
The Cloud Opportunity easycloud.i t Alessandro Greco @Easycloud.it


Cloud SP idea

Transcript of Easycloud.it

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The Cloud Opportunity

easycloud.it easycloud.it

Alessandro Greco @Easycloud.it

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Who is ? easycloud.it easycloud.it

• Easycloud.it is a Cloud Service Provider based in Europe with HQ in Italy.

• Our mission is to support Service Providers, Business Companies, Public Administration, Government, SMB, anyone is interested to the adoption and rollout of services provided by the cloud, enabling new innovative business models, the best innovative application to collaborate, managing the business and improving customer productivity in a global and always faster world.

• We work in the following areas:

– Cloud Computing

– Managed Services (on-premisis)

• What we offer:

– Business and Productivity Applications

– System Integration with legacy systems

– Professional and Consultancy Services

– Cloud application development

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What is the Cloud ?

.. Anything as a Service

… Anywhere

… Anytime

.. Anything as a Service

… Anywhere

… Anytime

"Software, application, platform, computing, collaboration, productivity, e-learning, public services, …anything can be delivered “as a service” to any device with a broswer, assuring scalability, security and resource virtualization” by easycloud.it

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Cloud Benefits

Scalability Scalability

Security Security Reliability Reliability Flexibility Flexibility

Lower Cost Lower Cost Capex vs Opex Capex vs Opex

Green Green

Elastic Elastic

Agility Agility

Time-to-Market Time-to-Market


.. Anything as a Service

.. Anything as a Service

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Is the Cloud a Vogue ? … We believe it is a Revolution!

By 2012, 20% of businesses will own no IT assets. (Gartner)

“We are all in!, 70% of Microsoft staff are already working on the cloud across those 5 dimensions and by next year, that percentage would be 90”. (Steve Ballmer, CEO Microsoft)

“People ask me why do I think cloud computing will be the next phase of enterprise IT? I don't think it. I know it. (Bill McCracken, CA Technologies chairman and CEO)

Orange Business Services will launch a dozen of new cloud computing services in the coming 24 months, covering six main areas including real-time applications, collaboration, security, infrastructure, cloud-ready networking and vertical solutions for specific industries. (http://www.orange.com)

"In the current economic climate, those small businesses are looking for ways to improve cash flow and better manage risks and compliance obligations and we believe the “T Suite” service provides a cost effective answer at the right time," (Deena Shiff Group Managing Director, Telstra)

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Big Players are already moving to the Cloud

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)Infrastructure as a Service delivers computer infrastructure, typically a platform virtualization environment, as a service. Examples: Amazon EC2

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)Platform as a Service delivers a computing platform as a service, consuming cloud infrastructure and sustaining cloud applications. Examples: Google App Engine, Force.com, Microsoft Azure

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)Software as a Service delivers software as a service over the Internet, eliminating the need to install and run the application on the customer's own computers and simplifying maintenance and support. Examples: Salesforce.com, Webex, Gmail

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The “Cloud Store” model .. anything as a service

SaaS Catalogue

IT Services Security UC&C Mobility Applications

Iaas && PaaS Catalogue

IaaS PaaS

Cloud Public & Private





Unified Services Delivery & Management

Services Mgmnt & Admn

Catalogue Management

Reporting &Auditing


Autenth, Autorizzation & Access Control

Help Desk,Ticketing & Support


Service &User Provisioning

& Admin

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Unified Services Delivery & Management

Services Mgmnt & Admn

Catalogue Management

Reporting &Auditing


Autenth, Autorizzation & Access Control

Help Desk,Ticketing & Support


Service &User Provisioning

& Admin

VerticalSMB, Public, Healtcare, Finance, ...

Services & bundles customized for Market Segment or Functional Process

Business ProcessR&D, Marketing, Sales, Logistic, ..

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Summary and Next Step

The Cloud is the new Market Transition changing the way ICT and Apps will be delivered (“anything as a service” proposition).

Cloud enables a faster rollout of new innovative services saving time and cost, improving productivity and business innovation

In Italy we see the following opportunities:

– Providing to SMB companies Enterprise-class ICT services without the necessity of an IT department (ERP, ECM, UC)

– Enabling Enterprise-Class Companies to the adoption of cloud for not mission-critical application to have free budget to invest in innovation (today about 70% of IT budget in Maintenance)

– Allow Government and Public Institutes to move to the next level providing more flexible services to citizens at a lower cost

It is necessary the whole ecosystem will move to the right direction (SPs, Government, ISV, University, Business Companies, the whole Country)

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