EDEM: A Solution for Particle Handling and Processing Problems

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  • 8/19/2019 EDEM: A Solution for Particle Handling and Processing Problems


    EDEM: A Solution for ParticleHandling and Processing Problems

    Chris Riley DEM Solutions Ltd

  • 8/19/2019 EDEM: A Solution for Particle Handling and Processing Problems



    The majority of industrial processes manipulate particlesEngineering simulation is proven to be effective inimproving design, shortening development cycles andstreamlining troubleshooting

    Our company brings engineering simulation to particleprocesses

  • 8/19/2019 EDEM: A Solution for Particle Handling and Processing Problems


    The Particle Problem….

    O er !"# of industrial $rocesses in ol e $articles %&T

    • The majority of particle handling and processing operationsare empirically designed

    • Measurement and control is difficult and costly.• Simulation-based design no possible for particle systems

  • 8/19/2019 EDEM: A Solution for Particle Handling and Processing Problems



    EDEM ' Sol ing $roblems in:

    "ul# Materials $andling

  • 8/19/2019 EDEM: A Solution for Particle Handling and Processing Problems


    %ul( Handling E)ui$ment

    • Ma%imising throughput & 'is# of spillage and bloc#age & E%cessive ear of e(uipment leading to higher replacement

    costs and longer system do ntime

    • )ealing ith variation in design and operating re(uirements & *sually bespo#e system designs & "ul# material behaviour usually varies ith type, origin and

    environment• Testing prototypes and troubleshooting problems

    & +ostly to build and test designs and e%plore design options & )ifficult to measure material-e(uipment interactions

    Design and operational challenges

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    S inging chute transfer tosecondary conveyor

    *hallenge• To in a design contract, our

    customer needed todemonstrate that they ould

    meet their customer sre(uirements to balancethroughput, ear andoperational cycle

    *ase Study + *on eyor Transfer

  • 8/19/2019 EDEM: A Solution for Particle Handling and Processing Problems


    • +entre material on conveyor belts• Match belt speed and flo rate onto

    belt to minimise ear of the belt

    • revent e%cessive ear of the chute• Estimate safety limits for bloc#age

    due to change in material properties

    Design Objectives

    *ase study + con eyor transfer

    /eft chute

    'ight chute

  • 8/19/2019 EDEM: A Solution for Particle Handling and Processing Problems


    *ase study ' *on eyor transfer

    +hute ear "elt ear

    Outcomes• +ontract on and E)EM soft are then used to produce an optimised

    design ith a high level of confidence in its performance in the field.

    • 1nstalled system performs to specification

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    EDEM + Sol ing $roblems in:

    "ul# Solids rocessing

  • 8/19/2019 EDEM: A Solution for Particle Handling and Processing Problems


    %ul( solids $rocessing

    • $igher process efficiency 3often only 45-657 for particleprocesses8

    & )ifficult to understand particulate process fundamentals

    & 9eed to reduce energy cost and aste

    • 1mproving product (uality and consistency & :ant better control, reduce product variability and defects & +ontinuous production most profitable but highest ris#

    • )ealing ith different ra materials and formulations & +ostly to optimise process operating conditions & Troubleshooting out-of-spec process costs time and money


    Design and operational challenges

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    *ase Study + Astec ,nc.ChallengeTo improve the reliability

    and robustness of

  • 8/19/2019 EDEM: A Solution for Particle Handling and Processing Problems


    1deal mi%ing means eachroc# particle is fully coated

    ith li(uid asphalt cement

    Mi%ing is a function ofresidence time and uni(ue

    particle contacts

    /i(uid asphaltcement in

  • 8/19/2019 EDEM: A Solution for Particle Handling and Processing Problems



    Outcome"etter mi%ing at high throughput9e system for virtually testing

    sensitivity to variations in

    feedstoc#"etter understanding of hy their

    design is effective

  • 8/19/2019 EDEM: A Solution for Particle Handling and Processing Problems



    *ase study + Tablet coater

    ChallengeTo ma%imise the rate of coating oftablets in a Drum *oater hileminimising the incidence of tabletbrea#age

    )amage to tablets resulting inrejection of hole batches can bevery costly. Optimising operating

    conditions in a batch coaters tobetter match the characteristics ofa particular tablet type ill greatlyreduce damage and improveoperator control.

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    *ase study + Tablet coater


    •+oating process optimi=ed•9e tool for process design animproving coater mi%er design

    Simulation Objectives•To predict the locationand fre(uency of impactforces on tablets.•residence time of tabletsin the region of the spray.

    ?orce acting on tablets

    More stabletablet circulationmeans better




  • 8/19/2019 EDEM: A Solution for Particle Handling and Processing Problems


    E-$ertise in $article simulation

    ;22 @555 @55 @5;5

    )EM Solutionsfounded in @55@

    )evelopment of netechni(ues for industrialapplication of particle simulationusing )EM

    /aunch ofE)EM ;.5

    /aunch ofE)EM @.5

    +ollaboration ithearly industrialadopters of E)EM

    E)EM @.;



    USA UK



    Channel Partners

    ;5A years 'B) in )EM technology

    /eaders in particle simulation forindustry

    roviding soft are and supportservices for particle simulation

    :orld ide channel partner net or#

  • 8/19/2019 EDEM: A Solution for Particle Handling and Processing Problems



    The majority of industrial processes manipulate particlesEngineering simulation is proven to be effective inimproving design, shortening development cycles andstreamlining troubleshooting

    Our company brings engineering simulation to particleprocesses