Education and Examination Regulations (Part 2) of the ... · Date of last adoption by degree...

Date of last adoption by faculty board 3 July 2019 Date of last adoption by faculty council 3 July 2019 Date of last adoption by degree committee 7 June 2019 Date of adoption of amendment 1 19 December 2019 Education and Examination Regulations (Part 2) of the Bachelor degree course International Business International School of Business Academic year 2019 - 2020

Transcript of Education and Examination Regulations (Part 2) of the ... · Date of last adoption by degree...

Page 1: Education and Examination Regulations (Part 2) of the ... · Date of last adoption by degree committee 7 June 2019 Date of adoption of amendment 1 19 December 2019 Education and Examination

Date of last adoption by faculty board 3 July 2019

Date of last adoption by faculty council 3 July 2019

Date of last adoption by degree committee 7 June 2019

Date of adoption of amendment 1 19 December 2019

Education and Examination Regulations (Part 2) of the

Bachelor degree course International BusinessInternational School of BusinessAcademic year 2019 - 2020

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Table of contents

1 About the Teaching and Examination Regulations (TER) 1 .............................................................. 1.1 Terms and definitions 1 ............................................................................................................... 1.2 Where do these Teaching and Examination Regulations apply? 4 ............................................... 1.3 Which Teaching and Examination Regulations apply to you? 5 ...................................................

2 Accessibility of the degree programme 6 .......................................................................................... 2.1 Language in which degree is offered 6 ........................................................................................ 2.2 If you as a student do not yet meet all the requirements 6 ...........................................................

2.2.1 You do not meet the language requirement for enrolment in a specific study unit 6 ........... 2.2.2 There are gaps (deficiencies) in your prior education, but you are already enrolled 6 ......... 2.2.3 When can you take an entry assessment? 6 ......................................................................

2.3 Abridged programme 7 ................................................................................................................ 2.4 Fast-track programme 7 .............................................................................................................. 2.5 Network requirements for part-time degree programme(s) 7 ........................................................ 2.6 Employment/learning contract for the work-study degree format 7 ............................................... 2.7 Extra contribution 7 .....................................................................................................................

3 Description of the degree programme 8 ............................................................................................ 3.1 Degree formats and variants 8 .................................................................................................... 3.2 Programme structure 8 ................................................................................................................

3.2.1 Propaedeutic and post-propaedeutic phases 8 .................................................................. 3.2.2 Study load and ECTS credits 8 .......................................................................................... 3.2.3 Elective study units 9 ......................................................................................................... 3.2.4 Graduation specialisation 9 ............................................................................................... 3.2.5 Associate Degree 9 ........................................................................................................... 3.2.6 D track education and exams 9 .........................................................................................

3.3 If the content or structure of your degree programme changes 10 ...............................................

4 Minors 11 ............................................................................................................................................. 4.1 The minor 11 ...............................................................................................................................

4.1.1 HAN minors 11 .................................................................................................................. 4.1.2 The flexible minor 11 ......................................................................................................... 4.1.3 Exemption for the minor 12 ................................................................................................

5 Extra programmes, extra minor and extra study units 13 ................................................................. 5.1 Extra study unit, extra module or extra study units 13 .................................................................. 5.2 Honours programme 13 ............................................................................................................... 5.3 Talent programme 13 .................................................................................................................. 5.4 Bridging programme 13 ...............................................................................................................

6 Study advice 14 ................................................................................................................................... 6.1 Why do you receive the study advice? 14 .................................................................................... 6.2 What different study advice can you get? 14 ............................................................................... 6.3 Who issues the study advice? 14 ................................................................................................ 6.4 When do you receive the study advice? 15 .................................................................................. 6.5 When can you receive binding negative advice? 15 .....................................................................

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6.6 When does it become mandatory for you to stop your studies? 15 .............................................. 6.6.1 Requirements for issuing binding negative advice 15 ......................................................... 6.6.2 Personal circumstances and the study advice 16 ............................................................... 6.6.3 What are the consequences if you have to stop your studies? 16 ......................................

6.7 Appeal 17 ....................................................................................................................................

7 Study career coaching, study facilities and study feasibility 18 ...................................................... 7.1 What does your department provide to help you study? 18 .......................................................... 7.2 How is study career coaching organised? 18 ...............................................................................

8 Exams and final assessments 19 ....................................................................................................... 8.1 Coherent set of study units 19 ..................................................................................................... 8.2 Exam 19 ......................................................................................................................................

8.2.1 Entry requirements 19 ....................................................................................................... 8.2.2 Mandatory participation 19 ................................................................................................ 8.2.3 Exam format 19 .................................................................................................................

8.3 The examiner 20 ......................................................................................................................... 8.3.1 When do you pass an exam? 20 ....................................................................................... 8.3.2 How is the overall grade calculated for an exam with modular exams? 20 ......................... 8.3.3 Final grade and compensation 20 ...................................................................................... 8.3.4 When are you awarded a ‘pass/fail’ qualification? 20 .........................................................

8.4 Modular exams and exams in the post-propaedeutic phase 20 .................................................... 8.5 Number of exams per academic year 21 .....................................................................................

8.5.1 Participation in an exam opportunity 21 ............................................................................. 8.5.2 Request for extra exam opportunity or another exam format 21 .........................................

8.6 Modified exam format due to functional disability 21 .................................................................... 8.7 Oral exams and modular exams 22 ............................................................................................. 8.8 When are the exam results announced? 22 ................................................................................. 8.9 Exams: review and discussion rights 22 ......................................................................................

8.9.1 Group discussion 22 .......................................................................................................... 8.9.2 Revision and discussion of individual work 22 ................................................................... 8.9.3 Other exam formats 23 ......................................................................................................

8.10 Exams taken independently of the standard programme 23 ....................................................... 8.11 When and how can you request exemption for an exam or modular exam? 23 .......................... 8.12 The final assessments 24 ..........................................................................................................

8.12.1 Cum laude 24 .................................................................................................................. 8.12.2 With merit 24 ...................................................................................................................

8.13 Overview of results, supporting documents, certificates and declarations 24 ............................. 8.13.1 How to request a – certified – overview of your study results 24 ...................................... 8.13.2 Exam documentation 25 .................................................................................................. 8.13.3 Propaedeutic certificate 25 .............................................................................................. 8.13.4 Statement 25 ................................................................................................................... 8.13.5 Module certificate 25 .......................................................................................................

8.14 Degree certificate, degree and diploma supplement 25 ............................................................. 8.14.1 Degree 25 ....................................................................................................................... 8.14.2 Degree certificate 25 ....................................................................................................... 8.14.3 Extra endorsements 25 ................................................................................................... 8.14.4 Different issuing date for Bachelors degree certificate 25 .................................................

8.15 Appeal 26 ..................................................................................................................................

9 Description of the education (the study unit) 27 ...............................................................................

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10 Evaluation of the degree programme 27 .......................................................................................... 10.1 Evaluation structure 27 .............................................................................................................. 10.2 Evaluation by the degree programme 27 ................................................................................... 10.3 Role of the Degree Committee 28 ............................................................................................. 10.4 Programme-specific quality assurance 28 .................................................................................

11 Transition regulations 29 .................................................................................................................. 11.1 Changes to TER 29 ................................................................................................................... 11.2 Validity propaedeutic certificate 29 ............................................................................................ 11.3 Credits earned 29 ...................................................................................................................... 11.4 Participation in education activities, exam not done or not passed 29 ........................................ 11.5 Programme-specific transition regulations 29 ............................................................................

Part 3: Regulations of the Board of Examiners 31 ................................................................................

Part 4: Regulations of the Exams Office 32 ...........................................................................................

Part 5: Regulations of the Degree Committees 33 ................................................................................

Appendix 1 TER IB 2019-2020 Chapter 11.5 programme-specific transition regulations 34 ..............

Appendix 2 Thresholds Main Phase IB 2019-2020 41 ...........................................................................

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1 About the Teaching and Examination Regulations (TER)

Each set of Teaching and Examination Regulations (TER) is included in a Degree Statute (DS). The TERdescribes the study programme for the degree programme for each academic year. The TER covers theeducation, exams and final assessments for your degree programme and your rights and obligations.The introduction in each chapter – the unnumbered section – only contains information. No rights orobligations can be derived from this.

1.1 Terms and definitions

The terms and definitions used in these Teaching and Examination Regulations are given below:

Academic year The period starting on 1 September andending on 31 August of the following year.

Act Higher Education and Research Act (inDutch: Wet op het Hoger Onderwijs enWetenschappelijk Onderzoek).

Assessment criteria Clearly defined and unambiguous standardsthat can be used to give a motivatedassessment of whether and to what extent astudent meets the required level ofknowledge, insight and skills and (ifrelevant) attitude assessed in an exam ormodular exam.

Assessment dimensions Assessment dimensions give a globaldescription of the aspects on which astudent's performance and/or the resultingproducts should be assessed. Thesedescriptions need to be global because theassessment dimensions should apply to anytype of student performance thatdemonstrates their qualification.

