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    Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste

    Repblica Democrtica de Timor-Leste

    (Portuguese)Repblika Demokrtika Timr-Leste[1]


    Flag Coat of arms

    Motto: "Unidade,Aco, Progresso" (Portuguese)("Unity,Action, Progress")


    Capitaland largest city

    Dili834S 12534E

    Official languages Portugueseand Tetum1

    Working languages Indonesian and English[2]

    Demonym East Timorese

    Government Unitary parliamentarydemocraticrepublic

    - President Taur Matan Ruak - Prime Minister Xanana Gusmo

    Legislature National Parliament

    Independence from Portugal, Indonesia

    - Established 1702

    - Declared November 28, 1975

    - Restored May 20, 2002


    - Total 14,874 km2(159th)

    5,743 sq mi- Water (%) negligible


    - 2010 estimate 1,066,582[3](155th)

    - Density 76.2/km2(132nd)

    East TimorFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    East Timor( i/ isttimr/) or Timor-Leste

    (/timr lte/), officially the Democratic Republic of

    Timor-Leste, isa country in Southeast Asia.[6]It

    comprises the easternhalf of the island of Timor, thenearby islands of Atauro and Jaco, and Oecusse, an

    exclave on the northwestern side of the island, within

    Indonesian West Timor. The country's size is about

    15,410 km (5,400 sq mi).[7]

    East Timor was colonised by Portugal in the 16th century,

    and was known as Portuguese Timor until Portugal's

    decolonisation of the country. In late 1975, East Timor

    declared its independence, butlater that year was invaded

    and occupied by Indonesia and was declaredIndonesia's27th province the following year. In 1999, following the

    United Nations-sponsored act of self-determination,

    Indonesia relinquished control of the territory and East

    Timor became the first new sovereign state of the 21st

    century on May 20, 2002. East Timor is one of only two

    predominantly Roman Catholic countries in East Asia, the

    other being the Philippines.

    East Timor has a lower-middle-income economy.[8]It

    continues to suffer the aftereffects of a decades-longindependence struggle against Indonesia, which damaged

    infrastructure and displaced thousands of civilians. It is

    placed 147th by Human Development Index (HDI).

    Nonetheless it is expected tohave the sixth largest GDP

    growth in the world for 2013.[9]

    It is a memberof the United Nations and the Community

    of Portuguese LanguageCountries.


    1 Etymology

    2 History

    3 Geography

    4 Politics

    4.1 Administrative divisions

    4.2 Foreign Relations

    5 Economy

    6 Demographics

    6.1 Religion

    6.2 Languages

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    Portuguese Timor

    Arms (1935


    Demonstration for independence from


    and exploitative.[18]

    At the beginning of the twentieth century, a faltering home economy prompted the

    Portuguese to extract greater wealth from its colonies, which was met with Timorese

    resistance.[18]During World War II, the Japanese occupied Dili, and the mountainous

    interior became the scene of a guerrilla campaign, known as the Battle of Timor.

    Waged by Allied forces and Timorese volunteers against the Japanese, the struggle

    resulted in the deaths of between 40,000 and 70,000 Timorese.[19]

    Following the endof the war, Portuguese control was reinstated.

    The decolonisation process instigated by the 1974 Portuguese revolution saw Portugal

    effectively abandon the colony of East Timor. A civil war between supporters of East

    Timorese political parties, the Revolutionary Front for an Independent East Timor

    (Fretilin) and the Timorese Democratic Union (UDT), broke out in 1975 as the UDT attempted a coup which

    Fretilin resisted with the help of local Portuguese military.[20]Independence was unilaterally declared on

    November 28, 1975. The Indonesian government was fearful of an independent communist state within the

    Indonesian archipelago, and at the height of the Cold War, Western governments were supportive of

    Indonesia's position. The Indonesian military launched a full-scale invasion of East Timor in December 1975.Indonesia declared East Timor as its 27th province on July 17, 1976. [21]The UN Security Council opposed the

    invasion and the territory's nominal status in the UN remained "non-self-governing territory under Portuguese


    Indonesia's occupation of East Timor was marked by violence and

    brutality. A detailed statistical report prepared for the Commission for

    Reception, Truth and Reconciliation in East Timor cited a minimum

    bound of 102,800 conflict-related deaths in the period 19741999,

    namely, approximately 18,600 killings and 84,200 "excess" deaths

    from hunger and illness.[22]The East Timorese guerrilla force, Falintil,fought a campaign against the Indonesian forces from 19751999.

