Earth-717: Daredevil Vol 1

8/18/2019 Earth-717: Daredevil Vol 1 1/104 Earth-717: Daredevil Vol 1 Chapter 1: Fear The night was young in New York City !illions o" people were out and a#out on the #usy streets$ "or #oth #usiness and pleasure %hile the &ity was per"e&tly populated during the day$ there was a &ertain liveliness that only appeared at night The #eating heart o" New York was its people$ and those  people were never 'ore the'selves than when the sun went down This was 'ore true "or !att !urdo&k than it was "or 'ost (s !att &rou&hed atop the &orner o" a residential #uilding in )ell*s +it&hen$ he "elt like he &ould "inally shed all preten&e Not that he was ne&essarily dishonest a#out hi'sel" during the day$ #ut he had a side o" hi'sel" that he re"used to show to anyone else The side that &raved the adventures o" the night !att*s &ostu'e had #oth red and #la&k se&tions$ and was 'ade o" a lightweight 'aterial that allowed "or 'a,i'u' "le,i#ility To hi'$ this was "ar 'ore i'portant than dura#le ar'our$ #e&ause he needed to #e a#le to e,er&ise his agility as he 'oved )e had #la&k gloves and "or'-"itting #oots$ as well as a red &owl with two tiny horns that &overed the top hal" o" his "a&e )is look was &o'pleted with red pie&es over his eyes$ preventing anyone "ro' looking into the' %hat people did not know was that those pie&es also did not allow "or hi' to look out$ #ut that was #y design %hile on one level they were "or inti'idation$ they were also there #e&ause !att did not rely on his eyes !att took in a #reath as he "o&used his superhu'an senses For the past two de&ades$ he had grown a&&usto'ed to #eing deprived o" his sight nstead$ all o" his other senses had #een heightened to an astonishing degree %hile at "irst the a'ount o" sensory input was 'addening$ he had learned to &ontrol his senses so that they were only operating at peak &apa&ity when he &hose (nd in this 'o'ent$ he was &hoosing to listen The "ootsteps o" people on the sidewalk right #elow hi' The horn o" an angry ta,i driver a

Transcript of Earth-717: Daredevil Vol 1

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Earth-717: Daredevil Vol 1

Chapter 1: Fear 

The night was young in New York City !illions o" people were out and a#out on the #usy

streets$ "or #oth #usiness and pleasure %hile the &ity was per"e&tly populated during the day$ there was

a &ertain liveliness that only appeared at night The #eating heart o" New York was its people$ and those

 people were never 'ore the'selves than when the sun went down

This was 'ore true "or !att !urdo&k than it was "or 'ost (s !att &rou&hed atop the &orner o"

a residential #uilding in )ell*s +it&hen$ he "elt like he &ould "inally shed all preten&e Not that he was

ne&essarily dishonest a#out hi'sel" during the day$ #ut he had a side o" hi'sel" that he re"used to show

to anyone else

The side that &raved the adventures o" the night

!att*s &ostu'e had #oth red and #la&k se&tions$ and was 'ade o" a lightweight 'aterial that

allowed "or 'a,i'u' "le,i#ility To hi'$ this was "ar 'ore i'portant than dura#le ar'our$ #e&ause he

needed to #e a#le to e,er&ise his agility as he 'oved )e had #la&k gloves and "or'-"itting #oots$ as

well as a red &owl with two tiny horns that &overed the top hal" o" his "a&e

)is look was &o'pleted with red pie&es over his eyes$ preventing anyone "ro' looking into

the' %hat people did not know was that those pie&es also did not allow "or hi' to look out$ #ut that

was #y design %hile on one level they were "or inti'idation$ they were also there #e&ause !att did

not rely on his eyes

!att took in a #reath as he "o&used his superhu'an senses For the past two de&ades$ he had

grown a&&usto'ed to #eing deprived o" his sight nstead$ all o" his other senses had #een heightened to

an astonishing degree %hile at "irst the a'ount o" sensory input was 'addening$ he had learned to

&ontrol his senses so that they were only operating at peak &apa&ity when he &hose

(nd in this 'o'ent$ he was &hoosing to listen

The "ootsteps o" people on the sidewalk right #elow hi' The horn o" an angry ta,i driver a

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 #lo&k away ( wo'an yelling at her hus#and in their apart'ent #e&ause o" so'e lipsti&k on his &ollar

The &link o" glasses as a group o" "riends &ele#rated a #irthday in a near#y #ar .o'e water "ro' the

street draining into a sewer grate

The 'u""led s&rea' o" a wo'an as so'eone stu""ed a so&k into her 'outh

!att instantly sprung into a&tion Turning around$ he ran along the edge o" the #uilding$ staying

 per"e&tly #alan&ed as he 'oved at high speed (s he rea&hed the &orner$ he leaped over the alleyway$

e""ortlessly landing on the opposite roo" )e 'ade sure to land on a rolling 'aneuver$ so as to not lose

any 'o'entu' as he 'oved

)e &ould hear the "ootsteps o" 'ultiple 'en as they dragged the wo'an with the' Three 'en

.he was struggling$ trying to avoid stepping "orward The patter o" her shoes against the pave'ent

indi&ated that they were heels$ likely an e,pensive designer #rand /ne o" the 'en &oughed )e was

standing apart "ro' the other two$ and was s'oking a &igarette !att &ould s'ell and taste the ash

/ne o" the 'en spoke Even through the 'an*s words$ !att &ould hear the 0ui&kened heart#eat

o" the wo'an

.top struggling$ or *ll &ut o"" one o" your pretty little "ingers23

!id-thirties 4ru""$ throaty voi&e .lightly overweight (&&ent indi&ated 'i, o" 'ultiple Eastern

European an&estries

The s'oking 'an spoke

)ey$ hey2 Don*t #e talkin* that kinda shit 5oss said he wanted her unhurt No "inger &uttin*$ no

nothing$ you hear63

Early thirties Clear e""e&t o" s'oking ha#it on laryn, Thin #ut lean #uild ikely ("ri&an-

('eri&an given the diale&t and a&&entuation on &ertain sylla#les

First 'an spoke again

You ain*t the 5oss$ Turk2 Don*t #e telling 'e what he said 5ad enough we didn*t gra# any o"

that art #a&k there 5et we &ould pawn that o"" "or so'e real &ash3

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)e said no art$ 8ust the girl2 You want to piss o"" the 5oss$ that*s your #usiness$ 'an

9e'e'#er what happened to !onty6 )e was in the hospital "or weeks3

Yeah$ yeah$ lay o"" Di&k3

!att waited "or the right 'o'ent Turk opened the #a&k door to a tru&k that was parked in the

alley !att was standing right a#ove the group )e &ould tell e,a&tly where everyone was positioned

Turk stood to the side as the other two 'en pulled the wo'an towards the tru&k (s they stepped inside

the #a&k o" the tru&k$ Turk pla&ed his &igarette #etween his lips


!att 8u'ped and landed on the roo" o" the tru&k The i'pa&t o" his landing 8ostled the wo'an

and the two 'en as they were stepping inside$ &ausing all o" the' to lose their #alan&e and "all to the

"loor Turk dropped his &igarette and looked up$ seeing the &ostu'ed "igure standing a#ove hi'


Turk rea&hed "or the gun on his #elt !att anti&ipated this 'ove and tossed one o" his #atons

The #aton travelled like a #ullet$ s'a&king Turk s0uare in the "orehead (s Turk "ell to the ground$

!att 8u'ped o"" the tru&k and landed on the pave'ent )e gra##ed the 'an &losest to hi' with #oth

hands and threw hi' out o" the tru&k

The last 'an$ the one who spoke earlier$ got #a&k to his "eet )e ki&ked out at !att$ #ut his

atta&k was &lu'sy !att easily sidestepped the #low #e"ore seiing the 'an #y the leg !att #rought

his el#ow down on the 'an*s knee$ &ausing hi' to yell in pain !att then gra##ed his shirt with #oth

hands #e"ore head#utting hi'$ kno&king hi' out

!att &ould sense that the other 'an was re&overing Turk was still on the ground Turning

around$ !att pulled out his se&ond #aton as the other 'an #randished a po&ket kni"e The 'an swung

horiontally$ #ut !att de"le&ted the atta&k with the #aton The 'an then tried a "orward sta#$ #ut !att

'oved "ar too "ast "or hi'

4etting low$ !att per"or'ed a spin ki&k$ striking the 'an in the shins !att spun around and

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landed another ki&k #e"ore the 'an had even "elt the pain "ro' the "irst #low .everely staggered$ the

'an dropped the kni"e The &link o" the kni"e landing on the pave'ent sent a sound wave through the

air$ giving !att an even 'ore a&&urate read o" his surroundings

!att "ollowed up with an aerial spin ki&k$ hitting the 'an in the side o" his "a&e (s the 'an "ell

to the "loor$ Turk s&ra'#led away$ running down the alley

%hat the so'e godda'n nin8a #ullshit23

Turk gra##ed his pistol o"" the ground$ whi&h had gone "lying away "ro' hi' when he was

stru&k #y the #aton !att*s ears perked up as he heard Turk wrap his "ingers around the weapon )is

own heart#eat sped up as he rushed "or Turk )e knew that he had no &over in the alleyway$ and that i"

Turk got o"" a good shot$ he would #e down "or the &ount

!att ran as "ast as he &ould Turk started to turn around as his "inger rested on the trigger !att

knew he had several options$ #ut he did not know whi&h one would give hi' the #est &han&e "or

su&&ess )e also knew that he had virtually no ti'e to weigh the pros and &ons o" any o" the' )e

de&ided to go with a 8u'ping ki&k

!att*s le"t #oot &ollided with Turk*s side$ and on&e again$ the gun "ell out o" his hands The

weapon har'lessly "ell to the pave'ent as Turk went down !att then &rou&hed over Turk*s #ody$

gra##ing hi' with his le"t hand !att &ould sense the "ear e'anating "ro' the hyperventilating 'an

!att then threw a downward pun&h$ ai'ed straight "or his "a&e

%ith his last opponent in&apa&itated$ !att stood #a&k up )e took a 'o'ent to #reathe as the

adrenaline stopped pu'ping )e then 'ade his way #a&k to the tru&k$ where the wo'an was sitting

)er 'outh was still gagged and her hands were #ound #ehind her #a&k ("ter pi&king up his #aton$

!att pulled the so&k out o" her 'outh #e"ore untying her hands

The wo'an &ringed as she shook out her wrists !att "inally allowed hi'sel" to take sto&k o"

her Early "orties (verage #ut healthy #uild Elegant per"u'e The way her earrings 'oved through the

air$ they had to #e "airly large Clearly upper &lass

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They won*t #e down "or long$3 said !att 4et #a&k inside o&k up Call the poli&e3

!att turned around without waiting "or a response


!att stopped

%ho are you63 she asked

!att paused "or a 'o'ent #e"ore looking #a&k over his shoulder


%ithout another word$ !att ran towards the near#y wall #e"ore leaping onto a du'pster

;u'ping o"" o" it and gra##ing at a pipe$ he &li'#ed "or a "ew se&onds #e"ore 'oving to a "ire es&ape

n less than hal" a 'inute$ he had s&aled the side o" the #uilding and le"t her line o" sight The entire

ti'e$ Vanessa wat&hed hi' with great interest

< < < <

/nly a "ew streets away$ a group o" people "iltered out o" a #ar The group waved and said their

"arewells to ea&h other as they went their separate ways /ne o" the' was a young #londe wo'an$ who

started 'aking her way down the street 5e"ore she &ould get very "ar$ one o" the group$ a #la&k 'an o" 

si'ilar age$ &alled out to her

)ey$ ;en23

;enni"er turned around to look at hi'

Talk to you "or a se&ond63 he asked

;enni"er nodded

ook$ *' sorry a#out all that happened$3 he said$ taking a "ew steps towards her +now we

had to play ni&e &ause o" the group$ #ut 3

;a&o# 3

;a&o# sighed as he ru##ed the #a&k o" his ne&k ;enni"er "olded her ar's$ #ut did not 'ove or

look away "ro' hi'

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want to 'ake it up to you$3 he said 5een thinking a#out it$ all o" it )ow it all went down t

wasn*t right$ "or you or 'e don*t want that to #e the end$ you know63

Yeah$3 she said know3

.o &an we talk6 !ay#e see i" we &an "igure this all out6 %alk you ho'e$ 'ay#e63

;enni"er was silent "or a "ew se&onds as she thought over her response

*ll walk 'ysel" ho'e$ ;a&o# 5ut we &an talk Thursday$ a"ter get o""6 Dinner %e*ll talk For

real$ pro'ise3

;a&o# s'iled

.ounds good3

4oodnight$ ;a&o#3


;a&o# put his hands in his 8a&ket po&kets and turned around$ walking the opposite way ;enni"er

stayed still "or a 'inute$ running things over in her 'ind .ighing again$ she then &ontinued down the

street$ heading "or her apart'ent )er walk ho'e only took a "ew 'inutes$ and was &o'pletely


;enni"er ru##ed her eyes as she unlo&ked the door to her s'all apart'ent ("ter &losing and

lo&king the door #ehind her$ she tossed her purse onto her &ou&h and ki&ked o"" her shoes There was a

s'all ta#le ne,t to the &ou&h$ with a pi&ture "ra'e pla&ed ne,t to a la'p The pi&ture was o" her and

;a&o# s'iling together$ wearing ski gear and standing on a snowy 'ountain

;enni"er 'ade her way to the #athroo'$ leaving the door so'ewhat a8ar as she went inside .he

turned on the water in the shower and started getting undressed (ll this ti'e$ a silent "igure waited in

her #edroo' )e was standing in the shadows$ wat&hing her through the open doorway )e stared as

she took o"" all o" her &lothes$ leaving the' in a 'essy heap on the #athroo' "loor

("ter she stepped into the shower$ the "igure slowly started 'oving )e was very 'ethodi&al in

his approa&h$ ensuring that he 'ade no noise as he 'oved through the apart'ent )e was wearing a

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grey &loak over a #la&k #odysuit$ with a 'etal 'ask over his "a&e that rese'#led a skull )is right hand

was pla&ed inside o" a gauntlet that had a s&ythe #lade

.lipping into the #athroo' through the opening$ the "igure approa&hed the shower )e &ould see

"ro' her silhouette "ro' #ehind the shower &urtain that she was s&ru##ing her hair )e wat&hed her "or

a "ew 'ore pre&ious se&onds$ running his eyes up and down her #ody$ knowing that he wouldn*t get

another &han&e )e then rea&hed "or his #elt and pulled out his &usto'ied pistol

(i'ing at her$ the "igure then pulled the trigger ( &loud o" #arely visi#le gas shot out "ro' the

gun ;enni"er gasped$ #ut a"ter a se&ond$ she 'ade no other noise The "igure then put the gun #a&k on

his #elt and pulled the shower &urtain out o" the way ;enni"er looked at hi' and opened her 'outh$ #ut

was sho&ked to realie she &ouldn*t s&rea'$ or 'ake any noise at all

The "igure stayed still "or a 'o'ent #e"ore speaking

Don*t #e a"raid3

The "igure then swung his s&ythe #lade horiontally$ slashing ;enni"er a&ross the throat

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Earth-717: Daredevil Vol 1

Chapter =: Nelson > !urdo&k 

!att was wearing his grey suit as he took his 'orning walk )e had a pair o" red sunglasses

over his eyes$ and 'oved with his walking sti&k Naturally$ he did not a&tually re0uire it to 'ake his

way around the &ity$ #ut he kept it "or the purposes o" avoiding suspi&ion No#ody knew that he ran

a&ross roo"tops at night as a &ostu'ed vigilante$ and he intended to keep things that way

During his 'orning walks$ he liked to allow his senses to take a rest t was di""i&ult to

&onstantly #e re&eiving input "ro' so 'any sour&es$ and so he &ons&iously suppressed the' as he

strolled a#out the neigh#ourhood )e was #orn and raised in )ell*s +it&hen$ and he knew it all too well

For the 'ost part$ nothing surprised hi' when he walked along its streets

5ut today$ he surprised hi'sel" when he realied that he had walked right in "ront o" a &hur&h

that his "ather used to visit )e had 'entally tuned out during the walk$ and did not noti&e the route he

was taking until he was already standing #e"ore the #uilding !att turned and "a&ed the &hur&h$ taking a

"ew se&onds to try and re'e'#er the last ti'e he had truly stopped to pra&ti&e any part o" his "aith

.teeling hi'sel"$ !att then walked towards the entran&e /n&e he was inside$ he "ound that the

&hur&h was relatively e'pty aside "ro' a &ouple people who were privately praying )e walked

through the &ongregation area$ heading "or the altar on the "ar side )e went towards one o" the

&on"essional #ooths and sat down on&e he was inside

( 'o'ent later$ Father anto' sat down in the #ooth*s other end !att set his sti&k at his side

and took o"" his glasses For a "ull 'inute$ !att stayed silent

5less 'e Father$ "or have sinned t*s #een it*s #een too long sin&e 'y last &on"ession3

!att e,haled

don*t even know where to start wasn*t planning on visiting today was taking 'y 'orning

walk$ and uh$ it 8ust happened 5ut so'ehow$ when looked up at the &hur&h$ $ "elt this need This

 pull *ve always #een Catholi&$ #ut haven*t a&tually pra&tised as 'u&h as should !ay#e that*s the

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"irst sin3

5ut you were drawn #a&k$3 said anto' %as it only "or &on"ession63

don*t know$ Father Truth is$ *ve #een torn inside #e&ause o" 'any things !y "aith !y

"uture !y night li"e ?art o" 'e "eels so deter'ined$ #ut another part "eels so &on"used guess

*' looking "or so'e &larity$ #ut haven*t "ound it elsewhere3

t*s di""i&ult to o""er &larity unless you o""er 'ore spe&i"i&s3

!att li&ked his lips

guess it starts with 'y dad )e a&tually used to &o'e this &hur&h$ you know 5e"ore he$

uh #e"ore t was one o" the only things he took ti'e "or outside o" his 8o# and$ and &aring "or 'e

 No 'o' Never 'et her Dad said that she le"t right a"ter was #orn 5ut$ 'ean$ "or 'e at the ti'e$ it

didn*t 'atter$ really !y dad and $ we$ we were a tea' @n#reaka#le3

anto' 'oved his head #a&k as he listened to !att*s story

Dad was a #o,er was his #iggest "an Every 'at&h$ was there Not always a&tually there$

you know$ #ut was always wat&hing .o'eti'es "ro' ho'e Every 'at&h he ever "ought Every win$

every loss )e was good$ #ut he wasn*t the #est Didn*t have that great o" a re&ord 5ut he prided

hi'sel" on one thing he never got kno&ked out Not even on&e3

!att "elt his eyes start to water as he re'inis&ed a#out his "ather

They had a ni&kna'e "or hi' 5attlin* ;a&k 5attlin* ;a&k !urdo&k )e had this red &oat he

wore .o'e people said it 'ade hi' look like the devil3

!att &hu&kled "or a &ouple se&onds #e"ore &ontinuing

Then$ when was nine$ there was an a&&ident was walking on the street$ not that "ar "ro'

here$ and saw a 'an a#out to get hit #y this$ this &he'i&al tru&k Don*t know what went through 'y

'ind$ #ut$ needed to do so'ething .o pushed hi' out o" the way Everything a"ter that was a #lur$

 #ut the tru&k &rashed$ and the &he'i&als spilled out3

anto' "olded his ar's

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That was the last day had 'y sight$3 said !att Things were never easy "or us$ 'e and 'y

dad$ #ut he took it hard t was tough at "irst$ #ut ad8usted 5ut it #roke hi' 'ean$ he tried not to let

it show$ #ut $ &ould tell )e pushed hi'sel" harder$ trying to provide the #est he &ould3

!att paused as he wiped a tear away "ro' his eye

/nly a "ew 'onths later$ he got the #iggest 'at&h o" his &areer (gainst this guy &alled Crusher 

Creel t was huge Tons o" people showed up (nd$ and #e"ore it started$ he 'et 'e 8ust outside the

lo&ker roo' ?ulled 'e aside$ and he told 'e so'ething that *ll never "orget3

!att gulped

No 'atter how s&ared you are$ !atty$ don*t ever let the' know it !ake the' think you*re the

'ost "earless 'an in the world3

anto' lowered his ar's and put his hands together in his lap

(t the ti'e$ didn*t understand why he told 'e that$3 said !att ;ust see'ed like another #it

o" "atherly wisdo' 5ut during the 'at&h$ it started to 'ake sense was in the &rowd$ and$ 'ean$

o#viously &ouldn*t see it$ #ut &ould "eel it Every 'ove$ every pun&h n that "ight$ he was "earless t

was like nothing *d ever "elt #e"ore t was the greatest he*d ever #een +no&ked Creel out in three

rounds ;ust$ 8ust pu''elled hi'3

!att put on a slight s'ile

The &rowd went insane t was like it was the spe&ta&le o" a li"eti'e (nd "or the "irst ti'e

ever$ the whole stadiu' was &heering dad*s na'e )e*d "inally 'ade it n that 'o'ent$ was so proud

to #e his son n that 'o'ent$ was happy3

!att sighed

ess than an hour later$ "ound 'y dad shot to death in an alley .o'e thug working "or a guy

na'ed 9os&oe .weeney .o'e people &alled hi' the Fi,er You &an pro#a#ly "igure out what

happened They &aught hi' Didn*t take the' that long 5usted the whole gang 5ut it didn*t #ring 'y

dad #a&k3

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!att on&e again wiped his eyes

)is words never le"t 'e$3 said !att %hat he said to 'e #e"ore the 'at&h !y ti'e at the

orphanage (ll through high s&hool %hen went to university$ and here now They*re words that$ that

went deep into 'y #lood *ve worked so hard to purge 'ysel" o"$ o" "ear To let 'ysel" &o'pletely go

over to the other side To #e the 'an 'y dad was when he was in that ring3

(nd where has that led you63 asked anto'