BRIN number The Basisregistratie Instellingen (BRIN) is adatabase for educational institutions that ispublished by the Dutch Ministry ofEducation, Culture and Science. It containsall schools and related institutions. Eacheducational institution is identified in thedatabase with a number. The BRIN numberfor HAN is 25KB.

Degree committee The legal consultative body responsible forthe tasks specified in the Regulations of theDegree Committee concerning consent,advice and evaluation for the degreeprogrammes mentioned in section 1.2.

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D track This is a customised study programme thathas the same exit qualifications,assessment dimensions and assessmentcriteria for study units as the regularprogramme (A track). It allows a student tofollow their own study track in continuousconsultation with examiners, lecturers andclassmates.

ECTS credits One credit is equal to 28 hours of study (thisis an average indication).

Elective unit A study unit that can be chosen from two ormore elective units. Once selected, the unitbecomes part of the student's studyprogramme and final assessment. Theexams for the non-mandatory elective unitsthat the student did not select do not needto be taken for the final assessment.

Exam A test of the student's knowledge,understanding, skills and (if relevant)attitude in conjunction with each other. Also,the assessment of the results of that test.The exam is the concluding component of astudy unit.

Examination Appeals Board This is the board referred to in article 7.60of the Act (Higher Education and ResearchAct). The board deals with appealssubmitted by students against decisionsmade by HAN. The Regulations for theExamination Appeals Board are included inthe HAN Student Charter.

Exams taken independently of the standardprogramme

An exam or modular exam for which astudent did not follow the correspondingstudy programme. Instead, the student isassessed on whether they possess therelated competences, regardless of wherethe knowledge, understanding, skills and (ifrelevant) attitude required for the exam ormodular exam were acquired.

Exemption A decision made by the board of examinersthat a student does not have to takeexam(s) relating to one or more specificstudy units. This decision is based on theboard's opinion that the student has alreadysufficiently mastered the requiredknowledge, understanding, competencesand/or skills and (if relevant) attitude.

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External student A person enrolled at a university oruniversity of applied sciences who canparticipate in exams and final assessmentsbut not in the education or supervision.

Exit qualifications Well-defined outcomes regarding theknowledge, understanding and skills and (ifrelevant) the attitude a student shouldacquire by the time they complete theirdegree programme.

Graduation specialisation A specialisation within a degree programmeas defined in the TER.

Head examiner Appointed by the board of examiners as thehead examiner responsible for the results ofan exam and assessment in cases wheremore than one examiner has beenappointed for an exam.

Honours programme A specialisation or differentiationprogramme for students who are capable ofand want to do more than what is offered inthe standard study programme. An honoursprogramme has an additional study load of22.5 ECTS credits or more.

Institute An organisational unit within a faculty thatcomprises one or more degreeprogrammes.

Major The core 210 credits of a Bachelors degree.During the major a student acquires thequalifications needed to graduate for auniversity of applied sciences Bachelorsdegree programme and meet theprofessional requirements.

Minor The part of the post-propaedeutic phase ofthe Bachelors degree that is aimed atspecialisation or differentiation within thedegree. The minor has a study load of 30ECTS credits.

Module An internally coherent and to some extentindependent part of a work-study degreeprogramme. A module consists of one ormore study units and is aimed at a realisticcluster of qualifications derived fromprofessional practice.

Professional requirementsEntry qualifications

Well-defined qualifications regarding theknowledge, understanding and skills and (ifrelevant) the attitude a student needs tocarry out the profession they are studyingfor.

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Professional task A meaningful, complete task as carried outin all its complexity by a professionalpractitioner in an actual professional settingwith all its complexities.

Student A person enrolled as a student in a degreeprogramme at HAN University of AppliedSciences with the aim of participating ineducation and exams.

Study career coach A staff member responsible for the studycareer coaching of one or more students.

Study load in hours (SLH) SLH is used to express the size (number ofstudy hours) for each study unit.

Study unit A basic unit of HAN education that is aimedat achieving clearly defined objectives interms of knowledge, understanding, skillsand (if relevant) attitude. These areassessed in an exam and awarded a certainnumber of ECTS credits.

Talent programme A specialisation or differentiationprogramme for students who are capable ofand want to do more than what is offered inthe standard study programme. A talentprogramme has an additional study load ofless than 22.5 ECTS credits.

TER Teaching and Examination Regulations.

Work-study A degree programme in which competencesare developed through on-campus and off-campus work/learning activities. A work-study degree programme alternates on-campus learning with related practice in theprofessional field.

1.2 Where do these Teaching and Examination Regulations apply?

These are the Education and Examination Regulations as referred to in article 7.13 of the Act, for thefollowing degree at HAN University of Applied Sciences (BRIN‑ number 25KB):

Name Academy CROHO Title after the programme

B InternationalBusiness

International School ofBusiness

30029 Bachelor of Business Administration

Degree and title aftergraduation: See

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1.3 Which Teaching and Examination Regulations apply to you?

The TER are revised each year at HAN University of Applied Sciences. This does not mean everythingchanges each year. Generally only a small number of changes are made to the study programme andorganisation.

This TER applies to the 2019-2020 academic year, so starting on 1 September 2019 and ending on 31August 2020.

This means that during this same period it also applies to students who started their degree on 1February 2019, or who will start their degree on 1 February 2020. It also means that students whostart their degree on 1 February have two different TERs in their first "year".

Changes made to the TER do not apply to events or matters in the past, but only to the new academicyear. Special rules may apply when switching from an "earlier" TER to a new TER. These rules can befound in the transitional regulations in chapter 11.

Only in exceptional cases are changes needed to the TER during an academic year. Changes can onlybe made during an academic year if this is reasonably necessary and does not disadvantage thestudents. Transitional regulations may also apply in these cases: see chapter 11.

In cases not provided for in these Teaching and Examination Regulations, the faculty board will decide. Ifa case is subject to the authority of the board of examiners, a decision will be made by the chair of thatboard of examiners. Those with an interest in the decision will be informed of that decision within fourweeks.

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2 Accessibility of the degree programme

The general HAN rules for applications, admissions, education requirements, selection and enrolment canbe found in the enrolment regulations . This chapter contains rules that apply more specifically toaccessibility of the degrees mentioned in section 1.2 (TER).

2.1 Language in which degree is offered

This degree programme is offered in English. If you want to successfully complete a degree courseoffered in English , you need to have sufficient mastered the language.

2.2 If you as a student do not yet meet all the requirements

2.2.1 You do not meet the language requirement for enrolment in a specific study unitNot applicable

2.2.2 There are gaps (deficiencies) in your prior education, but you are already enrolledNot applicable

2.2.3 When can you take an entry assessment? You have a havo, vwo or mbo 4 diploma, but do not meet the specific education requirementsDo you have a havo, vwo or mbo 4 diploma, but not with the profiles, subjects or programme componentsrequired for the degree programme? You can take an entry assessment at the level of the havo or mbo 4exams. The entry assessment will include at least the following components and requirements:


You can only start the study course if you pass the entry assessment. You do not meet the legal education requirements: entry assessmentIf you do not meet the education requirements for the degree programme and you are not exempt fromthose requirements and you are 21 years or older when you apply, you can take an entry assessment.

If you do not meet the education requirements and you are not exempt from those requirements and youare younger than 21, you can take an entry assessment in at least the following cases:

You have a foreign diploma that gives you access to a similar degree in the country where thediploma was issued; orThere are special circumstances for why you are unable to show a diploma.

You can submit documentation to the Committee for Entry assessments that demonstrates you havemastered the components of the entry assessment at the level of the havo exams. The entry assessment will include at least the following components and requirements:

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sufficient English proficiency to start the degree programme;English;Mathematics;Economics.

In the entry assessment, the authorised Committee for Entry assessments assesses whether the degreeprogramme is suitable for you. If it is, they exempt you from the prior education requirements. Thecommittee considers the requirements and assessment results in their decision. If you prove yoursuitability, HAN enrols you in the degree programme at your request. You have a refugee status and do not meet the education requirementsDid you flee your home country? Are you unable to prove that you meet the education requirements?Then you can take an entry assessment to demonstrate your suitability for admission to a university ofapplied sciences. The procedure for this is described in section

If you have refugee status, you can also take the entry assessment if you are younger than 21. Inaddition, the same language requirements apply as for other foreign students: ‘Staatsexamen Nt2,Programma II’ or sufficient English proficiency if relevant. Section 2.1 applies. You need to pass allcomponents before you can be enrolled in the degree programme. The further education requirementsand additional requirements described in the enrolment regulations also apply to you.

2.3 Abridged programme

Not applicable

2.4 Fast-track programme

Not applicable

2.5 Network requirements for part-time degree programme(s)

Not applicable

2.6 Employment/learning contract for the work-study degree format

Not applicable

2.7 Extra contribution

Not applicable

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3 Description of the degree programme

In this chapter you can read about the format in which the degree programme is offered, where it istaught, how it is organised and what each component involves. You can also read about the study load inthe different phases and for the different study units and the opportunities offered for extra programmes orcomponents.

