E-Mail Dec. Newsletter PDF

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  • 8/3/2019 E-Mail Dec. Newsletter PDF




    Christmashave you ever considered Matthew 1:5-6a a vitally importantpart of the Christmas story? Not too exciting when you read this part of

    the genealogy of Jesus Christ . . . Salmon the father of Boaz, whose

    mother was Rehab. Wait a minutewas that Rehab the prostitute in the

    book of Joshua? She is in the line of David and Jesus? Youve got to bekidding!

    I find it all the more exciting that God chose the most unlikely charactersin the Bible to bear the gospel message of salvation in Jesus. I recently

    saw a play called Rehab, and was reminded what a key role she playedin the whole salvation story. Rehab was a prostitute who hid the Israelite

    spies before the great battle of Jericho. Because of her cooperation withthe Israelites, the first major battle for Canaan and the Promised Land

    paved the way for numerous victories and the subsequent settling of the

    land. Obviously, Rehabs life was redeemed, giving birth to thehonorable Boaz who married Ruth, and the story goes on through the line

    of the great King David.

    The Christmas story is all the more credible when you think of how God

    orchestrated the entry of His Son into the womb of the Virgin Mary.

    Born of human flesh, this baby Jesus was thrust in the middle of sinful

    humanity. I find it amazing that God didnt line up a group of righteous

    and holy men and women to pass the clean genes to one generationafter another until Jesus. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us,

    the gospel of John proclaims. Though sinless, Jesus was not spared theassociation with sinful and imperfect peoplepeople like you and me.





  • 8/3/2019 E-Mail Dec. Newsletter PDF



    Continued from Page 1

    Can we human beings grasp all of this, that He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us allhow will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things? (Romans 8:32) What a gift we receiveonce again this Christmasone who identifies with us, one who understands us, one who loves us, one who

    forgives us and who gives us eternal life through faith in Him. Celebrate the good news of great tidings thefirst shepherds experienced that Holy Night. He is one of us, the incarnate onehuman all the way, yet fully

    Godpowerful to defeat all our enemies, even death itself. What a giftGod is realthere is no doubt about

    it. Merry Christmas!

    Pastor John



    Be sure to invite your friends and family to our Christmas services this year:

    Christmas Eve Festival Service 7:00 p.m., Saturday, December 24. Join the Praise Team as we sing thesongs of Christmas to the glory of God. Lynda Qualls will enthrall the children as they gather around the

    Christmas tree for another story of Christmas. Join the praise team in a contemporary Christmas program using

    the music of Todd Agnew. We conclude by lighting our candles to the tune of Silent Night.

    Christmas Day service 9:00 a.m., Sunday, December 25. Were not cancelling our Sunday service; instead,

    we will celebrate a SINGLE SERVICE SUNDAY in a simple, beautiful way as we celebrate Christs birth.Holy Communion will be served.


    January 1, 20129:00 a.m., SINGLE SERVICE SUNDAY. Rev. Michael Kingsley will be our pulpit guest

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    I know that Halloween is over, but boys and girls gather around the campfire and listen to this ghost

    story. Let me begin by reminding you that I graduated from the United States Military Academy,

    commonly known as West Point. The Cadet motto is Cadets will not lie, cheat or steal, and as a group

    are probably the most stable and intelligent college students in America. But those same Cadets will tell

    you that West Point (founded on the ground of a famous Revolutionary War Fort) is haunted. And I

    believe that it is.

    During the winter of 1988 I visited a classmate and close friend who was the Commandant (one stargeneral) of the Academy. I stayed at his quarters, which is a stately mansion located next to the

    Superintendents (three star general) quarters. Late in the evening, my friend began to tell me about the

    unexplained happenings that the Superintendent was observing. In the basement of the quarters is a

    room that a very famous early superintendent (Silvanus Thayer, The Father of West Point) used as his

    office and sleeping quarters. The then present-day Supe would frequently go down to the room and

    find it in disarray. Even though the room was locked, and the locks changed, the room would become

    disheveled after it was cleaned and locked. The general stopped visiting the room and was convinced itwas haunted.

    I had heard of many ghost stories when I was a Cadet. The most famous happening occurred in a

    room next to where I had lived. A number of Cadets actually observed an apparition which cannot be

    explained away, except as a supernatural appearance. They saw a ghost. I did not, but I believe the

    stories. For a very detailed report of their stories look it up on the Internet at Ghosts of West Point


    But why am I telling you this? Remember the ghost story of the disciple Thomas refusing to believe

    that the figure in front of him was the resurrected Christ? Thomas would not believe it until he placed

  • 8/3/2019 E-Mail Dec. Newsletter PDF


    Merry CHRISTmas from your youth! This month is jam-packed with fun for ourkids. On December 13th we will be walking Christmas Tree Lane. (Volunteers todrive would be greatly appreciated.) On December 17th is the annual ChristmasCaroling at Donna Henriksons home. This is a great event that the whole church

    is invited to. (Kids and Adults alike.) On December 19th

    we will have our firstCooper Christmas Bash at the home of Dennis and Jennifer Cooper. This is asemi-formal event for our kids. We are also going to be having our annualviewing of the Nativity Story on the last Monday night before Winter Break, dateTBA. Everyone is invited to view this amazing film that reminds us of the REALmeaning of CHRISTmas.

