Eastern Wisconsin DHIC Newsletter VOLUME 10, ISSUE 1 · DHIC Newsletter VOLUME 10, ISSUE 1 JANUARY,...

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program 2 Scholarship Opportunity 2 Benefits May be Available 3 Pesticide Applicator Training 3 WI State Fair Century & Sesquicentennial Farm & Home Applications Now Available 3 Calf Bedding Materials for Winter 4 Do You Have Enough Bedding? 4 How Much Feed Do I Have? 5 Farmer to Farmer 6 Estate Planning 7 Retirement Planning 8 Save the Date 8 Manitowoc Co Forage Council Meeting 9-10 Agronomy Day 11- 12 Soil Health & Cover Crop Forum 13- 14 Holstein Assoc. Scholarship 15- 16 Production Index 17- 27 Eastern Wisconsin DHIC Newsletter JANUARY, 2018 VOLUME 10, ISSUE 1 An EEO/Affirmative Action employer, University of Wisconsin-Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title IX requirements. “Milk Pregnancy Testing Facts” Facts of the test The test measures pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAGs) to determine the status of the cow. The PAGs are released by the placenta during pregnancy; PAGs are specific to pregnancy unlike some other indicators. There is a rapid increase in early PAG levels. PAG levels decline slightly until somewhere around day 60 before returning to high levels before calving. These proteins do take time to disappear from the milk so a waiting period of 60 days after calving is recommended to allow for proteins to disappear. PAGS are detectable at 28 days post breeding until dry off in the milk sample. This test will determine if PAGs are present but cannot determine where the cow is in its gestation period. The test has a high level of accuracy (98%) on its results. The test is able to use the same preserved milk sample as it uses for component testing. Tips for a successful milk pregnancy program Using it as a confirmation type test Understanding results will be reported back as pregnant, open or recheck. Recheck results should be verified by the herd veterinarian or by retesting at a later date. Herd breeding records should be accurate and up-to-date. Minimize any sampler or meter carryover Cost of milk pregnancy is $4.25 per sample and results can be emailed or mailed to the dairy. Eastern Wisconsin D.H.I.C. and the Scholarship Fund of Manitowoc County D.H.I.A. makes available $5,000.00 each year for students conƟnuing their educaƟon in the agriculture eld. Please encourage any students you may know to apply for these scholarships. We have had years that there were not enough applicants and the money was not awarded to any individuals. All scholarships and eligibility informaƟon is available at our website www.ewdhic.org. ApplicaƟon deadline is February 15. If you have any further quesƟons feel free to call 9205288942.

Transcript of Eastern Wisconsin DHIC Newsletter VOLUME 10, ISSUE 1 · DHIC Newsletter VOLUME 10, ISSUE 1 JANUARY,...

Page 1: Eastern Wisconsin DHIC Newsletter VOLUME 10, ISSUE 1 · DHIC Newsletter VOLUME 10, ISSUE 1 JANUARY, 2018 An EEO/Affirmative Action employer, University of Wisconsin-Extension provides


I S S U E :

Conservation Reserve







Benefits May be



Pesticide Applicator



WI State Fair

Century &


Farm & Home

Applications Now



Calf Bedding

Materials for Winter


Do You Have Enough



How Much Feed Do I



Farmer to Farmer 6

Estate Planning 7

Retirement Planning 8

Save the Date 8

Manitowoc Co Forage

Council Meeting


Agronomy Day



Soil Health & Cover

Crop Forum



Holstein Assoc.




Production Index 17-


Eastern Wisconsin DHIC Newsletter

J A N U A R Y , 2 0 1 8 V O L U M E 1 0 , I S S U E 1

An EEO/Affirmative Action employer, University of Wisconsin-Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title IX requirements.

“Milk Pregnancy Testing Facts”

Facts of the test The test measures pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAGs) to determine the

status of the cow. The PAGs are released by the placenta during pregnancy; PAGs are specific to pregnancy unlike some other indicators.

There is a rapid increase in early PAG levels. PAG levels decline slightly until somewhere around day 60 before returning to high levels before calving.

These proteins do take time to disappear from the milk so a waiting period of 60 days after calving is recommended to allow for proteins to disappear.

PAGS are detectable at 28 days post breeding until dry off in the milk sample. This test will determine if PAGs are present but cannot determine where the

cow is in its gestation period. The test has a high level of accuracy (98%) on its results. The test is able to use the same preserved milk sample as it uses for

component testing.

Tips for a successful milk pregnancy program Using it as a confirmation type test Understanding results will be reported back as pregnant, open or recheck. Recheck results should be verified by the herd veterinarian or by retesting at a

later date. Herd breeding records should be accurate and up-to-date. Minimize any sampler or meter carryover

Cost of milk pregnancy is $4.25 per sample and results can be emailed or mailed to the dairy.


Eastern Wisconsin D.H.I.C. and the Scholarship Fund of Manitowoc County D.H.I.A. makes available 

$5,000.00 each year for students con nuing their educa on in the agriculture field.  Please encourage any students you may know to apply for these scholarships.  We have had years that there were not enough applicants and the money was not awarded to any individuals.  All scholarships and eligibility informa on is available at our website www.ewdhic.org.  Applica on deadline is February 15.  If you have any further ques ons feel free to call 920‐528‐8942.   

Page 2: Eastern Wisconsin DHIC Newsletter VOLUME 10, ISSUE 1 · DHIC Newsletter VOLUME 10, ISSUE 1 JANUARY, 2018 An EEO/Affirmative Action employer, University of Wisconsin-Extension provides

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Applicants will be evaluated on involvement and leadership in dairy‐related ac vi es, scholas c achievement, and career objec ves. Finalists will be interviewed in mid‐April, with the recipients to be recognized at the 2018 Wisconsin State Fair.  

The applica on is available at h p://wistatefair.com/compe ons/dairy‐promo‐board/.   

Applica on deadline is Friday, March 23.  

For more informa on, contact Katy Katzman at  262‐903‐6727 or [email protected]

The Wisconsin State Fair Dairy Promo on Board is offering $1,000 scholarships to be used during the second semester of the 2018‐19 school year.  

Third and fourth‐year college students pursuing dairy‐related or food science degrees at one of Wisconsin’s four‐year universi es are eligible to apply. Addi onal scholarships will be available to high school seniors planning to pursue a dairy‐related or food science degree at one of Wisconsin’s four‐year universi es or students studying in a two‐year, technical school program related to dairy or food science.  

Scholarship Opportunity

costs.  In addi on, an enrollment incen ve payment of $100 per acre is available as well as State of Wisconsin incen ve payments that equal for each acre enrolled 1.5 mes the basic rental rate per acre for 15‐year 

agreements and 12  mes the basic rental rate per acre for permanent easements.  Financial assistance for wetland restora ons is the same as above except annual payment rates are between $125 and $373 per acre in Calumet County and between $128 and $382 per acre in Manitowoc County and the $100 per acre incen ve payment is not applicable.  

The Calumet and Manitowoc County land conserva on departments have made available websites that show poten al CREP eligible areas.  These sites are meant for informa onal purposes and do not guarantee whether an area is eligible or ineligible for enrollment.  Anyone with ques ons about the County web informa on should contact either the Calumet County Land Conserva on Department at 920‐849‐1442 or the Manitowoc County Land Conserva on Department at 920‐683‐4163.  

The Calumet County informa on is available at: h p://calumet.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=eeaedc2821314a9c8dbc7b56fe8b7179  

The Manitowoc County informa on is available at: h p://manitowoc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/View/index.html?appid=84a5bbb046804c559fc9cd13e91b2d49&extent=‐88.0916,43.8998,‐87.2126,44.3518  

Persons who would like more informa on about CREP should contact their local FSA office.  In Calumet County, please contact the Chilton FSA Office at 920‐849‐3570, ext. 2 and in Manitowoc County, please contact the Manitowoc FSA Office at 920‐683‐5119, ext. 2. 

Enrollment into the Conserva on Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) con nues at the Farm Service Agency (FSA).  CREP is a special type of CRP program that is tailored to environmentally sensi ve acreages.  

Eligible land will be automa cally accepted into the program at the highest FSA determined payment rate for the offered land, provided acreage caps have not been met, the par cipant and acreage are determined eligible and the requested prac ce is needed and prac cal for the offered acreage.  Eligible prac ces include grass and tree buffer strips, grass waterways and wetland restora ons.  Contracts are 15 years in dura on, with limited excep ons. The CREP program does not require that the acreage be open to the public.    

Eligible land must have an acceptable cropping history between 2008 and 2013 and must have been owned or operated for at least 12 months at the  me of applica on. Crops planted for harvest in 2018 can be con nued through harvest with the CREP contract star ng on the first of the month following the harvest of the crop.  CREP contracts can be ini ated no sooner than 6 months before the contract start date.    

Financial assistance for buffer strips and grass waterways include annual payments between $105 and $314 per acre in Calumet County and between $108 and $322 per acre in Manitowoc County for the life of the contract.  The payment rate is determined by the established payment rate per acre for the three predominant soil types of the offered acreage.  Cost‐share assistance to establish the prac ce is available on up to 50% of the eligible costs to establish the new plan ng along with a prac ce incen ve payment of 40% of the eligible costs and a State of Wisconsin incen ve payment of 20% of the eligible 

Enrollment Continues for the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program

Page 3: Eastern Wisconsin DHIC Newsletter VOLUME 10, ISSUE 1 · DHIC Newsletter VOLUME 10, ISSUE 1 JANUARY, 2018 An EEO/Affirmative Action employer, University of Wisconsin-Extension provides

Homes nestled throughout the Badger State. The Sesquicentennial Program similarly originated in 1998 as part of the State’s Sesquicentennial Celebra on and has since honored more than 780 families.  

Applica ons for the Century and Sesquicentennial Farm and Home Award are available now and must be postmarked by the applica on deadline, March 1, 2018. Applica ons are not available online and only one cer ficate may be issued per property.  

To request a copy of either applica on, contact Jill Albanese, Director of Compe ve Exhibits, at 414‐777‐0580, or write to:  Century or Sesquicentennial Farm & Home Program: 640 S. 84th Street, West Allis, WI  53214. 

Applica ons are now available for the 2018 Century and Sesquicentennial Farm and Home Award, a pres gious award given to families who have dedicated their life to Wisconsin farming for 100 or 150 years.   

To qualify for the award, families are required to provide proof of con nuous family ownership of a property in the state of Wisconsin for either the last 100 or 150 years. All property owners will be honored at a special Century and Sesquicentennial Farm and Home Award Program held in conjunc on with the 2018 Wisconsin State Fair.  

The Century Farm and Home Program began in 1948 in conjunc on with the State of Wisconsin’s Centennial Celebra on. There are over 9,200 Century Farms and 

Wisconsin State Fair Century & Sesquicentennial Farm & Home Applications Now Available

and the number and kind of livestock that died, supplemented by records to document the loss, purchase records, veterinarian records, produc on records and other similar documents.  

Honeybee Losses‐ Honeybee producers who lost bees due to the extreme cold over the past couple of weeks may be eligible for assistance from the Emergency Livestock Assistance Program (ELAP).   

Eligible losses must be able to be documented.   Producers who suffered a honeybee loss due to the extreme cold must file a no ce of loss with their Farm Service Agency office within 30 calendar days of when the loss became apparent.  

Producers who lost animals or honeybees due to the excessively cold weather should immediately contact their FSA office.   Producers in Calumet County should contact the Chilton FSA office at 920‐849‐3570, ext. 2 and producers in Manitowoc County they should contact the Manitowoc FSA office at 920‐683‐5119, ext. 2 with any ques ons or program eligibility requirements. 

Livestock Deaths‐ Producers who lost qualifying livestock due to the con nuing and excessively cold weather may be eligible for assistance from the Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP).  

LIP compensates livestock owners and contract growers for livestock death losses in excess of normal mortality due to an eligible adverse weather event, including losses due to floods, blizzards, disease, wildfires, extreme heat and extreme cold.   

LIP program rules require that a no ce of loss be filed with FSA within 30 days of when the loss of livestock is apparent.  Livestock that die within 60 days of the date of the qualifying loss will be considered eligible for loss benefits.  

The LIP na onal payment rate for eligible livestock owners is based on 75 percent of the average fair market value of the livestock as determined by FSA.  

Producers must provide suppor ng evidence, including documenta on of animal numbers prior to the disaster 

Benefits May Be Available to Area Producers that Suffered Livestock Deaths or Honeybee Losses Due to the Excessive Cold

P A G E 3 V O L U M E 1 0 , I S S U E 1

2018  PESTICIDE APPLICATOR  TRAINING   DATE:  Tuesday, February 27, 2018 TIME:  9:30 AM ‐ 2:30 PM (This includes  me for the exam)  — Registra on at 9:15 AM LOCATION:  Manitowoc County Office Complex, Room 300, 4319 Expo Drive, Manitowoc, WI  54221‐0935 COST:  $30.00 (manual and cer fica on) Lunch will be on your own.  Please pick up the manual and make payment by no later than February 20th. Call 683‐4169 with ques ons. 

