E-Journal Reflection 1

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  • 8/13/2019 E-Journal Reflection 1


    E-Journal1 (Reflection 1)


    The task given this week was more challenging compared to previous tasks. It started off with

    an activity to write a description about ourselves in Facebook, it required everyone to state

    their own strengths, hobbies, interests as well as weaknesses. We were divided into a team of

    5 with different roles. We have agreed to name our team as Happening which indicates that

    we would like to be the most happening team of all where there is a lot of exciting activity

    waiting for us to discover! We were asked to read two articles and compare the writing style

    of both articles. It enables us to participate in the activity and get to know each other better.


    Every week before I attend the class, I would go through the study guide to gain more

    understanding of what I am going to learn on that particular week. The topics and activities

    are getting challenging as each week passes and it is all related to the business industry which

    prepares us for the future. Besides, the team was formed through team roles quiz where teammembers shared a mix of roles. We were required to list out our team expectations and

    objectives so that we would be more discipline and it is easier for the team to achieve goals.


    I personally think that Professional Development is a good course to prepare me for the

    future. Although I could see there are a lot of assignments and activities which require team

    spirit, but this could shape up my character and personality which makes me a better person. I

    have prepared myself to face the upcoming challenges in this course and I hope that I could

    make it work with the help of my team members. My team members turned out to be quite

    satisfying after a few discussions and there is an unspoken consensus between the teammembers. By completing an activity on Describing Yourself, we were given a chance to get

    to know ourselves and others which I think that it was a good activity because it allows us to

    know our strengths and weaknesses.


    For the rest of the course, I hope that I could learn how to manage my time properly as this

    course is 100% assignment based. I hope that my team members would participate fully in all

    the activities and assignments given. To become a highly effective people, we need to be

    proactive, begin with the end in mind, put first things first, think win/win, seek first to

    understand then to be understood, synergize and practice renewal (Fogler, 2008). This would

    ensure us to finish our assignments in time and be an effective person. Besides, I do need to

    learn not to get paranoid easily.

  • 8/13/2019 E-Journal Reflection 1