    The 1991 Dili Massacre was a turning point for the independence

    cause internationally, and an East Timor solidarity movement grew in

    Portugal, Australia, and the United States.

    Following the resignation of Indonesian President Suharto, a UN-

    sponsored agreement between Indonesia and Portugal allowed for UN-supervised popular referendum in

    August 1999. The resulting clear vote for independence was met with a punitive campaign of violence by

    Timorese pro-integration militia with the support of elements of the Indonesian military. An Australian-led

    international peacekeeping force, International Force for East Timor (INTERFET), was sent (with Indonesian

    permission) until order was restored. The administration of East Timor was taken over by the UN through the

    United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET) in October 1999. [23]The INTERFET

    deployment ended in February 2000 with the transfer of military command to the UN.[24]East Timorese

    independence was formalised on May 20, 2002 with Xanana Gusmo sworn in as the country's first President.

    East Timor became a member of the UN on September 27, 2002.

    The following year, Gusmo declined another presidential term and in the build-up to the April 2007 presidential

    elections there were renewed outbreaks of violence. Jos Ramos-Horta was elected President in the May 2007


    Ramos-Horta was critically injured in an attempted assassination in February 2008. Prime MinisterGusmo also faced gunfire separately but escaped unharmed. Australian reinforcements were immediately sent

    to help keep order.[26]

    In 2006, the United Nations sent in security forces to restore order when unrest and factional fighting forced 15

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    Map of Timor showing cities and

    main roads.

    Government Palace in Dili.

    percent of the population (155,000 people) to flee their homes. In March 2011, the UN handed-off operational

    control of the police force to the East Timor authorities, but more than 1,200 UN police officers still patrol on

    the street. After the 2012 presidential election, the missions are scheduled to end.[27]


    Main article: Geography of East Timor

    Located in Southeast Asia,[28]the island of Timor is part of the

    Maritime Southeast Asia, and is the largest and easternmost of the

    Lesser Sunda Islands. To the north of the island are the Ombai Strait,

    Wetar Strait and the greater Banda Sea. The Timor Sea separates the

    island from Australia to the south, and the Indonesian Province of

    East Nusa Tenggara lies to East Timors west.

    Much of the country is mountainous, and its highest is Tatamailau

    (also known as Mount Ramelau) at 2,963 meters (9,721 ft).The

    climate is tropical and generally hot and humid. It is characterised by

    distinct rainy and dry seasons. The capital, largest city and main port

    is Dili, and the second-largest city is the eastern town of Baucau. East

    Timor lies between latitudes 8 and 10S, and longitudes 124 and


    The easternmost area of East Timor consists of the Paitchau Range and the Iralalaro (de) area, which contains

    the countys first conservation area, the Nino Konis Santana National Park.[citation needed]It contains the last

    remaining tropical dry forested area within the country. It hosts a number of unique plant and animal species and

    is sparsely populated.


    The northern coast is characterised by a number of coral reef systems that have beendetermined to be at risk.[30]


    Main article: Politics of East Timor

    The head of state of East Timor is the President of East Timor, who is

    elected by popular vote for a five-year term. Although the role is

    largely symbolic, the president does have veto power over certain

    types of legislation. Following elections, the president appoints the

    leader of the majority party or majority coalition as the Prime Minister

    of East Timor. As head of government, the prime minister presides

    over the Council of State or cabinet.

