ecw College

TI-IE Volume XIV, Issue 3 Hi! You're ugly! Have a great Hate Your Body Life! Board of Trustees has total power over campus Will meet this Sat. by Renee MaxweU New College, the 11th state university of Florida, now ha s a new Board of Trustees (BOT) appointed by Governor Jeb Bush. As outlined in the Florida Statutes, the BOT is "vested with the authority to govern and set policy for its university." This includes everything from budget devel- opment to parking facilities. They not only set our tuition and fees, but also the salary of the university president. Additional responsibilities of the BOT are "to establish the student codes'()f conduct, to re- view and evaluate the student judicial system, and establish policies to deny admjssion, en- o to an ecw College -of Flo! ida Lt. Govemor Fr.ank Brogan announcing 011 June 24 who son the board. Seated left, General Rolland V Heiser and Chairman Bob Johnson. Second from right: then-Dean Bassis Not pictured: Jeb Bush. their authority may apply to mals, and sound." of Regents was abo li shed and policies that include "placing Firearms? Human subjects? replaced by the Florida Board restrictions on activities and on No, this is not Pre ident Bush's of Education. Now, Governor access to facilities, firearms, idea of "Homeland Security." It Bush apointed a BOT for all food, tobacco, alcoholic bever- is the result of the republican public universities in Florida, duct." Among other things, materials, human subjects, ani- Rockstar Ball brings near-nudity to Palm Court by Valerie Mojeiko If you went to Palm Court last Saturday night looking for that new guy from your psychology class, you would have found all of the students gone, only to be replaced by multiple Janis Joplins, Madonnas, Billy Idols and Spice Girls. The occasion was the first annual Rockstar Ball and Lip-synch Contest, where students. wearing leather pants and sparkly things, transformed into rockstars and engaged in ew College's largest ego-mas- turbation orgy so far this year. The Rockstar ball is the vi- sion of fourth-year Shannon Ingles. "There's this New College stigma of being a rock- star," said Ingles. "Everyone knows each other and each other's business. Because it's so small, people here develop their own personas, just like celebri- ties." Tension built in the air on the days leading up to the rockstar ball, mainly due to the effect of the rather large advertisements on the front of Hamilton Center which read, ··come dressed as your favorite rockstar, or if you're already a rockstar. come dressed as yourself." Catalyst staff-writer David Savaresl! and fifth-year Siggismund kicked off the show around 1 a.m. with their rendition of Blink-l82's "What's my age again?'' To the delight of easily- offended people, Savarese and Siggismund opted to wear boxes over their "offensive" body parts rather than perform completely nude. Salt N' Peppa (second-year Christin Murphy and second- year Veronica Fanmn) performed the well-known New College wall hit, "Shoop'' soon after- wards to the obvious delight of the crowd. "[We performed Shoop] because we like to Shoop," said Murphy. The crucial act of the evening, however, was when first -year transfer-student Ben Lewis stole the stage as Vanilla Tee. "This was the climax of [Ben's} career as most-desirable first-year-student," said econd- year Titus Jewell, who was !sEE uROCKSTA R" PAGE 6 I Rockstar Ball organizer Slzanon Ingles as Courllley Love. Did Sltanon get her rage editing the Cataly tfor a year? September 26 2001 ! CATALYST NSIDE Flag-theft brings ominous threats of revenge. "Some numb nut stole the flag again,'' a campus police officer told the Catalyst last week. The theft, one week after the terror- ist attacks, resulted in cries outrage from Officers Vickers and Roarty. Their first wave retaliation fell upon the heads of some underage drinkers at Friday's wall. STORY, PAGE 5 Why we will aU be screwed we go to war A lleged President George W. Bush has pledged to lead us on a ''crusade" against terrorism, particularly Taliban-con- GUEST OPINION, PAGE 7 Candle-light vigil remembers the victims For a while, at least, New College and University Program students were united in mourning for America's vic- tims of terrorism. The interfaith event included prayers from re- ligious traditions ranging from Protestant Christianity to Japanese Shinto. STORY, PAGE 5 El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jag Where can you find good food, good times, and a genuine Mexican ambiance? Senor Jag knows. Inside. this el critico del Catalyst takes the reader on an exotic journey to Sarasota's oldest Mexican restaurant, El Adobe. STORY, PAGE 4

Transcript of ecw College

Page 1: ecw College


Volume XIV, Issue 3 Hi! You're ugly! Have a great Hate Your Body Life!

Board of Trustees has total power over campus Will meet this Sat. by Renee MaxweU

New College, the 11th state university of Florida, now has a new Board of Trustees (BOT) appointed by Governor Jeb Bush. As outlined in the Florida Statutes, the BOT is "vested with the authority to govern and set policy for its university." This includes everything from budget devel­opment to parking facilities. They not only set our tuition and fees, but also the salary of the university president.

Additional responsibilities of the BOT are "to establish the student codes'()f conduct, to re­view and evaluate the student judicial system, and establish policies to deny admjssion, en-

o to an

ecw College -of Flo! ida

Lt. Govemor Fr.ank Brogan announcing 011 June 24 who son the board. Seated left, General Rolland V Heiser and Chairman Bob Johnson. Second from right: then-Dean Bassis Not pictured: Jeb Bush.

their authority may apply to mals, and sound." of Regents was abolished and policies that include "placing Firearms? Human subjects? replaced by the Florida Board restrictions on activities and on No, this is not Pre ident Bush's of Education. Now, Governor access to facilities, firearms, idea of "Homeland Security." It Bush apointed a BOT for all food , tobacco, alcoholic bever- is the result of the republican public universities in F lorida,

duct." Among other things, materials, human subjects, ani-

Rockstar Ball brings near-nudity to Palm Court by Valerie Mojeiko

If you went to Palm Court last Saturday night looking for that new guy from your psychology class, you would have found all of the students gone, only to be replaced by multiple Janis Joplins, Madonnas, Billy Idols and Spice Girls. The occasion was the first annual Rockstar Ball and Lip-synch Contest, where students. wearing leather pants and sparkly things, transformed into rockstars and engaged in

ew College's largest ego-mas­turbation orgy so far this year.

The Rockstar ball is the vi­sion of fourth-year Shannon Ingles. "There's this New College stigma of being a rock­star," said Ingles. "Everyone knows each other and each other's business. Because it's so small, people here develop their own personas, just like celebri­ties."

Tension built in the air on the days leading up to the rockstar ball, mainly due to the effect of the rather large advertisements on the front of Hamilton Center which read, ··come dressed as

your favorite rockstar, or if you're already a rockstar. come dressed as yourself."