!att e,haled

Down a very dark path$ Father3

< < < <

!att approa&hed the street &orner where Foggy Nelson was standing Foggy was wearing a

si'ilar suit to !att$ #ut instead o" having a walking sti&k$ he had a #rown #rie"&ase with a strap slung

over his shoulder Foggy was standing in "ront o" a hot dog &art$ and a"ter a #rie" 'o'ent$ the attendant

handed hi' a large "rank

Foggy nodded at the attendant #e"ore turning away and taking his "irst #ite !att walked up to

his "riend

s that a hot dog63 asked !att

Foggy looked at !att with a raised eye#row$ #e"ore responding as he &ontinued to &hew

)ow*d you know63

&an s'ell it3

Foggy shrugged as he swallowed

%ell yeah$3 he said Yeah$ it is3

!att and Foggy started walking together down the street

Foggy$ it*s not even ten in the 'orning3

Foggy s&owled

.o what6 This is ('eri&a$ !att2 and o" opportunity2 and o" the "ree2 t*s 'y &onstitutional

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right as an ('eri&an to eat a hot dog "or #reak"ast23

!att &hu&kled as Foggy "inished o"" his hot dog

You don*t know what you*re 'issing$3 said Foggy

(&tually$ think know e,a&tly what *' 'issing$3 replied !att ;ust doesn*t see' like the

healthiest &hoi&e "irst thing in the 'orning3

.ays you$3 said Foggy$ as he li&ked his "ingers 5ut *ll have you know that a hot dog is a "ull$

 #alan&ed 'eal that &ontains all o" the #asi& "ood groups You got your protein "ro' the 'eat 5read

"ro' the #un$ o#viously (nd with the right toppings$ you &an get your veggies and so'e shredded

&heese on there$ so that*s your dairy 5a'2 5est 'eal you*ll get all day23

Foggy "le,ed his ar's and &len&hed his "ists

The #reak"ast o" &ha'pions$ !att23

!att and Foggy shared a laugh

(nd should we not #e &onsidered &ha'pions63 asked Foggy %e are two attorneys$

 8ourneying out into the great unknown that is private pra&ti&e2 %ith nothing #ut our wit and our will to

get us through the day$ sin&e we #oth know da'n well we don*t have any 'oney in the #ank (nd

together$ as two #est "riends in ar's$ we shall go "orth2 %e shall &on0uer2 (nd we shall a&&o'plish the

greatest "eat that any attorney &an hope to aspire to23

Foggy paused "or a se&ond as he took in a #reath

%e shall pay the rent23

Foggy then pointed "orward

/nward2 /ur pala&e awaits23

( "ew 'inutes later$ !att and Foggy arrived in the #uilding that housed their o""i&e The

elevator in the #uilding was not working$ so they were "or&ed to use the stairs /n&e they arrived$

Foggy pulled the key out o" his po&ket and unlo&ked the door The two 'en stepped inside and took

sto&k o" the situation

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!an$ is this pla&e a pala&e or what63

!att did not o""er a response to Foggy*s 0uestion aside "ro' a #arely audi#le gru'#le They

stood together in their newly a&0uired o""i&e spa&e$ whi&h &onsisted o" a 'ain roo' and two ad8oining

o""i&es They had signed the lease only yesterday$ and they were now getting ready to properly set up

There were a "ew #o,es sta&ked against the wall with so'e o" their #elongings

( lone ta#le was pla&ed in the 'ain roo'$ along with a &hair The o""i&es had no "urniture !att

and Foggy stood in silen&e "or a "ew se&onds #e"ore Foggy &ringed and gently pun&hed hi'sel" on the


9ight$ right$ you &an*t see it$3 he said

)ow #ad is it63 asked !att

t*s uh it*s honestly not that #ad$ &onsidering the rate we*re getting it "or ?ri&e we were

given$ it*s a steal Thought we were gonna do way worse when we stru&k out on our own$ whi&h$

'ight add$ is entirely your "ault3

You didn*t have to &o'e with 'e3

(re you kidding6 You*re nothing without 'e23

Foggy pla&ed his hand on !att*s shoulder

%hat did tell you that day #a&k at Colu'#ia6 t*s you and 'e$ 'an There*s no Nelson

without !urdo&k3

No !urdo&k without Nelson63 asked !att

Foggy s'iled

Da'n straight23

Foggy s&rat&hed his nose as he walked over to the group o" #o,es !att pa&ed around the roo'

and tou&hed the walls$ getting a "eel "or the geography Foggy started ru''aging through the #o,es$

ri"ling through papers and assorted ite's )is eyes then lit up as he "ound a #ase#all

%hat do we have here63

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!att turned around as Foggy held the #ase#all in his right hand Foggy laughed as he gently

threw the #all upwards and &aught it with the sa'e hand )e then tossed it at !att$ spe&i"i&ally ai'ing

too "ar to the right


(l'ost auto'ati&ally$ !att rea&hed out with his right hand and per"e&tly &aught the #all Foggy

gasped and put a hand over his 'outh !att &leared his throat when he realied that his superhu'an

senses were a&tually #etraying hi' in that 'o'ent

%ow23 said Foggy Ni&e re"le,es2 was 8ust #eing a 8erk$ #ut how the hell did you pull that

one o""63

!att shrugged

u&k o" the rish$ guess3

" that*s your lu&k$ then we*re hal"way to #eing #illionaires %e*re gonna win &ases$ #e popular$

and 'ake 'oney2 5ut "irst$ we*re gonna need 3

Clients6 ( se&retary$ 'ay#e63

( sign23

!att #linked as Foggy pulled out a sheet o" white paper and a pen "ro' one o" the #o,es )e

 pla&ed the paper against the wall and s&ri##led Nelson > !urdo&k3 on it Tossing the pen #a&k in the

 #o,$ he then gra##ed a s&ot&h tape dispenser and pulled o"" so'e pie&es @sing the tape$ he atta&hed the

newly &reated sign to the "ront o" the door

Foggy pla&ed his hands on his hips$ &learly proud o" his work

Now it*s o""i&ial$3 said Foggy Nelson and !urdo&k (ttorneys at law3

Foggy then &losed the door and walked #a&k to the #o,es as he eagerly ru##ed his hands


 (lright$ let*s get to 3

Foggy was interrupted #y a kno&k at the door !att and Foggy #oth turned to "a&e the door$

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knowing that Foggy had only &losed it a "ew se&onds ago

That was "ast$3 said !att

4otta get 'ysel" so'e o" that rish an&estry$3 said Foggy

Foggy then rea&hed "or the door and twisted the kno#

(nd who do we have #ehind door nu'#er 3

Foggy was instantly silen&ed when he saw who was standing on the other end o" the door .he

was a #eauti"ul wo'an$ with shoulder length #londe hair and stunning #lue eyes .he was wearing a

green #usiness #louse and a knee length #la&k skirt .he had a #eige purse and a golden ne&kla&e .he

s'iled at Foggy$ who #linked in response


)i$3 said the wo'an$ as she held out her hand +aren ?age3

Foggy shook +aren*s hand

!ay &o'e in63 asked +aren

Yes$ yes$3 said Foggy (#solutely3

!att 'o'entarily s'irked as he sensed Foggy*s 0ui&kened heart#eat +aren stepped in the

roo' and looked around !att and Foggy stood ne,t to ea&h other Foggy then gestured towards !att$

who stood with his sti&k right in "ront o" hi'$ holding it with #oth hands

(llow 'e to introdu&e 'y asso&iate$ !att !urdo&k3

!att and +aren shook hands

!ister !urdo&k3

!iss ?age3

+aren then looked #a&k at Foggy

.orry$ #ut never got your na'e3

/h$ right$3 said Foggy Foggy Nelson3


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Everyone &alls hi' Foggy$3 said !att

/nly 'y 'other &alls 'e Franklin$3 said Foggy$ weakly &hu&kling

+aren nodded


%hat &an we do "or you$ !iss ?age63 asked !att

%ell$ uh$ *' here to$ uh$ apply to a 8o# ad saw "or a se&retary position63

!att and Foggy #oth #linked at the sa'e ti'e They then turned their heads towards ea&h other

 #e"ore leaning in to whisper

You didn*t put out a 8o# ad$ did you63 asked !att

/" &ourse not$3 answered Foggy You think we have the 'oney to do that6 5esides$ we only

signed the lease yesterday2 didn*t have the ti'e23

Then how did she know a#out us63

)ow would know63

!att and Foggy then looked #a&k at +aren$ who was an,iously ru##ing her hands together

("ter a &ouple se&onds$ she gulped and then held up her hands

/kay$ okay$3 she said *' sorry was 8ust out in the hall$ and overheard one o" you guys

'ention you were looking "or a se&retary3

+aren sighed and ru##ed the #a&k o" her ne&k

was looking through the o""i&es$ hoping to "ind a 8o# *ve #een applying everywhere %hen

heard you guys talking a#out how you were 8ust starting out$ "igured *d give it a shot " you*re

starting up a law "ir'$ you*ll need so'eone to help out around here3

+aren gestured with her le"t hand at the sta&k o" #o,es against the wall

*' really good with paperwork &an 'ove stu"" and help around the o""i&e $ have a

resu'e$ and uh$ so'e re"eren&es$ i" you really need the'3

+aren weakly s'iled as !att and Foggy &onsidered her "or a 'o'ent

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%e &ertainly appre&iate your interest$ !iss ?age$3 said !att 5ut we are 8ust starting out$ and

we don*t really have 'u&h in the way o" &lients at the 'o'ent3

Foggy*s &ell phone then vi#rated in one o" his 8a&ket po&kets )e pulled the phone out and

 pla&ed it against his ear


+aren glan&ed at !att as Foggy listened to the voi&e on the other end

9eally63 said Foggy You*re serious6 /h$ 'an$ you are a 'ira&le worker2 *ll 'ake it up to

you so'ehow$ pro'ise Thanks3

Foggy then hung up and put the phone #a&k in his po&kets

Never 'ind what he 8ust said !att$ we 'ight 8ust have our "irst &ase %e gotta head down to

the pre&in&t$ pronto3

(nd you say you don*t have any lu&k$3 said !att .till$ we don*t know i" this will a&tually end

up paying o"" yet3

+aren then gave a s'all wave

%ell$ i" it gets 'e the 8o#$ *ll work "or "ree until you get your "irst pay&he&k "ro' a &lient3

!att and Foggy responded in unison

You*re hired3

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Chapter A: Cri'e .&ene

Not the #est start to your shi"t63

Dakota ignored the 0uestion$ "or she was deep in thought )er ar's "olded$ she was staring at

the #ody o" a wo'an that was sprawled on the #athroo' "loor The wo'an*s legs were still inside the

shower$ 'aking it look like she had slipped and "allen )owever$ the large sli&e a&ross her throat and

the pool o" #lood that had poured "ro' it indi&ated a di""erent &ause o" death 5ut the 'ost striking

thing a#out the #ody was the "a&t that there were tears o" #lood dripping "ro' her eyes

/ne o" the &ri'e s&ene workers snapped a photo The "lash #roke Dakota*s &on&entration .he

 #linked and shook her head

North$3 said 5rett You alright63

Dakota ru##ed her eyes "or a se&ond

;ust thinking3

Dakota pla&ed her hands on her hips as she turned towards her partner$ /""i&er 5rett !ahoney

%hat did you get63 she asked

5rett looked at his notepad

Na'e*s ;enni"er eigh Twenty-"ive %orked as a nurse at !etro-4eneral .he was s&heduled

to #e in today starting at seven .ingle$ no roo''ates !akes sense why no one noti&ed what happened

all through the night3

(ny "a'ily63

?arents$ living upstate /nly &hild .o'e#ody else already 'ade the &all3

Dakota looked over her shoulder at the living roo'

You said she was single63

Yeah No spouse on re&ord %hy63

Dakota pointed at the pi&ture on the ta#le ne,t to the &ou&h

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ooks pretty &oy with that guy$3 said Dakota 5oy"riend$ 'ay#e6 %e*ll have to "ind hi'

Conta&t everyone she worked with at !etro want to know who she*s "riends with$ what she was

doing last night and 'ost o" all$ who he is3

5rett nodded

*ll have so'eone get on it You think it was the #oy"riend63

t "its$3 said Dakota Door has no signs o" "or&ed entry$ and it was lo&ked when we got here

.he 'ight have let hi' in$ thinking everything was nor'al .he goes to take a shower$ and in the

'iddle o" it$ he surprises her3

Dakota put a hand on her &hin

/r not3

5rett raised an eye#row

4ot that look in your eye again$ North %hat are you thinking63

%ell$ there*s a pro#le'$3 said Dakota " he surprised her$ she would*ve s&rea'ed 5ut no#ody

in the #uilding heard anything &he&ked with the landlord on the way in$ and he said he only has a "ew

va&ant apart'ents$ none o" the' on this "loor " there was any struggle at all$ so'eone would have

heard so'ething 5ut how do you get that &lose to &ut her throat #e"ore she noti&es63

Ca'e at her "ro' #ehind$ 'ay#e6 4ra##ed her around the 'outh and slit it that way63

No$3 said Dakota looked &lose at the wound t*s like a large gash$ not a thin &ut (l'ost

&leaved her head &lean o"" You &ouldn*t &ut so'eone like that with a #lade that #ig while holding the'

"ro' #ehind t had to #e "ro' the "ront (nd there aren*t any 'arks o" a struggle3

5rett &hu&kled

.o what are you saying6 /ur lady got killed #y a ghost63

Dakota sighed as she looked around the apart'ent again


Dakota then pointed at the #ody

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(nd then$ o" &ourse$ there*s the 'illion dollar 0uestion %hat throat wound &auses you to #leed

"ro' your eyes63

)e didn*t &ut her eyes out63

No They*re inta&t ?er"e&tly inta&t e,&ept "or the "a&t that they*re #leeding3

5lood tears$3 said 5rett %hat kinda 5-grade horror 'ovie did we 8ust walk into63

don*t know$3 said Dakota )orror 'ovies were never 'y thing3

Dakota then stepped away 5rett pulled out his &ell phone and 'ade a &all Dakota walked into

the #edroo' and looked around The #ed was per"e&tly 'ade (nother one o" the aides was taking a

 photo o" the roo' )e then rea&hed out to try and 'ove a #ottle o" 'edi&ation that was sitting on the

nightstand Dakota saw this gesture out o" the &orner o" her eye and turned to "a&e the aide

.he snapped her "ingers at hi' and s&owled


The aide looked at her with surprise

Don*t tou&h shit2 %hat is this6 ('ateur hour6 Take your photos and get out o" here23

The aide gulped and nervously nodded )e took another photo and then wordlessly rushed out

o" the roo'$ &learly eager to get away "ro' the "urious dete&tive .till on the phone$ 5rett s'irked to

hi'sel" as the aide le"t Dakota then 'oved over to the nightstand and narrowed her eyes as she looked

at the 'edi&ation #ottle

?res&ription pills "or sleep trou#le /ne o" the regular #rands 5ottle only had one third o" the

 pills re'aining ikely to help with the high stress o" working in a 'a8or hospital Dakota sighed

 #e"ore walking over to the #edroo' window$ whi&h she knew was the only other possi#le entry point

aside "ro' the door

The window was &losed$ and she had &he&ked it earlier "or any s&u"" 'arks or "ingerprints to

indi&ate a potential "or&ed entry There weren*t any$ whi&h was another &lue that the #oy"riend was a

likely suspe&t 5ut as she went over the "a&ts again in her 'ind$ so'ething was not sitting right with

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her Too 'any o" the varia#les weren*t adding up


Dakota turned around to see 5rett standing in the doorway

8ust spoke to .i'pson .ays he was already talking to so'e o" the "olks at !etro who knew

the vi&ti' .he was with so'e "riends last night down at ;osie*s$ in&luding a guy na'ed ;a&o# 4ri""in$

who she supposedly #roke up with two weeks ago3

Dakota snapped the "ingers on her le"t hand

There we go$3 she said %e got a lo&ation on hi'63

Yup .i'pson*s on it right now3

4ood !ay#e we &an "inally get so'e godda'n answers3

< < < <

Dakota and 5rett arrived at the 1B th ?re&in&t /n&e they were inside$ they walked towards the

interrogation roo's$ where /""i&er %ill .i'pson was waiting "or the' )e was taller than the two o"

the'$ with an athleti& #uild )e was #reathing "ast and darting his eyes side to side as he waited "or his

&o-workers to arrive

%hen he looked to the le"t and saw Dakota and 5rett approa&h$ he li&ked his teeth without

opening his 'outh and put his hands on his hips Dakota gave .i'pson a stern look as she walked up to

hi' .he &ould she that his eyes were #loodshot and his #reathing was la#oured

%hat63 asked .i'pson

%hen you said that you had a lo&ation on hi'$3 said Dakota$ didn*t think you 'eant you*d

already lugged hi' #a&k here3

.i'pson shrugged

Didn*t wanna waste ti'e 5esides$ !ahoney told 'e your theory a#out the &ri'e s&ene$ so

"igured we had reason to suspe&t3

5rett s&owled

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s that right63

.i'pson sni""ed the air and s&rat&hed the side o" his te'ple

ay o""$ !ahoney *' 8ust doing 'y 8o#3


.i'pson gestured towards the door to the interrogation roo' and &leared his throat

Don*t 'atter anyway$ &ause he*s waitin* on a lawyer Don*t think he has one$ &ause he &alled

three di""erent nu'#ers already$ and last &he&ked$ he was still trying 4ave hi' the toll-"ree nu'#er$

 #ut he insists he wants a 3

.i'pson 'ade "inger 0uotes

real advo&ate3

4o take a #reak$ .i'pson$3 said Dakota %e*ll take it "ro' here3

.i'pson &oughed and ru##ed his "orehead

Yeah$ yeah .ure3

.i'pson turned away and walked down the hall Dakota "olded her ar's and let out a deep sigh

5rett shook his head

ooks like we &aught .i'pson on an o"" day$3 said 5rett

5ullshit$3 said Dakota

Yeah$ .i'pson*s "ull o" &rap n other news$ rain is wet and the e&ono'y su&ks Nothing we

&an do a#out that now ook$ you know we &an*t talk to 4ri""in until he gets a lawyer 'ight #e a#le to

get that "igured out n the 'eanti'e$ you should get ready to go oversee the post-'orte'3

Dakota e,haled

(lright 5ut *' doing that #e&ause it*s a good idea$ not #e&ause you told 'e to3

Dakota le"t as 5rett pulled out his phone and dialled an old "riend

)ello63 said Foggy

Foggy$3 said 5rett You told 'e to &all i" got a &ase6 %ell$ i" you &o'e down to the pre&in&t

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in the ne,t "ew 'inutes$ 'ight have e,a&tly what you need3

9eally6 You*re serious6 /h$ 'an$ you are a 'ira&le worker2 *ll 'ake it up to you so'ehow$

 pro'ise Thanks3

n less than "i"teen 'inutes$ 5rett saw !att$ Foggy and +aren turn the &orner and head towards

hi' Foggy s'iled at 5rett and &lapped his hands together

!y 'an$ 5rett !ahoney23

Yeah$ yeah$ whatever$ 'an ;ust don*t "orget that you owe 'e3

5rett then looked over at !att


/""i&er !ahoney3

!att then gestured towards +aren

?lease$ 'eet our new e'ployee$ +aren ?age3

+aren s'iled at 5rett$ who nodded at her in return

!a*a'$3 he said$ #e"ore looking #a&k at !att and Foggy 4uy*s na'e is ;a&o# 4ri""in

.uspe&t in the death o" ;enni"er eigh$ who was 'urdered last night )asn*t #een &harged )e*s in there$

and you &an talk to hi' "or as long as you want *ll have so'e#ody #ring you a &opy o" the &ase "iles3

5rett then opened the door to the interrogation roo' nside$ they "ound ;a&o# sitting at a lone

ta#le /n&e !att$ Foggy and +aren were all inside$ 5rett &losed the door "or the' ;a&o# looked up at

the new&o'ers !att &ould sense his heart#eat$ and all o" the e'otions it suggested

!ister 4ri""in63

;a&o# gulped


!y na'e is !att !urdo&k$ and this is 'y asso&iate Foggy Nelson %e understand that you

were seeking legal &ounsel and we are looking to o""er our servi&es3

You all are lawyers63

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%e are$3 said Foggy %ell$ uh$ he and are !iss ?age is our assistant3

+aren gave a s'all wave ;a&o# sighed and sat #a&k in his &hair

don*t know 'u&h a#out how this all works Tried &allin* a "ew law "ir's *ve heard o"$ #ut

they*re all #ig shots &an*t a""ord any o" *e'3

%e*re a relatively s'all "ir'$ !ister 4ri""in$3 said !att *' sure we &an work so'ething out

(nd #esides$ you haven*t #een &harged with a &ri'e %hy don*t we 8ust go ahead and dis&uss the &ase$

and we*ll see where it goes "ro' there63

;a&o# nodded

Yeah$ yeah .ounds good3

!att and Foggy sat a&ross "ro' ;a&o# +aren sat at the side o" the ta#le and pulled out a large

notepad and a pen ;a&o# sighed and put his "a&e in his hands !att &ould sense that he had #een

 #ottling his e'otional rea&tion to the situation

don*t know how to handle this$3 said ;a&o#

et*s start at the #eginning$3 said !att Tell us how you knew ;enni"er eigh$ and everything

that led up to last night3

;a&o# e,haled and put his hands on the ta#le !att and Foggy #oth listened attentively as ;a&o#

started telling his story

;en and we 'et a &ouple years #a&k$ through 'utual "riends3

+aren started writing down everything that ;a&o# was saying

.he worked at the hospital Nurse .he was s'art ?ut hersel" through s&hool to get where she

was %e 'et a "ew ti'es when out with "riends or whatever Chatted so'eti'es (nyway$ 'ay#e ten

