E wthe littlleredhenandthperfectedeapplepie

The Little Red Hen and the Perfected strawberry Pie By: Elle Walters

Transcript of E wthe littlleredhenandthperfectedeapplepie

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The Little Red Hen and the Perfected strawberry Pie

By:  Elle  Walters  

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 Once  upon  a  3me  there  lived  five  animals,  a  Dog,  a  Cat,  a  Armadillo  and  a  Horse.    There  also  lived  a  Hen  on  the  farm,  her  name  was  LiEle  Red  Hen.    “Who  wants  to  help  me  plant  this  

strawberry  bush?”  

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 “Not  I”  Assured  sick  horse  “Not  I”  Barked  Dog  “Not  I”  Whistled  Cat  “Not  I”  Said  Armadillo  “Then  I  will!”  Exclaimed  LiEle  Red  Hen.  So  Hen  planted  the  strawberry  bush  all  by  herself.      

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 “Who  will  go  to  the  store  and  get  me  some  pre-­‐made  piecrust?”    “Not  I”  Vowed  armadillo  

“Not  I”  Sassed  Cat  “Not  I”  coughed  sick  horse  “Not  I”  repeated  Dog    “Then  I  will!”  argued  hen.  

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 “Who  will  help  me  prepare  the  Strawberry  Pie?”  “Not  I”  vowed  armadillo,  “Iam  too  3red.”  “Not  I”  sassed  cat,  “It’s  too  early  “Not  I”  coughed  sick  horse  “Not  I”  wailed  dog,  “My  paw  hurts.”    “Then  I  will!”  assured  hen.  

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 “Who  will  help  me  eat  the  pie?”  “I  will”  assured  horse,  “I  feel  beEer.”  “I  will”  chuckled  armadillo,  “I’m  not  too  3red  “I  will”  blurted  dog,  “It’s  not  too  early.”  “I  will”  requested  cat,  “it’s  a  good  3me  to.”  

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“No,  I  Will!”  

The End!