Edu goals and objectives reasons

REDWOOD PLAN: EDUCATE IMPROVEMENT GKRAFT Motivate to Graduate E D U P L A N people help themselves www.bigkahun t w e ng ines. c o m w w w. t a l k s t o r y. c o m Tuesday, March 5, 13


my current focus EDU Plan and my Basket of Web Sites:

Transcript of Edu goals and objectives reasons

Page 2: Edu goals and objectives reasons

EDU Plan

by Gordon H Kraft

copyright @2011

Tuesday, March 5, 13

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Why EDU Plan

People help Themselves

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eLearing via the Internet

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EDU Plan Angel Fund

$3B Credit Line

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Entrepreneur Incubators

New Entrepreneursincrease...

NewCo’s everywhere

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NewCo’s are One Man Bands

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the EDU Plan is a concept to engage American Industry, and GlobalBusiness Incubators to create solutions to eLearning. And is the primaryarea of interest since it can, using the Internet, produce immediate resultsfor those wanting to learn as rapidly as possible. Motivated learners...

Learn at the Speed of Sight via 3D animation, videos, and textualinformation and other related digital content, is the goal of the EDUeLearning focus. Visual learning that can advance at the speed of the userinteraction during the learning process, using Playstation and XBOX designand engines to learn while playing a game. Same as succeed proceed, failretry...

From the simplicity of Khan Academy on YouTube for teaching complexmath, Business Stocks, etc. using the most simple whiteboard and coloredpens, awesome simplicity. Works.

To the output of the nations educational and University’s to the BusinessColleges that always find a diamond in the rough from off the streets...

the core of EDU is learning, elearning - how to learn on your own using the Internet

EDU Plan

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eLearning needs to have a large angle of view of courseware to determinethe most rapid learning techniques to become standardized Framework, ofa ISO International Standard Organization like ISO 9001 for education.

Equal footing Globally... extensive effort already underway on eLearning inIndia...

Without a ISO standard for eLearning, no seamless architecture will prevail.

the core of EDU is learning, elearning - how to learn on your own using the Internet

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Page 11: Edu goals and objectives reasons

American manufacturing capability has now modularized by component forJust In Time Manufacturing, large manufacturing is occurring for finalassembly of cars, boats, and planes, down to our normal office electronics.Superstores such as Walmart have improved in design and productavailability for higher ticket sales such as HDTV at the component level,with the user doing installs. Best Buy uses Magnolia as store in storeconcept introduced by StarPower to Best Buy.

Home Depot can almost build you a house with the local contractors nowworking out of the Home Depot parking lots.

Nathan Morton was a Key Super Store Guru for Home Depot, Target,BlockBuster, and the Chairman, CEO of CompUSA, Nathan grew a $1Bcompany in two years... RIP. Nathan was the Chairman of StarPowerHome Entertainment, He brought together many of the nations top RetailBoard of Directors, to many mutual opportunities, and was a mentor. Hewasn’t crazy, he had several kids, and a difficult marriage, and mom anddad at home to support, the wonder of a Sr. Executive sometimes if everyknown would surprise most of our poor. The problem with wealth can be aburden one would never realize, and the fear of losing wealth is a naturalconcern for the wealthy. So the EDU Plan takes into consideration of theimprobability of the wealthy investing, in anything, without some ROIguarantees in this moment in the Global Economy.

Congress has to act. A Tax Shelter with double down, might bereasonable. i.e. you can double your investment in National InterestProjects... via 2X Tax deduction... or?

Icot Leasing used to sell oil cars for a hugh return on investment, taxshelters...

The Republican Party should be the front runner in wanting to see any plansuch as the EDU Plan succeeding, why? Because they are the mover andshakers of American Industry.

Seems to me,

the core of EDU is learning, elearning - how to learn on your own using the Internet

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Page 12: Edu goals and objectives reasons

that the Republicans are on Strike to knock off Unions? Collectivebargaining... and I am a Buckeye.

And the Democrats represent the people who are on the streets?

EDU Plan is a National Interest Project.

The need to provide a instant solution topeople helping themselves is thereason...We can start now, but Wideband will change the paradigm of the ability ofour developers to pump up the volume!

Sprint has made its choice, a bold adventurous choice of survival, noretreat, full speed ahead on and for the Internet... wise choice indeed itwas he said, he did. yoda...

The CEO of Sprint knows he that owns Longlines owns the revenue...