'onths ago or so$ we were #oth at a party and de&ide to ask her out "or a "ew drinks You know$ 8ust

so'ething &asual No #ig pressure .he says yes$ and it goes well 9eally well Not too long #e"ore

we*re seeing ea&h other a lot3

;a&o# put his right el#ow on the ta#le and rested his &heek against his "ist

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5een a while sin&e 'y last relationship .a'e thing with her .aid she didn*t really have ti'e

"or it when she was in s&hool t was real good .he liked doing athleti& stu"" together loved her3

;a&o# lowered his hand again and sighed

Things only went south si, weeks ago .tarted arguing a#out stupid stu"" %e #oth said &rap

we didn*t 'ean .he was stressed out #e&ause things were getting way too he&ti& at the hospital$ and

she was having trou#le sleeping was stressed out #e&ause 'y dad got si&k and there*s #een layo""s at

'y work$ 'aking 'y 8o# harder3

(nd where do you work63 asked Foggy

/s&orp 9>D "a&ility The one 8ust down the road *' one o" the &he'i&al te&hni&ians3

Foggy nodded and gestured "or ;a&o# to pro&eed

(nyway$ we #roke it o"" two weeks ago Things were 8ust too sour$ guess 5ut thinking it

over a"terwards$ it 8ust didn*t 'ake any sense %e #oth knew our "eelings were there$ we were 8ust

having so'e trou#le Neither o" us did anything to hurt ea&h other think we #oth 8ust needed so'e

ti'e to &ool o""3

;a&o# shook his head

ast night$ it was .ta&y*s #irthday party .ta&y$ is$ uh$ a "riend o" ours .o we all go down to

;osie*s to &ele#rate .he*s there$ *' there$ and every#ody knows we #roke up %e didn*t "ight$ we 8ust

went along with it 5ut the whole ti'e$ &ouldn*t get what was thinking out o" 'y head .o when

we*re leaving$ &all her over$ 8ust outside the #ar3

(nd when is this happening63 asked !att

?ro#a#ly$ uh &lose to twelve thirty3

!att noted to hi'sel" that this was al'ost the e,a&t ti'e that he was "ighting o"" a group o"

thugs that had tried to kidnap a wo'an

.o &all her over$ and ask i" we &an talk You know$ try to "igure things out .he says yes$ and

o""er to walk her ho'e .he didn*t want that$ #ut pro'ised we*d talk later3

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(t that 'o'ent$ !att "o&used keenly on ;a&o#*s heart#eat During the entire &onversation$ he

had not pi&ked up any glaring &lues that ;a&o# had #een lying a#out anything$ #ut he needed to #e

a#solutely &ertain Everything see'ed to slow down as he &on&entrated his superhu'an senses

.o go ho'e and go to sleep$3 said ;a&o#$ as tears started to well in his eyes Ne,t thing

know$ a &op rolls up to 'y door in the 'orning wanting to ask 'e 0uestions .ays that ;enni"er was

'urdered$ and her &o-workers at !etro told hi' who was &ouldn*t #elieve it ;ust a "ew hours ago$

she and were talking$ and now$ now she*s dead3

+aren glan&ed at ;a&o# with &on&ern as he so##ed

/h$ ;enny why*d this have to happen to you6 (nd why*d they think do it6 didn*t do

anything2 loved her 8ust wanted to 'ake things right You #elieve 'e$ don*t you63

There was a 'o'ent o" silen&e Then$ !att spoke up

Yes$ !ister 4ri""in #elieve you3

;a&o# sighed with relie" and held his hands together

/h$ thank you Thank you3

< < < <

Dakota$ on&e again with her ar's "olded$ waited as (le, +urt "inished o"" his e,a'ination o"

;enni"er*s &orpse +urt yawned as he printed o"" a &opy o" his e,a'ination report Dakota repeatedly

tapped her "oot as he handed her the paper

+urt$ save 'y day ?lease tell 'e you "ound so'ething use"ul3

?retty sure$3 said +urt Didn*t need to do 'u&h guesswork to see that the 'a8or la&eration

was the &ause o" death The real pule was the o&ular he'orrhaging$ whi&h &a'e a&ross as pretty

weird to 'e$ o#viously 5ut then$ dis&overed a non-lethal syntheti& to,i&ant in her #loodstrea'3

et 'e guess ?ro#a#ly has so'e super long$ hard to pronoun&e na'e that won*t 'ean 8a&k

shit to 'e (' right63

%ell$ no$ a&tually *ve never seen anything like it #e"ore 'ean$ have$ #ut not this e,a&t

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&he'i&al "or'ula %hoever our guy is$ he has to #e one hell o" a &he'ist3

Dakota narrowed her eyes as +urt &ontinued

(nd$ "ro' 'y la# analysis$ it*s what &aused her to #leed "ro' her eyes %eird thing though$ is

that it doesn*t trigger that rea&tion unless the vi&ti' is dead 5ut it does have another "un&tion3

%hi&h is63

(&ute laryngitis %hatever this thing is it would 'ake her una#le to s&rea'3

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Chapter : Dakota North

Even though there were 'any newer gy's that had opened over the years$ Fogwell*s 4y' was

a staple o" )ell*s +it&hen that had 'anaged to survive )aving #een around "or 8ust over "our de&ades$

it was so'ething o" a 'inor 'ira&le that$ against all odds$ the so'ewhat #eaten esta#lish'ent was still

doing well

%hile Fogwell*s very rarely attra&ted new &lientele$ the people who had always gone there

re"used to give it up$ and they were very proud o" their asso&iation with a gy' that stood as a testa'ent

to the history and lega&y o" their neigh#ourhood /ne o" those people was Dakota North )er "ather

and older #rother had gone to Fogwell*s$ and even though they were #oth gone now$ she naturally

 pi&ked up the ha#it

Dakota e,haled as she walked through the "ront door$ seeing that there were only a "ew people

inside .he didn*t talk to anyone on the way in$ although the lady #ehind the re&eption desk waved at

her Dakota waved in return !ost o" the Fogwell*s regulars were well known enough that they didn*t

even need to show their 'e'#ership &ards$ #e&ause the people who ran the gy' knew they who they

were and that they were trustworthy to pay their "ees on ti'e

("ter putting her hair in a ponytail and 8u'ping rope "or a while$ Dakota then put her hand wrap

on and headed "or her pre"erred pun&hing #ag Taking in a #reath$ she then started wailing on the #ag$

with 'ore intensity than she usually had For her$ nothing was 'ore satis"ying than unleashing a string

o" &o'#o pun&hes

For the ne,t "ew 'inutes$ she 8ust worked out her stress on the pun&hing #ag .he was so

"o&used on annihilating her inani'ate target that she didn*t noti&e another person enter the gy' !att

also waved at the lady #ehind the desk$ who raised her eye#row when she saw hi' .he knew who

!att was$ #ut he nor'ally showed up a"ter hours$ #e&ause o" a spe&ial arrange'ent he had 'ade with

the owner

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!att uses his senses to get a read on everything that was happening in the roo' ( &ouple o"

'en were sparring in the #o,ing ring (nother pair were working at the weights !ost interestingly$ a

lone wo'an was using one o" the pun&hing #ags !att s'irked to hi'sel" as he realied that she was

using the pun&hing #ag that he nor'ally worked with

("ter getting hi'sel" ready$ !att 'oved over the pun&hing #ag ne,t to Dakota )e started o""

with so'e light pun&hes$ whereas she was 'er&ilessly #eating her #ag .he had no way o" knowing it$

 #ut with ea&h #low$ sound waves were sent through the air that allowed !att to "ully visualie her .he

had a "ier&e edge and an athleti& #uild that he "ound parti&ularly attra&tive

Dakota s&owled as she then landed a hay'aker$ and !att #linked as he sensed that the #ag was

kno&ked "arther #y her #low than he had ever 'anaged !att stopped and turned towards Dakota as she

let out a &ouple deep #reaths and put her hands on her hips

Ni&e pun&h$3 said !att

Dakota glan&ed at hi'


;ust #e sure to leave so'e "or 'e3


That*s the one nor'ally use don*t 'ind *' 8ust saying3

Dakota nodded as she stepped over to her gy' #ag and pulled out her water #ottle .he took a

large gulp #e"ore sealing the #ottle and tossing it #a&k in the #ag .he then started lightly pun&hing$

'aintaining a si'ilar pa&e to !att The two were silent "or a &ouple 'inutes

%hat*s your na'e63 asked !att

Dakota didn*t turn to "a&e !att

Dakota North3

!att &hu&kled

.ounds like a &o'i& #ook &hara&ter3

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Dakota s&o""ed

Yeah6 %hat*s yours63

!att !urdo&k3

.ounds like an asshole3

!att laughed

!ay#e$3 he said 5ut you gotta ad'it$ it*s got a #it o" a ring to it3

 Dakota s'irked


a&tually 'eant what said in a good way used to love &o'i&s when was a kid *d still

read the' i" &ould3

Dakota raised an eye#row

(nd why &an*t you6 .o'ething wrong with your 3

Dakota looked over$ and saw !att*s gy' #ag on the "loor )is walking sti&k was pla&ed on top

o" it .he then looked at !att*s glasses as he turned to "a&e her The #lood drained "ro' Dakota*s "a&e

/h$ shit3

t*s alright$3 he said$ s'iling 4uess we*re even now3

Dakota sighed

4uess so3

5ut$ i" you really "eel #ad$ you &ould 'ake it up to 'e a"ter we*re done un&h63

Dakota "olded her ar's and tilted her head to the side

< < < <

!att and Dakota sat a&ross "ro' ea&h other as they started eating their su#s Dakota had

&ertainly not planned on spending any ti'e today with a 'an she had 8ust 'et$ #ut she "ound so'ething

strangely &har'ing a#out !att .he would never ad'it it to hi'$ espe&ially so soon a"ter 'eeting hi'$

 #ut she "ound his sly s'ile irresisti#le

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haven*t seen you around the gy' #e"ore$3 said Dakota

have an arrange'ent with the owner 5e&ause *' #lind$ he lets 'e &o'e at night Don*t

usually go during regular hours 4lad did today$ though3

There was that s'irk again Dakota slightly shook her head

(lways gone to Fogwell*s63 asked !att

Yeah @sed to #e dad*s "avourite pla&e .a'e with 9i&ky$ 'y #rother .ort o" a "a'ily thing

4uess pi&ked up on it3

%ow .a'e here No si#lings$ #ut 'y dad went there all the ti'e went with hi' even when

was a kid Didn*t really have a &hoi&e #a&k then$ sin&e it was 8ust the two o" us3

Your 'o' wasn*t around63

No *ve$ uh$ never 'et her .he le"t 'y dad right a"ter was #orn )e didn*t talk a#out it 'u&h

Can*t say #la'e hi'3

Dakota "rowned

.hitty thing to do %ho 8ust walks away "ro' their kid like that63

wouldn*t know3

Dakota sighed

4uess this is the part where say *' grate"ul 'y 'o' wasn*t like that .he was the one who

&a'e up with 'y na'e$ you know6 .till don*t know where the hell she got the idea3

!ay#e she saw the opportunity and de&ided she &ouldn*t pass it up3

!ay#e 4ot used to it "ast enough ?eople always 'ade 8okes a#out it$ #ut guess 8ust sort o"

started to own it a"ter a while ;ust don*t get 'e started a#out the ti'e had a "eud in high s&hool with a

girl na'ed Carolina .outh3

!att and Dakota #oth laughed

You*re 8oking$3 said !att

%ish was3

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!att &he&ked her heart#eat .he wasn*t 8oking

)igh s&hool was a gong show$3 said Dakota .uppose that*s the way it was "or everyone

9i&ky helped 'e through it though )e was always 'y #iggest supporter 5a&k then$ anyway3

!att &ould sense Dakota gulping as she spoke a#out her #rother

No si#lings "or you$ huh63

!att shook his head

No Dad died not long a"ter lost 'y sight %ent to an orphanage a"ter that was #y 'ysel"

"or a long ti'e3

!an$ &an*t even i'agine what that would #e like$3 said Dakota No 'o' No si#lings 5lind

sin&e you were a kid Dad dies soon a"ter (nd here thought a ton o" paperwork was a rough day3

'agine doing all that paperwork in #raille3

Dakota &hu&kled

No shit3

t*s a&tually easier than it looks3

*ll take your word "or it3

Dakota ate the last o" her su# as !att sat #a&k in his seat

.till &lose with your #rother63

9i&ky6 @h 3

Faster heart rate

Not totally %e 8ust$ sort o"$ uh dri"ted apart$ guess3

.he was lying

;ust #een 'aking 'y way on 'y own the last "ew years$3 said Dakota %orking as a &op$ it

gives you a lot o" perspe&tive see every part o" this &ity You see the #ad$ sure$ #ut it also 'akes you

realie 8ust how 'u&h good there is out there that*s worth prote&ting t "eels good to know that have a

 purpose$ you know63

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know e,a&tly what you 'ean3

/n&e they were "inished eating$ !att and Dakota le"t the restaurant together /n the way out the

door$ Dakota saw a sta&k o" newspapers pla&ed on a ra&k on one o" the servi&e &ounters Noti&ing the

i'age on the "ront page$ Dakota gra##ed a &opy and held it open as the pair stepped out onto the


The i'age was an artisti& rendering o" a 'an in a red and #la&k &ostu'e$ whi&h had #een done

"or the "ront page arti&le



 Local Art Dealer Vanessa Maranna !la"s #He Sa$e% M& Le(

 B& Ben Urc)

Dakota stood still and started reading the arti&le ("ter a "ew se&onds$ !att spoke up

9eading so'ething interesting63

)uh6 /h$ yeah ;ust a 3

Dakota then #linked and looked over at !att

)ow the hell did you know was reading63

heard you pi&k up the paper3

.hit You*ve got good ears3

Dakota looked #a&k down at the arti&le

Yeah$ was 8ust reading a#out this Daredevil guy still don*t know what to 'ake o" hi'3


Dakota sighed as she lowered the paper .he tossed it into a near#y re&y&ling #in and then

started heading down the street$ with !att walking alongside her

t*s tough to say$3 said Dakota .o'e people think that he*s doing so'e real good Doesn*t

&hange that he*s wearing a 'ask and taking the law into his own hands " he wants to help save lives$

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that*s all well and good applaud hi'3

Dakota narrowed her eyes

5ut he should #e doing it in a uni"or'$ not in a &ostu'e3

s it possi#le that he has a good reason "or wearing a &ostu'e63

Dakota shook her head

There*s no reason good enough "or a dou#le li"e )e*s doing this outside the law$ and that

'eans he has so'ething to hide !ay#e *' sounding a little harsh$ espe&ially sin&e he*s helped people

*' not saying he hasn*t done so'e good things 5ut he should #e transparent a#out it$ instead o" hiding

in the shadows3

!att and Dakota then walked past a &onde'ned #uilding t used to #e a pla&e where people

'ade their ho'es$ #ut now it was a de&aying husk o" what it on&e was !att sighed upon sensing that

there were still people who were trying to survive inside o" the #uilding (s 'u&h as he tried to help his

&ity$ he knew that there were &ertain pro#le's that he si'ply wasn*t e0uipped to "i,

The two o" the' then arrived at a &orner Dakota turned towards !att

isten$ !att$ have to get #a&k to it3

understand .till$ &ertainly liked getting to know 'ore a#out you hope that$ uh$ ti'e

willing$ that &an &ontinue " you want it to3

Dakota put her hands on her hips and &onsidered hi' "or several se&onds

Yeah$3 she "inally said think *d like that3

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Chapter B: !oonlight .hadow

(s the evening settled in over New York$ a wo'an was working in the Distri&t (ttorney*s

/""i&e in !anhattan .he had one o" the window o""i&es$ allowing her to see out into the &ity that she

worked "or )owever$ at this 'o'ent$ she was not looking out at the &ity$ #ut was rather pa&ing #a&k

and "orth #ehind her desk$ her ar's "olded over her &hest

.he was in her late-"orties$ and was wearing a dark #lue #usiness dress .he had a pair o" golden

hoop earrings$ and had her red hair in a pi,ie &ut )er na'e was 9a&hel Drey"uss$ and she was one o"

the (ssistant Distri&t (ttorneys who worked "or the &ounty o" New York

.he was not happy

You told 'e you &ould get this s0uared away3

There was a phone speaker on 9a&hel*s desk

*' sorry$ !rs Drey"uss$3 said the 'ale voi&e on the other end o" the line &an do it t 8ust$

uh$ it 8ust 'ight take a little longer than e,pe&ted3

)ow long6 (nother week6 (nother 'onth62 don*t have that kind o" ti'e2 !y approval

nu'#ers are only three points #ehind Tower$ #ut that still 'eans that lose2 Do you understand62 did

not &o'e this "ar to have to sit out another ter' as a godda'n (D(2 4et it done$ or swear to god$

will &hop your #alls o"" and "eed the' to 'y rottweiler2 Do you hear 'e623

Y-Yes$ !rs Drey"uss 9ight$ right away23


The 'an hung up 9a&hel took a &ouple deep #reaths to &al' hersel" .he sat on the end o" her

desk and ran her "ingers through the hair over her le"t ear ("ter 'ulling through her thoughts "or a

&ouple 'inutes$ she then sat down in her &hair and started looking over the "iles "ro' the ;enni"er

eigh &ase that her assistant had #rought her earlier that day

9a&hel held her hands together as she read through the &ase "iles again .he had already 'ade a

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de&ision a#out what she was going to do$ #ut now she was using her analyti&al 'ind to solidi"y her

 position (s she was 8otting down so'e notes$ she heard a kno&k at the door

Co'e in3

The door opened to reveal .arah$ her young assistant

!rs Drey"uss$ there is a 3

.arah was interrupted #y Dakota pushing past her and walking into the roo' 9a&hel "urrowed

her #row at .arah$ who apologied with a shrug .arah then &losed the door as Dakota stepped in "ront

o" 9a&hel*s desk .he put her hands on her hips as 9a&hel looked up at her

/""i&er North To what do owe the pleasure o" you #arging into 'y o""i&e63

You know da'n well what *' here a#out$3 said Dakota %hat the hell is this #ullshit hear

a#out you pushing to prose&ute ;a&o# 4ri""in6 The investigation is nowhere near over23

9a&hel narrowed her eyes as she stayed silent "or a "ew se&onds

?rose&ution is 'y 8o#$ /""i&er North ;enni"er eigh*s &ase was given to 'e$ and it*s 'y 8o# to

de&ide when to prose&ute )owever$ any in"or'ation you have a#out 'y intentions regarding this &ase

is hearsay on your part3

/h$ drop the a&t2 know what you*re up to You think &an*t "igure out what*s going on63

&ertainly hope you &an That tends to #e an i'portant part o" poli&e work3

Dakota s&owled

You think this is the last high pro"ile &ase you need in your repertoire right #e"ore ele&tions

You want this &ase lo&ked and away so you &an add it as one 'ore #ullet point to your &a'paign "lyers

You want to #e Distri&t (ttorney so #ad that you*ll willingly piss on the entire 8usti&e 3

9a&hel stood up and put #oth o" her hands on her desk

You*ll shut your 'outh right now$3 said 9a&hel don*t have to tolerate this kind o" slander$

espe&ially not in 'y own o""i&e You think you*re the "irst hot-#looded shit distur#er who*s tried to

under'ine 'e63

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Dakota and 9a&hel glared at ea&h other

have a doen or so "elony &ases that *' 8uggling right at the 'o'ent have an idiot hus#and

who &an*t #alan&e his &he&k#ook or get it up *' trying to 'anage a politi&al &a'paign that has a

'illion and one little duties that know &an*t entrust to anyone else (nd despite all that$ &ould still

rip your &areer out right out "ro' under you so "ast that you wouldn*t even #e a#le to &ount the nu'#er

o" holes you 8ust got "u&ked in3

Dakota &len&hed her teeth as 9a&hel &ontinued

.o i" you "eel like having a 8o# to'orrow$ you*ll kindly leave 'y o""i&e and "orget this

&onversation ever happened3

9a&hel put on a "eigned s'ile

(re we good63

Dakota shook her head

Not even &lose3

4et out3

Dakota turned around and 'ar&hed out o" 9a&hel*s o""i&e Dakota "lung the door open as she

le"t .arah tepidly stepped into view$ looking at 9a&hel with a "rown 9a&hel sighed #e"ore #e&koning

.arah to &o'e inside The young assistant silently &losed the door #ehind her #e"ore turning #a&k to her 

 #oss .he gulped as she looked at 9a&hel

?lease 'ake sure to alert 'e i" she ever shows up again3

.arah nodded

Yes$ 'a*a'3

(nd give a &all #a&k to .enator Cherryh*s o""i&e !ake sure he hasn*t "orgotten a#out our

'eeting to'orrow3

Yes$ 'a*a'3

(nd !iss .antini63

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.arah #linked

Yes$ 'a*a'63

Do try to develop so'ething o" a #a&k#one in the "uture3

.arah nervously nodded

Yes$ 'a*a'3

< < < <

(nd done3

+aren e,haled and put her hands on her hips .he looked around at the o""i&e$ whi&h she had

 8ust "inished setting up (ll o" the #o,es had #een unpa&ked$ and the new "urniture had #een set in

 pla&e %hile it was still only three s'all roo's$ Nelson > !urdo&k now had a &o'pletely "un&tioning

o""i&e spa&e to work "ro'

Foggy stepped out o" his o""i&e and looked over at +aren$ who gestured around the roo'

%hat do you think63

think that you*re a shoe-in "or e'ployee o" the 'onth3

+aren raised an eye#row

*' your only e'ployee3

E,a&tly2 ( shoe-in$ tell you23

+aren rolled her eyes !att then walked out o" his o""i&e

4ood work today$ +aren3

)ow would you know63 asked Foggy This pla&e &ould #e a &o'plete disaster You would

never know3

!att s'irked

%ell$ *' trusting !iss ?age*s integrity to do her 8o# and not take advantage o" 'y good "aith3

+aren war'ly s'iled Foggy threw up his hands

This guy$3 he said (nyway$ we &ouldn*t &onsider ourselves pro"essionals until the o""i&e was

