Early Assessment Program€¦ · [email protected] 619-594-0657 . Let’s see what you’ve...

Early Assessment Program

Transcript of Early Assessment Program€¦ · [email protected] 619-594-0657 . Let’s see what you’ve...

Page 1: Early Assessment Program€¦ · rvillafa@mail.sdsu.edu 619-594-0657 . Let’s see what you’ve learned ...

Early Assessment Program

Page 2: Early Assessment Program€¦ · rvillafa@mail.sdsu.edu 619-594-0657 . Let’s see what you’ve learned ...

What is College Readiness? !! Combination of skills, knowledge, and habits necessary to

participate in college-level courses

!! EAP scores give you a snapshot of how “college ready” you are at the end of your junior year

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How do schools know if I am College Ready?

1.! EAP Test

2.! Standardized Tests SAT, ACT, AP, IB

1.! Placement Tests ELM & EPT

1.! Early Start Program Summer School

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Why is my EAP Score useful? Early indicator of college readiness

!! Spend senior year building college skills

!! Earn exemption from placement tests (ELM/EPT)

!! Avoid remediation courses

!! It’s FREE

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What schools will accept my EAP scores?

Page 6: Early Assessment Program€¦ · rvillafa@mail.sdsu.edu 619-594-0657 . Let’s see what you’ve learned ...

How do I participate?

!! EAP is embedded in the CAASPP- a test you will take at the end of junior year

!! It is NOT an admission criteria- try your best!

!! Select the bubble to RELEASE your scores to the CSUs and CCCs

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CAASPP student score report

EAP Status Explanations

English/Math EAP status

Breakdown of overall

CAASPP score

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Page 9: Early Assessment Program€¦ · rvillafa@mail.sdsu.edu 619-594-0657 . Let’s see what you’ve learned ...

Conditionally Ready

English !! Earn a “C” or better in the following senior

year courses and you will be “college ready”:

"! Expository Reading & Writing Course (ERWC course)

"! AP English Language and Composition

"! AP English Literature and Composition

"! International Baccalaureate (IB) English

"! Weighted Honors English course

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Math !! Earn a “C” or better in the following senior

year courses and you will be “college ready”:

"! Trigonometry & Math Analysis

"! Pre-Calculus, Calculus

"! AP Calculus, AP Statistics, AP Physics

"! Any course Algebra II/Integrated Math III or above

Conditionally Ready

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Not Yet Ready

-or- Not Ready

English and Math Achievement Level 1or 2 on CAASPP

(Standard Nearly Met /Not Met) =

Not Yet Ready /Not Ready Status on EAP

Earn the following scores on national standardized tests & you will be “college ready”:

ENGLISH !! New SAT English score: 550 or


!! English ACT score: 22 or higher

!! AP English score: 3 or higher

!! IB English test score: 4 or higher

MATH !! New SAT Math score: 570 or


!! Math ACT score: 23 or higher

!! AP Math score: 3 or higher

!! IB Math test score: 4 or higher

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New SAT Cut Scores for CSU EAP StatusesEffective 2016-17 Admission Cycle

TestCSU ReadyCut Score

(Exempt from ELM/EPT)

CSUConditionally Ready

Cut Score(Conditionally Exempt

from ELM/EPT)

CSU Not YetReady or Not Ready

Cut Score(Not Exempt From


VersionNew Old New Old New Old


550 500 540 - 510 490 - 460 500 or below

450 or below

SAT Math570 550 560 - 520 540 - 490 510

or below480

or below

*Evidenced Based Reading and Writing

Page 13: Early Assessment Program€¦ · rvillafa@mail.sdsu.edu 619-594-0657 . Let’s see what you’ve learned ...

Scenario 1 Junior year, Alex receives a “Not Ready” score on his EAP in Math. He takes AP Statistics his senior year and receives a C+ both semesters. At the end of the year he decides not to take the AP Test because he already passed the class. Is Alex now classified as “College Ready” for the CSU/CCC system?

Page 14: Early Assessment Program€¦ · rvillafa@mail.sdsu.edu 619-594-0657 . Let’s see what you’ve learned ...

Scenario 2 Jessica enrolls in English 12 for senior year, she decides not to take any AP or Honors English courses. Then, during the summer, she finds out she received a “Conditionally Ready” EAP English score and a 500 on her SAT English scores. Will Jessica be classified as “College Ready” for the CSU/CCC system?

Page 15: Early Assessment Program€¦ · rvillafa@mail.sdsu.edu 619-594-0657 . Let’s see what you’ve learned ...

Placement Tests ELM

Entry Level Mathematics

!! You can take the test once in EACH testing window

!! Test is always on a Saturday

!! $18.00

!! A score of 50 demonstrates READINESS

EPT English Placement Test

!! You can only take the test ONCE

!! Test is always on a Saturday

!! $18.00

!! A score of 147 demonstrates READINESS

Page 16: Early Assessment Program€¦ · rvillafa@mail.sdsu.edu 619-594-0657 . Let’s see what you’ve learned ...

How do schools know if I am College Ready?

1.! EAP Test

2.! Standardized Tests SAT, ACT, AP, IB

1.! Placement Tests ELM & EPT

1.! Early Start Program Summer School

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Early Start Summer Program

The Early Start program is required for incoming students who have not yet demonstrated “college readiness” in English and/or math. The goal of Early Start is to prepare students for college-

level coursework before their first semester.

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4 opportunities to become college ready FIRST OPPORTUNITY

EAP test results: Ready, Conditional, or Not Ready


High SAT/ACT scores, AP exams, IB exams


CSU placement tests: ELM/EPT


Early Start

Page 19: Early Assessment Program€¦ · rvillafa@mail.sdsu.edu 619-594-0657 . Let’s see what you’ve learned ...


CSU Math Success


CSU English Success


!! Free, customized information

!! Create a roadmap to remind you of important college deadlines

!! Use practice math quizzes and essay prompts to prepare for placement tests

!! View student testimonial videos

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CSU Math Success Google: CSU math success mobile

CSU English Success Google: CSU english success mobile

** CSU Success has now gone mobile **

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Any questions?

Rosie Villafana-Hatcher Program Director

[email protected] 619-594-0657

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Let’s see what you’ve learned…

Page 23: Early Assessment Program€¦ · rvillafa@mail.sdsu.edu 619-594-0657 . Let’s see what you’ve learned ...

Question 1 What SAT math score do I need to be classified as “College Ready”?

A. 550

B. 500

C. 450

D. 600

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Question 2 What ACT Reading score do I need to be classified as “Conditionally Ready”?

A. 20

B. 21

C. 18

D. 19

Page 25: Early Assessment Program€¦ · rvillafa@mail.sdsu.edu 619-594-0657 . Let’s see what you’ve learned ...

Question 3 The EAP is my first opportunity to demonstrate that I am college ready.

A. True B. False

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Question 4

In order for any CSU or CCC to receive my EAP scores, I must remember to

my scores at the end of

the test.