    The unicameral Timorese parliament is the National Parliament or

    Parlamento Nacional, whose members are elected by popular vote

    to a five-year term. The number of seats can vary from a minimum of

    fifty-two to a maximum of sixty-five, though it exceptionally has eighty-eight members at present, due to this

    being its first term of office. The East Timorese constitution was modelled on that of Portugal. The country is still

    in the process of building its administration and governmental institutions.

    Government departments include the Policia Nacional de Timor-Leste (police), East Timor Ministry for State

    and Internal Administration, Civil Aviation Division of Timor Leste and Immigration Department of Timor Leste.

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    Coffee production in the subdistrictsof East Timor

    Administrative divisions

    Main articles: Districts of East Timor, Subdistricts of East Timor, and Sucos of East Timor

    East Timor is divided into thirteen administrative districts. The districts are subdivided into 65 subdistricts, 442

    sucos (villages) and 2,225 aldeias (hamlets).[31]

    A clickable map of East Timor exhibiting its 13 administrative districts.

    Foreign Relations

    East Timor first sought membership in Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 2007, and a formal

    application was submitted in March 2011.[32]Indonesia supports East Timor's bid to join ASEAN.


    Main article: Economy of East Timor

    East Timor has a market economy that is dependent upon exports of

    a few commodities such as coffee, marble, oil and sandalwood.[33]

    In late 1999, much of East Timors civil infrastructure of was

    destroyed by departing Indonesian troops and anti-independence

    militias, and 260,000 people fled into West Timor.[citation needed]An

    international program led by the UN, manned by civilian advisers,

    5,000 peacekeepers (8,000 at peak) and 1,300 police officers,

    substantially reconstructed the infrastructure.[citation needed]By mid-

    2002, all but about 50,000 of the refugees had

    returned.[citation needed]

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    Subdistricts suffering from hunger in

    November 2007

    A Timorese in traditional


    The Portuguese colonial administration granted concessions to Oceanic Exploration Corporation to develop

    petroleum and natural gas deposits in the waters southeast of Timor. However, this was curtailed by the

    Indonesian invasion in 1976.[citation needed]The resources were divided between Indonesia and Australia with

    the Timor Gap Treaty in 1989.[34]East Timor inherited no permanent maritime boundaries when it attained

    independence.[citation needed]repudiating the Timor Gap Treaty as illegal. A provisional agreement (the Timor

    Sea Treaty, signed when East Timor became independent on May 20, 2002) defined a Joint Petroleum

    Development Area (JPDA), and awarded 90% of revenues from existing projects in that area to East Timor and

    10% to Australia.[35]A 2005 agreement between the governments of East Timor and Australia mandated thatboth countries put aside their dispute over maritime boundaries, and that East Timor would receive 50% of the

    revenues from the resource exploitation in the area (estimated at A$26 billion or about US$20 billion over the

    lifetime of the project)[36]from the Greater Sunrise development.[37]

    In 2007, a bad harvest led to deaths in several parts of East Timor. In

    November 2007, eleven subdistricts still needed food supplied by

    international aid.[38]

    There are no patent laws in East Timor.[39]


    Main article: Demographics of

    East Timor

    The population of East Timor is about 1,143,667.[6]The population is

    especially concentrated in the area around Dili.[citation needed]

    The Timorese are called Maubere collectively by some of their politicalorganisations, an originally derogatory name turned into a name of pride by

    Fretilin.[citation needed]They consist of a number of distinct ethnic groups,

    most of whom are of mixed Malayo-Polynesian and Melanesian/Papuan

    descent.[citation needed]The largest Malayo-Polynesian ethnic groups are the

    Tetum[40](100,000), primarily in the north coast and around Dili; the

    Mambae (80,000), in the central mountains; the Tukudede (63,170), in the

    area around Maubara and Liqui; the Galoli (50,000), between the tribes of

    Mambae and Makasae; the Kemak (50,000) in north-central Timor island;

    and the Baikeno (20,000), in the area around Pante Macassar.[citation needed]

    The main tribes of predominantly Papuan origin include the Bunak (50,000), in the central interior of Timor

    island; the Fataluku (30,000), at the eastern tip of the island near Lospalos; and the Makasae, toward the

    eastern end of the island.[citation needed]As a result of interracial marriage during was common the Portuguese

    era, there is a population of people of mixed Timorese and Portuguese origin, known in Portuguese as mestios.