Page 4: Eastern Wisconsin DHIC Newsletter VOLUME 10, ISSUE 1 · DHIC Newsletter VOLUME 10, ISSUE 1 JANUARY, 2018 An EEO/Affirmative Action employer, University of Wisconsin-Extension provides

Straw is the best choice of bedding to provide thermal insula on for the young calf. Straw tends to hold moisture, so it is important to add fresh bedding regularly. Moisture exceeding 20 percent is too high. If you kneel with all your weight in the calf bedding, any moisture on your pants indicates the bedding is too wet. Straw should be bedded deep enough that the calf can nestle in. This traps warm air around the calf, which will help maintain body heat. For winter months, the straw should be deep enough that when the calf is lying down its legs are generally not visible.   Calf jackets are another way to protect calves from losing excess body heat. A field trial from North Dakota State University found that calves housed in hutches during winter had higher average daily gains when wearing calf jackets. Gains for jacketed calves averaged 1.15 pounds per day for the first three weeks of life, while calves without jackets averaged 0.82 pounds per day. When using calf jackets, ensure that they are sized correctly and stay dry.   The use of deep straw bedding and calf jackets during low temperatures will help young calves stay warm resul ng in improved average daily gains and immune status.   

Source:  Michigan State University in the December 2017 UW‐Extension Kewaunee County Foghorn Newsletter

It is  me to change winter bedding and bring out the calf jackets to provide calves extra warmth for low temperatures.   If you normally use shavings as calf bedding during summer, it is now  me to switch to straw bedding to help keep calves warm. Michigan State University Extension recommends using straw bedding when temperatures are 400 Fahrenheit or below. Straw bedding is ideal when day me highs or night  me lows are below the thermo‐neutral zone for a young calf. A newborn Holstein calf has to burn energy to keep herself warm when temperatures are below 500F. If there is dra , wet bedding, or an immune system challenge, then the cri cal temperature is higher.   A calf is born with only two to four percent of body weight as fat, which will not last long if she is forced to burn fat for heat produc on. Burning body fat for heat can lead to lower growth rates, compromised immune status, and even death. The need for straw bedding at this  me of the year to provide warmth for young calves is true both in barns and in hutches. Unless the calf barn has supplemental heat, it should be well ven lated, but without dra s on the calf, and within 50 of outside temperatures, necessita ng the use of straw bedding and calf jackets.   

Calf Bedding Materials for Winter

Your calves can tell you a lot whether or not you have enough bedding.  In the winter  me, the goal is to have a Nes ng Score 3, which provided enough bedding to cover the calf’s legs, and allow it to burrow on those cold winter days!  

Source:  Fond du Lac County From Field to Barn Newsletter

For the winter months, “a calf can stand a good deal of cold weather if it is dry and protected from dra s” (Agriculture Experiment Sta on Circular, July 1931).  Bedding is a key component for winter calf management, providing a good base to soak up in liquid, provide insula on, and allow nes ng.  It is recommended to have a minimum 20‐25 pounds of bedding per calf to start, and add two to three pound addi onal per day. 

Do You Have Enough Bedding?

Nest Score 1 Legs are entirely visible

when lying down.

Nest Score 2 Legs are partially visible

when lying down.

Nest Score 3 Legs are not visible when lying down.

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Page 5: Eastern Wisconsin DHIC Newsletter VOLUME 10, ISSUE 1 · DHIC Newsletter VOLUME 10, ISSUE 1 JANUARY, 2018 An EEO/Affirmative Action employer, University of Wisconsin-Extension provides

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How Much Feed Do I Have? With the end of the year quickly approaching, it is a good me to develop your balance sheet which includes feed 

inventories.  Balance sheets give a snapshot in  me of where your farm is financially, and they should be completed the same  me each year.  What be er  me than the end of the year!  Included in the balance sheet is feed inventory.  So, how much feed do you have on inventory?  When it comes to bunker silos, the amount of feed present can vary tremendously due to the amount of compac on that was applied, or not applied, to any par cular site/structure.  The corn silage and haylage calcula ons to the right are based on averages of 42 lbs/3 and 32 lbs/ 3, respec vely.  Unfortunately, the range 

for corn silage can be from 22 lbs/ 3 to 67 lbs/ 3, while haylage generally ranges from 9 lbs/ 3 to 32 lbs/ 3.  Remember this is an es mate, it is meant to help us reach an acceptable range without actually weighing every load we remove from the structure.  When in doubt, use the average values provided.  Silo bags have ben popular for years, but especially when we have extra forage, as they allow us the ability to expand our storage capacity without making a capital investment.  You can see the es mated values for the amount of forage contained in “1 foot” of length in a bag depending on the diameter.  The amount of horsepower at the PTO while bagging, the rate the wagons were emp ed, the moisture at the  me of ensiling, etc., all have an impact on the final densi es of the silo bag.  The calcula ons to the right gives you a reasonable idea of what a producer could expect given one of them know the size of the bag they are working with.   

Remember, when you purchase a 200’ bag, you had to  e off both ends when it was finished, so, you may only have 184’ or so that is actually filled. 


Source:  Kevin Jarek, Extension Agriculture Agent  in the Outagamie Agriculture Report, November 2017 

Corn Silage Length x Width x Height x 42 lbs/ 3 * 

Divided by 2000 = tons of 65% corn silage 


*This value can vary from 22 lbs to 67 lbs/ 3 depending on compac on 


Haylage Length x Width x Height x 17 lbs/ 3 ** 

Divided by 2000 = tons of dry hay equivalent 


** This value can vary from 9 lbs to 32lbs/ 3 depending on compac on 


Silo Bag Calcula ons For 8 Foot Diameter Bag 

Haylage      0.38 tons dry hay equivalent 

Corn Silage    0.95 tons/  of 65% corn silage 

Ground ear corn    26.5 bu/  

Ground shell corn  34 bu/  


For 9 Foot Diameter Bag 

Haylage      0.44 tons dry hay equivalent 

Corn Silage    1.1 tons/  of 65% corn silage 

Ground ear corn    26.5 bu/  

Ground shell corn  42 bu/  


For 10 Foot Diameter Bag 

Haylage      0.54 tons dry hay equivalent 

Corn Silage    1.35 tons per  . of 65% corn silage 

Ground ear corn    32.6 bu/  

Ground shell corn  51.7 bu/  


For 12 Foot Diameter Bag 

Haylage      0.85 tons dry hay equivalent 

Corn Silage    2.1 tons per   65% corn silage 

Ground ear corn    46.9 bu/  

Ground shell corn  74.45 bu/  


** According to a 1997 bunker silo density study done by    UW‐Extension located on BTM.   

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Sheboygan County Holstein Association Scholarship

The Sheboygan County Holstein Association is offering a scholarship valued at up to

$500 to a Sheboygan County high school senior enrolling in a post high school agricultural related program. Eligibility

1. Applicant must be enrolling in a four-year college, one or two year technical school or college short course program in an agricultural-related field.

2. Applicant must have been a member of the Wisconsin Junior Holstein Association and

the Sheboygan County Junior Holstein Association for at least two years prior to applying for the scholarship.

3. Applicant must be a high school senior at the time of application. 4. Applicant must be available for an interview if deemed necessary by the Sheboygan

County Holstein Association. Comments

1. All scholarship forms must be received by March 1st in the UW-Extension Office, 5 University Drive, Sheboygan, WI 53081.

2. Scholarships will be paid in the name of the school or the school and the recipient

after the first semester is completed. Recipient must inform the Treasurer of the Sheboygan County Holstein Association how the school wants the check made out.

3. If you have any questions regarding this scholarship, contact Kara Abraham at (920)


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Applicant Information (On a separate sheet of paper, please type the following information and answer the questions below in 100 words or less.) Name Age Date of Birth Address City State Zip Code Parent or Guardian Phone Number of years completed in the 4-H or FFA Dairy Project working with registered Holstein cattle Name and address of the school you will be attending while using this scholarship (payment after first semester completed). Narrative 1. What are you planning to major in and why? 2. List your most important accomplishments with registered Holstein cattle. 3. List your most important accomplishment outside of the Dairy project. 4. How will your experiences with Holstein cattle play a role in your future? What have you

learned from these experiences? 5. What changes do you feel the Sheboygan County Holstein Association could make to

better serve the Holstein industry in Sheboygan County? Updated January 2018

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Milk 3XName Fat ProB %%Cows Age CY

11 / 2017Month of

Test Date M M&C



44,607 1,731 1,380TOM & GIN KESTELL & SONS H 3X3.9 3.192 4-3 465011/22 101.7 101.7

37,811 1,382 1,134SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3X3.7 3.02742 3-3 375511/17 91.0 91.0

32,897 1,337 1,008GREENDALE DAIRY FARM H 3X4.1 3.1624 2-10 343911/21 93.5 93.6

33,248 1,249 1,036MEADOWBROOK HOLSTEINS H 3X3.8 3.1447 3-1 341111/15 97.6 95.2

32,240 1,238 955KOHLWEY FARMS LLC H 3X3.8 3.0439 3-5 325611/22 104.0 99.7

31,428 1,178 942VANDOSKE FARMS H 3X3.8 3.0519 3-2 316711/2 93.6 93.6

31,891 1,152 943MATHES DAIRY LLC H 3X3.6 3.0202 3-4 312611/8 93.6 93.6

29,530 1,287 912KEVIN & DEBRA KIRSCH H 4.4 3.1229 3-1 311211/21 102.1 102.2

32,087 1,152 933MAPLE CREEK DAIRY LLC H 3.6 2.9288 3-4 311111/30 97.7 97.7

30,497 1,144 939SUMMIT FARMS LLC H 3X3.8 3.1731 3-3 311011/16 104.0 99.8

30,655 1,170 911HANKE FARMS INC H 3X3.8 3.0872 3-2 310611/21 93.6 93.6

32,370 1,087 986MATT HELD H 3X3.4 3.0277 3-2 308411/3 93.5 93.5

31,110 1,098 944MCCULLEY REG. HOLSTEINS H 3X3.5 3.033 3-9 304411/15 93.5 93.5

30,032 1,122 913MARK & THERESE SCHMIDT H 3X3.7 3.0306 3-1 303911/7 94.7 94.8

30,081 1,113 913ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 3X3.7 3.02975 3-1 302411/27 103.8 99.6

