ELECTRICIDADE DE MOÇAMBIQUE, E.P. com energia energia energia energia construimos futuro futuro futuro futuro 1 EDM RURAL ELECTRIFICATION PLAN EDM RURAL ELECTRIFICATION PLAN By Marcelino Alberto Executive Board Member [email protected] EDM, E.P. Mozambique Maputo 16 th November 2011 Rural Electrification Forum Rural Electrification Forum 2011 2011


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ELECTRICIDADE DE MOÇAMBIQUE, E.P. com energiaenergiaenergiaenergia construimos futurofuturofuturofuturo1


By Marcelino AlbertoExecutive Board [email protected]

EDM, E.P.Mozambique

Maputo 16th November 2011

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ELECTRICIDADE DE MOÇAMBIQUE, E.P. com energiaenergiaenergiaenergia construimos futurofuturofuturofuturo2

� The EDM as a State Company was established in 1977, two years after the independence of Mozambique.

� Its aim was the establishment and operation of public service ofproduction, transmission and distribution of electricity.

� Within the context of restructuring the economy of the country in 1995, the EDM was transformed into public company, through Decree 28/95, inherited a burden of debt associated with the investment made in hard return of capital.

� Attention focused on the rehabilitation of infrastructure damaged during the war, improving the quality of service and the economic and financial profitability of the Company.

� The EDM as a State Company was established in 1977, two years after the independence of Mozambique.

� Its aim was the establishment and operation of public service ofproduction, transmission and distribution of electricity.

� Within the context of restructuring the economy of the country in 1995, the EDM was transformed into public company, through Decree 28/95, inherited a burden of debt associated with the investment made in hard return of capital.

� Attention focused on the rehabilitation of infrastructure damaged during the war, improving the quality of service and the economic and financial profitability of the Company.

Company Profile:

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ELECTRICIDADE DE MOÇAMBIQUE, E.P. com energiaenergiaenergiaenergia construimos futurofuturofuturofuturo3

Mission:Exploration of generation, transmission, distribution and sales of electrical services of good quality safeguarding the public and environmental interests for the benefit of the consumer.

Mission:Exploration of generation, transmission, distribution and sales of electrical services of good quality safeguarding the public and environmental interests for the benefit of the consumer.


The company:

Vision:Create, in a sustainable manner, value through the total satisfaction of clients' needs in electrical energy and related services.

Vision:Create, in a sustainable manner, value through the total satisfaction of clients' needs in electrical energy and related services.

Rural Electrification Forum Rural Electrification Forum 20112011

ValuesIntegrity, Professionalism and Diligence


with energy we build the future

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ELECTRICIDADE DE MOÇAMBIQUE, E.P. com energiaenergiaenergiaenergia construimos futurofuturofuturofuturo4

� Promote actions in order to construct new thermal and Hydro stations

namely: Mphanda Nkuwa, Moatize, Moamba, Benga, Boroma & Lupata,

Alto Malema, Lurio and Massingir;

� Rehabilitation of Mavuzi and Chicamba Hydro stations



� 110 kV Nampula - Pemba;

� 110 kV Cuamba - Lichinga;

� 110kv Lichinga – Metangula;

� 220 KV Chibata – Dondo;

Reinforcement of transmission network through construction of new lines

namely to connect the follow business centers to main grid:

�110 kV Pemba - Montepuez –


�110 kV Alto Molocue – Gile;

�400 kV Songo – Maputo;

�110 kV Manhiça – Macia;

�400 kV Songo - Nacala

Five years GoM action plan 2004 - 2009

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Rural Electrification Forum Rural Electrification Forum 20112011

Five years GoM action plan


� Proceed with process of rehabilitation and reinforcement of distribution

network and household connections increasing the reliability of electricity

supply with priority of urban and peri- urban areas;

� Proceed with Rural electrification extension with priority the connection of

more District capitals to national network;

� Connection of about 80.000 new customers/year

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ELECTRICIDADE DE MOÇAMBIQUE, E.P. com energiaenergiaenergiaenergia construimos futurofuturofuturofuturo6


Indicator * 2005 2010 2015 2020

Electrification ratio 6.7% 11.4% 17.5% 25.6%

HH connected 298,523 567,009 976,510 1,590,985

Population million 18.8 21.0 23.4 26.1

Rural Electrification Forum 2011

In 2004 EdM has developed Master plan which indicate total investment of

2.819,6 MUSD to meet the GoM strategy within the period 2005 – 2019, with the

following main actions:

