eCommerce Revenue Hack: How to generate effective ideas

How we generated growth ideas worth 150K+ Method and Tools #mCommerce

Transcript of eCommerce Revenue Hack: How to generate effective ideas

How we generated growth ideas worth €150K+

Method and Tools


“How are we gona double our revenue in the next few months?”



“We should invest in partnerships, email marketing, review our pricing, and redesign the app”Coworkers

“WTF?! We should take a look at the data to craft a Strategy”

👉 How did we craft our strategy?

A - High Impact Area B - Roadmap

A - High Impact Area B - Roadmap

Strategy Design > High Impact Area

We were a small team and we had limited resources.

We needed to be focus to have an impact.

Strategy Design > High Impact Area

To maximize impact, we gathered insights on our product by looking at our metrics.

For obvious reasons, the data is fake.

Strategy Design > High Impact Area

Our High Impact Area is the place where our funnel was leaking the most.

For obvious reasons, the data is fake.

Strategy Design > High Impact Area

Our High Impact Area is the place where our funnel was leaking the most.

High Impact Area

A - High Impact Area B - Roadmap

At the end of our thinking, our roadmap looked like that:

February March April

Focus Area Revenue

Success Metric

CTR (Cart > Thank you)

Goal 25% 35% 45%

Strategy Design > Roadmap

At the end of our thinking, our roadmap looked like that:

February March April

Focus Area Revenue

Success Metric

CTR (Cart > Thank you)

Goal 25% 35% 45%

Strategy Design > Roadmap

From our funnel

It will determine if a test is successful or not

CTR goals distributed on the next 90 days

Insights High impact area Metrics Roadmap

“We lose a lot of

users at the last step of our funnel “

We focus on this area for 90 days.

The goal is to improve our current conversion rate (20%).

To measure the impact of our futur tests, we monitor the CTR (cart > thank you).

To summarize our process:

Strategy Design > SummaryStrategy Design > Summary

👉 Now that we had a clear strategy, how did we find great ideas?

A - Looking for opportunities B - Looking for inspiration C - Our ideas

A - Looking for opportunities B - Looking for inspiration C - Our ideas

1 - We segmented our data in kissmetrics to find where the leak was coming from.




United Kingdom

68,049 (68%)

53,345 (65%)

33,654 (71%)

23,840 (5%)74,897 (25%)210,000 (70%)298,351 (100%)

February 1, 2016 - February 28, 2016

24,746 (24%)

22,967 (28%)

12,487 (26%)

100,787 (100%)

82,326 (100%)

48,033 (100%)

10,078 (10%)

2,467 (3%)

5,786 (12%)

Looking for opportunities > Analytics & Data

Did users from a country drop more than other users?




United Kingdom

68,049 (68%)

53,345 (65%)

33,654 (71%)

23,840 (5%)74,897 (25%)210,000 (70%)298,351 (100%)

February 1, 2016 - February 28, 2016

24,746 (24%)

22,967 (28%)

12,487 (26%)

100,787 (100%)

82,326 (100%)

48,033 (100%)

10,078 (10%)

2,467 (3%)

5,786 (12%)

German users’ conversion is not as good as other users’

Looking for opportunities > Analytics & Data


2 - We looked into the data in Tableau to understand what Germans were using as a payment method.




CB Paypal Other

France Germany




CB Paypal Other

Looking for opportunities > Analytics & Data

What kind of payment methods our users used?




CB Paypal Other

France Germany




CB Paypal Other

German users paid a lot with PayPal compared to French users.

Looking for opportunities > Analytics & DataLooking for opportunities > Analytics & Data


[Company X]

We sent 3000+ emails to simply ask users why they were not paying (and used PayPal so much).

Looking for opportunities > User ResearchLooking for opportunities > User Research


[Company X]

We sent 3000+ emails to simply ask users why they were not paying (and used PayPal so much).