3.1 Degree formats and variants

You can take your degree programme in the following formats:Full-time

At location: Arnhem

3.2 Programme structure

The Bachelors programme has a propaedeutic and post-propaedeutic phase.

The degree programme is divided into a major and a minor. The degree programme is composed of the following study units.

The study load of a study unit is at least 2.5 ECTS credits. The structure of the study programme for thedegree programme is provided in chapter 9.

3.2.1 Propaedeutic and post-propaedeutic phasesOnce a student has passed all the exams for the propaedeutic phase, the propaedeutic assessmentfollows and the board of examiners awards the propaedeutic certificate.

Once a student has passed the exams for the Bachelors degree, the final Bachelors assessment followsand the board of examiners awards the degree certificate. The Institutional Board also grants the relatedBachelors degree title and any related distinctions.

3.2.2 Study load and ECTS creditsThe degree programme consists of a coherent set of study units.The study load of a degree programme and of individual study units are expressed in ECTS credits.The Bachelors programme has a study load of 240 ECTS credits, of which 60 are in the propaedeuticphase and 180 in the post-propaedeutic phase.

Each academic year is structured in a way that it has a standard study load of 60 ECTS credits. Study load for abridged programmeNot applicable Study load for fast-track programmeNot applicable

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B International Business Study load for work-study formatNot applicable

3.2.3 Elective study unitsIn addition to doing a minor, there are also a number of times during the degree programme when youcan choose from different study units, up to a maximum total of 10 ECTS credits. Chapter 9 stipulateswhich study units you can choose from.

Enrolment for Electives is done via Alluris.

Electives are Study Units that can be chosen in the C-, D-,and G-cluster.Once having chosen an Elective, this Study Unit is part of the curriculum of the student and needs to becompleted (ECs achieved) to get the degree.

Furthermore there are two mandatory Study Units in the main phase (Business Trends and PersonalSkills) that can be completed by choosing appointed Electives. Chapter 9 stipulates witch Electives areavailable. An Elective can be appointed as part of Business Trends or Personal Skills.This is stipulated inthe Study Unit Description of the Elective.

3.2.4 Graduation specialisationYou can choose one of the following graduation specialisations:

Students starting in A-cluster as of February 2018 have the possibility to obtain a specialisation in fourdifferent domains:

Marketing & Sales or,Finance or, Organisation & Change or, Supply Chain Management.

Students that started before February 2018 have the possibility to obtain a specialisation in two differentdomains:

Marketing & Sales or,Organisation & Change.

Before the end of the C-cluster students must have chosen their specialisation.

Chapter 9.4 describes the graduation specialisation, with corresponding study units, exams and modularexams, and modules. The ‘entrance requirements’ for the graduation specialisation are also stipulatedhere.

3.2.5 Associate DegreeNot applicable Related associate degree(s)Not applicable

3.2.6 D track education and examsNot applicable

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3.3 If the content or structure of your degree programme changes

We regularly change or update components of the study programme so we can guarantee the quality ofthe degree programme and the value of your degree certificate. This means the TER for a next academicyear may contain changes to the study programme you will be doing.

Changes to the study programme can have certain consequences. If you fall behind in your studies, forexample, you may need to pass a different exam than you initially thought. A change may also mean anexam is still offered, but you can no longer attend the classes for this particular component.

A change cannot mean that study units or exams/modular exams you have already passed no longercount towards your final assessment for the propaedeutic or Bachelors phase. The law only allows this ishighly exceptional cases.

If required, the transitional regulations in chapter 11 stipulate how this works for each change made to thestudy programme.

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4 Minors

As stipulated in chapter 3.2, a degree programme consists of a major and a minor component. Thepurpose of the major is for you to gain the qualifications you need to graduate from a university of appliedsciences at a Bachelors level, so you are qualified to practice your profession. The exit qualifications aredetermined based on the descriptions of the education in chapter 9.3. The aim of the minor is tospecialise and/or broaden the qualifications that you need or that are required.

The major and minor have a combined study load of 240 credits. The minor is part of the post-propaedeutic phase. This chapter explains how the minors are offered and how you can get approval totake a minor of your choice. You can find more information about the minor application procedure andtypes of minors below and at

4.1 The minor

A minor has a study load of 30 credits and consists of one or more study units. You can choose betweena HAN minor or a flexible minor. A flexible minor is one that you take or compose yourself at HAN or atanother institution of higher education (in or outside the Netherlands).

4.1.1 HAN minorsThe quality of all minors offered by HAN University of Applied Sciences is assessed by the HAN MinorCommittee. Not all minors are open to all students. Access depends on the target group, the entryrequirements for the minor and the time at which these are offered.

The minors offered by your degree programme are described in chapter 9.3. You can also choose aminor from another HAN degree programme. You can find the overview of HAN minors and their entryrequirements here:

If you choose a HAN minor for your degree certificate, you will need approval from the board of examinersfor your degree programme. The board of examiners determines whether the minor is suitable for yourdegree programme, fits within the professional profile and has the right level (differentiation/specialisation). The board also looks at whether there is any overlap between the minor and major part ofyour degree programme. HAN minors offered by your own degree programme or a different HAN degreeprogramme are listed in the minor overview on

The minors that are suitable for your degree programme have already been approved by the board ofexaminers. This overview can be found at HAN Insite, at the web page of the Board of Examiners. Youcan enrol for these via the student information system (Alluris). Capacity limits may apply for HAN minors.You can find more information in the study unit descriptions for the minors in chapter 9 of this TER or inthe TER of the degree programme offering the minor.

4.1.2 The flexible minorA flexible minor is one that you take or compose yourself at HAN or at another institution of highereducation (in or outside the Netherlands).Minors from other universities of applied sciences and from theuniversities in the Netherlands can be found on ‘Kies op maat’, This website lists theminors and explains how you can enrol.

If you want to do a flexible minor, you need approval from the board of examiners for your degreeprogramme. Your study career coach can help you with the application. The board of examiners will

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assess your application within 6 work weeks based on the following criteria:

whether the minor fits within the professional profile for the degree programme;whether the minor does not overlap with the major;whether the minor has the correct level;whether the minor has sufficient specialisation and/or differentiation;whether the quality of the exams and assessments in the minor is sufficient;whether there is sufficient coherency between the separate study units;

If the board of examiners judges that the minor meets these criteria, they will give you approval to takethe minor. When they do this, they also appoint the examiners.

You can find more information and an application form at HANInsite:

You can also do your minor by studying abroad for a period. If you choose a foreign minor, the board ofexaminers for your degree programme will give its approval based on the same criteria. Are youinterested in doing a minor abroad? You can contact the coordinator for internationalisation at yourdepartment or the International Office.

4.1.3 Exemption for the minorYou can also submit an application to the board of examiners for an exemption from the exams for theminor if you have successfully passed a minor elsewhere, you have earned credits for study units thatcould jointly form a minor, or you have a statement with a recognition of prior learning that could berecognised as a minor. The board of examiners decides on these applications within six weeks, based onthe criteria listed in section 4.1.2.

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5 Extra programmes, extra minor and extra study units

As a student you can take one or more extra programmes or study units at HAN. If you choose to do this,you will be expanding your study load. You can do this by:

doing an extra minor;doing one or more extra study units;doing an honours programme or talent programme at HAN;doing (part of) a bridging programme for a related master degree.

Capacity limits may apply for participation in an extra study unit and an extra minor, and may meanpriority is given to the students from the corresponding degree programme. Chapter 4 explains how toenrol in and join an extra minor.

If you would like to do extra study, please contact your study career coach.

5.1 Extra study unit, extra module or extra study units

You do not need approval from the board of examiners to participate in an extra study unit, an extramodule or extra study units.

5.2 Honours programme

Not applicable

5.3 Talent programme

Not applicable

5.4 Bridging programme

A bridging programme is an extra study programme that allows you to continue your studies in a relatedmaster degree at a university or university of applied sciences.

Your degree programme does not offer a bridging program, but you can follow the following bridgingprograms in collaboration with other educational institutions:

Bridging programmes at the Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.

Bridging programmes at Tilburg School of Economics and Management;

A bridging programme (30 EC) will be granted as a Minor.

Section 9.5.3 stipulates which study units and which exams comprise the bridging programme, as well ashow your department helps students continue their studies in a Masters degree.

Do you need more information? Please contact your SSCC.

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6 Study advice

In this chapter you can read about the study advice, and why and when you get this. Study advice can bepositive, negative, or binding negative. If you receive binding negative advice, your enrolment for thedegree programme ends and you have to stop your studies. You are allowed to enrol for a differentdegree programme. This chapter covers your rights and the different types of study advice. You can alsoalways ask a lecturer, study career coach or mentor for advice.

6.1 Why do you receive the study advice?

The aim of the propaedeutic phase of your studies is to familiarise yourself with the degree programmeand the related profession. The propaedeutic phase also gives you an idea of whether you are suited tothat profession and can expect to complete the degree programme successfully.

HAN is legally required to give every student study advice.This advice may and is only issued once.

