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Transcript of Edge-Jan-03-11

  • 8/8/2019 Edge-Jan-03-11



    MLS #376282

    Liz Spetz297-8804 Where Did My Christmas Go?

    So, where did it go? It was here a minute ago. I knew it was coming. Saw it en-croach as the days on the calendar were slowly ticked off. Heard it on the Musak PA sys-tems in many stores, or blaring outside of Charlies Lunch. I saw it on many houses; all litup like a landing strip or beacon for alien craft. But even with these signs, and more, its allgone again. And like accelerating at warp speed, it all happened in a flash.

    Maybe I am getting older, faster, than I would care to admit. Back in my day,seemingly centuries ago, a painstakingly wrapped hockey stick from Santa was the culmina-

    tion of my joy. Back in my day, seemingly eons ago, the reverential dressing up forChristmas dinner was a must. Besides the obvious youthful pain of wearing my Sundaybest, the taming of my horn-like cow-lick, there were few things back then that tried mypatience. But this was my Christmas, and I overcame it. For, once all the formalities of ourfamily traditions were done and put to bed, off we went to play road hockey, or toboggan-ing, regardless of the frightful weather outside. And like most Christmass, my Christmasis all gone now. Even though it was only a generation ago.

    Some traditions, broad, general traditions, have stood the test of extinction. Mostof these have to do with our culturally satiated commerce. The tree is still a part of Christ-mas. Its only been a little over a generation that the debate of real vs. plastic has raged.A generation or two before for plastics were not as popular yet it would have beenwhether to get a tree or not. Or whether to expend candles to light it. Most of the decora-tions were hand made and were more about meaning and family tradition instead of sym-

    metrical glitz.In one fashion or another, presents also remain a mainstay, but this of course is

    fueled by the commercial side of the holiday. It was only a generation or two ago wheresolitary gifts were the norm, instead of the real mountain of wrapped boxes and packagesthat nearly hide the tree today. A gift, often hand made, and made to last was taken to heart,and was all that was needed, knowing that family time and resources were at a minimum,instead of the demands that are at times put on parents today. Today we live in the Age ofDisposal, things made to break and hopefully, to the maker, replaced. Toys, electronics,dolls, almost everything has a real-life expectancy of months, or if you are lucky, a year ortwo. It either breaks down or is out of fashion; either way it is often too quickly discarded.The one item that is never disposed of, however, still has a life of sorts in the closets acrossthe world; the perennial tie for the father.

    Dont be mistaken. I am not a card carrying member of the scrooge camp. I justsee that some traditions are taken over by the here and now. But I also know that traditionsgrow and morph, to encompass the new realities of family and the times. I would see thismore, come to appreciate this more, if I only could see over the mountain of discarded wrap-ping paper at my feet. And because I am helping to create these new traditions in my ownhouse, with my own family, this is what brings me the joy of Christmas. Not the material,but the immaterial.

    And as Christmas takes these new traditions on, I have come to appreciate the di-versity of its meaning, to me and others. Not to judge, for I am certainly no wise man, butto appreciate. To some, it is a hard-pressed Christmas with a capital C. For others, it islower case, and to others it is either a happy holidays, or xmas. For me, this time of the yearis the love and joy spread across family and friends. It is not the material, nor the allegedauthority interpreted by any one individual, from a book. But simply the love and joy this

    time of the year brings.But here is the nub of it. After the season is over, the calendar page has turned, and

    a new year upon us, where does Christmas go? Where does this same level of love and un-derstanding of our fellow people go? Are we so hampered by our daily grind as one seasonshifts to another that all is forgotten? Where did my Christmas go?TTT

    16 dec. 2010

    in this,the coldest and darkest timeof the year,we are awaiting a birththat celebrates light, hope and joy.

    the ancientscelebrated the solsticeas the turning-pointfrom darkness back to the lightand the warmer seasons.

    there are many kinds of birth:the birth of a physical life,the birth of a new day

    and the many births and re-birthswe experience in our life-time.

