Earth Changes Media Slideshow Presentation



Mitch Battros and Earth Changes Media presentation of the Sun-Earth Connection, Mayan Prophecy, Current Scientific Findings, and Tomorrow’s Future.

Transcript of Earth Changes Media Slideshow Presentation

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MAYAN 2012 PROPHECY This is a time marked by our Mayan ancestors which

tell us of a major shift in existence - both tangible and intangible. One could also describe this shift as 'internal' and 'external'. External manifestation would be that of the Earth.

This will come in the way of earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, tsunami's and various earth changing events. Internal manifestation may be more difficult to describe. It is a change of consciousness, an elevated change of being, a marked shift in intuition. Question is: "How do we get there from here?"

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MAYAN 2012 PROPHECY• December 21, 2012 AD is

not the day where all of the sudden a light switch will flip on and everything will change, rather, we are NOW in the process of this transition from one World Age to the next. The changes are underway and will continue steadily accelerating as we head towards the culminating date!

• Our present great cycle (3113 B.C. - 2012 A.D.) is called the Age of the Fifth Sun. This time period is ruled by 4 Earth. This fifth age is the synthesis of the previous four. 4 Earth (called Caban in the Maya language and Ollin in Aztec) has several meanings, including: movement, shift, evolution, earthquake, navigation, synchronicity, clue tracking, turtle. In the Maya language, the word "ol" of ollin means consciousness.

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The Time In-Between

• Elders tell us we are in a time when the materialistic world is disappearing, slowly but inexorably. We are at the cusp of the era when peace begins, and people live in harmony with Mother Earth. We are no longer in the World of the Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the World of the Fifth Sun. This is the time in-between, the time of transition.

• As we pass through transition there is a colossal, global convergence of environmental destruction, social chaos, war, and ongoing Earth Changes. All this was foreseen via the simple spiral mathematics of the Mayan calendars.

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Greed or Community

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2012 Start of 5th Sun

• Mayan elders tell us. "Everything will change." Mayan Day keepers view the Dec. 21, 2012 date as a rebirth, the start of the World of the Fifth Sun. It will be the start of a new era resulting from - and signified by - the solar meridian crossing the galactic equator, and the earth aligning itself with the center of the galaxy.

• "Humanity will continue," he contends, "but in a different way. Material structures will change. From this we will have the opportunity to be more human."

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What is the Galactic Alignment

• The Galactic Alignment is the alignment of the December solstice Sun with the Galactic equator. This alignment occurs as a result of the precession of the equinoxes.

• Precession is caused by the Earth wobbling very slowly on its axis and shifts the position of the equinoxes and solstices one degree every 71.5 years. Because the Sun is one-half of a degree wide, it will take the December solstice Sun 36 years to process through the Galactic equator.

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Mayan Scholar Endorsement

• “Mitch Battros is one of those amazing individuals that has taken as his mission to disseminate on a broad scale information of great relevance that otherwise might have remained hidden in the archives of specialized scholars. With his great understanding not only of spiritual undercurrents, but also of science, he builds bridges between science and spirituality as well as between ancient wisdom and modern knowledge and makes them accessible to a broad range of people.

• Mitch Battros has presented us with a well researched study of the origin of these phenomena and we are being brought into a world of richness that I for one hardly knew existed before—the Sun.”

Carl Johan Calleman, Historical Scholar Author of Enlightenment: The Mayan Calendar

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Galactic Center

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Cosmic Rays Discovered From Mysterious Nearby Object

• An international team of researchers has discovered a puzzling surplus of high-energy electrons bombarding Earth from space.

• The source of these cosmic rays is unknown, but it must be close to the solar system and it could be made of dark matter. Their results are being reported in the Nov. 20th issue of the journal Nature.

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Remembering the Past

• “We have carefully followed the research of Mitch Battros for several years and continue to do so with increasing interest as so many of his theories and prognostications prove themselves to be accurate and true.

• His provocative new theory about the Sun-Earth relationship is certain to arouse serious thought as Battros carefully balances the latest science with ancient texts. Such a mixture will reassure and fascinate a wide range of readers.”

Brad Steiger and Sherry Hansen Steiger, Authors of over 30 best-selling books

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The Shift Has Begun

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Particles And Human Body• Dr. Michal Kovac says in his work, recently

published in the British Medical Journal, builds on studies that show parts of the human body respond to fluctuations in the Earth's geomagnetic field caused by Sun storms.

• Despite skepticism from astronomers, Kovac and colleagues in the U.S. and Japan think fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic field caused by the ejections may disturb the electro-chemical reactions that make human bodies work.

