Ea*abubed:*>2 j— -...

THE NORTHERN TRIBUNE t«*u»hrdi887-G»obd^ AprO 19 1020—GocvERNti K FREE PRESS. Ea*abubed:*>2 VOL. XLVIII. WO. 12. j— GOUVERNEUR. NEW YORK, Wt NET RELIEF COST WAS $7,385.58 Annual Ra>ort •* Wslfare Officer for Year* Cubing November First la Presented 'I he net coat Of home relief to thr town of Gouverneur for. the vtar ending November 1. 1934, wa* j: 3?*5.5$. a c c o r d i n g to the annual report of the welfare department, submitted by Welfare Officer Al mon Chiaholm to the town board "Saturday. The year covered by Ihr report waa from November 1. 3933. to Sorcerer 1. 1934. The following table of conipeia tivr flguirea covers the period* frvru May 1 to November 1. in the years 19S3 and 1134 During the $\x monthe tabulated for 1933. the tut coat waa figured on the baais of a 40 per cent reimbursement of fund* from the state, while hhe fig- ure* Tor the same period in 1934 wt-re figured on the basis of a 75 prr cent reimbursement Cases Act. Tn. Case* Coat 597.94 474 14 S79.72 490 63 323.5€ 469.92 May June July AUK St-pt. Oft. 129 97 92 92 91 nv aaeb 113 7* 7c 61 73 So Act. Tn Cost $1,211.52 1.134.7" 57 6. S* 5M.07 4> 4 4.02 6*9 tr? Total 611 .$2,635.91 4Xo $4.V3T26 Funds used In the CW.A. work bv the town of Gouverneur from Nov. 23. 1933. to April 1. 1934. to- BASKETBALL TO START DEC. 7 Each Team in League W II Meet Twice During Season—First Will Be Home Game Beginning iH-cember T. ih* b** ketbali team* of the Northern Ww York inUT»€hola»tic league wt:i jcet under way in their series of >a garnets on a home and tioiiu* ba*:s. according to the present schedule. The league includes high school quintets from Potedarn. Canton. Gouverneur Malone. Ogdetisburg. and Norwood. Each team will play ten league games with the four hitcheut ranking teams at the end of the schedule playing off on March 1 On March S, the win- ners of these two games MI!! com- pete for the championship a' the Brewer field hou*e in Cantor. The regular league game* will rn<! on February 22 Last season the Potsdam high school won the cup donated by the Kiwanis club of Malone. making two lens that school has on the permanent possession of the cup ~ Thp &che<!u]e a* announced is ah follow s December 7th. — Ogdensimrg vs. Potsdam, at Ogdensourg: Maione vs Canton, at Malone: Gouverneur vs Norwood at Gou>erneu:. I>e<e!i]ber 14th.--Ogdensburg \s. Norwood, at Norwood Gou\erneur vs. Malone. at Malone. Canton w;. Potsdam, a; Potsdam CHEESE MAKERS AND BUYERS ACT Local Representatives at Meeting Fn6sy Oppose Proposals For Gradmg of Cheese lxx*al cher«« makers. Marmer> and buyers. a;e taking no chances Meeting !n the ?' I^awrence Inn on Friday afternoon rrpresenta Uvea of the North Country cheere industry pl«*dged themeelves to op- pose proposals for grading cheese and any unfair measures that may be proposed for the industry at a meeting cailed in Albany Wednes day by the state department of ag riculture and markets. S J Fieldson of IVPe>eter. Leo Storrin of Oxbow president of the Gouverneur cheese board, and K R. Mill* of Water!own were named a committee to represent the cheese*makers of this section at the Albany meeting The committee also was eonmiis atoned to obtain any benefit that might result from co-operating with the state depart men* of agncul- ture. SOAV NOVEMBER. 14, 1934 SINGLE COPIES THREE Cavin ANNUAL MEETING T.B. ASSOCIATION URGE GREATER SCOUT A Profiram« to Motivate the iipm* beri Throughout Year Receje* mended By Scout Executive 'I'^^:a';.j> to motivate boys to .• •*!••• ^r'*\:ty and »at«*na;J -•:'»->: .on' The > ear were ra^em- mn.'t.v. h> Johu C Porter. 0*:- d*-r.>*i... *: »K',V Stout executive, ad dr>-».us a meeting of 35 acfut nia*tt:> a:.d assistant scoutmaster* of the ^ * Lawrence County *|oy Si-uut ( V :H-I. in the agricultural *i .UK-: A : Canton Friday night. "Svout.a*: :,aj* p a ^ e d the pre- m-'t.or. ar.d ad\ancement stage and ! it s Leu »-ritering upon a motiva j t:or. JK-:-:«K! " s a d Mr Porter. **nsr p:w.tm rr.ust be resold to adult > a> well a.» * * '— " * " s ::.(-*• fit'-' i:.* uft .r. pa-' ::.:.•, cla.rti th«- anii to >u> ia>~m o>e^ troop* w h i < n * ; i j er^-jtr- t hroupho »unities : public to us: be resold to aAulv to bo>s of scout agj s fchow M . ueneraJ fa*- result ra'ion during thg . • •i«^-.4, k r«». I IXn-emher 21si—Ogdeusbur? \s ta.inl $13.8&4.3u. This amount was ( y a j ODe reimbursed 100 per cent from j * federal funds. The net cost of T.K.R.A work | for the 12 month* from Nov J. 1933 to Nov. l. 1934. was $3,622.64. The gross cost wa% $13."Sr9.52. includ- ing an amonnt of $1.16*.4u for T. K.it.A. work in November 1933. before the C. W. A. was started a: Ogdensburg; Gou\er- neur vs. Canton, at Canton; Pots- dam vs Norwood, at Potsdam. January 11th — Ogd?nsburg \s. Gouverneur. at Gouverneur: Nor- wood vs. Canton, at Norwood; and Malone vs Potsdam, at Potsdai:. January is—Ojsdensburg a* Can ton. Potsdam at Gouverneur. Nor-j the following slat wood at Malone. nimously elected January 25—Opd^nsburg at Pots- ; Pre>idenr. Ke\ Rev. J. A. Er»ckson Is Re-elected President—Other Officer* and Directors Named The annual mertin^ ami iuncl>- eon of the S' lwi\rrpnce Comity Tuberculosis and Public Health! Association w a * held at the Sey-1 mour House ;n Ogdensbure Mon- | day afternoon, beginning at ft 10.1 Julius Frank, chairman of ibef nominating comn.ittee. prt^ented ' A hich w as una ' Canton. Gou\er From Nov. 23. 1933. to April 1 1*34. the C. W A. work replaced j ^ " M alone a! lhe J-J?' n H \ A ' Th l Det l cost u of ;neur at Norwood. the T. F R. A. was figured on the _ . , v . , ^ , bar-is of a 75 per cent reimburse L February 1 -Norwood at Oguena n:ent from the state. j ^ u ^- M « l0 ^ ** Gouverneur; IVts dam at Canton The total sum paid out for both C W. A. and T. E R. A work for trie 12-month period ending Nov. 1 1934, without the state and fed- eral reimbursements deducted was 127.643.82. This amount was spent for outside Tillage projects During the months of April. May. and June. 1934. the welfare de- [ partment paid out the sum of $231 J "25 for denial work. Seventy-five p*r cent of thia was reimbursed by the etate. The work was done un der the supervision of Mi?** Helena I Jotautoo.,_ . . ^ ^ . ^ , ) During tha paaf year, glasses v n t furnished to 24 people, at a f con ot $92. subject to 75 per c*-nt j rfimbursenient. i The lowest total cost of home : r^litf m 1933. w ith no reimburse- ' meet deducted, w ae for the month of July. $x60. Caises nurabere<l 7 ,( for that period. The lowest cost for any month in 1934.^to date, with no reimbursement deducted, was for July. $995. with 92 cases. la carrying on the C. C. C. February £—Ogdensburg a: Ma- lone; Canton at Gouverneur: Pots- dam at Norwood. February 15—Gouverneur at (>g- derksburg; Norwood at Canton; and Potsdam at Malone. February 22—Canton at Ogdens- burg; Gouverneur at Potadam; and Malone at Norwood. HUNTER'S DEATH WAS ACOBBTCAL .! A. Kr-rkson. ] Canton; first vic«~ freslden* l>on i L. Gibson Stockholm: second wee! president. Mrv. A L Saver. Og dem*burg: ;hrrd vice president.! Julius Frank. Ogdei-sburc: see re-j tary*- Dorothy Hammett. Canton: : treasurer. Charles. M. Ta;t. Can-, ton. Members board of directors for three years - Mrs. Carrie Austin. Heuvelton: Mrs. A J^ Saver. Og densburg: Mrs. Julia M Rice. Ma^sena; Dr. T. A l^ewu*. IHam* mond. Dr. J R Fatton. Ogdens jtnirg; Rev. J M Bellamy Mas sena. State committee: Julias Frank: \ears In order t o r#> ; Ir.terey* of t^he pubitt , -:a:n tiie scout** enthua- | a longer ;>e*iod. the .ould adop* prog ram i motivate their l>oys to j activity and interest : the \ear More oppOT- u?t ali-o be g:\en to the! >• e the boyv ,n action." The holding of parent*'...jugfit*. , sH-outcralt ^ exhibitions. "camp-o- rail.-.' piav% hikes as means as arouMHg er.'r.utaia^m ^ i The a'iv inability of urging scouti to iep:>ter earlier for Camp Vigor, county Scout camp on the St. Lai»> • renc- r:\er at Mo:nst^>wn wail aNo considered. If a n.ore equal ; number of bo» attend the camp each »t^k. a better camping pro- gram can be arranged. r ! Ben Navm. Maxena District scout commi.M-ione^r. p*-tt*idexl at business meeting. -A dinner pre- ceded the busine>* .