e-MAGAZINE - Best Engineering Institutes & Colleges in …€¦ ·  · 2017-04-06ददद...


Transcript of e-MAGAZINE - Best Engineering Institutes & Colleges in …€¦ ·  · 2017-04-06ददद...

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The e-magazine is a quarterly magazine published by the mechanical department. In this edition poems from students, research papers

from the faculty and articles on latest technological advancement are included. In addition to it magazine also provides space for the

inclusion of various technical and cultural activities happened in the department during past four months.

The previous edition of this magazine was first initiative of the department towards publishing of department activities in electronic form

and hence some typing /miscellaneous errors remained. This edition was far more crucially scrutinized and checked by some of the best

faculties not of this department but also from through the college.

Hope this magazine becomes the reflection of mechanical department and will cater all the needs of readers.

Thank you!

Sidharth Gandhi AP Mechanical Department

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1. Cover page 1

2. Preface 2

3. Research paper 4

4. Article on colloidal quantum dots 5

5. Poems

I. Indian soldiers 6

II. Penurious people 7

III. People died in terrorist attack 8

6. Picture collage of various events

I. Industrial visit of Bajaj Auto 9

II. Seminar on energy conservation by PCRA 10

III. One day course on Preparing students for 11 job interviews

IV. Group discussion 12

V. Students giving SOT 13

VI. Engine overhauling workshop 14

7. Academic Achievement 15

8. Teachers day and awards 16-18

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An efficient Genetic Algorithm Approach for

Minimising the Makespan of Job Shop Scheduling Problems

1 Pardeep Kumar, 2 Pawan Kumar, 3Ram Bhool , 4Virender Upneja

1,2,3,4 Assistant Professor, Panipat Institute of Engineering and

Technology, Samalkha, Panipat, Haryana, India

Abstract— The Job-Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP) is a schedule

planning for low volume systems with many variations in requirements. In

Job-Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP), there are ‗k‘ operations and ‗n‘

jobs to be processed on ‗m‘ machines with a certain objective function to

be minimized i.e. makespan. In this dissertation, a promising genetic

algorithm for the job-shop scheduling problems is proposed with new

operating parameters i.e., a random population generation with a

population size of 50, operation based chromosome structure, tournament

selection as selection scheme, 2-point random crossover with probability

80% (Pc = 0.8), 2-point mutation with probability 20% (Pm = 0.2), elitism,

repairing of chromosomes and no. of iteration is 1000. An algorithm is

programmed for JSSP using MATLAB 2009 a 7.8 and seven different

bench mark problems are tested with their operating parameters for

makespan which also validates the computer codes developed. The

Genetic Algorithm (GA) with new operating parameters is then applied to

the same problems. The results show that it gives better value of make

span for the given problems. The results also show that the Genetic

Algorithm is the best optimization technique for solving the scheduling

problems due to its implications to more practical and integrated problems.

Results and Discussion Two different problems based on Job Shop

Scheduling (JSS) are taken with different operating parameters [refer to

table 3.1]. A modified GA is then proposed to optimize the make span by

taking new operating parameters. In order to verify the validity of

proposed algorithm, a computer programme using MATLAB is developed

and run for seven different problems with their operating parameters which

gives the same value of make span. The new operating parameters to solve

the JSSP are given as:

The application of Genetic Algorithm (GA) with new operating parameters

to two different problems gives an improvement in the make span as


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Colloidal Quantum Dots-A New Material For


By: Er.Vishal Dabra, Asst Professor (Mechanical Department)

Engineers have worked for ways to enhance the performance and

cost-effectiveness of solar cell. A solar PV cell array is comprised of

hundreds, sometimes thousands of solar cells, that separately

convert radiant sun light into electrical energy. The average solar PV

cell is approximately 15% efficient, which means nearly 85% of the

sunlight that hits them does not get converted into electrical energy.

As such, engineers have constantly been experimenting with novel

technologies to enhance this radiant sunlight capture and conversion.

Recently, at Toronto a group of reseachers of university unveiled a

new type of light-sensitive nanoparticle called colloidal quantum

dots, that many believe will offer a less expensive and more flexible

material for solar cells.

Specifically, the novel materials use n-type and p-type

semiconductors - but ones that can actually function outdoors. This

is a unique research since previous designs weren't capable of

functioning outdoors and therefore not practical applications for the

solar market. This helps increase radiant light absorption. PV cell

using this novel technology were found to be up to 8% more

efficient at converting sunlight.

Colloidal quantum dots irradiated with a UV light

Ideallized image of colloidal nanoparticle of lead sulphide

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भारत की मिट्टी िे पदैा हुआ ......भारत की मिट्टी िे ही िर जाना है......

अपने देश को बचाने ....िनेै आतकं से भी लड जाना है.....

पहचाना जाउं ि ैदेश का मसपाही...बस यही नाि करके जाना है......

िैं हहनं्दसु्तान का नागररक ह ूँ...िरत ेदि तक िनेै कहत ेजाना है.......

ओढकर कफन ततरंगे का....िनेै य हंी चलत ेजाना है...

जैस ेचलती है सागर की लहरें आवाज से....

बस य हीं जय हहदं का नारा लगाकर िनेै बोलत ेजाना है.....

िोहबत अपने देश से िनेै करत ेजाना है.....

झुकत ेउन कंधों पर ततरंगा लपेटत ेजाना है.....

साूँसों का चलत ेजाना...िनेै जारी रखना है....

