E Waste Recovery

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  • 7/28/2019 E Waste Recovery


    Intemationalonference n Chmical' ivil andEnvironmentngineeringlccEE2012)March24-25'2012Oubal

    Recoveryof Gold,Silver'Palladium'and

    Copper rom Wast;PrintedCircuitBoardsyoussef. hehade, meer.siddique,Hisham.Alayan,Naveena.adasivam, aeedNusri'

    and aleb' Ibrahim


    I(ewords-Electtonic waste management'recious metaN

    printeicircuitboardPCB), ecoveryI' INTRoDUcrloN

    Tl LECTRONIC waste (e-waste) s a growing concem,b*f.Ua't as well as in the UAE The UAE is krowo to"i"* 'J"""r (be lowest lite-expectancies

    f consumerelechonicswbich is arould two yeals ofuse [1l As a result'il;il wastes are piling up in landfills which pose;;;;il.";;;t"ml and ealtb threas The situatioo as[..""J".i"**t due to increas-insDdusrial productioni}tr.n rt* t.." """rt"-ating ftomahifh consumer

    emandorthenewest ndmostpowerfulgadgets'\';;;i;n ;" iind reliable statisticsaboutamountsofa*"itf" *"t" " tneUAE becauseclear strategicsurveyrng'youssechebadey* *" y:.1:-"y#.",":#,lirlJi,"r*,'l**.UAE (conesponding uthor to provtoe pt

    likethewasteElectricalndq":q-i: u:*tnT""j^lY:::]l rKe lnc YY ' r "* * -- ; ; . co r l- ths US , is no t presenrDirec t ive in EuroPe an o Ln e ErA 't t""'J;:;.;;;i.ffi ;s-some.globalstatrsti::':1":-J:',t:'-"#;ffi.' '; -Jiutt!,o::llT, :::T:"'*ff::nTiT'ft.'i,; '"*'o'" r *'rop'i::TT,"i.'":::;ffi"*;l.:G;". io-r't""*""-::::"l1iil,T-"liffiffJoi'ffi;il ;';" ^b:"^l'::?'::"-:',,,ff$.:iqloDal elecuurrr! '- oonul computers pcs)Dubai Municipaliry. about -l! UUUp"', ..^^"iiti""n.""a," ol aumpedv heend f2007TABLEE-wAsrE TATIsrlcs

    'ff i"'ili"T,,,ff-"H::i*i,'::"rJ,tii',**:TTl*,:,**ll'"i":*i1:''':';:,-"..'iii'"*, aoi""'""ii"".i-".t'::tT:,ll':::::";"i';"i':ffH:li:::"JJii[:':$'-*T3,T'l3#il;il! or 00ehese;#b"*;;:;;"'.T'ru*l::^"if:"":llflL1""^;-'TillJ:"$fiJmf';:lu;t'i"i'iet""-'r"lj::llfu**:l,tm:,:ffffI 'lil.'i:'il;ffi;ff;;; ,ttipp"aori to thirdworldcounrriesike ndia*a io,"" ror nannpnriatel",XTi,Il.J"il:""i;.;*ffiHil:.T'ill""'il":$:r::mlhfH"^'"":il,J::iiJlil5f"ff

    [i:[j**.,, th-eaciriryoesor'j.},#l,:?-T$*ihlli:1JtlJmar\agementn UAE'-Ttj:Jl"gdgfi;i]J:liirh lheAmericanniversitvrshadahharjah'"T,:i-ff"i'Hff:','3',,ff;lt,ilfli""**''o"rshariahharjahAEn-t1:l'$ffii:"fiir@fl*::f} univcrsityrshadah,hada!,AE-'""i\J"'.'*:"JigflH';1lli*" o''n*" u"*ersitvr harjahharjahu*r"f ;T;',ir1.,,.,i1;@*ffiJ,l} un,verstyrsharjah,harjah,AEt-mail: taleb@ausdu)

    *ffg*gtl, l

    2 2 6 . . , I

    Surveyrngin million tons rYP Surv Orsanizatlqto-lo (e-$,aste)2.31(electsonto)