31,069 1,084 939GUTTMANN DAIRY LLC H 3X3.5 3.0179 3-4 301411/29 93.6 93.7

26,182 1,132 881WOLFGANG DAIRY LLC H 3X4.3 3.4750 3-0 301011/18 92.5 92.5

29,031 1,118 886MAYER HOLSTEINS H 3X3.9 3.159 3-6 299511/22 93.6 93.6

30,328 1,107 891DRAKE DAIRY INC H 3X3.7 2.92020 2-9 298311/10 93.6 93.6

30,105 1,068 923ROBIN WAY DAIRY H 3X3.6 3.11692 3-1 296811/16 93.5 93.5

29,217 1,111 875SUNRISE ACRES H 3X3.8 3.0165 3-8 296811/10 94.5 94.6

27,984 1,081 904LIBERTYLAND FARMS INC H 3X3.9 3.293 3-7 296411/24 92.5 92.6

30,161 1,056 933RODNEY-SUSAN LEITERMAN H 3X3.5 3.1594 3-4 296311/21 89.3 89.4

30,135 1,157 864HILL-LINE DAIRY H 3X3.8 2.9487 3-3 294411/13 104.0 99.7

27,412 1,080 886TEEMAR H 3X3.9 3.269 3-5 293811/11 103.4 97.3

28,914 1,105 861RIVERSIDE DAIRY H 3X3.8 3.0403 3-1 293611/16 93.5 93.5

29,183 1,047 909BADGER PRIDE DAIRYLLC H 3X3.6 3.1977 2-11 291611/28 104.0 99.8

29,440 1,063 891FISCHERS CLOVER VIEW FARM H 3X3.6 3.0466 3-1 291511/30 93.6 93.7

30,013 1,041 909MCCULLEY DAIRY FARM H 3X3.5 3.0240 3-9 290511/15 93.5 93.5

29,612 1,061 885HIDDEN CREEK DAIRY FARM H 3X3.6 3.0554 3-6 290311/27 93.6 93.7

29,485 1,040 903OLD SETTLERS DAIRY LLC H 3.5 3.198 3-5 289511/28 97.7 97.7

29,066 1,109 847JAY AND AMY KRAHN H 3X3.8 2.9189 3-1 288711/1 93.5 93.5

29,308 1,102 846IHLENFELD FARMS LLC H 3X3.8 2.9550 3-5 288311/14 102.1 102.1

28,201 1,057 873BLUE ROYAL DAIRY INC H 3X3.8 3.12125 3-2 288111/20 93.6 93.7

29,141 1,068 862JOHNSON HILL FARMS LLC H 3X3.7 3.0668 3-5 288111/9 94.5 94.6

27,779 1,045 874SLEEPY MEADOWS H 3.8 3.160 3-6 286511/29 90.3 90.3

29,335 1,061 858RONALD & BEV DEPIES H 3X3.6 2.9243 3-4 286411/28 93.2 93.2

28,460 1,050 866SPINDLER FARMS H 3.7 3.0168 2-10 286011/2 97.6 97.6

28,064 1,044 870TOM & MARY DWYER H 3.7 3.186 3-5 285711/11 97.6 97.7

27,939 1,116 837EASTWIND DAIRY FARM H 3X4.0 3.0454 3-6 285411/1 92.7 92.7

27,158 1,049 861AMERI-KRAHN HOLSTEINS H 3X3.9 3.2202 3-5 285311/29 93.6 93.7

29,072 1,024 876RIVERBACK HOLSTEINS H 3X3.5 3.0460 3-4 283211/6 93.7 93.8

26,681 1,036 854THE PARK FARM INC. H 3X3.9 3.2561 3-1 282311/3 104.0 99.7

28,013 1,029 863MELICHAR BROAD ACRES H 3X3.7 3.11370 3-1 282311/9 103.9 99.7

27,222 1,044 845FLY-BY ACRES H 3X3.8 3.1558 3-1 282211/28 93.6 93.6

29,216 1,030 859OHEARNS IRISH DAIRY FARM H 3X3.5 2.9523 3-3 281711/24 93.6 93.6

28,154 1,035 848SPLITRAIL ACRES LLC H 3.7 3.0133 2-11 281111/15 97.6 97.7

29,259 1,014 870HI-TOWER-FARMS H 3X3.5 3.0449 3-5 280711/13 93.6 93.7

28,782 990 888JOHN DOBBERPUHL H 3.4 3.176 3-3 279611/1 96.9 97.0

26,540 1,008 850RONALD & SUSAN HACKMANN H 3.8 3.2114 3-5 277411/6 98.2 98.3

27,654 1,005 854SANDY LOAM FARM H 3X3.6 3.1326 3-8 277311/6 94.4 94.5

29,746 961 902RANDY & ANNE HUTTERER H 3.2 3.051 3-2 276911/21 97.7 97.7

26,418 1,036 811CLOVEREDGE FARM LLC H 3X3.9 3.1515 2-10 276211/16 96.2 94.8

27,740 997 855KRESS HILL DAIRY H 3.6 3.1168 3-3 276111/1 97.6 97.6

27,727 993 857SAN-RON HOLSTEINS H 3X3.6 3.1586 3-7 275811/22 93.6 93.7

28,276 998 851SUNNYSIDE DAIRY FARMS H 3X3.5 3.0374 3-8 275611/2 93.5 93.5

28,051 988 860PAUL & KAREN MCCABE H 3.5 3.1113 2-10 275411/17 96.8 96.9

27,555 1,019 824VOGEL FAMILY FARM H 3.7 3.0657 3-4 275211/9 102.3 100.5

27,299 981 863BRUNMEIER DAIRY FARM H 3X3.6 3.2418 3-2 274811/3 93.5 93.6

27,890 992 847CEDAR LAWN FARM LLC H 3X3.6 3.0184 3-9 274211/18 93.7 93.7

26,250 959 878HIGHLAND CROSSING LLC H 3X3.7 3.41071 3-6 273711/1 97.2 96.2

27,600 1,005 828HABECK HOMESTEAD FARMS H 3X3.6 3.0521 3-5 273511/14 93.6 93.7

25,961 990 837VANDENWYMELLENBERG DAIR H 3.8 3.272 4-4 272711/7 97.7 97.8

27,145 1,007 817KEVIN MAUK H 3.7 3.050 3-3 272311/2 97.6 97.7

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27,664 983 830ROB JUNEAU H 3.6 3.050 3-6 270311/26 97.6 97.7

