ED 691 Strategy log

Strategy name Who present ed it? Is this strategy focused on… readin g writi ng listeni ng speaki ng How does it support ELL/bilingual students? Draw a sketch, a symbol, or put in a photo to help you remember about this strategy Other notes about this strategy (steps for procedures, resources you might need, links to websites, etc.) 1. Clock appt Peggy L, S -Good for partners -longer periods of talking time -way to check in with students -Have students create their own on paper or have copies of a clock -Students will then write who, where, what their appts. Are -Set a time for the length of each appt. -Students move to their appts according the clock and the time -each appt has a different question or appt to discuss at the appt. 2. Outcome sentences Peggy R, W, L, S -Keeps them engaged -Demonstrates that they are paying attention -Checking in students -Used as a closure piece to show students what the outcome of the lesson/activity was for students and teacher



Transcript of ED 691 Strategy log

Strategy name Who presented it?

Is this strategy focused on…reading writing listening speaking

How does it support ELL/bilingual students?

Draw a sketch, a symbol, or put in a photo to help you remember about this strategy

Other notes about this strategy (steps for procedures, resources you might need, links to websites, etc.)

1. Clock appt Peggy L, S -Good for partners-longer periods of talking time-way to check in with students

-Have students create their own on paper or have copies of a clock-Students will then write who, where, what their appts. Are-Set a time for the length of each appt.-Students move to their appts according the clock and the time-each appt has a different question or appt to discuss at the appt.

2. Outcome sentences

Peggy R, W, L, S -Keeps them engaged-Demonstrates that they are paying attention-Checking in students

-Used as a closure piece to show students what the outcome of the lesson/activity was for students and teacher

3. Classroom map

Peggy W, L -Makes lessons and sheltered instruction tailored for red zone or ELLs below grade level-makes it so teacher can focus on helping ELL, IEP, & low students-Shows weak and strong areas within the 5 categories on ELPA

-Helps teach to puts students at the ELP to better teach them-Allows teacher to see which students need the most help/sheltering-Which areas to focus teaching on

4. KAU chart SIOP R, L, S -Teaches complex words-Quick visual assessment to see what students know & are comfortable with

-Teacher puts in the words he/she wants to know how students feel about them-Gives students the chart and stickers-Tell students to put one sticker for each word in the column that best describes if they know it

5. Content Dictionary

SIOP R, W, L -Students learn words they don’t know-Learn how to write the unknown words in sentences using frames from the teacher

-Give students the chart-Have one on the overhead, smart board, doc camera-Students write the unknown word in the middle-Then fill in the boxes as a whole group

6. True/False questions

SIOP R, W -Partner work for 4 learners-scaffold with sentence frames-Gives them the expectation of what answers should look like in writing/speaking

We (I) believe it is (T/F) because…

-Teacher writes sentence frames on the board-Gives students a problem, situation, statement, question-They then need to determine if it is T/F and why

7. Observation Charts

SIOP R, W -Become familiar with words and pictures-allows them to show what they are thinking without putting their name on it-Can use as a review for later work-See what they learned after the lessons

-Teacher places charts around the room -Teacher gives students 2 colors of sticky notes to write observations on 1 and questions on another color-used for later conversations-Teacher can see questions and misassumptions about topics

8. Pictorial Input SIOP R, W,L -Builds vocabulary-tells students a story with words-gives them a visual

-Teacher lightly traces the picture before doing the lesson-Tell story about the topic while tracing/drawing the picture-Write words that go with the picture

9. Realia SIOP L, S -a real object about the lesson/topic-actual lesson-brings the real item into the classroom instead of a fake one-Builds background knowledge

-Teachers brings in the real item for students to observe by touching, seeing, smelling, listening-Write, draw a picture, speak with partners/class about their observation

10. GIST SIOP R, W -Students can summarize important info. From the reading-Helps the students be able to choose important info.


Summary: __________________________________

-Have students pick out 10 key words from the article-Discuss the key words with table group-Then create a summary using those key words-1st time doing this create key words and summary together

11. Numbered heads

SIOP R, W, L, S -individual or partners-brainstorm ideas together and share as a class while listening-Hear ideas that other students had that were different then their ideas-There are able to use peers to help come up with ideas

-students stand while listening to words read by peers-check off words as peers share that are the same-students sit down when it is done-Group of 4-Use popsicle sticks with a color and # to call on students to share

12. Small Groups and Partner

Group B W, L, S -Cooperative learning is effective because of opportunities for verbal interactions-Allows them to voice their answer prior to being called upon to respond to a question

-Brings learners together to practice a particular skill or strategy -Steps: pair students, identify & train potential tutors, match students, model the task, provide & support & practice, & share progress

13. Inquiry Chart GLAD L, S -Uses their metacognition-Ways to access their background knowledge by scaffolding-able to share their thoughts and questions without feeling uncomfortable-Engages students by having them walk around the room-Can be done either individually, small group, or whole group-can be used for language use

