Echo Mobile App concept



Concept for a mobile App for the Iphone. This app converts the audio from your conversation and converts it to a algorithmically generated piece of art.

Transcript of Echo Mobile App concept

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Page 2: Echo Mobile App concept


our lives can be broken down into a series of moments &

experiences that when linked together tell the story of who we

are. the daily commute to the office, the birth of a child or a call

made to an old friend; be it the ordinary or extraordinary, these are

the moments that define our lives.


what does your brother’s voice look like? describe thunder in

graphic terms. questions that most of us have never pondered

yet it’s hard not to be intrigued with the answers to them

knowing that they may very well exist.


create an iPhone application that generates a single visual echo of

an experience through the analysis of the sound waves generated

by it. (ambient noise or phone call)

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the sound of science

sound is a series of mechanical compressions and rarefactions

that successively pass one into another in the form of a sine wave

that is comprised of several common components.

(soft thoughts on dev. mechanics) in theory we should be able to

establish a standard data model that can be used to visually plot

the unique characteristics present in a sound wave generated by

an experience; be it ambient noise or those generated as a direct

result of the participant’s interaction with the environment.

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the sound of science (continued)

our initial thought was to develop this application in such a

way that there are no “preset” elements used by the “graphic

engine” rather these would be controlled so to speak by the

individual characteristics of the sound wave being analyzed.

for example: color, shape, frequency and transparency of the

“brush” would be “controlled” by wavelength, amplitude and

duration of the observed wave.

(parameters not specifics) without sacrificing the “cool”

factor allow the generated output to be as “organic” as

possible without producing an endless study entitled

“infinite shades of brown”.

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initial thoughts on functionality outside the

processing of sound waves.

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App Selected

(icon artwork TBD)

Loading Screen

(artwork TBD)

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view previously created images: go to application

specific folder in main photo repository created by

application upon installation / go to (4)


generate art from phone call

two input sources / go to (1)


generate art from ambient noise

one input source / go to (3)


option to link twitpic, facebook and

flickr accounts for image posting

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End Call

go to (2)

Dial a Number

Open Address Book

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(animation artwork tbd)


options: save / delete / share

(restart app after selection)

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Start / Stop

2-way button

(monitor / analyze ambient sound)



(animation artwork tbd)


options: save / delete / share

(restart app after selection)

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application specific folder for

generated images located in specific

folder in main photo repository. use

default iphone options for sharing

photos in addition to adding twitter,

facebook and flickr.

