EAN ME Template Doc€¦ · to choose the best of his produce for the Lord. Whereas Abel took care...


Transcript of EAN ME Template Doc€¦ · to choose the best of his produce for the Lord. Whereas Abel took care...

Page 1: EAN ME Template Doc€¦ · to choose the best of his produce for the Lord. Whereas Abel took care to present the best, firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. Cain’s fault
Page 2: EAN ME Template Doc€¦ · to choose the best of his produce for the Lord. Whereas Abel took care to present the best, firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. Cain’s fault
Page 3: EAN ME Template Doc€¦ · to choose the best of his produce for the Lord. Whereas Abel took care to present the best, firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. Cain’s fault
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Dearly beloved in Christ, Having stepped into September by His grace, I pray that His power and gentleness be with us, in the remaining days of the year. It is a joy to celebrate the festival of harvest as a church. Thanksgiving will flow from every grateful heart spontaneously, if each one sincerely acknowledges that, every blessing they have received in their lives is from God. We are

unworthy and weak…but God Almighty overlooks our weaknesses, and out of His love sends abundant blessings to our lives. The Christian faith and message have much to do with giving. The first harvest festival in the Bible is recorded in Genesis 4:3-7. In the course of time, Cain brought to the Lord an offering of the fruit of the ground, and Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat. The Lord had regard for Abel and his offering, but for Cain and his offering He had no regard. So Cain was very angry, and his face fell. The Lord said to Cain, why are you angry, and why has your face fallen? If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is for you, but you must rule over it. The reason behind God’s attitude is very simple. Cain had committed a sin that made his offering unacceptable or he had not taken the trouble to choose the best of his produce for the Lord. Whereas Abel took care to present the best, firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. Cain’s fault was his attitude. He brought of his produce as a duty, and not out of love and reverence for the Lord, whereas Abel gave out of a thankful heart. The same principle holds good even today. When we make our offering to the Lord, we are expected to give out of a grateful heart. We are familiar with one of the famous texts of the Gospel; God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish; but have everlasting life. In fact, the Bible is a book dealing with much about God’s giving and human giving or their failure in giving. We should always remember the fact that salvation, which we have received through the death of Christ Jesus on the cross, is a pure gift of God’s grace. If we realize the amount of blessings that we have received in our lives, spontaneously we will come forward to glorify God joyfully by bringing the portion of gifts i.e. blessings to His holy sanctuary. There is a second aspect of making offerings at a harvest festival. We should share the bounty that the Lord has given us with those who do not have anything. We come across a lovely picture of this in the episode

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of Ruth in ancient Palestine. In the book of Ruth we read that, after the reapers had gleaned, whatever fell on the ground was left behind for poor people to gather for their own use. It was a beautiful gesture. Here the principle is one of sharing. The owners of the fields were partners in God’s work of providing for the have-nots. Because of this act of generosity Boaz acquired Ruth as his wife and became a distinguished ancestor of our Lord Jesus. What is going to be our attitude towards giving? Is it out of a sense of duty? or we are doing it out of gratitude to God? Are we Cain or Abel? Let this thanksgiving festival enrich our faith towards God and our response to Him. Let us offer ourselves as a living sacrifice unto the Lord and bring our offerings to glorify Him. II Corinthians 8:5 says, they gave themselves first to the Lord and then by the will of God to us. Special days in this month: 3 Sep 2017 – 7.30 am - Annual Thanksgiving Festival – Let us come as a family with our relatives, friends and neighbours to show our gratitude to the living God, for all His blessings. 10 Sep 2017 – 7.30 am – Education Sunday – Teachers will take active part in the worship service. 27 Sep 2017 - 6.30 pm – Church of South India formation day. Come, let us praise God for our united and uniting Church. Be assured of my prayers In His joyful service, Rev. D. Richard Ambrose Jebakumar

Presbyter and Chairman – PC

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I came across this news article on the web recently, about a ‘community refrigerator’ that has been installed at Elliot’s Beach in Chennai. People can leave food in the fridge – home-made

or bought from a restaurant – and anyone who is hungry can open the fridge and take what they want. This new idea was conceived by Dr Issa Fathima Jasmine, an orthodontist, who was concerned about the large amount of food that gets wasted in India, on a daily basis. Her father was a farmer, who always believed in feeding the hungry and needy, and she is continuing his passion by making sure food doesn’t get wasted. This community refrigerator project called ‘Ayyamittu Unn’ has been very successful so far, with groups of children and individuals filling the fridge regularly with eatables and many homeless people helping themselves to it. Now hailed as a great idea, this is something that every neighbourhood needs! Thanksgiving is traditionally a time of plenty, but it helps to ask ourselves – how often do we think about the poor? And the uncomfortable answer is, almost never – except maybe around Christmas time. But certainly not during thanksgiving. But in the Old Testament, we find that God commanded His people to be generous and to allow the poor to gather food from their lands at harvest time (Lev. 19:9-10; Deut. 24:19-22). We also read how Boaz instructed his workers to purposely let grain fall for Ruth (Ruth 2:16). But why should we be kind to the poor and needy, even during thanksgiving? The Bible has answers to that too. It’s because God is the defender, protector, and provider of the poor, the helpless, and the oppressed (Deut. 10:17-19; Ps. 9:9-10; 146:5-9). The command to be kind to others is embedded in the Law that God gave to the Jews fresh out of Egypt. God told them, “Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbour as yourself. I am the Lord” (Lev. 19:18). Today, as followers of Christ we are to “be kind and compassionate to one another” (Eph. 4:32). And the reasons why we need to show kindness have not changed: It is because of who God is and what He has done for us. We are to “follow God’s example, . . . and walk in the way of love” (5:1-2). Like someone said, “Gratefulness is the heart's response to God's undeserved love.”

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And if we claim that we love God, we cannot be without sharing His goodness with others. Yes, it’s really true that “you can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving!”

Fabiola Jacob

Willy Brandt, the former German Chancellor and his assistants were discussing a plan on board to make all Germans happy. Willy said, if I throw a 100 mark note, it would make at least one German who found it happy.

“Ten 100 mark notes would be a better idea” replied his assistant, that would make 10 Germans happy.

