Earth: Geologic Principles and History FIRST EDITIONCHERNICOFF/FOX/TANNER.

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Transcript of Earth: Geologic Principles and History FIRST EDITIONCHERNICOFF/FOX/TANNER.

Earth: Geologic Principles and History



Chapter 25The Geology of the

Cenozoic Era

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Figure 25.02: Summary diagram of divisions of Cenozoic time and major geologic events

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Figure 25.03: Major Cenezoic orogenic belts

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Figure 25.05: The Alpine orogen

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Figure 25.06: Cross section of nappe-folded mountains

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Figure 25.07: The Arabian-African three way rift

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Figure 25.08: Reconstruction of the Himalayan orogeny

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Figure 25.08: Reconstruction of the Himalayan orogeny

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Figure 25.09: Cenozoic changes in the Pacific realm

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Figure 25.10 a: Development of the Antarctic circumpolar current

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Figure 25.10 b: Development of the Antarctic circumpolar current

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Figure 25.11 a: Origin of the Gulf Stream current

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Figure 25.11 b: Origin of the Gulf Stream current

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Figure 25.12: Chronology of major glacial and interglacial stages in North America

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Figure 25.13: Isotopic composition of foraminifera tests during the Ice Age

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Figure 25.14: Major Pleistocene lakes in the West

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Figure 25.15: Maximum North American ice coverage

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Figure 25.16: Maximum European ice coverage

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Figure 25.17: Reconstructed Beringia landbridge

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Figure 25.18: Glacial rebound in Scandinavia

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Figure 25.19: Green River Formation

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Figure 25.21: Colorado Plateau

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Figure 25.26: Physiographic features of the Cordillera

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Figure 25.27: Cross-section of the Basin and Range province

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Figure 25.28: Formation of the San Andreas transform

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Figure 25.29: Formation of Cape Cod, Nantucket, and Martha’s Vineyard