Earn pdus-creatively

How do I earn PDUs? 7 Creative Ways to Earn PDUs Earning professional development units (PDUs) does not have to be complicated. Did you know that PMI offers PDUs in several categories—many of which reward your passion for your career and your hunger for learning? Check out these pins of some creative ways to earn PDUs and renew your certifications. Study for your Vocation on your Vacation Who says that self-study can’t be more interesting? There are so many intriguing books on your profession—many of which are available in PMI’s store. Bring a title or two along with your bathing suit or ski poles and earn Self-Directed PDUs! Pack some PDUs for your Next Trip Have a long flight or commute coming up? Make use of your time in transit by listening to a podcast or webinar about your professional area and earn Self-Directed Learning PDUs. Fire up the Keyboard No matter what your field or industry—or experience level—others can benefit from your lessons learned or revolutionary ideas. Share your thoughts on a community site such as www.projectmanagement.com and earn Creating New Project Management Knowledge PDUs. Knowledge is Power (and PDUs) Knowledge transfer is essential to what you do. But did you know formal discussions about your profession can count as Self-Directed Learning PDUs? Consider starting a knowledge transfer session with your peers and earn PDUs together. Be a Mentor—or a Mentee If you’re an experienced professional, consider becoming a mentor to your colleagues. Your insight can help enhance their knowledge and skills—and you can receive PDUs under the Volunteer Service category. What’s more, your mentees can claim PDUs under Self-Directed Learning. Lend a Hand Many volunteer organizations need your professional knowledge and skills. Not only will you gain the satisfaction of helping others, you can also log PDUs under the Volunteer Service category. Explore your Creative Side With today’s technology almost anyone can create stunning multimedia content. Make a video or a podcast that shares your professional expertise and you can earn PDUs under Creating New Project Management Knowledge. And that’s not all... Learn more on the Ways to Earn PDUs page and in the “Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) Program” section of the Project Management Professional (PMP) ® handbook. Published 17 June 2015 References: Fichtner, C. (25 Oct., 2012). Earning PDUs Made Easy: A Six-Step Approach. Projectmanagement.com. Gilchrist, P. (29 Nov., 2012). Why Are You Paying for PDUs? Projectmanagement.com. Griffiths, M. (9 Sept., 2013). Money for Nothing, PDUs for Free. Projectmanagement.com. ©2015 Project Management Institute, Inc. www.pmi.org

Transcript of Earn pdus-creatively

Page 1: Earn pdus-creatively

How do I earn PDUs?

7 Creative Ways to Earn PDUsEarning professional development units (PDUs) does not have to be complicated. Did you know that PMI offers PDUs in several categories—many of which reward your passion for your career and your hunger for learning?

Check out these pins of some creative ways to earn PDUs and renew your certifications.

Study for your Vocation on your VacationWho says that self-study can’t be more interesting? There are so many intriguing books on your profession—many of which are available in PMI’s store. Bring a title or two along with your bathing suit or ski poles and earn Self-Directed PDUs!

Pack some PDUs foryour Next TripHave a long flight or commute coming up? Make use of your time in transit by listening to a podcast or webinar about your professional area and earn Self-Directed Learning PDUs.

Fire up the KeyboardNo matter what your field or industry—or experience level—others can benefit from your lessons learned or revolutionary ideas. Share your thoughts on a community site such as www.projectmanagement.com and earn Creating New Project Management Knowledge PDUs.

Knowledge is Power (and PDUs) Knowledge transfer is essential to what you do. But did you know formal discussions about your profession can count as Self-Directed Learning PDUs? Consider starting a knowledge transfer session with your peers and earn PDUs together.

Be a Mentor—or a MenteeIf you’re an experienced professional, consider becoming a mentor to your colleagues. Your insight can help enhance their knowledge and skills—and you can receive PDUs under the Volunteer Service category. What’s more, your mentees can claim PDUs under Self-Directed Learning.

Lend a HandMany volunteer organizations need your professional knowledge and skills. Not only will you gain the satisfaction of helping others, you can also log PDUs under the Volunteer Service category.

Explore your Creative SideWith today’s technology almost anyone can create stunning multimedia content. Make a video or a podcast that shares your professional expertise and you can earn PDUs under Creating New Project Management Knowledge.

And that’s not all...Learn more on the Ways to Earn PDUs page and in the “Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) Program” section of the Project Management Professional (PMP)® handbook.

Published 17 June 2015


Fichtner, C. (25 Oct., 2012). Earning PDUs Made Easy: A Six-Step Approach. Projectmanagement.com.Gilchrist, P. (29 Nov., 2012). Why Are You Paying for PDUs? Projectmanagement.com.Griffiths, M. (9 Sept., 2013). Money for Nothing, PDUs for Free. Projectmanagement.com.

©2015 Project Management Institute, Inc. www.pmi.org