• Connect all the provincial capital to the main grid which is supported by the

big hydro source Cahora Bassa with 2075 MW capacity;

• Connect all district head quarters to main grid;

• Elevate the number of customers from 263 000 in 2004 to 1590 985 in


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ELECTRICIDADE DE MOÇAMBIQUE, E.P. com energiaenergiaenergiaenergia construimos futurofuturofuturofuturo7


Key factors determinant for selection of electrification areas:

o Economic;

� Physical conditions such as communications, access roads in particular, agro-economic potential, natural conditions in general

� Economic development potential in general for the area, including tourism

� Particular development projects, for example an industrial project, with need for electricity and the benefits that other infrastructure and the area in general can derive from this electrification

� Distance to the existing grid.

o Social;

� Population characteristics such as size and density of settlements, type of housing, level of development/income

� Local administration planning of infrastructure for the province and individual districts, schools, hospital and health unit

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Rural Electrification Forum Rural Electrification Forum 20112011


To achieve the goals 28 projects where designed to be implemented within the

period 2005 – 2019 as follow.

Master Plan Planned Projects

Planned COST (MUSD) Executed

Transmission 6 2.091,00 3

Grid Extension 10 320.00 9

Distribution 6 66.76 3

Intensification Projects 1 201.29 1

Generation 4 35.27 1

Load Dispatch 1 18.82 1

Total 28 2.733,14 18


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ELECTRICIDADE DE MOÇAMBIQUE, E.P. com energiaenergiaenergiaenergia construimos futurofuturofuturofuturo9

PackageEdM Region and


Household Connections

Development Costs in USD


1 Central,Zambezia

Pebane, Lugela and Ile Districts 15,102 23.272

2 Northern,Cabo Delgado

Chiure Districts 11,684 15.195

3 Northern,Niassa

Cuamba and Mecanhelas Districts 7,343 10.789

4 Northern, Nampula

Nacala-a-Velha, Angoche, Meconte and Mogovolas Districts

16,116 16.116

5 Northern, Niassa

Marrupa, Nipepe and Lago Districts 7,366 12.342

6 Central,Tete and Manica

Tsangano (Tete), Barue (Manica), Gondola (Manica)

10,829 15.472

7 Southern,Gaza

Mandlakaza District 6,415 10.009

8 Southern,Maputo

Boane District 3,024 4.363

9 Southern,Inhambane

Hormoine, Morrumbene Districts 7,073 9.539

74.916 117.097


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Rural Electrification Forum Rural Electrification Forum 20112011

National Transmission Grid in 2004



EDM: 118 MVA

HCB: 2 400 MVA

TOTAL: 2 518 MVA


EDM: 3 568 Km

HCB (IPP): 2 269 Km


TOTAL 6 437 Km


MV & BT 7700 km

CUSTOMERS 263.918 (5.8%)


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EDM: 118 MVA

HCB: 2 400 MVA

TOTAL: 2 518 MVA


EDM: 6.979 Km

HCB (IPP): 2 269 Km


TOTAL 9 848 Km


MV & LV 11.800 km



Rural Electrification Forum 2011

National Transmission Grid in 2011


All Capital Districts All Capital Districts


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ELECTRICIDADE DE MOÇAMBIQUE, E.P. com energiaenergiaenergiaenergia construimos futurofuturofuturofuturo12

Rural Electrification Forum 2011

Project Implemented 2004 – 2011 (Southern Region)


(MUSD)Construction of 275/66KV Matola Substation (Dezember 2006) Kuwait/Opec 18.50Reabilitation of Matola Distribution Network ( December 2005) DBSA 12,00Reabilitation of Maputo/Matola (October 2005) ICO/SPAIN 7,77Electrification of Morrumbene, Massinga, Morrungulo e

Mavila (April 2008)


Reabilitation and reiforcement of Maputo distribution system

(May 2008)

DANIDA 23,50

Commissioning of 2nd transformer at Machava Substatation DBSA 0.38Electrification of Maputo – Magoanine using Low-cost tecniques (Nov 2004)


LCREP - Inhambane DANIDA 11.4Electricity II EdM 0.4Rural Electrification to Gaza Province (December 2009) EXIM BANK 20,00Rehabilitation of infrastructures damaged by Paiol Explosion DANIDA 4.3ERAP PROJECT IDA 16,00Nacional Control Center (April 2008) DANIDA 4,86


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Rural Electrification of Namacurra (Dezember 2005)

Electrification de Namacurra, Maquival, Zalala, Macuse, Maganja

da Costa e Inhassunge.