The pilot who overheard the conversation butted in and said, `if I throw both of you out, it would make 50 million Germans happy’. “Why are the Sikhs name Singhs asked an Englishman to his friend Banka Singh. He replied, “You see Sir, it is like this. Just as you have Kings in England, we have Singhs in India.

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Featured on the cover this month is the Christ Lutheran Church in Marietta, Georgia, USA, photographed by Sushil Venglet.

About the Church:

Christ Lutheran Church of Marietta began as the "West Cobb Mission" in July of 1983, with Richard Donoughue commissioned as pastor/developer.

The first Sunday worship service was held at the YWCA facility on Henderson Street in Marietta on January 29, 1984, with 35 adults in attendance. The church continued to grow, holding its charter service on June 10, 1984, and became an official ‘Lutheran Church in America’ congregation on December 9, 1984.

The Church functioned from a rented facility at 67 Mountain View Road since August of 1986. In January of 1988, it became part of the new 5 million member Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Soon, the congregation grew to the point where three services became necessary in the tiny facility.

On October 6, 1996, the land at 176 West Sandtown Road was dedicated and construction of this first permanent worship facility began. To the glory of God, the first service in the new building was held on October 19, 1997.

And today, the Christ Lutheran Church has several programs which minister not only to its own church family, but also to the surrounding community. Among the many church ministries are Sunday School for children, youth and adults, Vacation Bible School for the neighborhood in June, adult and youth Handbell and Vocal Choirs, several Fellowship events during the year, monthly dinners for MUST Ministry and Cobb Street Ministries, and the Hunger Walk each spring. A missionary, Julia Harrington Leiyoole, from this congregation serves the Lord with her husband, Vincent, in Kenya.

The Church is immensely grateful to God for how far it has come and is eagerly looking forward to a future of serving the Lord together with gladness, all the while making a joyful noise.

(Source: Church website)

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Love is a small word with four letters. Peace in a home, even in the world, depends upon it. It is the cornerstone of Christianity. Once a lawyer asked Jesus ‘Which is the greatest commandment of law?’ Jesus replied “You shall

love the Lord, your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. And love your neighbor as you love yourself.” God the Father loved mankind so much He sent His only Son to redeem it. Though Jesus was in the form of God, He did not count equality with God, a thing to be grasped, but made Himself nothing taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men; and being found in human form He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death on the cross. Phil 2:58. Love is the basis of a peaceful home. Here ladies play an effective role to make the house a heaven on earth. I know a lady for more than 58 years who built such a home. She was short in stature, well-dressed and a sweet smile always decorated her face. She opened her mouth with wisdom. She opened her hands to the poor. She kept her house in order and put the things at the appropriate places. She was a good cook and happy to entertain others. She started the day with prayer and whenever she had time, she read the Bible. She was particular in sending contributions to various missionary organizations. As her husband was a government servant, he was transferred to various places. She had to look after the family. She managed it well and guided the children properly and helped them to equip themselves for their future. She had two blocks in her heart which were removed but she led a normal life. She looked after her husband who was suffering from Parkinson’s disease. Every night she covered him with a bedsheet and walked around him saying ‘Blood of Jesus would protect him’. Now she is living with Jesus. We feel her absence. One day we will be with her in His presence.

G. Joseph

“A sensible thanksgiving for mercies received is a mighty prayer in the Spirit of God. It prevails with Him unspeakably.” ~ John Bunyan

“We would worry less if we praised more. Thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent and dissatisfaction.” ~ Harry Ironside

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To bring their first fruits, to the Israelites God had asked, To the temple for their blessings to last. On the seventh year, fruits were not to gather, They must be left on trees for the destitute and beggars. Jesus sought for fruits from the tree on the wayside, Fruits it produced none and was cursed to die. All trees with no fruits are cut into pieces, And burned down to ashes. The Lord wants you to harvest souls, And take them to heaven to His fold, The Gospel, were you able to spread? In places where others fear to tread? An old man gave a grain of wheat to a king, Who, one day in disguise was begging. When the old man emptied his bag of wheat at night, he saw a grain of gold, He was too greedy to share his grains with a needy soul. Won’t you search for some souls to gather? Many are lying on the wayside with no one to bother. You have found a water spring, Won’t you tell the other thirsty souls to drink? Jesus plucked you from Satan’s fold, This to others must be quickly told. Unless you tell them, how will they hear? The story of salvation so dear?

Prema Jayasundar

“We ought to shout out our thanksgiving as if every war were over; as if there were no more big taxes; as if there were no sickness, no crime.” ~ John R. Rice

“God has promised to supply all our needs. What we don’t have now, we don’t need now.” –Elizabeth Elliot

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Our Independence day, 15 August is the day every Indian will proudly remember. It is a moment of pride and glory for every citizen. We as a church celebrated our 71st Independence Day. Though few in number, we gathered in our church premises for the flag hoisting at 8.30 am. Our Pastor Rev. Richard Ambrose Jebakumar started the ceremony with a word of prayer. The Bible reading was taken from Exodus 23: 1 – 9. As responsible citizens, it is our duty as Christians to pray for our motherland. We prayed for our leaders who fought for our freedom as well as the leaders ruling our nation. Each of us also prayed for the following points. • Seeking help to be responsible citizens - that peace and harmony be maintained in our nation. • For true sense of freedom, justice and liberty. • For communal harmony – that people of different faiths may grow in love and have religious tolerance. • For democracy, good liberty, prosperity and peace. Our Pastor hoisted the national flag, and we sang the national anthem. The ceremony came to a conclusion with a closing prayer by Mr. Milton Sigamoney, and benediction by Pastor. We had coffee fellowship and sweets were distributed to all present.

Gemina Martin

Quick & Easy Literature Quiz

1. If Antonio was the ‘Merchant of Venice’, who was the ‘Moor of Venice’?

2. “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” Who said this?

3. What is Scylla and Charybdis? 4. Name the four members of the Pickwick

Club. 5. Give the names of ‘The Three Musketeers’.

D.I.A. Soundarapandian

Answers to Quick & Easy Literature quiz are found on page 23.

