ECIA Yearbook 2009

Yearbook 2009 Members Directory - page 45 Fully updated Members Directory enclosed David Billington President ECIA Determining the Future - page 32 Summary and Action Plan from the ECIA’s Industry Conference in 2008


ECIA Yearbook 2009

Transcript of ECIA Yearbook 2009

Page 1: ECIA Yearbook 2009


Members Directory - page 45Fully updated Members Directory enclosed

David BillingtonPresident ECIA Determining the Future - page 32

Summary and Action Plan from the ECIA’s IndustryConference in 2008

Page 2: ECIA Yearbook 2009


ECIA Yearbook Contents

ECIA head office staff: left to right: Michaela Preckova, Daryl Canfield, Katarina Hanova, Michael Hockey, Richard Ash and Simon Bailey


President’s Welcome 4

ECIA Serving its Members 6

NJC for the Engineering Construction Industry - Cat 1 & 2 projects 8

The Employment Relations Landscape 10

ECIA Members Entitled to National Insurance Exemptions 14

An Excellent Year for Safety 16

Skills and Training Report 2008/09 18

Regional Highlights 22

NAECI - Where to Now? 24

ACE Battling The Tide 26

Virtual Assistants - An Alternative Approach 29

The Future Shape of the Engineering Construction Industry 30

Determining The Future - An Industry Conference Hosted by ECIA 32

An Extract from the ECIA Business Trends Survey - Q1 2009 35

ECIA Spring Ball 2009 36

ECIA Golf Day 38

ECIA Council Representatives 40

ECIA External Representatives 42

ECIA Contacts at Head Office / Regional Staff / Members Services 46

Managing Contractors / Major Contractors 52

Employment Businesses 64

Members Directory 68

Page 3: ECIA Yearbook 2009

ECIA Yearbook 2009

Last year I said that we needed to improve the productivity in

the industry and we welcome Lord Mandelson's Productivity

and Skills Review, announced in February. We hope that the

report will assist us to position UK workers in becoming the

workers of choice for the future and as President of your

Association I am committed to playing my part in the quest to

improve the competitive position of our industry. By

achieving that, we will attract further client investment in the

UK and secure the long-term future for our industry.

I also believe that it is ever more important that we strive to

commit our Industry to making our sites and workplaces ever

safer to ensure everyone's well being. Good health and safety

standards are not just an aim for ECIA, they are a fundamental

value. Therefore I am pleased to note that once again ECIA's

members have delivered a performance that sets them

substantially apart from construction as a whole and the ECIA

safety statistics for 2008 as reported by Richard Ash show that

a worker is almost 4 times less likely to be hurt on an Engineering Construction site than on a building and

civil one. It is particularly pleasing to see the efforts and innovations our member companies have promoted

in 2008. ECIA's BEST award (co-sponsored by the ECITB) seeks to recognise health and safety excellence and

this year I was delighted to present awards to Shepley Engineering (for the BEST company) and to the

Transco Isle of Grain LNG Expansion Project (for the BEST project). My congratulations to

the winners.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge and thank the many ECIA members who have supported our committees

and working parties during the past year. No advancement is achievable without that support. In particular I

should like to thank the office bearers who have served during the year:

� Derek Hunter of Shaw Group UK:

� Andrew Collinson of Alstom Power;

� Nigel Francis of Howden UK; and

� Steve King of Foster Wheeler.

Special thanks to Steve Lee of AMEC (a Past President of the Association) who recently retired from AMEC

and the Industry, and to Steve Guest who retired from Costain. I am grateful to both of them for their

individual contributions to the Association and to the Industry over long periods.

I commend the content of this ECIA Yearbook 2009 to you.

David Billington

ECIA President (Managing Director of TEi)


President’s WelcomeThis is my second year as your President duringwhat has proved to be an extraordinary period. Lastyear I said that the size of the workload facing ourindustry was unprecedented in more than 30 yearsand I surmised that we needed to invest tocapitalise on opportunities. By September webegan to feel the effects of the global credit crunchfollowing the collapse of the US sub-prime market.

As we headed into recession we saw not only the completion of major projects,

but also delays in the commencement of previously confirmed new ones.

Energy use and energy prices began to fall and further cuts in consumption are

likely to follow. LNG Plants that are scheduled to come on stream over the

coming months are expected to contribute to a global increase in LNG

production capacity at a time when European markets for that product are

forecast to shrink. That will bring downward pressures on natural gas prices.

Investment in new energy related projects is likely to be delayed in the short

term and oil prices that soared to almost $150 per barrel in July then fell to

below $50. The effect of that was to limit current investment in the refining

sector to essential maintenance. Finally, the chemicals industry is flat and many

UK operators are finding it difficult to compete on a commercial basis with

plants operating out of the Middle East and Asia. Although we are experiencing

a significant downturn in activity the medium term prospects for Engineering

Construction remains positive and I am confident that our industry will weather

the present recession. 2009 will be less buoyant than 2008, but 2010 will see

activity gain momentum once again in the second half - and our industry must

be ready for that. In the short term the skills issues have eased, but we must now

rise to the challenge of not only maintaining, but of finding ways to increase our

investment in training to secure the skills that we need for the future. We do not

want, nor can we afford, to repeat the mistakes of twenty years ago by slashing

training budgets and suffering in the long term. I therefore

call on you to continue to support ACE and to assure

the competence of our workforce for the future.

Against that background we have commenced the

NAECI terms and conditions review for 2010 with

the signatory trade unions. The UK workforce is

understandably concerned with the security of its

employment but we must comply with the law

and we cannot condone protectionism. However,

we have pledged to work with the trade unions to

ensure that NAECI remains the National

Agreement of choice for the Engineering

Construction Industry.

We have pledgedto work with thetrade unions toensure thatNAECI remainsthe NationalAgreement ofchoice for theEngineeringConstructionIndustry.

by David Billington,ECIA President4

Photo courtesy of CE Staffing

Photo courtesy of Alstom