Personal circumstances play a role in the decision about your study advice. You need to report any suchcircumstances to your study career coach as soon as possible for confidential registration. In section 6.6.2 you can find more rules about these personal circumstances.

6.2 What different study advice can you get?

You can get the following study advice:

Positive advicePositive advice means you are likely to complete your degree successfully. You receive in any casepositive study advice if you earn 45 ECTS credits or more in the propaedeutic phase, and pass thefollowing exams: AEN English study unit.

Did you start the degree on 1 February? Then you will receive the study advice after the first 1.5 years ofenrolment, but no later than the month of July. In this case you need to have obtained 52,5 EC and apass for the AEN Study Unit.

Negative adviceYou receive negative advice if you do not meet the standard for the positive advice. Negativeadvice means you are not likely to successfully complete the degree or only with a great deal ofdifficulty and effort.

Binding negative adviceBinding negative advice means you have to stop your studies. This is outlined below, in sections6.5 and after.

6.3 Who issues the study advice?

Binding negative advice is always given by the institute director.In your degree programme, senior study career coach gives the warning and the regular positive andnegative advice. You may always contact senior study career coach for more information if you do notagree with the advice you receive. You can also always ask a lecturer, study career coach or mentor for

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6.4 When do you receive the study advice?

As a full-time student you receive the study advice before the end of your first year of enrolment in thepropaedeutic phase or before you pass the final assessment for the propaedeutic phase. That is in themonth of July.

Did you start the degree on 1 February? Then you will receive the study advice no later than the month ofJuly after the first 1.5 years of enrolment.

Advice – positive, negative, or binding negative – may only be given once and at one specific time.

6.5 When can you receive binding negative advice?

Binding negative advice is a special form of the “regular” study advice. You can only receive bindingnegative advice at the end of your first year of enrolment for a degree programme or in any case beforeyou pass the final assessment for the propaedeutic phase. The binding negative advice is based on:

the total number of ECTS credits you earn if that is less than 45 ECTS credits;


insufficient results for one or more of the exams or modular exams listed below:AEN English study unit.

Did you start the degree on 1 February? Then you will receive the study advice after the first 1.5 years ofenrolment, but no later than the month of July. In this case you need to have obtained 52,5 EC and apass for the AEN Study Unit.

as well as the consideration that is partly based on the personal circumstances mentioned insection 6.6.2.

ECTS credits received for exemptions weigh just as heavily as ECTS credits for exam results achieved atHAN.

If you are a full-time student and you ask to dis-enrol within five month of starting your degree, you will notreceive (binding) study advice.

If you submit a request to dis-enrol during the last five months of your first year of enrolment, you may stillbe given binding negative study advice within that academic year before you are actually dis-enrolled.

6.6 When does it become mandatory for you to stop your studies?

6.6.1 Requirements for issuing binding negative adviceBinding negative advice is not legal until it meets the following requirements:

The programme director must have sent you an official written warning earlier in the academic year;1.this may have been done at the following time(s):- After lecture period 2 if not obtained at least 22.5 of the credits or- After lecture period 3 if not obtained at least 30 of the credits.

Did you start the programme in February? The following applies to you:

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The programme director must have sent you an official written warning earlier in the academic year;1.this may have been done at the following time(s):- On the last day of july in the first year of enrolment if not obtained at least 22.5 of the credits or- On the last day of January in the first year of enrolment if not obtained at least 45 of the credits.

2. As long as you have not yet passed the final assessment for the propaedeutic phase, the senior studycareer coach can also give you a warning at a later time, but not if you already received the study advice.3. When deciding about binding negative advice, the institute director will not only consider the number ofECTS credits you have earned and your results, but also the circumstances mentioned in section Before the institute director gives binding negative advice, you will be given the opportunity to be heard.This is done in the form of a meeting during which you can also indicate whether you wish to appealbased on one or more of the circumstances mentioned in section In your department, you have this meeting with the senior study career coach.

In addition, HAN must meet the requirements provided in chapter 7.

6.6.2 Personal circumstances and the study adviceThe following personal circumstances are considered:

long-term or chronic illness of the student;physical, sensory or other functional disabilities of the student;pregnancy of the student;special family circumstances;membership in the Participation Council, subcouncil, student committee or degree committee;membership on the board of a student organisation of some size with complete legal capacity, or acomparable organisation of some size that promotes general social interests and actively developsactivities for this purpose, and other circumstances in which you develop activities for the purposesof the organisation and board of the institution. You need to demonstrate that you spend aconsiderable amount of time on these activities each year;other circumstances, including the general impression your lecturers have of you (hardship clause).

Do you have personal circumstances that affect your study results? Discuss this with your study careercoach straight away. Your study career coach will handle your information with strict confidence. At yourrequest or at the advice of your study career coach, the institute director will acknowledge your personalcircumstances if these make binding advice unreasonable.

In this case, the institute director will postpone the advice until shortly before you pass the finalassessment for the propaedeutic phase, but no longer than one academic year.

6.6.3 What are the consequences if you have to stop your studies?Have you received binding negative advice? HAN will end your enrolment for the degree programme inthe manner stipulated in the enrolment regulations. The institute director will recommend another degreeprogramme that is as suitable as possible. You are allowed to enrol in a different degree programme.

Once you are dis-enrolled, the following rules apply:

You can no longer be enrolled at HAN University of Applied Sciences as a student or externalstudent for the degree programme you received binding negative advice for. This applies to alldegree formats: full-time, part-time and work-study.

You cannot re-enrol for the same degree programme within the following three years. Oneexception is when you submit a request to the institute director to be re-enrolled and that request isgranted.

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6.7 Appeal

You can submit an appeal against binding negative advice with the Examination Appeals Board within 6weeks. You can read how on HAN Insite under Complaints and Disputes Office:

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7 Study career coaching, study facilities and study


The learning objective and basic principle is that you are responsible for your own learning process.We also want you to feel acknowledged, seen and heard during your entire time as a student. You areentitled to good study career coaching. Each department offers support for this. If needed, HAN can alsooffer you academic, psychological and financial support. The HAN Study Success network offers supportfor successful study progress.

7.1 What does your department provide to help you study?

The institute offers facilities that enable you to do well in your studies.In addition to the general facilities, your department also offers at least the following facilities:

study career coaching as described in these Teaching and Examination Regulations;1.two exam opportunities each academic year;2.two exam opportunities before binding negative advice is given;3.facilities for students with a functional disability;4.facilities for students who are pregnant, young parents, and informal care givers;5.special support for international students;6.special support for students from minority groups.7.

7.2 How is study career coaching organised?

The study career coaching starts with the introduction or re-introduction to the study career coach at thestart of the academic year. In the first year of study, your study career coach invites you to at least fourmeetings. Furthermore, study career coaching is mainly integrated in the study programme as part of thestudy units.

HAN also has the Study Success network, which offers support to help students succeed in their studies.Students who need this can get extra support.

Study career coaching (at Arnhem Business School: Personal and Professional Development) aims toprovide students with guidance during their studies. The focus is on achieving results, on working onpersonal development and on preparing for a career in business. The learning outcome and principle ofthe coaching is that a student takes responsibility for his or her own learning process.

In the first year of study the student is coached by a study career coach. Study career coaching takesplace both in groups of students and individually.

In the second, third and fourth year of study, study career coaching is provided by a senior study careercoach. Study career coaching in this stage is given to students individually. Coaching on personal andprofessional development will be given by a PPD-coach. This takes both place in groups and individually.

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8 Exams and final assessments

This chapter covers exams, modular exams and final assessments for your degree programme.

8.1 Coherent set of study units

A degree programme consists of a coherent set of study units that are defined and described in chapter 9.Each study unit has a related exam. An exam can consist of two or more modular exams that have apredetermined weight factor and jointly determine the grade for the exam of the study unit.

8.2 Exam

The result of an exam for a study unit is used to determine whether the student has the knowledge,understanding and/or skills and (if relevant) attitude required to successfully complete that study unit. Theassessment dimensions and assessment criteria of the exams and modular exams are provided inchapter 9.

8.2.1 Entry requirementsSome study units have entry requirements for participating in educational activities, exams and modularexams for that study unit. The entry requirements are provided in the study unit descriptions in chapter 9.

Entry requirements may be:

You need to pass one or more specific other exam or modular exam;You need to sufficiently master the language in which the study unit is given;You need to pass the Propaedeutic exam.

See for all main phase thresholds appendix 2.

8.2.2 Mandatory participationIn some cases you may only do an exam or modular exam if you have participated in the educationalactivities for the study unit linked to that exam or modular exam.Participation is mandatory in Study Units were cooperation with other students at a scheduled moment isnecessary.

Chapter 9 further stipulates which study units have full or partial mandatory participation.The appointed examiner may grant full or partial exemption of mandatory participation. In that case, theexaminer imposes an equivalent requirement instead.

8.2.3 Exam formatThe format of an exam or modular exam is specified in chapter 9 in the description of the study unitconcerned. The board of examiners may deviate from this format in special cases, on request or at theirown initiative.