    2006 uN t31_, 2009 , EPA [4]8.3-9.1 e-{asE

  • 7/28/2019 E Waste Recovery


    lntemationaf onference n Chemical, ivilandEnvironmentngineeringlCCEE 012)N4arch4-25,2012DubaiB. PCB Source lectionAmong all electronic omponents,CBScontain elativelyhigh amoufltsof preciousmetals compared o the othercomponents.CBSof computers nd mobilephonesare rich

    in preciousmetalcontent ndare hemostabundant ince heyare the backbone f most electonics[1], [4]. The valuesofmetal compositionsof PCBs from different sources iketelevisions,ersonal omputers, VD playe$,calculatonandotherswereobtained ndanalyzedo concludehatPCBS iompemonalcomputers nd mobile phonescontain he highestamounts fvaluablemetals5].C.Tayet Meta s SelectionPrinted circuit boards n computersand mobile phonesconsistof epoxy esins,plastics,and glass,alongwith overhfteen metals 5]. Composiiion aluesof thesemetals n theliterature varid due to differences n the sources rom whichthe PCBs were obtained. To minimize error. five different

    sourceswere selectedand their averagecomposition was usedand s shown n Table I [6]-[10].The average ompositioru fthe metalsweremultiplied with the averageprice of the metalper kilogram. Thepriceswere obtlined from metalprices.comby taking an averageestimate over a 2-year period (2010-2 0 t l ) .TABLEN

    PCB FEEDCOMPOSITIONSPCBFeedCompositions (wt %)

    particle size distribution. Since PCBs have variouscompositions,ie averageweight compositions btainednTable I will be assumedonstantor the eedstreams.3. This study will focus on the recovryof the selectedvaluablemetalswhich aregold,silver,palladium, ndcopper.Othermetals resentiavebeengroupedogether nd abeledas non target metals.

    B. Stage1: kparation ofMetals fiom NonrnetalsThe separationof metals from nonmetalswill provideappropriate onditions or furtherprocessingwhich involvethe useof chemical eagents rd solvents. herearedifferentpossible approaches o separate metals from nonmetalsinPCBs which mainly involve incineration, acid washing orphysicalseparation.ncineration an be used o bum off thenonmtallicpartsofPCB andretain the metals rom the ashes.However, incineration causes eleaseof hazardousgases uchas dioxins and fiuans w[ich can cause severe harm dre

    envionment l31. Acid washing,/bathingan be alsoused oreaclwith henonmetallic artsofPCB and ecover he metalseithgr from the dch selve4t or asprecipitates.Hoqver, theproqess f acid washing s very difficult to conhol especiallywhry including he nonmgtallicparts of PCBSas it pausesrelelse of frazardousyapors and fumes. Physical sep4ratipntechpiques an also pe used to separatehe r4etalsandnopgrefals tom fQBs. Such techniquesare known to havesafe and eco-friendly operation. Although they are energyintensive, hysical eparationechnologies reable o producesepTatestreamsof metals and nonmetals.Such separ-ationpaves he way either for more profit from salesof wasteplaspicsnd ceramic, r fqr more unuedevelopmentn thearea f recycling fplastics.tJ.1.L ofirnirluhonThe particlesizeof rhe crushed CB hassignificanleffectsnot'only on the efficiency of the physical separatibnequlprnent,but also iru thereffectivenessof furtlier toeahnentsinvolving chemicalprocedses. ccording to Oliveira'et al;shedding of PCBs s 'a tuhdamental rocess hich' libeiitesoarticles from differelt mhterials in order to allow furtlieiproiessing y otherphysichland chemicalechnologies12]:Th'PCB feed whichrconsistedof discardednotherboaidsfroni penonal compulers vere shreddedntot5x5cmplates',andlthen grinded o 'an dveragediameterof 1.2 mm ahdchalacteristic iameters ro=0.48mm and dr6=2.1mm [14]:About 80-90%of thepriniipal metalswerc recoveredn thatbile rarige 4]. The'concenhationsfinetal contentn grindb