I have been in almost all AT&T major offices on the East Coast, and manyof the Bell System over the years from Morristown, et al... DirectoryAssistance for the Bell Operating companies from MDS, and PaperlessBusiness Offices for the back office of the telephone company, to AT&Tcustom QAPlus for each and every specific new model of AT&T PC’s fromOlivetti to Intel... Plus DEC, DataGeneral, Phoenix Technologies when theywere OEMing AOL... I used to joke yep back again, different reasons,different companies, because I started at Western Electric in the Vaultsfiling AT&T Engineering Drawings, to the Western Electric on the jobtraining to enter the computer industry at 19... I have been invited to theDedication of the Tandy Research Center in Ft. Worth, by John Roach andDr John Patterson of Tandy Corp. Sold Condor to Tandy Retail Stores, hadgreat talks with Alan Hald at the annual MicroAge Dude Ranch events, andwith Dean Mack Equatorial Communications to demo KU Band Satelliteprior to DTV with the dish on the widow sill, and even to the IBM CPU

the core of EDU is learning, elearning - how to learn on your own using the Internet

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Development in Burlington, Vt. home of the PowerPC, and todays SP2followups' and Watson come here I need you... and Intel Touchstone Delta,etc. Up to and including being a friend and Consultant to BusinessLandworking for Enzo Torresi, and David Norman directly.

I selected and setup the BusinessLand Grand Opening ComputerDemos in the first store of BusinessLand, Xerox 820 and Condor autodemos, Select WP, et al... I even tried to get Dave Norman to allow me tosetup a PROShop in each BusinessLand to talk to the nerds that came inand bothered everyone, so we needed a cracker barrel corner like in theold days of a General Store, that would provide the BusinessLand storeswith VARS... He roared, do you know the cost per square foot of aBusinessLand store? nope.

Born an Entrepreneur? With a “D” average at graduation time in highschool, yep. Paraprofessional at Arthur Young and Company in SF. Ilearned that the politicos start as new MBA hires at AY... good to be paidmore than them without a degree... working in the same place and all.

Motivation to learn on the job all ones life, is the root for those that wastedtheir high school times at HappyDays High... I was 5’6” 154lbs flat topblond blue eyed scarred of girls, freckled, in pegged blue jeans at

Cheyenne High School... with a little narrow white belt and penny can get your xyz wiped like that... I was Richie and Fonzie in one. 51Merc coupe... making jokes about pointy toed boots... I was from Indiana.Lived in the VA Doctors housing, dad builds the VA’s... MalcHIram? That iswhy we moved to Cheyenne to build the new large VA Hospital. Growingup with a father that was a guru in Civil Engineering from Ohio Statecaused me to see and work in major construction projects for my dad.Budweiser Plant in Columbus Ohio, Chevrolet Engine Factory VORTEX...Cleveland, St Lukes Hospital Toledo, Cincinnati Guerrilla House for hughsilver back, glass 1” thick, they liked to bounce off of it... to the stage playof Peter Pan with Mary Martin when I was about 7. I took the pledge tonever grow up. Imagine my reaction when I came home and Krystle hadpainted Peter Pan on the back of DREAMS about 5’ tall... Easter morningat Pier 66 in Ft. Lauderdale drinking morning coffee, a little girl and herfather walk by and she see’s Peter Pan and her dad starts crying...overwhelming warm beautiful day.

the core of EDU is learning, elearning - how to learn on your own using the Internet

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I started spreading ALOHA around Florida in 1997 using the APBAOffshore Racing and my TalkStory Offshore Racing Team, I gave awayover 3K TalkStory hats and T Shirts, at the races to anyone, the race teamswere using Shaka to each other...

aloha can improve the relations of mankind...

sort of a alternative solution to todays times and stress, not a religion,

greeting everyone you meet as a friend you haven’t met yet. Have youever changer your mind about someone? Aloha is the Hawaiian solution towelcome, tourism, neighbors, friends and family, et al... i.e. it stopped thethumps from happening as much... Hawaiian Pidgin is funny! Hang loosebra... Bruddah, why u did dat? u stupid? O’ wot?

The APBA Offshore Race Officials were on the bridge of DREAMS. TheRace Site owners and the VIP Sponsors from GM to American Expresswere aboard as was the Coast Guard Commandant of Baltimore area. Tothe Mayor’s of Key West, St. Petersburg, Rivera Beach, to Jim Vanderslan?of both Tampa and Sarasota Television usually along with us. John Crousefor commentary, Reggie Fountain, et al. Camera man from the TelevisionChannel in use.

DREAMS was the Start Finish Yacht in the middle of the race course...

