Edld5397 week 2_assignment_su2_11_2[1]

EDLD 5397 Internship for Supervision Week 2 Assignment (100 Points) Steve Pinkney Overview The purpose of this week’s assignment is to provide the opportunity to review progress toward completion of the requirements of your 18 month internship. During this week’s activities, you will: 1. Participate in an optional web conference. Schedule will be announced. 2. Participate in the Discussion Board forum (see details of due dates in rubric). 3. Complete a Practice Lamar Comprehensive Exam (PLCE) and Review (due week 2). 4. Schedule a meeting with your campus-supervisor/mentor to review your internship plan, and update and revise the internship plan as agreed upon with campus-supervisor/mentor (to be submitted week 5). 5. Submit a written summary (150 words) reflecting on your progress in completing the internship activities in your plan. (due end of week 2) 6. Principal Internship Site-supervisor/Mentor Evaluation (PISE) and/or the Educational Technology Leadership Site-supervisor/Mentor Evaluation (ETLISE) (due week 5) 7. Reflect on your reflections (due end of week 2) Learning Outcomes Candidates will: Identify progress and gaps in mastery of the national standards and/or state competencies. Understand the importance of learning from reflection during the internship, research project, and professional career. Identify successes and learning from failures in using the ten leadership skills. Performance Outcomes 2011 Lamar University Page 1 of 13

Transcript of Edld5397 week 2_assignment_su2_11_2[1]

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EDLD 5397 Internship for Supervision

Week 2 Assignment (100 Points) Steve Pinkney


The purpose of this week’s assignment is to provide the opportunity to review progress toward completion of the requirements of your 18 month internship.

During this week’s activities, you will:

1. Participate in an optional web conference. Schedule will be announced.2. Participate in the Discussion Board forum (see details of due dates in rubric).3. Complete a Practice Lamar Comprehensive Exam (PLCE) and Review (due week 2).4. Schedule a meeting with your campus-supervisor/mentor to review your internship plan,

and update and revise the internship plan as agreed upon with campus-supervisor/mentor (to be submitted week 5).

5. Submit a written summary (150 words) reflecting on your progress in completing the internship activities in your plan. (due end of week 2)

6. Principal Internship Site-supervisor/Mentor Evaluation (PISE) and/or the Educational Technology Leadership Site-supervisor/Mentor Evaluation (ETLISE) (due week 5)

7. Reflect on your reflections (due end of week 2)

Learning OutcomesCandidates will:

Identify progress and gaps in mastery of the national standards and/or state competencies.

Understand the importance of learning from reflection during the internship, research project, and professional career.

Identify successes and learning from failures in using the ten leadership skills.

Performance OutcomesCandidates will be able to:

Review your intern plan and assess progress in the ten leadership skills development. Summarize learning from reflective practice used in the internship. Assess intern logs to date and evaluate progress and needs for completion of total

hours. Review and update your overall Internship Plan by

a.) Reviewing progress on the internship plan with your site-supervisor/mentor.b.) Revise the internship plan, ensuring that the plan includes the following:

i. Addresses all 9 competenciesii. Provides hands-on experiences in key areas of leadershipiii. Addresses intern’s needs in specific domains/competenciesiv. Addresses campus needs v. Addresses rationale for changes to the plan.

Complete the Practice Lamar Comprehensive Exam (PLCE) and the PLCE Review.

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EDLD 5397 Internship for Supervision


Standards- ELCC 1 through 5 and competencies 1through 9 are addressed via a review and revision of the 38 activities in the internship plan.

Assignment Due Date: All weekly assignment components are due by 11:59 p.m. on the seventh day of Week 2 unless the activity directions specify different instructions.

RubricUse the following Rubric to guide your work on the Week 2 Assignment.

EDLD 5397

Week 2


Accomplished/Exceeds Standards

Proficient/Meets Standards

Needs Improvement/Approaches Standards

Unacceptable/Does Not Meet Standards

Part 1Web Conference

The candidate participates in the weekly web conference and submits a reflection.(1 point)

n n The candidate does not participate in the weekly web conference.(0 points)

Part 2ADiscussion BoardPrompt A

The candidate clearly addresses the discussion prompt with a minimum of one paragraph.(9 points)

The candidate addresses the discussion prompt with one or two sentences.(7 points)

The candidate very minimally addresses the discussion prompt. (5 points)

The candidate does not address the discussion prompt. (0 points)

Part 2BDiscussion BoardPrompt B

The candidate clearly addresses the discussion prompt with a minimum of one paragraph.(10 points)

The candidate addresses the discussion prompt with one or two sentences for both parts. (8 points)

The candidate very minimally addresses the discussion prompt. (5 points)

The candidate does not address the discussion prompt. (0 points)

Part 3

Take Practice LCE

The candidate completes the Practice Lamar Comprehensive Exam (PLCE). The candidate provides the score.(25 points)

The candidate does not complete the PLCE.(0 points)

Part 4

PLCE Review

The candidate completes the PLCE Review and writes a paragraph summarizing the areas/competencies where the candidate had difficulty.(10 points)

Student does not complete the PLCE Review. No summary provided.(0 points)

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EDLD 5397 Internship for Supervision

Part 5

Submit Principal Internship Supervisor/Mentor Evaluation (PISE)/and/or the ETLISE and reflection.*Due Week 5

PISE and/or the ETLISE completed and reflection provided.

