Evaluation Jade karakaya

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Jade karakaya

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What feedback did you get from your audience?

The feedback we got from our audience was mostly positive feedback. They said that it was effective and done its purpose on displaying a deodorant advert. They said that there was good various shots used which made it a more professional advert and not boring.

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Do you feel your advert is suitable for your target audience?

I feel that our TV advert is suitable for our target audience which is young girls because they are the ones that need the deodorant the most and the smell of the deodorant makes the target audience more suitable as it is something they could use during sports and activities which they need the deodorant the most.

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Does it fit the CAP codes used by the ASA?

It does and some examples are that our advert doesn’t have any animal cruelty in it as animals are not involved during our filming. Another reason is that our advert doesn’t offend anyone who will view it, this could be because of a certain situation some people watching has been in. another reason is that our advert doesn’t include sexual things in it with slow motion or another like that which makes our advert good overall. Our advert does fit in the cap does used by the ASA because it doesn’t break any of them.

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How does your finished product compare to your storyboard?

Our finished product is different and similar in different ways to our storyboard we created. We came up with the idea that we should get someone to sit on the bench and buy the deodorant from boots and use it, however our finished product was a different idea because we done it at a mates house already there. The bottle itself was different than how we decided it should be. Our storyboard is completely different from the bottle and idea we done at the end.

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How did technology help you sum your idea into a real TV advert?

Technology helped sum the idea into a real TV advert because having a plan and research to gather ideas helped us. we went onto the internet using technology. We had to film which we used technology and this helped, editing and other things which technology is vital for our TV advert.

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Analyse 2 challenges you had to overcome?

One challenge I had to overcome is help the person that was being filmed to be organised and help with the certain things they had to do during us filming her. She had difficulties with a certain position and I had to help and not get myself in the film during it, due to the angle of the shot and filming, which was a challenge I had to overcome and be professional about it. another challenge I had to overcome is getting the actors together on the same day, this was hard as some were busy on some days and trying to get them and them being prepared and organised for the filming was a challenge I had to overcome so the overall filming could be good.

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What technical skills did you gain?

A technical skill I gained is using a camera professionally in different kinds of angles and close ups and far away shots. I gained this skill by constantly filming to get certain shots right, this helped me gain a skill because during the end I finally understood how to do it and it became easier during the end due to having more experience using a camera. Another technical skill I gained was filming, this was hard at first because getting people to do certain things and moving here and there to get different shots, however I ended up learning how to and it became easier. This is another good skill I gained during this course.