Early Man

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This power point discusses the origins of early man and his migration. It incorporates a few YouTube videos and talking points to enhance additional data on the slides.

Transcript of Early Man

  • 1. Origins of Man and Early Societies By Dr. Jennifer Levin-Goldberg

2. Migration 1.Where did early man come from in an evolutionary perspective? 2. How did people all over the world get to where they are? 3. How did early man go from nomadic primitive life to a modern technological industry? 3. DownWith Geico!

  • Where did early man come from in an evolutionary perspective?
  • How did people all over the world get to where they are?
  • 3. How did early man go from nomadic primitive life to a modern technological industry?

Turn to your partner Mindset 4. Your Ideas 5. Theories on prehistory and early man constantly change as new evidence comes to light.- Louis Leakey, Britishpaleoanthropologist The First Humans 6. Early Discoveries 7. Stages of Early Human Development 1.4,000,000 BCE 1,000,000 BCE 2.1,500,000 BCE -- 250,000 BCE 3 .250,000 BCE 30,000 BCE 4.30,000 BCE -- 10,000 BCE Paleolithic Age : ( Old Stone Age ) 2,500,000 BCEto 8,000 BCE 8. Primates Human Evolution One theory is that humans evolved from primates. Humans branched off to be Anthropoids and apes as Prosimii.Our closest living relative is the chimpanzee. We share 98% of the same genes with the chimp. 9. 10. The Paleolithic Age

  • Paleolithic --> Old Stone Age
  • 2,500,000 BCE 10,000 BCE

Hunter/Gatherer Society

  • Made tools from stone

11. Stage 1 4,000,000 BCE 1,000,000 BCE 12. Australopithecus Afarensis: Lucy The first, most complete Australopithecus afarenis skeleton found was located in Hadar, Ethiopia by Dr. Johanson. He found a knee joint, validating that the creature was bipedal; walking upright making the remains a hominid.Hadar, Ethiopia Dr. Johanson 13. Laetoli Footprints Found in Laetoli, Tanzania. The hominid that created it wasAustralopithecus Afarensis . 14. Ardipithecus Ramidus The oldest known ancestor to modern day humans and is considered the missing link between apes and humans.Known asArdi. 15. Stage 1 HOMO HABILIS ( Handy Man )

  • His fossils were f ound in theOlduvaiGorge in Tanzania by Dr. Leakey .

Firstearliest known species of the genus Homo; that is, the first human species.First Homo specie to create and use stone tools for hunting and daily life. 16. The Paleolithic Age

  • Humans during this period found shelter in caves.
  • Cave paintings left behind.

Purpose?? 17. The three themes found in cave art were animals, signs, and human representations. The most common were animals, in particular, the horse and the leastdepicted were human representations. 18. Stage 2 1,6000,000 BCE 30,000 BCE HOMO ERECTUS( Upright Man ) Tools were larger and varied First hominid to migrate and leave Africa First to use fireBIPEDAL 19. Their skeletons are larger unlike Australopithecus afarensis and built more like our own.They were carnivores. Their brain size doubled, making their brains much larger. Scientists find a correlation between brain size and body size. According to the research, the larger the brain, the bigger the body. 20. The most famous Homo Erectus fossil was found in a cave in Zhoukoudian, China and became known as Peking Man. 21. Differing Human Migration Theories A. Out of Africa Theory, also known as the Radiation Theory .B. Multiregional Theory, also known as Parallel Evolution Theory 22. Stage 3 200,000 BCE 10,000 BCE HOMO SAPIENS ( Wise Man ) Neanderthals ( 200,000 BCE 30,000 BCE ) Homo sapien sapien) ( 40,000 BCE 10,000 BCE ) 23. Stage 3 NEANDERTHALS:

  • Neander Valley,Germany (1856)
  • First humans to bury their dead.
  • Made clothes from animal skins.
  • Lived in caves and valleys.

24. They didnt go far from their homes. They hunted and lived in small groups. Their weapons were used to impale animals up close. Communication was key in hunting because they had to work as a team.They had the ability to use complex speech. Instead of painting on cave walls they painted their faces. 25. Stage 3 NEANDERTHALS 26. Stage 3

  • Homo sapien sapiens, a.k.a. Cro-Magnon Man ( Wise, wise human )
  • By 30,000 BCE they replaced Neanderthals.

WHY??? 27. Homo sapien sapiens lived on top of hillsides.Hunted from a distance due to advanced weaponry. They were better at obtaining resources.They painted on cave walls demonstrating that they were thinking symbolically. They too buried their dead. Potentially saw Neanderthals as mates. 28. Homo sapien sapiens settlements Their migration pattern. How were they able to cross over though? The Bering Strait 29. The Last Ice Age 70,000 BCE 10,000 BCE A possible explanation for this wasdue to the increase of oxygen in the atmosphere which oxidized with the methane present in the atmosphere which kept the Earth warm. This is known as the Great Oxidation Event. 30. The Neolithic Age NeolithicNew Stone Age

  • 10,000 BCE 4,000 BCE
  • Gradual shift from:

Nomadic lifestyle settled, stationery lifestyle;a.k.a.sedentary Hunting/Gathering agricultural production and domestication of animals. 31.

  • The hunter-gatherer exploits the environment; the agriculturalist modifies it.

32. vClicker 33.

  • Is agriculture essential to the development of a civilization? Explain your response.
  • How did Homo sapiens go from nomadic cultures to an agricultural society?
  • What impact do you think agriculture had upon Homo sapiens society?