NORAD 8,76

Rural Electrification of Sofala, Manica e Tete (Dezember 2008) ASDI 16.3

Rural Electrification of Chibabava-Sofala Province (Junho 2009) DANIDA 4.34

Rural Electrification of Gorongosa (Junho 2005) KFW 4,35

Rural Electrification to Zambeze Province-Gilé( December 2008) EXIM BANK 10

Rural Electrification to Zambeze Province-Pebane ( December 2008) NORADA 6,0

SVC - Mocuba GoM 10.03Rehabilitation of Chimoio SE and acquisition of 110/33/22 kv, 10 MVA mobile SE

Belgium 6.3

Electrification of Marromeu (110kV) (Nov 2007) KFW 8,83

Rural Electrification Forum 2011

Project Implemented 2004 – 2011 (Center Region)

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Rural Electrification to Districts of Tete Province (April 2009)

Electrification of Furancungo, chifund, Mphend, Tsangano, Chioa,

Chipalapala, Dúmue, e Zumbo.

GdM/EU 32,0

Rehabilitation of Beira Distribution network DBSA 14,0



Rural Electrification Forum 2011

Implemented Project 2004 – 2011 (Center Region)

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110 kV line Nampula - Pemba - Fase I (Dezembro 2005) BADEA/BID 27,97Rural Electrification to Cabo Delgado-Fase II (April 2010)

Electrification of Metoro, Ancuabe, Montepuez, Chiure e Namapa.


Rural Electrification to Cabo Delgado-Fase III (Dez 2011)

Electrification of Macomia, Meluco, Mocimboa da Praia, Nangade, Mueda Meluco, Ibo, Matemo and Quirimbas.




110 KV line Gurué - Cuamba - Lichinga (Dez 2005)

Electrification of Lichinga, Maniamba, Metangula, Cuamba, Lúrio,

Mutuali, Malema,Gurué, Lioma, Socone, Errego e Namarroi.




Rural Electrification Mecanhelas and Maua (Marrupa) Niassa Province (July 2010).




Feasibility study for Lurio hydropower station (Dez 2009). USTDA 6,00Low Cost Rural Electrification Project ( For All country) DANIDA 1,00ERAP PROJECT IDA 6,00TOTAL NORTHERN REGION 146,65

Rural Electrification Forum 2011

Implemented Project 2004 – 2011 (Northern Region)

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Southern Region 123.77

Center Region 126.91

Northern Region 146.65

Total Investment 397,33

Rural Electrification Forum 2011

Implemented Project 2004 – 2011 (SUMMARY)

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Rural Electrification Forum 2011

Ongoing Projects – 2011

Item Name of the ProjectCost in


1 Feasibility Study of Second Line Caia - Nampula 1.80 IDA

2 Feasibility Study for Electrification of Vilanculos 0.05 ASDI

3Feasibility Study of the Central - South Line (Cesul)

