie D Neale AM OBE. Second Revised British Edition: Standardisation by Chris Whetton, Louise Caspell and Kay McCulloch

Quick GuideAge Range: 6-12 years

Suitable for: Teachers, Support forLearning, EducationalPsychologists and PrivateTutors

Test duration: Approx 20 minutes

Test format: Paper

OverviewTheNeale Analysis of Reading Ability (NARA) measures the accuracy, comprehensionand rate of reading in pupils from 6 to 12 years. The assessment consists of parallelforms for testing and extension passages for use with more able or older pupils. In addition to one diagnostic test, two alternate standardised tests enable you tomonitor a pupil’s performance without them becoming too familiar with thepassages.

What can I do with the results?■ Results will enable you to select reading materials suited to the ability of

individual pupils

■ Monitor the adoption of specific reading skills and help with the planning ofintervention strategies.

Prices *+VAT

Complete Set** | 978 07087 07739/GL560 | £170.00*Manual | 978 07087 07814/GL560 | £85.00Reader | 978 07087 07753/GL560 | £75.00Record Forms (Packs of 10)Record Form 1 | 978 07087 07760/GL560 | £30.00*Record Form 2 | 978 07087 07777/GL560 | £30.00*Diagnostic Tutor Form | 978 07087 07784/GL560 | £35.00*

**Complete Set contains: Manual, Reader, Record Forms Level 1 & 2 (10 copies of each),Diagnostic Tutor (10 copies) and audio CD.

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Progress Test in Maths Mathematics Assessment Resource Service (MARS) - Nottingham University

Quick GuideAge Range: Paper: 5-14

Digital: 7-14

Suitable for: Teachers, MathsCo-ordinators and Supportfor Learning

Test duration: Paper: 60-75 minutesDigital: 60-75 minutes

Test format: Paper and Digital

Ideal for use with:Progress Test in English– pages 14-15Progress Test in Science – pages 28-29Cognitive Abilities Test: Fourth Edition –pages 8-11

OverviewBy assessing a pupil’s mathematical skills and knowledge of concepts, our ProgressTest in Maths (PTM)has become the standardised maths assessment of choice in arange of schools. The new edition respects the legacy of its predecessor (Progress inMaths, PiM)while providing brand new content relevant to UK Curricula, links toaspects of the Curriculum for Excellence and a new and comprehensivestandardisation.

PTMprovides the perfect tool to help schools raise standards in mathematics. Byassessing pupils’ mathematical skills and knowledge, in areas such as number,shape, data handling and algebra, the assessment provides valuable diagnosticinformation about their strengths and weaknesses. PTM can be used at the startand end of the academic year and is ideal for monitoring progress over time.

The Transition Test

PTM includes a new transition test (Level 11T). Designed specifically for use on entryto secondary school, it provides an accurate baseline from which progress can bemonitored. For pupils who have already been tested at the end of primary, itenables schools to re-assess with new content.

What can I do with the results?■ Benchmark knowledge and measure progress in maths

■ Identify pupils’ strengths and weaknesses, set targets and personalise learning

■ Inform and evaluate intervention strategies

■ Communicate with parents and provide evidence for inspections.

How does PTM fit in with our whole-pupil approach?The Progress Test in Maths forms a key part of GL Assessment’s whole-pupilapproach to assessment. Designed to give teachers access to quality, standardiseddata about their pupils that is not accessible through observation alone, thewhole-pupil approach looks at ability, attainment and barriers to learning to helpdeliver personalised learning to every pupil.

Year-on-year PTMwill allow teachers to build a clear, evolving picture of a pupil’sperformance and help to identify areas for improvement. When used in tandemwith an assessment of ability, such as CAT4, it also allows staff to identifyunderperforming pupils and plan interventions to help them.

Which test levels to use?

New for 2015

February 2016 – Progress Test inMaths for Secondary

A part of the Complete DigitalSolution. See pages 4–5

“We’ve been so impressed. It’s easy

to administer, doesn’t take up too

much teacher time, yet we’re able to

get in-depth information and age

related scores.”Mark Dakin, Headteacher, St Giles Primary CE School

Also in the Progress Test Series:Progress Test in English – pages 14-15Progress Test in Science – pages 28-29

PTM Level PTM Level Age ofAutumn Spring/Summer Year Year Group LevelTerm Term Group

Level 5 4 – 5 Primary 1 Early level

Level 5 Level 6 5 – 6 Primary 2 1st level

Level 6 Level 7 6 – 7 Primary 3 1st level

Level 7 Level 8 7 – 8 Primary 4 1st level

Level 8 Level 9 8 - 9 Primary 5 2nd level

Level 9 Level 10 9 – 10 Primary 6 2nd level

Level 10 Level 11 10 – 11 Primary 7 2nd level

Level 11T 11 – 12 S1 3rd/4th level

Level 12 Level 13 12 – 13 S2 3rd/4th level

Level 13 Level 14 13 – 14 S3 3rd/4th level

Level 14 14 – 15 S4 Senior phase

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The reportsOne of the most exciting features of the new seriesis the brand new suite of reports. These providecomprehensive data and are tailored for differentaudiences, including Education Scotland andparents.

The reports highlight the key areas in the Curriculumfor Excellence and are designed for easyinterpretation with clear narrative andstraightforward graphs. Digital users will receiveinstant reports, while paper customers will use ourScoring and Reporting Service.All users will receiveour full range of reports, including:

■ Group report for teachers (in PDF and Excel®

format) with Cluster specific reports available. TheCAT4 combination reportwill also allow teachers tocombine PTM attainment data with informationon ability from CAT4

■ Individual student report for teachers

■ Individual report for parents.

Recently, GL Assessment has revised its scoringservice in order to make our new suite of enhanced,data-rich reports available to all. As a result schoolsusing the paper tests will no longer be able to self-score. Instead, our dedicated Scoring and ReportingService is included in the price per pupil.

School: Sample Primary SchoolGroup: Year 4Date of test(s): 14/05/2014 No. of students: 20

Scores for the group (by surname)

Student name Tutorgroup

Age attest



(/44)SAS SAS (with 90% confidence bands) ST NPR GR (/20) Maths Level Progress

60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140Ahmed Malik ST 9:02 43 87 3 20 18= 5 AverageAlexander Jones ST 9:08 44 127 8 96 2 9 AverageCallum Hawkins ST 9:06 44 87 3 20 18= 4 AverageCameron Smith ST 9:02 44 105 5 63 9 4 Above AverageChloe Donnelly ST 9:09 44 112 7 78 6 9 Above AverageCody Samuels ST 9:09 44 100 5 50 12 5 AverageConnor Campbell ST 9:11 44 98 4 45 13 4 AverageDaniel Bowen ST 9:07 42 112 7 78 5 5 AverageEleanor Armstrong ST 9:06 44 82 2 12 20 3 AverageElizabeth Brooks ST 9:05 43 120 8 91 3 8 Above AverageGeorgia Wilson ST 8:11 44 110 6 74 7 6 AverageHannah Ellis ST 9:06 44 95 4 37 15 3 AverageJacob Middleton ST 9:07 44 90 4 26 16 4 AverageJessica Chapman ST 9:07 44 97 4 42 14 4 Below AverageJordan Thompson ST 9:06 44 102 5 55 11 5 Below AverageJoshua King ST 9:02 44 103 5 58 10 5 Below AverageKatie Johnson ST 9:02 43 106 5 66 8 6 AverageLayla Khan ST 9:02 44 128 8 97 1 9 AverageLeah Edwards ST 9:07 42 89 4 24 17 4 AverageLewis MacDonald ST 8:11 44 115 7 84 4 8 Average

Name: Cameron Smith Sex: MaleSchool: Sample Primary SchoolGroup: Year 4Date(s) of first test: 14/05/2013 Age: 8:02 Level: 8Date(s) of second test: 14/05/2014 Age: 9:02 Level: 9

Analysis of curriculum content categoriesCurriculum contentcategory

Number ofquestions Student % correct National % correct Student/National

DifferenceFluency in facts andprocedures 6 33% 50% -17%

Fluency in conceptualunderstanding 5 40% 60% -20%

Mathematical reasoning 5 60% 60% 0%

Problem solving 0 – – –


Implications for teaching and learning• Cameronʼs scores for both mental maths and applying & understanding maths are in the average range.