It is always a sale that starts stuff...

StarPower Retail top of the food chain for Home Theater Board of Directorsfor 10 years... I wanted to put the AiLibrary in every StarPower HomeTheater demo room... its showtime and COMDEX in every Home Theaterdemo room... and now Best Buy...

EDU Plan would turn a Home Theater demo room into a COMDEXbooth...

For the Incubators...

the core of EDU is learning, elearning - how to learn on your own using the Internet

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American genius is overwhelming when given the challenge of anything...

Imagine what would happen if we could have access to education and amethodology to learn anything fast?

We are the World, we are a nation of immigrants, so don’t kid yourself, ifyou are not a native american... my grandpa Eric the Red was here in1013... Anse Meadows, Newfoundland... The Kraft’s settled Lunenburg,Nova Scotia.

The American consumer can now install their own smart house except forthe wiring in some cases, so WiFi has replaced much of the wiring, themost profitable part of a high end Home Theater retail operation. Theconsumer can decorate their home without concern of wires today.

What does the American unemployed need?

Re establishment of income for their family future.

What does the American Tax System need?

Payroll tax deductions.

the core of EDU is learning, elearning - how to learn on your own using the Internet

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the new Sony S Tablet, iPad, etc are a co processor...

Associate Array Processor of Learning

intertask communications of different data correlation to the prime screen infront of the user.

allow a Associate relationship and display of Hyperlinked thought pathswhich if reduced via your DNAid...

would show you what you want and suggested related data paths ofinformation of thought or subject, i.e. you see the item Google brought youand the related possibilities on the side screens of a three screenenvironment. many angles of view possible with multi screens (web pages)that now act like interprocess communication tasks under UNIX... heavyshit... Xanadu. Freedom of Information... Ted N.

or OSX.

remember HyperCard?

Ask Sid Meiers... Blade Runner futurist. SIM worlds...

The Correlation of Stuff(tm).

the core of EDU is learning, elearning - how to learn on your own using the Internet

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if no one is able to pay, from bottom to middle and no tax at top?

it will take more than regulations to fix it.

Regs on or off no matter.

Paper grid lock of unnecessary effort (Industrial Engineering?) that techcould really improve, i.e. Data Capture for Work In Process disjointedmanufacturing, and then final test results...

is a direct function of efficiency to the bottom line, the area of need ofimprovement in every thing we do, we need to be more efficient. We needmore Efficiency.

When I was in the Office Automation business, I learned that Germanyactually used PHd’s for Word Processing...

The Hawaiian Marina Hand Book is like 800 pages in size while the SantaCruz Hand Book was a three ring binder.

Organization, and Industrial Engineering, was a profession.

Management by Drucker, et al. Like Congress by Newt... over the netwould get his word to the voter... the point?

With a knowledgeable tour guide, people understand the ramifications oftheir disjointed Entrepreneurial every man for themselves, a need to bringorder and Efficiency to the process of independent Entrepreneurs the newAmerican work force, working together over the net. EDU Plan.

How is that done over the Internet? how to implement a ISO 9000? Howdo you do get Quality Control of this multivendor Entrepreneur group ofnew independents that have never had to be on my total own before... whatshould I do?

Social Medicine will group like minds together...

the core of EDU is learning, elearning - how to learn on your own using the Internet

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Multi Vendor products... we are the multi vendors...

A new Business arena of improving productivity and survivability of anewco is now paramount, we have once again decentralized. One manBands... a emerging new business of independents working under ...

APP Stores? won’t last... Everyone is trying to support Innovation viaEntrepreneur programs and APP Stores...

APPLE is a success why? Because it all fits. Seamlessly... Hardware andSoftware within a 100 year Business Plan. Steve was awesome in gettingeveryone to go in one direction and make it fit into the Global AppleArchitecture Plan that many brilliant people created...

We need a skeleton a framework for ALLAPP Stores to be uniform,consistent and seamless to interact with each other.. ! like Apple does...

I call it One. one architecture plan.

A Intel Microsoft HP Dell Lenovo Acer Sony architecture Plan... Thatseamless interconnects with all Digital Resources of the Internet... IN ONEWAY!

The attempt to differentiate for product marketing advantages, for a $199toaster (a PC) which is now a Wallmart off the shelf cash and carry item,and no Tech Support from the Dealer (Wallmart), shows the evolution of theretail of the personal computer, which is now moving into a new platform,and it is the Integration of Information that is the end requirement, not themethod to find it, store it, etc.

the core of EDU is learning, elearning - how to learn on your own using the Internet

A multi vendor PC Tech Support problem, is now a multi independentEntrepreneur problem of making and selling or supporting or teaching ordesigning, or ...