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• The Emergence to the future Fifth World has begun. It is being made by the humble people of little nations, tribes, and racial minorities. You can read this in the earth itself. Plant forms from previous worlds are beginning to spring up as seeds.

• This could start a new study of botany if people were wise enough to read them. The same kinds of seeds are being planted in the sky as stars. The same kinds of seeds are being planted in our hearts. All these are the same, depending how you look at them. That is what makes the Emergence to the next, Fifth World.

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Hopi Blue Kachina

• Ancient Hopi prophecy states , "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge".

• This will be the day of " Purification".

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• "These comprise the nine most important prophecies of the Hopis, connected with the creation of the nine worlds: the three previous worlds on which we lived, the present Fourth World, the three future worlds we have yet to experience, and the world of Taiowa, the Creator, and his nephew, Sotuknang."

• The Hopi also have prophesied that "Turtle Island could turn over two or three times and the oceans could join hands and meet the sky." This seems to be a prophecy of a "pole shift" -- a flipping, of the planet on its axis.

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Hopi Prophecy Rock

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Aztec Calendar

What Was Their Message?

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“The Sun Will Speak To You”

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Aztec Calendar

• The Aztec calendar was the calendar of the Aztec people of Pre-Columbian Mexico. It is one of the Mesoamerican calendars, sharing the basic structure of calendars from throughout ancient Mesoamerica.

• Aztecs believed the world is being created and destroyed several times. They believed they were living in the 5th age of the Sun, and that 4 previous ages had existed. Right now we are in transition period.

• The Aztec description of the end of the 4 Suns is as follows: 1st Sun - destroyed by water ; 2nd Sun - destroyed by wind ; 3rd Sun - destroyed by fire and 4th Sun - destroyed by rain of fire and blood.

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• The Bible tells us that the heavens will open and one day there will be “Heaven on Earth”.

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Ancient Text

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Chaco Canyon

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Chaco Canyon• 850 AD: Chaco Canyon was a major center of ancestral puebloan culture

between 850 and 1250.• The Chacoan people designed and constructed massive ceremonial

buildings in a complex celestial pattern throughout a vast desert region. Aerial and time lapse footage, computer modeling, and interviews with scholars show how the Chacoan culture designed, oriented and located its major buildings in relationship to the sun and moon. Pueblo Indians, descendants of the Chacoan people, regard Chaco as a place where their ancestors lived in a sacred past. Pueblo leaders speak of the significance of Chaco to the Pueblo world today.

• Shown is the "Sun Dagger" by which the Chacoans (Anasazi) were able to read the harvesting and planting seasons and recorded time's passage. At the winter solstice, rays of sunlight fell between the 2 huge stone slabs, neatly bracketing the spiral petroglyph on 443 foot Fajada Butte at the south entrance to Chaco Canyon. At the summer solstice, a single band of light bisects the center of the spiral. The spring and fall equinoxes were heralded by an additional light that fell on the smaller petroglyph, visible to the left of the larger one. This discovery was made by Anna Sofaer in 1977.

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• 2700-1700 BC: Stonehenge , in England , was built in approximately 3000 BC. It was a giant circle of huge stones that were aligned to the position of the Sun.

• For Stukeley in the 18th century and Sir Norman Lockyer in the first years of the 20th century, this alignment implied a ritualistic connection with sun worship and it was generally concluded that Stonehenge was constructed as a temple to the sun. In other words, Stonehenge was more than a temple, it was an astronomical calculator.

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• The alignment also made it clear that whoever built Stonehenge had precise astronomical knowledge of the path of the sun and, moreover, must have known before construction began precisely where the sun rose at dawn on midsummer's morning while standing on the future site of the monument.

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• This point needs to be made because, as I suspect, with Stonehenge and many other such monuments, it was the site, a particular place within the landscape, that was important; only later were these sites marked in some more permanent manner by the digging of ditches and banks and (or instead) the erection of wood or stone structures.

• For reasons we shall never know, this particular spot in the landscape was so important that not only were ditches and banks dug and, later, stone circles and horseshoe arrangements constructed to mark it, but that some of the stones were deliberately transported there with considerable effort from a great distance away.

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Stonehenge and the Druids• After centuries of neglect in the wake

of first Roman and then Christian suppression, the Druids were rediscovered during the Renaissance when the revival of interest in ancient Greek and Latin writers brought attention to the works of Pliny, Tacitus, and Julius Caesar and their descriptions of the Celtic world. First in France in the sixteenth century, and then in England, the ancient Celts and Druids were claimed as historical ancestors.