Catalyst staff-writer David Savaresl! and fifth-year Siggismund kicked off the show around 1 a.m. with their rendition of Blink-l82's "What's my age again?'' To the delight of easily­offended people, Savarese and Siggismund opted to wear boxes over their "offensive" body parts rather than perform completely nude.

Salt N' Peppa (second-year Christin Murphy and second­year Veronica Fanmn) performed the well-known New College wall hit, "Shoop'' soon after­wards to the obvious delight of the crowd. "[We performed Shoop] because we like to Shoop," said Murphy.

The crucial act of the evening, however, was when first -year transfer-student Ben Lewis stole the stage as Vanilla Tee. "This was the climax of [Ben's} career as most-desirable first-year-student," said econd­year Titus Jewell, who was

!sEE uROCKSTA R" PAGE 6 I Rockstar Ball organizer Slzanon Ingles as Courllley Love. Did Sltanon get her rage editing the Cataly tfor a year?

September 26 2001


Flag-theft brings ominous threats of revenge. "Some numb nut stole the flag again,' ' a campus police officer told the Catalyst last week. The theft, one week after the terror­ist attacks, resulted in cries outrage from Officers Vickers and Roarty. Their first wave retaliation fell upon the heads of some underage drinkers at Friday's wall.


Why we will aU be screwed we go to war Alleged President George W. Bush has pledged to lead us on a ' 'crusade" against terrorism, particularly Taliban-con-


Candle-light vigil remembers the victims For a while, at least, New College and University Program students were united in mourning for America's vic­tims of terrorism. The interfaith event included prayers from re­ligious traditions ranging from Protestant Christianity to Japanese Shinto.


El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jag Where can you find good food, good times, and a genuine Mexican ambiance? Senor Jag knows. Inside. this el critico del Catalyst takes the reader on an exotic journey to Sarasota's oldest Mexican restaurant, El Adobe.


Page 2: ecw College

2 The Catal t

compiled by Liz Polomo

E Emergency summit

After holding meeting with George W. Bu. h in Wa hington, English Prime Minister Tony Blair headed to Brussel Friday morning where he held informal talks with oth ·r European leaders. A spe­cial summit meeting is being planned, where Blair will relay to other European leaders the agreements that he reached with Bu. h.

Blair was willing to endorse the S stance in the aftennath of the September 11th terrori t attacks, as were President Jacque hirac of France and Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder of Germany.

"Essentially I hope to achieve two things, ' said Blair. "First of all a very trong and clear declaration of our sup­

port and solidarity for the United tates and secondly. a series of substantial mea­sures that we will take - both European and nationally."

Violent protests in Pakistan Four people died and several were in­

jured in Karachi on Friday in protests against the Pakistani government's deci sion to back the U.S. campaign against Afghanistan. Thousands of people acros Paki tan took to the streets in the biggest prote t that had been seen since the terr n ·t attacks on the nited State · most of them belonged to the religious parties that had called for a naJionwide strike.

Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf pledged to co-operate with Washington in the attempt to track down terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden. This decision did not enjoy the . upport of certain hard­line. radical Pakistani rcligiou partie , leading them to protest.

In response to George W. Hu h 's un­wittingly a curate use of the word "crusade" in describing his anti-terrorism plans. one preacher said. "If America wants a cru ade, then we are ready for a holy war."

Emir of Kuwait suffers brain hemorrltage Sheikh Jaber ai-Ahmad al-Sabah of


Kuwait was flown to London on Thursday in order to treat a brain hemor­rhage.

The 73 year-old Sheikh had pledged to fight "hand in hand" with Washington, which eeps combat aircraft and an im­portant cache of military supplies in Kuwait. in its anti-terrori m campaign.

Kuwait is a major Western ally in the Gulf and holds 10% of the world's known oil reserves. Since 1991 when the nation was freed from Iraqi rule. heikh Jaber has turned Kuwait into one of the world's richest states and biggest in­vestors.

Airlines implem nt major job cuts. In the past few day , about 100,000

job cuts have been announced by 10 major airlines in the United States and in Europe.

, orthwest, the US's fourth leading airline, cut 10.000 jobs, about one-fifth of its workforce. The airline announced that starting October 1, its flight schedule will be reduced by 20%.

American Airlines and United Airlines, the two leading airline compa­nies in the US. announced they are laying off 40,000 employees.

Similar job cut have taken place in England and in rhe rest of Europe. The job cut are a respon e to the dramatic "I don't think we should even con­drop in passenger numbers following the sider a large-scale war at this point." said

uicide attack.._ .. ~"""""'~~~,.........~~-"'-""""" r

US spy plane lost over Afghanistan Defense Secretary Donald Rum feld

admitted Saturday that a US Predator spy drone, a type used commonly for low­level reconnaissance. was lost over Afghanistan a rna sive military buildup continued in the region. Taliban officials said they had shot down an unmanned spy plane. .

According to US defense officials. more warplanes were added to the 350 planes that were already in bases or air­craft-carriers near Afghanistan. In addition, 5.000 extra air national guard and air force reservists were called up. Altogether, an e. timated 15,000 American planes are currenlly around Afghanistan.

The U.S. military. said Powell, is aware of the history of foreign annies in Afghanistan and does not intend to get trapped there. He was making a refer­ence to British and Soviet forces which have been defeated by Afghan fighters in the past.

Ointon plotted to ~te Bin Laden Former Pre ident Bill Clinton admit­

ted that in 1998, his administration tried - and failed - to kill Osama Bin Laden. the chief suspect in the terrorist attacks.

Clinton arrived at this resolution in re ponse to the bombings of two US em­bassies in F..ast Africa which Bin Laden wa su pected of plaru1ing. The former President said he ordered the an-est and, if neces ary. the killing of Bin Laden.

and for this purpose made contact with a group in Afghanistan._ The Afghan ~oup

n· said, was because the US lacked the nec­essary military intelligence; but he is confident that George W. Bush's chances of capturing Bin Laden in Afghanistan are better.

'The pre ident still has got some tough tactical calls to make, but I think they're clearly handling this in a very careful and deliberate and strong way," said Clinton.

He added that he was optimistic that an international terrorist network could be beat by a global coalition. "Can this big international movement be defeated? Absolutely it can. If the world will stay together we can."

lnfonnation from BBC and CNN was used in this report.

c T,LYS The Cataly tis available on the World Wide Web at

http:/lww"csar. u.~f edul-catalysrl

General 'ditor Michael Sanderson

Layout Editor Erin Marie Blasco

Web Editor Michael Gimignani

Managing Editor Max Campbell

Photographer Cry tal Fra ier

Editorial Assistant Graham Strou e

Staff Writers Ryan McCormick Price, Esq .• David Savarese.