-es^ior. Attending were Murray C. Hal- pi&. J* I>ashner. Balmat; I-awrence Stone Harry frfcell. William Thorn- luii. Can*on; P^rry Fowler. James Kirkbride. FullervUle Merton Gambit. Royal Powers. Gouver- neur: Ray Loof*. Hermon: S. A Whittacker. Ben Nevm MRS. GRAVES IS GUEST OF Appreciation Dinner Held In Honor at Red Brick Ta*v«f -Lart Saturday Evenia^ MEMBERS OF CAST FOR "PADDY, THE NEXT BEST THING" To Be Presented by Senior Class of C. H. S. at Gralyn Theatre, Tuesday. Nov 2" L<tt to right- Standing Martha Robinson. Kdward Perrin. Burnett Rvder B.tr»»a Bame. Claude - Roee. Harlan Seaman. Klizabeth Tremlett, William Ivan \\'«-atherup. Kvelyn Foy S»ate<l Kileeu Lnhttde*-. Krn Hockev. Catherine Lee. Munel Hutton. Carol S'urif JACK'S GARAGE jD. A. R. BENEFIT iMEN'S SUNDAY HAS HIGH TRIPLE BRIDGE AND TEA TO BE OBSERVED Displaced Athletics In Local Bowl- ing League With 2619 Score Other League Standings Event Will Be Held at Home of Mrs. Rhoda Fox Graves Thursday Afternoon he Jack's Garage has displaced A-hi-rics for high team triple of r*t«4. m the local bow lint league. and also went into seconl place for high team single of !*2* S^artie^rlrct Hooda Koi Glares of this vil^ge w-as trueat of laoactr at a diniie: rj-on>ureci by the Young Kepubiica: club of Gourtvseur, Saturday e\et:.ng A t the Ke^ Brick Tiurn A tarnt*y dinner I U served. Fifty two i^eopie attended the dinner Ked flare> lined both side« of lbt> walk leading from ihe> street t e tb«* entrance to the Tavern. The 4%m- i ag roomg WPTP decorared ^rith bouquets of yellow chryaa«Lbe mums and flag« were banc on tht- walls. A pictare oX the honor, with lb* wordo Kboda Fox Grave*"' beoeatb itvas bordered by lags on the wall mmmr the speakers' table. A* ih*- speakers* table. wUea was ontvird with cbry»«ntbe- nium> an 1 •*!,ver tap*»n». w e r e : [ S«-nat« r••» 1- ct Graves and P. A. 'Grave* Judg.- J C. T>)ian, Percy B S, ..»;• .ind Mrv Anna Jlirrell I Scott >.«f Vibanv Robert Hale. Mm ! Clint. :. ii.;,jn> M -> 1 .y«t*a lxx>tnU Mrs lUnu-.l Collins and P.. J. Ca hill. Hobt't Hale j-e-fd»-d as toast- mast e: jVrcv B S<^tt of Albany. « 1 M has b* * n a ;nMtical corrciipoiMleBt at the state ca pilot for tnssy yemr»» welcomed Mis. Grav*^ bark to the political arena. He said in port: •Trou^ e:ncu r ;hcuiu oe pewof of rendtng M's Graves as eenator to Albany I have watched Jlrs. - Gra\e>* development from t t e atmt Men". Brotherhood of Preabytenan ' aa - v s!l * Pepped into the/ojpHol. Church I. Sponsoring Specal „ " ian > ***** »^ r r< T or * *•»,• Effort For Service U >*t -he is a woman **">hm*} wavs stiKxt by her conrictiosa\ has P:k- kins, Wadding: on Aubrey I n g r a h a m . 25*. who re ! sides with a brother. Ralph In 1 graham, near Edw\aroV. was shot in j an undetermined manner at 2:t»vj Friday afternoon while hunting deer in the Stammerville district. five railed from Kdwards, and died ' in Hepburn hospital a' Ogden* (burg at 6:20 o'clock Friday night : f Carl Robinson. Donald Goodhart. I Ralph Perry. Willis Super and San TAXES ARE ANTICIPATED HERE The league standings up to No ytli. are a: work near Benson Mines a large j Morris were spread about in a hunt amount of wood is being cut for j t np circle uear him None was ablr the rights of way, where roads j to throw much light on the shoot are being constructed through theij np woods. This wood ie piled by the j Jngraham is said'to have ex roadside, and the welfare dej*rt • piaineu. I guess 1 shot myself." men: w allowed a part of the He wao conscious for a time and wood for the recipients of public was rushed to Ogdensburg in the relief without cost except ihe j Randall ambulance. The .ahot hauling charges. The welfare de- struck him in the left chest." partment expecta «to use upwards) Sergt. Richard Walter of 100 cord* of thia wood. The re- cipients cut the wood into stove- •wood Jenatti after it is delivered to their homes. An toeuranee adjustment bureau has been aet up hi New York City to aid T. C A. A. workers in ad- justing insurance policy claims. The welfare officer of Gouverneur was able to secure caah adjust and Reid. H E. Nims. Dr. I>u, Holmt* and Harold D Slack. Mas-j 1J games Maaree of the Ma>on? sena; Leroy Dunbar. Norwood. J still hold**, h i s t place with 192 3. Gerald Dor. Charles Ives. ChasJ but has bowled or/y ^x games of Merry. William Measaw. Richard \ '** 15 Hansen.jr.. and John C. Porter, j Thi> week th«- Ctilit.es may dis Ogdensburg: C J. MunV. Henry ! place the-Begrinners-team in fourth Murphy, jr. Potsdam; E. C. Hun-1 place, by scoring a w in over Em Richville; Rev. C. H. Fenton, eryviile. while the Ekgmners are d Charles Lord, expected to drop at least two points George Denny. Douglas Pete. Lin-j to the Athletics. By winning all < ex-officio. Dr. M J. Stearns, Og icoln Sawyer. Albert Slavin. Clar-; four points from JackV Garag^. 1 denekmra:. chairman, fwblic r«ia-|ence Stacey. Paul Mo«he>r and Xa~i liiona committer, coaaty"'- naes**c*l j ihau &r**-n CAiivempvir ' Igocietyr T»r m. W . l l a y n Gouver j neur. district healifa officer; j John* M. Xichois. probation oificer; i j Dr Charles F F*ra:rit r.ias^ena 1 pre.-ident. St. Lawrence Countv j ! Medical Society; Dr W. MuihoM land. Heuvelu>n. chairman public health, committee, board of >uper- \ vigors; William E. Prowr.. Nor- i folk, chairman, bear i of -upe: ; visors. Term expire* l&r,:" F li. Wood ruff Potsdam: Julius Frank. (>g d^nsburg; Mr* Fannie Clark. Fo f .- darn; Charle? M. Tai: Can*or.; Mrs. Fred Quinlan. f>gden*urg: I)r. R. J. Reynold.-. Pot .-dam Tern, expires 15#3ti: M;:ton H^'A ; Canton: E. K. Wnehv Norwood. I W T. Clark. Hailefboro; Earl* Laid law. Gouverneur; I>-on Gib ; lion Stockholm: M~< Grace With j erbef Canton. I A rew»iution of tribute to late H. H. Ryan of Gouvernei The Gouverneur Morris Chapter. P. A R will hold a bridge aud tea ; for the benefit of Constitution Hall ; at - o clock Thursday afternoon. J at the hom»- of the Hon. Rhoda Ffc* <rw»iiMini' of t hf> IV«iane*-*" team J vlra ves. November 15th b e i n g th»* Cird* : ^ f f i ^ i ; .^^'bi,,.,!:,, «.f Mrs Ku.sH. Wllltal ! W«h thertwe.' "- ^ g ^ * :ane H. *Od«.l ,.ra f , wi,h IM! for , M«c-a. Pn-.W^nt ^ . - r . . . .i^'^r^J^E^JZZ Men's Sunday will be observed • * lwa - v * in the Fu*i P.-tsbvtenan church next Sunday. November l^th. The Brotherhood of the church is s^pon- •oiiBX a apecial effort that is being made to get every man connected All hers are urged present at the morning . .... (hap:* 1 ; members are urged j present m\ mr murma* aervice to be present and to invite one or ! This will be the Brotherhood's more guests There will be tables j Service and it » expected that a of auction and contract bridge and t very large »de legal ion of the jne* of the u«<ual silver collection (the church will be' present. The Chapter members will please 1 r*»j:or will preach a special sermon notifv the entertainment' cf>hfMt-7fo>- the Jhen Of course the ladies tee as soon as possible the number ) »re invited, too. but the feature of of guests thev are bringing with i the eerrice willtoits appeal to the them ! manhood of the church. The Entertahrment Committee is | The annual Congregational Sup- composed of the following. #Jvlrs. [per. also sponsored by the Broth -tArhi^T^m ^t, ^r fS'v ^ Jand. Mrs. Virginia MeAlla^ef 'JSkMu tm Wednesday, Kawaas**, ! « [* ed n first p.ace for the first r«Hiad , ; t h p M ^ r ^ rftke lhe fornr ^ ^, the i fought for what la right v and has always searched for the truth. The election of a woo*** to a major office in the upper ot the state legislature new ehaater in the tory of New York State,' Judge J. C. Dosma Jtrs. Graves on her victory, com pii usee ted her oar her •ervice to^ali the peoele, njftsneated also the selves for their selecting her ae state the 34th senatorial district. Mm. U s n r a i * CoJtftae g a r e m ing. assisted sy Mn. Tins at the piaise. Kobert !>. Klamey. who had been in the weeks haffwa hrler PKk. that | Town Board Audit is Completed- Town Borrowed Sfi.OOO Less i Then In Prtv\ou* Year i The town board completed !*• work of auditing accoum afternoon. 'a'urday I *»ii'-.u.-w»i. Supervisor Earl Laid j law said that berau*-*- of the gr».it- I er reimbursements ;ec»;v<d ir<-:i) : th** s t a t e this year, the board «~\ * [»• cted that the general tax would 'be less than in 1933 Borrow-.nz was approx;ni2tilv $v «»of> le^^ than in 1933. | A slightiy smaller sum of mon-y lne : w i l ] be rait-ei for highwav purj^ts for | - vemb Team Athletic .. Jack's Garap Fowler Beginners t'tilities ... 4 Anchor* A. ic V. Ma«ons Bankers ... Emery\ill^ . Kinneys ._. lo 13 13 13 \ V 1 o follows; Won Lost Pet. . 17 3 ,v> . 2«» 4 >33 :M7 .•;."»«• .:.-»2 .417 had ths>best of new a of Mrs. Qrwvem Woodcock, land. Mrs. J. Barnard H >w 11 i:> 39 2" ROWLEY IS AGAIN MASTER OF GRANGER .