ECE 5377 / 6377 Syllabus Spring 2012

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Transcript of ECE 5377 / 6377 Syllabus Spring 2012

  • 7/25/2019 ECE 5377 / 6377 Syllabus Spring 2012





    ECE 5377 and ECE 6377


    Lec. 18509 and Lec. 18512

    Spring Semester 2012

    Course Time and Class Room: MoWe, (4.00 5.30) PM, D3- E218

    Instructor: Dr. O. Crisan Office: W302-D; Phone: (713) 743-4432; Email: [email protected]; FAX: 713-743-4444

    Office Hours: TuWe (10.00 AM 12.00 Noon),Tu (4.00 - 6.00) PM,

    or by appointment, using informationabove

    Catalog Description (ECE 5377/ECE 6377):Power Transmission and Distribution Credit 3. (3-0) Prerequisites:(-/Graduate standing) ECE 3364 and (concurrent enrollment in ECE5127/co-registration in ECE 6127). Power transmission and distributionnetwork architecture and composition; load curves; symmetricalcomponents; parameters and equivalent circuits in symmetrical componentsfor overhead and underground lines, transformers, generators and loads; sub-stations; industrial networks; networks steady-state analysis; faults;

    protection systems; switching equipment; voltage and power static control;

    surge voltages and protection. A term project will be required.

    Expected Course Outcomes:Students who successfully complete this course are expected to meet thefollowing courses outcomes.

    Students will apply their knowledge of mathematics, basic science,

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    electrical and computer engineering, in the area of electromagneticfield theory by defining parameters and the corresponding models forthe power system components, by solving the normal and fault statesof complex electric power circuits in the phasor domain and definetheir characteristics (ABET outcome a)

    Students will improve their technical communication skill bysatisfying the specified requirements regarding the structure,organization, explanation and justification, text and graphs quality foreach step of the HW and Project solution (ABET outcome g)

    Students will improve the knowledge about the contemporary issuesby providing them with updated research information and by one ortwo class-trips to the industry (ABET outcome j).

    Academic Honesty Policy:Students in this course are expected to follow the Academic Honesty Policyof the University of Houston. It is your responsibility to know and followthis policy. This policy may be found in the Student Handbookwhich isavailable on the UH website. You must sign the Academic HonestyStatement shown on the last page of this handout, detach it, and submit it nolater than Thursday, January 26, 2012. If you fail to do this, you will bedropped from the course.

    Religious Holy Days:Students whose religious beliefs prohibit class attendance on designateddates or attendance at scheduled exams may request an excused absence. Todo this, you are strongly encouragedto request the excused absence, inwriting, by the last day to drop without record for spring 2012 (Wednesday,February 1, 2012). Please submit this written request to your instructorimmediately, to allow the instructor to make appropriate arrangements. Formore information, see the Student Handbook

    Students with Disabilities:

    Students with recognized disabilities will be provided reasonableaccommodations, appropriate to the course, upon documentation of thedisability with a Student Accommodation Form from the Center for StudentsWith Disabilities. To receive these accommodations, you must request thespecific accommodations, by submitting them to the instructor in writing, bythe last day to drop without record for spring 2012 (Wednesday, February 1,2012). Students who fail to submit a written request will not be considered

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    for accommodations. For more information, see the Student Handbook.

    Dropping The Course:You may drop the course without receiving a grade until 11:59pm,Wednesday, February 1, 2012, which is the University's last day to drop orwithdraw without record. After this date and until 11:59pm, Tuesday, April3, 2012, you may drop with a W if you have not exceeded your total Wlimit. Do not assume that you will be dropped by the instructor if you stopattending class. You are responsible for completing the withdrawal


    Course Topics:Ch. 1. Power System Architecture and Composition. Sinusoidal Steady-

    State. Per Units. (Power System (PS) components, rated voltages, network structure and

    composition. Single and three-phase balanced circuits, active, reactive,apparent and complex powers, phasors. Per unit calculation).

    Ch. 2. Load Curves. Symmetrical Components. (P, Q load curves, specific factors, load type. Symmetrical components general

    equations, phasors and impedance transformation, power equations).

    Ch. 3. Parameters and Modeling of the Overhead and UndergroundTransmission and Distribution Lines.