Valerie Mojciko. Jag Davie .. Christine Bottoms, Christopher DeFillippi. Renee Maxwell,

Liz Palomo, Abby Weingarten

The Catalyst is an academic tutorial sponsored by Profes or Maria Vesperi. It i developed in the

cw College Publication. Of 1ce u ing Adobe Ph oshop and Quark Xpre s for PowcrMacintosh and printed at the Bradenton /lerald with money provided by the New College Student Alliance.

Direct submissions and inquiries to: The Catalyst

5700 . Tamiami Tr. Box #75 arasota, FL 34243

[email protected]

The Catal.yst reserves the right to edit ubmis ions for pace, grammar or tyle.

Contributions may 1ange in length from 250 to 500 words. Letters to the Editor hould be no more than 250 words. Submi ions should be labeled as either Letters to the Editor or contributions and include names and contact information.

Printed submissions may be placed in campus box 75. and all other contribution may bee-mailed to [email protected]. ro anonymous submi sions will be accepted.

All su.bmissions must be received by 5:00p.m. . aturday m ord~,;r to appear in the following week's ISSUe.

Information about upcoming events is welcome throughout the week.

Page 3: ecw College

The Catalyst NEWS September 26, 2001 3

Caught with pants down: Last semester's streaker exposes his beef ... with the Student Court by Christine Bottoms

Last semester's Student Court hear­ing examining a streaking incident drew enough of a crowd to draw corre­lations between two naked Caucasian liberal-arts students on the run and a certain white Bronco speeding down a Los Angeles highway. The case asked the question, nakedness: free statement, public indecency, or sexual harass­ment? This semester, the issue has come back to take on the Town Meeting for round two of "naked time!" But this time around, Fifth-year Kevin"Sigismund" Meek wants to do more than just reveal a little skin, he wants to reveal a few things about the Student Court as well.

Last semester, the Student Court found Siggy and Second-year David Savarese not guilty of sexual harass­ment, but they were sentenced forty hours of community service for public indecency. Because of the outrageous nature of the case, the Student Court hearing drew a large crowd, turning the proceedings into an event. That was the last anyone thought they would hear aboiR .}t, 0t -<Wen >at the of ·

before the student body at the Town Meeting.

This news was the cause of concern for some. Alena Scandura, who origi­nally brought up the charges against Siggy, didn't know of his plans to bring the issue up before the Town meeting until the day of. She was not happy with the implications, and said "[it was] not something I want to go Lhrough again .. .it brings up a lot of bad feel­ings." Third year Matt Mazzuckelli, prosecutor for the Student Court, also expressed his concerns, and said " I think that bringing the matter before the Town Meeting might undermine the au­thority of the Student Court."

However, Siggy's reasons for ap­pealing to the Town Meeting have nothing to do with reversing his court ruling. "I felt that I was mistreated by Student Court... that my rights were not respected ... and that the Student Court acted as if they were not account­able." Siggy said that taking the issue to the Town meeting was a way of holding the Student Court Accountable. Savarese, the other defendant from the

incident, had lead no contest

ceedings. Twice before the Town Meeting,

private meetings were held with mem­bers of student government and officers of the student court to find an alterna­tive resolution, and Mark Blaweiss acting as a mediator. It wasn't a ques­tion about the validity of Siggy's concerns, but a question about the ap­propriateness of bringing them before the Town Meeting. Blaweiss expressed his belief that the members of Student Government and the Student Court rep­resentatives were in agreement with issues Siggy brought up. "There are a lot of holes," said Blaweiss. As an ex­ample he referred to where there was an indiscretion between the constitution and the student code pertaining to the appeal process. One states that appeals could go before student court, and an­other says that they can be brought to the town meeting if they are constitu­tional.

Fourth-year Emily Meade, vice president of student affairs, proposed the formation of an "ad-hoc committee to review student court procedures" at the first meeting. In her statement, she said ''the function of the committee is to suggest or recommend any changes to the constitutional

that this committee is not intended to be a venue for Siggy to appeal his case re­sults. Instead it would review the case and all other cased where due process was compromised. The committee's recommendations would then be made to the next town meeting following the end of their review. Second-year Jeff Lundy, Public defender for the Student Court and representative for Siggy, was present when the idea was first pro­posed. Siggy was not, and claimed to have not known about the meeting at the time. However, Siggy did come to the second meeting and agreed to the terms of the proposal just before the September 10, 2001 Town Meeting.

Both Siggy and Student Government seem pleased with the de­cision to form the committee. "Since my goal was to hold Student Court ac­countable, and not to get out of my sanctions, an independent council seemed like the most direct, least con­tentious means of addressing my concerns," said Siggy about his overall thoughts on the recent developments. Fourth-year and student body president, Molly Robinson said, "the judicial re­view committee has been formed," but that "they have yet to meet." So, a\\

Bookstore defends itself from allegations of incompetence by Michael Gimignani

"I still don't have all the books I need for class. And if I could get them som~where else, I did," first-year Mary Shanks said of her bookstore experi­ence. "How many photocopies of these chapters do I have to make, out of my own pocket, so in the end I can buy the book all over again?"'

Mary is not alone, one of dozens of novo collegians who have been affected by the New College!USF bookstore. Students and teachers alike have toad up to protest the unavailability of many books, as well as the high prices of those books actually on the shelves.

"I started my Modem European History class without a textbook," his­tory professor David Harvey said, "and I had only about half the books I or­dered for my more advanced courses. This is the fourth week, and a few books are still missing."

Indeed, a number of professors have had to alter their curricula due to un­availability of proper texts. The delays have forced teachers to either forego part of their lesson plans, or work their students even harder when the book or­ders finally arrive.

"It's not like I really wanted to read this book," first-year Candace Fallon said while holding up a thousand-page

botany textbook, "and now I have to do so much reading just to stay with the class."

''We can only try the best we can ... our publishers have had a lot of problems, and those problems get pushed onto us," Nancy Gormley, bookstore manager, said in response. ''This is [the publishers' I bu iest season as welL and when they make mistakes it may take months to fix it. Also, we rarely have teachers submit their orders for the following year on time."

A number of professors had their complaints, but understood both sides of the argument. "What you have here, occasionally," sociology professor Sarah Hernandez said, "is a teacher who orders books too late to get them on time for their class. But there were more than a few teachers who got their orders in on time, or early, and they had the same problems ... but you also have a brand new manager who has to deal with any mismanagement pushed onto her from the past," Hernandez com­mented, "and the problems we see now have a lot to do with that earlier insta­bility. In fact, I ordered books early on, and when I checked back in July the new manager ... knew nothing about my order. I caught it just in time."