• By comparing scores from a previous administration of PTM it is possible to categorise progress as eitherbelow average (the student has not made as much progress as would be expected), average (the studenthas maintained the level of performance as shown in the last test) or above average (the student has mademore progress than would be expected).

– Cameron took PTM8 in May 2013 and from then until now has made above average progress in hismaths.

• The analysis of curriculum content categories and the analysis of mental maths and applying andunderstanding maths categories will help to identify where there are specific strengths and weaknesses andto plan the next steps.

In addition to the all-important Standard Age Score for benchmarking and tracking progress,the Group report for teachers shows separate scores for Maths skills and progress rate.

School: Sample Primary SchoolGroup: Year 4 No. of students: 20Date(s) of first test: 15/05/2013 Level: 8Date(s) of second test: 14/05/2014 Level: 9

Progress profilesThe SAS for the first and secondadministrations of the test are shown in thediagram. Students who are considered to bemaking above average progress are in thewhite band. Students making below averageprogress are in the orange band and thosemaking above average progress are in thegreen band.

Above average progress

Average progress

Below average progress



Copyright © 2014 GL Assessment Limited Page 3 of 4


Note that only those students who have completed two valid administrations of PTM are able to have performance compared and therefore progress reported in this section.

When tested twice, the Group report for teachers also includes a useful progress profiles reportthat enables teachers to see immediately where progress has been made.

Ideal for tracking progress

The Individual student report for teachers provides a detailedanalysis of a pupil’s strengths and weaknesses, alongside implicationsfor teaching and learning. It also helps teachers interpret results easilyand feed them back into the classroom.

Prices *+VAT

PTM Paper Pupil Booklets, At a Glance Guide for each 10 booklets Prices include Pupil Booklet, Scoring andReportingPTM 5 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 22930/GL560 | £4.95*PTM 6 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 22954/GL560 | £4.95*PTM 7 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 22978/GL560 | £4.95*PTM 8 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 22992/GL560 | £4.95*PTM 9 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 23012/GL560 | £4.95*PTM 10 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 23036/GL560 | £4.95*PTM 11 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 23050/GL560 | £4.95*PTM 11T Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 23883/GL560 | £4.95*PTM 12 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 23074/GL560 | £4.95*PTM 13 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 23098/GL560 | £4.95*PTM 14 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 23111/GL560 | £4.95*

PTM Digital Individual Administration Prices include Administration, Scoring and ReportingPTM 7 Individual Administration | 978 07087 23241/GL560 | £4.95*PTM 8 Individual Administration | 978 07087 23258/GL560 | £4.95*PTM 9 Individual Administration | 978 07087 23265/GL560 | £4.95*PTM 10 Individual Administration | 978 07087 23272/GL560 | £4.95*PTM 11 Individual Administration | 978 07087 23289/GL560 | £4.95*PTM 11T Individual Administration | 978 07087 23906/GL560 | £4.95*PTM 12 Individual Administration | 978 07087 23371/GL560 | £4.95*PTM 13 Individual Administration | 978 07087 23388/GL560 | £4.95*PTM 14 Individual Administration | 978 07087 23395/GL560 | £4.95*

Cluster report | 978 07087 24514/GL560 | £549.95*Excel®Cluster report | 978 07087 24521/GL560 | £210.00*

Purchase all 3 together: Paper (includingscoring) or Digital - £12* Includes PTM, PTE & PTS

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Progress Test in Science GL Assessment

Quick GuideAge Range: Paper: 7-14

Digital: 7-14

Suitable for: Teachers, Science Co-ordinators and Supportfor Learning

Test duration: Approx 60 minutes

Test format: Paper and Digital

Ideal for use with:Progress Test in English– pages 14-15Progress Test in Maths – pages 26-27

OverviewThe Progress Test in Science (PTS) completes the Progress Test Series. With contentrelevant to UK Curricula, Progress Test in Science provides a national benchmark forprogress tracking year-on-year.

PTS provides a reliable assessment of pupils’ attainment in core science skills. Ithelps teachers track the progress of individual pupils and the data can be used bysenior leaders to compile an essential database of science attainment. Over timethis will create a valuable record of how particular cohorts have achieved andprogressed.

All questions in PTS are multiple choice. It assesses pupils’ knowledge of scienceand working scientifically.

The Transition Test

PTS also includes a transition test (Level 11T). Designed specifically for use at thebeginning of secondary school, it provides an accurate baseline from whichprogress can be monitored. For pupils who have already been tested at the end ofprimary, it enables schools to re-assess on entry to secondary with new content.

Note – there is no level 12 test available as schools tailor the teaching of the sciencecurriculum over S1-S3.

What can I do with the results?■ Benchmark knowledge and measure progress in science

■ Identify pupils’ strengths and weaknesses, set targets and personalise learning

■ Inform and evaluate intervention strategies

■ Communicate with parents and provide evidence for inspections.

How does PTS fit in with our whole-pupil approach?The Progress Test in Science forms a key part of GL Assessment’s whole-pupilapproach to assessment. Designed to give teachers access to quality, standardiseddata about their pupils that are not accessible through observation alone, thewhole-pupil approach looks at ability, attainment and barriers to learning to helpdeliver personalised learning to every pupil.

Year-on-year assessment of attainment in science will allow teachers to build aclear, evolving picture of a pupil’s performance and help identify areas forimprovement. When used in tandem with an assessment of ability, such as theCognitive Abilities Test: Fourth Edition, it can help identify underperforming pupilsand plan interventions to help them.

New for 2015

A part of the Complete DigitalSolution. See pages 4–5

“The Progress Test Series is reliable

and accurate, with user-friendly

graphics so you can immediately

spot trends.”Juliette Tommons, Y6 Teacher, St Polycarps School,


Also in the Progress Test Series:Progress Test in English – pages 14-15Progress Test in Maths – pages 26-27

Trial Progress Test Series in Scotland!Schools in Scotland have a unique opportunity to trial the Progress Test in Science.

Call Scott Campbell on 075 5117 1329 oremail [email protected] to secure your free trial today.

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The reportsOne of the most exciting features of the new series is its suite of reports. Theseprovide comprehensive data and are tailored for different audiences.

The reports are designed for easy interpretation; with clear narrative andstraightforward graphs. Digital users will receive instant reports, while papercustomers will use our Scoring and Reporting Service.All users will receive our fullrange of reports, including:

■ Group report for teachers (in PDF and Excel® format), with Cluster specificreports available

■ Individual student report for teachers

■ Individual report for parents.

Recently, GL Assessment has revised its scoring service in order to make our newsuite of enhanced, data-rich reports available to all. As a result, schools using thepaper tests will no longer be able to self-score. Instead, our dedicated Scoring andReporting Service is included in the price per pupil, while digital users will receiveinstant online scoring and reporting as before.

Prices *+VAT

PTS Paper Pupil Booklets Prices include Pupil Booklet, At a Glance Guide for each 10 booklets, Scoring andReportingPTS 8 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 23128/GL560 | £4.95*PTS 9 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 23135/GL560 | £4.95*PTS 10 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 23142/GL560 | £4.95*PTS 11 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 23159/GL560 | £4.95*PTS 11T Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 23968/GL560 | £4.95*PTS 13 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 23166/GL560 | £4.95*PTS 14 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 22855/GL560 | £4.95*

PTS Digital Individual Administration Prices include Administration, Scoring and ReportingPTS8 Individual administration | 978 07087 22862/GL560 | £4.95*PTS9 Individual administration | 978 07087 22879/GL560 | £4.95*PTS10 Individual administration | 978 07087 22886/GL560 | £4.95*PTS11 Individual administration | 978 07087 22893/GL560 | £4.95*PTS11T Individual administration | 978 07087 23982/GL560 | £4.95*PTS13 Individual administration | 978 07087 22671/GL560 | £4.95*PTS14 Individual administration | 978 07087 22695/GL560 | £4.95*

Cluster report | 978 07087 24491/GL560 | £549.95*Excel® Cluster report | 978 07087 24507/GL560 | £210.00*

Purchase all 3 together: Paper (includingscoring) or Digital - £12* Includes PTM, PTE & PTS

“[The Progress Test Series] helps

teachers understand where an

individual’s strengths and

weaknesses are. It provides both an

individual appraisal and suggestions

of how to improve.”Mike Hall, Principal, Woodhouse Academy, Staffs

Trial Progress Test Series in Scotland!Schools in Scotland have a unique opportunity to trial the Progress Testin Science.