  • 7/28/2019 E Waste Recovery


    tntemationafonlerence n chemic|, ivil andEnvironmentngineeringlccEE 2012)March24-25,2012D]uhai8.2. Phyrica Sepaa ionChemical behaviors of metals and nonmetals arcextensively different when using chemical reagents orextlaction olvents. or hispurpose,he separationfmetallicmaterialsrom otherplasticsand ceramicshat are found inPCBS s soughtprior to any further processingstages hroughphysicalmeans.8.3. ProposedProcess or StageFor theprocess f comminution,he proposed esignwillinvolv shreddingof the PCBS nto 5x5 cm plates followingby crushing nto an averagediameter of 1.5 mm. After that,for physical eparationfmetals rom nonmetals, lectrostaticseparationusing the corona separatorwill separatemetalsfromnonmetals.his methods highly recommendedn PCBrecycLingbecause of significant differences in conductivityand electrostaticproperties of the different components nPCB. Coronaelectrostaticsepalationprocess s kDown o havean eco-friendly operation and low energy cost The coronaseparatorwill producea middlings product which can befirrther crushed nto an averagparticle diameterof less than0.07 mm and sent to a Falcon concentratoror furtherseparationof metals tom nonmetals.Magnstic separationcanbe further used to separate frrornagnetic fiom non-ferromagneticmtals. The target streamsof Stage I, whichwouldconrain old.silver,palladium, opper. inc, in. andother uonferrousmetals will be further processed n Stage2for recoveryof valuablemetals.C. Stage : Separutionofthe Indiidual ValuableMetalsThe feedto Stage2 consist of a mixtwe of different metaland this stage s where all the metals of interestwill beseparutedtom the mixture and extractedaspuremetalswhichcan be sold.The metalsselected or recovery n this study aregold, silver,palladium and copper.Therefore,a process sneeded hich canselectively ndquantitatively eparateachof thesemetals tom the mi{ture, taking into considerationallotherpossiblypresentmetals.P],'rometallurgicalprocesses renot selective,equiremajor amounts f nergyand can ormunconuolledharmful produats.Physicalprocesses o notsatisfi theneeds or Stage2 of obtaininghigh purity metalsasoutput and hence cannot be used. Hydrometallurgicalprocesses an provide high selectivity,high purity output,conftolled environment,and good rcovery. Stage2 acts asintegral part in the raoveryproaessas it involves separation

    andextraction f metals iom the solidmetaleffluentmixtureliom Stage L Hydrometallurgical processcs have beenproposed s hemostbeneficial rocessor this stage.L-1. D|SSOIU OnDissolutiotr of the metallic mixtue is crucial because hesubsequentrocessing tepsarc largely dependnt n thereagents r methodshatwill be implementedor dissolution.In thisstudy, henon-ferromagneticetallicsteamsare obedissolved and separated rom the non-target metals usingsulfuricacid.-Then opper, alladium;silver,and gold are obe dissolvedall togetherfrom the non-ferromagneticmetallicmixbrre usingaqua egia.

    C-2.ReductionThe process f reduction houldbe selective, ontrollable,and iave low energy onsrimption. Electro-refiningwould bethe most suitable for its high selectivity and contollability,

    especiallywith the advancqment f EMEW technology.Sincegold, silver, and palladium are available n low amounts,electrolysis is to be used for metal recovery due to itsselectivity and easeof control. Electrowiming can eliminatethe needof fllftation or recovery of metals ftom salts,as theEMEW technologyresults n metals of high purity that canbecollected asilyaspowderor plates 15].The ewaspect f theEMEW technology is the setup that makes it continuous,increasing he efficiency of electrolysis.The setupof theEMEW cell is composed f a tube that usuallyactsas thecathodewhere deposition f the metal occwsand a rod thatruns along the centerof the tube and acts as the anode.Theelecholyticsolution then continuouslymoves in the tuberathcrtlan stayingstatic suchas n a lab-scaleelecholltic cell.This echnologywas irst introducedn Brisbane, ushalia,n1995, and has been tested, verified and implementednindqshy especially for .copper recovery [16], EMEWtechirology an pro{ide continuousoperation, ase ofharvgsring eposited ietall, conlrolledsafe and eco-frien{lyoperation,selective elecgowinning of metals,rand, haseffef t iveabil ity o tolerate onBminants15']. lT l EMEWmigirt requirea large iapital investmentarrd a need of specialmatarialso handlhighly corrosive gents uchas,aquaegia.Ho{ever, the outcome,f recovery an compensitdts capitalcost lC.3. ProposedPrccess ot Stage2TLe non-fenomagneticetallicstreamsrom Stage1 aie oundArgo issolutionn'zulfiric acid o dissolvehe ion:targetmeths. This effluent s to'be separatedrom'the remainingtarglt metals Au, Ag, Pd, dndCu) and s to beconsideredSabyproduct iquid strealn.The targetmetalsare to be funherdissblved singaqua egia.Afler complete issolution'hestredm f aqua egiarwhlch conlains he dissolvedargetmetlls enters a ierles of four EMEW electrowinningopeiations, ach or the reductionof a specific argetmetai(Aul Ag, Pd, and Cu).According o the appliedpotential rdthe Setup f theEMEW, coppers to be depositedn the firstEMEW ce becaust bf thd lowest requfed appliedpotentialand hehighest mount.ollowed y gold. hen alladium.hdsilvdr inally.The spedtaqua egia s then either ecycledor