<>;>«• Reelected at Annual Meeting Gouverneur Grange Friday —Other Oncers Chosen covered dish suppei. to which all tbejamilu* of the church are not only cordiallv invited but expected to comjfc Each family will bring Its ovvn dishes, buttered rolla and a cohered dish. Efficient commit- tees of the Brotherhood will ban- the details of the affair. The*e /committees are ma.le up as fol- / low- Kitchen -George Griffith. I Em» st Jackson. Din.ne Room - was the best tonic be Mr Kinney said that he we ebould have more politics He commended the Republican club for ite actiratr la the past campaign, and lineal U to continue* its work. The bope of the Republican party be saJaf. amy in the organixation and traiaimg of the y oungep- m o m be re of of , Paui Mother and a Average Game of Each Team \ Athletic^ f _.>41 Beginners ^i« ! Jack's Garage _ >'»v was employed on was necessary highway to ke*p •o Mr Laidlaw ^aid that although Trooper Jerry Thorpe of the Can-;*"* services a* treasurer of the as ; ro reimbursement was received for ton patrol are investigating. Ralph | ^ociation was presented by Charles kf . v men Ingiaham. brother of the Tictlm. j - M - Tai: and adopted It wih be work , t and Lawrence Hall, were addi I placed in the minuter and copies The ^ mt . ti on tne ^h ln orde tional members of the party. 1 **ht to the Prf««- i get the work done efficiently I>r Stacev of Ogdeneburg and ? Prtfiident Erickson also culogiz Dr Brown of Potsdam pertortned i *<* lh ^ late Mr Ryan for his ;n • an autopsy itert^t and efficient work ir. behalf Fellow hunters. making a [of the association stretcher from wood and material 1 IS SERMON THEME menu In a number of cases, for! handy, carried the injured man to j T IJP 1 J P 1 1 7 U / A D T f| workers, through this bureau. In j the car and then took him to fne j | JXC l l £ ff ff UIVLI/ one case, a family of four, the hospital in the ambulance. Tb* claim was settled on a caah ba^is I body was taken to funeral parlor? for $125. j In Edwards Friday night. Ninety two back yard garden He and hki brother lived together on a farm. Hi* parents are both dead. Ingraham did not accidentally rhot himself. Thie was estab- lished by the coroners* inquest at Edwards Friday Ingraham. how- ever. dW exclaim that he might ! have shot himself. Jt was determined that none of Prtated $1.500.<»0 for the Purpose ^ ^ y . D j ^ £ £ *•*«• T^ h of MipfWog milk to u n d e r i ^ o u r ^ i ^ ^ j X r il?« %£*'*JT* •d chiklren through the schools, ln °' * ^J 7 ^ * rt * order to get miU free, a child ha* i Rhot iJ> the ** 1 * to be ©mined at undernourished.* \\S^SSSSi^ h tM' uHuJ^onUy afternoon snd burial made Th- *peake- expressed th, > ^ 5 i t ^ L ^ f IRJS « llf tft ' ***** cemetery. i )i*f :«»: ine r!n^ has come I ^l!^ ^T ° s Ji~ 1 ' 44 ,tr.e Christian church to take .^L!? 10 *** h ^ h,r fy f ??l TK1 *1 r A K I STII VS K 'The tremendous cost of the WorK «clyied sums spent for later and J U / t A L J I U X J W ; Wtr iE humajl ,j T wa# ciled ^ T. D. BAERMAN EDUCATED HERE Ctilities Masons Fowler Anchors Bankers .._ A. & P Emeryville Kinney* „._$&6lNo. 2 after which the Grange pro- High Turn Single Game » ceeoVd to elect the following offi 1. Masons $641 rere Master. Wm H Rowley; ~ Overseer. Chester Hartlev. I>-ctur Jsl»M : 7^6 .773 771 .75* thy Master appointed fire H*nry Freeman and Swter Beaman. Wf b ster as tellers for table No 1 and Brother Herb Huddieston and Sis- able j A telegram i*eceived by aTra. j which he will appoint: Solicitin R - I ^ ! of ,'\ f : New ) > ork ^* t " ' Andrew l^:di»« Harry Hodfkln. »''° n r °' * °" D * ^ h *' 1 « wWi »ff . „. ! Harlan To«nslex. G^rp»- lackie: **• r !* d .^ r - ^ l e y ««Wtott* >«<• S p e a k s Ar.hu: Cu>hnian. Jc^ph Pt"'rff*"' Conrr.luUuon.. %4m, r ' election is a bright upot in tb« arw ve*r for i h » n ^ i, " : KIOOK.- '-'•'».•.- ; , h „ , h «. rapacity of ih^ dinin R room J i£L,° f ,h * *.' L**'*** * Wor- j wlll , * , „ ' H I O i t s fulk ,, ex 7 PIU . J J«ra» K^Pubbcan club. 'M. i ! j Gouverneur Grant* >.- h»ir regular meeting at ;:je.r :\n,i ; g c hofield on Gordon street Fndav f > • nT.e ' c i^i event ^November 9th with 59 present. Al , iht congregation and it is expected I _ (officers were present and after •*:•.*- ' » • - - . -«^- :..._*. L . jr_, , nor regular business meeting th of the entire Coeer / ..695 ters Freeman and Patton fo Wcrked Way Through Gouverne*. Wesiyan Seminary—Died in New Je-iey Noven-.ber 4 pro,)e^ts were developed under the t-upervision of the welfare board in 1934. Two hundred and sixty-live chil- dren on the relief rolls have been certlfted as eligible* to receive free milk under the free milk project which Is eipected to start Thurs- day. Nov. 15. The state has appro- *'T;.e N*€ w World" ma* Lhe >ub je< of an Armistice day addres.- £~\fL bf Rev R E Gouid of the Bap;:>: cnurch a: a union church yt-r\:c*- held in the Methodis' cr.urch Sunday night Member* of James Maloy Post. No *5 attend *-i the service in s body. .Kev. Joseph A. Scbo^eld of tne Pr-rb^tenac churrh. Rev V O Bcy> of Trinity Episcopal church. nee jest nreriou^ and Kev E J Lavis of th*- Meth to the accident. , odif church participated ;n the flerrices were held at f o'clock service bf- for th* Freeman Donald Baerman. 7:, , whose death occurred at his hoir,'. m Atlantic Highland. N J., on S-.v l day. Nov A, was well known in .older rei-iidents of th»*- viiiage Freeman Baerman was born :n iGananoque Ont . Canada Dec 1 I 1S60 His parents were Nc»ah 1. \r ii. 2 1. 2. Jacks Garage »2* High Team—Three Games Jacks Garage 2€19 Athletics 2.^: High Individual—Single Game er. Nellie Seaman: Chaplain Ne! lie Fuller; Steward. Ray Hall as sistant steward. Jame« Murton secretary. Cbse. Jocef. trea«urei » Mrs H G Hurlbut, C+rr* KJv. The speaker secured for the event will be the Rev. William J. Prout. D.D.. pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Potsdam, and Moderator of the Presbytery of St Lawrence. He will brinar an addrertt of an inspirational nature Beside the address there will be j other features including staging by the entire company present. ! Mr* Graves with a basket of jpeiY ' low chrysaanhamtiinfl as a nenaejaai gift from Mrs. J. J. SQliiraJBL afiss Loom* also presemeat Mm* with a corsage boueeet el | and snapdragons, a gift Young Republican club of neur. E J. Cahill led ha gronp saag- Doiphin (Mas<»ns) 243 Rowley. Pomona. Blanche Hartley; | Jamcib Scott (Fowler) 233 \ Flora. r>or:s Peabody. I^dy assw-t -j 'ant Steward. Mrs. jam*.- Murron.l High Individuil— Three Gamei j Magee (Mason.*) .-.. 59" Spauiding (Beginner?; > 4 .ROTARIANSAT LUNCHEON HERE ing. arioads of hinder it of the highway inatertal Toot were paid for fond. Total expenditures for all pro- >cu of the town in the pa*t '»•*;**• months, including work a-d borne rehef, aoaterlaas and ia ber. adanlnJatratire coats of the **ifare department, ineurance pre* a.i«as. rKir^sneat of loans, ail of f t»ese items aayahee out of the rrneral fund "were $7%.6$b. accord ing to Mr Laidlaws report Total receipts /or the same **-od. aecerdUuj to the report *^-re rj.WO, including loans The b^*raa> tax returned the town -+ EARL STILES LS ON VARSITY TEAM The rapid development of Earl 1 ?:*let. ^jtsene ief: end on Qil Dobie'i football squad at Cornel. h*~ been the sub>ect of much fa vorabie comment In the press no tic** from Ithaca A recent excerpt from an Ithaca d*.sp**ck in the Post Standard Mon I day t% a* follows "Another eoph : omore Candida:e has come forward in rreat rrite* to take the play. T*e newcomer is Earl Stiles, are- i»^r; of the Gesvemear fligt II * - h CK>: w he ca urbt Hac k Wissoa f j lonr hearf for tse only Big Red - *co-€ agains* Bill Orange Sti)e* ' f.e-re'.y agrees* -e strie seems :o ' ba-e cadant the E>o6ian fancy." P ^ST NOVEMRCR EAWy CONTEST if WON iV GOUVEftNCU* I *J ;tr uad>- Coach Rl>v a: the Ooev Murray a>erf<t Lx^hxnv sea ef-«me«r High Schooi before enter of ling as example of th*~»ay *n whicL progress in sclent :fir iEv^ct.or. couid be put to evU u***s Hur* Fum* of money about > r ^»•>• '«>'• i t th*- World War »*--* f>p*-f in dee-troyiag humar 1Me* act h:m^« Figures w#»re q-oe<i :•• sr.ow >ust *hat this kwouz: of itoc*r would do for tn* j*eopl« , e of toe *ar.h »n th* way of horo^ ur..versitjes. hospi:a:« arK* othe- ron «^*-jc*;^e p-oj^r'* ComaQesoTr:r *h*- rn^a>b- * of AXTi*r.rar. l > r " ' t !c~ :ZK>~ ^er in :r.e Worid ' a ' :.*- « d that *h«- !>>r:on r.a« a f a t opp-rtun.- y t.- ta»." Tr>* '*ad .r. h*!p.ar tru..t "the c** wo:M3 The idea-« of «*!f-d *^ pl.t* and derotion :c i rcrr.r^oc ^a-* fc a** L**-ded :c*C«i se M •-. F> * A *h # 7 were d-r zz t!