Call Scott Campbell on 075 5117 1329 oremail [email protected] to secure your free trial today.

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Special Educational Needs


Dyslexia and Dyscalculia Screeners DigitalMartin Turner, Pauline Smith and Brian Butterworth

OverviewIdeal for screening an entire year group or just those showing signs of difficulty, theDyslexia and Dyscalculia Screeners Digital help to identify early signs of Dyslexia andDyscalculia. Fully standardised, the time-efficient assessments take just 30minutes to administer. They play an important role in helping both specialist andnon-specialist teachers distinguish between those individuals who are havinggeneral difficulties in literacy and numeracy and those whose difficulties may beassociated with Dyslexia and Dyscalculia.

The Dyslexia Screener Digital comprises six tests covering the three areas of ability,attainment and diagnostic. Similarly, the Dyscalculia Screener Digital provides a truemeasure of a pupil’s facility with numbers by evaluating their ability to understandnumber size, simple addition and simple multiplication.

Instant results are enhanced by recommended intervention strategies, enablingteaching to be tailored to a pupil’s individual learning needs. With resultspresented in a range of easy-to-follow reports, communication with keystakeholders is made easy. Teachers will find the parent/carer report particularlyuseful, both before and after screening.

Prices *+VAT

DigitalIndividual administration (minimum order of 10 administrations are required)Dyslexia Screener Digital | 978 07087 19473/GL560 | £5.70*Dyscalculia Screener Digital | 978 07087 19510/GL560 | £5.70*

Guidance Booklets – Still available!Dyslexia Guidance | 978 07087 17691/GL560 | £65.00Dyscalculia Guidance | 978 07087 11521/GL560 | £65.00

What can I do with the results?■ Help identify early signs of Dyslexia andDyscalculia

■ Inform the planning of appropriate supportprogrammes and intervention strategies

■ Supports communication with parents/carers■ Distinguish between general attainmentdifficulties and those associated with a specialeducational need.

The Parent/Carer report enhances communication, by providing a useful summary of apupil’s scores in each of the six sub-tests. In this example Claire has a profile typical of someonewho is severely Dyslexic.

Quick GuideAge Range: Dyslexia Screener:

5-16+ yearsDyscalculia Screener: 6-14+ years

Suitable for: Learning Support Teachers,Teachers and EducationalPsychologists

Test duration: 30-35 minutes

Test format: Paper

Ideal for use with:Dyslexia Portfolio – page 31

A part of the Complete DigitalSolution. See pages 4–5

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Special Educational Needs

Dyslexia PortfolioMartin Turner

Quick GuideAge Range: 6-16 years

Suitable for: Learning Support Teachers,Specialist Teachers andEducational Psychologists

Test duration: Approx. 40 minutes intotal; some subtests aretimed

Test format: Paper

Ideal for use with:Dyslexia Screener – page 30

OverviewThe Dyslexia Portfolio is the natural next-step assessment for pupils that have beenscreened as having Dyslexic tendencies or who are giving cause for concern that theymay be Dyslexic. This is because it provides, in just 40 minutes, an invaluable profileof strengths and weaknesses that can be translated directly into an individualteaching plan. The one-to-one test format also allows teachers to observe the pupilclosely during the test session. As a result, specialist teachers and learning supportteachers can be confident that their intervention programmes are targeting the rightareas.

Fully standardised, the Dyslexia Portfolio covers a wide mix of tasks, enabling quickand clear identification of areas of difficulty in word level literacy, phonics andprocessing. It also includes tests that can be used in applications for AccessArrangements.

To receive automatic reports that include recommendations for support andintervention, practitioners simply have to enter raw scores online and the ReportGeneration Tool will do the rest. A parent report is also included, supportingschools in their communication with this important stakeholder group.

What can I do with the results?■ Identify accurately specific areas of difficulty in literacy learning■ Inform the planning of appropriate support programmes and interventionstrategies

■ Help assess the impact of interventions■ Support communication with parents and carers.

Prices *+VAT

Complete Set** | 978 07087 19039/GL560 | £200.00*Record Forms and Pupil Booklets(5 of each) | 978 07087 19008/GL560 | £24.00*

**Complete Set contains: Manual, all stimulus material, Pupil Booklets and Record Forms, 5 ofeach.

The Teacher report provides a summary ofa pupils score in each of the nine sub-tests.In this example Emma has a profile ofsomeone who is severly Dyslexic.

Recommendations for support andintervention are also highlighted in theTeacher report.

“Dyslexia Action Psychology would

wish to encourage a view that the

use of Dyslexia Portfolio certainly

gives very valuable information

towards a diagnosis of dyslexia.”

Dyslexia Review, July 2011

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Pupil Attitudes


Pupil Attitudes to Self and School (PASS)Dr Glen Williams and Bob Whittome

Quick GuideAge Range: 4-18+ years

Suitable for: Teachers, Senior LeadershipTeams, Learning SupportTeachers, EducationalPsychologists, HealthProfessionals

Test duration: Approximately 20 minutes

Test format: Digital

Ideal for use with:Cognitive Abilities Test: Fourth Edition (CAT4) –pages 8–11New Group Reading Test – pages 16-17Progress Test in English – pages 14-15Progress Test in Maths – pages 26-27Progress Test in Science – pages 28-29

OverviewClosing the attainment gap, identifying barriers to learning, tackling challengingbehaviour and improving attendance are some of the most important issues inschools today. Our Pupil Attitudes to Self and School (PASS) survey provides schoolswith a cost-effective and manageable way of addressing all three – and more. Thisis because it not only helps you understand how pupils’ attitudes are affectingtheir learning, it also enables you to measure the impact of interventions onattitudes.

In just 20 minutes, PASSprovides an insight into pupils’ mindsets that wouldotherwise be difficult to glean. In doing so, it helps schools to discover the oftenhidden reasons behind low attainment, challenging behaviour and lowattendance. In many cases, issues are identified well before they manifestthemselves, giving teachers a chance to ‘nip problems in the bud’. Findings fromPASS also help schools to identify and support emotionally vulnerable youngpeople and those with possible mental health issues.

Fully standardised, PASS looks at nine attitudinal factors, including feelings aboutschool, self-regard and attitudes to attendance and has direct links with theSHANARRI indicators of wellbeing. An Online Intervention System is also availablewith over 2000 possible intervention strategies. PASS strongly supports the fourcapacities of the Curriculum for Excellence and is a very effective screening tool,informing the health and wellbeing agenda.

What can I do with the results?■ Identify and understand any attitudinal barriers to learning that may beaffecting attainment

■ Inform teaching and learning strategies and intervention programmes■ Help improve behaviour, attendance and overall achievement■ Clearly see where any intervention may be required■ Provide important information for pastoral support and working with parents.

Which levels to use?

A part of the Complete DigitalSolution. See pages 4–5

PASS Age atLevel Start of Year Group Level

YearPASS 1 4 – 5 Primary 1 Early

5 - 6 Primary 2 1st level

6 - 7 Primary 3 1st level

PASS 2 7 - 8 Primary 4 1st level

8 - 9 Primary 5 2nd level

9 - 10 Primary 6 2nd level

10 - 11 Primary 7 2nd level

PASS 3 11 - 12 S1 3rd/4th level

12 - 13 S2 3rd/4th level

13 - 14 S3 3rd/4th level

14 - 15 S4 Senior Phase

15 - 16 S5 Senior Phase

PASS 4 16 - 17 S5/6 Senior Phase

17 - 18 S6 Senior Phase

How does PASS fit in with ourwhole-pupil approach?PASS is often provides that ‘missing link’ when apupil’s attainment scores from assessments such asthe Progress Test Series and New Group Reading Testdoes not match their ability data from our CognitiveAbilities Test (CAT4). It helps teachers understand thereasons behind this outcome and enables them tointervene effectively.