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8.3 The examiner

Each exam and modular exam is designed and assessed by one or more examiners, as decided andappointed by the board of examiners. The examiner determines the result of the exam or modular examand sets the grade. If more than one examiner is appointed, the head examiner sets the definite grade.

8.3.1 When do you pass an exam?The examiner gives the result of an exam as a grade.The result of an exam is expressed in one of the following numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10.You pass the exam if you earn a grade of 6 or higher.You fail the exam if you earn a grade of 5 or lower.

8.3.2 How is the overall grade calculated for an exam with modular exams?A grade for a modular exam is rounded to a number with 1 decimal place.Grades with the decimals 1, 2, 3 or 4 are rounded down.Grades with the decimals 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 are rounded up.You pass a modular exam if you earn a grade of 5.5 or higher.You fail a modular exam if you earn a grade of 5.4 or lower.

When the overall grade for the exam is calculated, the grades earned for the modular exams areweighted as specified in the study unit descriptions given in chapter 9. The final exam grade is thenrounded as following.Exam grades with the decimal 1, 2, 3 or 4 are rounded down to whole numbers.Exam grades with the decimal 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 are rounded up to whole numbers.

8.3.3 Final grade and compensationThe final grade for an exam or modular exam is the highest grade achieved. You are allowed to resit anexam or modular exam even if you pass it.

8.3.4 When are you awarded a ‘pass/fail’ qualification?Contrary to sections 8.3.1 and 8.3.2, a pass/fail can be given instead of a grade in the following cases:

a. you have an exemption for one or more modular exams, so the result of that exam cannot beexpressed in a grade,b. the HAN conversion tables do not apply,c. you passed an exam that is part of a flexible minor at an institution of education abroad or with adifferent Dutch institution of education, and your results for that exam cannot be converted into a result asreferred to in sections 8.3.1 and 8.3.2,d. if an exam consists of modular exams, the result of a modular exam can be expressed in a grade or ina ‘pass’ or ‘fail’. The study unit descriptions in chapter 9 specify which modular exams are assessed witha grade and which with a ‘pass’ or ‘fail’.

8.4 Modular exams and exams in the post-propaedeutic phase

If you have a propaedeutic certificate for this degree programme or for a degree programme at anotheruniversity of applied sciences with the same CROHO number, or you have an exemption for thepropaedeutic assessment, you will be enrolled in the post-propaedeutic phase and you can participate inthe education and exams for the post-propaedeutic phase.

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If you have not yet earned your propaedeutic certificate, you can ask the board of examiners forpermission to participate in the education and exams for the post-propaedeutic phase.

This permission will be granted automatically if you have earned at least 45 ECTS credits in thepropaedeutic phase, including at least the ECTS credits for the following exams: AEN English study unit.

8.5 Number of exams per academic year

You have two opportunities each academic year to take an exam or modular exam. The descriptions ofthe study units in chapter 9 specify how many exams and modular exams are conducted each academicyear and in which lecture period.

In the following exceptional situations the study unit description in chapter 9 may stipulate that only oneopportunity will be given each academic year for students to take an exam or modular exam:

if the nature of the education and assessment for the study unit make it impossible to offer asecond opportunity. In this case, the student should receive an indication sometime during thestudy unit of whether their performance so far is sufficient for them to pass the exam or modularexam for that study unit, or,if it is not possible to offer a second opportunity due to physical or logistic reasons and the nextopportunity cannot be offered until the following academic year, andan alternative has been offered that prevents further study delay.

The student will be informed of this exception when they apply for the study unit and, if possible, beforethe start of the academic year.

8.5.1 Participation in an exam opportunityIf you participate in a study unit, you are automatically registered for the corresponding exam orcorresponding modular exams, unless the department has specified in the study unit table in chapter 9that you need to register separately for this particular study unit via Alluris before a specific date.

If you are not participating in a study unit in the current lecture period but you have the right to take theexam, you need to register for the exam separately via Alluris before a specific date.

The registration information can be found in the study unit description in chapter 9.

8.5.2 Request for extra exam opportunity or another exam formatYou can submit a request to the board of examiners for an extra exam opportunity. You can submit arequest to the board of examiners to take an exam or modular exam in a different format. The requestmust include a good motivation and at least a description of the reason and importance. The Regulationsof the Board of Examiners gives further details on the procedure.

8.6 Modified exam format due to functional disability

Do you have a functional disability or chronic illness, or is there another reason such as pregnancy thatmeans you cannot participate in the regular format for the exam or modular exam? Then you can ask theboard of examiners to conduct the exam or modular exam in a format modified to your situation. Theboard of examiners will decide, if needed after consultation with you and the examiner, which format canreasonably be used for the exam or modular exam, which facilities will be offered and which differentrules will apply.

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8.7 Oral exams and modular exams

An oral exam or oral modular exam is conducted by means of a conversation between the examiner(s)and the student. Oral exams and oral modular exams are public. In special cases, the board of examinerscan deviate from this rule. This decision will be announced and explained to everyone involved.

8.8 When are the exam results announced?

It depends on the exam format when the results of an exam or modular exam are announced:

You will be informed of the results of a written exam or written modular exam within at least 15working days. These results will be recorded in the Alluris student information system.The results of an oral exam or oral modular exam will be decided directly after the exam andannounced within no more than 5 days. These results will be recorded in the Alluris studentinformation system.You will be notified of the results of a practical exam or practical modular exam immediately afterthe exam, or if that is not possible, within 5 working days. These results will be recorded in theAlluris student information system.

A grade recorded in the Alluris student information system can only be changed in the following cases:

If you can show an incorrect grade has been recorded in the student information system.In cases of fraud, deceit or impersonation.If an examiner has revised their assessment for a well-founded reason.If you have lodged an appeal to the Examination Appeals Board or the Higher Education AppealsTribunal against an assessment, the appeal is judged to be valid and the grade has been revisedby the examiner.

What happens when a grade is revised after it is recorded in the student information system? Then theboard of examiners, the examiner and you will be notified about this and the reason for the change.

8.9 Exams: review and discussion rights

Did you think the assessment of your exam/modular exam or the discussion/group discussion wereunclear? Then you can ask the lecturer for further explanation. The discussion and individual review areclosely monitored to ensure no fraud takes place during this phase. Discussion and review rights areorganised as follows:

8.9.1 Group discussionWithin 10 working days after the results of an exam or modular exam, the examiner organises a groupdiscussion, unless there is clearly no need for this among the students.

8.9.2 Revision and discussion of individual workAfter the group discussion or if there was no group discussion, you as an interested party are entitled toreview and discuss your own work with your lecturer and the examiner, unless you could reasonably havealready done this during the group discussion. You are allowed to review and discuss everything: theassessed exam or modular exam, the questions, assignments and marking system.

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8.9.3 Other exam formatsIf an exam has been administered in a format that cannot be reviewed or discussed as outlined in theprocedure above, the study unit description in chapter 9 will specify how the review and discussion isorganised. The same principles will be guaranteed as in sections 8.9.1 and 8.9.2.

8.10 Exams taken independently of the standard programme

If you want to take an exam or modular exam independently of the standard programme, you can submita request to the board of examiners. You must prove you have certain competences, for examplebecause you passed a relevant exam or modular exam in higher education. The following applies here:

that evidence is insufficient to be granted an exemption for the exam or modular exam, and;you have the right competences related to one or more exams or modular exams.

You can also submit a request to the board of examiners if there are other cases in which you want totake an exam or modular exam independently of the standard programme.

The board of examiners will make a reasoned decision based on the evidence submitted within 20working days. If that decision is positive, you can participate in the exam or modular exam withoutfollowing any of the educational components for the study unit. If the regular exam is not suitable for that,the board of examiners will appoint the examiners and decide on the exam format, in accordance with therelevant exit qualifications and assessment criteria given in chapter 9.

8.11 When and how can you request exemption for an exam or modular


The board of examiners will grant you an exemption for one or more exams or modular exams if you candemonstrate you have the knowledge, understanding and skills and (if relevant) the attitude that areassessed in the exam or modular exam for which you have requested an exemption. You candemonstrate this with:

evidence showing you have passed a relevant exam in higher education;an official report showing recognition of prior learning;evidence you gained the required knowledge, the required insight and/or the required skillselsewhere.

The assessment dimensions and assessment criteria of the exams and modular exams apply as specifiedin chapter 9.

Instead of a grade, you receive the qualification of 'exemption' for an exam or modular exam.

The procedure for granting exemptions can be found in the Regulations of the Board of Examiners.

The board of examiners may designate certain previously completed exams and modular exams, ECTScredits and degree certificates as entitling students to exemption from one or more modular exams. Thedesignated exams, credits and certificates are outlined in an appendix to the Regulations of the Board ofExaminers.

The board of examiners may also consider these as grounds for exemptions for one or more exams ormodular exams for study units that are part of the abridged programme as referred to in section 2.3.

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8.12 The final assessments

Bachelors degrees at universities of applied sciences have two official final assessments. The finalassessment of the propaedeutic phase, and the final assessment of the Bachelors at the end of thedegree programme. You pass these if you have passed all of the exams related to that finalassessment. This will differ if the board of examiners decides that an extra assessment is needed of yourknowledge, understanding and skills. In that case, you will also need to pass that extra evaluation (exam).Only then will you pass the final assessment.