27,681 957 838JAMES T LEPICH H 3.5 3.0842 3-2 267411/8 97.7 97.7

26,724 1,104 784ROS-LOR DAIRY LLC H 4.1 2.998 3-3 267311/7 97.7 97.8

25,543 974 813GLENN & LINDA UBBELOHDE H 3.8 3.270 3-5 266811/11 102.1 102.1

26,263 974 812MARK DENOR H 3.7 3.1192 2-11 266611/8 97.6 97.6

25,758 994 786LAABS HILLCREST DAIRY LLC H 3.9 3.161 3-9 266111/13 97.7 97.7

25,423 976 804MUELLER-WAY FARMS H 3.8 3.260 3-8 265911/3 97.6 97.7

26,807 955 828HELMER DAIRY FARM INC H 3.6 3.184 3-4 265811/25 102.1 102.1

25,706 966 814DEAN BRANDT H 3.8 3.282 3-9 265711/3 97.6 97.6

25,283 986 788HICKORY GROVE DAIRY LLC H 3.9 3.1210 3-8 265211/21 00.0 00.0

26,600 946 832MERKLINE HOLSTEINS H 3X3.6 3.1183 3-5 264911/29 101.2 98.2

26,015 989 781BLAZING PONDEROSA H 3.8 3.038 3-4 264511/29 97.7 97.7

26,445 990 775D & R FISHERS DAIRY LLC H 3X3.7 2.9125 3-2 263711/1 93.6 93.6

24,664 959 805RAGNAR HOLSTEINS H 3.9 3.374 3-2 263511/6 97.5 97.6

25,540 979 784DOUBLE NICKEL DAIRY LLC H 3.8 3.178 2-11 263411/12 97.7 97.7

26,606 957 804RONALD & CAROL MEINNERT H 3.6 3.077 3-1 262711/9 97.7 97.7

26,128 988 768JED DAIRY H 3X3.8 2.914 2-1 261811/10 104.0 99.7

25,655 949 806LIBERTY VAL DAIRY H 3.7 3.1338 3-2 261811/8 97.6 97.6

25,660 954 791MAPLE GROVE FARM H 3.7 3.1163 3-4 260511/27 97.6 97.6

26,718 953 790JEFF KVITEK H 3.6 3.0148 3-5 260011/21 97.7 97.7

25,640 964 776MEYERHOFER&MEYERHOFER-D H 3.8 3.0178 3-10 259911/8 97.6 97.6

25,274 928 808THULL FARMS LLC H 3X3.7 3.2431 3-2 258911/27 98.5 96.4

25,551 942 789DEAN SCHOESSOW H 3X3.7 3.191 3-6 258311/10 96.9 96.9

24,178 935 789WILLIAM SCHULTZ H 3.9 3.386 3-10 257411/9 97.6 97.6

25,101 937 784COUNTY-LINE FARMS H 3.7 3.1259 3-5 256911/22 97.6 97.6

26,566 943 779GEHRING VIEW FARMS H 3X3.6 2.9295 3-5 256811/10 104.0 99.7

25,615 961 758KYLE & BRYAN MAUK H 3.8 3.058 3-3 256811/6 96.8 96.8

26,052 941 776STRUTZ FARM INC H 3X3.6 3.01240 3-2 256211/3 91.2 91.2

25,787 945 770LEVEL ACRES DAIRY INC H 3.7 3.0212 3-8 256011/2 97.6 97.7

25,433 930 786DENNIS H VOGT H 3.7 3.190 3-3 256011/27 97.7 97.7

25,803 911 807LARRY WILTERDINK H 3.5 3.188 3-2 255911/14 97.6 97.7

24,153 955 756ELM PARK FARMS LLC H 4.0 3.113 3-7 255811/28 97.7 97.7

24,160 957 753ALMETA FARMS LLC H 4.0 3.1234 3-3 255711/13 96.9 97.0

25,194 936 777HACKMANNS NORSTAD FM LLC H 3.7 3.1130 3-3 255711/14 97.7 97.7

27,666 903 815BREUNIGS K-J-R-T FARMS H 3X3.3 3.0316 3-5 255511/18 93.5 93.6

24,021 940 764THOMAS MUELLER H 3.9 3.289 3-4 254611/1 97.6 97.6

26,596 920 788STEVE LEITERMAN H 3.5 3.079 4-0 254511/6 97.7 97.8

24,826 914 791DALE LIMBERG H 3.7 3.272 3-1 254311/16 97.7 97.7

25,920 929 768LARRY J SHAMBEAU H 3X3.6 3.0207 3-0 253211/16 93.6 93.6

26,013 931 761IRISH ACRES LLP H 3X3.6 2.9441 3-4 252411/28 93.6 93.6

23,453 934 731STREBEL FARM 1 H 4.0 3.1349 3-1 249011/23 95.9 96.0

25,255 884 783GLENN & DEBBY OTTO H 3X3.5 3.1343 3-3 248311/6 93.6 93.6

24,039 955 727MARK AND JUDY RAHMLOW H 4.0 3.0198 2-11 248011/22 97.6 97.7

24,981 896 766MARK AND CAROL GARTMAN H 3.6 3.1113 3-9 247811/1 97.6 97.7

23,437 909 747RICHISON DAIRY LLC H 3.9 3.2105 3-0 247411/30 97.7 97.7

25,122 899 755GLENN & KATHY RENTMEESTE H 3.6 3.058 4-0 246711/15 98.3 98.4

23,595 910 737HOCHKAMMER HOLSTEINS H 3.9 3.1144 3-4 246111/28 97.7 97.7

24,493 917 730LARDINOIS FARMS LLC H 3X3.8 3.0612 3-3 246011/17 104.0 99.7

22,972 908 733BAETEN DAIRY LLC H 4.0 3.2166 3-0 245311/22 97.2 97.3

23,712 927 719DOUBLE DUTCH DAIRY H 3X3.9 3.0221 3-7 245211/16 97.7 97.8

24,814 904 738GARY-LEE FARMS H 3.6 3.0251 3-7 245111/14 97.6 97.6

23,395 904 734VANDER LINDEN FARMS LLC H 3.9 3.1141 3-2 244711/29 97.7 97.7

23,507 922 717JASON BAROUN H 3.9 3.1125 3-3 244611/22 98.2 98.3

24,031 889 737DICK & JACOB HALVERSON H 3.7 3.1101 3-4 242711/27 97.7 97.8

23,449 901 723RUSSELL & TERESA BRAUN H 3.8 3.1244 3-3 242711/10 97.7 97.8

23,489 910 710ELMLO DAIRY FARM H 3.9 3.088 3-6 242211/8 97.5 97.5

23,552 893 728BARCLAY DAIRY FARM H 3.8 3.196 3-6 242111/24 97.6 97.7

24,964 886 737MAPLE WOODS DAIRY FM LLC H 3.6 3.057 3-3 242011/4 97.4 97.4

23,204 899 718WALL DAIRY H 3.9 3.1114 3-7 241711/2 97.7 97.7

23,631 881 733ABTS FARMS LLC H 3.7 3.1129 3-2 240911/16 94.8 94.8

24,737 867 748HIDE A-WAY ACRES H 3.5 3.0234 3-4 240711/6 102.0 100.0

23,406 890 716RANDALL A GEIGER H 3.8 3.144 4-2 239911/27 97.0 97.1

24,156 883 723GARY HYNEK H 3.7 3.0221 3-2 239711/15 98.2 98.3

24,178 889 715KEITH & MICCA SCHUELLER H 3.7 3.0215 3-5 239511/23 97.6 97.7

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11 / 2017Month of

Test Date M M&C



23,864 876 725MISSION BELL HOLSTEINS H 3.7 3.082 3-6 238911/21 97.6 97.7

23,225 894 701STEVE & RACHEL POST H 3.9 3.069 4-6 238411/27 97.7 97.7

22,767 885 710JACK & WENDY SCHNELLE H 3.9 3.171 2-4 238411/22 89.3 89.1

23,088 880 712MIKE MEISSER H 3.8 3.1145 3-6 237811/22 00.0 00.0

22,906 894 697GARY PRINCL H 3.9 3.078 3-5 237811/2 97.6 97.7

23,500 862 730KRESCENT VALLEY DAIRY H 3.7 3.1140 3-6 237511/16 97.6 97.6

23,283 885 703THE GOOD LIFE LLC H 3.8 3.0140 3-9 237311/13 98.3 98.3

24,369 862 729SCHLADWEILER FM OPER LLC H 3.5 3.0121 3-6 237211/1 97.6 97.6

22,031 887 695SETH & LESLIE ROBLEY H 4.0 3.287 3-3 236711/24 97.7 97.8

23,805 862 722CURTISS BECKER H 3.6 3.082 3-3 236311/13 102.1 102.1

23,000 865 711RM HOLSTEINS H 3.8 3.1124 3-2 235311/9 97.7 97.7

24,792 836 743HOMESTEAD RANGE H 3.4 3.073 4-2 235011/15 97.5 97.6

23,908 852 712PEICHL FARMS H 3.6 3.0124 3-9 233211/11 97.7 97.8

23,939 837 726GARY BICHLER H 3X3.5 3.0132 3-5 232911/11 93.6 93.6

23,742 839 722JOHN & CARYN SAGER H 3.5 3.066 3-7 232711/1 97.6 97.6

24,174 847 709TERRY AND BARB GROH H 3.5 2.952 3-8 232011/1 97.6 97.6

21,934 857 692PERRONNE HOLSTEINS H 3.9 3.274 4-1 231511/21 96.9 97.0

22,944 850 695STAN MEINNERT H 3.7 3.0130 3-2 230711/3 97.6 97.6

22,681 847 697NAN-WAY HOLSTEINS H 3.7 3.1148 3-4 230511/4 97.6 97.6

22,095 849 692GOLDEN RAIL DAIRY LLC H 3.8 3.1136 3-3 230211/3 97.7 97.7

22,138 896 674PROSPECT DAIRY H 4.1 3.058 3-1 229911/11 97.5 97.5

22,445 845 685JAMES &JOSEPHINE WAVRUNE H 3.8 3.1140 3-5 228511/21 96.0 96.1

21,546 855 670ROGER&SHERRY PAYNE H 4.0 3.172 3-11 228111/6 97.7 97.7

23,189 833 690MICHAEL PAULUS H 3X3.6 3.01452 3-3 227211/30 93.7 93.7

21,744 847 666STENDER FARMS H 3.9 3.186 4-1 226211/11 97.6 97.6

21,945 825 680LEDGE VIEW DAIRY H 3.8 3.1134 3-3 224711/2 97.6 97.7

22,168 832 670JOE WOLF H 3X3.8 3.0411 3-7 224311/17 97.6 97.6

22,783 812 690DAVID LETTOW H 3.6 3.094 3-3 223911/18 96.9 96.9

20,957 833 664GRACE ALONE H 4.0 3.282 2-8 223811/6 96.5 96.5

23,374 797 705TODD & KARA ABRAHAM H 3.4 3.063 3-7 223611/7 98.2 98.3

22,531 835 659HERRMANN DAIRY FARMS H 3.7 2.9187 3-0 223211/7 97.7 97.7

22,174 809 677PAUL TURBA H 3.7 3.171 3-6 221711/4 97.5 97.6

22,027 808 669TOWER VIEW DAIRY H 3.7 3.0100 4-2 220411/3 97.6 97.7

22,250 861 645TRIANGLE ACRES H 3X3.9 2.9336 3-2 219811/13 89.8 89.8

22,470 793 680MARION DERUYTER H 3.5 3.034 3-6 219611/18 96.9 96.9

21,145 806 646DREAMIN BLU HOLSTEINS H 3.8 3.167 3-6 216911/4 96.1 96.1

22,159 790 664MARTENS HOLSTEINS H 3.6 3.091 3-2 216811/15 97.7 97.7

22,140 786 665BORLEN FAMILY FARM LLC H 3.6 3.047 3-9 216311/8 102.0 102.1

21,736 807 638ROBERT GRUNEWALD H 3.7 2.922 4-0 215811/8 97.7 97.7

20,652 783 656PLEASANT VIEW BEEF&DAIRY H 3.8 3.291 4-0 214811/26 97.6 97.7

20,748 783 644CONDALE ACRES H 3.8 3.165 3-7 213111/24 91.1 91.2

20,494 754 652WILLOW CREEK FARMS H 3.7 3.2192 3-1 209711/14 96.8 96.8

20,447 777 624FER-CREST HOLSTEINS H 3.8 3.182 3-10 209311/7 97.6 97.7

21,072 751 622CHRIS/TRACY WIDDER H 3.6 3.059 3-4 204811/4 97.6 97.7

20,050 750 620JOHN BORN H 3.7 3.150 4-3 204511/8 97.7 97.7

19,685 748 596DONALD AND CLARA BUCKMAN H 3.8 3.048 4-6 200811/14 97.6 97.6

20,110 732 598MICHAEL LETTOW H 3.6 3.032 3-4 198511/4 96.8 96.8

17,882 790 577BELLA-DEW RECIPIENTS LLC H 4.4 3.286 2-1 197011/21 97.6 97.6

16,956 640 526ADAM BECK H 3.8 3.163 3-7 174111/6 96.9 97.0

16,382 644 510ADAM WAVRUNEK H 3.9 3.173 3-7 172511/20 96.0 96.1

14,019 513 419GEHRING FARMS H 3.7 3.0142 3-9 139111/8 97.6 97.6


25,879 1,188 872MAYER BROWN SWISS B 3X4.6 3.421 3-11 297911/22 93.6 93.6

22,853 1,136 855D&D J 5.0 3.788 3-1 292611/28 97.7 97.8

23,930 1,005 803MEADOWBROOK BROWN SWIS B 3X4.2 3.420 2-10 270611/15 97.6 95.2

21,622 1,057 785GOLDEN GIRLS J 4.9 3.611 3-2 268511/28 97.7 97.8

23,891 948 776BLADO DAIRY FARM X 3X4.0 3.340 3-0 257711/3 104.0 99.7

24,298 927 764ZIEMER STONEY ACRES X 3.8 3.1136 3-10 252511/7 97.7 97.8

21,371 978 736TODD & JANET HABERMANN B 4.6 3.424 3-8 251611/30 97.7 97.8

22,898 877 784MAJESTIC MEADOWS DAIRY LL X 3X3.8 3.4893 3-0 247811/1 97.2 96.2

18,967 989 665DON WILTERDINK J 5.2 3.565 3-4 227311/11 97.7 97.8

20,510 882 647TODD & JANET HABERMANN A 4.3 3.238 3-6 220811/30 97.7 97.7

16,775 880 645PROUD HERITAGE JERSEYS J 5.3 3.8182 3-1 220811/15 93.7 93.8

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Milk 3XName Fat ProB %%Cows Age CY

11 / 2017Month of

Test Date M M&C



20,629 823 647NETHERHILLS FARMS B 4.0 3.112 3-0 219911/15 98.2 98.3

17,697 867 639HOCHKAMMER JERSEYS J 4.9 3.6110 3-2 218611/28 97.7 97.7

18,829 805 647HOCHKAMMER BROWN SWISS B 4.3 3.414 5-7 217311/28 97.7 97.7

18,746 714 585PERRONNE AYRSHIRES A 3.8 3.112 4-9 194011/21 96.9 97.0

16,159 757 544DOBBERPUHL FARMS LLC J 4.7 3.4100 3-6 185911/14 96.0 96.1

14,074 679 523DAY - KEL JERSEYS J 4.8 3.763 3-8 178911/20 102.3 102.4

16,208 636 496CEDAR-RED DAIRY X 3.9 3.1159 3-8 169211/25 93.3 93.4


Cows Weighted Cell Linear Score

Month of 11 / 2017

Test Date

33,000RUSSELL SPINDLER 39.0 1.2##########56,000OLD SETTLERS DAIRY LLC 95.0 1.3##########41,000NORMAN BINVERSIE 48.0 1.3##########45,000LUKE & DENISE MUGAN 65.0 1.3##########53,000HOCHKAMMER JERSEYS 115.0 1.4##########58,000LIBERTY VAL DAIRY 333.0 1.411/8/2017

113,000OHEARNS IRISH DAIRY FARM 527.0 1.4##########46,000JOSH KRAHN 35.0 1.4##########

106,000SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC ####### 1.5##########94,000VOGEL FAMILY FARM 664.0 1.511/9/201757,000KLEINHANS DAIRY FARM 145.0 1.5##########

104,000ANTHONY KRCMA 132.0 1.5##########91,000HOCHKAMMER HOLSTEINS 151.0 1.5##########

134,000JASON RIESTERER 44.0 1.5##########72,000WOLFGANG DAIRY LLC 758.0 1.5##########

148,000LAABS HILLCREST DAIRY LLC 61.0 1.6##########109,000WALL DAIRY 144.0 1.611/2/2017102,000JAY AND AMY KRAHN 201.0 1.611/1/2017113,000MAYER HOLSTEINS 55.0 1.6##########110,000D & R FISHERS DAIRY LLC 128.0 1.611/1/2017

69,000SETH & LESLIE ROBLEY 86.0 1.6##########104,000GEHRING VIEW FARMS 311.0 1.6##########173,000HACKMANNS NORSTAD FM LLC 126.0 1.6##########143,000RONALD & SUSAN HACKMANN 118.0 1.611/6/2017124,000CURTISS BECKER 79.0 1.6##########

97,000MELICHAR BROAD ACRES ####### 1.611/9/201786,000DRAKE DAIRY INC ####### 1.6##########

145,000CHRIS/TRACY WIDDER 58.0 1.711/4/201781,000WINDY HILL FARMS 158.0 1.7##########66,000PAUL & KAREN MCCABE 112.0 1.7##########

109,000LEVEL ACRES DAIRY INC 208.0 1.711/2/201767,000WILLIAM NEHM 78.0 1.711/2/201767,000JOHN & CARYN SAGER 62.0 1.711/1/2017

149,000AMERI-KRAHN HOLSTEINS 204.0 1.7##########56,000PETER DEPAGTER 83.0 1.7##########41,000MEADOWBROOK BROWN SWISS 23.0 1.7##########70,000MEADOWBROOK HOLSTEINS 450.0 1.7##########73,000MARK & THERESE SCHMIDT 315.0 1.711/7/201771,000TERRY AND BARB GROH 52.0 1.711/1/201773,000JAMES & DENISE SCHMIDT 90.0 1.8##########

103,000MISSION BELL HOLSTEINS 74.0 1.8##########65,000DEAN BRANDT 81.0 1.811/3/2017

122,000PLUM PRIDE HOLSTEINS 547.0 1.8##########187,000HOMESTEAD RANGE 77.0 1.8##########

85,000DOUBLE NICKEL DAIRY LLC 76.0 1.8##########120,000MAPLE GROVE FARM 169.0 1.8##########100,000RIVERSIDE DAIRY 406.0 1.8##########103,000SUMMIT FARMS LLC 731.0 1.8##########127,000SANDY LOAM FARM 337.0 1.811/6/2017

99,000DAY - KEL JERSEYS 66.0 1.8##########290,000STEVE LEITERMAN 76.0 1.811/6/2017

88,000FISCHERS CLOVER VIEW FARM 458.0 1.8##########105,000JOHNSON HILL FARMS LLC 707.0 1.811/9/2017146,000RUSTIC-AIRE DAIRY 58.0 1.8##########

93,000DREAMIN BLU HOLSTEINS 79.0 1.911/4/2017187,000RODNEY-SUSAN LEITERMAN 586.0 1.9##########

97,000SLEEPY MEADOWS 62.0 1.9##########101,000ROS-LOR DAIRY LLC 107.0 1.911/7/2017

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Milk D3XName Fat ProB %%Age CYBarn NM Sire NM Sire # Days

Month of 11 / 2017



* M column is Data Ccollection Rating (DCR) for milk. M&C column is an average of milk and component DCRs


41,448 1,741 1,337SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.2 3.221357 GOLDEN PP 70805600 3052-11 4565 91 91

38,153 1,518 1,316SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.0 3.421285 METAL 9626892 3052-11 4232 91 91

43,200 1,448 1,246GREENDALE DAIRY FARM H 3.4 2.93153 EZRA 139563146 3052-9 4011 93 93

34,584 1,488 1,145GREENDALE DAIRY FARM H 4.3 3.33188 MACHINE 3000487348 2962-7 3911 93 93

40,388 1,656 1,141SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.1 2.823228 GREENWAY 70626148 2981-10 3887 88 88

37,670 1,428 1,157MEADOWBROOK HOLSTEINS H 3.8 3.15513 MAN-O-MAN 3006030062 3052-10 3861 99 96

37,670 1,507 1,132GUTTMANN DAIRY LLC H 4.0 3.0616 PETRONE 69207641 3052-11 3861 94 94

39,888 1,448 1,124SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.6 2.822971 TEACHER 71703257 3052-0 3829 90 90

35,895 1,396 1,120SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.9 3.123150 MONTEREY 69087180 3051-11 3760 90 90

35,886 1,361 1,099MARK & THERESE SCHMIDT H 3.8 3.11153 PALERMO 137332056 3052-10 3675 95 95

37,801 1,313 1,139ROBIN WAY DAIRY H 3.5 3.07778 GABOR 60845420 3051-11 3653 92 92

37,183 1,352 1,094ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 3.6 2.93942 ALTARAZOR 138929709 3052-8 3651 103 97

43,320 1,241 1,221SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 2.9 2.821324 SAMMY P 3008315812 3052-11 3648 92 92

31,009 1,391 1,067HI-TOWER-FARMS H 4.5 3.4449 GULF 64700367 3052-8 3647 93 93

33,062 1,446 1,068DRAKE DAIRY INC H 4.4 3.28898 ALTAUNESC 3007939551 3032-9 3647 94 94

31,967 1,307 1,132BADGER PRIDE DAIRYLLC H 4.1 3.55882 PETRONE 69207641 2962-11 3644 104 98

34,555 1,314 1,126SUMMIT FARMS LLC H 3.8 3.37269 JACEY 70541519 3052-10 3642 104 98

39,365 1,343 1,096ROBIN WAY DAIRY H 3.4 2.87428 MCGYVER 3008897699 3052-7 3636 94 94

35,034 1,393 1,064SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.0 3.023164 KINGBOY 72044077 2971-11 3629 90 90

