Editor Responds to Alameel-C

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  • 8/10/2019 Editor Responds to Alameel-C


    Excerpts of Dr. David Alameel of Election Night Speech Nov, 4th 2014

    Alameel Calls for an Uprising in the Democratic Party

    Election night speech below:

    "Thank you so very much. I want to thank each of you, for all your support

    during this campaign.

    I also want you to know that what started out as a campaign for U. S. Senate

    became a journey for many of us!

    When I first announced that I was interested in running for the U. S. Senate,

    our Party Headquarters in Austin flat out told me not to run.

    And if that was not offensive enough, they offered me a deal: that if I gave

    them a really big donation, like half a million dollars, then they would in

    effect bless my candidacy across Texas.

    TheEditor, Voice of the Mainland Response:

    Alameel teamed up w ith Luis Vera, the legal counsel for LULAC, to have Vera

    lead his Hispanic effort in Texas. Vera promised Alameel that Vera would

    use LULAC councils throughout Texas to serve as local anchor po ints for

    Alameel in the Hispanic community throughout Texas. As part of the trade

  • 8/10/2019 Editor Responds to Alameel-C


    off, Alameel would finance Veras political operatives to maintain control of

    National and Texas LULAC. The exchange involved Alameel paying for

    LULAC councils which would in turn support Veras candidates for district,

    state and national LULAC office. The exchange involved hundreds of

    thousands of dollars that were used to support the formation of LULAC

    councils that would send delegates to LULAC district, state and national

    conventions. The Texas convention was held in Houston in June of 2014 and

    the national convention of LULAC was held in New York City on July 12,

    2014. Alameel lost thousands of Hispanic voters from the vast LULAC

    organization in Texas who are opposed to the Luis Vera machine that is

    trying to retain control of national LULAC. Vera uses LULAC for political

    operations. In 2008, Vera, Rosa Rosales, the LULAC National President from

    2006 through 2010, were involved in similar money deals attaching LULAC

    to the Hillary Clinton federal campaign for national president. This story is

    covered in a federal indictment that has led to the conviction of Jeffrey E.

    Thompson, in the case styled, United States v. Jeffrey E. Thompson, 1:14-cr-

    0049, United States District Court for the District of Columbia. The portion

    of the 30 page Statement o f Offenses that accompanied the plea entered by

    Thompson refers to this effort as Shadow Campaign of in Support of

    Presidential Campaign 1. Vera and Rosales are referred to as Individual B

    and C, respectively, while LULAC is referred to Civic Organization A. A plea

    was entered in March of this year, but the court is still holding the case open

    to see the degree of cooperation that the U.S. Attorneys are going to get

    from Defendant Thompson. The amount of funds that Thompson ran

    thought the Vera operation, the Shadow Campaign, is said to be in the

    million dollar range. Vera is trying to position himself again to repeat this

    Shadow Campaign strategy again with Hillary Clinton, if she becomes a

    candidate for national office.

    Alameel should have done what thousands of LULACers aregoing to be

    asking Hillary Clinton to do do not use LULAC councils as anchor points in

    your quest for the office of National President. Use the normal channels that

    the Democratic party develops in the respective states. Using LULAC to run

    your political campaign in the vast Hispanic communities in the United States

    will make you enemies of honest Hispanic LULACers who want to support a

    Hillary Clinton candidacy.

    In the Alameel race LULACers who were opposed to the Luis Vera machine

    in LULAC were instructing their supporters in LULAC, their family and friends,

    to split the ticket and not vote for Alameel.

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    The reason Alameel lost was because of Alameel. He was as dumb as they

    come. What right thinking non-Hispanic politician thinks that they can come

    into an organization such as LULAC, as old and as big as they come, and

    think they can get away with putting money within the LULAC organization to

    support one faction in the organization and expect to get away w ith it

    without pushback. Alameel acted like he did and deserved to lose. He

    gained less Democratic support than Wendy and Leticia.

    A word to the w ise, keep your hands out of LULAC if you are seeking high


    When I refused, they decided to use all of their relationships against meand

    supported my opposition in the Primary, forcing our campaign to waste

    millions of dollars in unnecessary cost.