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"inished Now that it is$ vote that we &ele#rate #y getting &o'pletely wasted2 %ho*s with 'e63

*' in$3 said +aren

!att shook his head

don*t think so3

/h$ &o'e on$ !urdo&k$3 said Foggy t*s not like we a&tually have to work yet ;a&o# hasn*t

 #een arrested or &harged$ and it*s not like we got anyone else &lawing at our door Don*t a#andon 'e

like this thought we were a tea'23

You and +aren go ahead think *' going to #e #oring and 8ust go ho'e3

Foggy shrugged

(t least you know what you are +aren63

+aren nodded as she gra##ed her purse o"" the desk

Yeah2 et*s go23

Foggy and +aren walked together out o" the o""i&e

ater$ !att23

!att sighed as they le"t )e took a "ew se&onds to hi'sel"$ listening to their "ootsteps as they

walked down the hall ("ter pa&king up his things$ !att also le"t the o""i&e )owever$ he had no

intention o" staying at ho'e that night %hile a part o" hi' wished that he &ould 8oin Foggy and +aren

"or their night out$ he knew that he had another responsi#ility

n less than hal" an hour$ !att was running a&ross the roo"tops o" )ell*s +it&hen in his

Daredevil &ostu'e (s a &itien$ he was allowed to go pretty 'u&h wherever he wanted$ #ut he did not

"eel truly "ree until he was leaping "ro' roo" to roo" )e had developed parkour skills "or the past

several years in se&ret$ and #y now$ there was no pathway through the &ity that he &ould not 'aster

!att stood at the edge o" a roo" Tilting his head downwards$ he allowed the sounds o" the &ity

to give hi' a "ull s&ene o" the area around hi' )e then &li'#ed down the "ire es&ape$ heading "or a

 parti&ular window !att e,haled as he &rou&hed ne,t to the window )e o#viously &ould not look

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through it$ #ut he still knew that this was the window that led to ;enni"er eigh*s apart'ent

("ter their dis&ussion with ;a&o# at the pre&in&t$ !att and Foggy had #een provided &opies o"

the &ase "iles "or ;enni"er*s 'urder ("ter &are"ully reading over the &ri'e s&ene and post-'orte'

reports$ !att knew that so'ething was not right a#out the &ase There was so'e varia#le that was

'issing$ and he "igured that it had to do with the entry point

Taking o"" the glove on his right hand$ !att gently and slowly started 'oving the tips o" his

"ingers around the edges o" the window The &ase report noted that the window had #een "ound in a

&losed and lo&ked state$ and that no key "or the window had #een "ound anywhere in the apart'ent

!att "elt "or any kind o" grooves or s&u"" 'arks that would indi&ate that the window had #een "or&ed$

 #ut there were none

E,haling$ he then stopped 'oving his "ingers on&e he "elt a s'all 'etalli& &ir&le t was the

other end o" the lo&k$ with a keyhole that 'at&hed the one on the inside The lo&k &ould have #een

opened "ro' this side$ #ut that still 'eant that a key would have #een re0uired The lo&k &ould have

 #een pi&ked$ #ut the keyhole was in the de"ault position$ indi&ating that it had not #een ta'pered with

The 'urderer &ould have stolen ;enni"er*s window key a"ter killing her$ #ut that still did not e,plain

how he got inside in the "irst pla&e

!att "urrowed his #row as he ran over the "a&ts again in his head The apart'ent only had two

entry points: the door and the window 5oth were lo&ked when the poli&e arrived$ with no signs o"

"or&ed entry as "ar as the investigators &ould "ind +eys were dis&overed in the vi&ti'*s purse$ along

with her wallet and phone .o'ehow$ ;enni"er eigh had #een 'urdered in her ho'e without anyone

noti&ing$ and without anyone knowing how the assailant entered or e,ited the apart'ent

!att was so &onsu'ed in his own thoughts that he al'ost did not hear the sound o" another

heart#eat )e then 0ui&kly turned around$ sensing that so'eone was standing on the roo" a&ross the

alley "ro' ;enni"er*s #uilding @pon hearing the heart#eat again$ !att re&eived a visual i'pression o"

the "igure

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!ale Nearly si, "eet tall (ge unknown %earing a #odysuit$ si'ilar to !att*s Cloak #lowing

in the wind !etal 'ask over the "a&e$ rese'#ling a skull 9ight hand en&ased in a gauntlet that had a

s&ythe #lade atta&hed

( s&ythe #lade

The e,a&t type o" weapon that would "it the la&eration wound that killed ;enni"er

!att i''ediately 8u'ped upwards$ &li'#ing #a&k up the "ire es&ape The "igure turned around

and sprinted a&ross the roo"top /n&e he was high enough$ !att leaped over the alley and rolled upon

landing on the opposite roo" 5y this ti'e$ the "igure was already at the other side o" the #uilding )e

was "ast

!att gave &hase The "igure was agile enough to 8u'p to the ne,t #uilding despite his out"it

)owever$ !att &ould tell that the "igure was not 0uite as athleti& as he was$ "or he was already gaining

on hi' !att 'ade the 8u'p to the ne,t #uilding$ "eeling with his "eet that the roo" was not 0uite as

sta#le as the last one #e&ause it was undergoing &onstru&tion

The "igure kept 'oving$ #ut !att was &at&hing up !att got within a "ew 'etres o" the "igure

when he suddenly spun around and slashed out with his s&ythe The "igure 'oved "ar "aster than !att

was anti&ipating )e only 'anaged to leap #a&kwards and out o" the way o" the atta&k with

'illise&onds to spare !att landed on his "eet as the "igure stood still and looked straight at hi'

For a "ew se&onds$ the two 'en did nothing$ #oth o" the' trying to get a read on their opponent

Finally$ the "igure spoke )is voi&e was deep and 'odulated$ so !att &ould not use it deter'ine

anything a#out his identity

The vigilante *ve heard so 'u&h a#out3

!att stayed silent

They &all you Daredevil They say that you save lives3

!att inhaled

5ut you were too late to save her3

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You$3 said !att You killed ;enni"er eigh3

released her .et her "ree "ro' a world o" stri"e and pain .et "ree her potential$ "or there is

nothing 'ore #eauti"ul than a dead wo'an .he deserved nothing less3

You*re a 'urderer$ and *' going to #ring you to 8usti&e3

;usti&e6 ?ran&ing on roo"tops$ #eating up 'uggers and purse-snat&hers6 ?laying at #eing a

hero in a &ity in"ested with &ri'inals6 s that what you &all 8usti&e63

!att "elt his heart rate in&rease as his anger rose

(nd what do you &all what you do63 asked !att

The "igure rotated his right wrist side to side


!att &len&hed his "ists

You*re insane3

)ow ironi& &o'ing "ro' the 'an who dresses as the devil3

!att &ould not &ontain hi'sel" any'ore )e ran "orward and yelled as he held his right "ist

 #a&k The "igure*s heart rate did not &hange despite !att &harging straight "or hi' (t the last se&ond$

the "igure used his le"t hand to draw his &usto'ied pistol )e pulled the trigger$ and a &loud o" gas

shot out "ro' the gun

The "igure then stepped #a&k as !att reeled "ro' #reathing in the gas )e stu'#led #a&kwards$

disoriented #y the un"oreseen atta&k !att "igured that he would have &oughed$ #ut "ound that he was

suddenly 'ute )is sensory input #e&a'e unregulated$ 8u'ping up and down in sensitivity &o'pletely

at rando' The "igure &al'ly started to 'ar&h towards !att

The "igure slashed his s&ythe horiontally$ #ut !att 'anaged to dodge out o" the way in ti'e

.haking his head$ !att then tried to pun&h at the "igure$ #ut his atta&k was slowed and &lu'sy %ithout

his senses operating properly$ !att &ould not &oordinate his #ody )e tried to pun&h again$ #ut the

"igure &aught his "ist with his le"t hand

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The "igure then swiped his s&ythe upwards$ &utting !att a&ross the &hest !att would have

s&rea'ed in pain$ i" he was &apa#le o" s&rea'ing at that 'o'ent !att again stu'#led #a&k as he

grasped at his &hest The "igure &ontinued to 'ove slowly$ stalking his prey and knowing that he was in

&o'plete &ontrol o" the situation

@sing the side o" his "ist$ !att then pun&hed hi'sel" in the &hest several ti'es in a rhyth'i&

 pattern The &ontrolled rhyth' o" the sound waves gave hi' so'e se'#lan&e o" a read on his

environ'ent (lthough his senses were still in disarray$ he at least &ould give hi'sel" so'ething to

work with

The "igure then slashed again$ #ut this ti'e !att &ountered the #low !att gra##ed the "igure*s

ar' #e"ore landing an el#ow strike on his &hest The "igure groaned #e"ore spinning #a&kwards and

ripping hi'sel" "ro' !att*s grasp !att used this opportunity to pull out a #aton The "igure ai'ed his

 pistol again$ #ut this ti'e$ !att swung his #aton$ kno&king the gun out o" his ene'y*s hands

The "igure retaliated with another verti&al slash$ &utting at !att*s ar' !att win&ed as he "ell to

one knee The "igure tried to #ring his #lade down on his "oe*s ne&k$ #ut !att 8u'ped up 8ust in ti'e to

land an upper&ut against the "igure*s 'ask !att shook his "ist in pain "ro' i'pa&ting with the 'etal

The "igure then seied !att around the throat #e"ore turning and throwing hi' #ehind hi'

!att tu'#led to the "loor$ with the i'pa&t o" his #ody #reaking a hole through the roo" !att

"ell to the ne,t "loor$ his #ody sla''ing on &on&rete )e "elt every #one in his #ody thro##ing with

 pain as he #led "ro' #oth his wounds and his 'outh The "igure looked down at hi'$ &asting a shadow

on !att due to the 'oonlight )e heard the "igure speak one last ti'e #e"ore passing out

Don*t #e a"raid3

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Earth-717: Daredevil Vol 1

Chapter : .e, and the City


!att &oughed as he awoke Taking a &ouple se&onds to put his thoughts together$ he then

realied that he was on&e again &apa#le o" 'aking noise with his laryn, )e re'e'#ered "ro' the post-

'orte' report that a to,i&ant that &auses a&ute laryngitis was "ound in ;enni"er eigh*s #ody Clearly

the e""e&t wore o"" a"ter a short ti'e

!att #reathed in and out as he started to take in his surroundings a&k o" natural light$ likely

'eaning that it was not yet 'orning 9elatively 0uiet 5ody was no longer on &on&rete$ #ut instead on

&ushioned sur"a&e ( so"a inside o" an apart'ent ( gentle tap against his &hest gave !att a #etter read$

letting hi' know where the ad8a&ent roo's were

)e re&ognied the layout ( se&ond later$ the door to the #edroo' opened$ and a "a'iliar person

stepped through it


ook who*s awake$3 said ClaireCan*t wait to hear what you got yoursel" into this ti'e3

!att took a "ew 'ore deep #reaths as Claire walked over to the &ou&h .he sat down ne,t to his

 #ody$ looking down at hi' with &on&ern !att gulped as he got a read on her "a&ial "eatures using his

senses .he was "rowning

)ow did get here63 asked !att

Claire sighed

.tu'#led in through 'y window 8ust a"ter one in the 'orning ooked like you had #een

through hell u&ky "or you$ your wounds were nothing &ouldn*t handle3

!att shook his head

don*t re'e'#er 3

%hat do you re'e'#er63

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was tra&king so'eone down ( 'urderer 4uy with a 'ask and a s&ythe3

Claire raised an eye#row

( s&ythe6 .eriously63

Yeah ( gauntlet on his hand with a s&ythe atta&hed )e was the one who killed that nurse3


You knew her63

Claire looked down at the "loor and held her hands together

Yeah %e weren*t &lose$ #ut so'eti'es we*d #e on the sa'e shi"t Talk a#out this or that )eard

that so'e o" the other nurses were 0uestioned #y a &op a#out her death You*re telling 'e she was

killed #y a guy with a 'ask and a s&ythe63

!att nodded Claire glan&ed away "or a 'o'ent

" you told 'e that si, 'onths ago$ would*ve said you were &ray 5ut now know a#out a

'an in a 'ask who tries to help people$ so why not one who tries to kill the'63

!att &oughed again )e then &ringed as a sharp pain shot up his &hest

Don*t 'ove too 'u&h$3 said Claire don*t want you losing 'ore #lood than you already

have thought those &uts 'ight have #een kni"e wounds .&ythe guy did this63


still think you should let 'e put so'e kind o" #ody ar'our into your &ostu'e3

No %ould slow 'e down too 'u&h3

Claire s&o""ed

.o you said last ti'e you &a'e here$ #arely holding your guts in2 /#viously you aren*t "ast

enough .&ythe guy al'ost tore you apart23

t wasn*t his speed " had the &han&e$ know &ould out"ight hi' 5ut he &a'e at 'e with

so'ething wasn*t e,pe&ting ( gun that "ired so'e kind o" gas .o'ehow &aused 'y senses to go

haywire was disoriented$ so &ouldn*t "ight #a&k3

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(nd what would have happened i" he had a gun that "ired #ullets6 %ould that have disoriented

you6 thought you &ould sense slight 'ove'ents )ow did he surprise you63

%e spoke )e ad'itted to what he did$ and it was &lear he was going to kill again )e got a rise

out o" 'e was s&ared .&ared o" what 'ight happen i" didn*t stop hi'$ and 3

!att sighed and #linked

)e was o#viously trying to goad 'e into 'aking a 'istake t worked was &areless3

You*re lu&ky to #e alive and that *' so willing to help you "or so'e reason3

You help 'e #e&ause you know *' doing the right thing3

Claire glared at !att

5ut are you going to get yoursel" killed in the pro&ess63

That*s the risk have to take3

Claire let out another sigh as she looked away "ro' !att .he then stood up and started to walk

away .he 'ade her way towards her #edroo' door$ #ut stopped hersel" "ro' going inside ?la&ing her

right hand against the wall$ she then turned around

ook 3

Claire stopped when she saw that !att was already gone )er living roo' window was hal"

open .he "olded her ar's as she looked at her e'pty apart'ent

You*re wel&o'e3

< < < <

.o you*re saying that$ as "ar as you know$ !ister 4ri""in has never 'ade any state'ents that

'ight lead you to #elieve he would want to &ause ;enni"er eigh #odily har'63

arry shook his head Dakota and 5rett were standing in a #reak roo' with hi' arry was a

&o-worker o" ;a&o#*s at one o" /s&orp*s 9esear&h and Develop'ent "a&ilities$ and the latest in a list o"

e'ployees that the two o""i&ers had spoken to

No$ never$3 said arry )e spoke a#out her a "ew ti'es$ #ut it was always positive You know

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how it is %hen you spend so 'u&h ti'e working together$ you inevita#ly learn a#out who people are

involved with3

Dakota and 5rett glan&ed at ea&h other$ #e&ause they #oth knew e,a&tly what he 'eant

Far as ever knew$ she was a great girl$ and ;a&o# &onsidered hi'sel" a lu&ky guy (lways

see'ed like he thought the world o" her Didn*t even know they had #roken up until you told 'e3

5rett &ontinued writing on his notepad Dakota put her hands on her hips

(nd what a#out your relationship with !ister 4ri""in63 asked Dakota You two are on

reasona#ly good ter's63

arry s&rat&hed his dark #londe hair "or a 'o'ent

Yes$ o" &ourse )e*s good at his 8o# %ouldn*t say we were ne&essarily very &lose$ #ut he and

were always "riendly to ea&h other )e*s really well liked around here 4ood guy$ known "or #eing

relia#le Can*t think o" anyone in the la# who has any &onte'pt "or hi'3

Dakota e,haled as she looked over at 5rett

/kay$3 said Dakota Thank you "or your assistan&e3

You*re 'ore than wel&o'e$3 said arry

(t that 'o'ent$ another 'an walked into the roo' arry nodded at hi'


Donovan returned arry*s nod #e"ore looking at the two o""i&ers

/""i&ers You get what you need63

Yeah$ would say so$3 said 5rett %e appre&iate your &ooperation$ !ister ane ?lease e,tend

our thanks to the rest o" your e'ployees3

*ll do that$ i" you &an let us all get #a&k to our 8o#s3

Dakota stopped hersel" "ro' saying so'ething in response to Donovan*s rude tone$ knowing

that it really wasn*t worth it .he and 5rett then turned away and le"t through a near#y hallway /n&e

they were outside$ they walked down the #lo&k towards their s0uad &ar$ whi&h was parked out in "ront

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o" a 'attress store that was situated ne,t to the /s&orp "a&ility

Dakota and 5rett #oth entered the &ar$ with 5rett in the driver*s seat

That was "un$3 said 5rett

Yeah$ right$3 said Dakota %e got a &onga line o" "olks who all talk a#out ;a&o# like he*s a

godda'n patron saint Never did anyone wrong$ never pissed anyone o"" &an*t #elieve this3

5rett shrugged

.o'e killers are &har'ing3

Dakota shook her head

No t still doesn*t add up Yes$ the killer 'ust have used so'e sort o" synthesied &he'i&al on

her$ so o" &ourse it 'akes ;a&o# look suspe&t 5ut there*s so'ething else t see's a little too o#vious

(l'ost like so'eone knew that ;a&o# would get #la'ed "or this3

You really think he*s inno&ent63

Dakota &losed her eyes and ru##ed her "orehead

think there*s so'ething we*re 'issing$ #ut don*t know how to "ind it3

5rett s'iled

You*ll "ind it /r 'ay#e *ll "ind it$ and you*ll "ind so'e way to take the &redit3

Dakota 'o'entarily &hu&kled .he then looked down and put her hands in her lap 5rett looked

over at her with &on&ern


Dakota #linked$ #ut otherwise didn*t respond

Dakota6 %hat is it63

Dakota was silent "or a "ew se&onds

.o'ething a#out this &ase$ it*s re'inding 'e o"$ u' 3

Dakota paused and looked out the window

9i&ky63 asked 5rett

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5rett nodded and went silent )aving worked with Dakota "or a while$ he knew that he did not

need to say anything when she thought o" her #rother )e 8ust needed to give her a "ew 'o'ents to

hersel" (s e,pe&ted$ a 'inute later$ Dakota &leared her throat and looked "orward

(lright$3 she said et*s go3

5rett turned the keys and started driving down the street (s they le"t$ Donovan wat&hed the'

with narrowed eyes "ro' the window in his o""i&e

< < < <

You sure this is what you want to #e doing63

Yeah$3 said !att *' sure3

Dakota rolled her eyes


Dakota stret&hed out her legs and ran in pla&e as !att took o"" his sweater (s he did$ his shirt

was pulled upwards$ allowing Dakota to get a view o" his &hest %hile she did get the &han&e to

appre&iate his in&redi#ly well toned #ody$ her eyes were drawn towards a &ut on his &hest that had #een

stit&hed #a&k up

/u&h$3 said Dakota %hat happened there63

!att tossed his sweater #a&k in his #ag #e"ore turning towards Dakota

(&&ident 4ot a #it &areless when was taking out the gar#age$ and uh "ell down t*s not

as #ad as it looks$ trust 'e3

You really sure this is what you want to #e doing6 'ean 3

(s said$ it was an a&&ident t happens$ #ut not o"ten wouldn*t have suggested this i" it

wasn*t what wanted to do like to keep in shape3

Dakota ran her eyes up and down !att*s #ody$ "iguring to hersel" that he wouldn*t noti&e

That$ &an tell3

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5esides$ i" "all$ you*ll #e there to &at&h 'e3

Dakota &ouldn*t help #ut s'ile as !att put on his #est s'irk

That*s a hell o" a lot o" "aith you got there$3 said Dakota

Consider it a gesture o" trust3

( 'o'ent later$ Dakota and !att started 8ogging together on one o" the paths in Central ?ark

Their pa&e was 8ust "ast enough to #e a solid workout without &o'pletely e,hausting the' %hile

Dakota did not dou#t !att*s athleti&is'$ she was so'ewhat surprised at how !att kept up with her

without any signs o" #eing hindered #y his #lindness

)e had suggested this idea "or their date without any hesitation .he had always en8oyed athleti&

dates$ so it was the per"e&t suggestion as "ar as she was &on&erned 5ut the way !att see'ed so

&o'pletely &on"ident as he 'oved still &aught her slightly o"" guard " she didn*t already know$ she

never would have guessed that he was #lind

Then again$ she re'inded hersel" that she had never really spent a signi"i&ant a'ount o" ti'e

with a #lind person #e"ore .he realied that it was ignorant o" her to assu'e that he would avoid any

 parti&ular a&tivities 8ust #e&ause o" his disa#ility (s she looked "orward and #e&a'e &onsu'ed in her

thoughts$ she only #arely noti&ed !att do so'ething out o" the &orner o" her eye

)e leaped over a #ran&h that was in his way Dakota did not say anything$ nor did she give any

indi&ation that she had seen it happen 5ut she &ouldn*t help #ut wonder how he had 8ust a&&o'plished

that "eat The #ran&h was &o'pletely still$ #ut so'ehow !att had ti'ed his 8u'p per"e&tly .he on&e

again started to lose hersel" in her thoughts when !att*s voi&e snapped her #a&k into the 'o'ent

)ow you holding up63

work as a &op in )ell*s +it&hen$3 said Dakota ( run would never wear 'e out3

)eh$ wasn*t dou#ting you .ay$ as a &op$ you*ve gotta have so'e interesting stories (ny

 parti&ular &ases stand out "or you6 'ean$ that you &an talk a#out3

Dakota s'irked

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Yeah$ got a &ouple good ones %as this one ti'e$ oh$ dunno$ 8ust over two years #a&k 4ot a

&all "ro' this wo'an who was &o'pletely "ranti&$ saying that she thought her hus#and 'ight need