    usually, they are precededby darkness, confusion and pain.it is a process, a journeythrough a tight space,until we learn understand and growto see the light yet again;a purifying, cleansing birth,like a snake shedding its skin,grown too tight,or a butterfly emerging from itscocoon.

    each time is astounding, disorienting,we begin to see with different eyes,we have a moment on the peak of themountain,a clear view of who we are and what wehave to do.

    as humans,we are here to be bornagain and again, so we may grow,tempered like steel by the fire ofemotions,until, perhaps, we emerge as shining

    beings,able to light the path to wholeness.

    Gabriele Kck

    Distribution of the Edge

    The Eastend Edge is distributed in Consul,Eastend, Shaunavon, Frontier and Climax.The most cost-effective advertising availablein the Southwest.

    The edge is also distributed across NorthAmerica on the internet.

    Publisher: Jeanne Kaufman

  • 8/8/2019 Edge-Jan-03-11



    Memorial Hall BoardJan. 10ECT&EDAJan. 4Eastend Arts CouncilJan. 3Historical Museum Feb. 8K-40Jan. 5CWLJan. 5Friends of the Museum &

    T.rex Discovery CentreJan. 13

    RM of White Valley Jan. 13TOWN COUNCIL Jan. 12Clay Centre Comm ClubJan. 18School Comm CouncilJan. 18Chamber of CommerceJan. 19Fire Dept. Jan. 4 and 18Eastend Swimming Pool ??Prairie Pearls Jan. 26RW InstituteJan. 12Memorial Hall BoardJan. 10TOPS MEET- Health Centre Quiet Room,

    Thursdays @ 5:15 p.m.AAMondays @ 8:00p.m. at Henrys PlaceBINGOMondays at 7:00 in the Rink!Alanon Health Centre Quiet Room

    Tuesdays .


    SHERRY HORNUNGRN(NP) - JAN. 3, 5, 6, 7,10 AND 13

    PHYSICIAN JAN 5, 13, 14, AND 17

    To book an appointment Phone 295-4184Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM-4:00 PM.

    There will be no Lab Facilities at theEastend Wolf Willow Health Centre

    on Monday, Jan 10

    Call Us for AllYour Insurance


    Have you done any renovating? Added any machinery, bins?

    Call to see that youre properly insured


    Get Bonnie working for you

    EASTEND AGENCIES104 Maple Avenue North. Eastend, Sask.


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    Advertising Rates

    $15 per week per ad.Space and sizing at Editors discretion.

    Oversize ads:

    1/2 page $30

    Full page $40

    We appreciate your business.

    Snow Tracks

    The photo montage on page 3 on theBlogSpot is provided by slg.

    This week it features photos of paw prints

    left in the snow and eroded by wind.

    Come check out our NEW menu

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    Remember,our Laundromat

    services are alwaysavailable.

    Thanks to the Eastend Kinettes

    For the Christmas cookiesdelivered to the old folk;

    much appreciated.

    Alec and M. Howard

    Stenerson Auto Parts

    Get a Grip on Winter

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    Looking for a Cut-Man

    The office was spare.

    Examination table. Closet. Desk.Neat. Clean.

    I sat in a straight backed chair.

    I counted the boards in the hardwoodfloor.

    The surgeon entered from my left.

    All business.

    Hed just viewed my test images.

    He sat at his desk and looked at me for

    maybe two seconds.Youre a tough guy he said. Mostpeople would have been in the hospitallong before this.

    I thought for a moment and said Whatyou really mean is that Im a stupidguy.

    He said My Code of Ethics doesntallow me to say that.

    I knew Id found my man.

    Jack Macleod

    Jacks Caf

    Open Jan. 4, 2011at 4pm

    Wishing Everybody aHappy New Year.

    Every once in while someone barksat me. My New Years resolution

    is not to bark back.

    Tucker Carlson

  • 8/8/2019 Edge-Jan-03-11
