
Pergamon Omega, Int. J. Mgmt Sci. Vol. 23, No. I, p. v, 1995 Elsevier Science Ltd. Printed in Great Britain EDITORIAL The contributions to the Memorandum section of Omega have not usually been published with an abstract and keywords. This may be inappropriate for some contributions, for example notes describing technical innovation or brief accounts of significant research. In future, therefore, I intend to allow authors the possibility of an abstract and/or keywords for suitable Memoranda, subject to editorial discretion. Correspondingly, these Memoranda will be presented differently, namely in the style of the present papers, and separately from any other Memoranda, under a sectional heading that suits the case. (The most usual such heading would, I expect, be Technical Note, but Research Report would be another possibility.) GEORGE MITCHELL

Transcript of Editorial

Pergamon Omega, Int. J. Mgmt Sci. Vol. 23, No. I, p. v, 1995

Elsevier Science Ltd. Printed in Grea t Britain


The contributions to the Memorandum section of Omega have not usually been published with an abstract and keywords. This may be inappropriate for some contributions, for example notes describing technical innovation or brief accounts of significant research. In future, therefore, I intend to allow authors the possibility of an abstract and/or keywords for suitable Memoranda, subject to editorial discretion.

Correspondingly, these Memoranda will be presented differently, namely in the style of the present papers, and separately from any other Memoranda, under a sectional heading that suits the case. (The most usual such heading would, I expect, be Technical Note, but Research Report would be another possibility.)