    (Structural components, resistance, reactance, conductance, susceptance, singleand double circuits, bundled conductors).

    Ch. 4. Power Transformers. (Single and three-phase transformers, double and three windings per phase,windings connection, equivalent circuits).

    Ch. 5. Steady-State Operation of Power Transmission and DistributionNetworks. (One-line diagram, line general equations, modeling of short, medium and long

    lines, power losses).

    Ch. 6. Voltage Control for Transmission and Distribution Networks. (Transformer taps, capacitor banks, line compensation, power factorimprovement).

    Ch. 7. Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Faults.

    (Types, effects, modeling, analysis).Ch. 8. Network Protection. (Protection requirements, types, lines and transformers protection).

    Required Text:

    O. Crisan, ECE 5377/6377 Power Transmission and Distribution -Course

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    O. Crisan, ECE 5377/6377 Power Transmission and Distribution Project


    Recommended Textbook:J. J. Grainger and W. D. Stevenson, Jr.,Power System Analysis, McGraw-

    Hill,Inc., 1994

    Homework/Project:Homework assignments are usually distributed on a weekly basis.Regularly, if it is not in another way specified, the due date for thehomework is the first Monday of the following week. Later turnedassignments are not accepted.

    Grading Policy:The course final grade is based on the Homeworks and Projects gradeswith an approximateweighted average of (25 30)% and (75 70)%,respectively. The actual final weight will be decided at the end of thesemester.

    Grade Point Rule:

    The following approximategrade point scale will be used indetermining your final grade. This scale may be modified somewhat,but it is included here so that you will have a general idea of how wellyou are doing in the course. The final grade scale will be determinedat the end of the semester.

    92 100: As 80 91.99: Bs 68 79.99: Cs 56 67.99: Dsbellow 56: F


    Attendance at all classes is expected and required. The instructormay, if he chooses, take attendance in any class at any time duringthe class. The instructor may do this as many times per class periodas he chooses, without warning. If for justified reasons you cannotattend a class, please let the Instructor know In advance about that.Take care, your classes attendance will be counted when the finalgrade for the course is decided!!

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    Email:You should have one or more working e-mail addresses that youshould check periodically for messages. Please obtain an account ifyou do not already have one.

    Withdrawal Policy:The withdrawal dates listed in the Academic Calendar section of the ClassSchedule will be followed strictly. Please consult this document forappropriate dates. Grades of Incomplete (I) will be given only when a small

    portion of the course has not been completed for a good reason. If thematerial has been completed, an I grade cannot be given. Detailedinformation about these issues is available in the Student Handbook.

    Academic Honesty Policy and Plagiarism:The issue of academic honesty is a very important one to the ECEdepartment. In particular, copying of HW, Project or Exam from another

    person, in whole or in part, will not be tolerated.Working with other colleagues is not forbidden, but it does not mean thatyou will have identical work presentation. If for defining the HW or Projectsolution you have been working with other students, each of you has toname those who participated on this process.

    You will be given a signature page stating that you have read and understandthe rules regarding academic honesty as published by the university. This

    page must be filled out and signed and submitted before you turn in yourfirst HW.

    For all HWs and Project the following statements apply:If identical figures, derivations, plots, or calculations are found, without

    proper referencing as to their origin, it will be considered a violation of theacademic honesty policy. If figures, text, tables, or other material are takenfrom any textbook without proper references, it will be considered aviolation of the academic honesty policy. If figures, text, tables, or othermaterial are taken from lecture notes without proper references, it will be

    considered a violation of the academic honesty policy. If you and any otherstudent have the same figures, tables or plots, it will be considered aviolation of the academic honesty policy for both of you. The data can bethe same; but the figures, tables or plots made with this data must bedeveloped individually. Do your own work, and dont share it.

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    Academic Honesty Statement

    I have read the University of Houston Academic Honesty

    Policy contained in the UH Student Handbook, available onthe web, and agree to abide by its provisions. I understandthat theDepartment of Electrical and ComputerEngineeringtakes academic honesty very seriously. Iunderstand that in the case of violations, penalties mayinclude suspension from the University of Houston.

    Name: (Please print)_________________________________



    Please detach this page, and submit it to the instructorno later than Thursday, January 26, 2012. If you fail

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    to do this, you will be dropped from the course.