    reusb r is to betreated sa'blproduct.'

    I'The productsof Stale 2 are'the separatedndividual mbtalqin Colid form, as well ad liquid byproduct'streamsEddlprcducts f stage areas ollows:.'B)?roduct liquid:streamwhich contains he non-targetlnon-fenomagnetiaetalsdissolvedn sulfuricacid.. ,Nonmetallic esiduesqeam esultingafterdissolution ,. ,Byproduct iquid qtrean of spentaqua egla.l..separated ndividual [arget solid metals (gold, silver,' .palladium, ndcopper) fhigh purity.l lI I

    22 8 | |

    r t l

    - lI ]l ll l

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    lntematonaf onferencn Chemical, ivilandEnvironmentngineering|CCEE 0l2) Mrch24 -25,2012Dubal


    l,&rrld tptodrd 1(wl}| r|o+de6l|6d etalsl

    PCB F.!d

    Au, Ag,Pd,C!

    EC l

    Llquld byp.odud 2

    "' 229

  • 7/28/2019 E Waste Recovery


    lntemationaf onferencen Chemical, ivilandEnvhonmentngineeringICCEE'2012) arch24-25,2012DubaiIII. MATERIALALANCE

    Thematerial alances shownn TablesV andVI. Thedescription fthe material alances based n theproposedmetal ecovery rocessllustnted n Fig. l.A Stage1 Material BalanceFor Stage1, the PCB feed wasassumedo haveuniformcomposition. he feedbasiswas selected s 1000kg per day.In order to follow the metal compositions fter the coronaelectostaticseparator, he averageweight percentof thmetals n the outlet was calculated. he distributionof thedifferentcomponentsn the PCB is as follows: 6yo metals,72Vo non-metals,60lo erromagnetic metals and 22Vo no*fenomagnetic metals. The assumptionshat were madeaboutthe efficiency and dust formation in the equipmentare:. Dust Formation: The shredder and crusher I wereassumedoproduce .17o ust. Efficiency: The two magnetic separatorswere assumed o

    work at an efficiency f987oIn order o operate he Falconconcentrator,he necssarywatersupplywascalculated sing l):m ' (m * = ; - p * ( l )

    Wherec,6s themass oncentrationfthe solids equired nthe Falcoflconcentratoreed and p* is the densityof water.Assuming treams 6and l7 are otally dried, hemass lowrates fmetalsandnon-metals recalculated sing 2) and 3).htu^"rot" = ti45-.ror" * 85 o/o (2)

    ht"nor-^uror": thru^"ror"* (l - 8o o/o) (3)Furthermore,he coronaelectrostaticeparator ill split heskeams nto metals, nonmetals,and middlings. The efficiencyofthis separation as akenas 9070.Sincea minorperaentageofthe metalstream ill bepresentn the nonmetal tream,hiswas akenas 57o.The samecan be said or nonmetalsn themetal stream.For Stream 7, which predominantlyconsistsofnonmetals, 4) and (5) were used to detrmine he metal flowrate.

    th.^"ror" = th7 * x^" (4)Where xe is thepercentage f metals n thenonmetalstream.Similarly, or Stream , themetal low rate s based n theseparationfficiency;

    ha^"tot, = hs * tl" (5)Wheren" s theseparationefficiency of corona electrostaticsepauator.