-Similar to KWL charts-ask them where they got the information-color code the charts for dates, topics, groups-questions asked allow the teacher to focus on language-write exactly what the child says-as a class you will go back later to fix the mistakes-each you go back to process you do it in a different color

14. Comparative Input Chart

GLAD presenter

R, L, S -Allows students to see a visual of the topic along with the words-gives students opportunities to talk afterwards-Shows the language concepts-color cards can used as a way to review language for those at various levels-high level -listening-comprehension-sees language as the teacher is tracing the drawing

-direct instruction time-pre-stretch the chart before teaching it-talk about the same concept on both sides of the chart-info is color coded -give students to talk with partners after each section of the chart-make word cards that are color coded to use as review-1st & 2nd time done is for content-3rd time is done for language

15. Sentence Patterning Chart

GLAD presenter

R, W, L, S -lows the affective filter for students-fun and meaningful-uses students text/language-teaches the parts of speeches-high level vocabulary

-model using a song with the order-let students do it by themselves after having lots of practice with teacher-done as a whole group-start with noun that leads to plural-only do 1 noun-2nd is adjective-3rd is verb in present tense for 1st time-4th is proportional phrase (where)-5th is adverbs that end in ly and well-guide students along using their own words-use color codes to put onto cards to make into a sentence

16. Cooperative Strip Paragraph

GLAD presenter

R, W, L, S -Models the writing process-teaches how to write a paragraph/essays using scaffolding-uses students/ text/own words-team activity-use words from previous strategies that are on walls-

-teacher always comes up with the topic sentence-every sentence wrote has to do with topic sentence-ask students for permission before tearing up sentence strips-takes multiple days-Team activity: each team comes up with 1 high level academic sentence-team gets a sentence strip and colored marker-done at the end of a unit-come together for review and edit-teacher’s color is always black-At the end type up the sentences to give to all students

17. Graphic Organizer

Group F R, W -Aid comprehension by enabling readers to label aspects of ext to visually illustrate the connections between events & characters-Effective ways to brainstorm, plan, & organize writing-Seeing the structure of text represented visually supports students who have difficultly with comprehension-Helps them work through vocabulary that is unclear

-Most popular graphic organizers are used for reading or comprehension-Common organizer:-Venn diagrams-flow chartsSteps to implement organizers:1 identify the teaching purposes2. explain the purpose3. involve students in constructing a graphic4. discuss the connections5. provide additional practice in using graphic organizers

18. Vocabulary Role-Play

Group A L, S -Helps students use language fluently. -Help them learn to be creative, imaginative, and resourceful.-Make connections between past experiences & the content currently studied with the vocabulary-Learn new vocabulary

-Students are given opportunity to discuss and use the vocabulary in context through role-laying-Steps:1. Identify key vocabulary2. Teach the lesson or read the book3. Connect the vocabulary to past experiences4. Sort the words5. Plan ways to use words6. Give students time to practice7. Focus on multiple word meanings

19. Read Pair Share

Group A R, L, S -Allows students an opportunity to share their ideas and work with others before sharing in a big group.-Learn vocabulary listening to a peer read-Partner work to have help answering the questions-Learn to use resources

-Partners read together, stopping after each paragraph or appropriate section-Answer the who, what, where, when, and how questions related to textSteps:-Introduce the question words-Model each step of the strategy-Model how to word with a partner-Model the modifying of questions-Pair the students -Discuss the assignment

20. Sorting Activities

Group B R, W, L, S -Provides hands-on experiences-Provides students with a way to demonstrate their understanding

-Students sort objects, words, phrases, and sentences-Can be used for all grades and curricular areas-Word walls, word sorts

21. KWL Chart Group E L, S -Helps students organize ideas,-get a sneak preview at what is to come- be able to look back for improvement and new gained knowledge-Group allows them to hear others ideas-Share ideas with peers

K W L -K=know, W=what do you want to know, & L=learn-An introductory strategy to be used with any content-Steps: 1. Teacher posts the chart2. Complete the K column as a class3 Complete the W column4. Complete the L column at the end of the unit

22. Cloze Group E W, L Can be adapted for the specific needs of students & the different language levels-Requires higher thinking skills-They learn to use resources-When done in groups it allows them to discuss their choices & to justify them

A goes through different . First stage is an and then it becomes a . Caterpillar is also called . The third stage is the or . Lastly, it becomes a . This is the of a butterfly.

-Activities are based on written text where some words are left out-Often used to access reading comprehension-Kinds of Close:1. Traditional2. Syntactic3. Semantic4. Graphophonic

Name: Tara Engelsman

Date: March 19, 2014

Scoring guide for Strategy Log & Toolkit

Possible points



Strategy Log: At least 20 strategies are submitted. Each strategy has all of the required information from the template (name, who presented it, what it focuses on, how it supports ELL/bilingual students, sketch/symbol, other notes)

3 3

All cells in table are completed with useful information for future reference.

2 2

Toolkit: 10 file folder each including: A tab for each folder with the title of the engagement

strategy A written description of the engagement strategy. All materials necessary to use this strategy in the


10 10

Total 15 15