EDU 310 ASSIST Teaching Effectively Edu310assistdotcom

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  • 8/18/2019 EDU 310 ASSIST Teaching Effectively Edu310assistdotcom


      DU 310 ASSIST Teaching ffe

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  • 8/18/2019 EDU 310 ASSIST Teaching Effectively Edu310assistdotcom


    EDU 310 Entire Course

    • EDU 310 Wee 1 Individual Assignment !ain "actors of #esson $la ns EDU 310 Wee 1 D% 1EDU 310 Wee 1 D% & EDU 310 Wee & Individual Assignment #esson Com$onents 'a$er EDU 310 Wee & Team Assignment Writing ()*ectives Activity EDU 310 Wee & D% 1EDU 310 Wee & D% & EDU 310 Wee 3 Individual Assignment Coo$erative #earning 'rese ntation 

    EDU 310 Wee 3 Team Assignment Coo$erative #earning Activity a nd #esson 'lan EDU 310 Wee 3 D% 1

  • 8/18/2019 EDU 310 ASSIST Teaching Effectively Edu310assistdotcom


    EDU 310 Wee 1 D% 1

    • +o, do o)serva)le and measura)le o)*ectives hel$ teachers and s tudents demonstrate accounta)ility-

  • 8/18/2019 EDU 310 ASSIST Teaching Effectively Edu310assistdotcom


    EDU 310 Wee 1 D% &

    • Decision maing is a )asic sill for teachers. What ty$es of decision s must teachers mae- What resources do teachers have availa)let hel$ them mae a decision-

  • 8/18/2019 EDU 310 ASSIST Teaching Effectively Edu310assistdotcom


    EDU 310 Wee 1 Individual Assignment !ain

     "actors of #esson $lans•   Indiv idual ss ignment/ !ain "actors of #esson 'lans 'a$er •   1esource/ The ,e)site2 ,,,.n)$  2 contains information relat 

    ed to the ational 4oard for 'rofessional Teaching Standards2 as , ell as $$. 55i655iv 7 Ch.1 of !ethods for Effective Teaching.

    •  Write a 3809 to :009,ord$a$er in ,hich you identify the main fact 

    ors to consider ,hen lesson $lanning and identify the differences)et,een goals and o)serva)le and measura)le o)*ectives. Conside r the follo,ing factors/ 

    • The frame,or for teaching2 )ased on Danielson;s

  • 8/18/2019 EDU 310 ASSIST Teaching Effectively Edu310assistdotcom


    EDU 310 Wee & Individual Assignment #e

    sson Com$onents 'a$er• Individual Assignment/ #esson 'lan Com$onents Ta)le • esource/University !aterial/ #esson 'lan Com$onents Ta)le 

    • #ocate three ne, lesson $lans2 each from a different content area2on the Internet or from a $u)lished source.

    •Com$lete the University !aterial/ #esson 'lan Com$onents Ta)le ) 

     y descri)ing the lesson com$onents2 the com$onents you feel are l acing2 the learning styles addressed2 the instructional strategies u sed in each lesson2 and the $ur$ose of each strategy.

  • 8/18/2019 EDU 310 ASSIST Teaching Effectively Edu310assistdotcom


    EDU 310 Wee & Team Assignment Writing ()*ectiv

    es Activity

    • #earning Team Assignment/ Writing ()*ectives Activity 

    • esources/University !aterial/ 4loom;s Ta5onomy !atri5 and Univ ersity !aterial/ A4CD ()*ective Writing !ethod 

    • Select one content standard as the focus of an instructional unit.

    •Write the title of your unit )ased on your chosen content standard.

    • Write an o)*ective for each of the si5 4loom;s cognitive $rocess di mensions using the A4CD method for ,riting o)*ectives/

  • 8/18/2019 EDU 310 ASSIST Teaching Effectively Edu310assistdotcom


    EDU 310 Wee 3 D% 1

    • +o, does differentiation allo, for students; needs to )e met in theclassroom- 'rovide several e5am$les of differentiation in a lesson$lan.

  • 8/18/2019 EDU 310 ASSIST Teaching Effectively Edu310assistdotcom


    EDU 310 Wee 3 D% &

    • +o, might you determine the maeu$ of coo$erative grou$s-

  • 8/18/2019 EDU 310 ASSIST Teaching Effectively Edu310assistdotcom


    EDU 310 Wee 3 Individual Assignment Coo$

    erative #earning 'resentation• Individual Assignment/ Coo$erative #earning 'resentation 

    •esource/University !aterial/ A$$endi5 A

    •evie, the t,o assignment o$tions $rovided in A$$endi5 A.

    •Select and com$lete one of the o$tions.