Harvey; h6wever, remained urtc'on:

vinced. "I submitted my book orders in March. They should be in on time .. .I shouldn't have to check the bookstore," he said. "If they have four months. they should get the books here."

"Our goal is to have the right book, at the right time, in the right quantity," Gormley countered. "Mistakes happen, but as long as we· re involved in the i .. uc, we will make every effort to cor­rect it.''

On the other hand. some student found that paying for the books was a bigger problem than finding them. "I didn't expect to see the turtle anatomy book for $45, that's about a dollar a page," one student said while sorting through his $500 pile of textbooks. Indeed, these prices, up to and surpass­ing $150 for some of the bigger textbooks, seem out of the range of the struggling college student.

However, many students have been successful in getting the books cheaper, online or at the many bookstores in Sarasota and Bradenton. "The book­store wanted $35 for my sociology book, used. I got it for $2, new," first­year Bambi Broxton said after a trip to the Main Bookshop in downtown Sarasota.

"We try to get the cheapest and best­. qLta:lity books we can;" Gormley ·said.

"Sometimes teachers wam a certain edition, or we have to special order. and then we can't control how much that costs."

Barnes and Nobie owns the ~cw College bookstore, and so many believe the high prices were preset by the book megachain. "I still believe in the textbook Mafia,'' Harvey commented.

Gom1lcy mitially declined comment on the connection to Barnes and 'oble. but later recanted, saying, .. Yes, we are Barnes and Noble, but that isn't the issue. We are a bookstore We serve both New College and USF equally and to the best of our ability." A representa­tive from Barnes and Noble added, "We understand and respect the competition in the book market, and especially in the case of the college student who would require these books."

Gormley, for her part, did deeply sympathize with those who had prob­lems. '"'I went here," she said, "and I know what it's like getting books. That's why I try my best to see every­one here as an individual, with needs. You don't often see that in the business world."

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4 The Catalyst NEWS September 26, 2001

Professors say Bonseigneur House full of shit (due to storm) by Chris DeFillippi

After all the flood waters had been gleefully splashed through, canoed upon. and largely evaporated, the only thing remaining of last Friday's Tropical Storm Gabrielle are the memories and the massive property damage. Of all of

ew College. no one location was as hard hit as the Bonseigneur House, which has been closed since Saturday 15.

"I arrived on Saturday after the storm to do work in my office, to find that it had been flooded,'' Psychology professor Michelle Barton said. Psychology professors Gordon Bauer, Heidi Harley and Kimberly Ryan and political science professor Barbara Hicks also had offices in the flood-dam­aged building.

The professors arrived at Bonseigneur Saturday morning to the

sight of stacks of removed carpeting and, a hodgepodge of damp furniture, and physical plant workers going in and out of the building, trying to stay on top of the situation.

The Bonseigneur House's proximity to the bay has always made the building susceptible to flood. but in this incident, the flooding was accompanied by the backing up of the House's toilets. "The building smelled terrible," said Harley.

For sanitation reasons, thorough dis­infecting of the building will accompany the retiling, replacement of carpeting and the use of electric fans to expedite the drying of the House's inte­rior.

'1'he plan is to disinfect the building and move folks back in," said Hicks. The general consensus among the phys­ical plant workers is that this process should be completed roughly around

September 28. "I lost some file folders of papers, a

set of old stimuli for an experiment, nothing irreplaceable," said Barton. Perhaps the greatest misfortune of the House's flooding has been the forced re­location of the professors and their classes. Classes typically held in Bonseigneur during busier times of the day and week were left with little in the way of choices for where they may as­semble during the building's repair.

"It is scheduled in a very small Palrrilng Building A classroom," said Harley of her Cognition class. "Many students are sitting on the floor."

The closing of the Bonseigneur House only exacerbated the sense of disorder that had been established by the events· of September 11, the storm­canceled classes, and the power outages.

"I went to my first post-Gabrielle Cognition class with a sense of disori­entation." Harley explained. "Not only was it in a new place, but I also had to postpone an exam scheduled for that day. I had to be prepared with a lecture scheduled for later in the term."

"Thus far, everyone has been very very helpful," Harley said of the admin­istration and physical plant's response to the recent inconveniences. The of­fice-less migrants interviewed were also pleased with the students' ability to deal with the confusion gracefully.

"When I entered the classroom and saw all those familiar student faces, mir­roring my disorientation, I realized that the truth is, the most important part of a class is the people," Harley continued. "And they were making it worthwhile to keep trying to slog on together."


El Adobe- Sarasota's finest Mexican food By Jag Davies

Next time you're in the mood for a tasty Mexican enc i a · · · r ' Mexican restaurant- El Adobe, located south of downtown at 4023 S. Tamiami Trail.

Upon arriving at the restaurant, my party and I were immediately greeted by a friendly Mexican­looking hostess decked-out in an. authentic Mexican-looking camisa and bluejeans. Before long, we were served a complimentary helping of warm com chips and salsa, a traditional Mexican condiment comprised of tomatoes. onions, and spices. The menu featured a variety of just over 30 dishes, most of which were reasonably priced between five and seven dollars.

The best value on the menu may be the "Taco Plate," a hearty helping of two hard tacos, a tradi­tional Mexican food made from crispy tortillas and crafted into a shell. The tacos are filled with beef, re­fried beans or chicken, and topped with diced tomatoes and finely grated cheese. All meals are also served with a generous portion of yellow rice and beans. Of comparable value are the burrito plate and the enchilada plate.

At twenty-seven years of age, El Adobe is one of Sarasota's longest-running food establishments. It is also one of the last independently owned restaurants in the area, thanks to the effort and commitment of owner Mary Keirn. "We have a very Joyal follow­ing," said Debbie Aldaw, who has worked at El Adobe as a bartender for more than eight years. "Our clien­tele is mostly very local, so we have been able to build up a reputation. I've seen parents bring their kids here, and then I've seen those same kids bring their own children here. '

The decor left much to be desired, however. El Adobe was founded quite some Lime ago, in 1974, and it showed. The pseudo-Mexican decorations, dun­geon-like lighting and the pasty green/mustard yellow interior made me feel sJjghtly nauseous towards the

.------,et critico del Catalyst-----._,

end of my otherwise delightful meal. Nonetheless, I completed my meal at El Adobe

with my stomach satiated, my European handbag not that much less empty than it had been previously, and my heart longing for revenge of my boyhood enemy, Pedro de Santo Rodero, the mariachi who stole my first true love, Carmencita Cruz, the Mexican temptress who taught me what it takes to be a man in this dog-eat-dog world.

So, I suggest you make a trip to El Adobe to see for yourself. In the meantime, j/1asta la Vista!

Rockstar Ball !FROM :'RocKSTAR" PAGE J I dressed as "heroin chic in general."