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CHOIR SUNDAY – A REPORT It was strange sitting in the congregation on Sunday 27 August 2017 to participate in the morning worship service showcasing the STEC choir’s offering for Choir Sunday. Strange, only

because I would normally have been in the last row of men along with my fellow tenors, but lovely as I could get the full impact of the whole choir’s performance… Every time I see the STEC choir’s performance, I marvel at how a church choir (and probably the largest of its kind in the city) could find so many talented personalities (ages ranging from 7 to past 80) and get them to render such a well-rounded and disciplined performance. Of course, I need look no further (for that inspiration and motivating force) than to that amazing lady sitting with her back to the congregation, her fingers effortlessly gliding along the keys of the organ, her face exhorting the choristers to smile as they sing, reminding them of the expressions and emotions needed at different portions of the music – take a bow Anila Manoharan. “Christ’s invitation” was the theme and Dr. Isaac Jebaraj (fittingly, one of the choristers) poignantly brought God’s word and asked many soul-searching questions for us to ponder as a takeaway. While reminiscing about the Choir Sunday, I would like you to pause, dear STEC member, and think of the weeks and months of effort that goes into such a performance. If you have a family member as a chorister, you would know the many hours spent after Sunday morning service, the additional Saturday evening sessions, the extra practice for those who want to perfect their part (individually and separately, while not eating into the entire choir’s time) and the ever-willing and encouraging Anila Manoharan who gives of her time, patience, physical and emotional strength to make this happen. I have always marveled at Anila’s patience at choir practices, starting with the warm-up scales, going then into the main music (or cantata) and keeping her wits and patience right through errant choristers, chattering children, giggling ladies, distracted gents and all this, sometimes inspite of her busy professional and family time. I have sometimes tried to picture myself as choir master but dismissed that thought with alacrity, shuddering at how I might have responded to errant choristers – I probably would have made some enemies for life ! So the next time you see Anila Manoharan around, do go up to her and thank her for her dedication and tell her how deeply you (and we as a church) appreciate all that she does. We just so take for granted the beautiful music that forms such an integral part of worship that is there

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every service (come rain, shine or Vardah) right through the year, and year after year. And while you’re at it, do pump Swithun’s hand, pat him on his back and flash a large smile - he is after all (in Anila’s own admission) the husband of the century, and I guess, a large part of her wonderful being! The choir gave a jaunty pep to the Negro spiritual “De animals are comin”, the children sweetly sang to reassure us “We should never fear, we should never fuss….cos’ God will take care of us” and all the rest of the songs were well-presented, but I just loved “Closer to You” for those soul-tugging words, “I know that I’ve failed You Lord, time and again, but each time You’ve always stayed true; and that’s why I kneel at the Cross once again, and ask to grow closer to You” – What simple yet powerful words, our loving Lord picks up the ever-stumbling me, qualifies the unqualified, reaches out to the lonely, hugs the sorrowful, comforts the hurting. Thank you STEC choir for enriching our lives……

Sushil Venglet

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As announced earlier, our Church hosted a heritage walk-through on

Saturday, 26 August 2017 for people who had signed up through the Madras Week calendar of events. Many of our congregation members were also present. A group of about thirty people gathered sharp at around 4.15pm in the Church compound. Mrs. Fabiola Jacob was instrumental in organizing this heritage walk-through of our Church, coordinating with Mr. Vincent D’Souza, the editor of Mylapore Times. The aim was to reach out to the community that lives around us, and tell them about the rich history of our Church, especially with this being our 175th year of existence. We assembled just inside the Church gate near the Multipurpose Hall and Fabiola explained the general details of how the Church came into being and how Rev. Robert Carver was actively involved in seeing this Church being completed. Bishop Turner of Calcutta was so much impressed with the location for a small church that he gave money to buy this piece of land for the Church construction. Further money was collected amongst the people themselves and Rev Carver went about his work seriously and got the church constructed in a year’s time and the church was dedicated on Dec 10, 1842. One interesting information that came out was that the church land (called Bowyer’s tannery) was once a part of a large tannery established by Thomas Parry in 1805 for making shoes, belts, saddles and other leather articles for British soldiers and sent to various parts of the world. We next moved to the portico of the Church and Mrs. Ranjini Inbaraj was ready to give us a small talk on the congregation for whom this Church was built and explained how this Church became a worship place for the Britishers who were stationed around Santhome and Adyar. Also the Governor, when in town, used to worship in this church and a special pew was designated for him. Since the British soldiers travelled by horseback, stables were available around the Church for them to rest their horses and water them. Next we were ushered into the Church and we were all seated; about 50 per cent were total strangers and new to the Church. Here, Mrs. Christleda Ponniah spoke about the history of the Church. Since we had the mike system working, we had the joy of hearing Mrs. Ponniah properly explain the beginning of the church and how Rev. Robert Carver was transferred to few other places and how again he was brought back to Santhome. She also spoke about G U Pope, who married Robert Carver’s daughter Mary Carver.

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While inside the Church, the group was treated to divine music from our recently restored pipe organ played by Mrs. Anila Manoharan, and she explained to all of us about our church organ being the second oldest in Chennai; and the technical details of the various pipes. The group was then taken to the vestry and the purpose of the same explained to them. The visitors had a look at the altar and the portraits of St. Thomas and Rev. Robert Carver, which were much appreciated. After this the group moved to the lawn where Mrs. Leena Ponnudurai further explained the importance of the open-air Altar, and how it’s the only one of its kind in Chennai. She also told them about the old access door to the beach that was used once to conduct sunrise services on the beach. The visitors then had a look at the 175th anniversary monument as Miss Aurelia Frederick explained its significance. She connected it to the 12 memorial tablets in Church and spoke about the many generations who have worshipped at STEC. The group was briefed about the 175th anniversary celebrations and that this heritage walkthrough was a part of the yearlong celebrations. The group along with Mr. Vincent D’Souza liked the tour, and appreciated STEC for holding this walk. The visitors were treated to snacks and tea.

