Editing Diary


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Editing Diary

November 20th - 21st 2013 – Appitized Interview

We spent two lessons editing the Appitized Interview. This included altering the levels to make the

lighting brighter. We altered the shot size, to make it more suitable for the interview and began to shorten

pieces we didn’t need, cutting out mistakes, problems, and parts of the employees response that we did

not want in our documentary.

December 2nd- Intro Sequence

We spent an hour putting together cut-aways to begin an introduction sequence, this involved shortening

clips, splitting clips and muting them to reduce any background noise we wouldn’t need.

December 9th – 10th- Appitized Interview

One of us inserted screen caps and interviews into the Appitized interview to split it up and allow it to

flow and then began to add more cutaways to the montage after the introduction sequence.

December 11th– 12th– Introduction Sequence

One member of the group started to create an introduction sequence for the documentary which involved

selecting parts from our interviews and cutting and placing them to make a montage.

December 13th – Introduction Sequence Cont.

All members of the group continued with the introduction sequence, placing the different clips in the right

positions and ensuring that the sequence flowed. We then placed a TV interference effect at the end of the

sequence with sound effects. I went back and made sure that the start and the end of each clip was

correct so that when you were watching it the start of the end of a word was not cut off.

December 16th – 20th – Interviews

The whole group spent this week cutting down and inserting our interviews so we had a general body for

the documentary. We altered the appearance of the footage using the levels tools within Premiere so that

they looked more appealing. I put some of the positive interviews in place and helped to correct the

colour of the Appitized interview

January 6th – Vox Pops

We spent a lesson cutting down and inserting thevox pops into our documentary. The sound on some of

our footage was distorted slightly because of the wind levels so we used the Fill Left tool to quieten it.

This meant that the audio from the clip mic was no longer being overpowered by the sounds in the area.I

corrected the sizing of the vox pops as we hadn’t changed the positioning of the camera and the people

who we were interviewing, were not the same height so where was more above head space than needed. I

also looked thought checking that the colour was right on the clips.

January 7th – 8th – Cutaways

We continued to add some more cutaway shots to the documentary so that the jumps between interview

clips are not shown. Doing this means that overall, the documentary flows a lot more. I added some in the

middle of a few clips which we very long to break the up slightly so it was more visually appealing to the


January 10th – Sound

Today we began to add sound to our documentary. We have chosen songs, which we have placed in the

background of the documentary, that have strong drum beats which will help to keep everything upbeat.

We cut down the sound clips to the parts that we wanted to use and placed them in the ideal spots.

*everyone needs to comment – ele found songs, Ellenand chloe inserted them and edited them. I made

sure that the levels were right on the songs that we were using so that it didn’t drown out what the people

in the interviews were saying.

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January 13th – 15th – Title Sequence

This week we began work on our title sequence. We began to cut down the clips that we wished to use

and placed them after our introduction. I placed some on the clips into the right oder and made sure that

the continuity was correct that each clip stoped just as the next clip was at the same place in the word

being typed.

January 14th – Titles

Today we created the main title and subheadings for the documentary. To do this we typed the titles out

on a black background and recorded it using a screencap. We decided to use a font called “Press Start K”

which we think represented our theme effectively.