When asked whether this was true, Lewis told tbe Ca!alyst, "I cannot confirm or deny these reports." Lewis transferred from Jacksonville University. He plans on studying psychology and literature at New College. Lewis also enjoys rowing and long walks on the beach. He is "single."

The lip-synch contest eventually had to be cut short due to excessive numbers of potential participants. Students who weren't able to actively perform in the lip­synch contest manifested their rockstar-ness in other ways, such as acting like rockstars. "We went to strange people's rooms and demanded that we be Jet in," said sec­ond-year Chris Altes whose chest hair still shimmered with body glitter at the time the Catalyst went to press. 'We also molested a monkey."

"We did piss on a lot of things," added fourth-year Steven Wheeler who was dressed as half of a 70s gay rockstar lover duo.

"I saw someone start a flre in Palm Court and steal a flag," said first-year Erica Schechter. "Just kidding."

Thoughtful first-year trdJlsfer-student, Eris Budzinski commented on the rockstar ball, "Some people really fit the characters they dressed up as. Other people dressed up as themselves. What does that tell you about the person?"

Rockstar Ball host and psychology thesis-student, Shannon Ingles answers the question. "You are always acting. When you dress up as yourself, you are kind of making fun of yourself, but sometimes it's fun to cele­brate another person."

Ingles hopes for future rockstar balls. "M y goal is for someone else to throw it next year after I graduate," she said.

True to New College's non-competitive nature, the rockstar "contest" was devoid of a "winner.'' "Nobody won,'' said Ingles. "We didn't get to that."

Ingles will be giving out prizes this week to everyone who perfom1ed, with the exception of Ben "Vanilla Ice" Lewis. "Lewis came out and helped me clean up after the ball," said Ingles. "I already gave him his prize, a tank top."

Page 5: ecw College

The Catalyst NEWS

Symbol stolen: repressive measures instituted by Ryan McCormick Price, Esq.

"For reasons unknown," begins the ominous missive posted on the glass case on the west side of B-Dorm, "some miscreant has deigned to take the flag of MY country from its resting pole at the overpass flagpole."

The theft which the letter referred to was the third in a string of disappear­ances of American flags from around campus over the last two months. This case has been followed closely by the campus police since the first flag disap­peared, particularly after a burned American flag, presumed to be one of the stolen ones, was found in Palm Court in August. The case has picked up a great deal of emotional momentum since the terrible events of September 11th.

Despite the strong feelings the thefts have apparently inspired in some offi­<'Prc; . the campus police department is still handling the matter in a strictly professional manner, according to Sgt. Walker.

"There are no suspects at the time," he pointed out, "and although we hear rumors just like all you [residents of the New College community] do, there's no evidence that we feel we should act on at this time."

-;;...-illf!llllilllililllllll'-'--.••lt i appre-hended, the perpetrators would almost certainly be charged with multiple counts of petit theft, which is the mis­demeanor charge leveled for theft of anything valued at less than $300. The flags are valued at $100 apiece. Whether the case would be prosecuted by the city of Sarasota or handed over to the Student Court would largely de­pend on the report of the officer who

"Bombs bursting itl air/ Gave proof through the night that our flag was stiff there." But not at New College, it wasn't. Mourning patriots may take comfort in this Jasper Jolmflag pictured above.

made the arrest and the decision of in- heart by the "alleged New College terim Chief Eugene O'Casio, according community." Some students have re­to campus police procedure. sponded by initiating searches for the

Officers Hugh Roarty and Ken flags and posting signs imploring for it Vickers, however, have other ideas on to be returned before the Halloween how to handle this investigation. They PCP, fearing that the traditionally fes­have made it a personal crusade to have tive atmosphere of the massive party the flag returned, posting the some- might be severely crippled by the right­what-threatening letter mentioned eous anger of the campus police. above in - onn. y warned: · ears may y prove o flag is not returned in 'pristine' condi- well-founded. Officers Roarty and tion quickly, the alleged community of Vickers fo11owed up their letter with a New College will suffer. If you have slightly sterner warning of forthcoming trouble figuring that one out , let me massive retributions on the B-Dorm dry paraphrase it to 'Hell hath no fury like erase board. Their campaign apparently Roarty or VIckers scorned.' A discreet went into swing on Friday night, when phone call advising of the location underage persons found to be imbibing should put a little oil on these troubled alcohol at the Wall were accosted by of­waters." ficers and hung with a variety of

This stem warning has been taken to downright Dickensian signs. The signs

September 26, 2001 5

were a treasury of witticisms, bearing such legends as "I will not drink under­aged," "Will not drink under 21. Kiss me please," and "I'm an alcoholic".

Clifford Charles Richards, a visitor to the campus, saw the police actions at the Wall, and remarked "That was in­tensely weird. Cops were hanging these signs on kids and grinning like maniacs. Does this sort of thing happen here often?"

Some students feel that this sort of action is the surest way to get results in such a close social environment. "I think it's good that we're being pun­ished as a community," says first-year Raea Kay Hicks, .. because it makes us think and act like a community in tead of as a bunch of unconnected individu­als. I think it would b e wise of whoever took the flags to give them back, because none of us want to be punished for something we didn't do."

Other Novo Collegians, however, resent this apparent strong-arming by our resident security forces. Longtime student and prominent campus person­ality Sigismund said "I think it's really fucked up, considering that a good <leal of the student body has been searching for the flags and trying to get them ba~k, that th~ entire student body

sort of retaliation for what prolJa 5 students have done."

When asked directly about his plans and motivations, Officer Ken Vickers replied simply "Everything I wanted to say is in that letter. It's real simple. I want the flags back, and I'm going to get them back."

Vigil sheds light on campus, as community prays for peace by Abby Weingarten

"Why is there a canolelight vigil during the dayT' asked second-year Eric Carrol1 around 5:30 p.m. last Wednesday. While many were still en­joying their dinner inside, staff, faculty, and some students from New College and USF Sarasota gathered outside of Hamilton Center, sunglasses on and candles in hand.

Scheduled early to accommodate USF's evening classes, a vigil was held to offer support to those of the campus community and surrounding area af­fected by the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington. Information ta­bles provided pins, ribbons, and small white candles for everyone in the crowd.

By 6:00. those seated on the sur­rounding wall and benches raised up from their seats to join in the singing of "America the Beautiful." As Club Scoul.s from the area carried out an American Flag, their Honor Guard

placed a wreath of red roses on the steps of Hamilton Center. Veterans were among those in attendance, some in wheelchairs from war injuries. New College Student Body President Andrew Hossack addressed the assem­bled crowd. "Candle light vigils," lte explained, ··not only allow for the op­portunity to mourn together, but to celebrate the living together."