Looking for opportunities > User ResearchLooking for opportunities > User Research

We used YAMM to automate personalized emails easily.


They told us they were dropping because

• they wanted to pay by money transfer (SEPA) and other ways we didn’t even know existed.

• they didn’t trust the brand because of bad translation.

Looking for opportunities > User ResearchLooking for opportunities > User Research


Fair Enough

Looking for opportunities > User Research

They told us they were dropping because

• they wanted to pay by money transfer (SEPA) and other ways we not even know existed.

• they didn’t trust the brand because of bad translation.

Looking for opportunities > User ResearchLooking for opportunities > User Research

We did 20+ user tests. Here’s what they told us:

Looking for opportunities > User ResearchLooking for opportunities > User ResearchLooking for opportunities > User Test

We did 20+ user tests. Here’s what they told us:

Looking for opportunities > User ResearchLooking for opportunities > User ResearchLooking for opportunities > User Test

“What if I want to buy without having to register?”

We did 20+ user tests. Here’s what they told us:

Looking for opportunities > User ResearchLooking for opportunities > User ResearchLooking for opportunities > User Test

Looking for opportunities > User ResearchLooking for opportunities > User Test

What if I want to pay with other payment methods?

What if I want to choose an other delivery method?

Looking for opportunities > User ResearchLooking for opportunities > User Test

Looking for opportunities > User ResearchLooking for opportunities > User ResearchLooking for opportunities > User Test

Are you kidding me? Need some real known logos there.

Looking for opportunities > User ResearchLooking for opportunities > User ResearchLooking for opportunities > User Test

Opportunities Summary

Users wanted other payment methods

Users didn’t pay because of bad translation

Users experienced a lot of friction in the flow

Looking for opportunities > SummaryLooking for opportunities > User ResearchLooking for opportunities > User ResearchLooking for opportunities > Summary

A - Looking for opportunities B - Looking for inspiration C - Our ideas

1 - We looked at other products’ payment flows for inspiration.

Looking for inspiration > Fancy flowLooking for opportunities > User ResearchLooking for opportunities > User ResearchLooking for inspiration > Fancy Flow

Looking for inspiration > Groupon flowLooking for inspiration > Groupon Flow

2 - We inspired ourselves with great mCommerce companies email tactics.

Looking for inspiration > Abandonment Cart EmailsLooking for inspiration > Abandonment Cart Emails

A - Looking for opportunities B - Looking for inspiration C - Our ideas

• Perfectly Translate the Payment Flow in German and Italian

• Redesign the UX of the flow (Groupon copycat)

• Redesign the Summary Screen (focus on the expedition date)

• Add trusted elements on the payment screens

• Add other payment methods (SEPA transfer)

• Add a guest login to remove friction in the flow

• Triggered emails when the left an item in his cart

At the end of the day, we came up with dozens of ideas, among which:


👉 Now that we had ideas, how did we predict which one will

have the biggest impact?

A - ICE Scoring & Backlog B - Results

A - ICE Scoring & Backlog B - Results

The goal is to launch first the most easy and impactful ideas.

"ICE" stands for Impact, Confidence, and Ease.

ICE ScoringICE Scoring

• Impact: If it works, what is the potential impact?

• Confidence: Do we have evidence it will work?

• Ease: How easy it is to test our hypothesis?

ICE ScoringICE ScoringICE Scoring

Start with this one

BacklogICE ScoringBacklog

We assigned 1 -10 scores for Impact, Confidence and Ease (10 being the best)

A - ICE Scoring & Backlog B - Results

🙌 +30% Revenue Growth when translating professionally.

+40% Revenue Growth when adding other payment methods.

= +150K€ Turnover

ICE ScoringResults

Our tools

Some websites we used to find inspiration

ICE ScoringTools & Website

Thanks for watching!

Next time, I’ll dive into our process (e.g. launching these ideas).

PS: Feedback is a gift, help me iterate for next time!

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