Milton Sigamoney


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TITHES AND OFFERING Is it necessary to tithe? Does the Bible tell us to give 10 percent of our income to God? Let us examine what is written in the Old and New Testament regarding tithes and offerings. Old Testament: In the Old Testament, the Israelites were commanded to give one tenth of whatever was produced in their field as tithe to God. (Deuteronomy 14:22). A tithe literally means a “tenth,” or 10 percent. The passage of Malachi mentions the following: “You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing Me, the whole nation of you. Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house. And thereby put Me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.” (Malachi 3:9-10) Due to the disobedience of the Israelites, God judged them with a small harvest. God said that if they tithe, blessing will be sent down from heaven. New Testament: Many people argue that tithing is not mentioned in the New Testament and that it is not required. There is no fixed percentage mentioned in the New Testament to be set aside for God. The Old Testament was God’s covenant with Israel and we all fall under the New Testament. Though it is not mentioned, there are some passages in the New Testament that mention about offerings to the Church. Jesus: Jesus never said not to give offering to the Church. We find this in the story where Jesus and his disciples see a poor widow giving two copper coins as offering and Jesus says ‘This widow gave everything she has to God, she has put more into the treasury than others’ (Mark 12:41-44) Paul: In Paul’s ministry, we find that he cited the example of the Macedonian Churches. He mentioned that they gave generously even to the point of self- sacrifice. They were supporting his ministry. (2 Corinthians 8:1-5) But Paul also mentioned that the people must first turn their heart to God. He wanted the Corinthians to give themselves to the Lord first, and then to support his ministry (II Corinthians 8:5, 8). The offering must be done willingly and not from compulsion or be given grudgingly (II Corinthians 9:5, 7). Also, Paul reminded the people that God rewards generosity (II Corinthians 9:6-11)

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Though the percentage is not mentioned in the New Testament, it is necessary to give offering to God. When God was willing to give His Son as a sacrifice for our sins, how much more willing we should be to give offerings to God? Three main benefits of tithing:

Helps in spreading the Gospel and supporting ministries One of the last words Jesus spoke before He ascended into heaven is to go and make disciples all over the world. Today Churches have outreach programs and as Christians, we are commanded to support them through our offerings to make the Gospel known to more people. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19).

Helping the Church to care for the poor With our offerings, Churches are able to reach out and care for the poor.

Reminds us that all that we have actually belongs to God Tithing and giving offering to God helps us realize all the blessings God has given us and that all that we have actually belongs to Him.

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. (1 Timothy 6:17-18)

Catherine Lydia Manoharan

God says to give thanks in everything. That doesn’t mean you need to give thanks FOR everything. You don’t need to give thanks FOR that bad day. Or FOR that bad relationship. Or being

passed over at work. Financial hardship. Whatever it is – you are not to give thanks FOR the difficulties, but rather IN the difficulties. That is a very important distinction, and one I think we often miss. Giving thanks IN everything shows a heart of faith that God is bigger than the difficulties and that He can use them, if you approach Him with the right heart and spirit, for your good and His glory.” –Tony Evans

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Shuffling through the vintage photographs collected for the Photo Exhibition, my mind couldn’t help racing back to the thanksgiving festivals in my growing-up years, here at STEC. We have grown and evolved as a Church over the years, and so has the ATF! But did you know, this festival had various names at various times? It must

have started off as ‘Harvest Festival’ as it is still called in most churches in south India, and evolved into the Annual Fete and even ‘Fancy Fete’ (I don’t know what they were thinking) in the 1980s, when I was a kid, before settling for the more sober ‘Annual Thanksgiving Festival’! But whatever the name, the ATF has always been a much looked-forward-to event, especially for us children, perhaps next in importance and level of fun, only to the carol rounds! Back in the 80s, my family used to be one of the breakfast stall holders, for the sole reason that our cook used to make the best chicken kurma! Shankar our cook, was with us for nearly two decades, as he was allotted to my father by the government. I still remember how on ATF day, he would arrive at 4 in the morning, to start his preparation and soon the house would be filled with the aroma of fresh mint and coriander – till the chicken joined in and took it to a different level! My father was a stickler for punctuality and we would arrive in Church well ahead of time, with the chicken kurma, gas stove, cylinder and Shankar in tow! The DIA Soundarapandians and the Richard Ponniahs used to be our breakfast stall partners, and the freshly-made idlis and dosas used to fly off the plates in a jiffy – thanks to that fragrant kurma! I still have that recipe, thanks to Shankar, and now my daughter thinks it’s the only worthwhile dish in my rather limited repertoire of culinary adventures. I make it only for Christmas and Easter. Among the many stalls in the ATF in those days, the one that children invariably flocked to was the Lucky Dip stall! I don’t remember who used to hold it, but that joy of finding a toy or stationery inside the packet of colourful paper strips was enough to put a smile on our face! And then of course was the treasure hunt that we used to look forward to. Running all over the campus in a mad frenzy, we wouldn’t spare even the pulpit and choir stalls, ransacking everything on the way to find the clues. I remember how in the 80s, we also used to conduct an inter-church badminton match during the ATF, in the old parish hall. There were other such competitions and games too, which ensured that we stayed on campus till the evening! Yes, the ATF in those days was a day-long

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affair, with events stretching into late afternoon. And there were many stalls like embroidery, handicrafts, white elephant, home-made snacks and ice cream that would keep us occupied and entertained! A coming together of people and talents, the annual thanksgiving festival has always been a grand affair at STEC, as we gathered together with a grateful heart, to thank the Lord for all His mercies throughout the year.

Fabiola Jacob

The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts - C.S. Lewis Teachers can change lives with just the right mix of chalk and challenges - Joyce Meyers

According to Christian teachers, the essential vice, the utmost evil, is pride – C.S. Lewis A teacher who is not dogmatic is simply a teacher who is not teaching – G.K.Chesterton

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(discussed during the meeting on 8 July 2017) MELCHIZEDEK is a puzzling Biblical figure. He

appears first in the Old Testament as the king of (Jeru)Salem and the priest of God Most High at the time of Abraham in 2100 B.C. Moses records in the Book of Genesis in 1400 B.C, Melchizedek bringing bread and wine to receive Abram and his troops, returning after their victory over the king Kedorlaomer and their allies, and rescuing his relative Lot and his family from the enemies. As the High Priest, he blessed Abram saying – “Blessed be Abram by God Most High who delivered your enemies into your hand” – Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything” – (Gen 14:17-2).