"This is for our grief, for our courage, for our memories, for our love, for justice, and for peace," re­minded Mark Blaweiss, director of New College Student Affairs, "in honor of the fallen victims, the families, and friends." During the singing of "Amazing Grace," Blaweiss shared the flame from his own candle with the re­mainder of the crowd.

Dave Sanders, president of student government of USF Sarasota, spoke emotionally, ··on Tuesday, September 11,2001. peace was shattered," he aid, "The United Nations has dedicated the

second Tuesday, following the first Monday of September, the International Day of Peace. This year that date, ironically, was Tuesday, September 11th, 2001. I wish to remind everyone that our prayers of peace are needed now more than ever."

With that, a series of prayers from different religions and cultures were re­cited. Imam Zia read eight brief Muslim prayers, Father Alberto Bueno read the St. Francis Prayer, and a Rabbi read a Jewish prayer for peace. To show respect and honor for belief systems outside of their own, a Reverend read Native American prayer, and New College and USF students recited a Buddhist, Hindu, and Shinto prayer for peace together.

This showing of tolerance was an at­tempt counter prejudices that may have sprung from the terrorist attacks. In "a moment of solidarity," said Dr. Laurey Stryker, head of USF Sarasota, "we unite our voices."

Third-year Tash Shaheen said, "PeopJe feel helpless. They're looking for con­trol. Prayer is a manifestation of control; it makes people feel like at least they're doing something." The crowd joined hands to sing the "Star-Spangled Banner," as Pam Doerr, Director of Student Services for USF, requested a moment of silence, "as an expre sian of compassion." "This was important to some students," observed Mark Blaweiss, "from the New College side, since students are residential, the more we can keep stu­dents and faculty together, the more we can feel like a family, keeping focus on our emotions."

After the vigil, Blaweiss told the Catalyst, "What I think is more impor­tant than anything is that we rise to our feet and keep going, keeping the mem­ory of the dead so that they shall not have died in vain."

Page 6: ecw College

6 The Catalyst NEWS September 26, 2001

Board of Trustees could ban alcohol at New College, but that's not on agenda Commissioner of Education and the Florida Board of Education.

As required by law, many of the board members were selected due to their strong ties to the college. For ex­ample, seven of the twelve member of the BOT had served on the ew College Foundation, including the BOT Chairman, Robert Johnson. General Rolland Heiser, a member of the BOT who was president of the New College Foundation for over 22 years, said that the foundation was instrumental in en­suring that the BOT consisted of people who were familiar with the school.

"Actually, we played a role in devel­oping the legislation this year that made New ollege independent and the fact that we have seven members of the New College Foundation on the board is the result of our efforts," he said. "We actually negotiated that with the author of the legislation. Out of the seven members of our foundation that are on

the New College board, five of them are alums, so we're proud of that, too."

One of the board members. Dr. Meg Lowman, Executive Director of Selby Botanical Gardens, once taught as an adjunct professor at New College.


among other schools. r. owman called herself the "token tree-climber" on the board whose contribution comes from her "strong background in liberal arts education and science." She would also like to see the creation of an edu­cational partnership between Selby Gardens and ew College.

The board will assemble for its sec­ond meeting on Saturday. eptember 29th at 10 AM in the Music Room of

ollege Hall. The agenda includes are­port from the lntenm Pre ident S arch

ommittee, which will recommend Gordon "Mike' Michal on, now th Acting Pre tdent of Tew Coli ge. The

ard i exp ted to nam Michalson Interim Pre id nt for the year.

Michabon \ ill also pr ent a report to th hoard, followed by other proc -dural matter·, including a Budget

pdate. There will also be an opportu­nity for public comment and a presentation by the Divi ion of Natural Science .

The trustees: Information about the remaining tmstees is on Page 8. Robert M. Johnson, Chairman, is an attorney and shareholder with the finn of Wilson, Johnson & Jaffer, P.A. He is a former State enator and tate Representative. Mr. Johnson has been a member of the New College Foundation Board since 1977, and was appointed by President Ronald Reagan to the National Council of the Arts from 198" 1" 1993. Mr. Johnson received his

Editorial comment: Trustees are political by Michael Sanderson

The morning of June 24, the day that Lt. Governor Frank Brogan ar­rived to announce the ew College board to all of us, I asked Campus Advancement Director Carol Butera­Dutton who's on the board. She didn't know. No one did except the board members themselves.

I was incredulous: they're set to ar­rive that day, and yet the school still didn't have their identities? Twelve blank name tags were prepared, Butera-Dutton told me, and an hour before the scheduled announcement the Dean's office would receive a fax from the governor's office, at which point the name tags would be printed.

The level of secrecy astounded me, until Butera-Dutton explained that it contained a political message from the

governor's office. If given the names, the school could inform the campus and the media, and this important and groundbreaking information would come from the school. By keeping them secret until Brogan's announce­ment. the governor emphasized that the trustees came from Jeb Bush not from the school, which has little say on their selection.

Thus, Brogan's announcement was a sign of the power the governor, and all future governors, have over New College. Something went right in the selection of this board. because it's mostly New College Foundation members, alumni. and others with connectiol) to the school.

It also· includes several members with no prior connection to New College, including both African-

American members of the board. This says something about New College and about the governor's political goals.

The governor's veto of the allo­cated transition money showed clearly that we're not politically invulnerable; at other schools, "offensive" activities have led to threats of funding cuts from legislatures. The board has an impressive task ahead of it, to build the political support New College needs to survive, and to secure the funding that the school needs to get off the ground.

Considering that the board's led by the advocates who shepherded inde­pendence through the legislature, and are more responsible for their position than anyone else, the task has fallen to the right people.

Back: Andre~<.J B. Hossack, Jerome Dupree, Rolland V. lleher. Vtcki Raebum. John M. Cranor; Robert M. Jolm.1on, Jane T.,Silev. Front: Roben M. Schiffimm, Mickey Pre ~lw, Robert G. Blalock, Kenneth Misemer. Alexis Simendinger. Absent Meg Lowman .

bachelor's degree from Florida State University in 1958, and his juris doc­torate from the Univer ity of Florida Law School in 1964. Mr. Johnson is a resident of Sarasota.

Robert M. Schiffman, Vice-Chair, is the president/CEO of the Wynnton Group. He is a current member of the New College Foundation Board, and will also be chairing th Developm nt Committee at New College next year.

Mr Schiffman created and funded a music series and the proceed went to the New College Alumnae/i Association. He is an alumnus of New College and also attended the Wharton School of Business. Mr. Schiffman is a restdent of olumbu , Georgia.