>e »a* *et? ••<*•;red one y e a r s train nad Mrs Everett Latham the Mr < of C* t r a group of eoMoperntlan:" Ogtfena- •*^T5 m>€ ^bant» and The Joama. Ar^rul:t:ra: • College at N Y.. was the winner C^rz^V. He flayed tackie on the ^rst Bahr «f the Moa:lii>oca: fs-r ari also .a the Co-re" isf. year This season he was subfLtate .eft end oa Lhe at s f S 1 rseru^** : * mjr ^* wm omx °* r*€*> with he k^tai. and has aaramta p>rv '***t+d the sarth ether haetmg lar p-art>ce :cr s » irso^H**- a>ry bet since MARION HARTLEY BWTRAMNC^ B-Tk :» N V F-"day S<rrea>b»* •: - A =-o^x ' £*e i at r. ris w ho ec :e-^3 •-..• 'a « proeai^oave-i c^aes a' t^* B^fijo Ci'j Hos^a. T*x.s wee: back be has ;0O. fo- >' Tae &**Omr the t* Mi- ro-. and !iae nlged oa: lhe regn E^* Mar^ Hnr-^ey. 4f**^'l * avfsd for U piae* oa the ear M- a^d M-* c A Bar.ley of Ea#: sfty :sa-3i H# J t brother of the M*~: r iM^se* «et#m and EX* Scilea. both Ha_- *r «•«_ . of whom e-» »eme*n of the ksea: j Gocre-**ir n-iTi erhoe. \ Jane Smith Baerman of F'w.'. ' N. Y. Freeman live<i in f r « .*•: during his childhood He was educated at Gouve^n* r , Wealeyan seminary working :.s i way throogh school He arr *-i about one and a half cords of w. K) a day irp the stair? in the <ierr. :i-j ary to help pay his way wmie c | ; school he earned his board !>y ) working* for a family named K r>- j ney on what le now known as •:;• Hartley farm >est outs id* this iage. oe the Scotch Sett lens road. j Following his graduation fr • * • the Goeverneur seminary- he taur"* t srhool in DeKalb Junction fo- i J ^^ort per*od X^a*er h* en:e-^d ; Vale university and w~*rk«»d :.-s | way through A?'*- ^radua- *s , from Yale he took a post rradu,.:e \ course at Columbia un;v#rsjty F H* married May EHtnrton 1^.31. of Madiaon. X J., on Sep- >. ]»•'.. in Rochester Th* coup.*- 2;ved »* I>over. X J. tor a trTD* xat^r rr v- nt U> Denetl*c. N J F - - •&* p* * two years thev hed Jj^ed at At>s ?»r Highiano> Mr Baerman w*> in th* i t c*-- j paraaesK of th* T *> md G--a-*-- t** Treat wtDptn of N*w Y -k ,. f->r t e a y e a r s H+ retired from -r:» !' Serrrrnag freemac Ba*~rr.aL t*- i*H*ea hie WTOOW M-» V*-^ !--» sre tw^ soc« H*r.' *^>4 si Beersnan i«- c a . x r - ••-*. Walter Wnkry »iv: M*« M-.;.y all of Atiai;->f H^i^^*- | N J- assi one brother L**:>-r 5la*r. nun of ftaeavUke heater Baerman n*« •> ~ Fowler east has bv*d ***- '-'z^er- new aA has life H* r.as a-*^ * i fa Individual Averages Maree (Masons) 6 9paulding iBetnnners). IS j Foster (Jack's Garare). ]k JR. Randa.; (Banker,^.. U Paige (Athle'-CM 11 Murphy (Masons) 15 AndenBOL (Bankers) .. IT A. Randail rArhietics).. 15 Ril*y (Athletics; 12 R. Carpenter (Ctilities) 15 1V2 3 :K^-I:: 1T4 12' 174 v 174-J : 173-3 1 172 14 372-K' l72-« ; 17N-13! Gate K*-ei»er. Geortre fJriff.'h. :ru* te« lioy Gibbs pjar.i*t Mr* Blanrhe HJt«. ^ Mr? Beaman gaw not>c»- that the I^adie* Granpe Cruh v. ould have a house warnvfii c»r. IH-< . 1*» Supper 3". rent> Followed b;v an ' mertamnieni-^and dur.f ,nr trie proceed* to go to buy rr.a the hall A rood erowi *.. The Granitf \oted '<> dor to the Vanl>ux»-e Hoivp:*«: tion dav aod p^rne tin** ;. future to put on a par'* were present at last mating of the Gouverneur Lunch ! eon Club to present the merits of the Rotary organixation. Inspiring taiks were given by Loren Harter. Watertown. Boyd A Littie. Clifton '•^'Spring*. Dkstnct Governor of the %:. i*> ANNUAL TURKEY SALES LISTED J benefi* j A dssrussior. w a* k ^';d r^e work and voit-d r.a ( lar off rer* confer •:,«* second d*-rr*-^ and :: Mrs. Graves responded to the toasts and welcoming follows 'This is the meat si on .in fact, the in my fife. I have many times st dinners la other people, and never ____ j to *ttend one given for me Several representatives^of Rotary jft",»* & *£ETJ* # Wednesdays; ^ fully rfml|ae ^ w J not be here this evening, a good time together, if it not for the wonderful sapper loyaky of mj friesaae aittiaa; both Republicans and) and others who coutat i ent, "We read about the the w ord friend or trtea^ssssssX emt we never fully reaiiae tarn until w# paaa throegfc d |»th District of Rotary. Dr James i S. Thoma* president of Clarhson >r uona | College at Potsdam. pa«t distnet be eae* n» ^**7|goTemor of Rotary. Other Rotary :rr "' r j repreeentatives pre+ent were 1> John P. Brook r. past president of ! trootied' walera * T^Z-TZZZ a^T Clarkaon College. Potsdam; Harold ' l i ^ T . L JZf'L^ ?*-Z* m ! m ~ W'M Be Held at Madrid. aed Heuvelton oe November 2'. 22 and 23 Tr.e arnua! Thankaglrtng :urke> sa>f ir. S* Lawrence county w.V. he bed at Madrid. Xoveinbe- 2 Lisbon November 22. and Heu T » ton. Noveaaber 22 The voium* will be abou- ' :.* aame ae last y*er when i*r-rt*. ranged from 2^ to 21 cents a -»•-. .r-. but a top figure of 30 c e n u - •* pec # ed this season it is said Brooke ir. "*™ I * ***' •** Hoger Wright. Wai.r , ^ ^ ^ d ******- f^l ar.1 iU)Wll Jtotan founded L Chicago aay l ° ** D<1 w A d-tf-*^ j tn p^hruary. 1SK^ is now e^:ab team fonf*- w,*. t h r d snd fo.rh,| Un#d iB thiny-se^en countn*f throughoet the world with a rota! membership of 153 w*» degree? i The next m^'inc •'t^rt- « ','.] b* a Lisbon. Thank-r> .*r p-or-an^ or. No\ 2S. BALMAT MAN IS SHOT BY RIFLE Leg w-e»" G *> r* e^ct * * *• is D/»c^a-getf I B S NORGREN WED SEPTEMBER 30 j Mua»c Teacher t * Lo^cai Sc•"&&»"- **rr**4 at B-asete*i tc Ca' | ten MscM jr 0 f Mc a GOUVERNEUR MUdC CLUB REGULAR MEETING rp-OA" -^ Go=T*r£ewr The rerular meeting of th* i -. vemeur Muaic Club was h#.: *• the home of Muss Fretea K^^- ,r. Friday Nor ember second T v * etody for the day was lhe lit*- ar-: compos tione of Edward McX*^*^. The proarraaa. whach was r-*a:.? ea^oyed by all. was as foiiow * JiolJ cai/—name of ooarpf** -r>r of the compos*- Paper. L.> r> # .'i. Lydia L*eoamla. Pirc i*cotcti Poenv Virgin: a ?o* Tr^i To a Wild Rose \ *lir*A lafOrapotte Bethasy CoQia* E.;r^- lleCoy; goto. The ssneaa |t^r» ir tfce Appie T r ^ Doris Carnes*- Gsorx ea AaaVfc-oc bekd ia J- St MW T a: I CA- ! o: tt.rb*-:i. 22 *' ; Ida 7^-:—.*• of Ba-..« > ." ".a*• ^f>*r <"v>r. » ' * •"•-f > :: ^ I-- r.r,* ?*.?> \*t :••; T***- l/.]*• IT- '•.'•• rr. ": *• r.Ar't* r»f .-.. » >~.*z Ir <r.'\ M.- V* je > *- a/-.d*r."a::*. d.**"^- to # ---r a Announcemei:: pest week of \t T*^ w c v©j-£ ;^-'^p * w--« r. -i r.: - ;rr »ava; gam* z -v * %.~.r.- v of I* * *M Ijitc B*»' "• *•*" t.-*k"TLS A' *- -<- a / - i"Z' BwT.-" »«.ii*d % .iN-v^ di*car.*^ tc * w * rt*ed^ay ?•*•» h* r^av; r«f: r,i* ^*- M.sa V»»d*»r *r»*r < - T » -. :ar. *c «VHi^*r* st of thee^ y*af« k:i4 19** rt ***«—Daaee el tae \ oa a Sana a**! r. ^IManei Dmrf. Kaihersae A I JBeiea ?* lit Craa ftirUi. ssukM 1o' Frc-aa] Tea was aerrad he 4W r**j' *e r ' : o :. * *x; TX>-* M Cai. t*-r ,axtl ttr» P^T .M x > .'•Tj.a 5"* M-» B*e- *d ST coopany Ha •. * r o«rp -< *^ : -4oc .i dts- -.ct »? '^* Wf- aa.'ma: t ~r+ i .* :c :t* eebc-o *aJ o p-c- & **.- SV fc "> oa^r' *. t -•- Bc-r .le-oa.' * ;a ' ""- *• # T 'A* * c * vyf . ^^" » -rjad fry se- :r be z Tvw- of Mr. ir.ey rn> OC4, ?%Up SL „ r^ar w a* ma/**- *.;*- marr.aff r.r M Si 8vea Norgret. of Potsdarc :o ra- tes MacMilian of Moira in:rr. 'o--- piece Reptembe- V .r B-j«h-.vr. Mkai Norgr^r «a< a •n , *«/ tfa. r e- *n the Gou^*-x**.- *rhc^#> d»' ing the past schoo r*g- 5 :,e w *,- graduated from CraL* ;r»**.;u-* * Potadsrm tn l$Zl. arxj :.a^*T fc * *x--«c in the Mo;ra H:r-. scr»oo. b*-''*' coming here 4 c Notfrrrb-- ;*X She »s lb* da^rrer c' M' ax»d Mrs Charles No-r^: of 7 ^ s-iarr. Mr MacM. Ian t a r*ad-a - % f Motra Huch aci-.-oc cia.«i» cr :>5- •"bUewjjLg gradua'.or. ^ a:**^><l the NorJi # Ca-oi.i2 rji* -.^a-'-*-* F>is< -^a, ' sa Rev Mr ArW- of r- charrch at Brusrton pt- cereeaocy Tbe coup> m Motra. Mies Julia U^Z.z of P*>o*r"x N T^ has been entered o taa* M.s* a piece -a :a# Go^Ten**- MJS Maltt 5a» a haetrtate «ay pceeibJe. to heap «a g r *a:. ....... "This noon when I ma a. the thought , tna: I might be for sesiatajsee of say in the near future for I }*tter frosa aoane of w :,o are farmers in Fsila. saymg their W<-n m^trw^rmd. •:<» ad monition to *be ( r^*od Now 1 a m atmosphere that as , r-^dn*s« and perfeciioo * A#,e (he rrrmbiacd I # - ends to keep me track J dad •r-:ccAnce of the event c-rr+4 on Tuesday laet, Klmer. the nsstategiaaeef. ; oz t he tekeptbooe and said ae> r^reived a wire frosa Use m*« ashing aim to take of the Grarae faaairy. aad —, ro them with the hOL I ^nrrr to denrfre Mr majsi at ba^neea Wt the Craeao »ae in no eoaMitioa le he t-apoed the moraine after* "I have great faith SM mm **?*>**c*am. The lBtereat tsarg a s j , -aging ia freshing and eai inn s|laai I Lhai snth Use *-dera r**ere of * t v , u a a I mm ++ «de ; osT.cers aeaf saesaassara ea* Mlae of the Deiey