'edi&al attention3

Dakota and !att slowed down their pa&e so'ewhat as she told her story

get there$ and she*s outside with her two kids 5oy and a girl ooked really si'ilar$ so

thought they 'ight #e twins (nyway$ she said that the #edroo' door was lo&ked$ and that no 'atter

how 'u&h she yelled his na'e$ he wouldn*t &o'e out .he thought 'ay#e he had passed out$ had a

heart atta&k$ whatever .o try &alling his na'e$ shouting that the poli&e were here Nothing .o

de&ide to ki&k the door down3


go in there e,pe&ting to "ind a #ody$ #ut instead$ "irst thing see is a plain view o" this dude*s

di&k )e*s sitting right there on the #ed$ #u&k ass naked with his laptop )as these giant headphones on$

and he*s 8a&kin* it like a 'ad'an3

!att and Dakota laughed

)e didn*t even hear 'e ki&k the door down2 %asn*t until waved 'y hand in "ront o" his "a&e

that he knew was even there %i"e had a "it$ o#viously 5ut the dude was real "riendly Didn*t even

see' e'#arrassed Easily one o" the 'ost entertaining shi"ts *ve had3

%ell$ it*s good that you &an get so'e laughs out o" your 8o# every on&e in a while 'agine it

helps o""set the rougher days$ at least so'ewhat3

Yeah .o'ewhat3

)ow did you "ile a report on it63

Very &are"ully3

The two shared another laugh They &ontinued to talk during the rest o" their run$ allowing #oth

o" the' to en8oy so'e lighthearted &onversation that they #oth sorely needed ("terwards$ they ended

up going to Dakota*s apart'ent Dakota wasn*t sure why she was #ringing !att #a&k to her pla&e so

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soon a"ter 'eeting hi'$ #ut to her$ it 8ust "elt right

Dakota let out a deep #reath as she slowly gyrated her pelvis against his .he was on top$ and

her eyes were &losed .he then lowered her ne&k and kissed hi' as they "inished .he then rolled her

naked #ody o"" o" his and turned to "a&e the &eiling They #oth took a &ouple 'o'ents to &at&h their


4onna #e honest$3 she said Never thought *d #e s&rewing a #lind guy3

(t so'e point or another$ we all do things we never thought we would do3

Dakota raised an eye#row and looked at !att

;esus Christ$ you gotta say su&h pro"ound sounding shit all the ti'e63

)ey %at&h your language3

E,&use 'e623

!att s'irked

*' a Catholi&3

Dakota &hu&kled and pun&hed !att in the shoulder !att laughed along with her

You pie&e o" shit$3 she said

( se&ond later$ Dakota*s phone started #uing .he groaned as she rea&hed out with her ar'$

not wanting to get o"" the #ed .he gra##ed her phone o"" the nightstand and pressed it against her ear


North$3 said 5rett 4ot so'ething .o'ething #ad3

%hat is it63

%e "ound another #ody (nd she*s also &rying #lood3

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Earth-717: Daredevil Vol 1

Chapter 7: .hark Tank 


Yes$3 said !att The latest vi&ti' has #een &on"ir'ed as .ta&y +ris'an3

;a&o# put his le"t hand on his "a&e and shook his head )is right hand was hand&u""ed to the

ta#le !att and Foggy #oth "rowned as they allowed hi' to take a "ew 'o'ents to hi'sel" +aren

looked to the side with a so'#er "a&e$ #ut stayed silent ;a&o#*s eyes watered as he looked #a&k up at

his lawyers

%hat happens now63

%ell$3 said Foggy$ given the eviden&e at her disposal$ and the "a&t that you have an e,pli&it

&onne&tion to #oth vi&ti's$ the (ssistant Distri&t (ttorney assigned to the &ase has de&ided to prose&ute

"or #oth &ounts o" 'urder3

;a&o# looked devastated Consu'ed #y grie"$ he was silent "or a &ouple 'inutes ("ter wiping

the tears away$ he &losed his eyes and let out a deep #reath

*ve lost two "riends (nd the world wants to punish 'e "or it3

This isn*t the end$ !ister 4ri""in$3 said !att %e*re going to go to trial$ we*re going to plead

not guilty$ and we*re going to "ight this3

%ill we win63

!att paused Foggy and +aren glan&ed at ea&h other ;a&o# gulped The tension see'ed to sti"le

all o" the o,ygen in the air

!ister 4ri""in 3

%ill we win63

!att &ould sense the "ear e'anating "ro' ;a&o# )e knew that the 'an sitting in "ront o" hi'

was inno&ent$ #ut he honestly did not know how he was going to prove it

%e*re going to do everything we &an$3 said !att pro'ise3

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< < < <

%e*re gonna get wre&ked3

Foggy threw up his hands as he and !att walked down the street towards the New York .tate

.upre'e Court 5uilding +aren was walking #ehind the'$ with a large purse that &ontained all o" the

"iles and do&u'ents they were going to need in &ourt

%e*re going to #e "ine$3 said !att

(re you kidding62 %e*re going up against 9a&hel Drey"uss2 9a&hel Freakin* Drey"uss$ 'an2

.he isn*t 8ust any shark$ !att2 .he is like$ the !egalodon o" New York2 .he 'akes the shark "ro' *a+s

look like the shark "ro' Fn%n, Ne"o23

!ay#e 'ovies aren*t the #est 'etaphor to use with 'e$ Foggy3

+aren raised an eye#row

sn*t she running "or so'ething or 3

+aren then looked out at the street as a #us passed the group The #us had a &a'paign

advertise'ent "or 9a&hel Drey"uss atta&hed to its side The advertise'ent showed an i'age o" 9a&hel

standing with her ar's "olded$ her "a&e #oth stern and intense


Saet& or ct-ens. Not or cr"nals.

+aren pointed at the #us

)ey$ that*s her23

Yeah$ that*s one o" her &a'paign ads$3 said Foggy$ #e"ore glan&ing #a&k at !att .he*s sorta

looking upward$ like diagonally$ you know6 .he looks like a di&tator or so'ething (ll she needs are a

"ew #o'#ers "lying overhead3

.he*s 8ust doing her 8o#$ sa'e as we are3

/h$ know that 'u&h *' 8ust saying that she pro#a#ly &onsiders eating people to #e part o"

her 8o# des&ription3

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/""i&er &ertainly hope you have so'e good news "or 'e3

The ne,t voi&e was 'ale$ and it was &o'ing through the wo'an*s &ell phone %hile the voi&e

would have #een$ #y design$ too "aint "or anyone else to hear$ !att*s superhu'an senses allowed hi' to

hear it &learly enough to understand

(ll good news$ !rs Drey"uss The 8o#*s done3

E,&ellent$3 said 9a&hel (nd you "ollowed all o" the dire&tions gave you63

Every one$3 said the 'an Everything*s all in order /r out o" order$ as it were$ heh heh3

4ood *ll have .arah &onta&t you later tonight to deal with pay'ent have to get to &ourt *ll

talk to you later3

9a&hel hung up the phone and pla&ed it in her purse .arah was standing ne,t to her$ holding a

do&u'ent in one hand and a legal #rie"&ase in the other !att$ Foggy and +aren rea&hed the top o" the

stairs$ and 9a&hel looked over at the' !att &ould instantly tell that he was the "o&us o" her glare$ and a

shiver &rawled down his spine

Nelson and !urdo&k3

!att and Foggy stopped as 9a&hel approa&hed the' %hile they kept straight "a&es$ +aren

narrowed her eyes 9a&hel put on a s'ug s'ile as she looked at ea&h 'e'#er o" the group in turn

understand that we will #e 'eeting on opposite sides o" the ;a&o# 4ri""in &ase3

That*s &orre&t$3 said !att

uite a trial #y "ire "or your "irst &ase in private pra&ti&e &ertainly hope there won*t #e

any hard "eelings3

suppose we*ll see on&e we*re inside$3 said Foggy

Yes$3 replied 9a&hel suppose we will3

9a&hel then turned away and walked into the &ourthouse$ with .arah "ollowing a"ter her +aren

shook her head

%e sure she wasn*t the one who 'urdered those girls63 she asked got the &reeps 8ust "ro'

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looking at her3

Not gonna lie$3 said Foggy wouldn*t #e sho&ked3

(s the group was a#out to enter the &ourt house$ a "a'iliar voi&e &alled out


!att &leared his throat as he turned around to "a&e Dakota$ who was heading up the stairs

towards hi'


(nother "riend63 asked +aren

Can*t #e$3 said Foggy *' his only "riend3

%hat are you doing here63 asked Dakota

*' working$3 answered !att !y "ir' is a&ting as the de"ense "or ;a&o# 4ri""in These are

'y asso&iates$ Foggy Nelson and +aren ?age 4uys$ this is /""i&er Dakota North .he*s uh a

re&ent a&0uaintan&e3

%ait$ wait$ wait$ wait$3 said Dakota You*re on the de"ense6 You*re a lawyer6 (nd you*re

assigned to the 4ri""in &ase63

!att nodded

You didn*t tell 'e any o" that3

You never asked3

/kay$ guess that*s "air ;ust surprised to see you here3

Foggy shrugged

%ell$ i" you*re sti&king around "or the trial$ you*re gonna see a lot 'ore o" hi'3

9a&hel Drey"uss show up yet63 asked Dakota

Yeah$3 said +aren$ gri'a&ing /nly saw her "or thirty se&onds and already know she*s a

'eat grinder3

!eat grinder is right$3 said Dakota .he*s out "or so'e serious #lood You guys are gonna

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want to wat&h yourselves3

Dakota "rowned as she looked straight at !att .he then sighed #e"ore rea&hing "orward and

kissing hi' on the &heek Foggy and +aren glan&ed at ea&h other

4ood lu&k$3 said Dakota

)ave a little "aith$3 said !att$ s'irking

< < < <

Court is now in session$ with the )onoura#le ;udge Finn ewis presiding The &ase is The

?eople versus ;a&o# 4ri""in3

;a&o# &li&ked his "eet together +aren noti&ed this gesture o" an,iety and gave hi' a

&o'passionate look )e gulped in return as everyone was instru&ted to sit down #y ;udge ewis$ who

 pro&eeded to give his standard instru&tions to the 8ury Foggy looked over at the prose&ution*s ta#le$

where 9a&hel was sitting with a posture o" a#solute &on"iden&e as .arah hurriedly organied all o"

their do&u'ents

!rs Drey"uss$3 said ewis s the prose&ution ready to deliver its opening state'ent63

ndeed a'3

9a&hel stood up and walked around her ta#le )er stride was slow and &al&ulated$ with the

sound o" ea&h step lingering in the 'inds o" the people in the roo' .he sauntered up to the "ront o" the

 8ury and s&anned her eyes a&ross the twelve 'en and wo'en #e"ore her .he took several se&onds o"

silen&e #e"ore she started$ ensuring that everyone in the roo' was giving her their "ull attention

adies and gentle'en o" the 8ury3

9a&hel started to slowly pa&e side to side in "ront o" the 8ury

Today is an i'portant day "or all o" us Everyone here in this &ourtroo' t*s i'portant$

 #e&ause today is the day that a 'urderer with no respe&t "or the san&tity o" the law will #e #rought to

 8usti&e Two wo'en have #een killed #y the de"endant that you see #e"ore you today Two wo'en who

&onsidered the'selves his "riends Two wo'en who trusted hi'$ and had that trust #etrayed in the 'ost

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violent o" 'anners3

!att listened to the various hearts in the roo' as 9a&hel delivered her state'ent )e &ould

'ake out Dakota*s heart#eat "ro' her seat in the 'ain viewing area

;enni"er eigh and .ta&y +ris'an were #oth known "riends o" the de"endant 5oth vi&ti's

were "ound in their apart'ents$ killed #y so'eone who they trusted to let inside 5oth vi&ti's were

"ound with a &usto'-'ade to,i&ant in their #loodstrea'$ so'ething that &ould only #e &reated #y a

 pro"essional &he'ist$ whi&h the de"endant happens to #e3

;a&o# looked down$ "ighting #a&k his in&lination to &ry

adies and gentle'en$ today you are the ar' o" the law No longer will this 'urderer hide in

the shadows$ waiting to strike at his ne,t$ helpless vi&ti' Your verdi&t$ your 8udge'ent$ will #e what

drags hi' and the heinous nature o" his &ri'es into the light (nd at the end o" this pro&ess$ when you

 pronoun&e hi' guilty$ you will know that you stopped hi' "ro' in"li&ting su&h horri#le violen&e on

anyone else in this &ity That pro&ess #egins today Thank you3

9a&hel returned to her ta#le$ leaving 'ost o" the people in the roo' see'ingly spell#ound

Foggy wiped a &ouple drops o" sweat o"" o" his right te'ple !att$ 'eanwhile$ kept a straight "a&e the

entire ti'e ewis then turned his gae to the de"ense ta#le

s the de"ense ready to pro&eed with their opening state'ent63

Foggy and +aren #oth looked at !att with worry on their "a&es$ #ut !att was un"aed )e stood

up with &on"iden&e and held his &ane with #oth hands

Yes$ your )onour3

ewis nodded as !att walked to the "ront o" the 8ury 9a&hel "olded her ar's as she &are"ully

wat&hed the #ody language o" her opponent !att &leared his throat and took a "ew se&onds 8ust to

 #reathe and tune hi'sel" in to his own heart#eat )e was not "o&using on anyone else #ut hi'sel"$ and

on&e his 'ind was &lear$ he was "inally ready

adies and gentle'en o" the 8ury$ want you to &onsider a hypotheti&al situation "or a 'o'ent

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'agine that you have developed a true e'otional #ond with so'eone ( lover$ a "riend$ a "a'ily

'e'#er$ whatever you pre"er (ll that 'atters is that this person is i'portant to you (nd then

suddenly$ that person is violently 'urdered and taken away$ never again to #e in your li"e3

+aren and Foggy #oth started to #reathe "aster

5ut your pain doesn*t end there Not only is this person gone "orever$ #ut #e"ore you even have

ti'e to grieve$ a poli&e o""i&er arrives at your house and says you You*re the person who

&o''itted the &ri'e You killed your loved one You have your li"e pulled right out "ro' under you$

and you don*t even get the &han&e to pi&k up the pie&es #e&ause the law has de&ided that you deserve

the punish'ent "or your pain That is e,a&tly what has 8ust happened to 'y &lient3

9a&hel sneered ;a&o#*s heart sank

5ut the law is &lear$ ladies and gentle'en o" the 8ury The prose&ution 'ust prove their &ase

 #eyond a reasona#le dou#t$ and they 'ust use "a&ts to a&&o'plish that Their eviden&e is

&ir&u'stantial$ rushed and in&o'plete$ all things that 8usti&e has no right to #e !y &lient$ ;a&o#

4ri""in$ is not guilty$ and 8usti&e will only #e served on&e you pronoun&e hi' so Thank you3

!att returned to the de"ense ta#le$ and #oth Foggy and +aren gave hi' reassuring nods ewis

then looked #a&k at 9a&hel .arah slipped a pie&e o" paper in "ront o" 9a&hel$ &ausing !att to raise an

eye#row 9a&hel "lipped the paper over and s'irked as she saw what was written inside

s the prose&ution ready to &all its "irst witness63 asked ewis

Your )onour$3 said 9a&hel$ standing up There is an urgent 'atter that needs to #e addressed

 #e"ore the prose&ution &an pro&eed with &alling witnesses3

;a&o# looked over at +aren with worry

%hat*s going on63 he whispered

don*t know$3 answered +aren Don*t worry *' sure it*ll #e "ine3

(nd what urgent 'atter is that63 asked ewis

!y assistant was looking through the &ase "iles and eviden&e reports and appears to have

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dis&overed an ano'aly with one o" pie&es o" eviden&e that has #een entered "or &onsideration This

ano'aly was not dete&ted during the initial eviden&e 'otions )owever$ given the nature o" the

ano'aly$ have no &hoi&e #ut to #ring it your attention3

!att i''ediately stood up

/#8e&tion$ your )onour (ll eviden&e was &leared #y #oth the prose&ution and the de"ense3

/verruled$3 said ewis " you have so'ething to #ring to our attention$ !rs Drey"uss$ now

is the ti'e 5ut this had #etter #e i'portant3

t is$ your )onour (&&ording to 'y assistant*s "indings$ there is an issue with the &hain o"

&ustody regarding the #lood spatter report The logs #etween when the eviden&e was a&&essed #y the

&hie" "orensi& te&hni&ian and the &ourt*s eviden&e &lerk are 'issing3

Foggy tugged at his &ollar +aren widened her eyes !att "urrowed his #row$ and listened to

9a&hel*s heart#eat .he was lying through her teeth .uddenly$ the &onversation that he overheard on

the phone 'ade sense

4iven the nature o" this ano'aly and the "a&t that there is the potential "or the eviden&e to #e

&onta'inated or do&tored$ a' 'otioning "or the #lood spatter report to #e rendered inad'issi#le3

.how 'e$3 said ewis

.arah handed 9a&hel a "ile "older 9a&hel pla&ed the pie&e o" paper into it$ along with several

other do&u'ents .he then &arried the "ile "older up to the 8udge*s podiu' and laid it down in "ront o"

hi' )e took a &ouple 'inutes to look it over$ #e"ore &alling out one o" the other o""i&ers (s this was

happening$ Foggy "ranti&ally looked through their updated &ase "iles

s she serious63 asked +aren

Foggy gulped as he looked at the eviden&e pa&kage

The eviden&e &olle&tion wasn*t totally "inished$3 he said %e only have do&u'ents up to when

the #lood report was with the &hie" te&hni&ian .hit3

+aren shook her head

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.o'e#ody has to have so'e re&ord23

( &ouple 'o'ents later$ a"ter looking over a report handed to hi' #y one o" the o""i&ers$ ewis

&leared his throat

("ter looking over 'ultiple &opies o" the eviden&e do&u'ents$ 'ust &on&ur with the

 prose&ution*s assess'ent The &hain o" &ustody on the #lood spatter report has #een #roken n the

interest o" the &ourt$ 'ust dee' the eviden&e inad'issi#le3

9a&hel nodded #e"ore shooting !att a sly s'ile +aren rea&hed out and pla&ed her hand on

;a&o#*s$ trying to &onsole hi' Foggy an,iously ru##ed his hands together Dakota put one o" her hands

over her "a&e !att e,haled and sat #a&k down #e"ore taking o"" his glasses

The trial had #arely #egun$ and already 9a&hel was tearing their &ase out "ro' under the'

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Chapter G: Dou#le i"e

think he needs another one3

!att waved his hand

No$ no$ it*s okay3

Dakota looked #a&k up at the waiter

)e needs another one /ne "or 'e too *' #uying3

!att shrugged in response$ knowing that he a&tually did want another one The waiter nodded at

Dakota #e"ore walking away ess than a 'inute later$ she returned with another set o" whiskey shots

Dakota pi&ked hers up and waited "or !att to "ollow suit )e #linked as he &onsidered the shot glass

 #e"ore hi' etting out a heavy sigh$ he then wrapped his "ingers around it and held it up

Dakota s'iled

That*s 'y #oy3

!att and Dakota #oth downed their shots and sla''ed the glasses #a&k down on the ta#le )e

&oughed and ru##ed his "orehead Dakota gestured at the waiter as she walked past .he then pla&ed

 #oth o" her el#ows on the ta#le and put one hand over the other

)ey isten to 'e The trial*s only #eginning Your opening state'ent was great ;ust gotta

shake o"" the shit and to'orrow$ you*ll #e right #a&k in the ga'e3

.hake o"" the shit63

Yeah 5ooe helps with that Co'e on$ *' trying to help you "eel #etter3

!att s'irked

De"initely 'ade 'e "eel #etter a"ter our last date3

.low down$ !urdo&k !ight need to wait a &ouple 'ore hours "or that3

!att and Dakota shared a weak &hu&kle

appre&iate you saying those things$3 said !att really do You know$ you work so hard

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trying to get there Years o" study$ years o" work )oping to get to the point where you &an "inally do

what you "eel you were supposed to do Then you get there$ and it*s not what you thought$ you know63

Dakota sullenly nodded as !att spoke

!y "irst &ase in trial$ and the prose&utor$ another proponent o" the syste' o" 8usti&e$ the syste'

wanted to #e a part o"$ what wanted to stand "or turns out to #e anything #ut (nd the worst part

is that she*s &o'pletely &on"ident she &an get away with it &an*t prove she ta'pered with the &hain o"

&ustody$ #ut know know she did %hat a' supposed to do with that63

The advi&e that i''ediately &o'es to 'y 'ind is to ki&k her ass$ #ut guess that*s not really

the lawyer way to do things$ is it63

They &hu&kled again$ 'ore genuinely this ti'e The waiter dropped o"" another set o" shots

think that*s 'ore your line o" duty$3 said !att

/h$ *d ki&k her ass i" &ould get away with it and keep 'y 8o# knew "ro' day one she was

doing this 8ust "or the politi&s %hatever looks good "or the voters$ right6 5ut she has that kind o" pull

.he*s deep with one o" the .enators$ know she pays o"" so'e o" the &ops anything to get ahead

That*s always #een 9a&hel Drey"uss3

Dakota rapped her knu&kles on the ta#le a &ouple ti'es

&an*t stand people like that ?eople who who &lai' to #e one thing #ut are a&tually

so'ething else " you*re gonna #e a #astard$ at least #e godda'n honest a#out it3

Dakota downed her ne,t shot !att tilted his head slightly

.ounds like you*re speaking "ro' e,perien&e3

said knew her$ didn*t 63

Forgive 'e i" *' prying$ #ut get the "eeling that last re'ark wasn*t a#out Drey"uss3

)eh 3

Dakota tapped the end o" her le"t inde, "inger against the ta#le

9eal per&eptive3

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?art o" the 8o#3

Yeah$3 said Dakota$ her voi&e suddenly hollow You re'e'#er when 'entioned 'y #rother$


