Easter Pastoral Update: Apr 2014

My Dear Friends in Christ, We are but days away from the greatest of celebrations: Easter. This is the most exciting time of the year for the people of God. This is the time of year when we celebrate the fact that death and darkness have no dominion over us. This is the time of year when we sing with reassurance and excitement: “This is the Feast of Victory for God! Alleluia! Alleluia!” Perhaps this year, more than most, we need reminding that the darkness does not win. With the winter we are leaving behind us, the reassurance of New Life, and the warm glow of the Light of Christ is a welcomed Feast indeed. We leave behind the cold dark tomb and let the warm glow of the Son melt away all that keeps us locked inside. Holy Week offers us the opportunity to retrace the steps of Jesus from His triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, to the Institution of the Lord’s Supper, to the agony of the Cross to that Feast of Victory for Our God! We have planned a full week of meaningful liturgies and I cannot urge you enough to join us for worship and enter into the rich music and powerful imagery of this time of year. Without a doubt the highlight of the Holy Week celebrations will be the Great Easter Vigil. On the Saturday evening, we will begin our worship with a fire and blessing of the new Easter Candle. We bless the fire praying that the God of Hope and Resurrection allow us to shine with the brightness of God’s one true light. We ask God to set us aflame with the fire of Love. We follow the light of the Paschal Candle into the darkness. Entering the church with singing voices reminds us in beautiful chant that the darkness is about to be dispelled and we are to forever glow in the Light of Christ: Rejoice, O earth, in glory, revealing the splendour of your creation, radiant in the brightness of your triumphant King! Christ has conquered! Now his life and glory fill you! Darkness vanishes for ever! It is a beautiful moment and a powerful reminder that we are people of Light and Hope. Whatever challenges we face – we face them in Light. The grave is not the end. Because of Easter, we journey with the faithful as the Body of Christ knowing that New Life and the Promise of Resurrection are constantly with us. I pray that you have a blessed and Holy Easter and that you have every opportunity to celebrate the Light of Christ. I give thanks for all of you and for the ministries that you are all engaged in. I am most pleased to work alongside you together as we continue to roll the stone away. I look forward to what we might accomplish in the months ahead. May God’s life and Glory fill you! The Rev’d Canon Dr. Kevin George Rector Easter Pastoral Update: April 2014 HOLY WEEK & EASTER SERVICES PALM SUNDAY: LITURGY OF THE PALMS Sunday Apr 13th at 8 & 10:30 AM HOLY MONDAY/WEDNESDAY: EVENING COMMUNION Monday Apr 14th & Wed Apr 16 th at 7:30 pm HOLY TUESDAY: COMPLINE SERVICE (following Book Study) Tuesday Apr 15th at 8:30 pm MAUNDY THURSDAY: EVENING COMMUNION & FOOT WASHING Thursday Apr 17th at 7:30 pm GOOD FRIDAY: THE SOLEMN LITURGY MORNING SERVICE Friday Apr 18th at 10:30am HOLY SATURDAY: THE GREAT EASTER VIGIL Saturday Apr 19th at 8pm EASTER SUNDAY Sun Apr 20th at 8 & 10:30 AM


Easter Pastoral Update for St. Aidan's Anglican Church (London, Ontario): a community of Christian people who, in response to the love of God, regularly gather around the Lord's Table to share in the Word of God and the Bread of Life, and daily serve others in Christ's name. Apr 2014.Features news from our Rector, Wardens, Silver Saints Ministry, Parish Nursing Ministry & Children, Youth and Family Ministry.

Transcript of Easter Pastoral Update: Apr 2014

  • My Dear Friends in Christ,

    We are but days away from the greatest of celebrations: Easter. This is the most exciting time of the year for the people of God. This is the time of year when we celebrate the fact that death and darkness have no dominion over us. This is the time of year when we sing with reassurance and excitement:

    This is the Feast of Victory for God! Alleluia! Alleluia!

    Perhaps this year, more than most, we need reminding that the darkness does not win. With the winter we are leaving behind us, the reassurance of New Life, and the warm glow of the Light of Christ is a welcomed Feast indeed. We leave behind the cold dark tomb and let the warm glow of the Son melt away all that keeps us locked inside.

    Holy Week offers us the opportunity to retrace the steps of Jesus from His triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, to the Institution of the Lords Supper, to the agony of the Cross to that Feast of Victory for Our God! We have planned a full week of meaningful liturgies and I cannot urge you enough to join us for worship and enter into the rich music and powerful imagery of this time of year. Without a doubt the highlight of the Holy Week celebrations will be the Great Easter Vigil. On the Saturday evening, we will begin our worship with a fire and blessing of the new Easter Candle. We bless the fire praying that the God of Hope and Resurrection allow us to shine with the brightness of Gods one true light. We ask God to set us aame with the re of Love. We follow the light of the Paschal Candle into the darkness. Entering the church with singing voices reminds us in beautiful chant that the darkness is about to be dispelled and we are to forever glow in the Light of Christ:

    Rejoice, O earth, in glory, revealing the splendour of your creation, radiant in the brightness of your triumphant King!