    New this year, we will be teaming up with the Church of Tollhouse for a great

    New Years Event! Details TBA.

    Some of you may have heard that, because of recent cutbacks, I have had to findanother (temporary) job. I plan to still be VERY involved with our youth, doingeverything that I was doing before. I will still be having Monday night youthgroup on every Monday that is not a holiday, and my wife, Samantha, will beteaching the youth on Sunday mornings, using a message that we have worked

    on together. I will also still be visiting the High School and Jr. High campus onmy days off. God still has given me a calling for the youth here at SLC, so I amconfident that He will show me the way to make this all happen.

    If you are interested in volunteering with our youth program, please let me knowvia email or call me at 559-702-6870. I would love to create a God driven,reliable team to work with our youth during special events.With much love to my church family,

    Robert DuPree

    Slydude05@gmail com

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    Council elections in JanuaryPlease be in prayer regarding who God is callingto fill the open positions on the CongregationalCouncil. Elections will be held at theAnnual Meeting in January. Moreinformation regarding the positions needingto be filled, in accordance with our newlyapproved constitution, will be forthcoming.For now, please pray for Gods directionand guidance as we move forward to implementthis new council. He may be calling youor someone you know to step into thesevacant positions. Please pray for discernmentfor all of us. If you have questions or areinterested in running for office, pleasecontact a member of the nominating committee:

    Pastor John, Lori Pape,Sallie Karp, Robert DuPree,Christine OKelley orBev McCann.

    Join the ladies ofHope and Joy,Saturday, December 10th,at noon at the homeof Doreen Pickering.Please RSVP to DoreenAt 855-3797.Lunch will be potluckand secret prayer palswill be revealed atthis time.

    Our outreach forDecember is ourChristmas family.

    Health, Peace, and sweetcontent be yours.~ Shakespeare

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    Thank You to Mandi Coburn, the Kitchen Crew, and all theHelpers for putting on another successful Advent Workshop!!!!!


    Advent Workshop in Gods Kitchen was great. Despite the fact that our mighty

    leader, Shirley, couldnt be there due to health problems in the family (pleasepray for Jim and Jimmy), everybody worked well together and had a good time.

    We had 13 pots of various types and flavors of excellent soup, a table full ofbread, and lots of desserts to satisfy anybodys sweet tooth. Our church family

    does come together to provide a feast for all and many people came back formore! Thank you one and all for providing and helping and thanks be to God


    May the blessing of the Christmas star bring joy to yourholiday and light your way in the new year.

    Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying ina manger. (Luke 2:12)


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    My name is Richard D. I represent the Auberry Fellowship of Alcoholics

    Health Matters: Flu Season 2011-2012 (reprise)

    Once again I want to remind all of you to get the seasonal flu shot. Every person from 6months old to all our elderly should get this immunization. The flu shot protects againstinfluenza B virus and the H1N1 & H3N2, and the influenza A virus. The vaccine becameavailable in October and should be given before December to give the greatest protectionbut it's never too late to get the flu shot.

    Check online for Flu shots in Fresno County. Our Prather CVS will give

    immunizations. The costs for the flu shot in most areas range from $20 to $30. Manylocal medical offices will administer the vaccine. There may be more sites opening uplater in the month.

    In my humble experience, those who get the flu shots regularly have fewer colds (also avirus) or fewer episodes of bronchitis. You should get the immunization if you haveasthma or chronic bronchitis. Make your life a little easier and get theimmunization. Youll be glad you did! Call me if you have any questions: 323-6603 or


    Fran Garwick, Nurse Practitioner


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    Are you just the person weve been looking for?

    Do you love helping people especially when it means meeting the needs of people within the

    congregation? Do you recognize a new face in our congregation and welcome him or her warmly? Do you enjoy participating in fundraisers or hands-on projects that benefit organizations or

    individuals in need within our community? Are you a Thrivent Financial for Lutherans member?

    If you said yes to most of those questionsyoure the one! Were looking for people just like you tobe a Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Congregational Advocate for your congregation.

    As a Congregational Advocate, you can: Build relationships with congregation members and leadership, and with Thrivent Financial

    members and financial representatives. Understand the needs and ministries of the congregation and help find the right charitable,

    social and educational solutions to meet those needs and then help make them happen in thecongregation.

    Support and promote educational, charitable and social programs offered through ThriventFinancial to bring members together in the congregation.