!att nodded

didn*t tell you the whole truth$ though that one*s o#vious$ guess 9i&ky*s a &ouple years older 

than 'e (lways was there to$ you know$ do #rother stu"" !ake "un o" 'e$ sure$ #ut also take &are

o" 'e The way a #rother*s supposed to3

!att listened to Dakota*s heart#eat as she told her story )e was not doing it to &he&k i" she was

lying$ #ut rather to "eel her e'otions 'ore &learly

("ter Dad died$ !o' struggled ( lot was a#out to head to the a&ade'y$ right out o" high

s&hool 9i&ky he was in &ollege %anted to #e an engineer 5ut$ 'oney was tight !o' was in

grie" %e didn*t know what to do3

Dakota wiped her eyes as she &ontinued

Then 9i&ky says that he pi&ked up an e,tra 8o# .ays that he was gonna start working nights

!o' told hi' he didn*t have to$ #ut she was in no position to argue )e said he would take &are o" 

us !ake things right3

Dakota gulped

know he was 8ust trying to help 5ut &ouldn*t shake the "eeling that so'ething was wrong

%henever asked hi' a#out his 8o#$ he would get evasive .o'eti'es even angry Eventually$ 8ust let

it go3

Dakota &losed her eyes and held her hands together

Couple 'onths a"ter graduated "ro' the a&ade'y$ got a &all a#out a potential distur#an&e in

a 'otel .o'e#ody s&rea'ing$ swearing$ 'ay#e so'e violen&e !e and 'y .arge$ we went there$ and

uh$ we kno&ked on the door3

Dakota*s heart#eat 0ui&kened

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( short ti'e later$ !att and Dakota le"t the #ar and stepped out onto the sidewalk t was raining

out$ #ut at that 'o'ent$ neither person &ared /n&e they were o"" to the side o" the entran&e$ they

turned to ea&h other Dakota slowed her #reathing as she looked at !att$ who allowed the raindrops

that stru&k her "a&e to give hi' a pristine view o" her

)e &ould sense all o" the e'otions she &onveyed with the lines o" her "a&e )e then rea&hed

"orward with his right hand and gently pressed a &ouple "ingers against the side o" her &heek .he

&losed her eyes and leaned her "a&e towards his hand )e then slowly 'oved "orward #e"ore pressing

his lips against hers

For a "ew pre&ious se&onds$ !att and Dakota kissed$ and everything in their world was "ine

You know$3 said Dakota$ as she pulled away You &ould &o'e #a&k to 'y pla&e again .tay

over$ i" you want3

!att &onsidered her o""er "or a 'o'ent$ #ut then all o" the sounds o" the &ity started to "ilter

into his ears %ithin only a &ouple se&onds$ he knew that this was a night that his &ity needed hi'


Dakota looked at hi' with a 'i,ture o" anti&ipation and apprehension

&an*t tonight$ as 'u&h as want to *'$ *' sorry3

Don*t #e t*s alright3

.he then gave hi' a 0ui&k kiss on the &heek

4oodnight$ !att3


!att &lut&hed the top o" his &ane as Dakota looked down and walked past hi' )e stayed still$

his "a&e pointed towards the sidewalk .he took a doen steps away "ro' hi' #e"ore looking over her

shoulder )e did not turn to her$ nor did he see' to noti&e her passing glan&e .he "rowned "or a "ew

'o'ents #e"ore turning and walking away

 Not too long a"terwards$ !att was on&e again in his &ostu'e$ "ree-running through the &ity he

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&alled ho'e Every alley was a potential pathwayH ea&h #uilding was a &hallenge to #e over&o'e (s he

allowed his #ody*s a&tions to #e&o'e virtually auto'ati&$ he "o&used in on his hearing$ taking in all o"

the sounds and voi&es around hi'

( 'an growing in&reasingly agitated as he tried to hail a ta,i ( wo'an in a 'otel roo' who

was 'aking her pri&e &lear to a potential &lient The sound o" a heli&opter "lying in the distan&e The

&rash o" a waiter in a restaurant dropping a glass on the "loor The tapping o" a wo'an*s high heels on

the pave'ent leading into an alley

!att stopped on the #ri&k railing o" a #uilding as he honed in on the high heels .ni""ing the air$

he "ound that he re&ognied a parti&ular per"u'e )e was not sure yet$ #ut he had to know !aking his

way towards the alley$ he lowered hi'sel" onto a near#y "ire es&ape and &rou&hed )e listened as the

wo'an approa&hed a 'an who had his #a&k pressed against the wall

The 'an &oughed as he 'oved his &igarette away "ro' his 'outh


!att &ouldn*t #elieve it

You got it63 asked +aren

Ni&e to see ya again$ #a#e$3 said the 'an 5een wonderin* where you ran o"" to )aven*t heard

"ro' you "or a while3

Cut the shit$ 5la&kie Do you have it or not63

Yeah$ yeah$ got it 9ela, %as 8ust 'akin* so'e &onversation No need to get all rattled3

don*t &o'e to you "or &onversation3

5la&kie &hu&kled

!ay#e you should so'eti'e3

5la&kie then rea&hed into his &oat po&ket (s this was happening$ !att heard the sound o" three

'ore sets o" "ootsteps approa&hing "ro' the other end o" the alley (ll 'ale Early to 'id-thirties

.o'ewhat lean #uilds Two o" the' had hoods over their heads %alking slowly Con"iden&e$ not

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trepidation /ne o" the' was &lut&hing a kni"e in his po&ket

ook who it is$ "ellas23 said the 'an with the kni"e 5la&kie 4a,ton Yo 5la&kie23

+aren and 5la&kie #oth turned to "a&e the group o" 'en approa&hing the' 5la&kie &leared his

throat$ and +aren took a step #a&k

)-)ey$ hey guys$3 said 5la&kie %-%hat*s goin* on63

No ga'es t*s payday3

/ne o" the other 'en pi&ked up a pie&e o" a #roken 'etal pipe "ro' the ground 5la&kie held

his #reath as the 'an tapped the end o" the pipe a &ouple ti'es against the near#y #ri&k wall +aren

 pla&ed one o" her hands on the ipper o" her purse !att &ould sense that the heart#eats o" everyone

 present were 0ui&kening

4uys$ guys$3 said 5la&kie 5-5usiness has #een k-kinda slow$ okay6 /kay6 5ut was a#out

to 'ake a sale2 t*s okay2 4-4i''e 8ust one 'ore 3

No e,&uses2 You pay on payday$ one way or the other3

The 'an pulled out his kni"e and pointed it at +aren

You say you were a#out to 'ake a sale6 Then she pays3

The 'an with the pipe grinned

%e take &ash or &redit )eh$ heh3

.&rew you$ 5la&kie$3 said +aren You*re on your own23

+aren 0ui&kly turned around and started running #a&k the way she &a'e

)ey23 yelled 5la&kie

The third 'an$ who had not yet spoken$ pulled out a pistol and ai'ed it at +aren .he heard hi'

&o&k the gun and i''ediately stopped in her tra&ks

No#ody leaves until we get paid$ pretty lady3

5y this point$ !att was ready )e leaped downward with his #atons held a#ove his head The

'an with the gun did not even get the &han&e to turn towards hi' #e"ore !att #ashed hi' over the

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head with #oth #atons$ kno&king the pistol out o" his hands

%hat the 3

!att interrupted the 'an with the kni"e with a roundhouse ki&k to the "a&e 5la&kie leaped #a&k

in surprise and "ell to the "loor

)oly shit23

The 'an with the pipe swung his weapon verti&ally at !att$ striking hi' in the #a&k !att

groaned #e"ore throwing his el#ow #a&k$ hitting the 'an in the &hest The 'an who had the gun

re&overed and got #a&k up$ seiing !att #y the throat This gave his "riend a &han&e to wildly #eat !att

with the pipe

("ter several strikes$ !att ki&ked out with one leg$ hitting his opponent in the knee )e then

heaved "orward with all o" his strength$ throwing his other "oe over hi' )is #atons ready$ !att

de"le&ted another pipe swing #e"ore #ashing the 'an a&ross the 8aw 5la&kie ran away "ro' the s&u""le$

and a"ter a "ew 'ore se&onds$ #oth thugs were un&ons&ious

!att was so "o&used on the "ight that he had 'o'entarily "orgotten a#out the third 'an$ the one

who had the kni"e


!att sneered as he turned to "a&e the third 'an$ who was holding +aren "ro' #ehind )e had

his kni"e &lose to her throat

Yeah$ that*s what they &all you$ right6 %ell s&rew you$ 'an2 You hurt 'y #oys$ so now this

 #it&h6 *' gonna &ut her throat wide open unless you #a&k o""23

!att assessed the situation )e was too "ar away to take down the thug without risking +aren*s

li"e The 'an*s perspiration and heart#eat indi&ated that he was desperate$ likely #e&ause he was now

alone )e wasn*t lying a#out his threat +aren was staring dire&tly at !att$ not knowing that she was

looking at so'eone she knew )er #reathing pattern indi&ated that she was trying to stay &al' despite

the severity o" her situation

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!att took a single$ slow step "orward$ and the 'an &lut&hed the kni"e tighter

*' not s&rewin* around$ 'an2 *ll do it23

+aren started rea&hing down into her purse The ipper was open Noti&ing what she was doing$

!att then de&ided on his &ourse o" a&tion

You saw how "ast took down your "riends You kill her$ and there*s nothing stopping 'e "ro'

doing worse to you3

Yeah$ #ullshit2 heard the stories2 %ord*s spreadin* around$ 'an2 You*ve #eaten up a lot o"

&rooks *round town$ #ut you ain*t never killed no#ody23

+aren*s hand was now in her purse

!ay#e tonight*s the night &hange that3

The 'an loosened his grip on +aren as he started to shout

;ust #a&k o""23

.eiing her &han&e$ +aren pulled her own kni"e out o" her purse and 8a''ed it into the 'an*s

shoulder )e s&rea'ed in surprise and let go o" her !att sprinted "orward and landed a single$

 power"ul pun&h straight to his 8aw$ rendering hi' instantly un&ons&ious !att and +aren #oth took a

&ouple 'o'ents 8ust to #reathe

You alright63

Yeah$3 said +aren Yeah3

4et out o" here 4o ho'e Don*t &o'e #a&k3

+aren shook her head and turned away$ walking #a&k out to the street !att stayed still "or a

while longer$ going over what had 8ust transpired )e hadn*t even noti&ed that the &loaked "igure had

 #een wat&hing the entire alter&ation "ro' the roo" o" one o" the near#y #uildings

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Earth-717: Daredevil Vol 1

Chapter I: 9oo' 1J1

#One/ t+o/ t)ree/ o0r . . . .(

The door was at the end o" the hall The walls were &harred$ &overed in #la&k The wallpaper

was peeling$ and the "loor#oards were hal"-rotted The air was sti"led with ash The door had &ra&ks and

s&rat&hes all over the wood$ #ut it was not #roken The golden kno# was dirty$ #ut relatively inta&t The

only thing that was &lean was the nu'#er plate

#Ne$er o1en 01 t)e %oor . . . .(

The plate identi"ied it as roo' 1J1

#F$e/ s2/ se$en/ e,)t . . . .(

)e stared at the door$ knowing what was on the other side

#Ne$er e$er 3e ara% . . . .(

< < < <

+aren groaned to hersel" as she s&raped her "ingernails a&ross her s&alp .he had only gotten out

o" a li"e or death situation a "ew 'inutes ago$ and her thoughts were s&attered all over the pla&e .he

was stunned that she had seen Daredevil in person .he was relieved that she thought to start &arrying a

kni"e in her purse

.he was agitated that she didn*t get what she needed "ro' 5la&kie

5reathing in and out several ti'es$ +aren 0ui&kly "ound that she &ould not &al' hersel" down

)er skin "elt like it was peeling itsel" o""$ and her throat "elt like it was #eing 'elted #y s&alding li0uid

.he grasped at her head and s0ueeed on her skull with #oth hands$ #ut she already knew that nothing

she &ould do would relieve the pressure


+aren stopped and pressed her #ody against the near#y wall$ whi&h was part o" a &onde'ned

 #uilding .he suddenly and violently started puking$ throwing up her dinner all over the sidewalk

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Coughing as she gargled on what re'ained o" her own #ile$ she then spit out all o" the li0uid le"t in her


@gh 3

.he &losed her eyes and took a &ouple 'inutes to try and "o&us on re&overing (ll o" her senses

"elt like they were overloading 5y drowning out her thoughts and keeping her 'ind on her #reathing$

she was "inally a#le to "eel so'e relie" "ro' all o" the pain )er sto'a&h was still &hurning and she still

"elt a #urning in her throat$ #ut at least it was progress

Clut&hing her a#do'en$ +aren then &ontinued walking down the sidewalk (s she passed the

 #uilding*s entran&e$ the "igure leaped out "ro' the shadows and seied her around the throat

< < < <


5lood ran down the steps

#W)ere are &o04(

)e knew where she was )e 8ust didn*t want to #elieve it )e stepped in her #lood$ heading up

the stairs that led to the hallway The entire "loor was &overed in #lood$ high enough that it al'ost

rea&hed his ankles )e waded through the red "luid$ going "or the door )e knew he wasn*t supposed to

open it$ #ut he had to know


)e rea&hed "or the doorkno#

< < < <

Ergh 3

+aren &oughed as she trudged #a&k into &ons&iousness .he e,haled and slowly let her eyes

open ( lone$ di' light #ul# hung a#ove her$ providing so little illu'ination that she &ould #arely see

the edges o" the roo' The roo'*s windows were #oarded up 5linking a &ouple ti'es and swallowing

so'e saliva to try and 'assage her dry throat$ she then realied so'ething pertur#ing

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.he was strapped to a &hair

+aren tried to 'ove her ar's$ #ut they were "astened #y a thi&k &a#le$ whi&h wrapped around

 #oth ar's several ti'es (nother &a#le tied her "eet to the &hair*s "ront legs .he yelled as she struggled

to 'ove all o" her li'#s at on&e ("ter a 'inute$ she understood that she was not going anywhere

without help

Then$ she heard a voi&e &o'ing "ro' inside the roo'


The voi&e was deep and 'odulated

%ho*s there63

The "igure stepped out o" the &orner and into the light )e was wearing a grey &loak over a

 #la&k #odysuit$ with a 'etal 'ask over his "a&e that rese'#led a skull )is right hand was pla&ed inside

o" a gauntlet that had a s&ythe #lade )e stared at her in silen&e "or several se&onds$ and she s&owled

 #a&k at hi'

)ow*d you know 'y na'e63

The "igure glan&ed to the side "or a 'o'ent

looked through your purse3


;ust gonna stand there and stare63

Forgive 'e "orgot 'ysel" You look so 'u&h like her3

ike who63

+aren then shook her head

Forget it$ don*t wanna know You*re that "reak$ aren*t you6 The one who really killed that

nurse %hat the hell do you want with 'e6 %hy*d you tie 'e to this "u&king &hair623


You si&k #astard2 et 'e go23

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Don*t #e a"raid$3 he said 5esides$ no one &an hear you here (nd anyone who &ould

doesn*t &are You*re not going anywhere Not yet3

+aren pursed her lips and looked at the ground

You killed the other girls Cut #oth their throats open %hy not do the sa'e to 'e6 %hy

kidnap 'e6 %hy keep 'e alive63

5e&ause want hi' to see the i'portan&e o" 'y work3


The "igure stepped "orward$ rea&hing out with his le"t hand )e 'oved as i" he was going to

tou&h +aren*s "a&e$ #ut stopped hi'sel" only a "ew &enti'etres away .he &ringed as she saw how &lose

his hand was to her skin )olding his hand in pla&e "or a "ew se&onds$ he then pulled it #a&k

This world is one o" e'ptiness and sorrow No #eauty No art There*s so little in the world

that*s a&tually worth saving 5ut$ a'idst the "ilth and de&ay$ there are s'all gli''ers o" hope 5ea&ons

that show that there was #eauty on&e want to give that #a&k to the world Daredevil$ he he wants

to #ring an end to all o" that )e doesn*t understand what *' trying to do3

No one understands e,&ept "or you$ you godda'n psy&ho23

The "igure #reathed heavier$ #ut otherwise didn*t respond to +aren*s out#urst )e 8ust &ontinued

to stare at her

.top staring at 'e23

You really are 8ust like her always sear&hed "or wo'en who were like her$ who rese'#led

her$ #ut you6 You &ould #e her twin (nd to think$ that you were the one who Daredevil &ares a#out$ the

one he saved with su&h &onvi&tion Even your na'e is &lose Close enough3

+aren li&ked her lips and "urrowed her #row as she looked down The "igure then &rou&hed so

that he was on&e again in her line o" sight

don*t know what you*re talking a#out$3 said +aren don*t even know Daredevil2 ;ust$ 8ust

let 'e go23

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&an*t do that 5ut$ want you to know that you will #e&o'e the 'ost #eauti"ul art o" all The

one *ve #een #uilding towards The one *ve wanted to 'ake all this ti'e !y "inal tri#ute to her$ to

+ate !y 'asterpie&e3

+ate6 %ho the hell is +ate63

+ate .he was she was everything to 'e .he showed 'e that there &ould #e art in the

world That there truly &ould #e so'ething #eauti"ul That we don*t need to #e drowned #y nihilisti&

understandings o" hu'anity and &ulture .he showed 'e that there are so'e things in this world worth


+aren #linked a &ouple ti'es as she &onsidered the "igure*s words

%hat do you 'ean63

The "igure let out a deep sigh

et 'e tell you a story t*s a#out a little #oy who never 'et his 'other %ho lived with his

"ather "or as long as he &ould re'e'#er$ #ut dad never see'ed to &are "or hi' all that 'u&h They lived

not 0uite in poverty$ #ut nowhere near anything gla'ourous Dad ignored the #oy$ #e&ause he was too

 #usy with other things3

+aren gulped as she listened to the "igure*s story

The #oy would wonder whatever happened to his 'other6 %hy was she never around6 t

was a 0uestion that tore into his 'ind$ and it never le"t .in&e he knew that his "ather would never

answer that 0uestion$ the #oy spent a lot o" ti'e i'agining what it would #e like to a&tually have a

'other$ the way the other &hildren did3

The "igure lowered his gae slightly$ as he was drawn "urther into his own tale

Then so'ething &hanged .o'eone new entered his li"e /ne day$ dad &a'e ho'e$ and he

 #rought a wo'an with hi' ( wo'an na'ed +ate (nd "or the "irst ti'e ever$ the #oy*s 0uestion was

"inally answered +ate took an instant liking to hi'$ and told hi' that even though she was only his

step'other$ that she wanted to #e there "or hi' No 'atter what3

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+aren "elt the tension in her 'us&les "ade away

(nd "or a short ti'e$ the #oy was "inally happy )e "inally knew that everything was going to

 #e 8ust "ine Even when dad would get into his 'oods$ +ate would hold the #oy &lose to her &hest and

tell hi' not to #e a"raid$ #e&ause she was there to take &are o" hi' (nd then$ one day he "ound her 

in the roo' he had always #een a"raid o" The roo' that would &hange his view o" the world "orever

)e wanted to "ind his 'other nstead$ he "ound her &orpse3

+aren "elt her #lood &hill inside her veins

)er ne&k had #een sli&ed 5ut that wasn*t what &aught his attention nstead$ he was drawn to

her eyes Those &old$ e'pty$ dead eyes 'ore #eauti"ul than they had ever #een They were

 #leeding )er "inal tears were "or'ed o" her own #lood3

+aren*s #reathing started 0ui&kening as she thought a#out the i'ages she had seen o" the

&orpses o" ;enni"er eigh and .ta&y +ris'an

That was when knew what true potential was True #eauty (rt the likes o" whi&h the world

had never seen No longer was she part o" this world$ "illed with nothing #ut 'isery and pain .he had

as&ended "ro' all o" that$ and had a&hieved her true potential .he deserved nothing less$ and so do all

the other wo'en *ve released3

The "igure stood #a&k up

Now$ i" you*ll e,&use 'e$ have other 'atters to attend to 5ut don*t worry This ga'e will

&o'e to a &lose soon enough3

Daredevil You*re gonna lure hi' here$ aren*t you63

Yes )e doesn*t know )e hasn*t seen what *ve seen 5ut he will )e*ll see the value o" 'y

work$ and 'ay#e then$ he*ll understand what he is3

+aren s&o""ed

(nd you know63

)e*s a 'an shrouded in darkness ;ust like 'e3

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The "igure turned away and walked towards the door )e pulled it open$ and +aren &ould "aintly

see a #urned hallway through the doorway The "igure then looked over his shoulder at his &aptive

%el&o'e to 9oo' 1J1 This was the roo' where was #orn The roo' where 'y #eloved

+ate #e&a'e 'y "irst pie&e o" art3

)e then stepped out o" the roo' and looked at her$ with his hand still on the doorkno#

Don*t #e a"raid3

< < < <


.he pla&ed her hand on his head .he then started gently ru##ing his #a&k

#It's o5a&/ )one&. I'" )ere.(

)e sighed with relie" as he pulled the kni"e out o" his po&ket

#Don't 3e ara%.(

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Earth-717: Daredevil Vol 1

Chapter 1J: ?aging +aren

!ay#e she*s getting us donuts &ould sure use a donut right now3

don*t think she*s getting us donuts$ Foggy3

Foggy hu""ed and threw up his hands

*' trying to #e an opti'ist$ !att2 5ut$ as always$ you gotta go and #ring 'e #a&k down2

thought Catholi&s were supposed to #e all a#out hope %hat hope is there without donuts63

!att sighed as he and Foggy waited 8ust outside o" ;a&o#*s holding &ell in the &ourthouse

Foggy &he&ked his wat&h again$ even though he had &he&ked it less than a 'inute ago

.he say anything to you last night63 asked Foggy (#out going out$ or dunno$ getting lost63

Foggy$ was here with you when we last saw her$3 answered !att$ even though he knew he

was lying haven*t spoken to her sin&e don*t know where she would #e3

!ay#e she didn*t like #eing an unpaid intern3

.he*s not an unpaid intern3

Yeah$ yeah$ know3

Foggy s&rat&hed the side o" his head

Eh !ay#e she*ll &at&h up .he knows she was supposed to #e here ?ro#a#ly not worth getting

worried too 'u&h a#out it .he 'ight 8ust #e hungover or so'ething Co'e on$ we gotta talk to ;a&o#3