36,325 1,313 1,105SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.6 3.023166 KINGBOY 72044077 3051-10 3607 91 91

31,247 1,302 1,109ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 4.2 3.59464 TWIST 64633877 3012-9 3604 104 98

32,889 1,390 1,054RODNEY-SUSAN LEITERMAN H 4.2 3.22762 DOWRY 69716521 3052-11 3598 88 88

35,977 1,265 1,118SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.5 3.122637 DURBIN 72053362 3052-2 3550 90 90

32,675 1,507 1,040KOHLWEY FARMS LLC H 4.6 3.21386 3052-11 3550

34,319 1,341 1,040ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 3.9 3.03935 ALTARAZOR 138929709 3012-9 3547 104 98

41,887 1,255 1,132SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.0 2.722737 LOTTOMAX 11445882 3052-1 3544 91 91

37,105 1,431 1,037ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 3.9 2.83893 ALTADONNI 63031811 3022-10 3532 104 98

42,752 1,253 1,125SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 2.9 2.621392 ATTORNEY 70476912 2922-10 3529 90 90

30,116 1,369 1,032MELICHAR BROAD ACRES H 4.5 3.45492 ALTARAZOR 138929709 3052-11 3527 104 98

35,270 1,305 1,049SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.7 3.023152 CLEAR CUT 71494540 3011-11 3515 90 90

36,470 1,360 1,029ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 3.7 2.89475 CANCUN 53766368 3052-9 3505 104 98

34,897 1,246 1,105BADGER PRIDE DAIRYLLC H 3.6 3.25946 MOGUL 3006972816 3052-9 3503 104 99

37,371 1,331 1,027MEADOWBROOK HOLSTEINS H 3.6 2.75517 OBSERVER 65917481 3052-10 3497 99 96

34,803 1,304 1,037SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.7 3.022770 LOTTOMAX 11445882 2992-0 3497 90 90

34,923 1,422 1,024ROBIN WAY DAIRY H 4.1 2.97243 DURABLE 136747211 3052-11 3491 94 94

37,651 1,289 1,040SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.4 2.822883 ALTA5G 71302858 2962-1 3473 90 90

32,462 1,375 1,015ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 4.2 3.15680 ALTAROSS 62085114 3052-9 3464 104 98

34,274 1,287 1,031HANKE FARMS INC H 3.8 3.06258 BADGER 69665608 3042-10 3462 94 94

38,810 1,240 1,086KOHLWEY FARMS LLC H 3.2 2.81416 TEST PILO 64922405 3052-11 3459 104 98

35,680 1,298 1,017DRAKE DAIRY INC H 3.6 2.98795 3052-10 3457 94 94

36,098 1,336 1,014DRAKE DAIRY INC H 3.7 2.88822 3052-10 3454 94 94

36,702 1,241 1,078SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.4 2.923106 HALOGEN 3008710387 3051-11 3453 91 91

38,550 1,201 1,116ROBIN WAY DAIRY H 3.1 2.97350 KEYBOARD 69708807 3052-9 3441 94 94

32,155 1,243 1,057ROBIN WAY DAIRY H 3.9 3.37363 AL 53557278 3052-9 3434 93 93

33,049 1,281 1,015BLUE ROYAL DAIRY INC H 3.9 3.19424 UNKNOWN 35UNK0000 3052-11 3432

32,777 1,242 1,057DRAKE DAIRY INC H 3.8 3.28921 3052-8 3431 94 94


Cows Weighted Cell Linear Score

Month of 11 / 2017

Test Date

269,000MCCULLEY REG. HOLSTEINS 32.0 1.9##########208,000JOHN DOBBERPUHL 74.0 1.911/1/2017138,000JAMES T LEPICH 833.0 1.911/8/2017108,000MCCULLEY DAIRY FARM 238.0 1.9##########

80,000GRACE ALONE HOLSTEINS 58.0 1.911/6/2017115,000JEFF KVITEK 157.0 1.9##########105,000EDDIE & MARY JUNK 56.0 1.9##########178,000HELMER DAIRY FARM INC 85.0 1.9##########

88,000KEVIN & DEBRA KIRSCH 227.0 1.9##########115,000KRESCENT VALLEY DAIRY 142.0 2.0##########

81,000BELLA-DEW RECIPIENTS LLC 98.0 2.0##########84,000JASON BAROUN 123.0 2.0##########90,000KEVIN MAUK 50.0 2.011/2/2017

117,000SAN-RON HOLSTEINS 608.0 2.0##########103,000JACK & WENDY SCHNELLE 71.0 2.0##########

80,000MAYER BROWN SWISS 23.0 2.0##########

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Milk D3XName Fat ProB %%Age CYBarn NM Sire NM Sire # Days

Month of 11 / 2017



* M column is Data Ccollection Rating (DCR) for milk. M&C column is an average of milk and component DCRs

32,238 1,280 1,014ROBIN WAY DAIRY H 4.0 3.17394 KEYBOARD 69708807 3052-8 3430 92 92

35,179 1,314 1,004HANKE FARMS INC H 3.7 2.96299 LARSON*RC 642862 3052-10 3421 95 95

35,880 1,304 1,001SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.6 2.823070 KIAN 3011129958 3051-11 3409 91 91

39,504 1,163 1,134BADGER PRIDE DAIRYLLC H 2.9 2.95856 MORGAN 3008328673 3002-11 3406 104 98

33,507 1,319 993ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 3.9 3.09509 CANCUN 53766368 3052-9 3386 104 98

33,405 1,315 991DRAKE DAIRY INC H 3.9 3.08736 3052-10 3379 94 94

34,064 1,317 991GREENDALE DAIRY FARM H 3.9 2.93388 ATLANTIC 8956383 3051-11 3378 93 93

31,362 1,364 985MEADOWBROOK HOLSTEINS H 4.3 3.15722 BOOKEM 66636657 2862-1 3362 98 94

28,936 1,298 983RIVERBACK HOLSTEINS H 4.5 3.45348 SALVINO 71921994 3052-1 3359 92 92

31,674 1,190 1,062THULL FARMS LLC H 3.8 3.42777 DOM *BY 138685522 3052-11 3358 97 94

31,545 1,247 993BADGER PRIDE DAIRYLLC H 4.0 3.15870 MIZZOU 139058925 3052-11 3349 104 98

32,288 1,350 981HANKE FARMS INC H 4.2 3.06292 CIMARRON 64700362 3052-10 3346 95 95

35,870 1,187 1,062SUMMIT FARMS LLC H 3.3 3.07235 CASHCOIN 70354884 3052-11 3346 104 98

33,823 1,227 1,011RIVERBACK HOLSTEINS H 3.6 3.05251 UNKNOWN 35UNK0000 3052-11 3339

36,922 1,180 1,063SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.2 2.923199 MILLENNIU 72518591 2971-10 3335 90 90

35,817 1,190 1,051MARK & THERESE SCHMIDT H 3.3 2.91119 CHRIS 137302783 3052-11 3335 95 95

32,704 1,255 977DRAKE DAIRY INC H 3.8 3.08827 ALTAPRIVI 69812320 3052-9 3332 94 94

36,902 1,139 1,104BADGER PRIDE DAIRYLLC H 3.1 3.05938 DIAMOND 70640251 2972-9 3329 104 98

33,613 1,243 985BLUE ROYAL DAIRY INC H 3.7 2.99511 MANIFOLD 135747713 3052-11 3328 93 93

36,296 1,131 1,110BADGER PRIDE DAIRYLLC H 3.1 3.15944 BACARDI 65283050 3052-9 3326 104 98

35,866 1,263 977ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 3.5 2.79510 DOVER 62030422 3052-8 3326 104 98

31,065 1,241 980ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 4.0 3.29511 INGENIOUS 64401212 3052-9 3322 104 98

35,636 1,272 975HANKE FARMS INC H 3.6 2.76440 GOLD CHIP 140145553 3052-4 3320 93 93

33,149 1,284 973RODNEY-SUSAN LEITERMAN H 3.9 2.92949 IVORY 70713927 3052-4 3317

29,686 1,341 970SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.5 3.323172 KINGBOY 72044077 2971-11 3313 90 90

33,161 1,207 1,014HANKE FARMS INC H 3.6 3.16280 SHAMROCK 68977120 2982-10 3313 93 93

42,301 1,088 1,151ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 2.6 2.79444 ALTAJENKI 64410464 3052-9 3306 104 98

31,316 1,224 986SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.9 3.122449 DOORMAN 107281711 3052-3 3303 90 90

36,190 1,282 970SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.5 2.722562 PETY 3010660326 3052-2 3301 91 91

39,180 1,123 1,102SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 2.9 2.823051 UNIX 107567492 2992-0 3297 88 88

33,175 1,237 970HANKE FARMS INC H 3.7 2.96589 TABLE 70309560 3052-0 3297 94 94

35,769 1,222 988SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.4 2.822969 UNIX 107567492 2992-0 3295 90 90

26,775 1,259 963ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 4.7 3.63873 3052-10 3293 104 98

31,694 1,309 965HANKE FARMS INC H 4.1 3.06291 LUCID 69791579 3052-10 3292 94 94

32,566 1,237 965ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 3.8 3.03930 ALTARAZOR 138929709 3052-9 3290 104 98

31,062 1,305 963RIVERSIDE DAIRY H 4.2 3.11869 GUNNER 69752548 3052-10 3286 94 94

29,830 1,200 999HANKE FARMS INC H 4.0 3.36288 BOB 70192740 2982-10 3286 94 94

32,524 1,210 990SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.7 3.023016 KINGBOY 72044077 3052-0 3285 90 90

32,647 1,226 970ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 3.8 3.09454 INGENIOUS 64401212 3052-9 3281 104 98

32,072 1,251 962ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 3.9 3.03956 3052-8 3281 104 98

34,397 1,220 975DRAKE DAIRY INC H 3.5 2.88799 3052-10 3275 92 92

31,088 1,198 994SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.9 3.222865 LANCOME 71164339 3052-0 3274 91 91

31,960 1,188 1,002SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.7 3.123131 DURBIN 72053362 3051-11 3268 91 91

34,064 1,188 1,000JOHNSON HILL FARMS LLC H 3.5 2.92717 LINGO 10973705 3052-11 3261 95 95

33,925 1,375 957KOHLWEY FARMS LLC H 4.1 2.81409 3052-11 3260

29,329 1,209 969BADGER PRIDE DAIRYLLC H 4.1 3.35939 GUTHRIE 137191143 3052-9 3258 104 99

32,741 1,215 966SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.7 3.022986 KINGBOY 72044077 3052-0 3257 91 91

29,370 1,431 953GREENDALE DAIRY FARM H 4.9 3.23155 GARRETT 52805710 2982-8 3254 94 94

30,130 1,201 975BRUNMEIER DAIRY FARM H 4.0 3.22686 MASSIVE 53668601 3052-11 3253 94 94

33,367 1,252 954ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 3.8 2.99497 CYPRUS 53766362 3052-8 3251 104 98

31,652 1,144 1,034MATT HELD H 3.6 3.31060 YANCE 138877011 3052-8 3245 94 94

30,213 1,200 970SUMMIT FARMS LLC H 4.0 3.27523 MCCUTCHEN 69990138 3052-3 3244 104 98

34,340 1,101 1,083SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.2 3.222699 DOORMAN 107281711 3052-1 3243 91 91

31,869 1,205 966BLUE ROYAL DAIRY INC H 3.8 3.02273 DORCY 139005002 3022-8 3243 93 93


56,536 1,826 1,598TOM & GIN KESTELL & SONS H 3.2 2.8EPSAN PLANET 60597003 3053-11 5094

51,938 1,807 1,535SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.5 3.020778 DEFIANT 141123484 3053-2 4981 92 92

50,947 2,107 1,440SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.1 2.819461 MOGUL 3006972816 3053-11 4906 92 92

47,848 1,865 1,397SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.9 2.920408 MERIDIAN 69951907 3053-4 4762 92 92

49,274 1,767 1,371SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.6 2.819594 SUPERSIRE 69981349 2923-11 4669 90 90

46,624 1,832 1,357SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.9 2.920407 DETERMINE 69716544 3053-4 4625 92 92

47,329 1,924 1,351SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.1 2.920946 ROZ-MAN 70784817 2933-1 4603 90 90

48,528 1,804 1,342SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.7 2.819580 MOGUL 3006972816 3053-11 4570 91 91

45,084 1,757 1,334SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.9 3.021162 MOGUL 3006972816 2893-0 4548 90 90

42,134 1,781 1,321SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.2 3.120768 CASUAL 56265391 2933-2 4508 90 90

43,944 1,678 1,323SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.8 3.020168 LEXOR 11098658 3053-6 4485 92 92

45,280 1,790 1,307SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.0 2.920565 ACME*RC 61720218 3053-3 4454 92 92