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Chichen Itza

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Chichen Itza

• 800 AD - Chichen Itza was built by the Mayans around 800 AD. It was discovered by the Europeans in approximately 1566.

• The Maya evidently thought quite a bit about the Sun and they watched it trace out a path along the ecliptic. They followed it year round, presumably following its path along the horizon as well.

• At Chichen Itza, during sunset a sun serpent rises up the side of the stairway of the pyramid called El Castillo on the day of Spring and Autumn Equinox. It tells us that the Maya noted, not only the extremes of the Sun at the Solstices, but also the Equinoxes when the Sun appeared to rise due East or due West. In addition to the Zenial Passages mentioned earlier, ecliptic observations must have been a major portion of Maya solar observing.

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Newgrange - Winter Solstice

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Newgrange - Winter Solstice• 3000 BC: Known in Gaelic as Uaimh na Greine, "the cave of the

sun," Newgrange , Ireland was built. It is the oldest known structure with evidence of scientific thought. On winter solstice, the sunlight perfectly aligns with an opening in the structure to illuminate the inner chamber.

• The passage and chamber inside the ancient mound at Newgrange are illuminated by the winter solstice sunrise. A shaft of sunlight shines through the roof box over the entrance and penetrates the passage to light up the chamber. The dramatic event lasts for 17 minutes at dawn on a few days before and after the Winter Solstice. Admission to the chamber at Newgrange for the Winter Solstice sunrise is by lottery.

• Solstice literally means 'Sun Stands Still', for a few days around the time of the winter solstice the sun appears to stand still in the sky in that its elevation at noon does not seem to change.

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Merging Science and the Esoteric

• From the inception of Earth Changes TV, my goal has been to give a balanced view of current science and ancient text. This would include what many call metaphysical or spiritual issues.

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Carlos Barrios Fire Ceremony

Mayan Temple Cahal-Pech

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Carlos Barrios - Mayan Elder of the 'Clan de Aguila'

• Carlos has spoken with elders of his clan and has been given permission to share their knowledge with us.

• Carlos maintains there will be a single strike nuclear exchange between India and Pakistan. To my surprise, it may be India which strikes first to prevent a devastating escalation.

• Carlos remind us again and again we are not powerless, nor is fate carved in stone. We can collectively make a difference.

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Wisdom and Warning from Mayan Elders

• The Wise Elders are tired of waiting, they have sent this message previously and today, knowing the delicacy of this year, the violence, insanity, the tiredness of our Mother Earth, that regardless of the advise she has sent us (hurricanes, floods, droughts, we are still impassive .

• It is URGENT to stop the madness of war. • The other humanities did not succeed with the purpose of taking

our Mother Earth to the age of gold, the age of nobility, love, equality, peace, conscience, the Kingdom of Great Spirituality, in which every being has its space and value and where we can all grow in a simple word HARMONY, which is the premise of the Mayan World.

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Mayan Elders Warning Points• Carlos Barrios, Mayan elder of the 'Clan de Aguila' (The

Eagle Clan). He reminded me of interviews we had in 2006 and 2007 in which he warned of a coming collapse of the US economy, in part which is directly related to the US invasion of Iraq. Carlos also tells me of large coming earth changing events which will affect whole continents.

• He said "the economy as based on an illusion. What is happening now is the difficult wake-up call as written in the Mayan Sacred Books Chilam Balam". The Books of Chilam Balam form the most important part of this native Mayan literature. Written in the Maya language, they reflect more closely the thought of the Mayan people than any other records that have come down to us. He also will reference the Mayan Calendar and the coming Fifth World.


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The Earth Changes Have Begun

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Carlos Barrios, Mayan High Priest Elder • Carlos has told me he has convened with the Mayan high

priest counsel to review the signs of recent events in part as outlined in the Mayan Calendar, and has prophesied possible future events.

• “First there was water, then there was air, then there will be dirt (earth), then there will come fire”. (Carlos Barrios)

• I can tell only this much…Carlos said the water was the Indian Ocean tsunami, the air was Katrina/Rita, the earth or dirt is not only the recent Pakistan quake killing over 30,000 people, but more and larger to come. The fire will be the coming volcanoes; not one but many. The time period is not 2012 or 2007, it is “now” and will continue and escalate over the next 18 months.

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Ancient Prophecies and Solar Cycles

The distinction between science and religion is purely arbitrary and based on a pact made in 17th century Italy between the Pope and the powerful Medici family. When Pisa teacher, inventor and scientist Galilei Galileo turned his telescope on the heavens in 1609, he got more than he bargained for. Just its 9x power was enough to confirm something he’d suspected for a while—that the Earth goes round the Sun, and not the other way round.