    B. Stage2 Mateial BaianceB.I. Dissolution ofthe Non-Target Metals

    The streams f concem hat contain he metallic bulk inStage aresteams 0 and 6 which arecombinedogetheroform Stream 8which s to be dissolvedn sulfuricacid.Sincethe amourt of sulfuric acid needed o dissolve the non-targetmetals was not found in literahre. it was assumed o beequivalento the atio of aqua egia o metalswhich was oundto be about20 ml of acid for everygram of metaldissolved[6]. Hence the amount of sulfuric acid that is required nStream 9 sgivenby (6).

    ha,so,= Pazso.*Vuso, * i,",-",s,, ^",',' (6)ffiere fir,"o,is the amount of acid volume needed o dissolve1 g of non-targetmetals.Also, to reduce he margin of error, 17ocopperhas beenassumdo dissolve n sulfuric acid due to thepresence foxygen [8]. Moreover, PCBs cortain highly non-reactivemet+ls other than the,metals of interest, such asplatiNm,which will not dissolve n sulfuric acid. Thesemetals ormapploximately 2% ofthe undesiredmetallic bulk, .

    8,2. Dissolutionf TaryetMetalsThe outlet sheamfaom th reactor that dissolved he hon.desiiedmetals Stream21) contains ll the metalsof interestand s thensent o treatwith the second eagentwhich s aquaregia. n this rcactor,:91Yo,8%, 93% and 100% of gold,silver, palladium and copper respectivelywerc found todissolve with the ratid of 20 ml of acid for every gram ofmetal 6].The residue tom this reactor Stream23) would containslurry of non-metalswhich have been left over from Stage 1andalso nsoluble altswhich wereassumedo be zero.i. 3. Electoltss Redc onStream 4, which contaiN themetalsof interest,hengqesthrough he electrolysis eluction stage.Since he metalsofinterest are gold, silver palladium and copper, four diffrenteleclrolytic ellsarcngededo carryout cathodicedpctioir{oieacliofthesemetals.Sincecopper as he highest low iape,twill be removed fust. Following this, the sequenceiasdecided based on ease bf separationdependingon theprincipleofreactivitywheregold s the east eactive ndwillthergfore e the easiesto qeposit, ollowedby palladium, pdtheq silver.Stream 4passeshrough he fiIst cell, which halbeen designed o extrect he copper,and most of copper srempvedntoStream 5.Tfre emaining olution Stream 6) s then sent o the,next

    cellwhichhasbeende$igredo reduce old.Golp s depoplte{on the electodes, s removed s Stream 7. Similar'probeiseiwoqldbe followd orpalladiumandsilverasshownn Fig. 1.Finally,streams 5,27,29 and3l are he streams fthetargelmtal which have been ccovred. he final resulting iqtiidblpioduct (Stream32) wiil consistmainly of the unreactedexaass acid and small amounts of u eacted metals.RegPnerationndrecypling ossibilityof this stream eeds obe ipvestigated,t is i+portatrt o note hat steams-25,2?,29and 31 are cathodicdepositioos f the respectiyemet4lsau{are o be emoved n batcheF.' l : l

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    lnlemationat on ference nChemical, ivilandEnvironmentngineedngICCEE2012) arch24-25,2012Oubalwhere:V. ENERGYALANCE

    A Stage E eryy klanceThe descriptioo of equipment in Stage I and theircorresponding nergy consumption are istedin Table III. Thedata hasbeenobtained tom vendorsand literature,


    DcscoDrioD Power Co.rEqurpmenl (KWh) (AFp/hr)

    A: atomicmass fthe species3600:conversionactorbetween oursandsecondsCE: current efficiency, the ratio ofactual extentof rcactionto the theoreticaloneEstimates eremadi in using 7), (8),and 9), whichar:

    l. Vr = E (standard otential).2. Assumeactivities equal o concentrationn moVL.3. As a safety factor for a conservativeestimate, ake alow CE=O.1 1070current efficiency) to account or theprevious stimates.