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| Tel: 0330 123 5375 | [email protected] | 33

Pupil Attitudes

The reportsPASS users receive instant reporting. This includesanalysis of both group and individual level,providing a clear insight into the mindset of pupilsand showing immediately where support is needed.PASS also offers analysis by any requireddemographic; such as nationality, EAL category ,ethnicity or additional educational need.

Prices *+VAT

1 year optionPrimary setup £150.00* per schoolSecondary setup £250.00* per schoolIndividual pupil survey £1.00* per pupil

3 year option10% discount off first year of 3 year deal**

Please call 0330 123 5375 for more information.

**A signed contract must be received before access is allowed to the surveys.

This example Survey report shows a whole cohort profile. Using a simple colour-codedsystem, schools can see immediately where support is most needed. The report can bebroken down further for easy analysis of different groups within the cohort by gender, yeargroup and/or ethnic group.

Analysis can also be carried out on an individual level.Re-assessing will show clearly how well interventionstrategies have worked.

PASS provides nine standardisedmeasures: 1. Feelings about school2. Perceived learning capability3. Self-regard4. Preparedness for learning5. Attitudes to teachers6. General work ethic7. Confidence in learning8. Attitudes to attendance9. Response to curriculum demands.

Visit our PASSpage to see sample reports andview case studies and a digital demo.

“I very quickly grasped the value of PASS as an excellent,

whole-school, Health and Wellbeing screener. Allowing

pupils the opportunity to identify their barriers to learning

and share with support staff gives them an element of

ownership. Pupil involvement in strategies and intervention

plans utilised to overcome those barriers can only increase

the chances of improved outcomes. Being able to resurvey

later in the year gives schools the opportunity to evidence

the outcomes of their intervention strategies. PASS also has

the advantages of adding to the Pupil Voice and informing

SLT and Pupil Support department’s in their Self-Evaluation

and Improvement Planning.”Scott Campbell – GL Assessment Consultant in Scotland and former PT Guidance

/ Pastoral Care

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Pupil Attitudes


Emotional Literacy: Assessment and InterventionAdrian Faupel, Southampton Psychology Service

Quick GuideAge Range: 7-16 years

Suitable for: Teachers, Learning SupportTeachers, EducationalPsychologists andCounsellors

Test duration: 5-10 minutes

Test format: Paper and Digital

Ideal for use with:Pupil Attitudes to Self and School – pages 32-33

OverviewEmotional Literacy: Assessment and Intervention is a time-efficient assessment thatidentifies the status of a pupil’s emotional literacy. The individual assessment isdivided into primary and secondary editions. Fully standardised, it measures fivekey areas of emotional literacy – self-awareness, self-regard, motivation, empathyand social skills.

The measures help to address the social, emotional and behavioural issues that arerelated to a pupil’s emotional literacy. From this, appropriate interventionstrategies can be put in place. With the facility for re-testing, Emotional Literacy:Assessment and Interventionprovides the perfect tool for monitoring progress andthe impact of interventions.

To support pupils with special educational needs and those that may find paper-based tests daunting, the assessment includes an interactive CD-ROM. Offeringgreater accessibility to all pupils, the user-friendly version presents age-appropriate instructions on screen. Optional teacher, pupil and parentquestionnaires are also included, designed to provide an all-round view of thefactors affecting a pupil’s emotional literacy.

What can I do with the results?■ Understand and develop a pupil’s emotional literacy■ Positively enhance a pupil’s behaviour and learning■ Use ready-made, photocopiable intervention activities and tasks■ Plan appropriate intervention strategies and their effectiveness.

Prices *+VAT

Complete Set 7-11** | 978 07087 16267/GL560 | £130.00*Complete Set 11-16** | 978 14060 14495/GL560 | £130.00*

**Complete Set contains: Teachers guide/manual, pupil, parent and teacher questionnaires,intervention activities and CD-ROM.

Example Questions

Pupils are presented with a checklist of questions,whereby they select the answer that best represents howthey feel/perceive themselves. From this a completeoverview of their emotional literacy is provided.Appropriate intervention strategies can then bedeveloped, with ready-made activities presented in theteacher’s manual.

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Early Intervention

Schedule of Growing Skills:Martin Bellman, Sundra Lingam and Anne Aukett

Quick GuideAge Range: 0-5 years

Suitable for: Early Years Professionals,Nursery Workers, HealthVisitors and EducationalPsychologists

Test duration: 20-30 minutes

Test format: Paper

OverviewSchedule of Growing Skills: II (SGS) is an invaluable tool for professionals who need toestablish the developmental levels of children. It provides a reliable ‘snapshot’ of achild’s developmental level, including areas of strength and potential delay.

The individual assessment can be used at any time with children from birth to 5 years, enabling professionals to assess them as and when appropriate orconvenient. By using colourful and engaging toys like building blocks, a doll, pegsand shapes, it makes the tasks feel like playtime to the child, allowing professionalsto observe and assess reactions while the child ‘plays’.

SGSprovides a clear indication of progress over time, with record forms allowingup to four assessments of any one child. A simple scoring system highlightspotential delays and areas for development, indicating where referral might benecessary. Not only is the assessment quick and easy to use, but feedback can beprovided within just 30 minutes.

What can I do with the results?■ Obtain a clear graphical representation of a child’s developmental level

■ Ensure all children are assessed in a consistent way using the universal screeningmeasure

■ Track progress over time

■ Use as an ideal basis for discussion with other professionals and parents.

TrainingTo support educational staff and healthcare professionals further, we offer acomprehensive Schedule of Growing Skills: II training course. Available in half or full-day format, the professional training programme is delivered by experiencedtutors. It provides in-depth guidance on how to administer the assessment, videoexamples of good and bad practice and scoring procedures.

Prices *+VAT

Complete Set A4 Version** | 978 07087 04547/GL560 | £220.00*Complete Set A5 Version** | 978 07087 04554/GL560 | £220.00*Record Forms (Pack of 50) | 978 07087 04684/GL560 | £130.00*Profiles A4 Version (Pad of 50) | 978 07087 04691/GL560 | £80.00*Profiles A5 Version (Pad of 50) | 978 07087 04707/GL560 | £80.00*Reference Manual | 978 07087 04592/GL560 | £85.00User Guide | 978 07087 04585/GL560 | £60.00

SGS: Training CourseHalf-day training (up to 15 delegates) | 978 14060 70668/GL560 | £595.00*Full-day training (up to 15 delegates) | 978 14060 70651/GL560 | £995.00*SGS: Training DVD | 978 07087 18858/GL560 | £130.00*

**Available in A4 and A5 versions the Complete Set contains: Stimulus materials, user’s guide,10 record forms and 50 profile forms.

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Early Intervention


WellComm: A Speech and Language Toolkit for Screeningand Intervention in the Early Years: Revised Edition Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust

Quick GuideAge Range: 6 months – 6 years

Suitable for: Early Years Practitioners,Support for Learning,Teaching Assistants,Nursery Workers andSpeech and LanguageTherapists

Test duration: 10-15 minutes

Test format: Paper

Ideal for use with:New Group Reading Test – pages 16–17 York Assessment of Reading for Comprehension– pages 18-19

OverviewWellComm: A Speech and Language Toolkit for Screening and Intervention in the EarlyYears: Revised Editionplays a crucial role in identifying children with potentiallanguage difficulties and offers a range of customised intervention activities tohelp support their language development.

Easy to administer and score, the screening tool uses a unique traffic light system tohelp practitioners understand the child’s current level of speech and language andto provide a pathway for action, ensuring every child gets the support they need.

WellComm’s Big Book of Ideas provides practitioners with over 150 interventionactivities which link directly with the screening tool. Designed to be fun andengaging, the photocopiable activities can help improve language skills, whateverthe age or ability of the child. They can also be shared with parents to help increaseparental engagement, along with the new Supporting Language at HomeDVD.