  • 8/18/2019 EDU 310 ASSIST Teaching Effectively Edu310assistdotcom


    EDU 310 Wee 3 Team Assignment Coo$erative #ear

    ning Activity and #esson 'lan

    • #earning Team Assignment/ Coo$erative #earning Activity and #ess on 'lan 

    • esource/University !aterial/ #esson 'lan Criti>ue 

    • #ocate a lesson $lan that has a coo$erative learning activity to $res 

    ent to your #earning Team. Alternatively2 you may locate an e5istin  g lesson $lan and incor$orate a coo$erative learning activity into it .

    • Discuss the characteristics and structures of the coo$erative learni ng activities ,ith your #earning Team. 4e sure to address the im$o 

    rtant com$onents of grou$ )uilding.• Select a state standard as the )asis of a lesson or instruction.

  • 8/18/2019 EDU 310 ASSIST Teaching Effectively Edu310assistdotcom


    EDU 310 Wee ? D% 1

    • What is the difference )et,een formative and summative assessm ent- When might you use each one of these ty$es of assessments i n your classroom-

  • 8/18/2019 EDU 310 ASSIST Teaching Effectively Edu310assistdotcom


    EDU 310 Wee ? D% &

    • Why should teachers assess students; $rior no,ledge-

  • 8/18/2019 EDU 310 ASSIST Teaching Effectively Edu310assistdotcom


    EDU 310 Wee ? Individual ()servation of

    Teacher Intervie, :00 ,ords• Individual TasStream Assignment/ ()servation on Teacher Intervi 

    e, and #esson Im$lementation 

    • esources/ %uestions for Teacher Intervie, on #esson 'lanning an d %uestions for Teacher ()servation on #esson Im$lementation.

    Intervie, a teacher ,ith res$ect to lesson $lan develo$ment.• ()serve a teacher im$lementing a lesson in a classroom setting.

    • 're$are a :009,ord reflection of the o)servation2 addressing all >u estions2 and include a summary of your im$ressions of the intervie , and the o)servation.

  • 8/18/2019 EDU 310 ASSIST Teaching Effectively Edu310assistdotcom


    EDU 310 Wee ? Individual TasStream

     Assignment Self9Assessment of Dis$ositions

    • Individual TasStream Assignment/ Self9Assessment of Dis$ositions 

    • Com$lete the Self9Assessment of Dis$ositions form in TasStream.

    • The $ur$ose of the self9evaluation of dis$ositions is for you to useself9reflection to determine your dis$osition to,ard teaching.

    This analysis $rovides you ,ith feed)ac regarding your $ersonal > ualities related to the teaching $rofession as ,ell as areas that youcontinue to develo$ throughout your $rogram of study.

    • Access this form in TasStream in the Assignments D" via the cou rse lin.

    •Su)mit this form to your faculty mem)er in your e9$ortfolio.

  • 8/18/2019 EDU 310 ASSIST Teaching Effectively Edu310assistdotcom


    EDU 310 Wee ? Team Assignment Assessment 're


    • #earning Team Assignment/ Assessment 'resentation 

    •Create a )rochure that a student teacher or mentee could refer tofor guidance that offers the follo,ing information/ 

    • Com$ares formal and informal assessments 

    Defines formative and summative assessment strategies • E5$lainsauthentic assessment 

    • 'rovides three e5am$les of formative and three e5am$les of sum mative assessments and ,hen they are a$$ro$riate to use in the cl assroom

  • 8/18/2019 EDU 310 ASSIST Teaching Effectively Edu310assistdotcom


    EDU 310 Wee 8 D% 1

    • What ty$es of technological tools can teachers use today to hel$ th em in $lanning2 learning2 and assessment-

  • 8/18/2019 EDU 310 ASSIST Teaching Effectively Edu310assistdotcom


    EDU 310 Wee 8 D% &

    • +o, do you $lan to use reflection as a teacher- +o, can reflection  2 in addition to assessment2 drive instruction-

  • 8/18/2019 EDU 310 ASSIST Teaching Effectively Edu310assistdotcom


    EDU 310 Wee 8 Individual Assignment @id

    eo eflection Chart and Summary• Individual Assignment/ @ideo eflection Chart and Summary 

    •  1esources/ @ideos/ #esson on 4irds and A #esson on "ractions2 an 

    d University !aterial/ @ideo eflection Chart 

    •  Watch the #esson on 4irds and A #esson on "ractions videos.

      ssume the role of the teacher in )oth videos and com$lete the U niversity !aterial/ @ideo eflection Chart.

  • 8/18/2019 EDU 310 ASSIST Teaching Effectively Edu310assistdotcom


    EDU 310 Wee 8 Individual TasStream

     Assignment #esson 'lan

    • Individual TasStream Assignment/ #esson 'lan 

    • esource/ EDU310 TasStream Assignment/ #esson 'la n 

    •Develo$ a lesson $lan in TasStream2 using the to$ic yo u $iced in Wee T,o.

    • Su)mit your lesson $lan to your TasStream.

  • 8/18/2019 EDU 310 ASSIST Teaching Effectively Edu310assistdotcom


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