8.12.1 Cum laudeIf you pass all the exams that count towards the final assessment with a grade of 8 or higher on your firstattempt, you will pass that assessment ‘cum laude’. Exams from the propaedeutic phase count towardsthe final propaedeutic assessment and exams from the post-propaedeutic phase count towards the finalBachelors assessment. These are the overall exam grades for each study unit; separate grades for themodular exams are not taken into consideration. If an exam comprises several modular exams, only thegrades for the modular exams that were passed on the first attempt will count towards the required gradeof 8 for the exam. One exception can be made to this rule for each final assessment. This exception isthat a student may retake one modular exam and the highest grade then counts towards whether or notthey receive the cum laude distinction.

Exams that are part of an increase of your study load, as described in chapter 5, are not taken intoconsideration when determining the cum laude distinction. You may earn no more than 30 ECTS creditsworth of exemptions or ‘pass’ qualifications in the propaedeutic phase, and earn no more than 75 ECTScredits for exemptions in the post-propaedeutic phase.

8.12.2 With meritIf you pass all the exams that count towards the Bachelors assessment with a grade of 7 or higher onyour first attempt, you will pass the final Bachelors assessment ‘with merit’. These are the overall examgrades for each study unit; separate grades for the modular exams are not taken into consideration. If anexam comprises several modular exams, only the grades for the modular exams that were passed on thefirst attempt will count towards the required grade of 7 for the exam. One exception can be made to thisrule. This exception is that a student may retake one modular exam and the highest result then countstowards determining whether they receive the with merit distinction.

Exams that are part of an increase of your study load, as described in chapter 5, are not taken intoconsideration when determining the with merit distinction. You may earn no more than 75 ECTS creditsworth of exemptions or ‘pass’ qualifications in the post-propaedeutic phase.

8.13 Overview of results, supporting documents, certificates and


8.13.1 How to request a – certified – overview of your study resultsYou can make a printout of your exam results as recorded in the Alluris student information system. If youwant to use this overview as an official document at HAN University of Applied Sciences or elsewhere,you can submit a request to the board of examiners for a certified grades list. This certification does notguarantee that the relevant authorities will also consider the document official.

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8.13.2 Exam documentationYou will receive signed evidence from the examiner for each exam or modular exam you take. This canbe a digitally signed document. This document gives the name and code of the exam and study unit andyour result. The examiner is required to provide you with this evidence.Keep this evidence in a safe place.

8.13.3 Propaedeutic certificateOnce the board of examiners has determined that you have passed all the exams for the propaedeuticphase, and confirmed that you are enrolled at HAN for the degree concerned and that you have met allyour financial requirements towards HAN, the board of examiners will award you the propaedeuticcertificate for the degree programme.

8.13.4 StatementIf you are not entitled to a propaedeutic certificate or Bachelors degree certificate, but you have passedmore than one exam, you will receive a certified statement from the board of examiners listing the examsyou passed, for which degree programme, how many ECTS credits you earned for these exams and, ifapplicable, the programme for which the statement is being issued. This statement includes an appendixwith a certified grades list.

8.13.5 Module certificateNot applicable

8.14 Degree certificate, degree and diploma supplement

8.14.1 DegreeOnce the board of examiners has confirmed you have passed the final Bachelors assessment, the HANExecutive Board will award you a Bachelor of Business Administration. This degree with specification isalso stated on your degree certificate. The related official abbreviation you can place after your name inthe Netherlands and abroad is: BBA.

8.14.2 Degree certificateOnce the Institutional Board has awarded the degree, and the Institutional Board has confirmed that youare enrolled for the degree at HAN and have met all your financial requirements towards HAN, the boardof examiners will award you the certificate for the Bachelors degree and the corresponding diplomasupplement.

8.14.3 Extra endorsementsNot applicable

8.14.4 Different issuing date for Bachelors degree certificateContrary to section 8.14.2, your degree certificate will be awarded on planned graduation ceremonies,see Insite > Economie, Management en Recht > Arnhem Business School > News > GraduationCeremonies en Protocol.

You can request the board of examiners to issue your degree certificate at an earlier date. The board ofexaminers will agree to this.

You can request the board of examiners to postpone issuing your degree certificate. This postponementcan be granted for up to two years.

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8.15 Appeal

You can lodge an appeal with the Examination Appeals Board against a decision concerning theeducation, exams and final assessments within 6 weeks based on the TER. You can read about whichdecisions you can appeal and how to do this on HAN Insite under Complaints and Disputes Office:

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9 Description of the education (the study unit)

See "Part 2a - TER Chapter 9 SUD IB 2019-2020" for the Study Unit Descriptions (you can find it in aseperate document).

10 Evaluation of the degree programme

10.1 Evaluation structure

A quality framework has been adopted for all HAN degree programmes. This is geared to theaccreditation framework of the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) and isin line with the education policy formulated by HAN. This framework stipulates that regular evaluationsmust be held among students, graduates, professional field and staff.

Assessments are also held by HAN to support the evaluations at degree programme level. Each year allHAN degree programmes participate in the National Student Survey (NSE) in which students indicatehow satisfied they are with different aspects of their degree programme.

An alumni survey is held each year for each degree programme that evaluates how alumni look back ontheir degree programme and how well it is geared to the labour market in their experience. All HANstudents who leave a degree programme without a degree certificate are contacted to enquire about theirreason for leaving. Also, study progress and drop-outs are monitored for each degree programme.

Every six years an accreditation is held by the NVAO, with external reviews beforehand by a committee ofexperts. Halfway through the accreditation cycle, an audit is conducted by an internal committeecomplemented by an external expert in the relevant field. The aim is to monitor and test the progressof improvement measures relating to the last external assessment of the degree programme. This internalaudit results in a report with improvement recommendations for those responsible for the content of theprogramme, the degree committee and the institute management. The Education and Research ServiceUnit conducts this audit according to established protocol, which includes quality assurance with regardsto administrative and educational law and good implementation of the TER components.

10.2 Evaluation by the degree programme

The institute director is responsible for the structure and the quality of the degree programme.

Each year the institute director adopts an annual quality assurance report on the degree programme. Thisdocument, along with the internal audit report or review report, forms the basis for dialogue about thequality of the programme. This report concerns the improvement activities that were agreed on for thereported year, how they were executed and what results they delivered.

Based on the analysis of evaluation data for the reported year, a description follows of the improvementactivities to be implemented in the current year. The evaluation data come about through evaluations ofstudy units, annual evaluations and curriculum evaluations by lecturers, students, alumni andthe professional field. Also through evaluation studies conducted centrally by HAN. The programmedirectors and/or the degree committee, curriculum committee and the board of examiners are involved inthis cycle at programme level by means of a brief response to this. Their responses are included in theappendixes to the annual report.

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10.3 Role of the Degree Committee

The tasks, role and responsibilities of the degree committee in the evaluation are set out in theRegulations of the Degree Committees. The degree committee can also take the initiative to conductspecific evaluation studies or have them conducted.

10.4 Programme-specific quality assurance

Quality is a top priority for the IB department. Not only continuous monitoring is important, but ourstudents' experiences are also of great importance to us in designing and revising our curriculum. Thereare several ways for you to share your views as a student:

during the oral evaluations that take place in the group meeting at the end of each semester,

where the programme director and/or quality assurance coordinator evaluate the study units together withstudents. The study units and lecturers are also evaluated in written evaluations. A study unit isevaluated at least once every two years;

through the degree committee; This committee convenes at least twice a year. It not only hasparticipation rights but also advises and has right of consent on matters such as the Teaching andExamination Regulations;by submitting a complaint to the Complaints Committee (using an online complaints form onInsite). If you plan to submit a complaint, you must always first contact the lecturer concerned;by contacting the IB programme director.

The quality of the degree programme is also monitored in the following ways:

The professional field is an important factor for our degree programme. Through our professionaladvisory committee, professionals from the field share their views on the design of the programme,on how it can be better aligned with and meet the trends and demands in the professional field.They meet at least three times a year.The team leaders, lecturers responsible for a study unit, regularly discuss matters together andwith their team. They discuss matters such as the quality of the study unit, but also suggestionsthey receive from students and from the professional advisory committee.The curriculum committee monitors the quality of the overall degree programme as well as theresults of the evaluations and external developments.

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11 Transition regulations

General provisions

11.1 Changes to TER

A change to the TER can only become effective as of 1 September in the following academic year.Exceptions to this rule are clerical error, force majeure, fulfilment of legal regulations or when the changeis in your favour. This chapter contains the rules for the fulfilment of the vested rights and legitimateexpectations.

11.2 Validity propaedeutic certificate

A successful propaedeutic assessment and certificate are inviolable, except in the case of proven fraud inthe process of earning this.