    TheEditor, Voice of the Mainland Response:

    Cry baby.

    We became the silent partner to ignore, as if the U.S. Senate race did not

    even exist. I complained, volunteers and supporters complained, and nothing

    changed. They worked against me the entire journey except during the run-

    off when they panicked about Keisha Rogers.

    TheEditor, Voice of the Mainland Response:

    Alameel bragged at the LULAC state convention in Houston that he had $50

    million from selling his dental business practice and was now investing in the

    market. If you go about bragging about the money you have, people are

    going to expect you to help the party you are running for. Alameel should

    have spent the million that was asked of him and given o- money to

    LULAC. He would have made friends in the Texas Democratic Party and

    developed a better friendship in the Texas Hispanic community. Whats a

    million dollars when you have $50 million to brag about.

    When other candidates would sneeze, our party Headquarters in Austin

    would create a buzz all over their social media. But no matter what we did

    across Texas, my campaign was made invisible. Even my debate with Cornyn

    was shamefully ignored.

    TheEditor, Voice of the Mainland Response:

  • 8/10/2019 Editor Responds to Alameel-C


    Alameel is a bad debater. Money does not make you a good debater.

    They fought hard to undermine the Alameel campaign.They didnt care that

    they had a good candidate with the right knowledge and experience to help

    our people. Even Battle Ground Texas told their volunteers that they could

    not mention David Alameel.

    TheEditor, Voice of the Mainland Response:

    The Alameel campaign underminded itself.

    Thats why I know that we have a lot of work to do in our party. Its time to

    start a new movement of Democrats whose passion is to fight for hard-

    working people.

    TheEditor, Voice of the Mainland Response:

    Itstime to cut people like Alameel off at the pass. Money does not entitle

    you to give advice to the Texas Democratic Party. People in LULAC would

    always say about the Alameel campaign Alameels rallies looked like

    LULAC rallies.

    Because, if we are to prevail against those who are dragging our people

    down, we have to rid ourselves of these elites whose out of touch ideology

    and corrupt tactics have infected our party. And they sure dont seem to caremuch about us.

    TheEditor, Voice of the Mainland Response:

    There are no elites in the Texas Democratic Party. It is elites like Alameel

    that the Texas Democratic Party has gotten rid off. To attack the Texas

    Democratic Party as elites is to attack people like Wendy Davis and Leticia

    Van de Putte as coming off as elites. They are not and have never behaved

    as such. I have not heard Davis or Van de Putte blaming the Party for their

    losses. We need to get our numbers up and get rid of elites like Alameel.

    We do not need people like Alameel telling us in the Texas Democratic Party

    how bad we are.

    These self-serving elites have failed us for over 20 years and they have the

    arrogance to assume that they can tell us what to think and what to do? Well,

    from here on, were going to tell them what to do.

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    TheEditor, Voice of the Mainland Response:

    Alameel needs to chill out and stay out of politics. He should run as dog

    catcher first, then as city council, then as county commissioner, then as

    Texas legislator, then as Texas senate and then, maybe, for higher office.

    When you run the gauntlet, you might have a basis to complain.

    The endless poverty in the Black and Latino communities, which are

    desperate for help, have been ignored by our party.

    TheEditor, Voice of the Mainland Response:

    The Black and Latino communities make up more than half of the Texas

    Democratic Party. To say that the Texas Democratic Party has turned its

    back of the poor Black and Latino communities is Texas is a dumb

    statement. Throw your stones at the Texas Republican Party. That is the

    party that shorted education by $5 billion dollars in 2011and that sponsored

    over 100 legislative bills against Hispanics in that year. Alameel might know

    a lot about being a dentist, but he sure lacks the common sense and skills

    with being a good political operative.

    And I assure you that talking to them about abortion & gay marriage, or

    paying a short visit during election time, is not the answer for their struggle,

    and they remain totally uninspired.