Transcript of Ea*abubed:*>2 j— -...

Page 1: Ea*abubed:*>2 j— - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031312/1934-11-14/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · Marmer> and buyers. a;e taking no chances Meeting !n the ?' I^awrence

THE NORTHERN TRIBUNE t«*u»hrdi887-G»obd^ AprO 19 1020—GocvERNti K FREE PRESS. Ea*abubed:*>2

V O L . X L V I I I . WO. 12. j—

G O U V E R N E U R . N E W Y O R K , W t


Annual Ra>ort • * W s l f a r e Officer for Year * Cubing November

F i rs t la Presented

'I he net coat Of home relief to thr town of Gouverneur for. the vtar ending November 1. 1934, wa* j : 3?*5.5$. according to the annual report of the welfare department, submitted by Welfare Officer Al mon Chiaholm to the town board

"Saturday. T h e year covered by Ihr report waa from November 1. 3933. to S o r c e r e r 1. 1934.

The following table of conipeia tivr flguirea covers the period* frvru May 1 to November 1. in the years 19S3 and 1134 During the $\x monthe tabulated for 1933. the tut coat waa figured on the baais of a 40 per cent reimbursement of fund* from the state, while hhe fig­ure* Tor the same period in 1934 wt-re figured on the basis of a 75 prr cent reimbursement

Cases Act. Tn. Case* Coat 597.94 474 14 S79.72 490 63 323.5€ 469.92

May June July AUK St-pt. Oft.

129 97 92 92 91



113 7* 7c 61 73 So

Act. Tn Cost

$1,211.52 1.134.7"

57 6. S* 5M.07 4> 4 4.02 6*9 tr?

Total 611 .$2,635.91 4Xo $4.V3T26 Funds used In the CW.A. work

bv the town of Gouverneur from Nov. 23. 1933. to April 1. 1934. to-


Each T e a m in League W II Meet Twice During Season—First

Wi l l Be Home Game

Beginning iH-cember T. ih* b** ketbali team* of the Northern Ww York inUT»€hola»tic league wt:i jcet under way in their series of > a garnets on a home and tioiiu* ba*:s. according to the present schedule.

The league includes high school quintets from Potedarn. Canton. Gouverneur Malone. Ogdetisburg. and Norwood. Each team will play ten league games with the four hitcheut ranking teams at the end of the schedule playing off on March 1 On March S, the win­ners of these two games MI!! com­pete for the championship a' the Brewer field hou*e in Cantor. The regular league game* will rn<! on February 22

Last season the Potsdam high school won the cup donated by the Kiwanis club of Malone. making two lens that school has on the permanent possession of the cup ~ Thp &che<!u]e a* announced is ah follow s

December 7th. — Ogdensimrg vs. Potsdam, at Ogdensourg: Maione vs Canton, at Malone: Gouverneur vs Norwood at Gou>erneu:.

I>e<e!i]ber 14th.--Ogdensburg \ s . Norwood, at Norwood Gou\erneur vs. Malone. at Malone. Canton w;. Potsdam, a; Potsdam


Local Representatives at Meet ing Fn6sy Oppose Proposals For

Gradmg of Cheese

lxx*al cher«« makers. Marmer> and buyers. a;e taking no chances

Meeting !n the ?' I^awrence Inn on Friday afternoon rrpresenta Uvea of the North Country cheere industry pl«*dged themeelves to op­pose proposals for grading cheese and any unfair measures that may be proposed for the industry at a meet ing cailed in Albany Wednes day by the state department of ag riculture and markets.

S J Fieldson of IVPe>eter. Leo Storrin of Oxbow president of the Gouverneur cheese board, and K R. Mill* of Water!own were named a committee to represent the cheese*makers of this section at the Albany meet ing

The committee also was eonmiis atoned to obtain any benefit that might result from co-operating with the state depart men* of agncul-ture.

SOAV N O V E M B E R . 14, 1934 S I N G L E C O P I E S T H R E E C a v i n •



Profiram« to Motivate the iipm* ber i Throughout Year Receje*

mended By Scout Executive

'I'^^:a';.j> to motivate boys to .• •*!••• ^r'*\:ty and »at«*na;J -•:'»->: .on' The > ear were ra^em-mn.'t.v. h> Johu C Porter. 0*:-d*-r.>*i... *: »K',V Stout executive, ad dr>-».us a meeting of 35 acfut nia*tt:> a:.d assistant scoutmaster* of the ^ * Lawrence County *|oy Si-uut ( V :H-I. in the agricultural *i .UK-: A: Canton Friday night.

"Svout.a*: :,aj* p a ^ e d the pre-m-'t.or. ar.d ad\ancement s tage and ! it s Leu »-ritering upon a motiva j t:or. JK-:-:«K! " s a d Mr Porter. **nsr p : w . t m rr.ust be resold to a d u l t > a> well a.» * * '— " * " s ::.(-*• fit'-' i:.* uft .r. pa-' ::.:.•, cla.rti th«-anii to >u> ia>~m o>e^ troop* w h i < • n * ; i j er^-jtr-t hroupho »unities : public to

us: be resold to aAulv to bo>s of scout a g j

s fchow M. ueneraJ fa*-result ra'ion during thg

. • • i « ^ - . 4 , k r«». I IXn-emher 21si—Ogdeusbur? \ s ta.inl $13.8&4.3u. This amount was ( y a j O D e

reimbursed 100 per cent from j * federal funds. The net cost of T.K.R.A work | for the 12 month* from Nov J. 1933 to Nov. l . 1934. was $3,622.64. The gross cost wa% $13."Sr9.52. includ­ing an amonnt of $1.16*.4u for T. K.it.A. work in November 1933. before the C. W. A. was started

a: Ogdensburg; Gou\er-neur vs. Canton, at Canton; Pots­dam vs Norwood, at Potsdam.

January 11th — Ogd?nsburg \ s . Gouverneur. at Gouverneur: Nor­wood vs. Canton, at Norwood; and Malone vs Potsdam, at Potsdai:.

January is—Ojsdensburg a* Can ton. Potsdam at Gouverneur. Nor-j the following slat wood at Malone. nimously elected

January 25—Opd^nsburg at Pots- ; Pre>idenr. Ke\

Rev. J . A. Er»ckson Is Re-elected Pres ident—Other Officer* and

Directors Named The annual mertin^ ami iuncl>-

eon of the S' lwi\rrpnce Comity Tuberculosis and Public H e a l t h ! Associat ion w a * held at the Sey-1 mour House ;n Ogdensbure Mon- | day afternoon, beginning at ft 10.1

Julius Frank, chairman of ibef nominating comn.ittee. prt^ented '

A hich w as una '

Canton. G o u \ e r

From Nov. 23. 1933. to April 1 1*34. the C. W A. work replaced j "Malone a ! l h e J-J?'n

H\A' Thl D e tl

c o s t u

o f ; n e u r at Norwood. the T. F R. A. was figured on the _ . , v . , ^ , bar-is of a 75 per cent reimburse L February 1 - N o r w o o d at Oguena n:ent from the state. j ^ u ^ - M « l 0 ^ ** Gouverneur; IVts

dam at Canton The total sum paid out for both

C W. A. and T. E R. A work for trie 12-month period ending Nov. 1 1934, without the state and fed­eral reimbursements deducted was 127.643.82. This amount was spent for outside Tillage projects

During the months of April. May. and June. 1934. the welfare de- [ partment paid out the sum of $231 J "25 for denial work. Seventy-five p*r cent of thia was reimbursed by the etate. The work was done un der the supervision of Mi?** Helena I Jotautoo.,_ . . ^ ^ . ^ , )

During tha paaf year, g lasses v n t furnished to 24 people, at a f con ot $92. subject to 75 per c*-nt j rfimbursenient. i

The lowest total cost of home : r^litf m 1933. w ith no reimburse- ' meet deducted, w ae for the month of July. $x60. Caises nurabere<l 7,(

for that period. The lowest cost for any month in 1934.^to date, with no reimbursement deducted, was for July. $995. with 92 cases .

la carrying on the C. C. C.

February £—Ogdensburg a: Ma­lone; Canton at Gouverneur: Pots­dam at Norwood.

February 15—Gouverneur at (>g-derksburg; Norwood at Canton; and Potsdam at Malone.

February 22—Canton at Ogdens-burg; Gouverneur at Potadam; and Malone at Norwood.


.! A. Kr-rkson. ] Canton; first vic«~ freslden* l > o n i L. Gibson Stockholm: second w e e ! president. Mrv. A L Saver. Og dem*burg: ;hrrd vice president.! Julius Frank. Ogdei-sburc: see re-j tary*- Dorothy Hammett. Canton: : treasurer. Charles . M. Ta;t. Can-, ton.

Members board of directors for three years - Mrs. Carrie Austin. Heuvel ton: Mrs. A J^ Saver. Og densburg: Mrs. Julia M Rice. Ma^sena; Dr. T. A l^ewu*. IHam* mond. Dr. J R Fatton. Ogdens

j tnirg; Rev. J M Bellamy Mas sena.

State commit tee: Julias Frank:

\ears In order to r#> ; Ir.terey* of t he pubitt ,

-:a:n tiie scout** enthua- | a longer ;>e*iod. the

.ould adop* prog ram i motivate their l>oys to j

activity and interest : the \ear More oppOT-u?t ali-o be g: \en to t h e ! >• e the boyv ,n action."

The holding of parent*'...jugfit*. , sH-outcralt ^ exhibitions. "camp-o-rail.-.' piav% hikes as means as arouMHg er.'r.utaia^m ^ i

The a'iv inability of urging scout i to iep:>ter earlier for Camp Vigor, county Scout camp on the St. Lai»> • renc- r:\er at Mo:nst^>wn w a i l aNo considered. If a n.ore equal ; number of b o » attend the camp each »t^k. a better camping pro-gram can be arranged. r !

Ben Navm. M a x e n a District scout commi.M-ione^r. p*-tt*idexl at business meeting. -A dinner pre­ceded the busine>* .-es^ior.

Attending were Murray C. Hal-pi&. J* I>ashner. Balmat; I-awrence Stone Harry frfcell. William Thorn-luii. Can*on; P^rry Fowler. James Kirkbride. FullervUle Merton Gambit. Royal Powers . Gouver­neur: Ray Loof*. Hermon: S. A Whittacker. Ben Nevm


Appreciat ion D inner He ld I n Honor at Red Brick Ta*v«f

-Lart Saturday E v e n i a ^

MEMBERS OF CAST FOR "PADDY, THE NEXT BEST THING" To Be Presented by Senior Class of C. H. S. at Gralyn Theatre, Tuesday. Nov 2" L<tt to r i g h t - Standing Martha Robinson. Kdward Perrin. Burnett Rvder B.tr»»a

Bame. Claude - Roee. Harlan Seaman. Klizabeth Tremlett, William Ivan \\'«-atherup. Kvelyn Foy S»ate<l Kileeu Lnhttde*-. K r n

Hockev. Catherine Lee. Munel Hutton. Carol S'urif


Displaced Athlet ics In Local Bowl­ing League W i t h 2619 Score —

Other League Standings

Event W i l l Be He ld at Home of Mrs. Rhoda Fox Graves

Thursday Afternoon

he Jack's Garage has displaced A-hi-rics for high team triple of r*t«4. m the local bow lint league. and also went into s econ l place for high team single of !*2*

S^artie^rlrct Hooda Koi G l a r e s of this v i l^ge w-as trueat of laoactr at a diniie: rj-on>ureci by the Young Kepubiica: club of G o u r t v s e u r , Saturday e\et:.ng At the Ke^ Brick T i u r n A tarnt*y d inner I U served. Fifty two i^eopie a t tended the dinner

Ked flare> lined both side« o f lbt> walk leading from ihe> street t e tb«* entrance to the Tavern. T h e 4%m-i ag roomg WPTP decorared ^rith bouquets of yellow chryaa«Lbe mums and flag« were banc o n tht-walls . A pictare oX the honor, with l b * wordo Kboda Fox Grave*"' beoeatb i t v a s bordered by l a g s on the wal l mmmr the speakers' table.