Melchizedek was a historical figure for sure, but he seems to have appeared from nowhere and disappeared without a trace, with no predecessors and no successors to the throne. He was divinely appointed. The author of Hebrews also records Melchizedek thus -“First, his name means king of righteousness, and then also king of Salem means king of peace. Without father or mother, without genealogy. Without beginning of days or end of life, like the Son of God, he remains a priest forever” (7:1-3)

Earlier, Abram leading a troop of 318 men, was able to defeat these foreign armies and rescue the captives and property. This was a striking demo that God was on Abram’s side. Melchizedek acknowledged this fact and received Abram and his troops royally with food and blessed them. Whereas, the king of Sodom who had most to be grateful for, offered no word of thanks to Abram, but simply demanded the return of his people. Abram returned all and refused to be obligated to anyone but the Lord (Gen 14:21-24). From this episode, we see the deliberately contrasted attitude of Melchizedek and the king of Sodom. Accordingly, God gave prosperity to Jerusalem and destroyed Sodom. God’s promise to Abram, while he was still in his hometown Mesopotamia has been fulfilled – “I will bless those who bless you and whosoever curses you, I will curse” – (Gen 12:3).

It is interesting to note that thereafter only God appeared to Abram, when he was 99 years old (2067 BC), made the “ Covenant of circumcision” - (When Abram was circumcised) and re-named him “ Abraham”. (Gen 17:5, 10, 11).

God installed Melchizedek as His role model, sample High Priest and king of Jerusalem, God’s Holy City, even before 2091 BC, when Abram moved to Canaan, as per the Lords commandment. Levi was one of the 12 Patriarchs of God who established the tribe of Levites, at that time,

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God spoke to Moses in Sinai desert, two years after the Israelites left Egypt (1444 BC) and said – “Take a census of the whole Israelite community…”(Num 1:2) and - “appoint the Levites to be in charge of the tabernacle of the testimony”(Num 1:5). Thereafter Aaron and his sons, from the tribe of Levites, were

“Anointed and ordained to serve as priests” – (Nu3:3). As we all know, the priesthood of Aaron and the Levites under the old Covenant did not bring people into full obedience to God. Hence the Lord changed the priesthood to king David’s royal line, as recorded by the Psalmist in 1100 BC.

“The Lord has sworn and will not change His mind: You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek” – (Ps.110:4). A King-Priest is a higher order than the Aaronic priesthood.

Jesus, who comes in the royal lineage of David – all in the tribe of Judah – has been appointed by God as the King – High Priest of the new covenant, setting aside the Levitical priesthood of Aaron and his sons, the old covenant according to Mosaic Law becoming obsolete. Jesus like Melchizedek is a High Priest and Mediator of a better and new covenant declared by God through the prophet Jeremiah; “the time is coming, declared the Lord, when I will make a new covenant– it will not be like the covenant I made with their forefathers” – (Jer31:31,38). This aspect has been explained in detail by the author of Hebrews in chapters 4-8. He also lists out the superiority of Jesus Christ as a High Priest over the Aaronic High Priests who did not last long.

Melchizedek is the focus of much speculation –

Historical recordings in scrolls made during first century A.D., were found in the Qumron caves near the Dead Sea in 1956, which confirm the facts recorded in the Bible, about Melchizedek.

That he was a real historical figure is clear, but the author of Hebrews portrays him as a pre-figuration of Christ. Some believe the appearance of Melchizedek to Abram was a manifestation of Christ before His incarnation and eternal existence and priesthood “in the order of Melchizedek, not in the order of Aaron” – (Heb7:11) (Ps.110:4).

Later in the Book of Leviticus we read, the Lord instructing Moses to – “bring as your offering an animal from either the herd or the flock” – (1:2) and sacrifice the same for various sins of people. This is the shadow of Jesus Christ’s final sacrifice on the cross - shedding blood for our sins, as the Passover Lamb.

Also, the priesthood of Aaron and his descendents is a shadow of Jesus Christ’s priesthood of intercession for our sins.

In conclusion, summarizing the appearance of Melchizedek’s name in the Bible, we see chronologically, that he appeared physically in 2100

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BC, as the king cum High Priest of (Jeru)Salem, who receives with bread and wine Abram returning victorious from war. This fact has been recorded by Moses during 1400 BC, in his book of Genesis (14:18).

Psalmist David records in his book of Psalms, in 1100 BC.

“You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek” – (110:4). The author of Hebrews written in about 50 A.D. dedicates a few chapters 4-7 to Melchizedek, as a manifestation of Jesus Christ and the superiority of Jesus over all the other king cum priest, quoting the O.T .extensively.

Let us understand Melchizedek in the proper perspective and praise God for his one-time short appearance in the Bible. He was a sample role model king cum high priest of Jerusalem forever, not on the basis of a regulation as to his ancestry, but on the basis of an indestructible life and the act of God’s power. Let us follow the example of Abraham who gave Melchizedek – “a tenth of everything” – and give our tithes to God, through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and receive His blessings.

Manoharan Gnanaolivu


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IN THE NEWS… Our recently restored pipe organ generated a lot of interest during the Madras Week Heritage Walk-through on 26 August 2017, and it also got featured on the front page of ‘Chennai Times’. Here’s a transcript of the article: Aug 30, 2017 : The Times of India (Chennai)

THIS PIPE ORGAN IN A CHENNAI CHURCH HAS BEEN MAKING MAJESTIC MUSIC FOR 149 YEARS Along the busy Santhome High Road is the St Thomas English Church, a fairly small church when compared to many other churches across the city known for their magnificence in terms of size and architecture. But located right on the shore of Bay of Bengal, the church stands tall for the glorious history attached to it. This 175-year-old church, once known as St Thomas-by-the-sea, is the oldest Protestant church in the area. Before Independence, many Europeans, including the Governor, who had his own pew in the church, attended the service here regularly. On Saturday, a small group of history enthusiasts gathered in the church as part of one of the walks organised on the sidelines of Madras Week. Just like the architecture and the history behind its construction, the 149-year-old pipe organ in the church is also a prized possession, and got heritage buffs prodding the guide and parishioners to share more details about it. “Pipe organ is generally called the king of all instruments because of the grand tone it produces. In Chennai, there are only a handful of pipe organs and ours is the second oldest, the oldest being the one at St George's Cathedral,” told Anila Manoharan, the church organist, to the gathering with a sense of pride. Giving more details on the pipe organ and how it works, Anila shared, “This organ was built by Thomas Robson from London in the year 1868. It is basically an acoustic instrument as there is no electric amplification at all. The sound is produced by the vibration of air inside the pipes. The pipes are mainly made of zinc, while some are made of wood as well. There's a manual keyboard which has 56 keys and a pedal board as well. The pedal board, which has about 30 keys, is connected to the manual keyboard. And each key on the keyboard is connected to a pipe. And the stops on the sides of the keyboard controls the sound produced by the pipes. There are nine stops and different sets of pipes are connected to each of them. In total, there are about 600 pipes attached to the organ. The maximum height of the pipes is 10-12 feet. And the diameter of the pipes ranges from those ones which are as small as pencils to those which are really wide and are 1012 inches. Some of them are circular, whereas others are square in shape.”