    There is a small Chinese minority, most of whom are Hakka. Most Chinese left after the Indonesian invasion,

    with most moving to Australia, although some have returned.[citation needed]


    Main article: Religion in East Timor

    Upon independence, East Timor became one of only two predominantly Roman Catholic countries in Asia

    (along with the Philippines), although nearby parts of eastern Indonesia also have Catholic majorities, including

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    Balide (de) church, Dili

    Biggest language groups in sucos of

    East Timor.

    West Timor and Flores. The population predominantly identifies as Roman Catholic (97%), though local animist

    traditions have a persistent and strong influence on the culture.[citation needed]The number of churches has

    grown from 100 in 1974 to over 800 in 1994.[41]Religious minorities

    include Muslims (1%)[citation needed]and Protestants

    (1%).[citation needed]Smaller Hindu (0.5%), Buddhist (0.1%) and

    traditional animist minorities make up the remainder.[42][43][44]Church

    membership grew considerably under Indonesian rule, as Indonesia's

    state ideologyPancasiladoes not recognise traditional beliefs andrequires all citizens to believe in God.[citation needed]As a deep-

    rooted local institution, the Church symbolised East Timor's distinction

    from the predominantly Muslim Indonesia and it played a significant

    role in the resistance movement.[citation needed]The constitution

    acknowledges the Church's role among the East Timorese people and

    stipulates a secular state that guarantees freedom of religion to

    everyone.[citation needed]


    Main article: Languages of East Timor

    East Timor's two official languages are Portuguese and Tetum. Tetum

    belongs to the Austronesian family of languages spoken throughout

    Southeast Asia.[45]The predominant form of Tetum, known as

    Tetun-Dili, grew out of the dialect favoured by the colonisers at Dili

    and, thus, has considerable Portuguese influence. Other dialects of

    Tetum are also widely used in the country, including Tetun-Terik

    which is spoken along the southwestern coast. Indonesian and Englishare defined as working languages under the Constitution in the Final

    and Transitional Provisions, without setting a final date. Another 15

    indigenous languages are spoken: Bekais (de), Bunak, Dawan,

    Fataluku, Galoli, Habun (de), Idalaka, Kawaimina, Kemak, Lovaia,

    Makalero, Makasai, Mambai, Tokodede, and

    Wetarese.[citation needed]

    Under Indonesian rule, the use of Portuguese was banned, but it was used by the clandestine resistance,

    especially in communicating with the outside world.[citation needed]The language, along with Tetum, gained

    importance as a symbol of resistance and freedom.[citation needed]It was adopted as one of the two official

    languages for this reason and as a link to nations in other parts of the world. It is now being taught and promoted

    with the help of Brazil, Portugal, and the Latin Union.[citation needed]

    According to East Timor's 2010 census, along with other local languages, Tetum is the most common means of

    communication between ordinary Timorese: Almost 90% of Timorese use Tetum in their daily life, while

    Indonesian is still widely used in the media and school from high school to university by an estimated

    35%.[citation needed]It is estimated that English is understood by 31.4% of the population. 23.5% speak, read

    and write Portuguese, which is up significantly from less than 5% in the 2006 UN Development Report.[46][47]

    A large proportion of words in Tetum are derived from Portuguese, and it also shares many Malay-derivedwords with Indonesian. Many Indonesian words are still in common use in Tetum and other Timorese languages,

    particularly numbers.[citation needed]

    East Timor is a member of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries, also known as the Lusophone

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    Portuguese School of Dli.