    E C 3


    Corona SingleRoUT}?eElectrostaticSeparator3lMagneticSeparatorI 9]

    Falcon B4o Model 4o



    For each ell, onlythe concentrationfthe metalwhich t is43 designed o extxact was calculated.Mass of the metal andsolutionwas taken from the massbalanceand the densitywas0.086 assumedo be he densityofthe acidsolvent ecauset makesup thc major part of the solution (>97 wt%)- Table fV shows0.0086 theenergyrequirementoflectrolysis.

    , TABLE VELEcrRoLYsIs DafA.4 o.\ '72t \ 4 . 2

    B. Stage Energy BalanceEquations9), (10) and (l l) govemthe elechowinning fmetals and are used to obtain energy requirements or thedeposition fcertainamounts f themetal 20].

    N e m s t ^ - . , R * T , , . ( 7 )I = I - + ----= 'r In A,Lquatlon Z * I.Where:E: half-cellpotential fthe reaction n VoltsE". standard alf-cellpotentialat sTP andmolarity of IR: universal asconstant, .314 /mol-Kz: number of moles of electrousansfaned in the reactionF: Faraday's onstant, 6,485Coulombs/mol felectronsa: chemical ctivityofthe species

    V1=@"+8.)+q.+q"+0R).r*r,"ry1J0R)"d"". (8)

    Where:Vr: applid otential eededor eleckolysis,n VoltsE" & E": half cell-potentialsin reductionorm) of the anodicandcathodic eactions, btainedrom Eq. 1, n Voltsn,& l": over-potentialst he anode ndcathode,n Volts(IRL".n"ry,.& (IR).",r."6:potentials required to overcome heresistalce of eleatol)'tes in solution and the electricalcontacts fthe cell

    EnerovConsumDtionuYn\ = ,rr'" ' (9)' vre ' \ir36oo'cE

    The recoveryof prepiougmetalscanbc achieved sing heproposed rocess,whlch has beetrdivided into threemainstages. The first stage aims to achievethe maximumseoamtion f metals rbm nonmetalsn order o eliminate hebu\ of nonmetalsnrfirrther processing. he secondstageinvolves the dissolution of metals followed by selectiveextrection f metals hrough eductionn EMEW cells. Thethir4 stage includes treatment of the waste streamswhichcontain aqua regia, sulfuric acid, healry metals and organicslurry.With this processgold, silver,palladiumandcopperwith high pudty can be recoveredrom wastePCBS hat ateobtained from persohal computers and mobile phones.Calculations sing the dataobtained rom curent statisticsshowedhat 0.044kg of gold,0.18kg of silver, 0.010kg ofpallidium and 21 kg of coppercanbe recoveredrom 125kgofPCBs.Possiblehallengesha thave eenecognizednclude:. Lack ofreliable statisticsn UAE and he egion

    (ionactivity)(idnization state)

    E 0.2498vr 012498,A 68.546

    (m |iacllonlEers/Gwll&s) , 2.rrTotalrEnersy(kwlftr) 44.381'

    7.54E-4 5.18E-0',1 .12F,-Ot 3.82E-06t 2 3 4 | l ,

    013419 1.498 1 0.',7996t.3'741 0.9014 0.4793t.3't4t 0.9014,| ., 0.4793196.96't 106.42 107.868

    0.1 0.1 0. I5.61 9.08 l l9 .,

    0.2449 0.0877 r. 0.210,IV. LONCLUSION

    231t ,

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    ilntemationaf onference n Chemic|, ivi landEnvironmentngineeringICCEE'2o12) arch24-25,2012Dubai

    ' Special equipmentsare needed or PCB processing [20] s. R.Rao. 2006). esourcecoveryndRecyclinston Metallurgicat. Lack of proper simulation softwaro that can handle solid .wastesAmsterdarn:lsevier'processmg. EMEVr' echnology s still relatively new. Material of construction of Stage 2 should handle thehighly conosive reagents. Evolution ofhydrogen which is highly flammableTo conclude, hegoal of the study is an initiation of propere-wastemanagement nd resourcerecovery in the UAE ardthe region thatcan boost lle productivity of loaal economy.