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So, how is the air pumped into the pipe organ? “There's a blower at the back of the organ, which is an electric blower, to pump in air to the reservoir of air, called the wind chest. That's the only electric component attached to the instrument. Earlier, we didn't have that also. There were bellows and boys would manually pump in the air,” revealed Anila. She also played some of the hymns for the gathering to show the grand sound the instrument still produces even after these many years.

Ashish Joseph

Sir, What is the difference between a dacoit and a politician? A dacoit robs first and then goes to jail, a politician goes to jail first and then commits robbery.

Two men got into an argument over which is more

important to the world? The moon or the sun? They put the problem to the village Panchayat for their verdict. The elders deliberated and pronounced - `If there was no moon, we would not be able to see anything in the night. The sun shines only during the day when we need no light’.

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Born in 1912 in Ireland, Elizabeth Ferrar quite literally grew up in a zoo! Around the time when she was born, her father had given up his medical practice in Armagh and had become

curator of the Zoological Gardens in Dublin. It was an idyllic childhood for an adventurous young girl, her brother Michael and sisters, Ella and Daphne, with ample opportunity to enjoy close proximity with the animals after the zoo had closed, which brought tales of adventures which were later to enthral children. From an early age, Elizabeth Ferrar wanted to be a teacher. However, her conservative Victorian father frowned on women working and having careers. He finally relented and allowed his daughter to train as a teacher, provided she served abroad as a missionary teacher. Coming to India After a period of teaching at Alexandra College, Dublin, Elizabeth joined the Dublin University Mission to Chota Nagpur, completed her training at Selly Oak, Birmingham, and went to India in 1939, just as war was breaking out. The mission was based in Hazaribagh in Bihar and ran parishes, primary and secondary schools, a third-level college (which was eventually incorporated into the University of Ranchi), and a major hospital and school of nursing (St Columbas). Elizabeth Ferrar settled quickly and was appointed warden of St Kieran's Girls' High School, and soon became recognised as an authority on education in that huge diocese. On visits home she was such a popular and inspiring speaker that in 1954, the S.P.G. (Society for Propagation of the Gospel), in London applied for her to be seconded to it to help with the recruitment of potential overseas candidates. She returned to India in 1956 and was appointed head of the community, the first woman to hold that position. Three years later she left to become bishop's representative at Kandara - a thriving Christian community which had been leaderless for some time. Mission at Kandara Kandara was so isolated that travelling to it was always difficult and sometimes impossible. Elizabeth Ferrar arrived by bicycle and began rebuilding schools and hostels, training and retraining teachers, and encouraging the local hospital staff. Her indomitable spirit served her well as she faced innumerable difficulties including those of isolation and lack of resources - she was the only European for 40 miles. Despite the size of her task Elizabeth Ferrar still found time to write an important preparation for confirmation, The Three-fold Cord, which was

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translated into numerous Indian dialects and widely used for many years throughout north India. She retired from India in 1966 to take up the post of general secretary of the Oxford Mission to Calcutta, and then spent a period as warden of a hostel for overseas students in Edinburgh. With the inauguration of the Church of North India in 1970, her former diocese of Chota Nagpur requested her to return for a period to assist with the reorganisation of education there, before her retirement to Dublin in 1971. The evening years From her home in Donnybrook, Elizabeth Ferrar quickly became involved in church life. U.S.P.G. (United Society for Propagation of the Gospel) Ireland, the Bishops' Appeal (for Third World aid), the Irish School of Ecumenics, all benefited from her voluntary service and tireless energy, often to the exhaustion of those much younger. She was editor of ‘Search’, the Church of Ireland academic journal, for many years. She re-established links with her old school, Alexandra College, and served on its council. She supported St Mary's Home in Pembroke Park and it was to there she moved when independent living became impossible. Her life reflected her vision of a church worldwide and ecumenical, and she was easily irritated with narrow parochialism, whether denominational or national. Service was her watchword - whether her remarkable service to the church in India, the simple service of opening the door at St Mary's or manning the bookstall for the Irish School of Ecumenics. She seldom reminisced, instead planning and pushing for change even in her later years in a way that surprised those who didn't know her well. Failing powers in the last couple of years was a source of great frustration, but through her letter writing and phone calls, and the constant stream of visitors to her home she kept in touch with her many friends worldwide, till she passed away in 2001.

Courtesy: www.irishtimes.com

Answers to Quick & Easy Literature Quiz

1. Othello 2. Benjamin Franklin 3. Scylla is a rock, Charybdis is a whirlpool. An idiom from Greek

mythology meaning, ‘having to choose between two evils.” 4. Samuel Pickwick, Tracy Tupman, Augustus Snodgrass and

Nathaniel Winkle. 5. Athos, Porthos and Aramis.