!att nodded and "ollowed Foggy into the roo' ;a&o# was sitting at the ta#le$ waiting "or the'

5oth attorneys sat a&ross "ro' their &lient$ and they pla&ed their "iles on the ta#le

%here*s +aren63 asked ;a&o#

.he should #e 8oining us shortly$3 said !att %e want to go over so'e things with you #e"ore

we pro&eed with the ne,t stage o" the trial3

Yeah$ sure %hatever you need3

Foggy pushed a hand"ul o" photographs in "ront o" ;a&o#$ who started looking the' over

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These are so'e o" the eviden&e photographs "ro' the apart'ents o" #oth vi&ti's$3 said Foggy

%e want you to look the' over "or any points o" &o'parison !ay#e point out anything we 'ight

have 'issed Try to think o" any in"or'ation$ anything at all that we &an use that 'ight help with our

&ase strategy3

;a&o# #linked and narrowed his eyes as he looked at one o" the photographs

)ang on 3

s there so'ething you see63 asked !att

;a&o# gra##ed a photograph o" ;enni"er*s #edroo' with #oth hands

This isn*t right3

Foggy glan&ed at !att "or a 'o'ent #e"ore looking "orward again

%hat*s not right63

This is ;enni"er*s roo'$3 said ;a&o#$ shaking his head 5ut so'ething*s wrong .o'eone else

'ust have #een there3

!att put his hands together

)ow do you know that63

;a&o# put the photograph #a&k on the ta#le and turned it around$ pointing it at Foggy )e then

 pla&ed one o" his inde, "ingers down 8ust a#ove the #ed

)er #ed is per"e&tly 'ade3

Foggy pursed his lips

don*t see how 3

4uys$ dated ;enni"er "or al'ost a whole year knew her #etter than 'ost (nd one thing

a#out ;enny6 4irl never 'ade her #ed Ever Not even on&e3

!att tilted his head slightly to the side as he &onsidered ;a&o#*s words

.o'eone else was in her apart'ent that night$3 said !att You*re saying that whoever did

this$ whoever killed her 'ade her #ed63

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;a&o# shrugged

Can*t say "or sure$ #ut know she sure as hell didn*t do it @nless 3

@nless what63 asked Foggy

;a&o# looked down and started shu""ling through the pi&tures again )e then "ound one o"

.ta&y*s #edroo'$ whi&h also had a per"e&tly 'ade #ed

.ta&y*s #ed 3

s there so'e &onne&tion63 asked !att

The night she died$ ;enny 'entioned at the party that she had ordered a new 'attress t*s uh$

"ro' a store &alled !a&k*s !attresses$ and it*s 8ust ne,t door to the pla&e work at .he said her

'attress &a'e in earlier that day don*t re'e'#er all the details$ #ut thought heard .ta&y asking

a#out it$ &ause she was looking "or a new 'attress too3

%ait a 'inute$3 said Foggy$ his eyes lighting up re'e'#er so'ething a#out that3

Foggy started ri"ling through another one o" the &ase "iles )e pulled out an eviden&e report and

0ui&kly looked it over

)ere 9e&ords "or a 'attress pur&hase were "ound in .ta&y +ris'an*s apart'ent ooks

like yeah$ it was delivered the sa'e day she died3

Foggy #linked as he pla&ed the "iles on the desk

)oly &rap$3 he said 5oth vi&ti's$ on the day they died$ re&eived 'attresses "ro' the sa'e

 pla&e6 %hat kind o" &oin&iden&e is that63

!ay#e it sounds &ray$3 said ;a&o# 5ut think there*s gotta #e so'e &onne&tion3

!att sighed

!ay#e$ #ut it doesn*t prove any 3

!att was interrupted #y the sound o" his &ellphone vi#rating in his po&ket )e gru'#led under

his #reath as he gra##ed the phone

!ight #e +aren$3 he said

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!att stood up and pla&ed the phone ne,t to his ear

!att !urdo&k3

!ister !urdo&k3

!att had to stop hi'sel" "ro' gasping when he re&ognied the voi&e o" the "igure )e would

never "orget the deep and 'odulated tone o" the 'an who nearly killed hi' )e slowly turned #a&k

towards Foggy$ who raised an eye#row at hi'

4i''e a 'o'ent$3 said !att

!att then le"t the roo' and walked around a &orner #e"ore he resu'ed the &onversation

%ho is this63 asked !att$ knowing that he &ould not let the "igure know that he a&tually

re&ognied his voi&e

/h$ think you know$ espe&ially given the "a&t that you*re serving as a de"ense attorney on the

;a&o# 4ri""in &ase )ow is that pro&eeding$ anyhow63

You You*re the killer3

thought a lawyer would know to only 'ake a&&usations when he is &ertain he &an prove the'

in &ourt3

)ow did you get this nu'#er6 %hat do you want63

The "igure &hu&kled !att shivered in response

got this nu'#er o"" o" a #usiness &ard "ound it in +aren ?age*s purse3

!att*s heart nearly stopped

.urprised$ are you63 asked the "igure %eren*t you wondering why she didn*t show up "or

work this 'orning63

You*re lying3

(' 63

( se&ond later$ he &ould hear +aren panting in the #a&kground


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!att62 !att$ oh 4od$ please$ try to 23

+aren62 +aren23

That*s 'ore than enough$ think$3 said the "igure$ with +aren*s voi&e suddenly going silent

Now that we all know the stakes 3

You listen to 'e$ you son o" a #it&h$3 said !att$ as he started to pa&e #a&k and "orth " "ind

you$ swear to 4od$ will 3

%hat will you do6 You*re no hero You*re 8ust a lawyer "ro' )ell*s +it&hen who pro#a#ly

won*t even win his "irst &ase Co'pletely unre'arka#le No$ *' &alling you$ !ister !urdo&k$ #e&ause

suspe&t that you &ould get in tou&h with so'eone "ar 'ore re'arka#le than yoursel"3

!att s&o""ed

(nd who would that #e63


!att &leared his throat

Daredevil6 %-%hy$ why would know Daredevil63

ast night$ +aren ?age was saved #y Daredevil wat&hed the entire in&ident$ the sa'e way

*ve wat&hed hi' #e"ore The way he 'oved and "ought was di""erent )e was 'ore savage$ 'ore

 passionate Clearly$ he &ares a#out !iss ?age in so'e way .he denies it$ o" &ourse$ #ut think he

knows her personally$ whi&h 'eans that there*s a &han&e that you know hi' as well3

!att tugged his &ollar

" *' 'istaken$ *ll "ind hi' via so'e other 'eans 5ut i" you want there to #e any &han&e o"

!iss ?age getting out o" this alive$ you*ll send Daredevil to 'eet 'e3

(nd where are you63

Do you think *' stupid6 " give you 'y lo&ation$ you*ll si'ply send the poli&e No Tell

Daredevil to go to the sa'e pla&e where we "ought The pla&e where #ested hi' There$ he*ll "ind

instru&tions on where to "ind 'e suspe&t that his pride will ensure that he will atte'pt to take 'e

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down hi'sel" (nd re'e'#er$ !ister !urdo&k so long as you do as say$ and you do it "ast$ then

you don*t have to #e a"raid "or +aren ?age3

You*re gonna regret this3

don*t think so ("ter all$ we all do things "or the wo'en we &are a#out$ right63

!att sneered

4ood#ye$ !ister !urdo&k3

The line went dead !att "u'ed as he lowered the phone )e then shouted in anger #e"ore

 pun&hing the wall with his "ree hand (s he ran his "ingers through his hair$ he heard the sound o"

another "a'iliar voi&e #ehind hi'


!att turned around Dakota was walking towards hi'

%hoa$ !att$ what*s going on63


5ad news63

!att shook his head

This really isn*t the ti'e3

ook$ whatever it is$ *ll try 'y #est to help you ;ust talk to 'e3

&an*t 3

Can*t what63

Foggy stepped out into the hallway

%hat*s this all a#out63 asked Foggy heard you yelling3

4uys$ listen$3 said !att don*t have ti'e to e,plain everything don*t even understand or

even #elieve it all 'ysel" yet 5ut have to go Now3

4o63 asked Foggy %here63

t*s i'portant$ Foggy3

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!ore i'portant than the trial6 !att$ we have to #e in &ourt in a &ouple hours23

;ust tell us what*s going on$3 said Dakota

Foggy$ you know wouldn*t do this i" it wasn*t i'portant know need to #e here$ #ut also

need to #e so'ewhere else You 'ight have to take on today #y yoursel" know you &an do it You*re a

great lawyer &an*t e,plain this all right now$ #ut pro'ise$ will You*re 8ust gonna have to trust 'e3

!att$ you know trust you$ #ut what*s going on63

!att$3 said Dakota$ &learly agitated at #eing ignored " you*re in trou#le$ 8ust tell 'e *' a

&op *' trained to deal with this stu"" &an help you with whatever this is3

*' so sorry$3 said !att 5ut you &an*t have to go3

!att then started running down the hallway$ heading "or the "ront entran&e Dakota looked at

hi' in sho&k

!att62 !(TT23

Didn*t even take his &ane$3 said Foggy

("ter a &ouple se&onds$ Dakota started running a"ter !att 5ursting through the "ront doors o"

the &ourt house$ she saw that !att had already #ounded down the stairs and started running a&ross the

 #usy street


!att &ontinued to ignore her as he 'ade it to the other side o" the street$ #arely avoiding #eing

run over #y a ta,i The driver angrily sounded his horn Dakota headed "or the street$ #ut stopped when

she saw !att run into an alley .haking her head in dis#elie"$ she then started to go over several things

in her 'ind

)is in&redi#le hearing The wound on his &hest )is re"le,es )is a#ility to see'ingly navigate

an environ'ent without any aid (nd now$ rushing o"" without #eing willing to tell even his &losest

"riends where he was going

Furrowing her #row$ Dakota then ran towards her s0uad &ar

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Chapter 11: %hat You (re in the Dark 

!att$ now wearing his Daredevil &ostu'e$ &ringed as he pulled hi'sel" up to the roo" o" the

 #uilding )e 'oved towards the hole in the &eiling that had #een &reated when the "igure had thrown

hi' during their "ight ;u'ping down$ he 0ui&kly "ound a 'iniature tape re&order on the "loor t was

 pla&ed ne,t to a s'all stain o" !att*s #lood that re'ained "ro' the other night

?i&king up the re&order$ !att held it &lose to his ear and pressed the play#a&k #utton

)ello$ Daredevil You know who this is " you*re listening to this$ then you*ve re&eived 'y

invitation have +aren ?age$ and i" you &are a#out her even a "ra&tion o" how 'u&h #elieve you do$

then know you won*t hesitate to try and save her want you to know that only targeted her #e&ause

 #elieve this is the #est way o" helping you to understand the value o" 'y work3

!att s&o""ed as he &ontinued to listen

Co'e to the &onde'ned #uilding on Gth .treet +aren and will #e waiting "or you there You

don*t have to worry .he*ll #e 0uite sa"e "or now Don*t #e a"raid Daredevil3

The re&ording stopped !att yelled #e"ore he threw the re&order at the wall$ &ausing it to shatter

)e then 8u'ped towards a pillar and #oun&ed o"" o" it 9ea&hing out with #oth hands$ he gra##ed at the

edge o" the hole in the &eiling and pulled hi'sel" #a&k up to the roo"

< < < <

really hope *' wrong3

Dakota &ould not even #elieve the thoughts that were going through her 'ind at that 'o'ent

.he was now driving through )ell*s +it&hen$ spending as 'u&h ti'e as she &ould s&anning the roo"tops

o" the &ity ?art o" her &ouldn*t even "atho' the hypothesis that she had &o'e up with (nother part o"

her "elt like it was the only possi#le e,planation "or !att*s #ehaviour


/" &ourse it wasn*t$ #ut Dakota &ouldn*t help #ut #e drawn to the worst possi#le &on&lusion$

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regardless o" the &ir&u'stan&es (s she got to a red light$ she stopped and took a &ouple 'o'ents to

 #reathe and &olle&t her thoughts .he wasn*t a&ting rationally These things were &oin&iden&es There

was no way that her theory &ould turn out to #e true

Then Dakota saw Daredevil &li'#ing up the side o" a #uilding in #road daylight

.he gasped as she wat&hed hi' run on the roo" o" the su# shop where she and !att had their

lun&h date )e then leaped into the air$ per"or'ing an aerial so'ersault #e"ore landing on the ne,t roo"

The light turned green Dakota hit the gas and ra&ed down the street$ hoping to keep Daredevil in her

sights .he then wat&hed as he 8u'ped a&ross an alleyway$ holding his ar's &rossed in "ront o" hi'

Dakota gulped as Daredevil s'ashed through a set o" wooden #oards pla&ed over a window o" a

&onde'ned #uilding .teeling hersel"$ Dakota pulled over on the side o" the road .he was a#out to

open the door when she stopped hersel" .he "ound hersel" paralysed #y her own thoughts$ wondering i" 

she was really doing the right thing

("ter a &ouple 'inutes o" ru'ination$ Dakota s&rea'ed and pun&hed the steering wheel .he

then tore her door open and gra##ed her pistol .he ran towards the "ront o" the #uilding$ ignoring the

looks o" various pedestrians /n&e she was at the entran&e$ she took a 'o'ent to ready hersel" #e"ore

ki&king the door in

< < < <

!att 'oved his head around as he tried to get his #earings The &onde'ned #uilding had no

working lights$ as "ar as he &ould tell )e &ould hear 'ultiple heart#eats &o'ing "ro' several levels o"

the stru&ture$ so he had no idea where the "igure or +aren would #e )e let out a &ouple deep #reaths as

he slowly walked "orward$ giving hi'sel" ti'e to re&over "ro' the e,ertion o" "ree-running a&ross hal"

o" )ell*s +it&hen to get here

The "loor he was on was utterly still )e &ould sense only a single heart#eat on this level$ in one

o" the "ar &orners o" the #uilding (s he took a step$ !att*s "oot gently graed a pile o" wood shards

The pla&e was 'ired in "ilth and dirt$ the walls rotting and the "loor#oards stained (sh and dust &hoked

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the air$ and the s'ell o" de&ay 0ui&kly overwhel'ed !att*s nose

!att stepped out o" the roo' and out into the hallway The #uilding used to #e an apart'ent

&o'ple,$ #ut was now nothing 'ore than a rotting &ar&ass !att was on the "ourth "loor$ and he noti&ed

that his #reathing started to 0ui&ken as he &rept "orward Taking in a deep #reath$ he allowed hi'sel" to

rela, "or a 'o'ent #e"ore 'oving again

Then$ the "igure*s voi&e sounded through so'e sort o" speaker syste' that !att &ouldn*t

dis&over the sour&e o"

%el&o'e$ Daredevil see that !ister !urdo&k delivered 'y 'essage3

!att 'oved his head side to side$ hoping to as&ertain e,a&tly where the "igure was

You should have le"t hi' out o" this$3 said !att You should have le"t +aren ?age out o" this

" you want to "ight 'e$ then "ight 'e3

5ut don*t want to "ight you$ vigilante You think this is a#out good and evil (#out 8usti&e$

and what*s right 5ut that &ouldn*t #e "arther "ro' the truth This is a#out understanding (#out art

(#out #eauty3

!att gru'#led as he walked towards a set o" stairs

)uh 8ust realied don*t even have a na'e "or you You &all 'e Daredevil$ so what do

&all you63

The "igure &onsidered !att*s 0uestion "or a 'o'ent

suppose that you having a na'e to use is appropriate You &an &all 'e !ister Fear3

!att &hu&kled

!ister Fear 9eally6 %here did you get that one6 ( &o'i& #ook63

You don*t turn away the na'e you*ve #een given #y the press You e'#ra&e it You take on the

 persona o" a vigilante who goes out in the night to right the wrongs o" his &ity 5e&ause you think that

your "ist is the 8usti&e this &ity deserves Today isn*t a#out 'e$ Daredevil t*s a#out you (#out you

"inally learning why do what do$ and why you and are "ar 'ore alike than you would ever #e

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&o'"orta#le enough to ad'it3

%e*re nothing alike3

Co'e up the stairs and we*ll see3

!att started walking up the stair&ase$ 'aking sure to tread &are"ully in &ase o" a trap /n&e he

was at the top o" the stairs$ he sensed a heart#eat &o'ing "ro' the end o" the hall /ld 'an (t least in

his si,ties .hivering )uddled in the &orner o" the hall$ wrapped in a &oat and a ragged$ soiled #lanket

Clearly starving and struggling 8ust to stay &ons&ious

4o to the third door on the right3

The old 'an &oughed as he looked up$ see'ingly un"aed #y the sound o" the voi&e &o'ing

"ro' the speakers !att shook his head #e"ore going towards the door .tanding 8ust outside o" it$ he

"o&used his hearing )e &ould not sense anything 'oving on the other side No heart#eats$ no other

sounds )owever$ he &ould "eel a slight e'anation o" heat

!att inhaled as he grasped the doorkno# ?ulling it open$ he then slowly stepped through the

doorway /n&e inside the roo'$ he dis&overed that the heat was &o'ing "ro' a set o" "our &andles

 pla&ed on the "loor They were arranged around an o#8e&t slu'ped ne,t to the wall !att gently

s'a&ked his "ist against his &hest to give hi'sel" a #etter read o" the roo'

The o#8e&t was the &orpse o" a young wo'an !att win&ed as he 'ade out that she was naked$

with her ne&k sli&ed wide open Dried #lood had poured "ro' her wound and her eyes$ and so'e o" it

had #een used to write a 'essage on the wall The heat allowed !att to get a visual read on the #lood


!att &len&hed his 8aw

/ne o" the earlier ones$3 said the voi&e .he was struggling to survive as a prostitute .he

o""ered her servi&es to 'e on the street gladly a&&epted$ #ut was not seeking the servi&es she

thought she would provide )er tears were so lovely3

!att turned his head down

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You thought ;enni"er eigh was 'y "irst6 No ;enni"er eigh was 'y pu#li& de#ut3

You*re a psy&hopath$3 said !att

No$ *' really not ;ust your everyday$ average serial killer who likes to 'urder young wo'en

Fairly &o''on$ really The "a&t that have a &ostu'e and a &alling &ard$ well$ that*s 8ust window

dressing 5ut how 'any people dress up in a &ostu'e$ and go out into the night$ taking the law into

their own hands$ and honestly think they*re doing it "or the greater good6 " anyone here is a

 psy&hopath it*s you3

!att groaned$ #ut did not o""er a retort

4o #a&k to the stairs and go up another level %e*ll see ea&h other soon3

< < < <

Dakota pla&ed her #a&k against the wall$ holding her pistol with #oth hands Closing her eyes

"or a 'o'ent$ she "o&used on slowing her #reathing /n&e she was ready$ she ai'ed her gun "orward

and peered around the &orner The doorway was open$ with the door having a Do Not Enter3 sign

taped onto it

Dakota lowered her gun upon realiing that no one was in the roo' )owever$ she &ould still

hear so'e kind o" #u##ling noise The roo' was a va&ant and de&aying apart'ent$ so she wasn*t sure

what the noise &ould possi#ly #e .he then &oughed as she "elt heat &o'ing "ro' the #athroo' (s she

'ade her way there$ she heard the #u##ling grow louder

( shower &urtain was #lo&king her view o" the tu# )olding her pistol at the ready$ Dakota

rea&hed "or the &urtain and pulled it to the side .he had to i''ediately pla&e her "ree hand over her

'outh to dea"en the sound o" her gasp

/h "u&k23

nside the tu# was a #arrel o" per&hlori& a&id$ in whi&h the #ody o" a 'ale poli&e o""i&er was

dissolving .he re&ognied hi' as an o""i&er "ro' the 1Bth ?re&in&t /nly hal" o" his "a&e$ his right ar'

and part o" one o" his legs were still sti&king out o" the li0uid

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;esus Christ3

Dakota took a "ew steps #a&k$ knowing that there was nothing she &ould do "or hi' .he then

heard a voi&e &o'ing in through so'e sort o" speaker t was "aint$ and &o'ing "ro' the upper levels

;enni"er eigh was 'y pu#li& de#ut3

.&owling$ Dakota le"t the roo' and headed "or the stairs .he held her pistol at the ready$ slowly

'aking her way upwards

< < < <

!ister Fear wat&hed Daredevil*s progress "ro' his &ontrol roo' )e was sitting in a &hair in

"ront o" a set o" 'onitors$ whi&h showed hi' "ootage "ro' various hidden &a'eras he had installed

throughout the #uilding )e wat&hed Daredevil arrive on the si,th "loor )e wat&hed as +aren

&ontinued to struggle against her restraints

)e raised an eye#row as he saw Dakota 'oving up a set o" stairs on the lower levels

< < < <

First door on the le"t3

!att opened the door without hesitation )e knew that ti'e "or +aren was short$ #ut he also

knew that he had to play along with !ister Fear*s ga'e until he revealed her lo&ation )e &ould sense

another heart#eat on this "loor$ #ut he had no way o" knowing who it was )is #lood was #oiling with

rage at this point$ #ut he knew that any out#urst 'ight set the killer o"" )e &alled on his inner strength

to 'aintain his resolve

nside o" the roo'$ !att "ound another naked &orpse with #lood tears$ #ut this one was

sprawled on the "loor !ore &andles were pla&ed around her #ody$ and a pentagra' had #een drawn

underneath her in her own #lood !ore #lood had #een used to write another 'essage on the wall


!att &len&hed #oth o" his "ists

This one was interesting saw her at the park$ and knew had to have her "or 'ysel"

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wat&hed her "ro' the roo"tops until knew her pattern Then$ when the ti'e was right$ a#du&ted her

when no one was looking .he was a university student )er "a'ily is still looking "or her$ as "ar as

&an tell They say this type o" girl has a #right "uture$ #ut there*s no "uture in the world we live in

gave her a real "uture released her$ and showed the world what she &ould really #e3