A* ih*- speakers* table . w U e a was o n t v i r d with cbry»«ntbe-nium> an 1 •*!,ver tap*»n». w e r e :

[ S«-nat« r••» 1- ct Graves and P. A. 'Grave* Judg.- J C. T>)ian, Percy

B S, ..»;• .ind Mrv Anna Jlirrell I Scott >.«f Vibanv Robert Hale. M m ! Clint. :. ii.;,jn> M -> 1 .y«t*a lxx>tnU

Mrs l U n u - . l Col l ins and P.. J. Ca hill.

Hobt't Hale j-e-fd»-d a s toast-mast e:

jVrcv B S<^tt of Albany. « 1 M has b* * n a ;nMtical corrciipoiMleBt at the state ca pilot for t n s s y yemr»» welcomed Mis. Grav*^ bark t o t h e political arena. He said in port:

•Trou^ e:ncur ;hcuiu oe pewof of rendtng M's Graves as eenator to Albany I have watched J l r s .

- Gra\e>* development from t t e atmt Men". Brotherhood of Preabytenan ' a a - v s ! l* P e p p e d into t h e / o j p H o l .

Church I . Sponsoring S p e c a l „ " i a n > ***** ^ ° » ^ r r < T o r * * • » , • Effort For Service U>*t - h e is a woman **">hm*}

wavs stiKxt by her conr ic t iosa \ h a s


kins, Wadding: on

Aubrey Ingraham. 25*. who re ! s ides with a brother. Ralph In 1 graham, near Edw\aroV. was shot in j an undetermined manner at 2:t»vj Friday afternoon while hunting • deer in the Stammervil le district. five railed from Kdwards, and died ' in Hepburn hospital a' Ogden*

(burg at 6:20 o'clock Friday night : f Carl Robinson. Donald Goodhart. I

Ralph Perry. Willis Super and San


The league standings up to No ytli. are a:

work near Benson Mines a large j Morris were spread about in a hunt amount of wood is being cut for j t n p circle uear him None was ablr the rights of way, where roads j t o throw much light on the shoot are being constructed through t h e i j n p woods. This wood ie piled by the j Jngraham is s a i d ' t o have ex roadside, and the welfare dej*rt • piaineu. I guess 1 shot myself." men: w al lowed a part of the He wao conscious for a t ime and wood for the recipients of public w a s rushed to Ogdensburg in the relief without cost except ihe j Randall ambulance. The .ahot hauling charges. The welfare de- struck him in the left c h e s t . " partment expecta «to use upwards) Sergt. Richard Walter of 100 cord* of thia wood. The re­cipients cut the wood into stove-•wood Jenatti after it is delivered to their homes.

An toeuranee adjustment bureau has been aet u p hi New York City to aid T. C A. A. workers in ad­just ing insurance policy claims. The welfare officer of Gouverneur was able to secure caah adjust


Reid. H E. Nims. Dr. I>u, Holmt* and Harold D Slack. Mas-j 1J games Maaree of the Ma>on? sena; Leroy Dunbar. Norwood. J still hold**, hist place with 192 3.

Gerald Dor. Charles Ives. C h a s J but has bowled or/y ^ x games of Merry. William Measaw. Richard \ '** 1 5

Hansen.jr.. and John C. Porter, j Thi> week th«- Ctil it .es may dis Ogdensburg: C J. MunV. Henry ! place the-Begrinners-team in fourth Murphy, j r . Potsdam; E. C. Hun-1 place, by scoring a w in over Em

Richville; Rev. C. H. Fenton, eryviile. while the Ekgmners are d Charles Lord, expected to drop at least two points

George Denny. Douglas Pete. Lin-j to the Athletics. By winning all < ex-officio. Dr. M J. Stearns, Og i co ln Sawyer. Albert Slavin. Clar-; four points from JackV Garag^. 1 denekmra:. chairman, fwblic r « i a - | e n c e Stacey. Paul Mo«he>r and Xa~i l i i o n a committer, coaaty"'- naes**c*l j ihau &r**-n CAiivempvir ' Igocietyr T»r m. W. l l a y n Gouver j neur. district healifa officer; j John* M. Xichois. probation oificer; i j Dr Charles F F*ra:rit r.ias^ena 1 pre.-ident. St. Lawrence Countv j ! Medical Society; Dr W. MuihoM

land. Heuvelu>n. chairman public health, committee, board of >uper- \ vigors; William E. Prowr.. Nor- i folk, chairman, bear i of -upe: ; visors.

Term expire* l&r,:" F li. Wood ruff Potsdam: Julius Frank. (>g d^nsburg; Mr* Fannie Clark. Fof.-darn; Charle? M. Tai: Can*or.; Mrs. Fred Quinlan. f>gden*urg: I)r. R. J. Reynold.-. Pot .-dam

Tern, expires 15#3ti: M;:ton H^'A ; Canton: E. K. W n e h v Norwood. I W T. Clark. Hailefboro; Earl* Laid law. Gouverneur; I>-on Gib ; lion Stockholm: M~< Grace With j erbef Canton. I

A rew»iution of tribute to late H. H. Ryan of Gouvernei

The Gouverneur Morris Chapter. P. A R will hold a bridge aud tea

; for the benefit of Constitution Hall ; at - o clock Thursday afternoon.

J at the hom»- of the Hon. Rhoda Ffc* <rw»iiMini' of t hf> IV«iane*-*" team J vlra ves. November 15th being th»*

Cird* : ^ f f i ^ i ; . ^ ^ ' b i , , . , ! : , , «.f Mrs Ku . sH. W l l l t a l ! W«h t h e r t w e . ' " - ^ g ^ * :ane H. • * O d « . l , . r a f , wi,h I M ! for , M«c-a . Pn-.W^nt ^ . - r . . . .i^'^r^J^E^JZZ

Men's Sunday will be observed • * l w a - v * in the Fu*i P.-tsbvtenan church next Sunday. November l^th. The Brotherhood of the church is s^pon-•oiiBX a apecial effort that is being made to get every man connected

All hers are urged present at the morning . . . . . (hap:*1; members are urged j present m\ m r murma* aervice to be present and to invite one or ! This will be the Brotherhood's more guests There will be tables j Serv ice and it » expected that a of auction and contract bridge and t very large »de legal ion of the j n e * of the u«<ual silver collection ( t h e church will b e ' present. The

Chapter members will please 1 r*»j:or will preach a special sermon notifv the enter ta inment ' cf>hfMt-7fo>- the Jhen Of course the ladies tee as soon as possible the number ) »re invited, too. but the feature of of guests thev are bringing with i the eerr ice will to its appeal to the them ! manhood of the church.

The Entertahrment Committee is | The annual Congregational Sup-composed of the fol lowing. #Jvlrs. [per. a l so sponsored by the Broth

- t A r h i ^ T ^ m ^ t , ^ r f S ' v ^ Jand. Mrs. Virginia M e A l l a ^ e f ' J S k M u tm Wednesday, Kawaas**, ! « [ *

ed n first p.ace for the first r«Hiad , ; t h p M ^ r ^ r f t k e lhe f o r n r ^ ^ , the i

fought for what la r ight v and has a lways searched for t h e truth. The election of a woo*** t o a major office in the upper ot the s t a t e legis lature new ehaater in the tory of New York State , '

Judge J. C. Dosma Jtrs. Graves on her victory, com pii usee ted her oar her • e r v i c e to^ali the peoele , njftsneated also the s e l v e s for their se lec t ing her a e s ta te the 34th senatorial d is tr ict .

Mm. U s n r a i * CoJtftae g a r e m ing. a s s i s t ed s y M n . Tins at t h e piaise.

Kobert !>. Klamey. who had been in the

w e e k s haffwa hr ler PKk. that

| Town Board Audit is Completed-Town Borrowed Sfi.OOO Less

i Then In Prtv\ou* Year i

The town board completed !*• work of auditing accoum afternoon.

'a'urday I *»ii'-.u.-w»i. Supervisor Earl Laid j law said that berau*-*- of the gr».it-I er reimbursements ;ec»;v<d ir<-:i) : th** state this year, the board «~\ * [»• cted that the general tax would ' b e less than in 1933 Borrow-.nz

was approx;ni2tilv $v «»of> le^^ than in 1933.

| A slightiy smaller sum of mon-y l n e : w i l ] be rait-ei for highwav purj^ts for | -

vemb T e a m A t h l e t i c . . Jack's Garap Fowler Beginners „ t'tilities . . .

4 Anchor* A. ic V. Ma«ons Bankers . . . Emery\i l l^ . Kinneys . _ .

lo 13 13 13 P»

\ V 1 o

follows; Won Lost Pet.

. 17 3 , v >

. 2«» 4 >33 :M7




had ths>best of new a of Mrs. Qrwvem

Woodcock, land.

Mrs. J. Barnard H >w


i:> 39 2"



Reelected at Annual Meet ing Gouverneur Grange Friday

—Other O n c e r s Chosen

covered dish suppei. to which all t b e j a m i l u * of the church are not only cordiallv invited but expected to comjfc Each family will bring Its ovvn dishes, buttered rolla and a cohered dish. Efficient commit­tees of the Brotherhood will ban-

the details of the affair. The*e / c o m m i t t e e s are ma.le up as fol-

/ low- Kitchen -George Griffith. I Em» st Jackson. Din.ne Room -

was the best tonic be Mr Kinney said that h e we ebould have more politics He commended t h e Republican club for ite act iratr l a the past campaign, and l ineal U t o continue* its work. T h e b o p e o f the Republican party be saJaf. amy in the organixation and traiaimg o f the y oungep- m o m be re of

o f , Paui Mother and a

Average Game of Each T e a m \ Athletic^ f _ . > 4 1

Beginners ^i« ! Jack's Garage _ >'»v

was employed on

was necessary highway to ke*p


Mr Laidlaw ^aid that although Trooper Jerry Thorpe of the Can-;*"* services a* treasurer of the as ; r o reimbursement was received for ton patrol are inves t i ga t ing . Ralph | ^ociation was presented by Charles k f . v men Ingiaham. brother of the Tictlm. j -M- T a i : a n d adopted It wih be w o r k , t

and Lawrence Hall, were addi I placed in the minuter and copies T h e ^ mt.ti o n t n e ^ h l n o r d e

tional members of the party. 1 **ht to the Prf««- i get the work done efficiently I>r Stacev of Ogdeneburg and ? Prtfiident Erickson also culogiz

Dr Brown of Potsdam pertortned i *<* l h ^ late Mr Ryan for his ;n • an autopsy i tert^t and efficient work ir. behalf

Fellow hunters. making a [of the association stretcher from wood and material 1


m e n u In a number of cases , for! handy, carried the injured man to j T I J P 1 J P 1 1 7 U / A D T f | workers, through this bureau. In j the car and then took him to fne j | J X C l l £ f f f f U I V L I / o n e case, a family of four, the hospital in the ambulance. Tb* c la im w a s sett led on a caah ba^is I body was taken to funeral parlor? for $125. j In Edwards Friday night.