    Christ has conquered! Now his life and glory ll you! Darkness vanishes for ever!

    It is a beautiful moment and a powerful reminder that we are people of Light and Hope. Whatever challenges we face we face them in Light. The grave is not the end. Because of Easter, we journey with the faithful as the Body of Christ knowing that New Life and the Promise of Resurrection are constantly with us.

    I pray that you have a blessed and Holy Easter and that you have every opportunity to celebrate the Light of Christ. I give thanks for all of you and for the ministries that you are all engaged in. I am most pleased to work alongside you together as we continue to roll the stone away. I look forward to what we might accomplish in the months ahead.

    May Gods life and Glory fill you! The Revd Canon Dr. Kevin George Rector

    Easter Pastoral Update: April 2014

    H O L Y W E E K & E A S T E R S E R V I C E S



    Sunday Apr 13th at 8 & 10:30 AM



    Monday Apr 14th & Wed Apr 16th at 7:30 pm


    COMPLINE SERVICE (following Book Study)

    Tuesday Apr 15th at 8:30 pm



    Thursday Apr 17th at 7:30 pm



    Friday Apr 18th at 10:30am



    Saturday Apr 19th at 8pm


    Sun Apr 20th at 8 & 10:30 AM

  • Rector: Revd Canon Kevin Dr. George Assistant Curate: Revd Anne Jaikaran

    ST AIDANS CHURCH 1246 Oxford St W London ON N6H 1V7

    P: (519) 471-1430 E: [email protected] W: www.staidans.net

    Office Hours: M/W/F 9 am 12 noon; T/Th 2 5 pm

    Pg 2 Easter Pastoral Update: April 2014

    After the punishing winter we've had this year, its safe to say that most of us are anxiously anticipating Spring's warmth and colour. As we conclude our Lenten season, and see the last of the snow melt away, we are reminded that Easter is very much a time for Re-birth. Easter and Spring remind us that seasons change, and with that change comes Hope and the promise of Life Anew. On the theme of Life Anew, in February, Vestry concluded with the election of two new Wardens to our leadership team. Joining Doug Wilson-Hodge and Wendy Kilgour are Mary Townshend and Jim Smythe; both having significant leadership experience and gifts to offer. Having a full slate of Wardens will be great for this year, which we believe will prove to be a busy one! With Vestry's approval of the 2014 budget, your Wardens have been wasting no time in progressing with the many things set as priorities for 2014. The projects and activities that are on our minds include:

    Working with the Financial Committee to prepare for an audit in 2015

    Implementation of the lawn sign and parking lot signs

    Improvement of the coffee/tea serving system

    Commencing the kitchen renovation project

    Working towards program implementation for youth ages 12 and up

    Concluding the removal of the windows from the former Church of the Hosannas

    Concluding the storage locker and implementing selected items recovered and kept from Church of the Hosannas sanctuary

    Also, and very importantly, the Wardens along with your Parish Council will be working towards initiatives to achieve our $13,000 fundraising goal. One of these items is our Annual Spring Rummage Sale, set for Saturday May 24th.

    As noted at Vestry, we anticipate the new lawn sign to be installed in April and wired and working by mid-May. The memorial tree that will have to come down to install the sign will be replanted closer to the church at the Eastern side of the parking lot.

    If you see a project above that interests you and you want to help, please let us know... Many hands make light work! We look forward to your participation in our parish activities.

    See you in church! Doug Wilson-Hodge, Mary Townshend, Wendy Kilgour & Jim Smythe Wardens

    Message from Our Wardens

  • Rector: Revd Canon Kevin Dr. George Assistant Curate: Revd Anne Jaikaran

    ST AIDANS CHURCH 1246 Oxford St W London ON N6H 1V7

    P: (519) 471-1430 E: [email protected] W: www.staidans.net

    Office Hours: M/W/F 9 am 12 noon; T/Th 2 5 pm

    Pg 3 Easter Pastoral Update: April 2014

    As we celebrate Easter as a people - believing always in the potential for Resurrection and New Life here on earth in our daily living - I am excited about the fresh new ways the Silver Saints Ministry is bringing life to many people at St Aidans and beyond.

