Edible Herbaceous Wild Plants Common to the James River Watershed

Edible Herbaceous Wild Plants Common to the James River Watershed Presented by, Carrie Edmonds


Edible Herbaceous Wild Plants Common to the James River Watershed. Presented by, Carrie Edmonds. “Garlic Mustard” Alliaria petiolata. Found on the North Bank Trail, North Side of Belle Isle, and the Belle Isle Rocks on the South Side of the Isle. “Lamb’s Quarters” Chenopodium album. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Edible Herbaceous Wild Plants Common to the James River Watershed

Edible Herbaceous Wild Plants Found in Virginia

Edible Herbaceous Wild Plants Common to the James River WatershedPresented by,Carrie Edmonds

Garlic Mustard Alliaria petiolata

Found on the North Bank Trail, North Side of Belle Isle, and the Belle Isle Rocks on the South Side of the Isle

Lambs Quarters Chenopodium album

Found on the Eastern Most End of the North Bank Trail and the Front Tip of Belle Isle

Milkweed Asclepias syriaca

Found in the sunny, open meadow near Reedy Creek

Purslane Portulaca oleracea

Found behind the soccer field across from the Cary Street Gym

Stinging Nettles Urtica dioica

Found on the Front Tip of Belle Isle

Wild Onion Allium spp.

Found in the sunny, open meadow near Reedy Creek and on the Northbank Trail

Main Resource

Lyle, K. L. The Complete Guide to Edible Wild Plants, Mushrooms, Fruits, and Nuts: How to Find, Identify, and Cook Them. Guilford: Morris, 2004,2010. Print.