Ninety two back yard garden He and hki brother lived together on a farm. Hi* parents are both dead.

Ingraham did not accidental ly rhot himself. Thie was estab­lished by the coroners* inquest at Edwards Friday Ingraham. how­ever. dW exclaim that he might

! have shot himself. Jt was determined that none of

Prtated $1.500.<»0 for the Purpose ^ ^ y . D j ^ £ £ * • * « • T ^ h

of MipfWog milk to u n d e r i ^ o u r ^ i ^ ^ j X r i l ? « %£*'*JT* •d chiklren through the schools , ln ° ' * ^ J 7 ^ * rt * order to get m i U free, a child ha* i R h o t iJ> t h e **1* to be © m i n e d at undernourished.*

\ \ S ^ S S S S i ^ h t M ' u H u J ^ o n U y afternoon snd burial made Th- *peake- expressed t h , > ^ 5 i t ^ L ^ f I R J S « l l f t f t ' ***** cemetery. i )i*f :«»: ine r!n^ has come I ^ l ! ^ • ^T ° s J i ~ 1 ' 4 4 • ,tr.e Christian church to take

. ^ L ! ? 1 0 *** h ^ h , r f y f ? ? l T K 1 *1 r A K I S T I I VS K 'The tremendous cost of the WorK « c l y i e d s u m s spent for l a ter and J U / t A L J I U X J W ; W t r i E h u m a j l , j T „ w a # c i l e d


Ctilities Masons Fowler Anchors Bankers . . _ A. & P Emeryvil le Kinney* „._$&6lNo. 2 after which the Grange pro-

High T u r n Single Game » ceeoVd to elect the following offi 1. Masons $641 r e r e Master. Wm H Rowley;

~ Overseer. Chester Hartlev. I>-ctur

J s l » M

: 7^6 .773

771 .75*

thy Master appointed fire H*nry Freeman and Swter Beaman. Wf b ster as tellers for table No 1 and Brother Herb Huddieston and Sis-


j A telegram i*eceived by aTra.

j which he will appoint: Sol ic i t inR - I ^ ! „ o f , ' \ f : N e w ) >o r k ^ * t "

' Andrew l^:di»« Harry Hodfkln. » ' ' ° nr °' * °"D* ^h*' 1«w W i»ff . „ .

! Harlan To«ns lex . G^rp»- l a c k i e : * * • r ! * d . ^ r - ^ l e y ««W to tt* >«<• S p e a k s Ar.hu: Cu>hnian. J c ^ p h Pt"'rff*"' C o n r r . l u U u o n . . %4m,

r ' election is a bright upot in tb« a r w ve*r for i h » n ^ i , " : K I O O K . -

'-'•'».•.- ; , h „ ,h«. rapacity of ih^ dininR room J i £ L , ° f „ , h * *.' L**'*** * Wor- j w l l l , * , „ ' H I O i t s f u l k , , e x 7 P I U . J J « r a » K^Pubbcan c l u b .


i ! j Gouverneur Grant* >.-

• h»ir regular meeting at ;:je.r :\n,i ; g chofield on Gordon street Fndav f> • nT.e ' ci^i event

^November 9th with 59 present. A l , i h t congregation and it is expected I _ (officers were present and after •*:•.*- '»•--. -« - : . . . _ * . L . jr_, , nor • regular business meeting th

of the entire Coeer


. . 695 • ters Freeman and Patton fo

Wcrked Way Through Gouverne*. Wesiyan Seminary—Died in

New Je - i ey Noven-.ber 4 pro,)e^ts were developed under the t-upervision of the welfare board in 1934.

Two hundred and sixty-live chil­dren on the relief rolls have been certlfted as eligible* to receive free milk under the free milk project which Is e ipec ted to start Thurs­day. Nov. 15. The state has appro-

*'T;.e N*€ w World" ma* Lhe >ub je< • of an Armistice day addres.-£~\fL bf Rev R E Gouid of the Bap;:>: cnurch a: a union church yt-r\:c*- held in the Methodis' cr.urch Sunday night Member* of James Maloy Post. No *5 attend *-i the service in s body.

.Kev. Joseph A. Scbo^eld of tne Pr-rb^tenac churrh. Rev V O Bcy> of Trinity Episcopal church.

nee jes t nreriou^ and Kev E J Lavis of th*- Meth to the accident. , o d i f church participated ;n the

flerrices were held a t f o'clock service bf-for th*

Freeman Donald Baerman. 7:, , whose death occurred at his hoir,'.

m Atlantic Highland. N J., on S-.v l day. Nov A, was well known in .older rei-iidents of th»*- viiiage

Freeman Baerman was born :n iGananoque Ont . Canada Dec 1 I 1S60 His parents were Nc»ah


\r ii.

2 1. 2.

J a c k s Garage »2* High Team—Three Games

J a c k s Garage 2€19 Athletics 2 . ^ :

H i g h Indiv idual—Single Game

er. Nellie Seaman: Chaplain Ne! lie Fuller; Steward. Ray Hall as sistant steward. Jame« Murton secretary. Cbse. Jocef . trea«urei

» Mrs H G Hurlbut, C+rr* KJv.

The speaker secured for the event will be the Rev. Will iam J. Prout. D.D.. pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Potsdam, and Moderator of the Presbytery of St Lawrence. He will brinar an addrertt of an inspirational nature Beside the address there will be j other features including staging by the entire company present.

! Mr* Graves with a basket o f jpeiY ' low chrysaanhamtiinfl as a nenaejaai

gift from Mrs. J. J. SQliiraJBL afiss L o o m * also presemeat Mm* with a corsage b o u e e e t el

| and snapdragons, a gift Young Republican club of neur. E J. Cahill led ha gronp saag-

Doiphin (Mas<»ns) 243 Rowley. Pomona. Blanche Hartley; | Jamcib Scott (Fowler) 233 \ Flora. r>or:s Peabody. I^dy assw-t -j

'ant Steward. Mrs. jam*.- Murron.l H i g h I n d i v i d u i l — Three Gamei j Magee (Mason.*) . - . . 59" Spauiding (Beginner?; > 4



arioads of hinder it of the highway

inatertal Toot were paid for fond.

Total expenditures for all pro-> c u of the town in the pa*t '»•*;**• months, including work a-d borne rehef, aoaterlaas and ia ber. adanlnJatratire coats of the **ifare department, ineurance pre* a . i«as . rKir^sneat of loans, ail of ft»ese i tems aayahee out of the rrneral fund "were $7%.6$b. accord ing to Mr L a i d l a w s report

Total receipts / or the s a m e * * - o d . aecerdUuj to the report *^-re r j .WO, including loans The b^*raa> tax returned the town



The rapid development of Earl 1 ?:*let. ^ j t s e n e ief: end o n Qil

Dobie'i football squad at Cornel. h*~ been the sub>ect of much fa vorabie comment In the press n o tic** from Ithaca

A recent excerpt from an Ithaca d*.sp**ck in the Post Standard Mon

I day t% a* follows "Another eoph : omore Candida:e has come forward

in rreat rrite* to take the play. T*e newcomer is Earl St i les , are-i»^r; of the G e s v e m e a r fligt

II * - h CK>: w he ca urbt Hac k Wissoa f j lonr hearf for t s e only Big Red - *co-€ agains* Bill Orange Sti)e* ' f.e-re'.y agrees* -e s t r i e s e e m s :o ' b a - e cadant the E>o6ian fancy."

P ^ S T N O V E M R C R EAWy C O N T E S T i f W O N

i V G O U V E f t N C U * I — * J ; t r uad>- Coach R l > v a: the Ooev

Murray a>erf<t Lx^hxnv sea e f - « m e « r High Schooi before enter of l i n g

as example of th*~»ay *n whicL progress in sclent :fir iEv^ct.or. couid be put to evU u***s Hur* Fum* of money about >r ^ » • > • '«>'• i t th*- World War »*--* f>p*-f in dee-troyiag humar 1Me* ac t h:m^« Figures w#»re q-oe<i :•• sr.ow >ust *hat this kwouz: of i t o c * r would do for tn* j*eopl«,e of toe *ar.h »n th* way of horo^ ur..versitjes. hospi:a:« arK* othe­ron «^*-jc*;^e p-oj^r'*

ComaQesoTr:r *h*- rn^a>b- * of AXTi*r.rar. l > r " ' t !c~ :ZK>~ ^er in :r.e Worid ' a ' :.*- « d that *h«-!>>r:on r.a« a f a t opp-rtun.- y t.-ta»." Tr>* '*ad .r. h*!p.ar ;© tru..t "the c** wo:M3 The idea-« of «*!f-d *^ pl.t* and derotion :c i rcrr.r^oc ^a-*fc a** L**-ded :c*C«i se M •-. F> *A *h#7 were d-r zz t!>e »a*

*et? ••<*•;red one y e a r s train

nad Mrs Everett Latham


Mr < of C* t r a group of eoMoperntlan:" Ogtfena-•* T5 m > € ^bant» and The J o a m a .

Ar^rul:t:ra: • College at N Y.. was the winner C^rz^V. He flayed tackie on the

^ r s t Bahr «f the Moa:li i>oca: f s - r a r i also .a the

C o - r e " isf. year This season he was subfLtate .eft end oa Lhe

at s f S 1 rseru^** : * m j r ^ * wm omx °* r*€*> with

he k ^ t a i . and has aaramta p>rv'***t+d the sarth ether

haetmg lar p-art>ce :cr s »

irso^H**- a > r y bet s ince


B-Tk :» N V F-"day S<rrea>b»* •: - — A =-o^x ' £*e i at r. ris w ho ec :e-^3 •-..• 'a « proeai^oave-i c^aes a' t^* B^f i jo Ci'j H o s ^ a . T*x.s

w e e : back be has ;0O. fo- >'

• Tae &**Omr the

t* M i -r o - . and !iae nlged oa: lhe regn E^* M a r ^ Hnr-^ey. 4 f * * ^ ' l * a v f s d for U piae* oa the ear M- a^d M-* c A Bar.ley of Ea#: sfty :sa-3i H# J t brother of the M*~: r

i M ^ s e * «et#m and EX* Scilea. both Ha_- *r « • « _ . of whom e-» » e m e * n of the ksea: j G o c r e - * * i r n-iTi erhoe.

\ Jane Smith Baerman of F ' w . ' .