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Henry Alford was born in London, England on 7 Oct 1810. His father was a clergyman of the Church of England and Henry’s desire was to follow in his father’s footsteps. When he was sixteen years old, he felt a deep presence of God and wrote upon the fly-leaf of his Bible these words, “I do this day in the

presence of God and my own soul, renew my covenant with God, and solemnly determine, henceforth, to become His, and to do His work, as far as in me lies”. He attended school like all other boys his age, but he had only one dream and that was to be a minister. He attended Trinity College and Cambridge University. He became a very popular preacher. In 1857 he was promoted to the position of “Dean of Canterbury”, and held this important post until his death fourteen years later on 12 Jan 1871. Many Christians are in the habit of giving thanks before meals. It is said that Henry Alford also gave thanks after meals, standing and offering his gratitude to God for the blessings just received. He also did this at the end of the day. Indeed, Alford was one of the `thankful people’ that he writes about in this hymn. But this song isn’t just about thanksgiving for what God has done. It is also about work completed, a job well done. It is about aching muscles and full barns, tanned faces and meals of plenty. It was written to be used at harvest festivals in villages throughout England. Each village observed a celebration whenever it brought in its harvest, and Alford, one of the leading churchmen in England in the nineteenth century, provided this hymn of thanks. It was originally called `After Harvest’. Come ye thankful people come, raise the song of harvest home All is safely gathered in, ere the winter storms begin God, our Maker doth provide, for our wants to be supplied Come to God’s own temple, come, raise the song of harvest home. All the world is God’s own field, fruit unto His praise to yield Wheat and tares together sown, unto joy or sorrow grown First the blade, and then the ear, then the full corn shall appear Lord of harvest, grant that we, wholesome grain and pure may be. For the Lord our God shall come, and shall take His harvest home From His field shall in that day, all offenses purge away Give His angels charge at last, in the fire the tares to cast But the fruitful ears to store, in His garner evermore. Even so, Lord, quickly come, bring Thy final harvest home Gather Thou Thy people in, free from sorrow, free from sin There, forever justified, in Thy presence to abide Come, with all Thine angels, come, raise the glorious harvest home.

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Bakht Singh Chabra (Also known as Brother Bakht Singh) was an exceptional preacher, bible teacher and evangelist from India. According to his

autobiography, Brother Bakht Singh first experienced the love and presence of the Lord Jesus Christ when he was an engineering student in Canada in 1929. Even though previously he had torn up the Bible and was strongly opposed to Christ and Christianity, he developed a great love for the Lord Jesus Christ and an intense desire to read and study the Bible. After hearing the Lord's voice and having been convicted of his sinful life, he confessed his sins and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour and dedicated his life to serving Him. He was India's foremost evangelist, preacher and indigenous church planter who founded churches based on New Testament principles. He began a worldwide indigenous church-planting movement in India that eventually saw more than 10,000 local churches. Singh died on September 17, 2000. Childhood years Bakht Singh was born to religious Sikh parents in 1903 in the Punjab region which is now part of Pakistan. He studied in a Christian missionary school, but was never influenced by the Christians, and in his heart he always despised Christians. He was actively involved in social work through the Sikh temple. After graduating from Punjab University he went to England for higher studies in 1926 and studied Agricultural Engineering. His parents were not in favour of him going to England; they were concerned that he would be influenced by Christians. Bakht Singh promised his parents that he would not be converted. Life in England and Canada In England, he enjoyed the freedom of, and was greatly influenced by, the British lifestyle. He quickly adapted to this lifestyle, started smoking and drinking, travelled around Europe, and indulged in all kinds of fun and entertainment. He shaved his long hair, which was a mark of his loyalty to Sikh religion. He went to Kings College in London, and in 1929, Bakht Singh went to Canada and continued his studies in agricultural engineering at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg. He was befriended by John and Edith Hayward, local residents and devout Christians, who invited him to live with them. The Haywards always read the Bible at every supper; they also gave him a Bible. He liked their company and he visited church and started reading the Bible. After seeking for some time, he accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour and God; he was baptized on February 4, 1932 in Vancouver, Canada.

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Christian work in India Bakht Singh returned to India in 1933 and met his parents in Mumbai. He had earlier informed his parents about his conversion by a letter. Reluctantly, they accepted him but requested him to keep it a secret for the sake of the family's honour. Upon his refusal, they left him. Suddenly, he was homeless. But he started preaching the gospel in the streets of Mumbai. Soon he started attracting large crowds. Bakht Singh began speaking as a fiery itinerant preacher and revivalist throughout colonial India, gaining a large following. He at first preached as an Anglican evangelist before becoming independent. "Singh’s role in the 1937 revival that swept the Martinbur United Presbyterian Church inaugurated one of the most notable movements in the history of the church in the Indian subcontinent," stated Dr. Jonathan Bonk in Biographical Dictionary of Christian Missions published by Simon & Schuster Macmillan in 1998. He started thoroughly contextualized local assemblies patterned on New Testament principles after spending a night in prayer on a mountaintop in 1941. He held his first "Holy Convocation", based on Leviticus 23, in Chennai in 1941. After this, the convocations were held annually in Madras and Hyderabad in the South, and in Ahmedabad and Kalimpong in the North. The one in Hyderabad was always the largest, drawing up to 25,000 participants. They would eat and sleep in huge tents, and meet under a large thatched pandal for hours-long prayer, praise and teaching meetings that began at dawn and ended late at night. The care and feeding of guests was handled by volunteers. Expenses for the meetings were given by voluntary offerings; no appeals were issued. Bakht Singh was a friend to Christian leaders such as Billy Graham, Francis Schaeffer, Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones, Jerry Falwell, and John Stott etc. His impact in India for Christ has been immense. Bakht Singh was suffering from Parkinson’s since 1986 and he died on September 16, 2000 at the age of 97, but his life and legacy still lives on through changed lives…

(Courtesy: www.missionariesbiography.com)

Gems from the Bible Put them in your heart bank - memorize and use them!

Obey Him gladly. Ps. 100:2

Listen and obey. Deut. 28:3

Do not forget the Lord. Deut. 8:1

Pray without ceasing. I Thess. 5:17

Do good all the time. Titus 3:8 Premella Soundarapandian

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The quiz is open to participants of all ages. Answers should be given by the 20th of every month. Late entries will not be considered. Answers should be mailed to [email protected] or given to Mrs. Sheeba Roshan in person. Names of participants with score will be mentioned in the next issue. Winners will be awarded at the end of the year. QUIZ 9 Portion: Nehemiah (NIV) Give reference for all the answers Name them: 1. He is an Arabian 2. She was a prophetess 3. He was a singer 4. He was a scribe 5. He is a son of one of the apothecaries Who said to whom 6. ....... mourn not nor weep. 7. Why is thy countenance sad? 8. Should such a man as I flee? 9. Stand up and bless the Lord your God for ever and ever... 10. If a fox go up, he shall even break down their stone wall. Answers to Quiz 8: 1. At Athmeca, in a palace in the province of the Medes (Ezra 2:6) 2. Cyrus, King of Persia (Ezra 1:1-3,4:3,5:11-13) 3. Of their own free will (Ezra 1:6, 2:68-69, 3:2-5) 4. The sons of Jeshua the son of Jozadak, and his brethren; Maaseiah, and Eliezer, and Jarib, and Gedaliah. (Ezra 10:18, 19) 5. Sheshbazzar (Ezra 5:14) 6. Ezra (Ezra 7:6-9) 7. People of Zidon and Tyre (Ezra3:7) 8. Shechaniah ,the son of Jehiel to Ezra(Ezra 10:2-4) 9. Jewish congregation to Ezra (Ezra 10:11, 12) 10. Nehemiah to Shemaiah, son of Delaiah (Nehemiah 6:10, 11)