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    lonlinel. Available: ScincDned http://$*. .sciencedirat.comu2l P. C. Oliveira, M. Cabral,C. A. Nogueira, F. Marsarido, "PrintedCircuit Boards Recycling: Chsraterizatiotrof ctarulometric Fractionsftom ShreddingProcess,"Mateials ScienceForum, vols 636-63'7 pp.1434-1439.Jan.2010.'[13] J.Li, H. Lu , J. Guo,Z. M. Xu, andY. Hezhou.RccyclcTchnologyfor Recovering ResourcesandProducts tom Waslc Priited CircuitBoards. School ofEnvimnmental Science and Engideedng. Shanghai,China.[14] P. C. Oliveira, F. C. Tabord4 F. Margarido and C. A. Nogueira,"Physical ad ChemicalProcessibgofPrinted Circuit Boards Waste,"presentedat the World Recrclirg Forurr Shanghai,China, Nov. 2009.ll5l "EMEW Elcctrowinniry," Kurion Tecbnologies Limitcd, Northantsu5l T. Trasule, "Corunercialisation of dle EMEW Cell," ElectometalsMidibs Linited.[17] (2011)Electomorals echnologies imited. online].http://www.lectrometals.com.au/how-it-works.htmlll 8l H. Yans, J.Lui, and J. Yans, "Lachins copper from shreddedpaniclesofwaste printed circuit boads," JoUMI ofHaa ous areials, vol.187, o. -3, pF 393400,March2011.ll9l Parsons,D. (2006) Printed ciruit board recyclins id Australia. 5thAustalian Confrnceon Life CJcle Assessmenl,22-24 November2006. Melbowne. Australia.


  • 7/28/2019 E Waste Recovery


    Buir((gPc3/&y) l0OO F..d (wt%)

    ht6ma{onal ConLrnc on Chomical, CWilend EnvEnmen! nglnd.g (ICCEE2Ot2) Mat& 2+25, m12 Oub6iTABLEVST 6EI MAIERT BAr-ANCEATA I|EETS

    Dlrcon6dd-&un.I Col@SlaafdoB---------------E-:----:-=-:-EqqiF@t Rdded(tl '*'TlL** ,oM.[b 28

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    D6ity of Watd (ts/83)

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  • 7/28/2019 E Waste Recovery


    lnlonational ConfBnc6 on Ch6mlcal, Civll and Envibnment engineenng lCCEe2fi 2) Msrd\ 2425, 2012 O$dTABLE VISTAGE MATERT BALANCEDAT SEEETS

    Exchlas! Fit6Coptr Di$olution Aqu RegiacoFpd Di$oldim srhnc AcidGold Elqlro\4ic Redudion

    sillo Elcholtric RcderionPalladium Elctobtic Reduotion




    PEciousMlt l kgltu 2t.531M6Fld Oth6M.ta! kglfu 4.446 0 0.006 21.312 21.082 0,230 0.0,t1 0.186 0.010 0.116 0.1160 0.039 0 0.039 0 0,089o ?$.5r! 0 753, 4 0 ?53. 4 00 0 ,213 21.3130 4.157 0.039R ! t ! A q u R s i r L c / h r 0 0 0 0 7 5 3 , 5 1 4 0 ? 5 3 . 5 1 4SurnJrio^cid tsttn o 162.162 162,162 0 0 0 0NDn-Mcnts Laltu 4.134 0 0 4 .7 34 o 0 0 0 00

    @ EiEs/b.t'ic to! PiiccRtng. AvcBscP.ioc(AEDyto. Erficicncies %Aqu.R.8i. 1.76 20 *,-.n-r"nr" $J50-,120 Und6md Mcrzl cpdid 98Sulfinic cid 1.8105 20 -- ---- - [a5 ColdDsolutid 9I$350!125


    FId P.lladiun0.1?6 0 0.t?6 0 0.1? 6 0.1?60.010 0 0.010 0.010 0.000 0ksttt 0.180

    0 0.0450 0.180 0 0_001 o.tx40 0.001 0,010 0.044 0.043?0 0 0 0

    vr 0.t41 0% 0_536 04,4 0.034 00 0,{D3 0.006 00 0.076 0.023 00 0.015 0,001 00 0.639

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