' N. Y. Freeman live<i in f r « .*•: during his childhood

He was educated at Gouve^n* r , Wealeyan seminary working : . s i way throogh school He arr *-i

about o n e and a half cords of w . K) a day irp the stair? in the <ierr. :i-j ary to help pay his way w m i e c |

; school he earned his board !>y ) working* for a family named K r>- j ney on what le now known as •:;• Hartley farm >est outs id* this iage. o e the Scotch Sett lens road. j

Following his graduation f r • * • the Goeverneur seminary- he taur"* t srhool in DeKalb Junction fo- i J ^^ort per*od X^a*er h* en:e-^d ; Vale university and w~*rk«»d :.-s | way through A?'*- ^radua- *s , from Yale he took a post rradu,.:e \ course at Columbia un;v#rsjty

F H* married May EHtnrton 1^.31. of Madiaon. X J., on Sep- >. ]»•'.. in Rochester Th* coup.*- 2;ved »* I>over. X J . tor a trTD* xat^r rr v-nt U> Denetl*c . N J F - - •&* p* *

two years thev hed Jj^ed at A t > s ?»r Highiano>

Mr Baerman w*> in th* i t c*-- j paraaesK of th* T *> m d G--a-*--t** Treat w t D p t n of N*w Y -k

,. f->r tea years H+ retired from -r:»

!' Serrrrnag f r e e m a c Ba*~rr.aL t*-i*H*ea hie WTOOW M-» V*-^ ! - - »

sre tw^ soc« H*r.' * >4 si Beersnan i « - c a . x r - ••-*. Walter Wnkry »iv: M*« M-.;.y

all of Atiai;->f H ^ i ^ ^ * -| N J- assi one brother L**:>-r 5la*r.

n u n of ftaeavUke heater Baerman n*« •> ~

Fowler east has bv*d ***- '-'z^er-n e w aA has life H* r.as a-* * i fa

Individual Averages Maree (Masons) 6 9paulding iBetnnners ) . IS

j Foster (Jack's G a r a r e ) . ]k JR. Randa.; ( B a n k e r , ^ . . U

Paige (Athle'-CM 11 Murphy (Masons) 15 AndenBOL (Bankers) . . IT A. Randail rArhie t ics ) . . 15 Ril*y (Athletics; 12 R. Carpenter (Cti l i t ies) 15

1V2 3 • :K^-I:: 1T4 12' 1 7 4 v 1 7 4 - J :

1 7 3 - 3 1 172 14 372-K' l 7 2 - « ; 17N-13!

Gate K*-ei»er. Geortre fJriff.'h. :ru* te« lioy Gibbs pjar.i*t Mr* Blanrhe HJt«. ^

Mr? Beaman gaw not>c»- that the I^adie* Granpe Cruh v. ould have a house warnvfii c»r. IH-< . 1*» Supper 3". rent> Followed b;v an ' mertamnieni-^and dur.f ,nr trie proceed* to go to buy rr.a the hall A rood erowi *..

The Granitf \oted '<> dor to the Vanl>ux»-e Hoivp:*«: tion dav aod p^rne tin** ;. future to put on a par'*

were present at last m a t i n g of the Gouverneur Lunch !

eon Club to present the merits of the Rotary organixation. Inspiring taiks were given by Loren Harter. Watertown. Boyd A Littie. Clifton

' • ^ ' S p r i n g * . Dkstnct Governor of the

%:. i*>


J benefi* j A dssrussior. w a* k^';d

r ^ e work and voit-d r.a ( lar off rer* confer •:,«*

second d*-rr*-^ and ::

Mrs. Graves responded t o t h e toasts and welcoming fol lows

'This is the meat si on .in fact, the in my fife. I h a v e many t imes st d inners l a other people, and never

_ _ _ _ j t o *ttend one g iven for me

Several representatives^of Rotary j ft", » * & * £ E T J * #

W e d n e s d a y s ; ^ fully r f m l | a e ^ wJ

not be here this evening, a good t ime together, if i t not for the wonderful sapper loyaky of mj friesaae aittiaa; both Republicans and) and others who coutat i ent,

"We read about the the w ord friend or trtea^ssssssX emt we never fully reaiiae tarn until w# paaa throegfc

d | » t h District of Rotary. Dr James i S. Thoma* president of Clarhson

>r uona | Col lege at Potsdam. pa«t d i s tnet

be e a e *

n» ^ * * 7 | g o T e m o r of Rotary. Other Rotary :rr"'r j repreeentat ives pre+ent were 1>

John P. Brookr. past president of ! trootied' walera * T ^ Z - T Z Z Z a^T Clarkaon College. Potsdam; Harold ' l i ^ T . L JZf'L^ ?*-Z* m!m~

W'M Be Held at Madrid. aed Heuvelton oe November

2'. 22 and 23

Tr.e arnua! Thankaglrtng :urke> s a > f ir. S* Lawrence county w.V. he b e d at Madrid. Xove inbe- 2 Lisbon November 22. and HeuT» ton. Noveaaber 22

The voium* will be abou- ' :.* aame ae last y*er when i*r-rt*. ranged from 2^ to 21 cents a -»•-. .r-. but a top figure of 30 c e n u - •* pec #ed this season it is said


i r . "*™ I * * * * ' •** Hoger Wright. W a i . r , ^ ^ d ******-f^l a r . 1 i U ) W l l J t o t a n founded L Chicago a a y l ° **D<1

w A d-tf-*^ j t n p^hruary. 1SK^ is now e^:ab team fonf*- w,*. thrd snd f o . r h , | U n # d i B thiny-se^en countn*f

throughoet the world with a rota! membership of 153 w*»

degree? i The next m ^ ' i n c •'t^rt- « ','.] b* a

Lisbon. Thank-r> .*r p-or-an^ or. No\ 2S.


Leg w-e»" G *> r* e^ct * * * • is D/»c^a-getf


j Mua»c Teacher t* Lo^cai Sc•"&&»"-**rr**4 at B-asete*i tc C a '

| ten M s c M j r 0f Mc a

G O U V E R N E U R M U d C C L U B R E G U L A R M E E T I N G r p - O A "

- ^ Go=T*r£ewr

T h e rerular meet ing of th* i -. v e m e u r Muaic Club was h# . : *• the home of Muss Fretea K^^- ,r. Friday Nor ember second T v * e tody for the day was lhe lit*- ar-: compos tione of Edward McX*^*^. The proarraaa. whach w a s r-*a:.? ea^oyed by all. w a s as foiiow *

JiolJ cai /—name of ooarpf** -r>r of the compos*- Paper. L . > r>#

.'i. Lydia L*eoamla. P i r c i*cotcti Poenv Virgin: a ?o*

Tr^i To a Wild Rose \ *lir*A l a f O r a p o t t e Be thasy CoQia* E.;r^-

l l e C o y ; goto. The ssneaa | t ^ r » ir tfce Appie T r ^ Doris C a r n e s * -

Gsorx ea AaaVfc-oc

bekd ia J - St MW

T a: I •

CA- ! o: tt.rb*-:i. 22 *' ; Ida 7 -:—.*• of Ba-. .«

> ." ".a*• ^f>*r <"v>r. » ' * •"•-f > : : ^ I-- r.r,* ?*.?> \*t :••; T***- l/.]*• I T -'•.'•• rr. ": *• r.Ar't* r»f .-.. » >~.*z Ir <r.'\ M . - V* je > *- a/-.d*r."a::*. d.**"^-

t o

#---r a

Announcemei:: pest week of \t

T*^ • w c v©j-£ ; -' p * w--« r. -i r.: -;rr »ava; gam* z - v * %.~.r.- v of I* * • *M Ijitc B*»' "• *•*" t.-*k"TLS A' *- -<- a/- i"Z' BwT.-" »«.ii*d % .iN-v^ di*car.*^ tc *w* rt*ed^ay ?•*•» h* r av; r«f: r,i* ^*- M.sa V»»d*»r *r»*r < - T » -. :ar. *c «VHi *r*

st of thee^ y*af« k:i419**rt***«—Daaee e l t a e \ oa a Sana a**! r. ^ I M a n e i Dmrf. Kaihersae A

I J B e i e a ? * l i t Craa ftirUi. s s u k M 1o' F r c - a a ] T e a was aerrad he 4W

r**j' *e r

' : o :. * *x;

TX>-* M

Cai. t*-r

,axtl ttr» P^T

.M x > . ' • T j . a

5"* M-» B*e-

*d ST c o o p a n y Ha

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-4oc .i dts- -.ct »? '^* W f -aa.'ma:

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*aJ o p-c-

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oa^r ' *. t -•-Bc-r

.le-oa.' * ;a '

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. ^ "

» -rjad fry se-

:r be z Tvw-of Mr.

ir.ey J« rn>

OC4, ?%Up SL „ r^ar

w a* ma/**- *.;*-marr.aff r.r M Si

8 v e a Norgret. of Potsdarc :o r a ­t e s MacMilian of Moira in:rr . 'o---piece Reptembe- V .r B-j«h-.vr.

Mkai Norgr^r «a< a •n ,*«/ tfa. r e- *n the Gou^*-x**.- *rhc^#> d»' ing the past schoo r*g- 5 :,e w *,-graduated from CraL* ;r»**.;u-* * Potadsrm tn l$Zl. arxj :.a^*Tfc* *x--«c in the Mo;ra H:r-. scr»oo. b*-''*' coming here 4c Notfrrrb-- ; * X She »s lb* d a ^ r r e r c' M' ax»d Mrs Charles N o - r ^ : of 7 ^ s-iarr.

Mr MacM. Ian t a r*ad-a - %f Motra Huch aci-.-oc cia.«i» cr :>5-•"bUewjjLg gradua'.or. ^ a:**^><l t h e N o r J i # C a - o i . i 2 r j i * -.^a-'-*-*

F>is< -^a, ' sa Rev Mr ArW- of r-charrch at Brusrton pt-cereeaocy Tbe coup> m Motra.

Mies Julia U^Z.z of P*>o*r"x N T^ has been e n t e r e d o taa* M.s*

a piece -a :a# G o ^ T e n * * -M J S M a l t t 5a» a


« a y pceeibJe. to heap «a gr*a:. . . . . . . .

"This noon w h e n I ma a. the thought

, tna: I might be for sesiatajsee of say in the near future for I }*tter frosa aoane of w :,o are farmers in Fsila. s a y m g the i r W<-n m^trw^rmd. •:<» ad monit ion to *be

( r^*od Now 1 a m atmosphere that as

, r-^dn*s« and perfec i ioo * A#,e (he rrrmbiacd I #- ends to k e e p m e

track J dad • r - : c c A n c e of the event c-rr+4 on T u e s d a y laet, Klmer. the nsstategiaaeef.

; oz t he tekeptbooe and s a i d ae> r^reived a wire frosa Use • m*« ash ing a im to take of the Grarae faaairy. aad —,

ro them wi th t h e hOL I ^nrrr to denrfre M r m a j s i at ba^neea W t t h e Cra ea o »ae in no eoaMitioa l e h e t - a p o e d t h e mora ine a f ter*

"I have great faith SM mm **?*>**c*am. T h e lBtereat tsarg a s j

, -aging ia freshing and eai inn s | laai I Lhai sn th Use *-dera

r**ere o f * t v , u a a I mm ++ «de ; osT.cers aeaf saesaassara ea*

Mlae of the Deiey