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Milk D3XName Fat ProB %%Age CYBarn NM Sire NM Sire # Days

Month of 11 / 2017



* M column is Data Ccollection Rating (DCR) for milk. M&C column is an average of milk and component DCRs

44,530 1,729 1,279SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.9 2.919623 MCCUTCHEN 69990138 2943-10 4358 91 91

37,810 1,600 1,288SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.2 3.419453 FEVER 103631566 3053-11 4322 92 92

46,849 1,588 1,298SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.4 2.819880 DEFINE 11084212 3053-9 4301 91 91

41,471 1,664 1,254ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 4.0 3.09205 GILLESPY 63449626 3053-3 4277 104 98

39,849 1,609 1,233SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.0 3.120951 SUPERSIRE 69981349 2933-1 4207 90 90

49,454 2,164 1,230GREENDALE DAIRY FARM H 4.4 2.52884 GARRETT 52805710 2973-9 4180 94 94

42,001 1,555 1,229SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.7 2.920921 JABIR 70801850 3053-1 4158 92 92

41,395 1,557 1,212SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.8 2.921077 ALTATOPRO 69529159 2883-0 4132 91 91

40,021 1,810 1,207SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.5 3.020740 MOGUL 3006972816 2943-2 4117 90 90

40,893 1,509 1,242SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.7 3.020945 ALTAJACKM 70625846 2913-1 4106 90 90

43,423 1,806 1,197GREENDALE DAIRY FARM H 4.2 2.83037 TRIGGER 62253367 3053-1 4076 94 94

42,427 1,651 1,186SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.9 2.821134 SHAN 70528492 2903-0 4040 90 90

41,622 1,522 1,170ROBIN WAY DAIRY H 3.7 2.86961 LAYNE 69725085 3053-5 3985 94 94

35,778 1,527 1,164MEADOWBROOK HOLSTEINS H 4.3 3.35464 MAURICE 69398748 3053-0 3975 99 97

38,805 1,387 1,277ROBIN WAY DAIRY H 3.6 3.37182 MANDORA 69560638 3053-1 3967 93 93

41,627 1,465 1,170GREENDALE DAIRY FARM H 3.5 2.82820 DEVLIN 137956601 3053-11 3932 94 94

36,539 1,568 1,145SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.3 3.120897 WOOD 69629239 3053-1 3908 92 92

36,208 1,518 1,141SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.2 3.220866 G W ATWOO 8956379 3013-2 3894 90 90

34,908 1,451 1,150RODNEY-SUSAN LEITERMAN H 4.2 3.32638 RAINIER 69912674 3053-3 3892 88 88

41,243 1,359 1,216BLUE ROYAL DAIRY INC H 3.3 2.98821 LUCKY 66885224 3053-10 3831 94 94

39,052 1,549 1,116SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.0 2.919463 SHAMROCK 68977120 2933-11 3803 91 91

34,280 1,435 1,112MEADOWBROOK HOLSTEINS H 4.2 3.25212 ALTAZICO 532707145 3053-11 3797 99 97

39,933 1,361 1,170SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.4 2.920855 BROKAW 140602463 3053-1 3770 92 92

38,098 1,409 1,114KOHLWEY FARMS LLC H 3.7 2.91363 DAYTON 138057109 3053-4 3768 104 98

36,226 1,493 1,103ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 4.1 3.08928 BULL 3053-8 3762 104 98

39,219 1,388 1,125SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.5 2.921054 ROZ-MAN 70784817 2943-0 3749 91 91

41,088 1,314 1,205SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.2 2.921114 GALAXY 69990052 2933-0 3744 90 90

35,943 1,543 1,087SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.3 3.019522 MAYFIELD 69473980 2903-11 3707 89 89

37,435 1,366 1,114SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.6 3.020499 FEVER 103631566 2903-4 3702 88 88

32,970 1,406 1,075HANKE FARMS INC H 4.3 3.35909 STERLING 69701759 2893-10 3671 93 93

40,722 1,308 1,154BRUNMEIER DAIRY FARM H 3.2 2.82538 DOUGLAS 138680189 3053-9 3662 94 94

30,967 1,412 1,070MEADOWBROOK HOLSTEINS H 4.6 3.55210 DEMPSEY 61083609 3053-11 3657 99 97

38,725 1,388 1,072GREENDALE DAIRY FARM H 3.6 2.82861 EMPHASIS 61855137 3053-10 3651 94 94

43,051 1,280 1,169SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.0 2.719627 BRAXTON 61898423 2933-10 3635 91 91

38,529 1,303 1,121MATT HELD H 3.4 2.91022 BRIZEN 62744729 3053-2 3610 94 94

37,343 1,296 1,119SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.5 3.020562 MAYFIELD 69473980 2883-3 3598 89 89

36,217 1,348 1,057ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 3.7 2.921132 ALTASUPLE 68999396 3013-1 3593 104 98

40,805 1,281 1,131SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.1 2.820588 DEMPSEY 61083609 2903-4 3586 90 90

37,736 1,633 1,052HANKE FARMS INC H 4.3 2.86183 SHOT 62072898 3053-1 3583 94 94

32,522 1,317 1,061SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.0 3.320962 BROKAW 140602463 3053-0 3556 96 96

36,455 1,328 1,048SPLITRAIL ACRES LLC H 3.6 2.9DANES ALTAMELHO 69473966 3033-7 3548 98 98

37,185 1,445 1,041ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 3.9 2.83442 UNKNOWN 35UNK0000 3053-7 3546 103 97

37,100 1,287 1,090LIBERTYLAND FARMS INC H 3.5 2.91252 MAN-O-MAN 3006030062 3053-2 3543 93 93

39,310 1,306 1,071SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.3 2.721058 GOLD CHIP 140145553 2893-0 3541 89 89

33,985 1,261 1,114BADGER PRIDE DAIRYLLC H 3.7 3.35466 MOONBOY 69474041 3053-8 3541 104 98

33,092 1,362 1,037ROBIN WAY DAIRY H 4.1 3.16807 PROPER 65472563 3053-9 3539 94 94

35,679 1,350 1,036HILL-LINE DAIRY H 3.8 2.92268 DORCY 139005002 3053-0 3531 104 98

37,138 1,230 1,142SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.3 3.119593 MAXIMUS 69314816 2933-11 3527 90 90

36,615 1,292 1,067DRAKE DAIRY INC H 3.5 2.98558 3053-1 3518

31,581 1,433 1,030ROBIN WAY DAIRY H 4.5 3.37213 DENIM 68656227 3053-0 3517 94 94

33,404 1,297 1,056BLUE ROYAL DAIRY INC H 3.9 3.29283 BRAWLER 104854291 3033-2 3516 94 94

35,098 1,421 1,029VOGEL FAMILY FARM H 4.0 2.92229 DENIM 68656227 2933-9 3508 102 99

36,731 1,263 1,091TEEMAR H 3.4 3.0ARK ALTAOAK 69169951 3053-3 3507 103 95

37,662 1,475 1,030SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.9 2.720212 AIRLIFT 62897620 3053-6 3507 91 91

37,644 1,271 1,079SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.4 2.921021 FEVER 103631566 3053-1 3500 91 91

38,070 1,233 1,119SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.2 2.919881 NUMERO UN 17990915143 3053-8 3497 92 92

42,018 1,122 1,242SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 2.7 3.020826 ALTAKOOL 66760497 2913-2 3492 90 90

34,539 1,267 1,072SUMMIT FARMS LLC H 3.7 3.17213 CASHCOIN 70354884 3053-0 3489 104 98

31,720 1,304 1,027KEVIN & DEBRA KIRSCH H 4.1 3.2AMERIC PLANET 60597003 3053-2 3488 102 102

33,022 1,351 1,021GUTTMANN DAIRY LLC H 4.1 3.1579 FOSKE 92483 3053-7 3484 94 94

28,814 1,305 1,018BRUNMEIER DAIRY FARM H 4.5 3.52505 MCCORMICK 135778023 3053-10 3481 94 94

31,331 1,339 1,018RODNEY-SUSAN LEITERMAN H 4.3 3.2788 DAY 69774730 3053-0 3476

33,317 1,517 1,017GUTTMANN DAIRY LLC W 4.6 3.11119 PETRONE 69207641 3053-0 3469 93 93


48,936 1,865 1,463SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.8 3.018444 TRIBUTE 11020411 2934-6 4974 90 90

46,141 1,947 1,447SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.2 3.118420 ALTAKOOL 66760497 3054-6 4938 91 91

52,191 2,075 1,414SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.0 2.717690 ZAZU 140331457 3054-11 4813 91 91

Page 24: Eastern Wisconsin DHIC Newsletter VOLUME 10, ISSUE 1 · DHIC Newsletter VOLUME 10, ISSUE 1 JANUARY, 2018 An EEO/Affirmative Action employer, University of Wisconsin-Extension provides



Milk D3XName Fat ProB %%Age CYBarn NM Sire NM Sire # Days

Month of 11 / 2017



* M column is Data Ccollection Rating (DCR) for milk. M&C column is an average of milk and component DCRs

44,997 2,038 1,409SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.5 3.118199 SHOTTLE 598172 3054-7 4809 92 92

41,530 1,743 1,386SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.2 3.319047 DAYSTAR 3007701809 3054-2 4683 92 92

50,007 1,851 1,353SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.7 2.718262 MOGUL 3006972816 3054-6 4605 92 92

50,520 1,696 1,335SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.4 2.618652 EPIC 11104016 3054-4 4519 91 91

47,100 1,703 1,326SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.6 2.819428 DADDY 70119251 3054-0 4517 92 92

41,346 1,756 1,256SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.2 3.018798 GOLDSUN 53990032335 2884-4 4284 91 91

44,889 1,549 1,309SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.5 2.919395 LARGE 140761397 3054-0 4259 91 91

38,340 1,726 1,225GREENDALE DAIRY FARM H 4.5 3.22535 SHOUT 137002991 3054-11 4182 94 94

47,767 1,560 1,241SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.3 2.618183 LARGE 140761397 3054-7 4173 92 92

37,027 1,917 1,213GREENDALE DAIRY FARM H 5.2 3.32788 BEACON 136800233 2984-1 4143 94 94

40,706 1,412 1,347SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.5 3.318707 GOLDWYN 10705608 3054-4 4104 90 90

39,401 1,726 1,197SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.4 3.019410 DADDY 70119251 3044-0 4083 89 89

34,350 1,434 1,278ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 4.2 3.78695 DOBERMAN 61980877 3054-1 4051 104 98

43,896 1,963 1,188SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.5 2.718642 HERO 62663985 3054-4 4044 92 92

37,553 1,537 1,176SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.1 3.118566 NUMERO UN 17990915143 2914-5 4013 90 90

33,821 1,538 1,170KEVIN & DEBRA KIRSCH H 4.5 3.5LAURA ALTAAVALO 65496393 3054-5 3999 102 102

42,206 1,488 1,190ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 3.5 2.83013 ALTARANGE 68731859 3054-4 3996 104 98

40,765 1,488 1,179ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 3.7 2.93148 UNKNOWN 35UNK0000 3004-2 3982 104 98

39,068 1,438 1,231SAN-RON HOLSTEINS H 3.7 3.23000 DOBERMAN 61980877 3054-5 3981

37,693 1,642 1,163GREENDALE DAIRY FARM H 4.4 3.12615 BEACON 136800233 3054-8 3968 93 93

42,246 1,476 1,167ROBIN WAY DAIRY H 3.5 2.86117 GABOR 60845420 3054-10 3944 93 93

37,637 1,576 1,148SUNNYSIDE DAIRY FARMS H 4.2 3.12262 WINDBROOK 7816429 3054-4 3916 94 94

36,971 1,418 1,205BADGER PRIDE DAIRYLLC H 3.8 3.35303 GUTHRIE 137191143 3054-0 3916 104 98

52,738 1,302 1,351SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 2.5 2.617584 SHAMROCK 68977120 3054-11 3915 92 92

39,829 1,401 1,206SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.5 3.017551 CROWN 52774524 3054-11 3885 91 91

36,079 1,621 1,138ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 4.5 3.28742 MAURY 62555627 3054-1 3884 104 98

40,845 1,551 1,136HANKE FARMS INC H 3.8 2.85738 HAWK 139717107 3034-3 3869 94 94

37,023 1,449 1,138SUMMIT FARMS LLC H 3.9 3.16505 DEMPSEY 61083609 3054-7 3868 104 98

42,092 1,447 1,129GREENDALE DAIRY FARM H 3.4 2.72793 CANCUN 53766368 3054-0 3842 94 94

36,856 1,352 1,213RODNEY-SUSAN LEITERMAN H 3.7 3.32341 MALONE 139471179 3054-2 3823 90 90

38,818 1,335 1,206SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.4 3.119194 GOLDWYN 10705608 3054-1 3783 91 91