What can I do with the results?■ Identify children in need of referral or support

■ Provide tailored intervention strategies for all children

■ Assess children’s communication skills on entry to nursery and school

■ Measure progress throughout.

The reportsUpdated for 2015, the Online Report Wizardprovides more flexible reportingoptions, enabling both early years settings and group organisations to track,monitor and evaluate children’s speech and language progress. The Wizard can beused to generate targeted activities for each child based on their screening results.Reports include individual group and cluster reports to help evaluate the impact ofinterventions delivered and to present data to inspection authorities, and parents.The Online Report Wizard is available at an extra cost.

Prices *+VAT

Revised EditionWellComm Toolkit** | 978 07087 23791/GL560 | £320.00*Big Book of Ideas | 978 07087 23807/GL560 | £80.00*Handbook | 978 07087 23814/GL560 | £60.00Picture Book | 978 07087 23821/GL560 | £55.00Little Book of Score Sheets and Rules | 978 07087 23838/GL560 | £30.00Report Wizard: Individual | 978 07087 23852/GL560 | £69.95*Report Wizard: Cluster | 978 07087 23869/GL560 | £69.95*Supporting Language at Home DVD | 978 07087 24552/GL560 | £130.00*

** WellComm Toolkit contains: Handbook, Little Book of Score Sheets and Rules, The BigBook of Ideas, The Picture Book and Carry Bag.

New for 2015

The Individual reportshows scores and resultsfor each child, followedby suggested next steps.

Group analysis shows all results represented in theWellComm red, amber and green traffic light system.

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Thinking Skills

Let’s Think! SeriesVarious Authors

Quick GuideAge Range: 4 - 11 years

Suitable for: Teachers

Test duration: Untimed

Test format: Paper

OverviewThe Let’s Think! Series of cognitive acceleration resources is based on research byKing’s College London which indicates that a child’s thinking ability can benurtured and developed with the right tools and environment. It helps children tomake the transition to higher levels of thinking and learning, accelerating theircognitive development and, as a result, raising attainment. It also offers rich anddynamic opportunities to track pupils’ cognitive processes and skills as theydevelop.

The Let’s Think! Series offers an excellent foundation for learning. It comprises arange of activities, lesson plans and guidance covering the core primary subjects ofliteracy, maths and science. The series also includes an Early Years resource and theLet’s Think! Handbook, that provides an introduction to developing thinking andsupport for users of the Let’s Think! Series.

What can I do with the results?■ It offers unique activity-based teaching programmes that will prepare pupils for

a lifetime of learning

■ Enables pupils to become better thinkers, better communicators and more ablelearners

■ Improves pupils’ ability to solve problems and encourages them to recogniseand develop how they think

■ Helps teachers support pupils across the core primary subjects of literacy, mathsand science

■ Group interaction build pupils’ confidence and social skills.

Prices *+VAT

Let’s Think! SeriesLet’s Think! Complete Set | 978 07087 12566/GL560 | £220.00*Let’s Think! Teacher’s Guide | 978 07087 12573/GL560 | £120.00Let’s Think! Resource Pack | 978 07087 12580/GL560 | £130.00Let’s Think! Early Years Complete Set | 978 07087 14942/GL560 | £140.00*Let’s Think! Early Years Teacher’s Guide | 978 07087 16311/GL560 | £80.00Let’s Think! Handbook | 978 07087 17820/GL560 | £65.00Let’s Think through Literacy! | 978 07087 17837/GL560 | £80.00Complete SetsLet’s Think through Maths! 5&6 | 978 07087 03755/GL560 | £140.00*Let’s Think through Maths! 6–9 | 978 07087 15079/GL560 | £150.00*Let’s Think through Science! 7&8 | 978 07087 03748/GL560 | £120.00*Let’s Think through Science! 8&9 | 978 07087 14393/GL560 | £90.00*

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Assessment for Learning

The Black Box SeriesEdited by Paul Black, Christine Harrison, Bethan Marshall and Dylan Wiliam

Quick GuideAge Range: 8 - 18 years

Suitable for: Teachers and EducationalPsychologists

Test duration: Untimed

Test format: Paper

Ideal for use with:Our range of standardised assessments

OverviewBased on extensive research by King’s College, London, the Black Box Series offerspractical advice for teachers on how to implement the key techniques withinformative assessments. This includes questioning, feedback and peer/selfassessment.

Comprising both generic and subject-specific booklets, the Black Box Series includesimportant research findings and recommendations for supporting and embeddingassessment for learning in classrooms. A series of subject-specific booklets offeradvice to teachers on how to interact more effectively with pupils, improving theirlearning and attainment in various subjects across the curriculum.

Providing a crucial resource in light of the Assessment is for Learning programmethat remains at the heart of assessment practices for the Curriculum for Excellence,Inside the Black Box of Assessment is a must-read for Scottish schools. Withassessment for learning at the heart of effective teaching, this booklet aims tosupport schools in developing the quality of their assessment system, whilstraising pupils’ achievement.

What can I do with the results?■ Improve pupils’ learning through formative assessment

■ Make use of evidence-based ideas and advice on the improvement of classroomassessment

■ Learn how to interact more effectively with pupils across a range of subject areas

■ Develop your own assessment framework.

Prices *+VAT

Inside the Black Box of Assessment | 978 07087 21575/GL560 | £6.30Inside the Black Box | 978 07087 13815/GL560 | £6.30Working Inside the Black Box | 978 07087 13792/GL560 | £6.30Inside the Primary Black Box | 978 07087 17684/GL560 | £6.30English Inside the Black Box | 978 07087 16861/GL560 | £6.30Mathematics Inside the Black Box | 978 07087 16878/GL560 | £6.30Science Inside the Black Box | 978 07087 14447/GL560 | £6.30Geography Inside the Black Box | 978 07087 17554/GL560 | £6.30ICT Inside the Black Box | 978 07087 17639/GL560 | £6.30Modern Foreign Languages Inside the Black Box | 978 07087 17653//GL560 | £6.30Design & Technology Inside the Black Box | 978 07087 17646/GL560 | £6.30

Subject Specific BookletsA series of Subject Specific Booklets outline theprinciples of formative assessments and how they can beapplied in the classroom.

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Self-Evaluation and School Improvement

Kirkland Rowell Surveys

Quick GuideAge Range: 5 – 18 years

Suitable for: Teachers, Senior LeadershipTeams, Governors, Parentsand Pupils

Test duration: Untimed

Test format: Paper and Digital

OverviewStakeholder surveys are an integral part of any self-evaluation system, establishingand monitoring the changing perceptions of parents, pupils and staff over time. OurKirkland Rowell Surveys support schools in understanding what is important to theirstakeholders and how satisfied they are according to selected criteria.

Offering a truly cost-effective way of ensuring school improvement measures areon the right track, Kirkland Rowell Surveys provide an instant overview of a school’sstrengths and weaknesses. The online and paper-based questionnaires can betailored to each school’s requirements, enabling the survey of only relevant topics.With the addition of our Light Touch Surveys that focus on the key areas ofimportance to primary heads, KRS is affordable to every primary school.

Findings are represented in a series of easy-to-follow reports and contain a fullevidence summary for every schools’ self-evaluation. In other words, KirklandRowell Surveys take the strain off schools creating a survey themselves: we designthe questionnaires, print or set them up online, collate the results and produce aseries of reports to support ongoing improvement.

What can I do with the results?■ Ensure school improvement measures are on the right track

■ Measure the changing perceptions of parents, pupils and staff

■ Use the results as a solid baseline for self-evaluation, engaging the whole schoolcommunity in the process

■ Use the unique parent survey to channel the parental involvement

■ Provide evidence of school progress to Education Scotland.

