Educamp 2010 presentation English

EduCamp 2010 an “un-conference” for those who shape the future of education: • educational innovators • experts in education, technology, humanitarian and creative industries • educational start-ups Moscow / Bekasovo 17-20 October 2010


First Russian independent community-based research about education design. Bekasovo, 17-20 Oct 2010

Transcript of Educamp 2010 presentation English

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EduCamp 2010

an “un-conference” for those who shape the future of education:• educational innovators• experts in education, technology, humanitarian and creative industries• educational start-ups

Moscow / Bekasovo 17-20 October 2010

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Russia does not participate in the global transformation of education.

The reform of Russian education is driven by several competing initiatives that address mainly short-term local issues.

To overcome this negative tendency, efforts and strategies of all active stakeholders should be streamlined.

This work should be done throughout the whole educational life-cycle , including, but not limited to, secondary or tertiary education

Why do we need EduCamp

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Prepare a roadmap for Russia’s way to the Education of the Future Initiate the adoption of this roadmap through real projects

Aim of EduCamp

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Objectives of EduCamp 2010 Develop a new agenda for Russian

educational system relevant to the challenges of today’s world

Create an alliance of organizations aimed at promoting 21 century skills (similar to Partnership for 21 Century Skills initiative in the USA)

Launch several start-ups focused on the education of the future


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Focus of discussions at EduCamp 2010

Higher and postgraduate education Transformation of teaching methods and evaluation systems Education and support for innovative, social and creative entrepreneurship

School education New technologies (humanitarian and information) for education and development Developing project leadership and community outreach

Education beyond educational system New formats and organizational forms, methods and opportunities for life-long learning


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Work formats for EduCamp 2010


ForesightA round of debates and brainstorms for developing the «Roadmap of

education of the future» with key Russian experts Goal: to draft a foresight map «Education-2030»

Start-up Generating ideas and designing educational start-ups using Nachinai.Com

technology. Analysis of start-up success stories. Goal: develop 5-8 start-up ideas into investment projects

Education A round of workshops on the best educational, technology and creativity

practices. Goal: sharing experience, meeting new people, developing new contacts

Webcast Interactive webcasts with international education expertsGoal: to immerse the content of the “un-conference”

into international educational trends»

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What do we offer to our partners?

AudienceAccess to a unique audience of people who shape the education of the future: educational innovators experts in education, technology, humanitarian and creative industries educational start-ups

Reputation The event will have a broad public impact The results of the “un-conference” will be presented to top-level official bodies such as Presidential Modernization Committee The event will be covered in mass and professional media (online and offline)


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What else do we offer to our partners?

Dialogue with colleagues and experts Opportunity to present and discuss with peers and experts your work relevant to EduCamp topics Materials (video and presentations) will be published on the website of the “un-converence”, in social and media networks Key outcomes of the conference will bepublished and discussed in professional community (, Intel Education Galaxy, etc.)

PR Opportunity for showcasing your brand during EduCamp (show-room, workshop, lecture, space branding, etc.) with support from our PR/communication team Texts, photo, video content placement on partners/organizers/friends websites and in social network


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Possible partner support

Event organization Financial and in-kind contributions: printing conference materials, travel and accommodation for participants, logistics, speaker fees Volunteer help in organizing the event Networking among the expert community Technology support such as organizing a webcast for our international speakers Information support: publish announcements and releases, organize webcast through your website, invite guests

Content support Organizing workshops and presentations

Financing the future Help our start-up projects with seed funding


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EduCamp 2010 in detail

Who, what, where, when, with whom

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EduCamp 2010 organizers • Metaver: A network of Education 2.0 enthusiasts.

• MAS «Intellect of the future»: Russian network of leaders in intellectual and creative education (more than 19K educators from 82 regions of Russia, 80K students, more than 200 yearly contests)

• PH International: Operator of 12 educational programs for community development in Russia and CIS, including teacher education programs «Intel – Educaiton for the future» (more than 620K alumni since 2002)

• Nachinai.Com: Organizer of professional events for start-up generation and provider of further support to start-up companies

• Russian Technology Transfer Network: A network of 70+ innovation centres in 29 Russian regions focused on technology transfer between Russia and EU

• FuturoTok: Initiative for developing communicative environments for post-information society


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EduCamp 2010 overall structure

Creation of “Roadmap for the future of education”(in Russia and in the world)

Start-up weekend (with Nachinai.Com)

Best educational practices(workshops)

17 Oct 18 Oct 19 Oct 20 Oct

Webcasts with international experts“Un-






, in



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Discussion, follow-up



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Mindmap for «Education -2030» foresight


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Location of EduCamp 2010 SPA-resort Bekasovo (60 km from Moscow)


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Our media channels

We have a variety of channels to talk to our audience

Educational institutions International experts TV Web Press Radio

We constantly expand this list


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We would be happy to answer your questionsOrganizing CommitteeProgram, expertsPavel Luksha +7 985 363 89 [email protected] ForesightDmitry Peskov [email protected] Start-up weekend, venture financing Oleg Manchuliantsev [email protected] Partners’ workshops Tatyana Pirog [email protected] Fundraising Ilya Savchuk [email protected] +7 916 121 1992Communications and PR Olga Duka +7 903 618 92 84 [email protected] in Bekasovo Lev Lyashko [email protected]

Our online network: