Earth Observation Data and Carbon Cycle Modelling

Earth Observation Data and Carbon Cycle Modelling Marko Scholze QUEST, Department of Earth Sciences University of Bristol (an incomplete and subjective view…)


Earth Observation Data and Carbon Cycle Modelling. Marko Scholze QUEST, Department of Earth Sciences University of Bristol GAIM/AIMES Task Force Meeting, Yokohama, 24-29 Oct. 2004. (an incomplete and subjective view…). Overview. Atmospheric CO 2 observations TransCom - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Earth Observation Data and Carbon Cycle Modelling

Earth Observation Data and Carbon Cycle Modelling

Marko ScholzeQUEST, Department of Earth Sciences

University of Bristol

GAIM/AIMES Task Force Meeting, Yokohama, 24-29 Oct. 2004

(an incomplete and subjective view…)


• Atmospheric CO2 observations– TransCom

• Model-Data Synthesis– Oceanic DIC observations: Inverse Ocean

Modelling Project– Terrestrial observations: Eddy-flux towers– Atmospheric observations: Carbon Cycle Data

Assimilation system

TransCom 3Linear atmospheric transport inversion to calculate CO2 sources and sinks:

• 4 background "basis functions" for land, ocean, fossil fuels 1990 & 1995

• 11 land regions, spatial pattern proportional to terr. NPP

• 11 ocean regions, uniform spatial distribution

Solving for 4 (background) + 22 (regions) * 12 (month) basis functions!

TransCom 3 Seasonal Results(mean over 1992 to 1996)

Guerney et al., 2004

response to background fluxes:


inversion results:


15 4





TransCom 3 Interannual Results (1988 - 2003)

red: landblue: ocean

darker bands: within-modeluncertainty

lighter bands: between-model uncertainty

• larger land than ocean variability• interannual changes more robust than seasonal

... but atmosphere well mixed interannually... Baker et al. 2004




Model-Data Synthesis:The Inverse Ocean Modelling


C* of Gruber, Sarmiento, and Stocker (1996) to estimate anthropogenic DIC.Innumerable data authors, but represented by Feely, Sabine, Lee, Key.

Recent ocean carbon survey, ~ 60.000 observations

The Inverse Ocean Modelling Project

Jacobson, TransCom3Meeting, Jena, 2003

The Inverse Ocean Modelling Project

Gloor et al. 2003

• southward carbon transport of 0.37 Pg C/yr for pre-industrial times• present-day transport -0.06 Pg C/yr (northwards)

Terrestrial observations: Fluxnet a global network of eddy covariance


Inversion of terrestrial ecosystem parameter values against eddy covariance

measurements by Metropolis Monte Carlo sampling

A Posteriori parameter PDF for Loobos site

ga,v: vegetation factor of atmospheric conductanceEvm: activation energy of Vm

Knorr & Kattge, 2004

Carbon sequestration at the Loobos site during 1997 and 1998

Knorr & Kattge, 2004

CCDASCarbon Cycle Data Assimilation System

CO2 stationconcentration

Biosphere Model:BETHY

Atmospheric Transport Model: TM2

Misfit to observations

Model parameter


Misfit 1 Forward Modeling:

Parameters –> Misfit

Inverse Modeling:

Parameter optimization

CCDAS set-up


1. AVHRR data(Knorr, 2000)

2. Atm. CO2 data

Background fluxes:1. Fossil emissions (Marland et al., 2001 und Andres et al., 1996)2. Ocean CO2 (Takahashi et al., 1999 und Le Quéré et al., 2000)3. Land-use (Houghton et al., 1990)

Transport Model TM2 (Heimann, 1995)


Minimize cost function such as (Bayesian form):

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]DpMDpMpp pppJ D


pT rrrrrrrrrrr

−−+−−= )()()( 2



1 10

10 0

-- C C

where- is a model mapping parameters to observable quantities- is a set of observations- error covariance matrixC



need of (adjoint of the model)Jpr∇









p pJ




Uncertainties of parametersT

pX p)p(X







≈ CC

Uncertainties of prognostics X

Figure from Tarantola, 1987

Gradient Method

1st derivative (gradient) ofJ (p) to model parameters p:

yields direction of steepest descent.




∂∂− )(

cost function J (p) pr

Model parameter space (p)pr

2nd derivative (Hessian)of J (p):

yields curvature of J.Approximates covariance ofparameters.


22 ppJrr

∂∂ )(

Data Fit

Seasonal Cycle

Barrow Niwot Ridge

observed seasonal cycle

optimised modeled seasonal cycle

Global Growth Rate

Calculated as:

observed growth rate

optimised modeled growth rate

Atmospheric CO2 growth rate

MLOSPOGLOB CCC 75.025.0 +=

Error Reduction in Parameters

Relative Error Reduction

Carbon Balance

latitude N*from Valentini et al. (2000) and others

Euroflux (1-26) and othereddy covariance sites*

net carbon flux 1980-2000gC / (m2 year)

IAV and processes

Major El Niño events

Major La Niña event

Post Pinatubo period

Interannual VariabilityNormalized CO2 flux and ENSO

Lag correlation(low-pass filtered)

correlation coefficient


• Data assimilation: problem better constrained without "artefacts" (e.g. spatial patterns created by station network)

but: cannot resolve processes that are not included in the model (look at residuals and learn about the model)

• Simultaneous inversion of land and ocean fluxes• Isotopes• More data over tropical lands: satellites

• Model-Data-Synthesis: problem better constrained without "artefacts" (e.g. spatial patterns created by station network)

but: cannot resolve processes that are not included in the model (look at residuals and learn about the model)

• Simultaneous inversion of land and ocean fluxes

• Further data constraints (e.g. Isotopes, Inventories)

• More data over tropical lands: satellites

Posterior Uncertainty in Net Flux

Uncertainty in net carbon flux 1980-200gC / (m2 year)

Uncertainty in prior net flux

Uncertainty in net carbon flux from prior values 1980-2000gC / (m2 year)

Atm. Inversion on Grid-cell

• prior and posterior uncertainties• sensitivities (colors)

Rödenbeck et al. 2003

Atm. Inversion on Grid-cell

prior/posterior fluxesand reduction in uncertaintyRödenbeck et al. 2003

Not really at model grid of TM3, but aggregated to TM2 grid, 8° x 10°,Underdetermined problem correlation matrix (e.g. l=1275 km for NEE)

CO2 Satellite Measurements

Vertical weighting functions

Sciamachy, OCO

Airs (U) (=Upper limit)

Airs (L) (=Lower limit)

Houweling et al. 2003

Pseudo Satellite Data Inversion

posterior/prior uncertainty

Houweling et al. 2003