6.00 IDA/Noroega

4 Integrated Management System (Sigem)

6.74 IDA

5Update of Master Plan 2010-2027

1.30 AFD

6Capacity Building

4.00 Suecia

7 Rehabilitation and Reiforcement of Distribution network. Maputo City (Lot 1); 33.35 Portugal

8 Rehabilitation and Reiforcement of distribution network. Maputo City (Lot 2) 31.90 Portugal

9 Assembly of the Second Transformer in Matambo SS 13.00 Banco Mundial

10 110kV Transmission Line Mavuzi - Chibabava 8.50 EU

11 Rehabilitation Chimoio SS and Acquisition of Mobile SS 110/33/22 kV 10 MVA 6.30 Reino da Belgica

12 Electricity IV (Chibata - Dondo 220kV) 55.00 ADB/OPEC

13 Rural Electrification of north area of Gaza Province (110kV Lionde - Mapai) 54.00 Exim Bamk da Correia

14 LCREP of Niassa 11.40 IDB

15 EDAP (Expansion MV Network in Maputo, Manica, Tete, Nampula and Cabo Delgado) 147.70 BM/Afund/OFID/AFD/EIB

16 Rural Electrification of Chibabava and Buzi, Sofala Province 9.67 Suecia / Dinamarca

17 Rural Electrification of Niassa, Cabo Delgado and Manica Provinces 25.00 EXIM BANK/INDIA


19 Rehabilitation of Matambo SE 12.00 WB

20 Rural Electrification of Nampula, Zambezia and Inhambane 30.00 EXIM BANK INDIA

21 Rural Electrification of Cabo Delgado Phase III- Adendum 12.00 BADEA

22 SVC Nampula 13.00 NORAD

Rural Electrification of Chimbonila 2.00 NORAD

23 Rural Electrification of Pande 3.00 GoM

24 Electricity III 19.33 ADB/OPEC

TOTAL - Ongoing Projects 657.04

1. Ongoig projects

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Electrified Capital Districts 2004 - 2011

104104 DistrictsDistricts

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New Connections and Number of Customers

Rural Electrification Forum 2011

The electricity access18% today) however still very low;

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ELECTRICIDADE DE MOÇAMBIQUE, E.P. com energiaenergiaenergiaenergia construimos futurofuturofuturofuturo20

� Use of national fix tariff;

� Use of cross subside to maintain the rural areas were there is no profits

� Use of pre paid meters to stimulate the low income consumers;

� Use funds from the donors for investment in rural electrification;

� Use of different stakeholders in electrification process ( EDM operations

areas, local and foreign sub contractors; local e foreign consultancies)

� Continuous investment in human resource skill improvement;

� Investment of around 70 MUSD per year in rural electrification ( 65%

from de donor source and 35% from EDM);

Rural Electrification Forum 2011

Rural Electrification – Grid Extension strategy

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ELECTRICIDADE DE MOÇAMBIQUE, E.P. com energiaenergiaenergiaenergia construimos futurofuturofuturofuturo21

� All our main transmission & Distribution corridors are running

over 90% of load;

� Our main substation are also running 80-95% of the installed

capacity and are no long able to take constantly demand of the


� The demand in the country are growing in the around 15%.

And the distribution infrastructures such transformers, cables

and lines needs to be rehabilitated and reinforced;

Implemetation of the master plan Implemetation of the master plan -- consequencesconsequences

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ELECTRICIDADE DE MOÇAMBIQUE, E.P. com energiaenergiaenergiaenergia construimos futurofuturofuturofuturo22

1. HCB Allocations;

2. Rehabilitation and

reconversion of the

existent Power stations;

3. New Power stations:

a) Short term(1-3

years) using natural

gas as a resource;

b) Medium term (> 4

years) using hydro

and coal resources;

Load forecasting and supplying options

> 400 MW

[ MW]

Rural Electrification Forum 2011

Implemetation of the master plan Implemetation of the master plan -- consequencesconsequences

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Rural Electrification Forum 2011

Future Plan


UPDATE OF 2004 – 2019 MASTER PLAN to 2012 – 2027 PERIOD

EdM has mobilized MUSD 2.5 from AFD (France Development Agency) and contracted consultancy services to update the 2004 – 2019 Master Plan.

It is expected to be concluded by mid of 2012

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ELECTRICIDADE DE MOÇAMBIQUE, E.P. com energiaenergiaenergiaenergia construimos futurofuturofuturofuturo24

• Achieve a electrification ratio of 44% in 2021;

• Improve the quality supply in the main cities, industrial areas and

expansion areas;

• Continue implementation of loss reduction program and reduce the

losses to 18%;

• Implementation and consolidation of the modernization programs

such SIGEM ( integrated business unity, credelec online, automatic

meter reading)

• Mobilize investments of MUSD 3406.4 within 2011 to 2021 which

implies an annual investment of MUSD 340/year

New Expansion Plan 2011 - 2021

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New Expansion Plan 2011 - 2021

Rural Electrification Forum 2011

No. Projects Budget[MUSD]

01 Generation Projects 1,414.00

02Rural Electrification Projects


03Reinforcement and rehabilitation projects 562.84

04 Transmission projects 1,149.28

Total planned projects 3,406.40

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Conclusions and WAY FORWARD

� Even with such bigger efforts the electrification ratio still very low 18%

� The continues donnor support will be crucial for rural electrification and massification;

� Continues monitoring and proper planning of new off grid areas to be electrified;

� Implementation of rural electrification low cost strategy has to continue.

� Consolidation of the prepaid meters in rural areas must continue

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