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we used to joke when PC’s become like buying a toaster at the departmentstore, the game is over... and we knew it would cost less than $200ea toreach that plateau.

AApple style archicture would have a seamless integrated interface for thedisplay of the result of why you use the system in the first place.

Android using Google Earth will become the front end of the userexperience, first thing one see’s is the Earth, and any activity pertinent tothem.

Everything happens in a place on the Starship Earth at the present time.

If people are more in touch with the earth on a constant basis and theconditions important to them. They would perhaps improve everyonesfuture.

Communication is the basis of mans evolution and growth.

Without Communication it is the opposite.

Ask yourself, still waiting to be delivered? What if you have to do it?

The Renaissance for a thousand years requires some aloha dude.

People just want to know where to get HELP!

Repair Videos. How to Videos and Books, big area of content availability.

Self help, Self Improvement large area of Content.

eLearning is available from India... a $35 Tablet is supposed to ship soon...

eLearning techniques are from Whiteboard to Animation and Gaming...

the core of EDU is learning, elearning - how to learn on your own using the Internet

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Page 20: Edu goals and objectives reasons

Gaming is the strongest performer for long term cash flow for softwareproducts.

Legal Gambling would be.

Our kids have learned First Person Shooting well...

How about History, our new Candidates don’t seem to know or care, withaccuracy...

History repeats as does Universal motion.

Given History, earths motion is active and bears attention.

Volcanos are the pressure release valves of the earth.

Iceland stopped air traffic for almost a month.

Earthquake activity in the Mayan region caused their Exodus.

What resource would respond to Rapid Construction, and Rapid Solutions.

Rest Stop Showers with soap.

Water Management. got bulldozer?

EDU Plan considers the Terra Firma applications from ModularConstruction with Amish Approved materials and techniques for wind.

The Mayan culture ended up in Chicago and Puerto Rico due to thevolcano’s in Guatemala and had no choice but to Exodus north, not south itwas all active. They did not have a Navy to leave the area in, no Ships, sothey had to walk thru the worst imaginable conditions, the end to them.

Employment no problem...

the core of EDU is learning, elearning - how to learn on your own using the Internet

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the core of EDU is learning, elearning - how to learn on your own using the Internet

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Entrepreneurs everywhere you look...

The large increase in Entrepreneurs is due to the economy.

Everyone seems to want more, things are not running at the normal smoothwaters of yesterday, and people want to express their frustration. The EDUPlan requires significant investment to accomplish its goals and objectives

which is to provide BroadbandPlus (wideband) to all of America within six

6 months. This would require significant acceleration of our build out pro-

gress. It would rehire and train and hire significant numbers of semiskilled workers, I watched Verizon FIOS being installed by Mexican work-

ers in Florida in a large condo development. Multifamily dwelling install

rapidly once Fiber to the curb... Business Parks and buildings also installrapidly once Fiber to the curb...

All new Entrepreneurs are like one man NEWCO’S... each new Entre-

preneur needs to understand and perform as if a One Man Band... Edu-cation is required to help these individuals succeed, it is in the nation’s

interest. (Newco is the Venture Capital name for a new company)

The country side (ranches and farms) of America needs to connect to the

Internet to sell their goods and services to the cities, people like to buyAmerican. Wireless networks will cover large territory rapidly and is easy

to repair. Then everyone is a local... ;)

We have Business Incubators in Idaho, Washington, Montana, Wyoming,to Nevada, California, and Oregon to connect west of the Mississippi, then

gkraftEntrepreneur Incubator - EDU Entrepreneur Development University!


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we need another team coming from the East, they have more people insmall areas to connect.

Ahigh Speed Rail would reenergize our economy due to the size andscope of such an undertaking, we could become better friends with China,

and Germany which build the trains.

China has helped us before they built our last railroad about 100 years agoor more, and we need to improve all terra ferma infrastructure anyways...

Joss House awaits, and is in Auburn, Ca.

Without international partnerships, how can this needed repair happen atthis time? Why not increase the rebuilding of our infrastructure, it will take

years to do it... And we can therefore improve our economy, but it will take

some outside investors, just like a family owned business always has to

face at one time or another, such is the way of trade and markets.

Awise family only sells options, warrants, stocks and bonds, so as to not

lose equity and control.