Agricultural Revolution Mindset 34. The Agricultural Revolution

  • 8,000 BCE 5,000 BCE
  • There are conflicting debates justifying how and why agriculture developed.
  • How?
  • Did all regions learn about agriculture independently?
  • Did different region learn about agriculture through cultural diffusion?
  • Why?
  • Did agriculture develop due to changes in the climate
  • Did agriculture develop due to population explosions?

Middle EastIndiaCentral AmericaChinaSoutheast Asia 8,000 BCE7,000 BCE6,500 BCE6,000 BCE5,000 BCE Now its your turn; what do you think? Agriculture first developed in the Fertile Crescent which is in the Middle East. 35. The Agricultural Revolution Why do some archaeologists believe that women were the first farmers? 36.

  • Since men did the hunting and females were responsible for the food gathering, women learned how to plant seeds, as well as process and prepare the food.

You Go Girl! 37. Early Settled Communities

  • Growing crops on a regular basis made possible thesupport of larger populations.
  • More permanent, settled communities emerged.
  • The first towns were Jericho in Israel and the largest was in Catal Huyuk (modern day Turkey).

38. Early Settled Communities atal Hyk 39.

  • Agricultural communities had high birth rates

40. Early farmers had to learn to domesticate wild grains. Why? Click to hear answer 41. What is the next step in thedevelopment of human settlements?? 42. CIVILIZATIONS !! CITIES ! 43.

  • Cities could form due to a sedentary lifestyle.
  • This, in turn, created specializations,
  • which resulted in wealth,
  • which would lead to social classes, including poverty.

44. What are the characteristics of a civilization?? 45. Advanced Cities CIVILIZATION Specialized Workers Complex Institutions Record- Keeping Advanced Technology Which gave riseto social classes Government Military Education Legal system Art Religion 46. Challenges facingAgriculturalCommunities 1. Soil Erosion 2. Overpopulation 3. Epidemics 4.Competition overresources 5. Dependency uponweather 6. Safety/Security Issues Are these issues agricultural communities face today? 47. Why do you think so manycivilizations arose in rivervalley's?

  • Click to hear answer

48. Do you want to play a game? 49. Get in 3 equal groups

  • I will ask each group a question by showinga clue on the Power Point. You and your group will discuss what you think the answer is. If you get it correct, your group earns 1 point. If your group gets it wrong, it is up for grabs. If you answer it incorrectly, you do not lose any points.
  • I will only accept the first answer your group says so make sure you are all in agreement on the answer.
  • Good luck!

50. 98% What is this percentage representing? 51.

  • The answer is not bipedalism

52. What type of life or society did early man practice? 53. What link is this to early man? What animal is this? 54. Which hominid species does this settlement patternrepresent? 55.

  • This hominid specie was the first to use stone tools

56. What dating method would you useif you found an artifact in its ash? 57. Were starting from here! Which theory is this? 58. What is he doing that was so significant to the evolution of man? Make sure yousay the exact term you learned! 59. My name is Lucy. Whatspecies am I? 60. What dating technique is this representing? 61. This hominid specie could hunt its prey from a further distance using spears. 62. What theory is this migration pattern demonstrating? 63. I was the first hominid to leave Africa? 64. What is the term that refers to any member of the family of two-legged primates that includes all humans. 65. Which hominid species became extinct once Homo sapien sapiensarrived on the scene? 66.

  • Too much of this in the atmosphere may have caused what event?


  • Australopithecus afarensis

Which hominid specie came before Australopithecus afarensis and is considered the missing link? 68. Which hominid was the first homo specie? 69. This is one of the firstandlargest agricultural communities. 70. Which hominid species evolved into modern man? 71. Which type of society had high birth rates? 72. Cities eventually led to these 73. Which hominids brain size doubled? 74. Agricultural communities developed from a more stationary lifestyle instead of a nomadic one. What is another word for this stationary lifestyle? 75. We're Finished! Who won? 76. Assessment time! 77. Next Section 78.

  • What is the difference between a refugee and an internally displaced person?
  • What does it mean to immigrate?
  • What dies it mean to emigrate?
  • What causes people to become an immigrant?
  • What causes people to become an emigrant?

Migration Mindset 79. Push and Pull Factors Push Migration Factors of Migration: Conditions that drive people to leave their homes.Examples: Land scarcity, political and/or religious persecution, civil strife or revolutions, unsafe, poverty, lack of services, lack of modernization and infrastructure, and lack of jobs. 80. Pull Factors of Migration: Conditions that attract people to a new area. Examples: religious and political freedom or ideologies, industry, jobs, available land, modernization,available services and infrastructure like education, health care, government services, safety.Turn to your partner 81. Lets do an activity! 82. I will say a factor and you will have to identify which factor it is an example of according to a movement. If it is a Push factor , you will have to do 3 Jumping jacks. If it is a Pull factor , you will have to do 3 calf raises. If it is both a Push and Pull factor , you will have to do 3 squats. Here we go! 83. WAR 84. 85. Climate/Weather 86. Flood 87. Social reasons such as discrimination 88. Civil strife, warfare, and genocide 89. Family 90. Available Land 91. Poverty 92. Modernization 93. Religious Freedom 94. 95. Available medical services 96. Soil Erosion 97. 98. What were the push and/or pull factors of early mans migration? 99. Internally Displaced Person (IDP) A person that is forced to flee their home from persecution, due to political, religious, military or other problemand remains in their country just in another place for safety.Still a push factor. 100. Refugee - someone that is forced to flee their home from persecution, due to political, religious, military or other problemand leaves their country for safety reasons.Turn to partner 101. Assessment Time