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Transcript of Edge-Oct-31-11

  • 8/3/2019 Edge-Oct-31-11



    In HousekeepingDepartment

    Full Time, Part Time/ Casual


    Flexible HoursExcellent Working Conditions

    Great Pay

    Entry Level Positions withChance for Advancement

    Apply in Person or Phone

    The Riverside Motel(306) 295-3630

    The Eastend Edge is a proud supporter of our community and is distributed across

    North America. Also, Consul, Climax,Frontier and Shaunavon

    Publisher: Jeanne Kaufman

    Liz Spetz297-8804

    Let our experience work for you


    MLS #406959

    3 Bedroom

    Home on 76

    acres with

    double car


    many sheds

    and storagebuildings


    Grassfed beef: Mixed quarters($2.99/pound) or smaller pack-ages of your choice (cost depend-ing on cuts). Great nutritionalchoice and very tasty too! Checkout

    www.benchhcowhorses.com 297-2051 Nicole Couture

    Commentary: Do we really need to know?

    I just can t make myself do it. I can t.

    I am talking about social media, or to be precise a specific action of socialmedia. To be even more precise, it has to do with a little billion dollar programcalled Facebook.

    Remember the drubbing that occurred in the last American presidentialelection? It was more than just a culturally riveting event.

    African American Democrat versus Ole Time Republican.

    It was more than just young versus old (Obama was 47 when elected;McCain, a tender age of 71 when he ran. Don t assume I have anything against theages. I am merely pointing out the breadth of separation. My only familial appre-ciation of that degree of difference was when my then young, 68 year old grand-mother, returned to school, this time to the University of Alberta and achieved her B.A. degree four years later. To prove a point of a more public example of age ir-relevancy, 61 year old, Vietnam Vet Alan Moore recently became the oldest activecollege football player in the U.S he kicked a conversion point in his first game.)History is showing that the presidential election of 2008 was a technological smash-ing with the younger being commander and chief of the technological age - with all

    that internet play, twittering, and yes, Facebooking. I am not quite a Luddite. I amaware of its relevancy.

    In Facebook-land the name of the game, initially, is to connect. My wife -whose family is as large in numbers as a medium size letter in any dictionary - has

    been able to reach out and touch many of them. Cyberly at least. She has been ableto hook up with long lost cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews, ones normallyseen if at that at 25 year reunions. With families looking to delve into their ge-nealogical past the internet databases are in gathering mode, all in an instant (andfor a certain amount of coin). And there is nothing wrong with that, I say. In the

    past, keeping tabs on families, large or small, immediate or distant, could be expen-sive especially when telecommunications was in its infancy; and letter writing yes, putting pen to paper was your only hope. But thanks to Facebook, keepingtabs is only a key stroke away. Photographs and other forms of visual and recordedinformation amongst family and friends are easily shared in a moment. And withthe natural human begat s, the newest family member, or the recent celebration isonly growing and growing the heap of digital information.

    But Facebook (and electronic media in general) has morphed somewhat more to-wards the business side: The business of selling you. You are the commodity now.You and your information you are willing (or unwilling) to share. And

    pg 3

    Autumn Movement

    I CRIED over beautiful things knowing nobeautiful thing lasts. The field of cornflower yellow is a scarf atthe neck of the copper sunburned woman,the mother of the year, the taker of seeds.

    The northwest wind comes and the yellow istorn full of holes, new beautiful things comein the first spit of snow .

    by Carl Sandburg

  • 8/3/2019 Edge-Oct-31-11


  • 8/3/2019 Edge-Oct-31-11


    October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month.

    Shannons Closet will be donating $1.00 from the saleof each scarf sold in October to BreastCancer Research.

    A variety of scarves in cotton, polyester, pashmina,cashmere are available.

    The donation will take place at theannual Breast Cancer Tea

    at the Wolf Willow Health Centreon Saturday, November 5.

    Store hours: Monday-Saturday,


    Thanks from the Library

    Eastend School has donated quite afew yearbooks from over the years(they had extras of certain years) soSharon Girard gathered them up for us.

    Many thanks for this effort, Sharon.


    Jon Jung of Talisman Energy in Shaunavon donated $5000 to the Eastend me-morial hall boiler fund,

    Bonnie Gleim accepting as member of the Hall.

    Pg.1 Do We Really Need toTo Know

    more towards the businessside: The business of selling you.You are the commodity now. Youand your information you are willing(or unwilling) to share. And this iswhere I have problems. Admittedly,I am not good, or comfortable withthe idea of selling myself . Maybeit s because the selling is not somesort of subliminal action. It s un-ashamedly, P. T. Barnum- style look at me drum beating. Without reveal-ing names, my enormous group of friends and I am being facetioushere on Facebook (by Johnson s18 th century dictionary a friend isOne joined to another in a mutual

    benevolence and intimacy. I doubtif he could have understood howfriends were to be joined in the21 st century) includes workers in thesame field I am. Many of them use Face-

    book to maintain their professional ranks(I am writing chapter three of my new

    book on Somethingosaurus , followed by I am writing chapter four of ... twodays later with the appropriate responsesfrom devotee s like golly gee, your amazing..., to creating some level of

    personal ranking by dangling some sortof article specifically for a response of self- grandeur (fourth person to replywill get this book, followed a week later, making sure there is no congestion

    in the want list by the first person toreply will get ....)

    So, maybe in some part of me Iam envious. Or....maybe not, for it is notuncommon for me to have the stomachturn and nausea infiltrate my conscious-ness when stuff like this is posted. Andmy nausea is a good barometer of disgustand useless information.

    Missoula Childrens Theatre

    Missoula Children s Theatre auditionswill be Monday Nov 28 th, from 3:30 5:30

    Parents: note this is NOT a schoolday. Please make arrangements tohave your children brought to the hall

    you don t want them to miss thisamazing opportunity!!

  • 8/3/2019 Edge-Oct-31-11
