Education and Training Inspectorate Inspection of Governance.

Education and Training Inspectorate Inspection of Governance

Transcript of Education and Training Inspectorate Inspection of Governance.

Education and Training Inspectorate

Inspection of Governance

Minister’s statement I will examine how we can

broaden and strengthen the existing inspection process to enable the effectiveness of boards of governors to be assessed so that governors can have feedback on how they are doing and good practice can be identified and shared.

Education and Training Inspectorate

Mission statement:

“Promoting improvement in the interests of all learners.”

Inspecting governance

• Together Towards Improvement (TTI)

• Strategic Leadership

• How effective are SMT/leadership including the Governing Body in providing strategic leadership and clear direction in achieving high quality education .

Self-Evaluation Questions Key Question Performance

DescriptorEvidence Ongoing


1. Strategic Leadership: How effective are the governors in providing strategic leadership and clear direction for the work of the school?

2. Action to promoteimprovement: How effective are the governors in supporting the management of the school where needed in supporting the young people, improving the quality of provision and raising the standards of achievement?

Key Question Performance Descriptor

Evidence Ongoing acton?

3. Resources: How effective are the governors in ensuring the school has and makes efficient use of the resources it has?

4. Quality of Practice: How effective is the work of the BOG in ensuring the provision meets the needs and interests of the pupils?

5. Achievement and Standards: Do the pupils respond to and achieve challenging standards, in knowledge, understanding and skills?

Inspectors may consider• the governors’ strategic view – clarity of

vision, culture, values• their priorities and whether self-evaluation

leads to sustained improvement• knowledge of the work of the school• how they hold leaders to account for

improvement• how they monitor, evaluate and challenge

performance robustly • how well they understand data and

benchmarks for different groups of learners• how they manage school funds effectively

Every School a Good School – the Governors’ Role(June 2011)