38,583 1,383 1,144RODNEY-SUSAN LEITERMAN H 3.6 3.02392 CHAP 68798786 3054-1 3770 89 89

33,452 1,556 1,098KEVIN & DEBRA KIRSCH H 4.7 3.3JINGLE REALITY-R 134690997 3054-0 3750 102 102

36,879 1,464 1,098SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.0 3.017796 EXCEL 68893847 2904-10 3744 90 90

38,893 1,390 1,115FLY-BY ACRES H 3.6 2.92918 MAURY 62555627 3034-11 3738 94 94

32,750 1,386 1,100HIDDEN CREEK DAIRY FARM H 4.2 3.447 ARMY 63285292 3054-11 3721 94 94

36,614 1,394 1,087HILL-LINE DAIRY H 3.8 3.01956 LEVI 61980877 3054-2 3706 104 98

33,551 1,442 1,085RIVERSIDE DAIRY H 4.3 3.21500 MAXUM 137375664 3054-10 3705 94 94

37,131 1,356 1,119ROBIN WAY DAIRY H 3.7 3.06599 SHAMROCK 68977120 3054-1 3693 94 94

41,758 1,325 1,158SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.2 2.819382 LEXICON 103974921 2884-0 3692 90 90

38,792 1,391 1,083HANKE FARMS INC H 3.6 2.85516 ERNIE 136735212 3054-10 3689 94 94

40,533 1,281 1,201SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.2 3.019086 MAYFIELD 69473980 3054-1 3687 92 92

38,060 1,364 1,100HANKE FARMS INC H 3.6 2.95833 ZIGGY 55716840 3014-0 3677 94 94

40,306 1,352 1,114SUMMIT FARMS LLC H 3.4 2.86499 BRAXTON 61898423 3054-7 3674 104 98

36,735 1,408 1,072SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.8 2.919331 FEVER 103631566 3054-0 3654 92 92

41,188 1,503 1,071JAY AND AMY KRAHN H 3.6 2.61423 GABOR 60845420 3054-2 3643 94 94

37,382 1,480 1,065KOHLWEY FARMS LLC H 4.0 2.81240 RODRIGO 63225386 3044-5 3629 104 98

39,605 1,345 1,087KOHLWEY FARMS LLC H 3.4 2.71266 CONTACT 137072226 2954-2 3626 104 98

37,603 1,326 1,101ROBIN WAY DAIRY H 3.5 2.9663 MILLION 61547476 3054-0 3619 94 94

38,097 1,405 1,061HANKE FARMS INC H 3.7 2.85746 CHRIS 137302783 3054-3 3614 94 94

37,445 1,355 1,064RODNEY-SUSAN LEITERMAN H 3.6 2.82349 APPLE BOY 63109268 2934-2 3612 88 88

33,691 1,329 1,086SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.9 3.219116 LAYNE 69725085 3054-1 3609 92 92

32,381 1,330 1,075JAMES T LEPICH H 4.1 3.32283 CROWN 52774524 3054-2 3597 98 98

34,080 1,311 1,096RIVERBACK HOLSTEINS H 3.8 3.25107 BOJANGLES 132255442 3054-5 3594 93 93

34,169 1,495 1,051GREENDALE DAIRY FARM H 4.4 3.12579 MORONI 140284027 3054-9 3586 94 94

33,817 1,531 1,051SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.5 3.118722 BARBWIRE- 9748330 3054-4 3586 91 91

43,578 1,191 1,233SAN-RON HOLSTEINS H 2.7 2.83446 DEMPSEY 61083609 3054-1 3585


50,066 2,005 1,502SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.0 3.016810 BOOKEM 66636657 3055-5 5122 92 92

50,480 2,185 1,458SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.3 2.916633 FAN 68775936 2905-6 4969 89 89

41,435 1,714 1,336SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.1 3.215649 BOXER 139086241 3056-1 4562 92 92

50,833 1,692 1,366SAN-RON HOLSTEINS H 3.3 2.710089 RICHMAN 62030417 3055-0 4557 93 93

47,566 1,697 1,320SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.6 2.815303 PING 61089329 3056-4 4495 91 91

47,657 1,976 1,320SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.1 2.815910 MARCELLUS 136057831 2895-11 4495 88 88

44,921 1,785 1,307SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.0 2.916658 PALERMO 137332056 3055-6 4455 90 90

50,600 1,537 1,462SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.0 2.916382 ALAN 53557280 3055-8 4451 92 92

45,389 1,900 1,266SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.2 2.816905 FEVER 103631566 3055-4 4312 92 92

Page 25: Eastern Wisconsin DHIC Newsletter VOLUME 10, ISSUE 1 · DHIC Newsletter VOLUME 10, ISSUE 1 JANUARY, 2018 An EEO/Affirmative Action employer, University of Wisconsin-Extension provides



Milk D3XName Fat ProB %%Age CYBarn NM Sire NM Sire # Days

Month of 11 / 2017



* M column is Data Ccollection Rating (DCR) for milk. M&C column is an average of milk and component DCRs

44,745 1,672 1,260SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.7 2.817139 EXPLODE 138905680 3055-3 4292 91 91

40,507 1,533 1,330SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.8 3.315152 AL 53557278 3056-5 4272 89 89

42,365 1,579 1,267HI-TOWER-FARMS H 3.7 3.0133 MANIFOLD 135747713 3055-1 4250 93 93

51,474 1,499 1,354SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 2.9 2.616401 BONZAI 61898342 3055-8 4233 91 91

42,404 1,565 1,268SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.7 3.014227 LIGHTNING 134229692 3056-11 4230 90 90

41,144 1,586 1,221SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.9 3.015353 DUNDEE 127640114 3056-3 4163 92 92

42,250 1,589 1,221SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.8 2.915214 ALTAAVALO 65496393 2906-4 4161 90 90

41,016 1,789 1,212KOHLWEY FARMS LLC H 4.4 3.01107 JAMMER 130247861 3055-8 4132 104 98

40,261 1,506 1,251SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.7 3.12283 OBSERVER 65917481 3056-1 4116 92 92

44,695 1,483 1,234SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.3 2.814702 COPENHAGE 62813823 3056-8 4047 91 91

41,911 1,428 1,278MATT HELD H 3.4 3.0787 BRONCO 135774702 3055-4 4028 94 94

38,347 1,403 1,289HIGHLAND CROSSING LLC H 3.7 3.44988 OMANNY 7611271 3055-11 4011 96 95

41,994 1,667 1,169SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.0 2.815335 ALEXANDER 61133837 2906-3 3981 91 91

41,856 1,700 1,166SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.1 2.813917 ALEXANDER 61133837 3057-1 3971 92 92

29,634 1,467 1,173HIDDEN CREEK DAIRY FARM H 5.0 4.0129 50505050 2976-4 3960 94 94

34,815 1,621 1,153MEADOWBROOK HOLSTEINS H 4.7 3.34893 SHOUT 137002991 3055-2 3938 100 98

44,610 1,425 1,193SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.2 2.715632 MR. TOP 105148017 2896-2 3896 90 90

42,390 1,497 1,140BLUE ROYAL DAIRY INC H 3.5 2.77513 MERCURY 65783710 3055-6 3880 94 94

34,928 1,613 1,135HANKE FARMS INC H 4.6 3.25279 APPLE-RED 139141470 3055-5 3876 94 94

40,530 1,414 1,181SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.5 2.917149 CLAY 55363400 3055-2 3869 91 91

40,691 1,369 1,224RIVERBACK HOLSTEINS H 3.4 3.0943 FREDDIE 60996956 3055-9 3859 94 94

39,869 1,343 1,233SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.4 3.114384 ATLANTIC 8956383 2886-11 3832 90 90

37,523 1,479 1,119HANKE FARMS INC H 3.9 3.05238 ALLSTAR 136169884 3055-6 3816 94 94

40,358 1,745 1,119SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 4.3 2.813684 MILLION 61547476 3057-3 3811 89 89

34,842 1,392 1,149BLUE ROYAL DAIRY INC H 4.0 3.37205 KAMIK 105585416 3055-11 3798 94 94

38,908 1,624 1,113GREENDALE DAIRY FARM H 4.2 2.92520 APEX 62613510 3055-0 3792 94 94

37,937 1,377 1,160SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.6 3.117268 ABERLIN 66985571 3055-1 3784 92 92

38,359 1,430 1,110SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.7 2.915481 COPENHAGE 62813823 3056-3 3783 91 91

40,777 1,526 1,104SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.7 2.716755 SUPER 62065919 2915-5 3758 90 90

42,025 1,383 1,139RIVERBACK HOLSTEINS H 3.3 2.7872 MILLION 61547476 3056-4 3756 93 93

42,405 1,607 1,102SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.8 2.616479 CYPRUS 53766362 3055-7 3748 92 92

35,092 1,403 1,103ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 4.0 3.12586 ALTADETRO 66133500 3055-1 3748

39,010 1,410 1,092HI-TOWER-FARMS H 3.6 2.8143 SHOTTLE 598172 3045-0 3719 92 92

35,802 1,405 1,089BLUE ROYAL DAIRY INC H 3.9 3.07349 ALLY 66019447 3055-10 3715 93 93

42,164 1,317 1,177HIDDEN CREEK DAIRY FARM H 3.1 2.81293 POMEROY 130820547 3058-2 3706 94 94

39,060 1,331 1,149ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 3.4 2.95319 BULL 3056-2 3694 104 98

31,992 1,524 1,080EASTWIND DAIRY FARM H 4.8 3.41147 PRESIDIUM 66800583 3055-4 3690 94 94

39,201 1,538 1,083MAYER HOLSTEINS H 3.9 2.8VANNA SHOT 62072898 3055-5 3688 94 94

38,248 1,365 1,107SUMMIT FARMS LLC H 3.6 2.95920 GABOR 60845420 3055-11 3688 104 99

39,403 1,312 1,160SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.3 2.917249 OSMOND 65917483 2895-2 3679 90 90

37,949 1,314 1,148DRAKE DAIRY INC H 3.5 3.07500 UNKNOWN 35UNK0000 3055-9 3667

44,170 1,364 1,093SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.1 2.516976 ALTAEXTRE 66960987 3055-3 3656 92 92

38,262 1,353 1,096MCCULLEY REG. HOLSTEINS H 3.5 2.95697 GABOR 60845420 3056-6 3654 95 95

37,522 1,345 1,102MELICHAR BROAD ACRES H 3.6 2.94349 ALTATREAS 3004886557 3055-0 3651 104 98

38,083 1,412 1,070HI-TOWER-FARMS H 3.7 2.8785 ASHLAR 133573930 3057-4 3645 93 93

37,679 1,464 1,070GLENN & LINDA UBBELOHDE H 3.9 2.8ELEGA SANCHEZ 134422312 3056-10 3645 102 102

34,001 1,451 1,066HANKE FARMS INC H 4.3 3.14912 DAGGER 138904036 3056-4 3638 94 94

35,976 1,603 1,063ROCKLAND DAIRY LLC H 4.5 3.016988 ALAN 53557280 3055-4 3624 104 98

37,840 1,390 1,062SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.7 2.814940 RAMOS 253642 2786-7 3617 88 88

36,838 1,829 1,060KOHLWEY FARMS LLC H 5.0 2.91111 GLEN 132557357 3055-7 3612 104 98

35,756 1,375 1,059SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC H 3.8 3.012751 JEEVES 134438230 2797-11 3611 89 89


37,067 1,234 1,198HIGHLAND CROSSING LLC X 3.3 3.29182 REDON 2529434146 3052-10 3614 38 38

33,619 1,123 1,125HIGHLAND CROSSING LLC X 3.3 3.39140 UGOSTAR 7120543744 3052-11 3340 38 38

33,320 1,226 1,011HIGHLAND CROSSING LLC X 3.7 3.09167 UNIMAC 7032225753 3052-11 3339 35 35

27,278 1,194 941WOLFGANG DAIRY LLC N 4.4 3.49441 BRAUT 10177 3052-10 3198 92 92

24,975 1,161 903D&D J 4.6 3.6JONQUI GOLDA 67080468 3051-9 3088 97 97

25,894 1,098 960MAJESTIC MEADOWS DAIRY LLC X 4.2 3.78990 35UNK0000 3052-8 3076 35 35

30,941 1,072 982HIGHLAND CROSSING LLC X 3.5 3.28869 BEACON 136800233 2992-11 3057 37 37

27,332 1,231 884WOLFGANG DAIRY LLC N 4.5 3.29842 TANGVOLL 10909 3051-9 3018 91 91


28,806 1,452 1,066D&D J 5.0 3.7ZIVA DIMENSION 117168914 3053-10 3647 98 98

37,522 1,329 1,113HIGHLAND CROSSING LLC X 3.5 3.07962 SALE 42802 3053-10 3641 36 36

31,731 1,235 992AMERI-KRAHN HOLSTEINS B 3.9 3.11038 POSEIDON 68110661 3053-5 3328 94 94

25,487 1,185 972D&D J 4.6 3.8TAMMY HILARIO 117542312 3053-4 3231 98 98

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Milk D3XName Fat ProB %%Age CYBarn NM Sire NM Sire # Days