Communication is the path to peace, connecting at this point is the onlysensible solution for us to communicate directly, globally, and learn visu-

ally of the actions of the earth. Our History, and why we don’t want to repeat

what our forefathers learned the hard way.

Communication is the path to peace, connecting the rich and poor via An-

gels helping the Business Incubators can stop any further degradation of

relations between the wealthy, that are just as worried, probably even more

than the poor. I know, I lived it. both sides.gkraftEntrepreneur Incubator - EDU Entrepreneur Development University!


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The wealthy know they need to invest to help the economy. How they doit, why they do it, and when they do it, are open questions.

The only way to settle this issue is to assure the investor of a return on in-vestment somehow, even if just via tax deductions, which with the new in-

crease in probability, would sell quick if done properly. Everyone needs to

make money with the available money, and we all need to improve our fi-nancial security, so a Angel Investment into National Interest Projects

would be Tax Deductible perhaps 2X... or? it is time for some creative to

close the order folks...

Wall Street will compromise.

Banks will compromise.

Government will compromise.

People will compromise.

we just need to do it at one time together as Americans.

and go in one direction regardless of the future.

EDU Plan needed to rock the conscience to are you kidding? Becausewhen you rock them out they always remember... ;)

Who wants to see a Product Demo? No one... Who wants to see a Productcome to market and succeed? Everyone... Need a rock band and some fun

like Farm Aid, etc. to bring it to the market... Tell Willie we want to paint

the pig and take her to market... And we need FaceBook to broadcast it ingkraftEntrepreneur Incubator - EDU Entrepreneur Development University!


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HDTV over the Internet, like in Africa with Doug Stanley. Livingston, Ipresume?

Alternative to ETRE? It will take a significant infusion of capital to dem-onstrate improvement which would uptick the American purchasing

level... Bring the Angels to a American ETRE Conference...

How would you fund?

Wideband to the home

and in parallel:

Find Acquire core Tech.

Merge Incubators into a National Interest Project.

Develop eLearning in a consistent SDK like OSX APPS using Frame-


Use America’s Universities to provide Grad Students to Incubators with onthe job training credit and the ability to connect the University Develop-

ments into the world of newcos... the Universities do this now, but need

Incubator outlets, and the incubators need the talent for cheap or nothing,

the grad students get paid... and get credits.

The SuperComputer University connected at your local Entrepreneur In-

cubator where we have a Nerds corner for the kids, to get them off the

streets, and video games that teach while playing, advanced courseware,gkraftEntrepreneur Incubator - EDU Entrepreneur Development University!


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we need behavioral labs for user reactions and improvements to theeLearning courseware materials.

A community needs a Entrepreneur Incubator to be the town hall on theInternet at all times, just schedule some time or you can use your local

Home Theatre store if you have ones with Demo Rooms...and the Internet...

Entrepreneur Incubators need to be able to demo their project or newcoacross the EDU Angel Network...

EDU then has the ability for International Investments, a Reality TV show or two,

and a chance to employ many, and would be the vehicle to educate those sitting ontheir couches. The Internet is the Bookshelf.

EDU is HDTV online over the Internet and or cable...

the ability to deliver the people would be a large undertaking, and need

communication across the world to bring peace at last.

If my family of visionaries mean anything it is the attempt to make things


or lead...

or educate...

I use what I know, and that is to increase the availability of the Internet to

all of America will only help, people will get jobs, and people will findways to improve their lives, it should be Free For the Unemployed, and

eLearning should be a mandatory component of the content available to

gkraftEntrepreneur Incubator - EDU Entrepreneur Development University!


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help them help themselves, they would need to learn how to learn, and usethe Internet as their book shelf.

High School Drop Out’s to MBA’s wanting to improve skills...

Our elders never stop learning if you notice...

EDU would bring Fiber to the Home.

This would allow a next generation of eLearning and HDTV content onVideo on Demand of the History Channel and Discovery Channel video li-braries Hyper Indexed to Chapter and Frame of MetaTags, etc. or Time Codes, etc.

to locate load and position the video to the Associative Index of your

DNAid(tm). what and where you are currently using the Internet to learn

from and any reasonable videos, PDF’s specific to the context of your mainviewing.

This would provide in a eLearning Structured learning video game.

the access and display of like info...


Avideo game as rich in 3D animation as Avatar in 4Kx2K HDTV which is

coming soon, the bandwidth for this doubling of resolution will require thegkraftEntrepreneur Incubator - EDU Entrepreneur Development University!