    TheEditor, Voice of the Mainland Response:

    Maybe Alameel thinks that he is running for Pope. If wants to do that, he

    should go to Rome. Alameel is blaming the tone of the campaign on

    everybody else. Good leaders, strong leaders create the political agenda. He

    had all of the opportunity to create a message. He seems to be blaming

    Wendy and de Putte for his loss. He seems to be saying that these two

    veteran Texas politicians set the wrong tone for the Texas Democratic Party

    campaign. Gregg Abbott and Dan Patrick wanted to put the Texas National

    Guard on the Border, so we should have allowed these two Republican

    characters lead the charge? Maybe Alameel needs to take his money and his

    conservative message to the other political party. I would vote for that.

    They represent 2/3 of our Democratic votes and we have to respect the fact

    that theyre all devout Christians.

  • 8/10/2019 Editor Responds to Alameel-C


    TheEditor, Voice of the Mainland Response:

    Most of Texas are devout Christians. These devout Christians maintained

    segregated schools in the Texas Hispanic and Black communities in Texas up

    until the late 1940s for Hispanics and until the 1960s for Blacks. These

    devout Christians included clauses in most residential deeds in Texas up to

    the 1940s that said that that the property could not be conveyed to Blacks

    or to Hispanics. If Alameel wants to run a campaign on religious principles,

    he should consider joining up with the Tea Party in Ft. Worth. I am sure they

    would enjoy his remarks.

    Theyve been left behind by our system and Democrats always take them

    and their faith for granted

    TheEditor, Voice of the Mainland Response:

    Texas Democrats do not need to get a head bashing from the Texas

    Republican Party, Alameel is doing a the job for them. Not one word against

    the Texas Republican Party by Alamee l in his cry baby statement.

    But, the way they see it, when Democrats win they never gain anything, so

    why should they bother to get out and vote for Democrats?

    TheEditor, Voice of the Mainland Response:

    The Democrats gave us Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the Voting Rights

    Act, the Civil Rights Act, Chips, expanded Medicaid under Obamacare, oh

    yes, and Obamacare. They gave us good leadership and direction under

    Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon

    Baines Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and, hopefully,

    Hillary Clinton. Where has he been?

    Its time for honesty and straight talk. Enough spin, hype, and fluff from our

    party elites.

    TheEditor, Voice of the Mainland Response:

    Its time for honesty and straight talk. Right Enough spin, hype and fluff

    from Alameel.

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    The truth is, that enthusiasm and support for Democrats across Texas is

    slipping away.

    TheEditor, Voice of the Mainland Response:

    Really? That is what I would expect to hear from Rush Limbaugh, Sean

    Hannity or Mark Levin.

    But we can change all of that, if our Party gets serious about making a REAL

    change in the lives of hard working people who are struggling to make ends


    TheEditor, Voice of the Mainland Response:

    The demographics of Texas will go a long way to addressing this problem.

    Bashing scarce Texas Democrats is not the way to do it. Every Hispanic,

    Black, Asian and White Democrat who holds e lected office today at all levels

    of government in Texas, and there are thousands of them, are offended by

    this remark. Alameel needs to spend time in the trenches of Texas politics.

    He has to earn his ribbons and medals there first before he tries to right the

    Texas Democratic Party.

    The reason our party managed to pull us out of the Great Depression, gave

    us the New Deal, and then gave us 50yrs of the best economy, the best

    education, and the best Middle-Class in the world is that back then our partyused to be the Peoples Party.

    TheEditor, Voice of the Mainland Response:

    Maybe Alameel wants to form a 3


    Party, like Rand Paul. Buena suerte

    The Texas Democratic Party is still the Peoples Party. My family my

    relatives, my best friends belong to that party. Go to a Democratic Party rally

    and it is sprinkled by the colors of Texas. Go to any Texas Republican Party

    rally and you will see more salt than pepper.

    So tonight, Im saying to you, as my friends and true supporters, that if we

    want to claim that we are the big tent party, thats large enough to win

    campaigns, we have to change, and change begins at home, in our own


  • 8/10/2019 Editor Responds to Alameel-C


    TheEditor, Voice of the Mainland Response:

    Its not that the Texas Democratic Party claims to be the big tent party it is

    the big tent party. If you are Hispanic Black Asian Native American, Gay,

    Lesbian, Liberal White in Texas, what other political party in Texas would

    welcome you w ith open arms? Has Alameel ever been to a gathering of Texas

    Republicans? He has. He used to contribute from his $50 million dollars to

    Republican candidates. If he contributed, he must have gone to Republican

    rallies. There aint much pepper at those rallies.