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Yes, FEMA Knows What’s Coming• When I first interacted with Mitch Battros, I

was most impressed with his grasp of the challenges we face in disaster preparedness.  I am thrilled that Mitch has taken on both the physical and emotional aspects of preparedness in this powerful book about earth and our solar context. 

• Mitch's outstanding contribution is bridge-building from solar phenomena that influence conditions we experience down to implications, consequences and appropriate actions for us as individuals and members of organizations. 

Richard Gelb, Former Regional Training Coordinator

Emergency Management Office

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Emotionally Preparedness• Disasters happen anytime and anywhere. And when disaster

strikes, you may not have much time to respond. • One motto of the survivalist is “Prepare for the worst,

pray for the best.”• No one can tell you how you should prepare for a disaster. • The important thing is that you assess your threats, and

determine how you can prepare for them if they occur. You must do what you feel is necessary.

• Each person must determine how they will prepare, and what lengths and expense they will go to with their preparation. Preparation doesn’t only involve acquiring material items, but also means acquiring the skills you need to survive. Anyone can buy material goods and “survival gear.” But if you don’t have the skills and knowledge necessary to use that gear, your chances of survival in any type of crisis lessen substantially .

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Spiritual Preparedness• GET THE FAMILY INTO ACTION - Get family members

prepared for emergencies. Discuss a plan of action, and have a disaster supplies kit: water, food, first aid supplies, clothing and bedding, tools and emergency supplies, and special items for medical conditions. Talk about the importance of being prepared. Remain objective and informative. Focus on active disaster preparedness everyone can begin right NOW.

• MAINTAINING CONTROL - Disasters are an experience of losing control...control over just about everything.

• A JOB WELL DONE! - Give yourself the reinforcement of a pat on the back and take pride in the accomplishment of being prepared. Preparedness IS peace of mind and brings with it comfort in knowing you are well prepared to cope.

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Life after Earth Changes

• Increase in disasters, or increase in coverage?

• Series of “record-breaking” weather has hit just about every continent on Earth.

• Why all the extremes?


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Preparing for Earth Changes – Physically and Emotionally

Preparedness is made up of three basic elements:

• the survival mindset• material preparation,

and • skill assessment and


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Preparing for Earth Changes – Physically and Emotionally

• Surviving a disaster actually begins long before there is even a threat. The keys to survival in the event of a catastrophe, be it an annoying power outage to TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It), are knowledge and preparation.

• It is my belief we will need to practice innate skills and powers of adaptability. It is for this reason, I emphasize not placing importance on where you live, but with whom you live. With events that may be unfolding in the coming months and years, it will be more important than ever to sharpen our coping skills and survivor instincts. This preparation involves the whole being:

• Physical (basic survival equipment)• Mental (ability to handle stress, anxiety, fear, bewilderment)• Spiritual (having a sense of purpose, understanding process,

evolution, transition, and synchronicity).

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Mental Preparedness• ANTICIPATE-Anticipate that helpless

feelings and most reactions to disaster can be managed.

• REDUCE ANXIETY Emphasize reducing anxiety through good preparedness. Take on manageable projects, don't spread yourself too thin.


Some methods to reduce stress are: learn to increase relaxation to a higher level, routinely take deep, regular breaths, take warm baths, count to 10 as a way to step away from non-emergency stressful moments

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• We are being invited to realize that we are Time. We are the Living Prophecy. The Synchronic Order of Natural Time governs the unfolding of our lives. Time's cycles are found within our bodies and within Nature's daily rhythms and cyclic seasons. We have forgotten this, thinking that time is money or that time is the clock, or the relentless progression of work weeks and weekends. Time is the ever-changing, unfolding Now as it synchronistical coordinates the Whole living Universe.

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Carlos Barrios Mayan Elder

• We need to work together for peace, and balance with the other side. We need to take care of the Earth that feeds and shelters us. We need to put our entire mind and heart into pursuing unity and fusion now, to confront the other side and preserve life.

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• World War III will be started by those peoples who first revealed the light (the divine wisdom or intelligence) in the other old countries (India, China, Islamic Nations, Africa.)

• The war will be "a spiritual conflict with material matters. Material matters will be destroyed by spiritual beings who will remain to create one world and one nation under one power, that of the Creator.“

• That time is not far off.

• The United States will be destroyed, land and people, by atomic bombs and radioactivity.

• "The Fourth World shall end soon, and the Fifth World will begin. This the elders everywhere know. The Signs over many years have been fulfilled, and so few are left.