11.3 Credits earned

The result of an exam or modular exam and its corresponding credits remain valid until the board ofexaminers has made a substantiated decision that the examined material is so outdated that it can nolonger be used in the profession and the term of validity has passed as of a date stipulated by the boardof examiners.

11.4 Participation in education activities, exam not done or not passed

A student who has participated in the education for a study unit in the academic year prior to theprogramme change, but who has not sat for an exam or modular exam or has not passed an exam ormodular exam, has a right to repeat the education at least during the academic year in which the changebecomes effective, and has a right to at least two opportunities to sit for the relevant exams. The board ofexaminers can deviate from this in exceptional cases, in the favour of the student. If you like, you candirectly choose the new programme structure and register for a renewed or changed study unit. By doingso, you waive your rights concerning the transition rules.

Programme-specific regulations

11.5 Programme-specific transition regulations

See Appendix 1.

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Part 3: Regulations of the Board of Examiners

You can find it in a separate document.

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Part 4: Regulations of the Exams Office

You can find it in a separate document.

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Part 5: Regulations of the Degree Committees

You can find it in a separate document.

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Appendix 1 TER IB 2019-2020 Chapter 11.5 programme-specific transition regulations

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11.5 Degree-specific transitional provisions (information on old exams)

The exams and modular exams in the table below will no longer be part of the degree Programme as described in chapter 9 in the 2019-2020 and/or 2018-2019 academic


The study units for these exams and modular exams will be repeated in the academic year following the change in the Programme. The repeat units may be offered in a

different format than in previous years, for example in the form of a summary lecture (wrap-up), question sessions or supervision on request. This repeated education is

intended for students who did the study units in the 2018-2019 academic year, but did not pass all of the exams or modular exams.

Students are given the opportunity to sit these exams and modular exams in a legally valid manner. If a student passes one or more of these exams or modular exams in the

2019-2020 academic year, the exam or modular exam will still be considered to be successfully completed as defined in the study units of the 2018-2019 and/or 2017-2018

Teaching and Examination Regulations.

Row no.

Old exams modular exam code

Final academic year in which old modular exam can be completed.

Link to content-equivalent modular exam but with different code

Exam Period Will be offered in 2019-2020 in period

Reference For study unit description, see DS for degree Programme

Comments/repeat units Please contact lecturer:

1. ACCDEU1B.1 2019-2020 NA T2/T4 2018-2019 Karola Gierke-Goergens

2. ACCESP1A.2 2019-2020 NA T2/T4 2018-2019 Fina Ramos

3. ACCESP1A.8 2019-2020 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Fina Ramos

4. ACCFRA1A.2 2019-2020 NA T1/T3 2018-2019 Jeroen Claessen

5. ACCFRA1A.4 2019-2020 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Jeroen Claessen or Marion van Noesel

6. ACCNED1A.1 2019-2020 NA T2/T4 2018-2019 Geno Trimbos

7. ACCNED1A.6 2019-2020 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Geno Trimbos

8. AENENG1A.1 2018-2019 AENENG1B.1 + AENENG2B A.1

T1/T3 + T2/T4

2018-2019 Saskia Redeke Discontinued, study contracts adjusted, no necessity for resits

AENENG1A.4 2018-2019 AENENG2A.4 Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Saskia Redeke Discontinued, study contracts adjusted, no necessity for resits

9. AIAICA1A.9 2019-2020 AIAICA1A.8 P2/P4 2019-2020 Content the same, wrong code.

10. AMRMKT1A.2 2019-2020 AMRMKT1A.1 T1/T2/T4 2019-2020 Exam format changed, content the same.

11. BENBUC1A.8 2019-2020 BENBUC2A.1 T2/T4 2018-2019 Annette van Beek

12. BCRCCT1A.8 2019-2020 APSDNM1A.8 Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Tijmen Weber

13. CBMACF3A.1 2020-2021 NA T1/T3 2018-2019 Jan Luijten

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Row no.

Old exams modular exam code

Final academic year in which old modular exam can be completed.

Link to content-equivalent modular exam but with different code

Exam Period Will be offered in 2019-2020 in period

Reference For study unit description, see DS for degree Programme

Comments/repeat units Please contact lecturer:

14. CBMMAR1A.1 2020-2021 NA T1/T3 2018-2019 Dimitry van Toorn

15. CBMMAR2A.1 2020-2021 NA T2/T4 2018-2019 Peter van der Meijden

16. CBMIAW.5 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Pauline Sleven

17. CCBBUC3F.4 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Aart van den Berg

18. CCBBUC3F.5 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Aart van den Berg

19. CCDDUT6B.1 2020-2021 NA T2/T4 2018-2019 Geno Trimbos

20. CCDDUT6B.3 2020-2021 NA T2/T4 2018-2019 Geno Trimbos

21. CCFFRB3D.3 2019-2020 NA Contact your lecturer 2017-2018 Marion van Noesel

22. CCFFRB3D.5 2019-2020 NA Contact your lecturer 2017-2018 Marion van Noesel

23. CCFFRB3E.5 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Marion van Noesel

24. CCFFRB4E.5 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Marion van Noesel

25. CCFFRB4D.0 2019-2020 NA Contact your lecturer 2017-2018 Marion van Noesel

26. CCGDEU3A.1 2020-2021 NA T2/T4 2018-2019 Karola Gierke Goergens

27. CCGDEU3A.8

2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer

2018-2019 Karola Gierke Goergens in period 1: lecture week 1, in period 3, lecture week 3

28. CCSSPA6B.1 2020-2021 NA T2/T4 2018-2019 Fina Ramos

29. CCSSPA6B.4 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Fina Ramos

30. CENIEN1C.1 2020-2021 NA T1/T3 2018-2019 Arno Teunissen

31. CENIEN2C.1 2020-2021 NA T2/T4 2018-2019 Arno Teunissen

32. CENIEN2C.5 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Arno Teunissen

33. CEVACF4A.1 2020-2021 NA T2/T4 2018-2019 Jan Luijten

34. CEVECN3A.4 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Arno Teunissen

35. CPDBMG1C.9 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Rob Warmenhoven

36. CPDESK1A.8 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Yvette Hartink

37. CPDESK1A.9 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Yvette Hartink

38. CPDESK2A.9 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Yvette Hartink

39. CPDESK3A.9 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Yvette Hartink

40. DCBBUC4F.1 2020-2021 NA T2/T4 2018-2019 Aart van den Berg

41. DCBBUC4F.4 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Aart van den Berg

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Row no.

Old exams modular exam code

Final academic year in which old modular exam can be completed.

Link to content-equivalent modular exam but with different code

Exam Period Will be offered in 2019-2020 in period

Reference For study unit description, see DS for degree Programme

Comments/repeat units Please contact lecturer:

42. DCBBUC4F.9 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Aart van den Berg

43. DCDDUT8B.1 2020-2021 NA T2/T4 2018-2019 Geno Trimbos

44. DCDDUT8B.4 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Geno Trimbos

45. DCFFRB5D.1 2020-2021 NA T1/T3 2018-2019 Jeroen Claessen 46. DCFFRB6E.4 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Jeroen Claessen 47.

DCGDEU4A.1 2020-2021 Tegelijk roosteren

met ECCDEU6A.1

T2/T4 2018-2019 Karola Gierke-Goergens



2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Karola Gierke-Goergens, enrol in

period 1: lecture week 1, in period 3, lecture week 1



2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Karola Gierke-Goergens, enrol in

period 1: lecture week 1, in period 3, lecture week 1

50. DCSSPA8B.1 2020-2021 NA T2/T4 2018-2019 Fina Ramos

51. DCSSPA8B.9 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Fina Ramos

52. DMPACF5A.1 2019-2020 NA T1/T3 2017-2018 Florentin Popescu

53. DMPACF6A.1 2019-2020 NA T2/T4 2017-2018 Florentin Popescu

54. DMPMKT5A.1

2019-2020 NA T2/T4

2017-2018 Peter Steemers/Peter van der Meijden

55. DMPMKT5A.6

2019-2020 NA Contact your lecturer

2017-2018 Peter Steemers/Peter van der Meijden

56. DPBACF5B.1 2020-2021 NA T1/T3 2018-2019 Florentin Popescu

57. DPBACF5B.5 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Florentin Popescu

58. DPBACF6B.5 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Florentin Popescu

59. DPBMAR3A.1 2019-2020 DPBMAR3B.1 T1/T3 2018-2019

To obtain the grade you also have to hand in your group assignment: contact your lecturer. Kristina Manser / Meryem Yalçin

60. DPBMAR3B.1 2020-2021 NA T1/T3 2018-2019 Kristina Manser/Meryem Yalçin

61. DPBMAR3B.5 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Kristina Manser/Meryem Yalçin

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Row no.

Old exams modular exam code

Final academic year in which old modular exam can be completed.