    Were going to rebuild our party, starting at the local Precinct level with the

    help of County chairs, and instead of wasting money on Battle Ground Texas,

    we should raise money for County-Chairs directly to help us build our grass-root support across Texas.

    TheEditor, Voice of the Mainland Response:

    What a quitter. And he wanted to be a United States Senator? He wanted to

    be a U.S. Senator from Texas and now trying to tell us veteran Democrat

    political operatives that he sees a problems with the lowest political office in

    politics. No disrespect for the county precinct chairs, but itslike the

    engineer who builds a skyscraper and tells us after he trees the tower that

    there is a problem with the foundation that the structure is resting on. What

    a fool. Community organizing would tell you that when you run a campaign,

    you need to start at the bottom. Like let me do this again. Thanks but

    no, thanks. Retire from politics and go back to investing.

    Alameel is making enemies with the thousands o f Democratic precinct chairs

    throughout Texas. He wants them out and wants his people to run the show.

    What a fool. Good luck with that.

    This is just the beginning for David Alameel for US Senate. We knew going in

    that its going to be an uphill battle. But we also knew that were in this for

    the long haul.

    TheEditor, Voice of the Mainland Response:

  • 8/10/2019 Editor Responds to Alameel-C


    Not with the Editor. I left your campaign just as you started. Me and my

    friends will be looking for the right candidate, people like Wendy, Van de

    Putte, the Castro brothers, Cisneros, Hillary.

    So, Im telling you tonight that we only lost one battle in the big war and Im

    not finished till the job is done.

    TheEditor, Voice of the Mainland Response:

    You lost. You ran a bad campaign. Take a shower. Quit politics, at least as a

    high end candidate. Better yet, run for precinct chair and then work your

    way up. That should take you 20 years.

    Im a Democrat whos committed to building a grass root movement, that

    will Reclaim our party, and start working for and winning the hearts and

    minds of our people.

    TheEditor, Voice of the Mainland Response:

    Sounds like a tea Party who wants to reclaim America. America belongs to

    all of us, like the Texas Democratic Party belongs to all of us. I do not want a

    Texas Democratic Party that is anti Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native American,

    Gay, White Liberal. We are all part of a great party. The party belongs to us.

    Alameel wants a party that is so perfect that it does not offend anyone. Can

    you imagine what a cowardly way for a person like Alameel to fight with usas we pushed the envelope for better opportunities for our people over the

    course of time. Alameel would be out there saying, dont do this, we do not

    want to offend anyone, dont say that, it might offend someone, The

    Editor has heard it all before. Politicians like Alameel are a dime a dozen.

    Texas Democrats do not like those kind of politics. If abortion is the issue

    today, Alameel would say, cant touch this, if integrating the public schools

    in Gonzalez County is the 1930s so that Hispanics could go to the white

    high school, Alameel would say, cant touch this, if integrating the public

    schools in the 1960s in Texas, Alameelwould say, cant touch this.

    Alameel has an anti-gay agenda, an anti-trans-sexual agenda, an anti-

    abortion agenda. That is not what the Texas Democratic Party is all about.

    Lynchings used to be okay in the old South in the days prior to the 30s.

    What would Alameel have said then, cant touch this.

    Our journey to victory continues! 2018 is just around the corner and we have

    a lot of work to do Thank You and God Bless You!"

  • 8/10/2019 Editor Responds to Alameel-C


    TheEditor, Voice of the Mainland Response:

    The way I understand the situation today, Alameel lost. He should stop

    bashing the Texas Democratic Party and Democratic Party office holders who

    lead the party, including county precinct chairs. Bash the Republicans at

    least one time. I dare you. I would not share a foxhole with this person. I

    do not trust him.

    Dr. David Alameel for U.S. Senate

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