Lt. General Rolland Heiser, US Army, Ret. is president of the New College Foundation, a position he has held for the last 22 years. In this capac­ity, Lt. Gen. Hei er lia been instrumental in raising an endowment

for New College from zero to $30 mil­lion. Previously. he spent 32 years with the United States Anny. Lt. Gen. Heiser founded the Korean Military Academy in 1954, the Vietname e National Defense College in 1968, and was a founding director of the Education Foundation of Sarasota. He received his bachelor's degree from the United States Military Academy in 1947, and his master's degree from George Was~~ngton University in 1965. Lt.

en. He1. er i a resident of Sara ota.

Page 7: ecw College

The Catalyst OPiNION September 26, 2001 7

Opinion: America's response to terrorism disturbing "Interfaith" not representing everyone

by Raj Gbosbal While the U.S. government pursued

Osama bin Laden and his terror net­work, it is keeping silent about the CIA's role in training and equipping him in the 1970s to repulse the Soviet incursion into Afghanistan. Students of recent history will likely recognize this as consistent with a pattern: the CIA supported Manuel Noriega's rule in Panama before turning against him in 1989; the US assisted Iraq and allied with Saddam Hussein during the Iran­Iraq war and then equated him with Hitler when he endangered American oil supplies, and so on.

Since little has been said in the mainstream media about Bin Laden's motivations, I want to quickly shed some light on what led him to terror­ism. Most specifically he is angry at 1) American military support of Israel and 2) U.S.-backed sanctions against Iraq. More generally, be is unhappy with the American economic and military pres­ence in the Middle East (especially Saudi Arabia), and believes that American-style globalization is eroding local determination. Bin Laden's point of view is that global capitalism and global military domination by the U.S. are themselves violent.

his acceptance of violence, guess that his worldview is consistent in many ways with a lot of left-leaning Novo Collegians. (The basis for his ha­tred, in my opinion, also points to a non-discussed solution to terrorism: in­stead of spending $40 billion on hunting down terrorists, spend $40 bil-

lion on renewable energy development, allowing the US to extract itself from the Middle East.)

As for the near future, I'm saddened by the deaths that took place last week, but even more disturbing is the way these events have fueled a wave of na­tionalistic, militarist sentiment. Both the foreign and domestic policy aspects of the recent "Presidential" address were troubling. Congress delegated away its warrnaking authority and gave George Bush a blank check to wage war against up to 60 countries at once-­largely with public approval. The most obvious recent parallel to this Congressional delegation of power is 1964's Gulf of Tonkin resolution, which over time turned a low-level conflict in Vietnam into an inferno.

Bush has apparently succeeded in obliterating distinctions between terror­ists, governments of countries where terrorists live, and civilians. The likely result of this is U.S. military strikes against massive numbers of civilians who happen to live in states where ter­rorists hide out.

Equally troublesome are the domes­tic consequences of the new war. The new Cabinet-level "Department of Homeland Security" will almost cer-. .

domestic dissent. Anti- globalization movements, Food Not Bombs, Catholic Worker Peace Communities, and so on will face increased harassment in a McCarthyesque climate. The ongoing campaign against terrorists will also distract legislative and media attention from topics like Bush's contempt for

lower-and-middle-class workers, his trashing of the Kyoto accord on global warming, his restrictions on overseas abortion, and his servitude to wealthy fossil fuel interests.

The world is full of violent events, including those of the last week. Most of these events don't get covered: hardly anyone knows about the half­million civiliahs that die annually from U.S. sanctions on Iraq; policymakers don't much care that tens of millions of American lack health insurance; and so on. A militaristic anti-terror campaign will cover up the root causes of terror­ist violence, entrench the American presence in the Middle East, distract at­tention from Bush's violent social policies, and cause increased suppres­sion of dissidents in the US.

I believe, Bush's military campaign will likely play into Bin Laden's hands by inflaming anti-American sentiment around the world, and a new and stronger generation of terrorists will emerge. Absent some kind of large­scale public repudiation of the new war on terrorism, the situation looks bleak.

Raj Ghoshal ('99--= -'OJ) wrote his political science thesis on the media and Osama bin Laden. He now lives

by Philosophy Professor Aron Edidin One of the ways in which our com­

munity can help to support all of us in the face of events like the terrorist at-· tacks two weeks ago is by providing ceremonial occasions for sharing our grief and fear and hope. I know of two such events here, one arranged quickly on the night of the attacks, and the other last Wednesday's candlelight vigil. Both were announced as inter­faith events, and as far as I know, both lived up to the title. "Interfaith" con­notes inclusiveness in contrast to sectarian observances. But it isn't in­clusive enough to embrace the full diversity of our community.

Our community does include adher­ents of several religious faiths. But it also includes those of us who are not religious believers at all. As we all try to deal with the attacks and their con­sequences, we can share our grief and hope whether or not the consolation we seek includes the consolation of faith, and whether or not we look to divine aid in the realization of our hopes.

ournin those who were murdered pacifist intentional communzty 111 tiiJ~·;81riPIIIIIiiiiiJi~~~···~~··· Virginia, along with ancient New ness oftheir lost Jives and of all human College alums Ira Wallace and Jay lives, whether we see in those precious Kawatski and recent alums Ezra lives creatures created in the image of a Freeman and Mala Ghoshal. E-mail god or just folks, our fellow humans can be directed to [email protected]. and ourselves.

Of course, not every gathering on campus will address itself to the entire

Column: Afghan war has local connections community. Interfaith events are valu­able and appropriate, as are observances of individual faiths. But at times like these we need to extend the support and consolation of our commu­nity to all, and interfaith gatherings alone cannot meet this need.

by Max Campbell The events depicted in this column

have not actually happened- yet. Those of us who remember last springs inde­pendence debate, however; might take this as an ominous sign of things to come.

Retired Lieutenant General Roland Heiser, the president of the New College Foundation, was called back into active duty on Sunday in light of our current hostilities with the Taliban. He will be dispatched immediately to Afghanistan, where he is expected to serve in "pri­marily a fund-raising capacity" for the American war effort.

Acting President Gordon "Mike" Michalson gave Heiser his best wishes during an emotional farewell bruncheon this morning. He expressed his confi­dence that the war effort would succeed, in spite of America's limping economy. "We remain clear about our central mis­sion," he said, "And our nation is rich in human resources. These two facts will enable us to overcome any difficulties that rnav be associated with the war."

Other personalities among the New College staff and student body were also quick to offer their support for Heiser and the current military offensive. In an e-mail to the listserv, alumna Rachel Morris explained that the war was nec­essary because "the relationship between America and Afghanistan has

· already been irredeemably poisoned." "Since an American victory is in­

evitable," she wrote, "the smartest thing we can do now is to pretend that we sup­ported the war effort all along."