No partial credit given.

No partial credit given.

PISE and/or the ETLISE is not completed.

Part 6A

Internship Plan Progress Summary

Review progress and reflect on internship plan progress with campus-supervisor/mentor.

The candidate submits a written summary (150 words) reflecting on progress in completing the activities in the internship plan.Summary includes decisions made regarding adequacy of plan in the following 5 key areas: 1) addresses all 9 competencies, 2) provides hands-on experiences in key areas of leadership as suggested in lecture,3) addresses intern’s needs in specific domains/competencies, 4) addresses campus needs, and

5) addresses rationale for changes to the plan. (20 points)

Written summary addresses 3 of the 5 key areas regarding the plan’s adequacy.

(18 points)

Written summary addresses 2 of the 5 key areas regarding the plan’s adequacy.

(16 points)

Written summary addresses 1 or none of the 5 key areas regarding the plan’s adequacy.Student addresses zero of 3 or does not submit assignment.(0 points)

Part 6B

*Due Week 5Revised Internship Plan

Student submits a revised internship plan that reflects updates per review with campus-supervisor. If no revisions are made, a rationale is noted in the reflective summary. Activities are aligned with

Revised plan reflects updates per review.

If no revisions are made, a rationale is noted in the reflective summary.Activities are not aligned with competencies in

Attempt to revise plan is not evident, and rationale for not revising plan is not included.

Revised plan is not submitted.

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EDLD 5397 Internship for Supervision

competencies in plan. plan.

Part 7

Reflect on Your Reflections

150 word Reflection on Reflective Practice addresses the following:

1) Reflect s on what he/she has learned about self as a leader through the reflective exercises.

2) Shares how he/she uses reflective practice in his/her current position.

3) Shares how reflective practice has increased his/her leadership potential?

4) Cites APA as appropriate. (25 points)

Student addresses 2 of 3 in 100-150 words. (22 points)

Student addresses 1 of 3 in less than 100 words.(20 points)

Student addresses zero of 3 or does not submit assignment.(0 points)

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EDLD 5397 Internship for Supervision

Week 2 Assignment, Part 1: Web Conference (1 point)Due Week 2

During this class, you have the opportunity to participate in weekly web conferences. At the beginning of your course, the professor(s) will provide a list of scheduled web conferences and the URL to access the sessions.

You do not need to download or purchase additional software to participate in the conferences. However, a headset with microphone and web camera is preferred equipment. For further details, see the information sent to you by the professor(s) and/or Instructional Associate via email, discussion board, Virtual Office Hours, and/or announcements.

Directions: After reflecting on the attended web conference or listening to the recording of the conference, post insights gained from the discussion.


Week 2 Assignment, Part 2A and 2B: Discussion Board (19 points)Due Week 2

Directions: In the Discussion Board, address each discussion prompt by writing one paragraph in response to part A, and one paragraph in response to part B.

Initial response is due 4th day by 11:59 p.m. Respond to at least one colleague by 7th day @ 11:59 p.m.

Discussion Board Posting: Share your reflections on the internship so far.Part 2A) Identify your progress and gaps in mastery of the national standards (ELCC and/or ISTE Administrator/TF) and/or state competencies.

Part 2B) What has been the biggest surprise to you in your understandings? (can be positive or negative-please omit names if negative)

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In this web conference Dr. Mason began address the attendees regarding having all assignments due promptly. On week five all assignments are due on Friday the 16th. Dr. Mason reminds us that this we will be taking the LCE Practice exam. We are able to take this exam multiple times for our benefits The PLCE is a real example to what the real test looks like. The PISE and the ETLISE are forms that will be use for our personal self assessment about where we are in meeting these standards. And these forms will help me get feed back for my benefit. Dr. Mason also says we need to update our internship plan to show improvement. I will also address internship activities that I might have difficulty with as she suggested.

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EDLD 5397 Internship for Supervision

Week 2 Assignment, Part 3: Practice Lamar Competency Exam (PLCE) Results (25 points)

Due Week 2

Directions: Complete the Practice Lamar Competency Exam (PLCE) in the courseware and record your score in the workspace below.


Week 2 Assignment, Part 4: Practice Lamar Competency Exam (PLCE) Review (10 points)

Due Week 2

Directions: Complete the PLCE Review and, in the workspace, write a paragraph summarizing the areas/competencies where you had difficulty. Include steps you plan to take to prepare for the actual Lamar Competency Exam. Remember that you must earn a score of 80% or better to be given permission to take the TExES Principal exam.