    In February, we had another successful lunch catered by Remark when we celebrated St Valentines Day. Our next social gathering is planned for Wednesday April 30th. To usher in the Spring season, our senior parishioners (and their friends) are welcomed to join us for lunch followed by a fieldtrip to the Coptic Church (corner of Hyde Park and Royal York) for a short service and talk about the churchs foundation and its rituals by Father Johannes.

    Training has continued with Pastoral Care, so please let myself or Kevin know if you, or someone you know, would like Home Communion and/or a visit.

    Please also let myself or Kevin know if you know of someone approaching a landmark birthday or anniversary as the Bishops are very happy to send congratulatory letters.

    I have office hours at St Aidans every Thursday morning from 9:30am to 12:00 noon. Please drop in to see me or call me sometime with any ideas you have for the Silver Saints or just come by for a chat!

    A very blessed Easter to everyone! Anne Jaikaran Assistant Curate & Silver Saints Director

    The Parish Nursing Ministry - Health Cabinet (Rene Alie, Sandi Cole, Joe Corcoran, Maret Galbraith, Trisha Henderson, Revd Anne Jaikaran) and Parish Nurse Candidate (Pat Ferguson) was commissioned on March 23, 2014.

    The Canadian Association for Parish Nursing Ministry (CAPNM) defines Parish Nursing Ministry as: A health ministry of parish communities which emphasizes the wholeness of body, mind and spirit. Rooted in the vision of Christ as healer, this ministry grows out of the belief that all faith communities are places of health and healing and have a role in promoting wholeness through the integration of faith and health.

    The Parish Nursing Ministry looks forward to assessing the needs and wants of the congregation through a general survey that will be distributed in the weeks following Easter Sunday. In the meantime, if anyone has specific needs or questions about this ministry please contact me, speak with Kevin or Anne or a member of the Health Cabinet or leave a message at the Church Office. Please watch the weekly bulletin for further updates from the Parish Nursing Ministry.

    Pat Ferguson Parish Nurse-in-Training

    Message from Our Parish Nursing Ministry

    Message from Our Silver Saints Director

  • Rector: Revd Canon Kevin Dr. George Assistant Curate: Revd Anne Jaikaran

    ST AIDANS CHURCH 1246 Oxford St W London ON N6H 1V7

    P: (519) 471-1430 E: [email protected] W: www.staidans.net

    Office Hours: M/W/F 9 am 12 noon; T/Th 2 5 pm

    Pg 4 Easter Pastoral Update: April 2014

    Time is really zooming by and hopefully so is winter! The chilly weather outside has done nothing to dampen the attendance of our Sunday School kids however. I am so excited to see a number of new families and children joining us on a regular basis. Ive even been successful at remembering most of their names, which is a challenge for a face person like me.

    As our Sunday School continues to grow, the importance of an engaging program led by volunteers must be emphasized. I am so thankful for our dedicated teachers and encourage those who have children in Sunday School to volunteer, even if its only one Sunday a month. Every little bit helps!

    On an Outreach note: I delivered the Welcome Bags our kids made to the Ronald McDonald House and was able to show them to Kelley Montfort and Lee Bentum, my primary RMH contacts. Both Kelley and Lee were very impressed with our efforts. Kelley got misty-eyed and gave me a hug, while Lee suggested that anytime we wanted to make more bags, they would be very much appreciated. It was a lovely moment!

    March brought our Cookie Bake at the Ronald McDonald House where a small but mighty group of us provided the gift of kindness by way of cookies and muffins to families. A fun time was had by all. I have booked another bake date for Saturday, May 31st and with the more clement weather, I hope to see many of you there!

    During the month of April, we will be talking about how Jesus heals Bartimaeus and how, through his rescue plan, he heals us.

    I am looking forward to Spring: new families, New Life and new opportunities to serve God through our children, youth and families.

    Peace, Alexandra Strong Interim Director of Childrens Christian Education

    Message from Our Children, Youth & Family Ministry

    Fri Apr 11th at 7 pm & Sat Apr 12th at 9:30 am ~ Teach Me to Pray Workshop (St John the Evangelist Anglican


    Fri Apr 25th at 8 pm ~ JAZZ BY THE BOG with Rebecca Noelle & John Noubarian

    Sat Apr 26th at 8:30 am ~ Anglican Church Women Annual Conference (St Pauls Cathedral) Wed Apr 30th at 12 noon ~ SILVER SAINTS Spring Luncheon & Fieldtrip

    Sat May 3rd at 9 am ~ Anglican Fellowship of Prayer Annual Conference with guest speaker Revd Dr. Todd Townshend

    Mon May 12th at 6:30 pm ~ Soup & Sandwich Dinner (London Club)

    Sat May 24th at 9 am ~ Annual Spring Rummage Sale

    Sat May 31st at 1 pm ~ CYFM Cookie Bake (Ronald McDonald House)