Prices *+VAT

Bespoke PrimaryPaperParent Survey £420.00* (includes first 200 pupils) then 50p per parent afterPupil Survey £420.00* (includes first 200 pupils) then 50p per pupil afterStaff Survey £335.00*

Digital Parent Survey £420.00* (includes first 200 pupils) then 45p per parent afterPupil Survey £420.00* (includes first 200 pupils) then 45p per pupil afterStaff Survey £304.00*

Bespoke SecondaryPaperParent Survey £370.00* + 70p per parentPupil Survey £370.00* + 70p per pupilStaff Survey £335.00*

DigitalParent Survey £370.00* + 56p per parentPupil Survey £370.00* + 56p per pupilStaff Survey £304.00*

“We at SLS believe that Kirkland

Rowell Surveys offer by far the most

cost-effective method of generating

meaningful, independent data on all

your school's activities as well as pre-

empting the findings of inspection

and satisfying the demands of self-

evaluation. These surveys place the

minimum of demands on a school’s

time and resources and, in these

difficult financial times, represent

good value for money.”

Ken Cunningham CBE, General Secretary, SLS

The Parent survey report identifies the percentage of parents who are happy alongsidethose who are unhappy with the performance of the school against non-academic criteria.

A part of the Complete DigitalSolution. See pages 4–5

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Training & Support


Training & Support


To help schools make the most out of their testdata we offer a wide range of Analysis andInterpretation Services.

We have extended our range of services to cover the following keyassessments:

■ Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT)

■ Progress Test in Maths (PTM)

■ Progress Test in English (PTE)

■ Pupil Attitudes to Self and School (PASS).

As part of all training, we also look at how schools can build a trulyholistic view of each child by analysing together measurements ofability, attainment and attitudes. This approach informs teachingand learning, identifies barriers to learning, and enables teachers tosee immediately when potential is not being reached.

What type of support to choose?To enable customers to choose the type of support that best suitstheir own specific requirements, three different types of training areavailable:

1. Online Webinars

2. Workshops

3. Consultancy Service.

Data Analysis and Interpretation WorkshopsDesigned for up to 20 participants and held within your ownschool, our workshops are suitable for school clusters. They areavailable in the following combinations:

1. For any one of the following assessments:

■ Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT)

■ Progress Test in Maths (PTM)

■ Progress Test in English (PTE)

■ Pupil Attitudes to Self and School (PASS).

2. When considering data from more than one of the aboveassessments

3. As a focused workshop supporting the Curriculum for Excellence

Workshops are designed for participants who are already familiarwith at least one of our key assessments, but are looking for adeeper insight into the analysis and interpretation of the data thatis provided in order to meet the requirements of the CfE. The CATIntroductory Workshop is suitable for users and non-users of ourassessments.

Schools can opt for a full-day or a half-day session lasting 2–3hours, depending on timing requirements. As such, they are idealfor use at an INSET day or as a twilight session.

Delivery is by an experienced, professional facilitator at a school’sown premises. To allow interaction, the maximum group size for aworkshop is 20; however, presentation style sessions can beorganised for larger groups or for sessions that need to be shorterthan 2 hours.

Workshops are based on sample data, whilst giving participantsthe opportunity to apply the learning to their own data, if available.Alternatively, school data can be used throughout.

“The quality and depth of the information

provided by GL Assessment’s Analysis and

Interpretation Services are second to none. Data

analysis and services such as these will play an

increasingly essential role in helping schools to

tackle issues such as poor behaviour and

underachievement as the education landscape

continues to change and evolve.”Andrew Goulding, Principal, Hinchingbrooke School,


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ConsultancyOur Consultancy Service is the ideal choice for schools looking for an

even deeper and more strategic level of analysis than is possible

through the workshops. In addition to our consultancy, the service

is available for any one of the following assessments in supporting

the Curriculum for Excellence, or when considering data from more

than one of our key assessments.

The service involves partnership with a skilled facilitator who,together with the School Leadership Team (SLT), examines aschool’s assessment data and reports, focusing on the strategic

implications for school improvement and helping to prioritise next

steps. In the case of the supporting the Curriculum for Excellence

Consultancy Service, your facilitator will seek to identify yourindividual needs and requirements in adopting a new assessment


Schools will receive an email or phone call prior to a school visit to

check preliminary thinking and agree priorities. Once a date hasbeen agreed, a follow-up on-site meeting of up to three hours will

take place, after which a summary report will be delivered to the SLT.

Prices *+VAT

Data Analysis & Interpretation WorkshopsHalf-day – using sample data £595.00*Half-day – using two school datasets** (e.g. Year 7 and 9) £695.00*Full-day – using sample data £795.00*Full-day – using two school datasets** (e.g. Year 7 and 9) £895.00*

Data Analysis & Interpretation WebinarsIntroductory webinar – using sample data £200.00*Introductory webinar – using two school datasets** £250.00*Follow-up webinar – using two school datasets** £350.00*Introductory + follow-up webinar – using school data £450.00*Consultancy webinar £350.00*

ConsultancyConsultancy – all inclusive price £695.00*

Data Analysis and Interpretation WebinarsWith time limited, schools are increasingly looking to onlinesolutions to meet their training and support needs. In addition tofreely available support, we are offering a new online Data Analysisand Interpretation Webinar Service.

Schools can participate in a live session at a convenient time or at aset time with other schools, with unlimited access to the webinarrecording and the presentation for their own use. The servicecomprises the following options:

1. Free assessment/product support

2. Introductory sessions using sample data and real school data

3. Follow-up sessions using sample data and real school data

4. Online consultancy.

**Additional datasets can be included at an additional charge of £50.00**per set.

| Tel: 0330 123 5375 | [email protected] | 41

Training & Support

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Admissions tests schools can trust

When it comes to admissions testing, pupils andparents need to know that the test is fit forpurpose, fair and that it is "a true test of aptitudeand ability.”1

With over 30 years' unrivalled experience in admissions testing forsecondary and senior schools, GL Assessment is fully committed tomaintaining these high standards. As a result, our admissions testsare relied upon by the numerous independent schools to ensure afair admissions process.

Why choose GL Assessment?Over the last three decades, GL Assessment has built a highlyrespected reputation for high-quality, robust admissions tests. Wealso developed the new online Common Pre-Tests in conjunctionwith the Independent Schools Examination Board (ISEB).

Our good standing in the area of admissions testing is based on anumber of factors. Firstly, we offer a highly personalised servicewith expert consultancy and advice. Our customers know the endresult will be a test that satisfies fully their selection criteria and thatbest practice will be applied throughout.

Secondly, our tests and questions support the goal of socialmobility. Every single question included in our tests has beenthoroughly trialled and validated to ensure it is not biased againstgender, ethnicity or educational background. Each question alsobelongs to an acknowledged question type known to identify coreability, even for candidates with alternative educationalbackgrounds. All verbal reasoning questions keep readingattainment and vocabulary demands to a minimum, while non-verbal reasoning questions enable candidates with under-developed English to demonstrate their reasoning skills.

Thirdly, to combat the effects of coaching, we have a high numberof question types and invest in a rolling programme of itemdevelopment to add new ones. We also design our tests in such away that it is extremely difficult to predict accurately whichquestion types will arise in any one particular test.

And while we make every effort to keep tests as short as possibleto meet the logistical challenges faced by schools, we will includeenough questions to ensure it is an accurate and reliablemeasurement of ability.

1 Schools Admissions Code, Department for Education

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Flexible services for easy test administrationGL Assessment makes the testing and scoring process far easier forschools by offering a wide range of additional options:

■ An Overprinting Service that pre-prints candidate names andother details onto the answer sheets to shorten testadministration times and avoid mix-ups or delays in scoring.

■ A Scoring Service for higher levels of accuracy and a quickturnaround.

■ Statistical Services that provide bespoke national or localstandardisations of test data. We also offer a range of services toaccurately and quickly analyse and band test results againstschool-specific admission criteria.

■ Familiarisation materials to ensure all pupils are familiar with thetest format ahead of the examination and are not unduly anxiouson the test day.

To discuss your school’s admissions testingrequirements and how to ensure best practice andfairness, please contact our specialised team on

020 8996 3371 or send an email to:[email protected].

Meeting the aims of other assessmentprogrammesCustomised tests from GL Assessment are created not only foradmissions testing, but also for other types of assessmentprogrammes. For example, a local authority may want to measurethe impact of a specific initiative, or a network of schools may wantto measure ability and/or attainment in a very specific area.Whatever the criteria, GL Assessment will work closely with you tomake sure you get exactly the information you want from yourassessment programme.