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Internet to increase in speed. LSI Logic demoed their 4K capability usingsome Lucas Star Wars content, it was mind blowing to see the incredible

detail possible, and imagine what a child would see if it were the earth,flowers, trees, fish, rabbits and stuff, this demo was in a tent in a show in

Las Vegas 10 years ago... We don’t have the bandwidth to use it every-

where, but with this ultra HDTV and some slick Playstation3 and XBOXclass animation helping the education process with access to HDTV video

libraries across the world... more info than needed, but visual learning is

what we have caused our kids to expect... Playstation and XBOX and Wii...

and PC and MAC’s... now iPads and Androids...

Fiber to the Home is required to go to the next level, we are already stuck

with the Internet as the new communication vehicle, the cat is out of the


Which would give the user of the newspaper on the center screen videos

clips or more on the side screens, as the user progresses in any direction so

does the pathway fore and aft...

And we need to put people to work installing the Wideband...

EDU would need to locate and acquire a video game company. Video

Games have the proven profit track record, it is much easier to raise capitalfor a company with 7 consecutive quarters of profit, and the infrastructure

to bill for usage in real time over the internet.

gkraftEntrepreneur Incubator - EDU Entrepreneur Development University!


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Game Companies and have Tax advantages, and have recurring cash flowonline products that evolve... Distribution channels in place, methods to

market, etc.

Video Game companies can develop using a cross compiler environment

(Multiplatform) for eLearning class games. Use some or all of their librar-

ies for animation of object movement with voice over, music THX is de-sired, et al.

Digital Story Telling is hot area of interest, who is the leader, cash posi-tion?

At home eLearning needs Learn by doing with a Digital Video Camera or

Digital Camera, or ? Learn by doing and having to do a Digital Book Re-


Graded by AARP and active school teachers that get it...

We can with a wideband Internet help each other help each other, Globally.

which is a pretty good back up system to the FAX.

EDU for America, and its people and the world to communicate and tradethus reducing tensions and bringing tourism to America to sell our wayout...

we could skip the wideband part, while we Sprint to the finish line, lets

pump up the volume! Use the EDU Plan to employ people even if for shortgkraftEntrepreneur Incubator - EDU Entrepreneur Development University!


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contracts to install wideband nationwide... and then educate the peopleby eLearning that is captivating, and like a video game, the user can’t waitto learn more... to win.

gkraftEntrepreneur Incubator - EDU Entrepreneur Development University!


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Page 31: Edu goals and objectives reasons

EDU Plan

the EDU Plan is a concept to engage American Industry, and Business Incuba-tors to create solutions to eLearning. And is the primary area of interestsince it can, using the Internet, produce immediate results for those want-

ing to learn as rapidly as possible. Motivated learners... The missing link

has always been the Investment.

To accelerate the EDU Plan and the economy a very large infusion of capi-tal into a Central Revenue Stream, coming from the eLearning Gameware.

gkraftEntrepreneur Incubator - EDU Entrepreneur Development University!


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EA is the king in the Game Software market. EAhas the talent to bring“TITLES” to market. The billing system in place and the ability to work

with the many Game Developers under the EAblanket...

eLearning is a game. now it can generate cash... simple math to Historyof the World, and Geography, and ... just more TITLES...

Learn at the Speed of Sight via 3D animation, videos, and textual informa-tion and other related digital content, is the goal of the EDU eLearning fo-cus. Visual learning that can advance at the speed of the user imteraction

during the learning process, using Playstation and XBOX design and en-

gines to learn while playing a game. Same as succeed proceed, fail retry...

From the simplicity of Khan Academy on YouTube for teaching complexmath, Business Stocks, etc. using the most simple whiteboard and colored pens,

awesome simplicity. Works.

To the output of the nations educational and University’s to the BusinessColleges that always find a diamond in the rough from off the streets...

It seems to me we find a lot of hungry Entrepreneurs outside of the formal Univer-

sity environment.... Jobs, Gates, etc.

gkraftEntrepreneur Incubator - EDU Entrepreneur Development University!


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Page 33: Edu goals and objectives reasons

eLearning needs to have a large angle of view of courseware to determinethe most rapid learning techniques to become standardized Framework, ofa ISO International Standard Organization like ISO 9001 for education.

Equal footing Globally... extensive effort already underway on eLearningin India...

Without a ISO standard for eLearning, no seamless architecture will pre-vail.

One Man Band Hat...

gkraftEntrepreneur Incubator - EDU Entrepreneur Development University!


Tuesday, March 5, 13