)ow 'any63 asked !att )ow 'any lives have #een lost #e&ause o" your si&k "antasies63

You*re presu'ing that this world has a li"e to live There*s no #eauty in this world /nly

through death &an true potential #e a&hieved %hy do you think let you live that night we "ought63

!att gulped

You know &ould have killed you i" wanted to You were in&apa&itated &ould have walked

right up to you and skewered your heart with 'y s&ythe 5ut didn*t Do you want to know why63

!att heard a "aint #uing sound$ al'ost like a type o" ele&tri& &urrent )e &ouldn*t #e &ertain$

 #ut he thought he &ould hear it "ro' one o" the roo's on the "loor a#ove hi'

*' sure you*ll tell 'e either way$3 said !att

didn*t kill you #e&ause you don*t deserve it3

!att s&o""ed


You don*t deserve a #eauti"ul death You don*t deserve to #e released$ to #e&o'e art the way

these wo'en have Their #eauty has earned the' that right 5ut you were trying to stop 'y work

etting you have the privilege o" 8oining the' would have devalued what they have #e&o'e3

thought you said we were alike3

%e are %e*re #oth 'en shrouded in darkness %hether you ad'it it or not$ know that you*re

aware o" the "utility o" &ivilied li"e That*s why you wear the 'ask %hy you go out in the night to

satis"y your darkest urges %hy you adopt a persona to 'ake up "or the "ailings o" the li"e so&iety has

granted you3

do what do to help people3

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(nd so do You 8ust don*t understand it yet 5ut you will You will when you see her3

No 'ore ga'es$3 said !att %here*s +aren63

!ister Fear &hu&kled

.o you do &are a#out her %onder"ul Now you*ll understand 4o to the roo' at the very "ar

end o" the hall t*s la#elled 9oo' 1J13

!att turned around and headed "or the door

.he*s waiting "or you3

!att ripped the door open and started running down the hall )e got to the end o" it$ and pla&ed

his "ingers against the plate )e &ould "eel that the words 9oo' 1J13 were indeed et&hed into the

'etal (s he rea&hed "or the door$ the "aint s&ent o" a "a'iliar per"u'e 'anaged to #reak through the

s'ell o" de&ay

)e #urst through the door$ and +aren looked up at hi' with wide eyes


+aren was sitting in a &hair in the &entre o" the roo' (long with a lone$ di' light #ul# shining

dire&tly on her$ several &andles were pla&ed in a &ir&le around her .he was tied to the &hair with a thi&k 

&a#le wrapped around #oth her ar's and her legs ( &ouple o" wires were wrapped around her wrists

.he looked &o'pletely e,hausted$ and her eyes were #loodshot !att &ould sense one last 'essage

written on the wall in #lood


+aren started &rying as she stared at !att

?lease$ oh 4od$ please$ please$ get 'e$ get 'e out o" here3

will$3 said !att

!att took a &ouple steps towards her #e"ore the sound o" !ister Fear*s voi&e &a'e in through

the speakers

wouldn*t do that$ Daredevil (t least$ not until you*ve heard 'e out /therwise$ no one is

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getting out o" this alive3

+aren looked upward in "ear

%hat do you 'ean623 asked !att

%e*re going to have a "inal test$ Daredevil To see i" you &an truly understand the 'eaning o"

'y work et*s start o"" with the deterrent " you try to re'ove +aren ?age "ro' that &hair$ and you rip

the wires atta&hed to her wrists$ then this entire #uilding will e,plode3

%)(T623 yelled !att

+aren gulped

/h 4od 3

ook at the le"t wall$ Daredevil3

!att turned to the le"t )e sensed a large s&ythe #lade that was 'ounted on the wall$ along with

the gas gun The #lade was the sa'e sie as the one that !ister Fear used on his gauntlet

That*s it That #lade will #e what releases +aren ?age "ro' this world3

%hat are you talking a#out63 asked !att

This is your test Those wires on !iss ?age*s wrists are atta&hed to a heart#eat 'onitor That

'onitor is a&ting as the trigger devi&e "or a set o" e,plosives that have #een pla&ed all over this

 #uilding n two 'inutes$ i" her heart is still #eating$ this #uilding will e,plode$ killing not only

everyone inside$ #ut 'ost likely hundreds o" people in the ad8a&ent stru&tures3

+aren so##ed !att honed his senses onto the ele&tri&ity in the wrist wires$ whi&h &on"ir'ed

what !ister Fear was saying

" you tear those wires and try to get her out o" the &hair$ the e,plosives will #e set o"" The

only way to save yoursel"$ the people living in this #uilding$ and everyone near#y is to take up 'y

&hallenge @se the gun$ then the #lade Cut her throat 9elease her$ and help 'e &reate 'y 'asterpie&e

This is 'y "inal tri#ute to +ate$ the love o" 'y li"e .he showed 'e that there*s nothing 'ore #eauti"ul

than a dead wo'an .he showed 'e what art &ould #e3

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Y/@ 5(.T(9D23

*' a visionary$ Daredevil (nd now$ you*ll "inally understand why Ti'e*s running out (nd

re'e'#er 3

+aren &ontinued to &ry

Don*t #e a"raid3

!att put his hands over his "a&e$ not knowing what to do +aren shook her head as tears

strea'ed down #oth &heeks

;ust do it$3 she said Do it$ and stop hi' ?lease ?lease 3

No &an*t &an*t3

t*s the only way3

!att shook his head and &losed his eyes$ knowing that he only had se&onds to 'ake a &hoi&e

< < < <

Dakota ran up the stairs to the seventh and "inal "loor$ having heard all o" !ister Fear*s dialogue

over the speakers .he knew that she only had se&onds to spare The "loor only had one s'all hallway$

with a roo' at the very end %ith her pistol at the ready$ she ki&ked the door down .he saw a

&o'puter station with several 'onitors$ #ut no one was in the &hair

.tepping into the roo'$ she ai'ed her gun around$ looking "or any sign o" the villain The last

&orner "or her to &he&k was the one he was waiting in )e leaped towards her$ seiing her with #oth

hands .he shouted as he kno&ked her gun away and wrapped his "ingers around her throat

You don*t deserve a #eauti"ul death For your inter"eren&e$ you*ll #e dissolved3

)e then #ashed her in the "a&e with his 'etal 'ask$ &ausing her to shout in pain )e then

dragged her over to the side o" the roo'$ and pulled open a s'all &loset (nother #arrel o" per&hlori&

a&id was inside ?un&hing her in the #a&k o" the head$ he then started pushing Dakota towards the a&id

.he struggled against hi'$ #ut she was still daed "ro' his a'#ush


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Dakota #linked as !att 8u'ped into the roo'$ holding #oth o" his #atons over his head )e then

 #rought the' down on !ister Fear*s #ody$ #ashing the villain away The "or&e o" the atta&k kno&ked

Dakota against the #arrel o" a&id$ tipping it over The a&id spilled all over the "loor$ with 'ost o" it

heading towards the &o'puter station

!ister Fear s&rea'ed in agony as the a&id #urned his gloved hands$ whi&h were pla&ed against

the "loor !att and Dakota #oth s&ra'#led out o" the way as the a&id short-&ir&uited the &o'puter

station !att then heard all o" the ele&troni&s power down$ &utting o"" energy to the e,plosive &ir&uits

Dakota then looked down and saw that the a&id was a#out to eat through the "loor

%ith 9oo' 1J1 right #eneath it

4et hi'23 said Dakota *ll save +aren23

Dakota sprinted #a&k down the stairs !att "u'ed as he gra##ed !ister Fear with #oth hands

and held hi' up so that they were "a&e to "a&e

Your turn to #e a"raid$3 said !att

)e yelled as he then heaved !ister Fear towards the stairs$ &ausing hi' to tu'#le down the'

(t the sa'e 'o'ent$ Dakota #urst into 9oo' 1J1$ and saw that a drop o" a&id had 8ust landed #etween

+aren*s legs .he s&rea'ed as 'ore a&id started to pour down towards her Dakota ran "or +aren and

gra##ed her around the waist #e"ore throwing #oth her and the &hair she was tied to out o" the way

5oth Dakota and +aren #arely got out o" the a&id*s range in ti'e +aren was kno&ked

un&ons&ious$ and Dakota then gra##ed the s&ythe #lade !eanwhile$ !att gra##ed !ister Fear o"" the

"loor and #ashed hi' against the wall )e then rea&hed "or the 'ask and tore it o""$ revealing a "a&e he

did not re&ognie

!att then started repeatedly pun&hing hi' in the "a&e Ea&h #low was 'ore savage and

 power"ul than the last$ "uelled #y all o" the rage and "ear that !att had #een "eeling during his ti'e in

the &onde'ned #uilding ("ter eleven #lows$ the villain*s "a&e was #ruised and #loody )e then

&hu&kled as he looked up at !att

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!att "u'ed and held his "ist #a&k$ ready to deliver another pun&h

%hat*s so "unny63

You You and your #rand o" vigilante 8usti&e3

The villain &oughed #e"ore &ontinuing

You*re so terri"ied o" 8ust a&&epting who you are Do it 9elease 'e You know you want to

&an "eel it +ill 'e$ and #e who you truly are in the dark3

!att &len&hed his "ist tighter and prepared to pun&h hi' again 5ut then$ his thoughts went #a&k 

to his "ather*s "ate"ul words

#No "atter )o+ scare% &o0 are/ Matt&/ %on't e$er let t)e" 5no+ t. Ma5e t)e" t)n5 &o0're t)e

"ost earless "an n t)e +orl%.(

!att let go o" his "ist as he "inally understood the wisdo' his "ather had tried to i'part on hi'

all those years ago )e let go o" the 'an #e"ore hi' and stood #a&k up ( &ouple se&onds later$ the 'an

&losed his eyes and passed out !att then took a deep #reath$ knowing that the ordeal was "inally over


!att "elt his heart nearly stop as he turned to "a&e Dakota .he was standing a "ew 'etres away

"ro' hi' !att &ould sense that she had &ut +aren*s #onds and &arried her un&ons&ious #ody out into

the hall


You*re you*re 3

Yeah *' *' sorry3

!att then ran towards one o" the other roo's #e"ore 8u'ping out the window Dakota &ried "or

a "ew se&onds #e"ore looking at the un&ons&ious 'an #e"ore her

)e was arry$ the &o-worker o" ;a&o# 4ri""in that she had interviewed

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Chapter 1=: %ithout Fear 

9a&hel s&owled as she #urst into the roo'$ with .arah at her side

%hat the hell is the 'eaning o" this63

Trial*s over$3 said Foggy ;a&o#*s going "ree .ounds like you 8ust got a loss on your re&ord3

9a&hel "olded her ar's as she looked at Dakota$ !att and Foggy

%hat happened63

Dakota s'irked

%e &aught the real guy awren&e Cranston )e*s in there right now3

Dakota pointed towards the interview roo' arry was inside$ with his heavily #andaged hands

&hained to the desk 5rett was with hi'$ writing down so'e details on a do&u'ent

!y partner*s 'aking so'e "inal ad8ust'ents to his state'ent$3 said Dakota Cranston has

&on"essed to the 'urders o" ;enni"er eigh$ .ta&y +ris'an$ one poli&e o""i&er and several other

wo'en$ as well as the kidnapping and atte'pted 'urder o" +aren ?age %e "ound 'ultiple #odies at a

&onde'ned #uilding on Gth .treet$ where he was arrested (ll o" the #odies 'at&h his !/ The 1B th 

?re&in&t is &o'#ing over the #uilding now$ gathering enough eviden&e to lo&k his ass #ehind #ars "or

three li"eti'es even i" he didn*t &on"ess3

9a&hel &len&hed her 8aw as she glared at arry

)e also &on"ir'ed how he 'anaged to enter the apart'ents o" #oth vi&ti's$3 &ontinued

Dakota )e worked at the sa'e /s&orp &he'i&al "a&ility as 4ri""in$ e,plaining the to,i&ant 5ut he

was also sneaking into the #uilding ne,t door !a&k*s !attresses )e &ut holes in the #otto' o"

'attresses the vi&ti's had ordered and hid hi'sel" inside That was how he s'uggled hi'sel" into the

apart'ents without leaving any signs o" "or&ed entry3

This &ase is over$3 said !att$ holding his &ane with #oth hands %e*ve already &onta&ted

;udge ewis ;a&o# 4ri""in is #eing released pending "inal approval o" !ister Cranston*s state'ent3

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9a&hel sneered .arah gulped

/ooh$3 said Foggy That*s gotta sting Don*t worry !ay#e you &ould #alan&e the s&ales again

i" you prose&ute Cranston6 'ean$ he*s 'ore than likely going to plead guilty$ so it shouldn*t #e that

hard *' sure you &an handle it3

You think this is a 8oke63 asked 9a&hel

No$3 said !att %e think this is 8usti&e3

9a&hel "lared her nostrils

You 'ay think that today is a vi&tory "or Nelson > !urdo&k 5ut this is 8ust one &ase$ and

so'eday$ you 'ight "ind that the eventual &ost o" this will "ar outweigh the i''ediate gain %e*ll see

ea&h other again *ll 'ake sure o" it3

9a&hel and .arah then turned around and walked away

*ll go and &he&k to see how 5rett is doing$3 said Dakota

Dakota then entered the roo'$ &losing the door #ehind her !att sighed Foggy looked at his

"riend #e"ore gently pun&hing hi' in the shoulder

)ey$3 he said This is a happy 'o'ent$ right6 You don*t look happy3

8ust$ don*t know how to e,plain 3

)ey$ it*s alright No need3

!att raised an eye#row

Dakota &alled 'e Told 'e the whole story3

The whole 63

Yeah .aid that Cranston &alled you and threatened you$ told you a#out hi' taking +aren You

"reaked out$ thinking you &ould do so'ething$ #e"ore you put your head #a&k on straight and told

Dakota 'ean$ it*s alright$ get it You wanted to help$ and that*s good 5ut Dakota*s a &op .hould

 pro#a#ly leave the whole #eating up the #ad guys thing to her3

!att &hu&kled

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)eh Yeah .orry t*s not like *' a hero3

Foggy s'iled and put his hand on !att*s shoulder

Yeah$ you are awyers are heroes too #et ;a&o# would agree with that3

Yeah 5et he would3

Co'e on %e got things to do$ partner +aren &ould pro#a#ly use a visit$ and ;a&o# needs the

good news3

< < < <

("ter retrieving +aren "ro' the hospital$ and her insisting that she was okay$ the three 'e'#ers

o" Nelson > !urdo&k returned to the &ourt house ;a&o# 4ri""in was o""i&ially released$ and he

&hanged "ro' his in'ate uni"or' #a&k into his &ivilian &lothes They told hi' a#out arry$ and a#out

how he had &on"essed to the 'urders a"ter his &apture

.till &an*t #elieve it$3 said ;a&o#$ as they walked down the steps o" the &ourt house arry

Cranston always &onsidered hi' a "riend3

The group stopped at the #otto' o" the stairs ;a&o# sighed

.hows what know3

None o" this was your "ault$3 said +aren You &ouldn*t have known %hat*s i'portant is that

you*re "ree$ and you*re inno&ent %e*re 8ust happy we &ould help you out o" this3

(nd you did (ll o" you Thank you all so 'u&h3

t*s what we do$3 said Foggy

Doesn*t &hange that she*s gone$3 said ;a&o#$ "rowning 5ut at least now$ she &an rest (nd

'ay#e so'eday &an put 'y li"e #a&k together3

!att held out his hand

%e wish you the #est o" lu&k$ ;a&o# " you ever need "urther legal &ounsel$ don*t hesitate3

;a&o# shook !att*s hand

;ust don*t "orget the &he0ue$3 said Foggy$ &hu&kling

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;a&o# s'iled


;a&o# then turned around and started walking down the street !att$ +aren and Foggy all turned

to ea&h other

4otta say$ !urdo&k$3 said Foggy think this is the start o" so'ething #eauti"ul3

Certainly hope so3

8ust hope not every &ase we take on involves 'e getting kidnapped #y so'e psy&ho$3 said

+aren Not the kind o" workpla&e haard was e,pe&ting (nd uh$ on&e ;a&o#*s &he0ue &lears 3

You*ll get your share$ don*t worry$3 said !att %e keep our pro'ises *ll 'ake sure Foggy

doesn*t #low it all on hot dogs or so'ething3

like hot dogs$3 said +aren$ shrugging

Foggy s'iled and pointed at +aren

Thank you2 .ee$ this is 'y kind o" wo'an23

< < < <

)er ar's "olded$ 9a&hel silently stood inside her o""i&e .he stared out at the &ity as the sun

disappeared over the horion .he lost tra&k o" ti'e as she "u'ed$ knowing that the out&o'e o" the

;a&o# 4ri""in &ase was going to have an adverse e""e&t on her &a'paign plat"or' Then$ she was

suddenly 8ostled out o" her thoughts #y her phone ringing

.he pulled her &ellphone out o" her po&ket and held it to her ear

9a&hel Drey"uss3


.enator %hat &an do "or you63

?lease$ &all 'e 9andolph &alled as soon as heard a#out the out&o'e o" the 4ri""in &ase

That had to #e so'ething o" a #low know you wanted to look good right #e"ore the ele&tion3

9a&hel sighed

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Yes$ well$ that*s not going to happen now3

Don*t sound so de"eated$ 9a&hel That*s not the wo'an know The one who would throttle

anyone who got in her way3

9a&hel s&o""ed

%hy don*t you 8ust go ahead and ask 'e whatever it is you &alled to ask 'e63

want to have another 'eeting Dinner this ti'e )owever$ we*re going to #e 8oined #y

so'eone want you to 'eet .o'eone who has helped 'e$ and now$ #elieve$ he &an help you3

)elp 'e with what6 %ho is this 'an63

You*ll "ind out et*s 8ust say$ that i" you*re still interested in #eing Distri&t (ttorney$ you*ll

strongly &onsider his o""er3

9a&hel narrowed her eyes

< < < <

etting out a deep #reath$ +aren stepped into her apart'ent ("ter lo&king the door$ she pla&ed

her purse on the "loor and headed "or the #athroo' .he took a long$ hot shower$ &rying the entire ti'e

("ter drying hersel" o"" and putting on 'ore &o'"orta#le &lothes$ she returned to the living roo' and

stared down at her purse

+aren sighed as she rea&hed into it$ "inding the heroin #ag she had pur&hased "ro' 5la&kie a"ter 

she le"t the &ourt house 9u##ing her "orehead$ she then walked over to the &up#oard where she kept

her needle

< < < <

!att was in the 'iddle o" 'editating when he heard a kno&k at his door ("ter standing up$ he

'ade his way to the entran&e )e knew who would #e waiting "or hi' on the other side


Can we talk63

!att nodded #e"ore gesturing "or her to enter )e &losed the door #ehind her

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Dakota$ listen$ &an 3

don*t need you to e,plain don*t really think you &ould Not in a way that will 'ake any

sense to 'e ike$ how you &ould do all the things you do when you*re 3

a' #lind$ Dakota a' 5ut when lost 'y sight$ 'y other senses$ they i'proved t*s

why &an do what do3

Dakota shook her head

@n#elieva#le don*t &are how you pull all that parkour shit o""$ !att You lied to 'e told

you a#out 9i&ky %hat happened when "ound out the truth )ow &ould you keep that "ro' 'e63

)ow was supposed to tell you62 /h$ hey Dakota$ sorry a#out your #rother$ #ut #y the way$

happen to 8u'p a&ross roo"tops at night as a &ostu'ed vigilante2 You wanna let 'e know how *'

supposed to #ring that up623

Dakota &losed her eyes !att "rowned

*' sorry$3 he said

You don*t have to apologie 5ut &an*t #e with you i" this is what you do &an*t do it3

Dakota$ please Don*t$ don*t walk away know we &an have so'ething good .o'ething real3

%e did$ !att %e &ould have 5ut not like this3

Dakota walked #a&k to the door .he was a#out to leave when she looked over her shoulder

Your se&ret*s sa"e with 'e$3 she said pro'ise3

(nd with that$ Dakota was gone %hile !att spent so'e ti'e la'enting her walking out o" his

li"e this way$ he was also 'ore &onvin&ed than ever that #eing Daredevil was the right &hoi&e )e had

stopped !ister Fear )e had saved +aren (nd as !att ran a&ross the roo"tops o" )ell*s +it&hen$ he

re'e'#ered another na'e the press gave hi' that he "inally "elt he &ould e'#ra&e

The !an %ithout Fear


Daredevil %ill 9eturn

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Turk$ along with two o" his &rew$ were dragged into an o""i&e #y se&urity sta"" The o""i&e was

in a lu,urious #uilding$ and the de&or inside indi&ated that it was owned #y a 'an with re"ined and

e,pensive tastes Turk noti&ed that there were several pie&es o" art hanging on the walls$ in&luding one

he re&ognied "ro' when he had tried to kidnap a wo'an "ro' the .&ene Conte'po 4allery

/n your knees3

/ne o" the se&urity o""i&ers ki&ked Turk in the leg$ and he "ell to his knees The other two 'en

went down without hesitation Turk looked "orward to see Vanessa$ the wo'an he had tried to kidnap$

standing #e"ore hi' .he was ne,t to a tall$ i'posing 'an with a #ald head$ a #la&k suit and the kind o" 

glare that &ould #reak a 'an without a single word

Turk gulped as he looked up at the 'an #e"ore hi' )e "iddled with the &u""link on his le"t

sleeve "or a 'o'ent #e"ore he spoke

You tried to take so'ething "ro' 'e don*t appre&iate that3

Yo 'an$3 said Turk %e was 8ust "ollowin* orders Take it up with Don 9igoletto 'an2 %e$ we

work "or hi'2 D-Didn*t know we were kidnapping your lady23

Vanessa sneered

know who you work "or$3 said the 'an %orked$ should say !ister 9igoletto is no longer

with us )e su""ered greatly #e"ore passing )e paid the pri&e "or trying to hurt Vanessa3