Request our ‘Best Practice’ leafletTo help schools maintain a first-rate admissions procedure,GL Assessment has created an informative leaflet on bestpractice in admissions testing. Based on ongoing researchand our own unrivalled experience in question development,test construction and report development, it clarifies someof the most common questions in relation to admissionstesting and provides valuable pointers on how best to ensuretest validity and fairness. Request your copy today by calling020 8996 3371 or email [email protected].

| Tel: 0330 123 5375 | [email protected] | 43

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PricesVisit for further information on all of the following assessments.


Further Education Reasoning Test DigitalSet of 10 Administrations | 978 14060 70644/GL560| £69.95*

Spatial ReasoningTeacher Guide Packs

Level 6-7 Teacher Guide Pack | 978 07087 16755/GL560 | £35.00

Level 8-9 Teacher Guide Pack | 978 07087 16762/GL560 | £35.00

Level 10-11 Teacher Guide Pack | 978 07087 16779/GL560 | £35.00

Level 12-14 Teacher Guide Pack | 978 07087 16786/GL560 | £35.00

Pupil Booklets (Packs of 10)

Level 6-7 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 11941/GL560 | £19.00*

Level 8-9 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 11958/GL560 | £19.00*

Level 10-11 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 11965/GL560 | £19.00*

Level 12-14 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 11972/GL560 | £19.00*


Diagnostic Test of Word Reading ProcessesComplete Set | 978 07087 20721/GL560 | £120.00*

Record Forms (Packs of 50) | 978 07087 20738/GL560 | £50.00*

WordchainsTeacher Guide | 978 07087 17547/GL560 | £50.00

Pupil Booklets (Packs of 10) | 978 07087 09313/GL560 | £30.00*

Middle Infant Screening Test (MIST) and Forward TogetherComplete Set | 978 07087 12351/GL560 | £80.95*

Teachers Guide Pack | 978 07087 12368/GL560 | £59.95

MIST Pupil Booklets (Packs of 10)| 978 07087 12375/GL560 | £15.49*

Forward Together Activity Book | 978 07087 12382/GL560 | £15.49

Reading NowTeacher Guide Pack** | 978 07087 17530/GL560 | £25.00

Test Booklets (Pack of 10) | 978 07087 11514/GL560 | £13.50*

Online Marking Tool | 978 14060 75120/GL560 | £95.00*


Measuring Success in MathsComplete Set of Maths Books | 978 07087 18117/GL560 | £230.00

Years 1&2 Book (P2 & P3) | 978 07087 17844/GL560 | £75.00

Year 3 Book (P4) | 978 07087 17851/GL560 | £65.00

Year 4 Book (P5) | 978 07087 17868/GL560 | £65.00

Year 5 Book (P6) | 978 07087 17875/GL560 | £65.00

Year 6 Book (P7) | 978 07087 17882/GL560 | £65.00

Books (Maths + Science)

Years 1&2 Books (P2 & P3) | 978 07087 18063/GL560 | £125.00

Year 3 Books (P4) | 978 07087 18070/GL560 | £95.00

Year 4 Books (P5) | 978 07087 18087/GL560 | £95.00

Year 5 Books (P6) | 978 07087 18094/GL560 | £95.00

Year 6 Books (P7) | 978 07087 18100/GL560 | £95.00

Mental Mathematics 6–11Teacher Guide Packs

Level 6 Teacher Guide Pack | 978 07087 17271/GL560 | £35.00

Level 7 Teacher Guide Pack | 978 07087 17288/GL560 | £35.00

Level 8 Teacher Guide Pack | 978 07087 17295/GL560 | £30.00

Level 9 Teacher Guide Pack | 978 07087 17301/GL560 | £35.00

Level 10 Teacher Guide Pack | 978 07087 17318/GL560 | £35.00

Level 11 Teacher Guide Pack | 978 07087 17325/GL560 | £35.00

Pupil Booklets (Packs of 10)

Level 6 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 09917/GL560 | £15.50*

Level 7 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 09924/GL560| £15.50*

Level 8 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 09931/GL560 | £15.50*

Level 9 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 09948/GL560 | £15.50*

Level 10 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 09955/GL560| £15.00*

Level 11 Pupil Booklet | 978 07087 09962/GL560| £15.50*

Sandwell Early Numeracy Test – Revised and KS2–KS3SENT-R and SENT KS2-KS3

Sets (includes 1 year licence for the Online Marking Tool)

Complete Set SENT-R** | 978 07087 20691/GL560 | £180.00*

Complete Set SENT KS2-KS3** | 978 07087 21599/GL560 | £180.00*

Complete Set SENT-R and

SENT KS2-KS3 | 978 07087 22480/GL560 | £300.00*

Pupil Booklets (Packs of 10)

SENT-R – Form A Pupil Booklets | 978 07087 20707/GL560 | £22.00*

SENT-R – Form B Pupil Booklets | 978 07087 20714/GL560 | £22.00*

SENT KS2—KS3 Pupil Booklets | 978 07087 21612/GL560 | £25.00*

Scoring and Reporting Options (cost per year)

Online Marking Tool SENT-R | 978 07087 20684/GL560| £45.00*

Online Marking Tool

SENT KS2-KS3 | 978 07087 21582/GL560 | £45.00*

Online Marking Tool SENT-R and

SENT KS2-KS3 | 978 07087 22497/GL560 | £65.00*

Other Assessments in Our Range

To discuss our assessments further or to book aconsultant visit, contact Scott Campbell, your localArea Consultant:

Mobile: 075 5117 1329Email: [email protected]

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| Tel: 0330 123 5375 | [email protected] | 45

Other Assessments in Our Range


Measuring Success in ScienceComplete Set | 978 07087 18056/GL560 | £230.00

Years 1 & 2 Book (P2 & P3) | 978 07087 17899/GL560 | £80.00

Year 3 Book (P4) | 978 07087 17905/GL560 | £65.00

Year 4 Book (P5) | 978 07087 17912/GL560 | £65.00

Year 5 Book (P6) | 978 07087 18414/GL560 | £65.00

Year 6 Book (P7) | 978 07087 17929/GL560 | £65.00

Personal and Social Development

Measures of Children’s Mental Health & PsychologicalWellbeingComplete Set | 978 07087 19107/GL560 | £480.00*

Introduction Booklet | 978 07087 19114/GL560 | £55.00*

Enjoyment Booklet | 978 07087 19121/GL560 | £95.00*

Belonging Booklet | 978 07087 19138/GL560 | £100.00*

Resilience Booklet | 978 07087 19145/GL560 | £95.00*

Distress Booklet | 978 07087 19152/GL560 | £95.00*

Responsiveness Booklet | 978 07087 19169/GL560 | £95.00*

Social Behaviour Booklet | 978 07087 19176/GL560 | £95.00*

Healthy Living Booklet | 978 07087 19183/GL560 | £95.00*

The Paediatric Index of Emotional DistressComplete Set | 978 07087 19794/GL560 | £100.00*

Manual | 978 07087 19800/GL560| £60.00

Record Forms (Pack of 50) | 978 07087 19817/GL560 | £50.00*

Record Forms (Pack of 100) | 978 07087 19824/GL560 | £70.00*

The Cornwall Learning Skills for Life ProgrammeComplete Set | 978 07087 21568/GL560 | £210.00*

To discuss our assessments further or to book aconsultant visit, contact Scott Campbell, your localArea Consultant:

Mobile: 075 5117 1329Email: [email protected]

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To find your local Area Consultant, please use thecolour-coded map.

In addition to your Area Consultant, there is now adedicated member of the Customer Services Teamfor each area of the UK that can help with yourenquiries. Please see opposite for details.