    Commonwealth, and a member of the Latin Union.[citation needed]


    About half the adult population are illiterate.[48]Illiteracy is higher

    among women.[49]Illiteracy was at 90% at the end of Portuguese

    rule.[citation needed]In 2006, 10%30% of primary-school age

    children did not attend school.[49]

    The country has the National University of East Timor. Indonesian

    plays a considerable role in education.[citation needed]Since the

    departure of the Portuguese, schools have increased from 50 to more

    than 800. There are also four colleges.[41]


    Life expectancy at birth was at 60.7 in 2007.[48]The fertility rate is at six births per woman.[48]Healthy lifeexpectancy at birth was at 55 years in 2007.[48]Government expenditure on health was at US$150 (PPP) per

    person in 2006.[48]Many people in East Timor lack safe drinking water.[49]There were two hospitals and 14

    village healthcare facilities in 1974. By 1994 there were 11 hospitals and 330 healthcare centres. [41]

    The 2010 maternal mortality rate per 100,000 births for Timor-Leste is 370. This is compared with 928.6 in

    2008 and 1016.3 in 1990. The under 5 mortality rate, per 1,000 births is 60 and the neonatal mortality as a

    percentage of under 5's mortality is 48.[50]In Timor-Leste the number of midwives per 1,000 live births is 8 and

    lifetime risk of death for pregnant women is 1 in 44.[51]


    Main article: Culture of East Timor

    The culture of East Timor reflects numerous influences, including Portuguese, Roman Catholic, and Indonesian,

    on the indigenous Austronesian and Melanesian cultures of Timor. East Timorese culture is heavily influenced by

    Austronesian legends. For example, Timorese creation myth has it that an aging crocodile transformed into the

    island of Timor as part of a debt repayment to a young boy who had helped the crocodile when it was sick. [52]

    As a result of that transformation, the island is shaped like a crocodile and the boy's descendants are the native

    Timorese who inhabit the island. The phrase "leaving the crocodile" refers to the pained exile of Timorese fromtheir island.

    There is also a strong tradition of poetry in the country. Prime Minister Xanana Gusmo, for example, is a

    distinguished poet. As for architecture, some Portuguese-style buildings can be found, along with the traditional

    totem houses of the eastern region. These are known as uma lulik(sacred houses) in Tetum, and lee teinu

    (houses with legs) in Fataluku. Craftsmanship is also widespread, as is the weaving of traditional scarves or tais.

    Sports organisations joined by East Timor include the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the International

    Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), the International Badminton Federation (IBF), joined the Union

    Cycliste Internationale, the International Weightlifting Federation, the International Table Tennis Federation(ITTF), and East Timor's national football team joined FIFA. East Timorese athletes competed in the 2003

    Southeast Asian Games held 2003. In the 2003 ASEAN Paralympics Games, East Timor won a bronze medal.

    In the Athens 2004 Olympic Games, East Timorese athletes participated in athletics, weightlifting and boxing.

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    East Timor won three medals in Arnis at the 2005 Southeast Asian Games. East Timor competed in the firstLusophony Games, and in October 2008, the country earned its first international points in a FIFA match with a

    22 draw against Cambodia.[53]

    See also

    Outline of East TimorIndex of East Timor-related articles

    Coral Triangle

    Great Timor

    Foreign relations of East Timor

    Human Rights in Timor-Leste

    LGBT rights in East Timor (Gay rights)

    List of cities, towns and villages in East Timor

    List of East Timor-related topics

    List of East Timorese peopleRede Feto

    Scouting in East Timor

    Telecommunications in East Timor

    Timor Leste Defence Force

    Transport in East Timor

    United Nations Mission in East Timor


    1. ^Name used in the constitution (Konstituisaun Repblika Demokrtika Timr-Leste (http://timor-

    leste.gov.tl/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/Constituicao_RDTL_TT.pdf) )

    2. ^"Country profile: East Timor" (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/country_profiles/1508119.stm) . BBC

    News. March 16, 2010. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/country_profiles/1508119.stm. Retrieved

    March 28, 2010.

    3. ^President Horta announces preliminary census of populations results (http://www.timornewsline.com/?

    debut_articles02=8#pagination_articles02) . Timor Newsline. October 22, 2010.

    http://www.timornewsline.com/?debut_articles02=8#pagination_articles02. Retrieved October 23, 2010.