Link to content-equivalent modular exam but with different code

Exam Period Will be offered in 2019-2020 in period

Reference For study unit description, see DS for degree Programme

Comments/repeat units Please contact lecturer:

62. DPBMAR4A.1 2020-2021 NA T2/T4 2018-2019 Umair Qureshi

63. DRPRES1D.7 2019-2020 NA Contact your lecturer 2017-2018 Kristina Manser 64. DRPRES1D.9 2019-2020 NA Contact your lecturer 2017-2018 Kristina Manser 65. DRPSCC2B.0 2019-2020 NA Contact your SCC 2017-2018 Pauline Sleven 66. DPRESK1A.8 2020-2021 na Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Yvette Hartink

67. DPRESK1A.9 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Yvette Hartink

68. DPRESK2A.9 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Yvette Hartink

69. DPRESK3A.9 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Yvette Hartink

70. DPRRES1D.7 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Kristina Manser

71. DPRRES1D.9 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Kristina Manser

72. DRUMAN2A.1 2020-2021 NA T1/T3 2018-2019 Felice van Hoof

73. DRUMAN2A.6 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Felice van Hoof

74. DRUMRE1D.5 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Kristina Manser

75. DRUMRE1D.6 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Kristina Manser

76. DRURST1A.5 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Miriam Vroonhof

77. ECCDEU4A.4 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Karola Gierke-Goergens, enrol in period 2: lecture week 1, in period 4, lecture week 1

78. ECCDEU4A.8 2020-2021 NA Contact your lecturer 2018-2019 Karola Gierke-Goergens, enrol in period 2: lecture week 1, in period 4, lecture week 1

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11.5 Degree-specific transitional provisions (information on expired exams) – substitution table

Row no.

Old modular exam NOT PASSED

Reference old For study unit description , see DS for degree Programme

New SU in version 2019-2020 to be taken fully

Period Will be offered in 2019-2020 in period

Reference new For study unit description, see DS for degree Programme

1. CBM ILW2E.1 2016-2017 COR P1, P2, P4 2019-2020

2. CBM ILW2E.6 2016-2017 COR P1, P2, P4 2019-2020

3. CBM MKT3A.1 2016-2017 CMRS P1, P2, P3 2019-2020

4. CBM MKT4A.1 2016-2017 CMRS P1, P2, P3 2019-2020

5. CEN BMG1C.9 2016-2017 EGM or EBG or ECB* P1, P2 2019-2020

6. CEN SCC1B.0 2016-2017 ECB or EBG* P1, P2 2019-2020

7. CEV ILW1C.1 2016-2017 COR P1, P2, P4 2019-2020

8. CEV ILW1C.6 2016-2017 COR P1, P2, P4 2019-2020

9. CCD DUT5A.1 2016-2017 ECC3 Dutch P1, P3 2019-2020

10. CCD DUT5A.3 2016-2017 ECC3 Dutch P1, P3 2019-2020

11. CCD DUT6A.1 2016-2017 ECC4 Dutch P2, P4 2019-2020

12. CCD DUT6A.3 2016-2017 ECC4 Dutch P2, P4 2019-2020

13. CCF FRB3D.3 2016-2017 ECC3 French P1, P3 2019-2020

14. CCF FRB3D.5 2016-2017 ECC3 French P1, P3 2019-2020

15. CCF FRB4D.0 2016-2017 ECC4 French P2, P4 2019-2020 16. CCF FRB4D.5 2016-2017 ECC4 French P2, P4 2019-2020

17. . CCS SPA5A.6 2016-2017 ECC3 Spanish P1, P3 2019-2020

18. CCS SPA6A.1 2016-2017 ECC4 Spanish P2, P4 2019-2020

19. CCS SPA6A.9 2016-2017 ECC4 Spanish P2, P4 2019-2020

20. DCD DUT7A.1 2016-2017 ECC5 Dutch P1, P3 2019-2020

21. DCD DUT8A.4 2016-2017 ECC6 Dutch P2, P4 2019-2020

22. DCD DUT8A.8 2016-2017 ECC6 Dutch P2, P4 2019-2020

23. DCG GER7A.4 2016-2017 ECC5 German P1, P3 2019-2020

24. DCG GER8A.4 2016-2017 ECC6 German P2, P4 2019-2020

25. DCG GER8A.8 2016-2017 ECC6 German P2, P4 2019-2020

26. DCS SPA7A.6 2016-2017 ECC5 Spanish P1, P3 2019-2020

27. DCS SPA8A.1 2016-2017 ECC6 Spanish P2, P4 2019-2020

28. DCS SPA8A.9 2016-2017 ECC6 Spanish P2, P4 2019-2020

29. GCH PLO1A.0 2016-2017 GDT P1, P2, P3, P4 2019-2020

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Row no.

Old modular exam NOT PASSED

Reference old For study unit description , see DS for degree Programme

New SU in version 2019-2020 to be taken fully

Period Will be offered in 2019-2020 in period

Reference new For study unit description, see DS for degree Programme

30. GCH PLO1A.1 2016-2017 GDT P1, P2, P3, P4 2019-2020

31. GCH PLO1A.5 2016-2017 GDT P1, P2, P3, P4 2019-2020

32. GCH PLO1A.6 2016-2017 GDT P1, P2, P3, P4 2019-2020

33. GCH SAL1B.5 2016-2017 GEI P1, P2, P3, P4 2019-2020

34. GCH SAL1B.6 2016-2017 GEI P1, P2, P3, P4 2019-2020

35. GCU ICU1G.8 2016-2017 GOC P1, P2, P4 2019-2020

36. GCU PEL1B.5 2016-2017 GOC P1, P2, P4 2019-2020

37. GCU PEL1B.9 2016-2017 GOC P1, P2, P4 2019-2020

38. GST1 IBP1C.4 2016-2017 Not possible or at least two new SU’s


39. GST1 IBP1C.5 2016-2017 Not possible or at least two new SU’s


40. GST2 ACF7A.1 2016-2017 GOC P1, P2, P4 2019-2020

41. GST2 ILW3C.1 2016-2017 GOC P1, P2, P4 2019-2020

42. GST2 ILW3C.9 2016-2017 GOC P1, P2, P4 2019-2020

43. GST2 MKT6A.0 2016-2017 GEI P1, P2, P3, P4 2019-2020

44. GST2 MKT6A.6 2016-2017 GEI P1, P2, P3, P4 2019-2020

* Consult your SSCC

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Appendix 2 Thresholds Main Phase IB 2019-2020

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Thresholds After your first year you will receive a Study Advice (see part 2, Ch. 6)

The main phase has thresholds, these are:

The threshold for E-cluster and for F-cluster are the same.

For students who have started start IB/IBMS Main Phase as of 1 September 2017 or earlier and are in the old curriculum, the threshold for E-/F-cluster participation is frozen on the threshold described in the Degree Statute IB/IBMS 2018-19 Part 1; For students who have started IB/IBMS Main Phase as of 1 February 2018 or later the regulations are as follows:

Acces to the third year will only be granted after passing the propaedeutic exam;

There are 2 moments per semester where the study progress for participation in E-/F-cluster is evaluated: one half-way through the semester (results T3/T1) and the other at the end the semester (results T2 / T4,T5). o For students who started D-cluster as of 2019-20, semester 1,

2019-2020, T1: not more than 25 EC of the personal curriculum of the whole of the 2nd year not yet obtained and at least 35 EC of the whole second year obtained 2019-2020, T2: not more than 15 EC of the personal curriculum of the whole of the 2nd year not yet obtained and at least a minimum of 45 EC of the whole second year obtained

o For students who started D-cluster as of 2019-20, semester 2, 2019-20, T3: not more than 25 EC of the personal curriculum of the whole of the 2nd year not yet obtained and at least 35 EC of the whole second year obtained 2019-20, T4 or T5: not more than 15 EC of the personal curriculum of the whole of the 2nd year not yet obtained and at least a minimum of 45 EC of the whole second year obtained

These rules hold for standard curricula, but also in case of curricula extension.

Students who have started D-cluster in 2019-20, semester 1, but who do not meet the threshold by T2, will have to meet that particular threshold before being allowed to actually start their E- or F-cluster any time later in the academic year 2019-20.

Explanations of 1st moment of study progress evaluation: When the student meets the threshold that holds for his/her specific case at the 1st moment of evaluation, the 2nd moment will not been looked into. It is the student’s responsibility to make a well-considered decision whether or not it is wise to go out, in case he/she does not meet those requirements. All consequences that follow his/her study planning decisions are for the student. When study planning issues turn rather complex, these issues can be discussed with the SSCC.

Explanations of 2nd moment of study progress evaluation: It is the student’s responsibility to make a well-considered decision whether or not it is wise to go out, in case he/she does not meet those requirements. All consequences that follow his/her study planning decisions are for the student. When study planning issues turn rather complex, these issues can be discussed with the SSCC.

Thresholds for G- and H-cluster applicable for students who start their G-cluster in February 2021 or therafter: o Acces to the fourth year (G- and H-cluster) will only be granted after passing the propadeutic

exam; o Internship (F-cluster) must be completed (30 EC obtained); o Not more than 15 EC of the C-, D- and E-cluster together not yet obtained;

For students who start IB/IBMS G- or H-cluster in the academic year 2019-2020 the thresholds are frozen on the threshold described in the Degree Statute IB/IBMS 2018-19 Part 1.