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On the PLCE I missed question four and question fifteen. Question four dealt with communication, involving faculty as partners and gauging faculty with topics regarding male and female performance in the classroom. And question fifteen dealt with curriculum modifications. As I continue with this course I have to concentrate on the study of curriculum modifications. This will help me correctly answer these types of questions on the actual exam

I plan on studying for the LCE exam thoroughly and review other information and scenario questions as much as possible. Also I plan on retaking the PLCE to receive a better grade.

My score on the PLCE was 23 out of 25

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EDLD 5397 Internship for Supervision

Week 2 Assignment, Part 5: Principal Internship Supervisor/Mentor Evaluation (PISE) and/or the Educational Technology Leadership Internship Supervisor Evaluation (ETLISE)

Due Week 5

Directions: In Week 5, you will submit a completed Principal Internship Site-Supervisor/Mentor Evaluation (PISE) and/or the Educational Technology Leadership Internship Supervisor Evaluation . The purpose is to obtain feedback regarding your current progress in meeting the standards in your internship program campus activities. The candidates in the Educational Administration program (at a minimum) need to review and address the competencies within the PISE. Those individuals in the Educational Technology Leadership degree (at a minimum) should complete the ETLISE.

It is up to you to decide how best to complete the form(s) based upon where you are in your program and whether your site supervisor/mentor is available for dialogue and feedback. It may behoove you to meet with your supervisor/mentor about the content in the document(s) or you may feel it is more fitting to meet with a colleague or someone you have worked closely with during your internship to gain feedback regarding the Competencies and/or the Technology Facilitator Standards. Another option is to complete the form as a self-assessment. Whatever direction you elect to gain feedback, use the evaluation results as a tool to assess your current internship plan implementation status and to reflect upon your growth thus far in meeting the program’s standards.

Week 2 Assignment, Part 6A: Internship Plan Progress Summary (20 points)

Due Week 2

Directions: Review your internship plan, preferably with your Site-supervisor/Mentor, and submit a written summary (approximately 150 words) reflecting on progress in completing the activities in your plan. Use the workspace below to write your summary. The summary should include adequacy of the internship plan to address the following 5 key areas. Does the internship plan:

1.) address all 9 competencies, 2.) provide hands-on experiences in key areas of leadership as suggested in lecture,3.) address intern’s needs in specific domains/competencies, 4.) address campus needs, and5.) address rationale for changes to the plan?


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After going back and looking at my internship plan I realize some of the progress I’ve been making over this course. I have had the opportunity to experience and learn the nine competencies. Campus culture and professional learning has been one of my most recent site-supervised assignments that I’ve gained much knowledge. This summer I submitted internship logs regarding school budget. Since I am the head track coach and assistant football coach I’ve had the opportunity to work with business office employees regarding school budget. Also in my leadership role I’ve had to deal with certain confrontational situation with parents, other coaches and students that I had to resolve and overcome. Working closely with assistant principals has been very beneficial to me. They have provided me with advice to help me in certain situations. An area I haven’t much experience in is School Safety. I need to focus on reviewing the policies for student transportation and evaluate the extent to which the school is in compliance. The Principal said I need to make changes regarding Teacher/Staff evaluation development because the way teachers are being evaluated has changed in HISD.

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EDLD 5397 Internship for Supervision

Week 2 Assignment, Part 6B: Submit Revised Internship Plan

Due Week 5

Directions: In Week 5, you will submit a revised internship plan that reflects updates per review with your Site-supervisor/Mentor. If no revisions are made, please provide a rationale in the reflective summary (including comments from Site-supervisor/Mentor if possible) regarding adequacy of the internship plan. Use the information gained from the PISE and/or the ETLISE as a guide.

Reminder: Internship plan activities should be aligned with the 9 SBEC competencies and ten leadership skills areas and/or the 33 Tech Facilitator Indicators.

Week 2 Assignment, Part 7: Reflect on Your Reflections (25 points)Due Week 2

Directions: In the workspace below, write an approximately 150 word reflection on reflective practice that addresses all of the following:

Reflect on what you have learned about yourself as a leader through the reflective exercises.

Share how you use reflective practice in your current position.

Tell how reflective practice has increased your leadership potential.

Use APA to cite sources.


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Reflections have been a main focus in this academic program. I have come to realize that reflection is a major part in becoming an effective leader. What I’ve learned about myself from the start of this program is that I had no idea what it takes to run successful school and be an effective principal. Before the program I did possess leadership skills. I’ve been in leaderships positions before. But a leadership role in an education setting is very different from what I was used to. Since the start of the program my communication skills has increase which will help me become a better leader. Being a better communicator assist me with my delegation skills. I practice my delegation skills with students in the classroom and assistant coaches on the track. I often have students lead discussions, suggestion assignment ideas, and lead fundraisers. As head track coach I have my assistance help keep track of athletes grades, help with fundraiser, keep track of athletes times, and assist with transporting athletes just to name a few examples. My leadership practice has increased my leadership greatly. Reflections has giving me the opportunity to see the progress I have made in becoming a leader. Leaders must continually study their practices if they are to grow. Leaders need to concentrate on developing those practices that help them deliver their best work. This is how reflection can increase leadership potential.