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Points tally after Quiz 8:

Aug 2017 Aggregate

1 Daryl Christopher 10 80

2 Diya Rajiv 10 40

3 Felicia William - 69

4 Gilfred Sam 10 80

5 Hilda Joseph - 40

6 Jadon Johnsson Dhyriam - 50

7 Jason Travis Daniel 10 80

8 Jeremy Roopsingh - 70

9 Jonathan Roopsingh - 70

10 Latha Chittaranjan 10 80

11 Prarthana Gilfred 10 80

12 Rohan Abraham Stanley - 70

13 Santosh Dhyriam - 50

14 Shreya Dhyriam - 50

15 Sneha Rachel 10 80

16 Tasha Grace 10 80

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HARVEST Then the earth shall yield her increase; God, our own God, shall bless us. Psalm 67:6

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We welcome your original contributions to the EanMe in the form of articles, poems, Protestant church pictures for the cover, or information relevant to the season. Please send your entries by hard/soft copy to reach the STEC church office [email protected] or [email protected] by the 20th of every month.

You can read the current issue of EanMe online at http://www.santhomeenglishchurch.org/. A few earlier issues have been archived on `CSI St. Thomas English Church’ facebook page. Contributions are also invited for the Sunday bulletin. If you have any interesting information to share in the form of anecdotes, short stories etc. (around 100 words) relevant to the Sunday theme, please mail it to Kavita Edward: [email protected] We are on Social Media! ‘Like’ our Church page on Facebook to stay updated https://www.facebook.com/StThomasEnglishChurch ‘Follow’@CSI_STEC on Twitter Join our Church group on Facebook to connect with each other and share / view pictures of church events https://www.facebook.com/CSI St. Thomas English Church, Santhome

Travelling on work? Don’t forget to click a picture! If you happen to visit or see a beautiful, historic Protestant church that you think should be on our EanMe cover, please click a hi-res picture and e-mail it, along with a short note about the Church, to [email protected]

Mr. Ranjit Singh Mal, father of Mrs. Pramila Anita and brother of Mrs. Leela Joshua Moses, slept in the Lord on 17 August 2017

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Sunday School : English: Sunday – 8:15 am

Tamil: Sunday - 4 pm

Tweens Fellowship : Sunday - 4:30 pm

Medical Centre : Monday, Wednesday & Friday – 4.30 to 6 pm

Women’s Fellowship : I and III Saturday - 5:00 pm

Men’s Fellowship : II and IV Saturday - 6:30 pm

Adults’ Fellowship : Sunday - 5:00 pm

Hospital visit : II Sunday - 10:30 am




Mr. Bright Joseph

Mr. Ajit Stanley Moses

Mr. Daniel Manickam Inbaraj

Mr. Ranjan Selvakumar

Mr. Roshan Soundarapandian

Mr. Gerald Joshua Divyaprabu

Mrs. Caroline Roopsingh

Mrs. Samantha Daniel

Mrs. Ramona Crownie Deva Anand

The Rt. Rev. Dr. J. George Stephen Bishop in Madras

Rev. D. Richard Ambrose Jebakumar Presbyter-in-charge

Mr. Milton Sigamoney Mr. Ajit Stanley Moses

Lay Readers

Mr. Benjamin Hastings Secretary

Mrs. Gemina Martin Treasurer

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Date and Time

Day Services and Preacher Theme Stewards for Bible Reading and Offertory

3.9.2017 7:30 am

6.00 pm

XIII Sunday after Pentecost

Annual Thanksgiving


Sung Eucharist: Celebrant: Rev. D. Richard Ambrose Evensong: Sermon: Mr. Milton Sigamoney


Deuteronomy 26: 1 – 11 II Corinthians 9: 6 - 15 Psalm 65 St. John 6: 26 – 35 ATF Convenors

10.9.2017 7.00 am

8:15 am

6.00 pm

XIV Sunday after Pentecost

Education Sunday

Holy Eucharist: Celebrant: Rev. D. Richard Ambrose Matins: Sermon: Mrs. Lillian Richard Holy Eucharist: Celebrant: Rev. D. Richard Ambrose

Teachers - agents of liberation

Proverbs 8: 1 – 12 Acts 8: 26 - 38 Psalm 119: 97 - 104 St. Mark 6 : 34 – 44 Teachers

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17.9.2017 7:30 am

6:00 pm

XV Sunday after Pentecost

Sung Eucharist: Celebrant: Rev. D. Richard Ambrose Sermon: former Presbyters

Evensong: Sermon: Mr. Ajit Stanley Moses

St. Matthew – Apostle and evangelist

Proverbs 3: 13 - 17 II Corinthians 4: 1 - 6 Psalm 18: 1 - 6 St. Mathew 9 : 9 - 13 Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Hastings

24.9.2017 7:30 am

6:00 pm

XVI Sunday after Pentecost

Sung Eucharist: Celebrant: Rev. D. Richard Ambrose Sermon: Dr. Z. Edward Kennedy Evensong: Sermon: Dr. Z. Edward Kennedy

Stewardship - responsible

resource management

Exodus 18: 13 - 27 II Corinthians 8: 1 - 15 Psalm 147: 1 - 11 St. Mathew 25: 14 – 30 Mr. & Mrs. Angel Ponniah

27.9.2017 6:30 pm

CSI formation day

Sung Eucharist: Celebrant: Rev. D. Richard Ambrose Sermon: Mr. Ajit Stanley Moses

Unity in witnessing

Ezekiel 37: 15 - 22 Ephesians 4: 1 - 6 Psalm 122 St. John 17: 20 - 26