    4. ^ abcd"East Timor" (http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2012/01/weodata/weorept.aspx?pr.x=47&pr.y=16&sy=2009&ey=2012&scsm=1&ssd=1&sort=country&ds=.&br=1&c=537&s=NGDPD%2C

    NGDPDPC%2CPPPGDP%2CPPPPC%2CLP&grp=0&a=) . International Monetary Fund.



    NGDPDPC%2CPPPGDP%2CPPPPC%2CLP&grp=0&a=. Retrieved April 22, 2012.

    5. ^"Human Development Report 2011 Human development statistical annex"

    (http://hdr.undp.org/en/media/HDR_2011_EN_Tables.pdf) . HDRO (Human Development Report Office)

    United Nations Development Programme. pp. 127130.

    http://hdr.undp.org/en/media/HDR_2011_EN_Tables.pdf. Retrieved November 2, 2011.

    6. ^ abCIA (November 29, 2012). "East and Southeast Asia:Timor-Leste"

    (https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/tt.html) . The World Factbook. Washington,

    DC: Central Intelligence Agency. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/tt.html.

    Retrieved December 16, 2012.

    7. ^mne.gov.tl (http://www.mne.gov.tl/)

    8. ^"World Bank Country Groups"

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    9. ^http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2013/01/06/now-portugals-colonies-are-performing-


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    http://www.un.org/members/list.shtml. Retrieved March 28, 2010.

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    reference=IP/07/833&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en. Retrieved March 28, 2010.

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    January 20, 2009. http://www.state.gov/p/eap/ci/tt/. Retrieved March 28, 2010.

    13. ^ "Brief History of Timor-Leste" (http://www.timor-leste.gov.tl/AboutTimorleste/history.htm) . Official Web

    Gateway to the Government of Timor-Leste. Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. 2006.

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    Levinson, David.Ethnic Relations. Denver: Abc Clio.

    Rudolph, Joseph R.Encyclopedia of Modern Ethnic Conflicts. Westport: Greenwood P, 2003. 101106.

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    Taylor, John G. (1999).East Timor: The Price of Freedom. Australia: Pluto Press. ISBN 978-1-85649-840-1.

    East Timor: a bibliography(http://direct.bl.uk/bld/PlaceOrder.do?

    UIN=147446017&ETOC=RN&from=searchengine) , a bibliographic reference, Jean A. Berlie, launched by PM

    Xanana Gusmo, Indes Savantes editor, Paris, France, published in 2001. ISBN 978-2-84654-012-4, ISBN


    East Timor, politics and elections(in Chinese)/(20012006):



    22%2Bguangzhou%2Bjournal&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk) , Jean A. Berlie, Institute of Southeast Asian

    Studies of Jinan University editor, Jinan, China, published in 2007.

    External links


    Timor-Leste official government website (http://www.timor-leste.gov.tl/)

    Chief of State and Cabinet Members (https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/world-leaders-1/world-


    General information

    Timor-Leste (https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/tt.html) entry at The

    World Factbook

    East Timor (http://ucblibraries.colorado.edu/govpubs/for/etimor.htm) from UCB Libraries GovPubs

    Timor-Leste (http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/Timor-Leste/) at the Open Directory Project

    East Timor (http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/596313/East-Timor) atEncyclopdia


    East Timor profile (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-14919009) BBC NewsWikimedia Atlas of East Timor

    East Timor travel guide from Wikivoyage

    Key Development Forecasts for Timor-Leste (http://www.ifs.du.edu/ifs/frm_CountryProfile.aspx?

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    Country=TL) from International Futures

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    Categories: East Timor Countries of the Indian Ocean Divided regions Former Portuguese colonies

    Island countries Least developed countries

    Member states of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries Bicontinental countries

    Member states of the United Nations Portuguese-speaking countries Republics

    Southeast Asian countries States and territories established in 2002

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