जब तक दशु्िनों की साूँसे ना रूक जाए.....तब तक रुखसत ना कहना है......

ध प िे जलत ेपाउ को...रातों की हवाओ ंिे कापत ेहाथो को..... हर देश के वासी ने वादा करना है कक....

बरुाई और आतकं को हिने िार गगराना है......

अच्छाई का जन्ि हर घर िे हो... एसा लेख हर ककताब िे मलखवात ेजाना है.....

हर ववदेशी आदिी हि ेभारत का जवान सिझे ....... अपने ववचारों को हिने बस भारतीय हदल से हदखाना है....

ि ैहहन्दसु्तान का नागररक ह ूँ... िरत ेदि तक कहत ेजाना है....

िनेै कहत ेजाना है......by me



Vijay Saini

3rd Year Section B

Mechanical Department

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A small for the PENURIOUS people

िास ि से चहेरे पे य ैउदासी ककतनी है.......

जजंदगी छोटी सी है पर िजब ररयाूँ इतनी है......

कुछ हालातों न ेिार डाला..... कुछ लोगों की किी है......

हदनभर हाथ फैलाना इन्हे अच्छा नही लगता ...... पैर िे छाले पड जाना....ददद भरी इनकी जजंदगी है...

हदनभर का पैसा .आूँखों िे खशुी लाता है.....

क्या सोचती है दतुनया इनको परवाह नही है.....

छोटे छोटे से कदि ध प िे जलते बहुत है.....

शाि ढलते ही इनकी आूँखे रोती है......

जहन ि ेसपन ेइनके हजारों होते है....

हर सपना पल िे ट ट जाना ... इनके हदल को खलती है.....

जब चलते है राह पे अपनी िंजजल की तरफ .....

रास्तों िे फ ल खखले भी ..िुरझाकर काटे बन जाते है...

िंजजल पर पहुचना तो द र की बात दोस्तो ....

ये तो बीच रास्त ेिे ही गुिराह हो जात ेहै.....

कभी जरूरत भी ना सिझी होगी ...हूँसी का ितलब सिझन ेकी ..... पर दोस्तो चहेरे पे िुस्कुराहट ये हिेशा रखत ेहै.....

तलाशों इस खशुी को दोस्तों... जो यही हिारे आस पास तछपी है.....

प री जजंदगी गुजर जाती है....

पर सच्च तो ये है जो ककसी ककसी को मिलती है....

तलाशों इस खशुी को दोस्तो... जो मसफद पैसों ि ेनही है...

पहचानों अपने आस पास की जजंदगी को.... जो मसफद शायद इसी िे बसी है.....


Vijay Saini

3rd Year Section B

Mechanical Department

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For the people died in terrorist attacks and against the

all world terrorists

आज कफर वो शैतान जजंदा हुआ है,,,,,

हाथ िे िास िों की जजंदगी मलए कफरता है,,,,

कब मिलेगी दतुनया को राहत ,,,,

हर तरफ लाल रंग िे शहर ड बा मिलता है!!!!

आज इंसान इतना खदुगजद क्यों है,,,,

ख न को पानी बताकर पीये करता है,,,,

जजस्ि क्या रातों की भ ख है,,,,

जो करके टुकड ेवो खाया करता है,,,,,

ककतने हदलो िे जल रहे थे,,,

वो दीए रोशनी के

मिटाकर उजाला,,, अधेंरे को मभखेरे करता है,,,,,,

ककस िहद द तक आज इंसातनयत हदखती है,,,,,

ख न से मलपटी वो जान मलए कफरता है ,,,,,,

अनजान है खदुा भी सब तबाही देखकर ,,,,,,,

कल एक फररशता था ,,.

आज िौत का खौफ जुबान से मलए कफरता है,,,,..

कब होगा ये खत्ि ख न का खेल,,,,,,

चार हदन की जजंदगी को

बस पल भर के मलए जीया करता है ,,,,,

ना जाने क्यो आज ये इंसान कही गुिनाि हो गया है !!!!!!


Vijay Saini

3rd Year Section B

Mechanical Department

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Students of mechanical department visiting Bajaj pvt. ltd, (Himachal Pradesh) under industrial visit

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A seminar on “Energy conservation” under institutional training program organised by Mechanical department in collaboration with Petroleum Conservation And Research Association (PCRA)

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National level one day course on “Preparing students for job interview” organised by mechanical department in collaboration with NITTTR,Chandigarh

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Group discussion competition organised by MECHROUS SOCIETY

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Students of mechanical department giving Surprise objective test (SOT)

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Students of 3rd year attending Engine overhauling workshop conducted by MECHROUS SOCIETY

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Proving again its metal, student of 6th semester mechanical department shown marvellous performance bagging 7 out of top 20 university position with 1st position taken by Sachin kaushik.

Also throughout PIET out of all department this was the maximum number of students with university position

Class Branch Roll No University Position

B.tech 6th sem


2813491 1st

2814895 6th

2813431 11th

2813507 11th

2813520 13th

2813510 17th

2813523 19th

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For excellent performance not only in academics and research but also in cultural and other college level activities Er.Sunil kadyan (L) and Er.Amit Dubey(R) and Er.Pradeep Sharma (not in pic) of mechanical department receiving best

faculty award from College Management and Honourable Director sir on the auspicious occasion of teachers day.

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Faculties from different department after receiving best faculty award with institute’s management

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Group photo of students of mechanical engineering outside Bajaj Industries pvt. Ltd. Himachal Pradesh

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Feedback and suggestions are invited at [email protected]

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