Area Consultants

Northern IrelandJanice Forbes Area advisor: Ananette OdeyMobile: 07787 280 784 0330 123 5375Email: [email protected]

North West EnglandAndrew Gill Area Advisor: Sandie GreenMobile: 07884 664 178 0330 123 5375Email: [email protected]

Wales and South West EnglandNikki Kidd Area Advisor: Mandy PritchardMobile: 07887 663 354 0330 123 5375Email: [email protected]

South West EnglandColin Addis (Remote sales) Area Advisor: Ananette OdeyTel: 020 8996 3373 0330 123 5375Email: [email protected]

West MidlandsEsther Partridge-Warner Area Advisor: Patsy JonesMobile: 07818 512 310 0330 123 5375Email: [email protected]

East MidlandsTina Plail Area Advisor: Lorraine PhilpottMobile: 07500 605 577 0330 123 5375Email: [email protected]

London, East Anglia and Home CountiesAndrew Wright Area Advisor: Lorraine PhilpottMobile: 07810 654676 0330 123 5375Email: [email protected]

South London, Kent, Surrey and SussexChris Whiting Area Advisor: Ananette OdeyMobile: 07880 201 427 0330 123 5375Email: [email protected]

ScotlandScott Campbell Area Advisor: James FisherMobile: 07551 171 329 0330 123 5375Email: [email protected]

Republic of IrelandRebecca Garven Area Advisor: Matthew ChipperfieldMobile: 087-9761265 0330 123 5375Email: [email protected]

Northern EnglandMo Brown Area Advisor: Sandie GreenMobile: 07775 722 639 0330 123 5375Email: [email protected]

For further information on each area, please

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| Tel: 0330 123 5375 | [email protected] | 47

Placing Your Order

Placing Your Order

How to payRequest an invoice if you have an account with us (all schools and authorities inthe UK have an account). Please quote your official order number – orderssubmitted without one may have to be returned.

Postage and packing For those sending payment with order, please add a flat rate of £4.40 (exc. VAT) toyour total. If you are not enclosing payment or if you are ordering from outside theUK, you will be charged the full cost of postage, based on weight and delivery date.

For those paying on account, postage and packing is added to your invoice.

Terms and conditions of saleGL Assessment reserves the right to amend details, prices, packaging and withdrawproducts without prior notice. GL Assessment also reserves the right to amendpublishing release dates for new resources.

Payment terms are 30 days net from invoice date. Please notify us of queries onour invoices immediately, quoting the invoice number.

Claims for non-delivery, shortage or damage should be made in writing, quotingthe account and invoice numbers (a) within 3 days of receipt for shortage ordamage and (b) within 21 days of invoice for non-delivery.

With all queries/claims to our Customer Support and Advisory Service, invoicenumbers should be quoted. Please note that we are unable to accept returns,unless faulty, after 30 days of receipt.

Ownership of goodsIt is a condition of sale that ownership of goods shall not pass to the buyer untilpayment is received by the Company. Some of our products containphotocopiable materials; however, until full payment is received, all photocopyrestrictions remain in force. If payment is not received within a reasonable period,the Company may repossess the unpaid-for goods.

PricingAll prices quoted in the catalogue are correct at the time of going to press but aresubject to change without notice. VAT is chargeable at the standard rate (20% atthe time of going to press) on all items marked * in this catalogue. Please note thaton all items, including those zero-rated for VAT, any plastic wallets have beensupplied free of charge.

ReturnsSales are made in good faith. If you wish to request a return, please call us on 0330 123 5375, giving your account number, invoice date and number and reasonfor return. Goods returned must be in ‘resaleable condition’. Unauthorised returnsand returns after 30 days of invoicing will not be accepted.

Customers who are VAT exempt or zero-rated must provide copies of appropriatedocumentation, endorsed by Customs & Excise, in order for VAT not to be chargedon consumable product.

Please Note – it is an offence to photocopy our Answer Sheets (except wherestated). All our material is protected by copyright.

Customer RegistrationAll customers must register with us beforeplacing an order. Registration is a one-offprocess whereby we ask you to demonstrateyour professional qualifications. Theinformation you provide enables us to identifywhich assessments you are eligible to gainaccess to and administer.

Once you have registered, you will be given aunique ID number. This number is stored onyour account and activated each time youcontact us. Your customer profile can beupdated at any time by calling our CustomerServices Team on 0330 123 5375.

0330 123 5375

Post an order form (see page 48).

Fax – 0330 123 5471

Area Consultant

Scott CampbellMobile: 075 5117 1329E: [email protected]

[email protected]

T:+44 (0)845 602 1937F: +44 (0) 1793 [email protected]






How to Order

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Order Form

Sub Total

*Postage and Packaging

VAT 20%

Grand Total

To order any of our assessments, fill in your details, the name ofthe resource(s) you want to order, and add the relevant productcode(s) and price(s).

Title Code Unit Price Quantity Cost

UK ORDERS Some prices may be subject to VAT. Please provide your VAT number if VAT is not to be charged.*Add £4.40 if you are enclosing payment with your order. If you are not enclosing payment, you will be charged the full cost of postage, which is based on weight and delivery date required.

INTERNATIONAL ORDERS Postage will be based on weight and country of origin. For a precise quote, please call +44 (0)208 996 8440/5 or email [email protected]

Return your order to GL Assessment, FREEPOST LON16517, Swindon, SN2 8BRFurther enquires T 0330 123 5375 F 0330 123 5471 [email protected]

Your details

First name

Job title




Surname Title




Delivery Date:

Yes, I would like to receive special offers and news from GL Assessment


You can then either send it to the FREEPOST address below, orfax it to us on 0330 123 5471. (Fax number for customersoutside the UK: +44 (0) 1793 611791)

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Official Order No.

Paying Authority / School

School’s VAT No.

If you are a private school or private company and do not receive government funding, please

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Admissions tests schools can trust.........................................................42–43

Baseline ...........................................................................................................................7

Black Box Series, The................................................................................................38

British Picture Vocabulary Scale: Third Edition..........................................20

British Spelling Test Series: Second Edition..................................................23

Centres of Assessment Excellence Programme, The.................................6

Cognitive Abilities Test: Fourth Edition (CAT4)......................................8–11

Complete Digital Solution, The........................................................................4–5

Cornwall Learning Skills for Life Programme, The ....................................45

Diagnostic Test of Word Reading Processes...............................................44

Dyslexia and Dyscalculia Screeners Digital ..................................................30

Dyslexia Portfolio.......................................................................................................31

Emotional Literacy: Assessment and Intervention.................................34

Further Education Reasoning Test Digital....................................................44

Gaelic Phonological Screening Test .................................................................24

GL Assessment and Scotland...........................................................................2–3

Kirkland Rowell Surveys........................................................................................39

Let’s Think! Series ......................................................................................................37

Measures of Children’s Mental Health & Psychological Wellbeing......................................................................................................................45

Measuring Success in Maths...............................................................................44

Measuring Success in Science............................................................................45

Mental Mathematics 6–11 ...................................................................................44

Middle Infant Screening and Forward Together.......................................44

Neale Analysis of Reading Ability......................................................................25

New Group Reading Test ...............................................................................16–17

Other Assessments in Our Range.............................................................44-45

Paediatric Index of Emotional Distress, The ................................................45

Phonological Assessment Battery: Second Edition Primary...............21

Progress Test in English (formerly known as Progress in English – PiE)....................................14–15

Progress Test in Maths (formerly known as Progress in Maths – PiM)...................................26–27

Progress Test in Science .................................................................................28-29

Pupil Attitudes to Self and School (PASS) .............................................32–33

Reading Now..............................................................................................................44

Reasoning 5–7 Test Series ..............................................................................12-13

Sandwell Early Numeracy Test – Revised and KS2–KS3.......................44

Schedule of Growing Skills: II...............................................................................35

Single Word Reading Test 6–16.........................................................................24

Single Word Spelling Test......................................................................................23

Spatial Reasoning.....................................................................................................44

Suffolk Reading Scale..............................................................................................22

Teaching Talking ........................................................................................................25

Training & Support...........................................................................................40–41

Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning ....................................12–13

Wellcomm: A Speech and Language Toolkit for Screening andIntervention in the Early Years: Revised Edition .......................................36


York Assessment of Reading for Comprehension: Primary andSecondary..............................................................................................................18–19

| Tel: 0330 123 5375 | [email protected] |


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GL Assessment 9th Floor, 389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AJ

T +44 (0)20 8996 3333 F +44 (0)20 8742 8767 E [email protected] GL56