    Interested in helping?Contact your Lutheran Engagement Team, Linda Waage at 916-342-9692 or Mary Morey at 209-551-5528 for more information.

    Did you Know?

  • 8/3/2019 E-Mail Dec. Newsletter PDF


    SLC Sunday School.

    Sunday School 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.Pre-K thru 2nd Grade Room 2

    3rd thru 6th Grade Room 3

    One Service Sundays Children to be released after the Childrenssermon.




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    Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,Jingle all the way,

    Oh what fun it is to share,a babys on the way!

    Celebrating our growing familyProud Grand Parents

    David & Becki LaVoy Jordan

    CongratulationsMicah & Ciera

    (Baby due next summer)

    Decembers Birthdays:1 - Becky Jumps 23 - Judy Aylward

    Dan Smith7 - Renetta Helms

    Joyce Reed 26 - Patrick McGuinnessGloria Williams Evan Pape

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    December 2011 Worship Assistants

    Dec. 4 Dec. 11 Dec. 18 Dec. 25One Service 9:00am

    Altar Guild Shelley/Susan Shelley Shelley/Susan Shelley

    Greeters 8:30am Pam & Joyce R. Rod & Marcia Alan & Sue ??

    11:00am Stan Jerry & Fran T. George ---

    Ushers 8:30am John & Joyce Dave & Joni Chris & Bob ??& & &Fern Mike Joyce R

    11:00 am Stan Jerry & Fran T. George ---

    Readers 8:30am Alan Chris Nordine ??11:00 am David B. David J. Lynda Q

    Gods Word 8:30am ---- ??? ---- ???

    Computer 8:30am Sam Sam Sam Shelley11:00am Shelley Shelley Shelley

    Communion 8:30am Mike & Joyce R John & Lori ?? Assistants & Debby & Fern

    11:00 am T. George Fran

    Prayer 8:30am Yes YesStations

    If you are unable to serve when scheduled please ask one of the other assistants to trade dates or provide a substitution for you,and notify Worship Coordinator Shelley Telles (855-5703) of the change.

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    December 2011

    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

    16:30pm-Praise Team


    7:00pm-Kitchen Meeting

    7:00pm-AA Meeting

    Room 2


    2 3



    10:00am-Sunday School

    10:00am-Life Group




    5:30pm-College Group


    (Middle & Senior High


    Youth Room

    7:00pm-AA Meeting

    Room 2


    Group- Library


    7:00pm-Life Group

    Bookwalter Home

    712:00 noon-Mens Prayer

    MeetingBig Ds

    7:00pm-Life Group

    Pape Home

    7-8:00pm Beginning

    GuitarT. George

    86:30pm-Praise Team


    7:00pm-AA Meeting

    Room 2

    7:00pm-Life Group


    9 109:00am-Joseph Store


    9:00am-Clothes Closet

    12:00 noon- Hope & Joy

    Doreen Pickering for

    Location of meeting



    10:00am-Sunday School

    10:00am-Life Group10:00am-Life Group



    5:30pm-College Group


    (Middle & Senior High


    Youth Room7:00pm-AA Meeting

    Room 2


    Group- Library


    7:00pm-Life GroupBookwalter Home

    1412:00 noon-Mens Prayer

    MeetingBig Ds

    7:00pm-Life Group

    Pape Home

    156:30pm-Praise Team


    7:00pm-AA Meeting

    Room 27:00pm-Life Group


    Salvation Army

    Baskets - Sanctuary


    Salvation Army

    Baskets - Sanctuary


    Salvation Army

    Baskets - Sanctuary


    Service10:00am-Sunday School

    10:00am-Life GroupVelasquez Library



    5:30pm-College Group


    (Middle & Senior HighMinistry)

    Youth Room7:00pm-AA Meeting

    Room 2


    Group- Library6:15pm-Co.D.A.-Library

    7:00pm-Life GroupBookwalter Home

    2112:00 noon-Mens Prayer

    MeetingBig Ds7:00pm-Life Group

    Pape Home7-8:00pm Beginning

    GuitarT. George

    226:30pm-Praise Team

    Sanctuary7:00pm-AA Meeting

    Room 27:00pm-Life Group


    23 24

    Christmas Eve

    Festival Service

    7:00 p.m.


    Christmas Day

    One Service


    9:00 a.m.


    (Middle & Senior High


    Youth Room

    7:00pm-AA Meeting

    Room 2Newsletter Articles Due


    Group- Library


    7:00pm-Life Group

    Bookwalter Home

    289:00am-Food Bank

    9:00am-Clothes Closet

    12:00 noon-Mens Prayer

    MeetingBig Ds

    7:00pm-Life Group

    Pape Home

    296:30pm-Praise Team


    7:00pm-AA Meeting

    Room 2

    7:00pm-Life Group


    30 31