Month of 11 / 2017



* M column is Data Ccollection Rating (DCR) for milk. M&C column is an average of milk and component DCRs

28,489 1,194 961HIGHLAND CROSSING LLC X 4.2 3.48509 FOSKE 92483 3043-4 3225 49 50

34,059 1,085 1,070HIGHLAND CROSSING LLC X 3.2 3.18079 UGOSTAR 7120543744 3033-10 3199 96 95

27,264 1,453 930WOLFGANG DAIRY LLC J 5.3 3.49054 KYRAN 67198191 3053-10 3178 93 93

27,697 1,174 947MAJESTIC MEADOWS DAIRY LLC X 4.2 3.47792 MAGNETISM 136761581 3053-11 3174 96 95


44,126 1,671 1,276SIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC L 3.8 2.919121 MAYOR 69474037 3054-1 4349 92 92

34,802 1,308 1,183HIGHLAND CROSSING LLC X 3.8 3.47845 FOSKE 92483 3014-0 3714 38 38

26,448 1,381 1,062D&D J 5.2 4.0TILLY DIGNITARY 117168941 3054-3 3637 98 98

35,271 1,284 1,144HIGHLAND CROSSING LLC X 3.6 3.24847 AVALLON 2525124117 3054-1 3619 36 36

29,262 1,242 1,054MAJESTIC MEADOWS DAIRY LLC X 4.2 3.67799 ODA BEST 35533 3054-0 3433 97 96

33,272 1,163 1,065HIGHLAND CROSSING LLC X 3.5 3.27863 249SR2802 35UNK0000 3054-0 3317 50 50

27,904 1,214 963WOLFGANG DAIRY LLC J 4.4 3.58930 KYRAN 67198191 3054-2 3260 93 93

30,975 1,064 1,106HIGHLAND CROSSING LLC X 3.4 3.66942 BULL 136800233 3014-11 3223 96 95


32,259 1,700 1,111EASTWIND DAIRY FARM B 5.3 3.41141 EDDIE *TM 196310 3055-4 3797 94 94

35,452 1,386 1,075WOLFGANG DAIRY LLC J 3.9 3.08576 LEGAL 61929249 3055-1 3667 93 93

35,682 1,280 1,071BLUE ROYAL DAIRY INC J 3.6 3.05321 SENIOR 10211025 3057-0 3507 94 94

33,671 1,243 1,030HIGHLAND CROSSING LLC X 3.7 3.15191 RESTORE 113008443 3055-5 3392 97 96

32,508 1,252 995AMERI-KRAHN HOLSTEINS B 3.9 3.1733 PAR 199407 3047-3 3358 93 93

30,752 1,296 945AMERI-KRAHN HOLSTEINS B 4.2 3.1756 RIO 127368780 3016-11 3224 94 94

29,333 1,148 997HIGHLAND CROSSING LLC X 3.9 3.46445 HEADLINE 114114336 3055-11 3202 96 95

39,702 1,119 1,037RODNEY-SUSAN LEITERMAN M 2.8 2.61486 35UNK0000 3057-2 3196 88 88


Owner Name

Cow ID

Sire ID















Month of 11 / 2017

DIE-HARDSIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC 10868 H 3,013 8 2,588 333,195 3.8 12,652 2.7 9,11610868 2,588 DAYS MILKED 3X

MASCOLSIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC 11298 H 2,873 8 2,500 321,758 3.8 12,159 2.9 9,29911298 2,486 DAYS MILKED 3X

ALTAOBELIMELICHAR BROAD ACRES 2724 H 3,135 8 2,780 296,543 3.7 10,907 2.9 8,6432724 2,780 DAYS MILKED 3X

SOSACLOVEREDGE FARM LLC 3110 H 3,415 8 3,210 279,836 3.5 9,880 2.8 7,9593110 3,210 DAYS MILKED 3X

PAGEWIRESIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC 13120 H 2,284 6 1,979 274,057 4.0 10,861 3.1 8,58213120 1,979 DAYS MILKED 3X

JEEVESSIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC 13361 H 2,265 6 1,968 256,619 4.0 10,137 2.9 7,39413361 1,968 DAYS MILKED 3X

CLOVERSTRUTZ FARM INC 3660 H 2,980 8 2,594 256,437 4.2 10,814 3.0 7,7913660 2,594 DAYS MILKED 3X

ELAVATEHANKE FARMS INC 3818 H 2,944 7 2,543 255,824 3.5 9,008 2.7 6,9693818 2,526 DAYS MILKED 3X

BLADESUMMIT FARMS LLC 4967 H 2,590 7 2,297 255,255 3.1 7,978 2.8 7,0854967 2,297 DAYS MILKED 3X

BAY DREAMSIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC 13298 H 2,330 6 2,039 253,464 3.6 9,074 3.0 7,57313298 2,039 DAYS MILKED 3X

JEEVESSIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC 12751 H 2,533 7 2,170 249,906 4.4 10,947 3.2 7,92412751 2,170 DAYS MILKED 3X

HULKSIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC 13969 H 2,154 4 1,951 247,182 3.4 8,413 2.9 7,17913969 1,951 DAYS MILKED 3X

ALEXANDERSUMMIT FARMS LLC 5288 H 2,256 4 2,046 247,137 3.4 8,420 2.7 6,6765288 2,046 DAYS MILKED 3X

GRANDSUMMIT FARMS LLC 5312 H 2,309 6 2,067 245,117 3.1 7,671 2.9 7,0725312 2,067 DAYS MILKED 3X

GRAYBILSIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC 14571 H 2,059 6 1,732 240,676 3.4 8,229 2.9 7,02314571 1,732 DAYS MILKED 3X

PAGEWIRESIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC 13085 H 2,414 6 2,055 237,486 4.2 9,976 3.0 7,05113085 2,055 DAYS MILKED 3X

HILLSIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC 14023 H 2,180 6 1,871 236,296 4.3 10,103 3.0 7,07114023 1,871 DAYS MILKED 3X

ENCINOROBIN WAY DAIRY 4584 H 2,444 6 2,179 235,863 3.5 8,343 3.0 6,9874584 2,179 DAYS MILKED 3X

BORODNEY-SUSAN LEITERMAN 1135 H 2,730 8 2,253 230,935 3.5 8,144 3.2 7,3091135 2,253 DAYS MILKED 3X

POTTERBLUE ROYAL DAIRY INC 4425 H 2,612 7 2,341 229,125 3.8 8,746 3.1 7,1344425 2,299 DAYS MILKED 3X

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Owner Name

Cow ID

Sire ID















Month of 11 / 2017

ZEUSMAYER BROWN SWISS ARIEL B 3,055 7 2,650 227,264 4.5 10,166 3.6 8,092ARIEL 2,622 DAYS MILKED 3X

COSMOJOHNSON HILL FARMS LLC 1418 H 2,603 6 2,346 225,011 3.2 7,309 2.8 6,3761418 2,346 DAYS MILKED 3X

JASPERSIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC 13680 H 2,245 7 1,920 224,506 4.4 9,977 3.1 6,93613680 1,920 DAYS MILKED 3X

UNKNOWNMATT HELD 452 H 2,403 6 2,160 222,058 3.5 7,749 3.0 6,583452 2,160 DAYS MILKED 3X

MONUMENTJOHNSON HILL FARMS LLC 1654 H 2,155 6 1,909 222,046 3.3 7,237 2.6 5,7121654 1,909 DAYS MILKED 3X

REECEBRUNMEIER DAIRY FARM 127 H 2,995 8 2,629 221,987 3.4 7,541 3.0 6,577127 2,413 DAYS MILKED 3X

HILLSIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC 15697 H 1,785 5 1,530 221,400 3.3 7,336 2.7 5,93515697 1,530 DAYS MILKED 3X

BOONEJAMES T LEPICH BRANDEN H 2,788 7 2,481 220,971 3.6 8,062 3.1 6,754PY *RCRODNEY-SUSAN LEITERMAN 433 H 2,169 6 1,886 220,570 2.9 6,379 3.0 6,626

433 1,886 DAYS MILKED 3XSHARKYHOMESTEAD RANGE TAFFY H 3,045 8 2,717 220,105 2.7 5,874 2.8 6,247POTTERTHULL FARMS LLC 1656 H 3,123 8 2,637 219,770 3.0 6,544 2.9 6,268

1656 2,567 DAYS MILKED 3XSHOTTLESIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC 13738 H 2,214 6 1,879 218,060 3.7 8,067 3.0 6,614

13738 1,879 DAYS MILKED 3XUNKNOWNSTRUTZ FARM INC 240 H 3,037 8 2,637 216,593 3.7 8,018 3.3 7,138

240 2,637 DAYS MILKED 3XMARCELLUSSIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC 15910 H 1,714 5 1,455 216,047 4.3 9,215 2.8 6,070

15910 1,455 DAYS MILKED 3XBULLGUTTMANN DAIRY LLC 1013 2,388 5 2,175 214,507 3.5 7,420 2.9 6,292

1013 1,582 DAYS MILKED 3XMARCMARK AND CAROL GARTMAN BUNY H 2,766 6 2,463 213,506 3.4 7,241 2.8 5,930SPEARMINTSIEMERS HOLSTEIN FARM INC 15090 H 1,944 4 1,731 213,131 3.9 8,294 3.0 6,364

15090 1,731 DAYS MILKED 3XMACHOMAYER HOLSTEINS SADIE H 2,232 5 1,975 212,180 3.6 7,715 2.7 5,804

SADIE 1,947 DAYS MILKED 3XWIZARDJOHNSON HILL FARMS LLC 1489 H 2,448 7 2,162 211,992 3.0 6,419 2.9 6,248

1489 2,162 DAYS MILKED 3XDEXROBIN WAY DAIRY 4392 H 2,548 6 2,362 210,947 2.8 5,932 2.8 5,855

4392 2,362 DAYS MILKED 3X

Page 28: Eastern Wisconsin DHIC Newsletter VOLUME 10, ISSUE 1 · DHIC Newsletter VOLUME 10, ISSUE 1 JANUARY, 2018 An EEO/Affirmative Action employer, University of Wisconsin-Extension provides

EWDHIC Locations Waldo Lab/Office Phone: 920-528-8942 718 W 1st Street or 800-439-1317 Waldo, WI 53093 Fax: 920-528-7469

Brown Office 3243 Kewaunee Rd Ste 101 Phone: 920-863-2741 Green Bay, WI 54311 Fax: 920-863-2742

Manitowoc Office 418 S 29th St Phone: 920-682-5972 Manitowoc, WI 54220 Fax: 920-682-9798 West Bend Office Phone: 262-338-0673

Field Technicians Joe Casper 920-948-1572 Dan Henning 920-946-5350 Ken Kleinhans 920-893-5602 Tony Knetzger 262-305-4126 Tim Leitzke 920-621-6710 Fred Matzke 920-360-6737 Augie Muesegades 920-980-6908 Chuck Reineking 920-254-0301 Allan Sabel 920-889-3663 Tiffany Schowalter 262-305-3470 Howard Stein 920-609-1100 Kristin VanDeurzen 920-606-1129 David Wagner 920-242-6996

Co-DairyLytics Lab Technicians Sheri Giese, Lab/Data Entry Technician Mary Rammer, Lab Support Jamie Roethel, Lab/Data Entry Technician Kim Schmidt, Lab Support Dona Winter, Lab Manager Tammy Zeman, Lab Technician Trainee

November 2017 Field Service   Eastern Wisconsin DHIC 


         Herds        Cows  

Supervised 1x    206   76,259    

Supervised 2x     8  1,324  

Supervised 3x        ‐   ‐  

Unsupervised   99  7,445  

Totals    313   85,028 

November 2017 Lab Service Co‐DairyLy cs Lab Totals 


Milk Samples    120,653  

Johne’s samples  2,433  

Leukosis    83  

Milk Pregnancy   1,212 

Eastern Wisconsin Dairy Herd Improvement Cooperative

We’re on the WEB! www.ewdhic.org

Board of Directors Dan Diederich - De Pere 920-371-8414 Matt Gartman - Sheboygan 920-207-6659 Randy Geiger - Reedsville 920-772-4184 Jack Hanke - Plymouth 920-838-1415 Tom Hochkammer - Manitowoc 920-374-0109 Peter Muth - West Bend 262-689-2536 Aaron Salzsieder - Luxemburg 920-495-0181 Guy Vogel - Cato 920-973-3151

Managers Glenn Schmahl 920-528-8942 Jean Tegen 920-973-5553

Dairy & Livestock Agents/Board Advisors Scott Gunderson - Manitowoc County Phone: 920-683-4168 [email protected] Liz Binversie - Brown County Phone: 920-391-4612 [email protected].

The UW‐Extension Office now has a Quick Response Code to help you get into the UWEX Web site faster and easier. Use your phone, iPad or tablet camera to scan the Quick Response Code to find UWEX on the web! Barcode Reader or Google Goggle apps may be needed. 

Sheboygan  Manitowoc