In a related development, George W. Bush unexpectedly resigned from the presidency on Monday. White House of­ficials explained that, instead of finishing his term in office, Bush had decided to accept one year's presidential salary and go on what they described as a "leave of absence" to his ranch in Texas. They explained that Dick Cheney will serve as an "interim president" until the next national election.

Back on campus, meanwhile, NCSA Secretary Titus Jewell challenged some oolitical commentators' sul!l!estion that

Lt. General Heiser, recalled to duty

the administration's newly-established Department of Homeland Security might impinge on Americans' civil liber­ties. "It's ridiculous even to consider," he said, "that our own Department of Homeland Security could ever become an oppressive force. Our irresponsible media is endangering the country even by suggesting such a thing."

He then dismissed the other argu­ments of the administration's critics as "iust shoddv."

\• IJ I

Corrections eln our September 12 issue, we mrssated 1hat Provost Gallahan is formerly of the Psychology depart­ment. She and President Michalson remain faculty members. eln our last two issues. we bucheted the name of Maxeme Tuchman~ the second time in a cor­rection. We apolOgize to her and to Maxine Gomez, with who we con­fused her.

Clarification eJohn Martin was quoted as citing a need for "a man in his position." The Catalyst did not mean to suggest that it had to be a man, in particul~.

Page 8: ecw College

8 The Catalyst

Public Notice: The NCSA Constitutional rev1ston Committee will be meeting in October. The primary purpose of this committee is to update and revise the constitution so that it complies with other rules and regu­lations of NCF. A secondary purpose is to update the constitution with amendments passed since the fall of 1999. Any com­ments or suggestions should be made in writing and placed in box 590 as soon as possible, but definitely by Friday, October 5, 2001.

ANNOUNCEMENTS PAGE You are invited to the historic launch of the Earth Charter- A Declaration of Interdependence--in the United States. EARTH CHARTER SUMMIT A Declaration of INTERdepedence SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 29, 2001 9 a.m.-6 p.m. PEPIN ROOD STADIUM University of Tampa North Boulevard Ave. Tampa Florida

''The Buddhist Approach to Happiness and a Good Heart" Wednesday, September 26 8:00-9:30 P.M. Sainer Auditorium

A talk by Geshe Konchok Kyab, translated by Prof. John Newman. sponsored by the Sarasota Mahayana Buddhist Meditation Group.

Geshe Konchok Kyab, resident teacher at Tubten Kunga Buddhist Center in Deerfield Beach, will give a talk on the Buddhist approach to happi­ness and its relationship to compassion.

More trustees ... Colonel Mickey Presha, USAR, Ret. is the president and CEO of the Manatee County Rural Health Services, Tnc. His extensive involvement in South Florida includes his service as president of the Police Athletic League Academy since its inception, as well as chaim1an of the Board of Directors. Col. Presha also served in the United States Army for 32 years, earning a Distinguished Service Medal, a Bronze Star, a Silver Star, and a Purple Heart among other prestigious awards.

Jerome Dupre is the pastor of Koinonia Baptist Church. He previously served as Mayor of Sarasota, a well as City Commissioner for four years. Mr. Dupree has spent more than 30 years workjng to improve education. and cur­rently serves on the Board of Directors for Children First, SCOPE and First Union Bank of Sarasota.

Robert G. Blalock is an attorney and president ofBlaJock, Landers, Walters & Vogler, PA. He served as a trustee for the New College Foundation, as well as the Foundation's Vice-Chair. Mr. Blalock is also a member, and former president, of the Board of Trustees for

e olin ana ab e ing ing useum. He was also president of the Florida West Coast Symphony, and the United Way of Manatee County.

Kenneth Misemer is an attorney with Allgood & Misemer, P.A. He has been involved with the New College Foundation Board of Trustees since 1977, and is the current Chairman of the Board. Mr. Misemer was instrumental in founding New College's Alumnae/i

Association. He is a trustee of the Morton Plant North Bay Hospital Board, and serves as chainnan. Mr. Misemer re­ceived his bachelor's degree from New College in 1968, attended Harvard Business School, and received his juris doctorate from the University of Florida Law School in 1972.

John Cranor Ill bas been a trustee of the New College Foundation since 1985 and served four years as chairman. He led a successful capital campaign that raised $32 million for the college, and secured a $1 million grant from the PepsiCo, Inc. Foundation. Mr. Cranor led the effort to establish an Alumnae/i A ssocratw n and sat on the governing board for six years. He has served as president/CEO of Wilson Sporting Goods, KFC Worldwide, Long John Silvers, Pepsi Cola Fountain Beverage, and Pepsi Cola East. Mr. Cranor re­ceived his bachelor's degree from New College in 1967, and his masters in busi­ness administration from Harvard University in 1971. Mr. Cranor is a resi­dent of Louisville, Kentucky.

Dr. Vicki Pearthree Raeburn is the president of Mergent Inc. She has been a member of the Board of the New College Foundation for nine years. Dr. Raeburn served three years as the

oar s a tTWoman an ts curre nt y 2nd Vice Chairwoman. She taught at Vassar College for six years, and served as an Adjunct Professor at the Stem School of Business at New York University. Dr. Raeburn received her bachelor's degree from New College in 1968 and her doctoral degree from Yale University in 1972. Dr. Raeburn is a res­ident of Pelham, New York.

Alexis Simendinger is a White House

September 26, 2001

9.18.2001, 7:02a.m. Unknown sus­pect(s) took American flag that was flying at half mast from the Overpass flag pole. Value$1 00.00.

9.20.2001, 4:30 p.m. Seven green and gray rolling type disability chairs are missing from the Hamilton Center classrooms. Total value: $1 ,400.00

correspondent for the National Journal. She has been a member of the New College Alumnaeli Association Board since 1992 and served as board president for two terms. Ms. Simendinger has also been a trustee of the New College Foundation since 1998. She received her bachelor's degree from New College in 1981 and her master's degree in journal­ism from the University of Missouri in 1983. Ms. Simendinger is a resident of Alexandria, Virginia.

Jane T. Smiley served for 16 years as vice president of the Division of Federated Department Stores for Burdines before her retirement. In her desire to develop the arts in public schools, she has served as president of the e w o l\ege Fuu n d a\ io n A s::.O<;ialc:::.,

and as a member of the Sarasota Arts Council Arts in Education Committee.

Elected president by the New College student body, Andrew Blair Hossack, of Sarasota, is the 13th member of the Board of Trustees.

Biographical infomwtion courtesy of the Office of Public Affairs

fiow the Other Half 'Lives' by Chistopher DeFillippi